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ooc An Unexpected Trip to the Human World Reboot (OOC)(On Hiatus)


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Tags: Slice of Life, Humanized, Human, Alternate World, Romance.


Link to the RP!


Trottingham City Hall houses a secret. Locked in a vault and under heavy guard is a painting that is most unusual. It is said that this painting is not a painting at all, but houses an evil being called Avarice-- a being whose sole purpose was to cause mayhem and mischief, until it was defeated and sealed away by the the Princess of the Night long ago…


Princess Twilight is sent on royal duty to meet up with the elder Princesses, as well as the mayor of Trottingham, to plan help plan out the next Summer Sun Celebration! Not being the type to let their friend go alone, Twilight's court tag along to help plan things out! With her friends at her side, the young princess was sure this was going to be the best Summer Sun Celebration yet!


Once the posse arrives however, Twilight is immediately ushered away by the royal guard without warning, leaving her court to wonder…


Twilight is escorted to the elder Princesses, who then hold a secret meeting along with the mayor, where Twilight is made aware of Avarice. She is told of the havoc she dealt, and of and how she managed to trap Celestia, before Luna used the Elements of Harmony to finally seal her away into to painting the mayor now guards…


Twilight is then made aware that Avarice will be transferred to Canterlot Castle after the celebration, where she will be under a more heavy guard. She is made to swear to keep this information secret before being escorted by the mayor himself back to her friends.




All went well with the planning! Twilight and her friends managed to arrange all sorts of exciting events for everypony to enjoy! But for now, it's time to turn in. Tomorrow was gonna be a big day!


Unbeknownst to all however, there is something stirring within the walls of the town hall… Somehow, Avarice breaks free of her canvas prison, and wastes no time in dealing with the guards before disappearing into the night…


The mayor sends guards to alert the Princesses as soon as he could, and in turn, and after a bit of goading,Twilight gives in and informs her friends, but is left clueless as to where to start looking, or what to do…


Avarice isn't planning on staying hidden forever, however. There were so many lives to ruin, that was going to need a bit of help! Time to head to the Badlands to call in a favor…




After a rather churlish introduction,

Avarice tells Chrysalis that her assistance is required. The queen naturally refuses, only to be assaulted with a torrent of excruciating pain. Since the queen is linked to every Changeling in the hive, every bit of her pain is felt by every last member, from commander to drone.


After gleefully listening to the cacophony of tormented cries for a bit, Avarice relents, satisfied that she was able to get her point across. She then explains what is needed of Chrysalis before she even asks...




Festivities are well under way for The Celebration, everypony all smiles. There is more than a hint of confusion and suspicion looming in the air, though, as only Princess Twilight has made an appearance, and security seems heightened and on alert, and moving about frantically. Where were the other princesses, and what were they doing??


Then without warning, Changelings appear and attack out of nowhere, swarming around any and everypone they see.


This brings the elder princesses out from hiding, fighting alongside the royal guard and doing their best to protect their subjects, having no time to wonder why they reappeared.


Avarice makes her own reappearance then, accompanied by Queen Chrysalis. The Mane6 spring into action and try to challenge both the queen and Avarice, only to be knocked back by a powerful spell cast by Chrysalis.


Taking in the moment with relish, Avarice cackles madly as what had just transpired stuck the elder princesses, before doing the unthinkable -- she sets about opening small "tears" all about, whinnying in glee as Equestrains were sucked through!


This brings the princesses out of their shock, attacking vile dragon pony in hopes of sealing her once more!


The Mane6 join in on the attack, managing to corner Avarice before she fires a magic blast at them, separating them, before opening another tear beneath their hooves. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy are sucked into the tear, disappearing into the unknown…


Avarice once again lets loose whinny of triumph before disappearing into the chaos. She had went too far!


The royal guard join the Princesses and the remaining former Element Bearers in pursuit of Avarice, only to be ambushed by the Dragon Pony.


The posse is separated again, and this time Princess Cadence is caught in another tear before Avarice once again takes her leave…




It isn't long before Thestral Guards join in on the Ponyhunt and track Avarice down, cornering her the very second they spot her. Luna then appears, firing a fierce magic blast that sends the Dragon Pony flying.


Avarice recovers to retaliate, and send her own dark magic at the Alicorn. The two fight each other tooth and nail, until Avarice is finally down…


…But not out just yet! Avarice opens another dimensional door, all too eager to send the night princess through it! But Luna fires another magical burst of energy that the Dragon Pony won't soon forget.


It makes a direct hit, sending the fiend into the very door she created... but at the last second, Avarice fires a blast of her own, pulling the night princess into the door with her…




There's just nothing that can be said of everyday life. Nothing really exciting about it, nothing really special or magical in any way. Life for many is the essence of banal. Day in, day out, it's pretty much the same thing!


The day looks like it's going to end like any other, when suddenly, a freak storm blackens the sky, kicking up fierce gales as lighting strikes all around. A handful of people are caught up in the storm, catching them completely off guard…


Luckily, the storm disappears just as soon as it appeared, leaving the sky as it was. But for a fateful few, they are about to come across a stranger, lying unconscious before them. These people manage to wake them up, but they seem lost and confused. In spite the better judgement for many, these people find themselves to take the newcomer in, unaware that they were to discover that was no mere person…


Things get even stranger, as it is soon discovered that freak storms cropped up in multiple places, and stranger still, there were people out there claiming they've found what have come to been called Equestrians, just like they have!


If this is true, then they have to find one another, to help send the Equestrians home!


Now onto the rules! Read them all before applying!




- I have the final say in this RP, as I'm the DM!


- You MUST fill out an app! One app per character! You may insert a link to their character profile in the Backstory. You may also post multiple apps in the same post.


- Feel free to adjust your character(s) accordingly if they don't quite make a good fit for the RP. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! I'm also only able to access the net via my phone for the vast majority of the day, so I'm unable to see your signature. Hence the first rule.


- May the best app win! Spots are limited, so only the apps that impress me the most will be accepted!


- You can play as many characters as you are comfortable playing, so long as there are slots available, but try to post more than the minimum for each character, as much as possible.


- Good grammar. It's gonna be a thing in this RP! I don't mind the occasional typo or auto correct, but make your posts as intelligible as possible! ((Also your / you're and their / there / they're. Know the differences!))


- ALL pairings will be RANDOM! No exceptions. Pairings will be made once there are a sufficient number of humans and Ponies, and will be decided by drawing names.


- An Equestrian will not be found by a human if they're played by the same RPer. Example: Billy cannot find Rainbow Dash if they're both being played by Steve. This is to ensure that no one's RPing by themselves.


- You may "split" your posts as needed if you're playing more than one character. For example, post as Character A to respond to Character B, then post a little later as Character C to respond to D. This is to help you stay active!


- Stay as active as possible! The last RP was active on a near daily basis, with at least one RPer posting once daily!


- Literate, dedicated RPers wanted! This is planned to be a long term RP with no set time limit.The last one reached 208 pages and lasted over a year. I would like to see if I can get this to last even longer, and see it through to its conclusion! The more active you are, the faster we can reach that goal!


- Profanity is allowed, but don't get too carried away!


- ALL OOC posts should be kept in the OOC Thread. It's part of the site rules!


- Mentions are strongly preferred, as quotes don't always appear for me in RP thread.


- Please let me know via PM or through the OOC if you need to have someone take over for your character for a bit.


Character Development:


- Tone it down with the Tragic Past™! It doesn't make for a deeper character, just a huge sad sack who has a bad case of Wagnst. Not to mention, it's cliché. This is especially out of place for Ponies, who are portrayed as generally happy. Whilst no one has a perfect life, and tragedy strikes at some point, know when to draw the line.


- Your character can not have it all! Give them some limits or weakness.




- Rules for Alicorns:


* Cannon Alicorns ONLY! No exceptions.


** Fill out the app as you normally would, just put Alicorn in Species.


*** Wow me! Show me you know how to handle the character!


- Take initiative and have your Equestrian be curious! I saw a massive lack of this in the last RP. Humans have technology that far surpass anything seen in Equestria, such as automobiles, aircraft, phones, and the internet. There are also a lot of places, cultures, wonders and horrors on Earth Equestrians could never imagine. Wouldn't that make you at least a little curious? Be adventurous! Drive that Hyoo-Mane nuts!


- As a human, your Equestrian will not have their wings or horns. In their place however, there will be faint markings on the forehead/back where they would be. These markings will be the same color as the former Pony's pelt.


- As a human, your Pony's magic will be weakened, but not gone.


- Though the Equestrians do not have their wings or horns in human form, they will appear as "ghostly protrusions" in pictures and on live cameras.


- There will also be faint markings where the wings or horns once were, in the color of Equestrian's pelt. These markings will be hidden under clothing or hair, but are visible to the naked eye if exposed.


- Earth Ponies may not have wings or horns, but they all will posses unusually high strength and endurance. They can be capable of lifting small cars.


- Pegasai and Griffins are capable of running at incredible speeds, and are still able manipulate and traverse fog. Pegasai are also able to withstand strong electrical currents for a time.


- Unicorns and Alicorns* may use their fingers in lieu of their horns to manipulate objects. Though weakened, an Alicorn's magic is still stronger than a Unicorn's.


(*See rules for Alicorns!)


- All Ponies will keep their Cutie Marks, which will be located on their “flanks.” These will be hidden under clothing until the Pony discovers it.


- All Ponies will be clothed, and at least one article of clothing should be the same color as their pelts were.




- Humans possess no magic or powers in this RP, but you may have skills that you are particularly good at, so long as they're at least somewhat realistic. The aim of the RP was to have the Ponies be discovered by ordinary humans. So in other words:


- Keep it as realistic as you can! No 13 year old half-sayian billionaires with a dozen mansions, 200 speedboats, a TARDIS, and the power to get the Equestrians back to Equestria.


- If your character is under 18, have them live with at least one parent / guardian, as it is illegal for them to be living on their own – unless they're listed as an emancipated minor.


- Certain occupations require extensive training and / or a college degree. Keep this in mind when choosing your character's occupation.


- Humans may not have magic, but they DO have the power to communicate. Have them go online, use Skype, or post videos on Youtube in order to find other people who've found Ponies.


- Though highly not recommended, you may play as yourself. You should change a bit of information to protect yourself, however.




- You can have relationships if you want, but don't let that be the sole focus of the RP. One character can have feelings for another, but it is up to the other RPer to reciprocate those feelings. In other words, you can fall in love if you want to, but the feelings do not have to be returned!


- Going off of the last pointer, you need not fall for the one you're paired with. Free will and all that!


- The main focus is to get in contact with the other Finders and Equestrians, and ultimately meet up with them! Avoid isolating your characters and / or going off doing your own thing for too long!


- Going off of the second rule for Equestrians, it doesn't always have to be the human that gets in contact with others.


- Have your human character try and answer all the questions that they can. Even some of the more awkward ones!


Cast List:


Cannon Cast:




Rainbow Dash - @GeneralDirection


Pinkie Pie - @Windbreaker


Elder Princesses


Princess Cadence - @Love


OC Cast:




Diego - @Pripyat Pony




Ageis Dare - @Windbreaker


Earth Ponies:






Cicada - @Pripyat Pony




Avarice - @Pripyat Pony


Queen Chrysalis - @Windbreaker





Colette Irving - @Hypn0ticD


Stephen Hagemann - @Hypn0ticD


Shawn Hagemann - @Hypn0ticD


Catherine Bellamy - @~The Snowy Wolf~


Alex Jones - @Windbreaker


Bowen Aquila Connery - @00Pony


Chloe MacMaolán - @Hypn0ticD


Erick Calhoun - @Hypn0ticD

  • Brohoof 2
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Equestrian Application

Name: Corsica (WIP)

Species: Unicorn

Approxiate Age (In human years): 22

Gender: F

Height (Feet and inches): 5'5"

Weight (in pounds): about 125

Eye color: Green

Mane color: White and Mint

Description of your pony form: Snow white fur, light green eyes, with a uniquely styled, mint and white mane. The white in her mane appears to be slightly darker than the white of her fur

Occupation: Candy store employee?

Other distinctive features: N/A (at the moment)

Backstory: (TBD)

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same):

Cutie Mark: Corsican mint leaves


Human Application

Name: Catherine Bellamy

Age: 18

Gender: F

Height (Feet and inches): 5'3"

Weight: (Not telling. Again.)

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blonde (Dyed brown)

Occupation: Student and model

Backstory: Born to the CEO and founder of a large and succesful international company, so aside from not having a mother figure in her life, Cat never had a hard upbringing. She's fluent in both French and English. She only had a few real friends that she was able to stay in touch with, with all the moving around and publicity of her job and her father, Colette being one of them. She's also had a crush on Collie for a couple years now, but kept relatively quiet about it, occasionally dropping some hints. Sometimes in her free time, she watches My Little Pony, Rarity being her favourite character.

Other distinctive features: N/A

Where do they live?: LA, New Orleans, or Paris.





Edited by ~The Snowy Wolf~

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Human Application:

Name (First and last): Akatsu Zakhaev


Age: 19


Gender: Female


Height (Feet and inches): 5'1"


Weight: 113 pounds


Eye color: Purple-ish Dark Blue.


Hair color: Dark Brown


Occupation: Waitress


Backstory (A little more about your character): Akatsu comes from Japanese and Russian descent. Her parents met when her mother went on vacation to Russia. Her parents left Russia together to raise a child (Akastu) in the USA.

Her mothers wealth was able to pay for their life for the most part, but they wanted Akatsu to be independent with her life, so they did their best not to spoil her and taught her how to rely on herself to get things done.

Akatsu graduated highschool with ease, but at the cost of making no friends. She has plans to go to college, but doesn't know what she would want to do yet.

(I hope this is enough? Her personality should shine like a lightbulb when i play her)

Other distinctive features (if any): She always wears her hair in a ponytail.

Where do they live?: In a small apartment in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Well, allow me to post my human apps. I'll have AJ's up in a minute. It's not satisfactory just yet!


Human Application


Name (First and last): Colette Irving


Age: 17


Gender: Female


Height (Feet and inches) : 5'3"


Weight (in pounds) : 125 lbs.


Eye color: Dark brown


Hair color: Naturally black, but the top portion is dyed fire engine red with a prominent blue streak in her bangs.


Occupation: Junior (11th grade) high school student / cashier at Hot Topic /musician /aspiring YouTuber


Backstory (A little more about your character) : Colette is an avid musician and singer, having a burning passion for music ever since she could remember. She's a natural born singer, took up the guitar at the age of eleven, picking up the bass at thirteen, and teaching herself a little keyboard the following year.


She has dreams of becoming popular on YouTube, and has maintained a channel since the age of twelve, uploading videos at every given opportunity. Despite this, she has a very small number of subscribers, though this number is steadily on the rise…


Colette covers mostly punk, alternative, and metal songs, singing her heart out if the song has vocals.She also covers video game music from any era, which she is most known for.


Aside from playing music, Colette also has an intense passion for video games; the horror genre being her absolute favorite. She is known to do let's plays, playing horror games such as SCP: Containment Breach, Amnesia, and more recently Corpse Party.


She also writes and performs the occasional skit or dramatic reading.


She works the cashier for the Hot Topic in the Regency Mall in order to fund her passions. Though the job doesn't pay well, she has managed to save up enough money to pay for an accoustic and bass guitar.


Colette also attends Jerome I. Case High School, where she earns average grades. Unsurprisingly, her strongest grades are in music, but her weakest are in math and science.


She mostly hangs out with gamers, but her two best friends are musicians like her.


She lives in a small two story jewel box style house with her father, but is often home alone due to his job. Colette does not know that much about her mother, as she left her father when she was still quite young.


Whilst doubtlessly hearing about the show and constantly coming into contact with MLP merchandise via her job, as of the start of the RP, Colette is not a Brony. She's not interested in the show, but that could change depending on the Equestrian she finds…


Other distinctive features (if any) : Colette has three piercings in each ear, which usually have just about any type of earring in them at all times.


She also has a penchant to wear tight graphic tank tops and split leg jeans.


Colette knows Catherine Bellamy, as she met her at a coorporate party she her father attended. She has since then kept in contact with her. Despite this, Colette is unaware of Catherine's feelings for her.


Colette also knows the Hagemann twins, as they often collaborate with each other on cover songs.


Where do they live?: Racine, Wisconsin




Human Application


Name (First and last) : Stephen Hagemann


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Height (Feet and inches) : 5'11”


Weight (in pounds) : 163 lbs.


Eye color: Hazel


Hair color: Reddish Auburn


Occupation: University Student / musician / part-time teller at a bank


Backstory (A little more about your character) : Having grown up in a musical family, Stephen took up the bass at the age of seven, having taken up guitar at twelve. He plays metal covers, to which his twin Shawn plays drums to much of the time.


When Stephen isn't busy studying, playing, or working, he often goes on long hikes, and explores abandoned areas if time permits. He had also recently taken up the hobby of geocaching.


He is not a Brony, and at the beginning of the RP, will have no interest in MLP or the fandom, but through the Equestrian he finds, may begin to show interest…


Both boys share an apartment and attend the same university, and have many of the same classes, as they both are aiming to work in the music industry.


Other distinctive features (if any): Stephen and Shawn are what is known as Mirror Image Twins. If it weren't for the way the two dressed, they would be indistinguishable from each other. Stephen is the older twin to Shawn, is right handed, and plays guitar and bass.


Both twins know Colette by her handle, Hypn0ticD, and regularly collaborate with her on her metal covers and are subscribed to her channel.


Where do they live?: Portland, Oregon




Human Application


Name (First and last): Shawn Hagemann


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Height (Feet and inches) : 5'11”


Weight (in pounds) : 161 lbs.


Eye color: Hazel


Hair color: Reddish Auburn


Occupation: University Student / musician / part-time teller at a bank


Backstory (A little more about your character) : Having grown up in a musical family, Shawn took up the drums at the age of seven, and picking up the keyboard at thirteen. He plays mostly metal covers, and collaborates with his twin Stephen's plays guitar and / or bass much of the time.


Stephen is not as active as his twin, preferring to spend time playing online games like Halo or Call of Duty. He has also taken up an interest in reading creepypastas, a hobby encouraged by Hypn0ticD.


Shawn is an avid Brony, as he has watched every episode of the series, collects MLP merchandise, and has attended several Brony meets and conventions. He hopes to one day meet the voice actresses of all of the.main cast.


Both twins know Colette by her handle, Hypn0ticD, and regularly collaborate with her on her metal covers and are followers of her YouTube channel. Shawn is the more acquainted twin, having done a bit more collaboration with her with some if her video game covers, as well as a few of her skits and creepypasta readings.


Both boys share an apartment and attend the same university, and have many of the same classes, as they both are aiming to work in the music industry.


Other distinctive features (if any): Stephen and Shawn are what is known as Mirror Image Twins. If it weren't for the way the two dressed, they would be indistinguishable from each other. Shawn is the younger twin, is left handed, and plays drums and keyboard.


Where do they live?: Portland, Oregon

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Equestrian Application


Name: Diego.

Species: Unicorn.

Approxiate Age (In human years): Twenty three.

Gender: Male.

Height (Feet and inches): Five foot eight inches.

Weight (in pounds): Not a clue, but he's skinny and can't weigh that much. XD

Eye color: Red.

Mane color: Black.

Description of your pony form: Dark red and indigo patches, kinda like a pinto horse, on fur, short, spiky black mane and tail.

Occupation: None, really. Diego basically lives from day to day and spends a lot of nights drinking hard cider. If asked, he'll describe himself as a "chaos mage".

Other distinctive features (if any): None.

Backstory (A little more about your character):


Diego's mother, Shadow Star, was only a young blank flank filly when an older stallion seduced her. When she found out that she was in foal, he left her. Shadow Star's parents refused to help the young filly, considering her to have brought shame on them, so she moved in with a neighbour who looked after her while she was in foal and also for a while after her foal was born. Shadow Star left her foal with the helpful mare and tried to earn some money to support herself. She soon found that she had a talent for gambling, earning her cutie mark, so was soon able to buy herself and her colt, Diego, someplace to live. However, Shadow Star was not very motherly, probably cuz she'd had a foal so young, so she neglected her colt and he grew up a bit of a loner.

At school, Diego didn't really know how to relate to other foals and ended up spending a lot of time playing pranks in order to get attention. When he got his cutie mark for having a talent for chaos magic, other ponies feared him and started to avoid Diego, thinking that he had a connection to Discord. This made Diego resentful and he wanted attention even more, so his pranks got more nasty and sometimes dangerous. The only pony to not avoid him was a pegasus filly named Starfall who eventually became Diego's marefriend. Sadly, the other ponies of the town not only avoided him, but started to resent his presence in the town and eventually tried to get him to leave. Diego erupted into an angry demonstration of his magic which razed the town and injured some of the ponies. Starfall was terrified, having seen a side of her coltfriend she hadn't seen before and she fled Equestria for the griffon country. Her foal, Glory was born there; due to Diego being a chaos mage, Glory was born a pegacorn. Neither Glory and Starfall have seen Diego since, and he continues to live in Equestria, still pranking other ponies for attention and drinking away his sorrows in bars.

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Spiky black hair, red eyes, skinny and average height. When found, Diego will be wearing an indigo pair of jeans and a dark red t-shirt, and black trainers.

Cutie Mark: The symbol of chaos.



Name: Cicada.

Species: Changeling.

Approxiate Age (In human years): Twenty.

Gender: Female.

Height (Feet and inches): Five foot nine inches.

Weight (in pounds): She's not telling. XD

Eye color: Green.

Mane color: Black.

Description of your pony form: Basic changeling form, tho cuz Cicada is second in command, she has a special necklace that she wears which is an opaque black jewel on a silver chain.

Occupation: Changeling Commander.

Other distinctive features (if any): Holes in legs, insect-like wings, crooked horn. As Commander, Cicada can perform some basic magic but only the Queen can do the most powerful spells.

Backstory (A little more about your character):


Cicada is Queen Chrysalis' second in command in the changeling Hive. Like all high ranking changelings, Cicada was bred within the Hive in the nursery. Her egg hatched at the exact same moment as Chrysalis', and the two grew up very close, rather like sisters. Cicada has seen first hand what happens when changelings don't get enough emotions to feed upon; changelings can survive on regular emotions, like anger, nervousness etc, but they need love to be able to breed and grow. Without love, the Hive would eventually die out as no new changelings would be hatched, and any surviving ones would die off.
Due to the Hive Mind, all changelings can hear the voices of other changelings if they tap into it, tho only the Queen can contact every single changeling effortlessly. Cicada, as Commander, can contact all the other changelings with the use of her jewel necklace which is not only a badge of rank, but also serves as a conduit for the Hive Mind. She can converse effortlessly with Chrysalis, due to their strong sister like bond. Cicada is fiercely loyal to her queen and very protective of her. She will follow her to her dying breath and feels that all she wants is to be by her Queen's side.

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Tall, angularly thin with sharp cheekbones, boyish figure. Shortish black hair with a greenish sheen, green eyes. She will be wearing a black longsleever and black trousers with holes in the legs when found, and black boots.

Cutie Mark: None.



Name: Avarice.

Species: Dragon Pony, not to be confused with Draconequus as the two are different species and look nothing alike.

Approxiate Age (In human years): Unknown. She first appeared after Discord had been defeated, but long before Luna became Nightmare Moon.

Gender: Female.

Height (Feet and inches): Six foot six inches.

Weight (in pounds): Nopony's ever been brave enough to ask this question. O_o

Eye color: Different shades of red.

Mane color: Black.

Description of your pony form: As a dragon pony, Avarice looks like a cross between the two species. She's taller than Princess Celestia, but wiry with it. She has dragon wings and a tail, and sharp cat like teeth. She has an alicorn like horn, and a longish mane. In colour, Avarice is green.

Occupation: Full time super villainess. XD

Other distinctive features (if any): Avarice has the strength of a dragon, plus she has the magical power to control the sun and moon, create time bubbles, and also cast powerful spells.

Backstory (A little more about your character):

Avarice was created during a storm that raged for three whole days. A lightning bolt struck an erupting volcano; when the ashes cleared, the figure of the dragon pony could be seen emerging from a cave at the bottom of the mountain. Avarice immediately turned herself towards the land of Equestria, instinctively seeking to take it over. She used her powers to mess with day and night, overruling the Royal Sisters' powers and making the days and nights erratic, often with strange eclipses. The ponies were in a panic and looked to their Princesses for help. Princess Celestia worked with her sister Luna to try and take Avarice down, but nothing they threw at Avarice would work.

One such battle raged for days, or the twisted representations which passed for days now that Avarice was using her magic against them. The battle ended with Princess Luna watching in horror as Avarice threw a time bubble at her sister, trapping her where she stood. Avarice flew away, rejoicing as she thought that now she had trapped Celestia, Luna would be powerless to stop her. However, Luna had courage. She remembered the Tree of Harmony, and went to it to borrow from the Tree the Elements of Harmony, which she now realised were the only things that could stop Avarice and free her sister.

A new confrontation was fixed; Avarice agreeing to it only cuz she figured that this way, she could similarly trap Luna and Equestria would be hers, with all the ponies as her slaves. Luna did not reveal her secret weapon til all seemed lost, and Avarice paused to taunt the alicorn with her supposed failure to protect Equestria. Then Luna powered up the Elements and the rainbow beam struck the sneering dragon pony, forcing her into a painting. Once Avarice was trapped there, Luna used the Elements to free her sister. The painting was taken to Trottingham, a town founded by unicorns, and hung in the town hall.

Over the years, ponies have forgotten about Avarice, just seeing the painting as a nasty picture which has always been in the town hall since time immemorial. But the Royal Sisters remember.

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Unusually tall, wiry with muscles like steel springs, long black shaggy hair, eyes various shades of red. Avarice will appear in a green cropped top with matching jeans, and black boots.

Cutie Mark: None.


Human Application

Name (First and last): Clare Blake.

Age: Twenty.

Gender: Female.

Height (Feet and inches): Five foot nine inches.

Weight: Best not to ask. XD Clare is always trying to lose some of hers.

Eye color: Blue.

Hair color: Naturally dark blonde, but Clare is always changing her hair colour. At the moment, it's dyed magenta pink.

Occupation: Blogger and odd jobber.

Backstory (A little more about your character):


Clare grew up in a fairly happy home, in a small town in England. She was an only child, as her parents couldn't have any more children after she was born, but her parents didn't spoil her and brought her up right. She loves travelling, and after she left school wanted to go travelling around America. Clare's parents encouraged her; they brought her up to be herself and to express herself, so after Clare had earned enough money for the trip, she went out to America. She mainly lives in hostels, but sometimes stays with people she's befriended over the internet and who she's skyped with several times. Her parents put money in her account at intervals cuz they're proud of their daughter and what she's achieved. She keeps in touch with them via email and skype.

Clare is very outgoing, and loves to meet new people. She's also a black belt in judo, and feels safe travelling on her own, tho she doesn't take stupid risks and always makes sure that she doesn't get into bad situations. Her blog is updated regularly and she details her travels, accounts of people she's met and places she's been to, along with photos of herself and her plushie Rarity taken. She's got quite a few goofy photos of people with the Rarity plushie and her favourite is the one that was taken with two American cops. Her blog has a huge following and she makes enough money thru sponsers and ads to comfortably support herself, tho she's not adverse to taking on odd jobs whenever she can. She's a huge fan of My Little Pony and sometimes styles her hair to match the Mane Six's hair; for example, at the moment her hair is the exact colour of Pinkie Pie's. Her favourite pony is Rarity.

Other distinctive features (if any): Two tattoos. One, on her right shoulder, is a small picture of Rarity. The other, on her left wrist, is Rarity's cutie mark.

Where do they live?: At the moment, Clare is living with a friend not very far away from where Colette lives, altho she doesn't know her. She plans to move on shortly, once she's decided where she's going to go next.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Crap, I almost forgot the apps! I've added them to the OP, but here they are again:



Equestrian Application


Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/ Changeling/ Griffin):

Approxiate Age (In human years):


Height (Feet and inches):

Weight (in pounds):

Eye color:

Mane color:

Description of your pony form:


Other distinctive features (if any):

Backstory (A little more about your character):

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same):

Cutie Mark:

Human Application

Name (First and last):



Height (Feet and inches):


Eye color:

Hair color:


Backstory (A little more about your character):

Other distinctive features (if any):

Where do they live?:

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Equestrian Application


Name:Queen Chrysalis


Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/ Changeling/ Griffin):Changeling


Approxiate Age (In human years):25




Height (Feet and inches):1.85m I don't use feet or inches and are you saying pony form here?


Weight (in pounds):130 human form. Pony form... unknown


Eye color:Soft Sea Green


Mane color:Teal


Description of your pony form:She has black skin, a sharp pair of fangs, dark green eyes with vertical, dragon-like pupils and no visible cutie mark. Interestingly, her eyes have a double pupil: a vertical, dragon-like one within a normal round one.

She has a teal mane and tail, and also seems to have a greenish saddle, blue-green rib plate, and a small, black crown tipped with blue circles. All of her hooves are full of holes in them, yet she can stand firmly on the ground. Her limbs, along with her torso, are extremely skinny.

Occupation:Queen of the Changelings


Other distinctive features (if any):Her voice has a layered quality, as if two people were speaking in sync. That however occurs only when she has been highly empowered by magic.


Backstory (A little more about your character):The infamous Queen of the changelings. Born by Queen Amalthea and King Abectrozeus in one of the numerous changeling kingdoms Chrysalis soon witnessed the true face of changeling society. She grew together with a few other changeling nobles' fillies forging bonds with some of them. Amongst them she entrusted more the Changeling known as Cicada which became her metaphorical "sister". During that time many suitors appeared... all were repelled for their dishonest feelings and their power-hungry attitudes.


During one of the squabbles of the changeling kingdoms her father was assasinated. After interrogation the culprit confessed into being hired by one of the other kingdoms. Sealing her decision that day Chrysalis decided the destruction of all other kingdoms in order to get revenge and forge the united Changeling Empire. Together with her most trusted changelings she relentlessly hunted her opponents, killing those who resisted, and accepting the surrender of those that submitted.


During the aftermath three ancient changeling rulers showed up in spirit form. Queen Metis the cunning and wise, King Proteus the father of the changeling kin, and Nousios the blind and fair. They were the "Emotionless" ancient changeling rulers made judges of the actions of great impact their Kings and Queens did, they were called that way for they allowed no emotion to hamper their judgement. The three spirits congratulated her on the unification of their kin but warned her of the consequences should her grim and relentless behavior continue.


The unification of the empire brought prosperity but at a great toll of her own personality. The toll of having to kill so many was the turning point. Somewhere in the war Chrysalis crossed the indescernible thin red line between good and evil descending into the darkness. Despite that the Queen of the changelings bears an unending determination to serve her own kingdom, to preserve the unification she has achieved.


Thus the invasion upon Canterlot came to be. The failure and the cost of it shook the Dark Queen... but not enough as to change her ways. She realized however that it was in her best interests not to attack Equestria again. She refused to accept notions of friendship and common love bearing in mind higher forms of bonds like family. She considers herself beyond the common definition of good and evil. She is... determined. "Determination is the sword of darkness. Thunder forth Changelings!"


Then by the ancestors Avarice came. It was revealed to her that the dragon pony had made a binding contract long ago from the times the changeling kingdom was united as one. Now forced under the servitude of an enemy Queen Chrysalis marches once again against Equestria. She bears only one pleasure that she clings to amongst her thoughts of the upocoming changeling losses... the pleasure of having a good fight. She intends to coax forth all the hate and anger the ponies have for her if anything to defeat Avarice and if need be her as well. It is a sacrifice she welcomes in the prospect of changeling losses. Regardless of victory or defeat here judgement awaits her whether by the "Emotionless" or the ponies it doesn't matter... it will be a harsh one.


Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same):A tall woman with enchanting green eyes. She initially appears sporting a fancy green dress with holes on it stylistically placed that compliments her light/white complexity and her physical curves. She has teal hair and lips of dark green complexity.


Cutie Mark:(N/A) Chrysalis learned long ago that her kin used to have cutie marks and was united. The reason for the fall is uncertain though it is sure it caused them to feed upon love and caused the split of the kingdom. She often wonders what her own cutie mark might be.


Equestrian Application


Name:Terra Lionmane


Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/ Changeling/ Griffin):Earth Pony


Approxiate Age (In human years):22




Height (Feet and inches):5ft 1055⁄64in in human form


Weight (in pounds):170 in human form


Eye color:Light Red


Mane color:Fire Red and yellow


Description of your pony form:Terra is a yong stallion with blue coat and grey hooves. He has a muscular body and a lion-like mane.


Occupation:A Royal Guard positioned at Ponyville that practices blacksmithing and metalworking for the residents of the rural town. In his free time he practices metalworking as art or for pleasure/hobby.


Other distinctive features (if any):None to himself but he bears a phoenix companion named Fenix that accompanies him together most of the time.


Backstory (A little more about your character):Terra's father was a Pegasus/batpony knight in Luna's royal guard, his name was "Midnight Shield". His mother was an Earth Pony working in Celestia's guard, her name was "Armored Blaze".


Wanting to someday become a knight just like his parents Terra trained everyday after school. However due to a terrible accident in his youth, his dreams were temporarily crushed. He slammed against a wall with greater force than normal resulting in crushing many of his bones.


It was at that time that he discovered the unending determination he had within him. Ignoring all voices of reason, and pessimism of others he did not give up his dream of becoming a knight. Luckily he found someone who was willing to support him in his attempts... his uncle Solid Gear. In exchange for his work, his uncle who was an engineer offered to pay for the materials needed to make an armor fit for a royal guard with the only rule that he would make it himself.


While Solid Gear supported his dream of becoming a knight, he also wanted to support his general education so together with his parents he offered to pay for his studies.


Studying however was not foreign to Terra. Past the things he learned at school, he studied all by himself about the great Generals and Knights of Equestria. He dreamed each day of the greatness of the future and hoped to one day become leader of the royal guard.


During the night he worked the anvil at his uncle's engineering shop, and the day he exercised enhancing his strength by each passing day.


Right now Terra is staying in Canterlot working for his Uncle Solid Gear, until he finds the great opportunity he needs to prove himself worthy of joining the Royal Guard.


Terra recently acquired a phoenix... Fenix.


He was returning from a delivery for his uncle and he happened to be crossing a forest near Baltimare. There he encountered a ruined nest under which lay a phoenix egg. Inspecting the nest Terra realized that the phoenix's parents were possibly hunted and killed by larger dragons. Dragons love phoenix eggs and hunt them as trophies or for their spicy taste, they consider them a delicacy...


Knowing that Terra could not leave the egg on it's own. With the help of his friend the unicorn known as Selune Darkeye Terra managed to raise the phoenix hatchling properly. The newly hatched phoenix looked at Terra and seeing the colors of his mane the little one saw in them the colors of a phoenix... therefore imprinting over time to Terra and viewing him as a father.


Fenix is extremely loyal to Terra, although growing he understood that he is not his father. When he hears he master whistling he swoops down launching his fiery feathers against his enemies, blinding them with his brilliance, or irritating them by pecking their weak spots. So long as his ashes do not get scattered Fenix will live as long as he feels the spirit of his master lives. He will help his allies and strike his enemies.


Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same):He is a muscular human with a slight hint of a shaved beard. He was slightly thicker eyebrows and signs of stiches in various spots from old injuries in his knees. ((i have a human pic))


Cutie Mark:A fiery ruby heart within a brilliant star. A sign of the brilliant example he seeks to become, with a fiery heart, and the passion of a lion!


I have human pics of Terra. Plus here is his profile. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/terra-lionmane-r4140


Human Application


Name (First and last):Dennis Papagiannis






Height (Feet and inches):5ft 857⁄64in



Weight:150 pounds


Eye color:Brown


Hair color:Black


Occupation:University student at Computer Engineering. Local Gym Cashier.


Backstory (A little more about your character):Dennis hails from Greece where he was born. He grew up in a decent financed family and got quickly interested in computers and music. He studied the piano for quite a while and continues to do so in his free time. He graduated school with relative easy but made few friends. His father's Parkinson was the cause of great character forging. He is a myth geek from his youth, and a great nerd. He seeks to become a computer engineer decently wealthy that practices drawing in his free time. ((if applicable he is a brony for three years so far))


hope this is enough i really got few things to say.


Other distinctive features (if any):He bears a scar on his left eye from stiches and a big darker complexity in his left arm from burned skin it was caused from an accident when he was small.


Where do they live?:Greece

Edited by NioniosTheRenegade
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Human Applications





Revised Bio of Logan Keifer (now known by a different name):

(For a real life facial doppelgänger, look to Ryan Haywood; http://data2.whicdn.com/images/122165266/thumb.gif that is pretty much how Logan looks)


Name: Staff Sergeant Logan Miles Jaeger. (Jaeger is German for 'Hunter', Logan being descended directly from a German family from his father's side, thus keeping the name, though there is a sizable generation gap between himself and his German relatives.)


Age: 37.


Gender: Male.


Height: 6' 3".


Weight: 210lbs.


Eye color: Hazel/Blue.


Hair color: Dark chestnut brown.


Occupation: Army Ranger - Recently retired, though is still enlisted to the reserves.


Other distinctive features: Dog Tags from his time in service. Wedding ring.

Much like in the first one, he bears several tattoos, namely an Ouroboros (http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/En8AAMXQPW5SHiAh/$T2eC16RHJG8FGsJN1Z4wBSHi!go6Kw~~60_35.JPG) on his left deltoid


The words 'Forgiven' (http://oi43.tinypic.com/ifs9cg.jpg) on the inside of his right forearm


A partial chain on the bottom of each wrist (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/323/c/8/bioshock_chain_tattoo_sizes_by_infernobat3330-d336fe4.png)


A flaming skull with the words 'ODST' beneath it (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mckrm8JweY1qjtinmo1_500.jpg) on his right bicep


Veritas tattooed up his right index finger and hand, and Aequitas tattooed up his left index finger and hand, Boondocks Saints style.


And a Triforce on the outside of his left forearm. Backstory behind those being that (unlike the OG Logan) he was a fan of the Legend of Zelda series growing up (Triforce) and retained the interest in such things as he grew older. It was one of the several things that he, Allison and Riza had in common, and due to the women in his life eventually introducing him, he's a fan/knowledgeable of several games and shows. The tattoos were something that he got both from being convinced by Riza individually, and as father/daughter activities, with her getting a few of her own. (the Ouroboros is from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The chains are from Bioshock. The skull is from Halo. The 'Forgiven' is a tattoo from the OG).



A few scars here and there from his time in service.


Multilingual (English, Latin and German)


He is always carrying a concealed firearm. Always.

Has a pilots license for both planes and helicopters, having flown a chopper before during his deployment.


Backstory: Born in 1977, Logan Jaeger grew up in rural Pennsylvania for some of his early life, before his family moved to Dallas, Texas when he was six. It was here that he lived until he graduated from college. While living in Texas, his neighbors had a young daughter around his age named Allison Arkwright. She and Logan became fast friends, and remained as friends up till their second year of high school, in which they began dating.


Their relationship continued strong up through college, becoming engaged in their final year, and marrying soon after graduation. Naturally, things were fairly difficult for the young couple as they started out, and Logan ultimately enlisted into the army, entering at the rank of Specialist due to his degree. He wasn't without the knowledge of how to handle himself in most situations, however, proving he wasn't just some college boy and an actually capable soldier, entering Ranger School and graduating near the top of his class near the end of his second year of service. Allison wasn't one for sitting around, and secured her own job as a teacher while her husband was away.


While Logan was visiting before his first deployment, Allison revealed that she was pregnant with his child, and while he wanted to stay with her for this, Logan had to leave for deployment. For the next several years, Logan would spend any free time he had with Allison, and their daughter - whom they named Riza. However, when Riza was ten, Allison was diagnosed with cancer, and ultimately died while Logan was on deployment, though he was able to make it back for the funeral.


Despite this, Logan remained in active duty, once again spending the main majority of his leave with Riza, who was living with her grandparents for the six years before Logan resigned from active service and was honorably discharged. He now leads a civilian life with Riza.


Where do he live? Lancaster County area, Pennsylvania.




Name: Riza Kirsten Jaeger.



Age: 17 (turned only one month prior to the start of the RP)


Gender: Female.


Height: 5'5"


Weight: 135lbs. and she's not afraid to admit it.


Eye color: Natural color is brown, but like her hair, she is not above wearing colored contacts as necessary.


Hair color: Natural color is strawberry blonde, but she is not opposed to recoloring as needed for cosplays.


Occupation: Senior in high school. Works at a coffee shop literally called To Be Discussed. Aspiring actress.


Other distinctive features: Mother's wedding ring worn on necklace.

She has her ears pierced in the same style as Winry Rockbell. She has an identical Ouroboros tattoo to her father, but on her right deltoid as opposed to her left. This (http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/070/c/f/adam_taurus_cosplay_coat_decals__back_side__by_xaldrix-d79u51f.png) tattooed on her upper back (had trouble convincing Logan on letting her get that one). The Sindarin Elvish word for 'beloved' on the inside of her right forearm, and the Elvish symbol for the number '9' on the bottom of her left wrist. Treble clef (Octavia cutie mark) tattooed on her left bicep.


Truth tattooed up her right index finger and hand, And Justice tattooed up her finger and hand, Boondocks Saints style. (A tattoo she got to mimic Logan's own, which he got during his military tour. Unlike his being in black however, she has hers in white ink)


Her body has slightly above average muscle definition than what most would expect for her gender.


She is an avid fan of several games and shows (including anime, and anything RTAH related. She is fully aware of her father's resemblance to Ryan, and one of her favorite pictures is one she got of the two of them at RTX), and has managed to convince Logan to take her to conventions on several occasions, and even do joint cosplays with her (a most recent one being Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth Comstock, from Bioshock Infinite), and is as such a fan of MLP, which she has yet to convince Logan about.


Multilingual (English, Japanese, German) (despite knowing Japanese, she prefers dubbed animes)


Backstory: Born in 1997, Riza is the daughter to Logan and Allison Jaeger. She saw Logan only occasionally growing up, due to his being an actively deployed Ranger, but she still had a good relationship with him despite this. She was a people person since a very young age, and was always very friendly and sociable. She attended the school that Allison worked at, but despite this she wasn't favored, though Allison did tutor her at home. After Allison's death, she remained in school. Her physique is a mixture of her family genetics, and through her own choice to exercise as would be required of a soldier, something inspired by her father. She plays violin and cello, and has been since she was seven and nine respectively.


She owns a female German Shepherd named Valkyrie, a gift from Logan. While Riza does have a license for both car, motorcycle (owning one of each) and is working on obtaining her own pilot's license, she prefers to walk most places with Valkyrie, who waits outside most places Riza cannot take her into.


Riza has proven to be a very intelligent person, entering her senior year of high school at the age of 16. She is also an avid cosplayer should she go to conventions, having Logan aid her in building her own props and costumes. Her two personal favorites being Samus Aran from Metroid, and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist (partially because of her name)


Where do she live? Lancaster County area, Pennsylvania.




Name: Specialist Amber (Amy) Mira Church.


Age: 39.


Gender: Female.


Height: 5'5".


Weight: 113lbs.


Eye color: Vibrant green


Hair color: Black.


Occupation: Former soldier - United States Army. Currently unemployed and homeless, though she plays any instrument she can, primarily guitar, and sings for money.


Other distinctive features: Dog tags from her time in service. Musical prodigy, skilled in most instruments - primarily guitar, violin, piano, harp and flute/ocarina variants - alongside singing. Good enough to have had a successful career in this field had things gone differently for her.


A few scars here and there from her time in service.


Bilingual (English, Spanish). Faint Australian accent.


Backstory: Born in 1975, Amber grew up in Utah until 1980, when her parents separated and her other moved back home to Australia and took Amber with her. She lived there until she was fifteen years old, at which time her mother decided to move back to the United States. During her time in Australia, Amber picked up the accent.


When she was eighteen, Amber became pregnant by her boyfriend of the time. She carried the child to his birth in 1993, after which she gave him up for adoption and dropped out of college due to a mix of being unable to take the ridicule she received, seeing her ex - who had become abusive and unsupportive when she decided to keep the child - and lack of funds due to her mother being unhappy that she got pregnant. Amber enlisted into the Army shortly after, unable to think of anywhere else to go. The only things she was able to give her son was a name, that being Aidan.


She served as best she could - which was admittedly very well - until she obtained the rank Specialist, and was well on her way to Corporal when she was honorably discharged due to injuries. Things didn't go very well for her afterwards. She survived for several years, working several different jobs and managing to scrape by, but things eventually went took a turn for the worst and Amber ended up on the streets when she was thirty-eight.


She has been living on the streets for about a year by the start of the RP, managing to make money by playing a guitar she was able to keep with her before ending up homeless, and accompanying her playing with singing. She is in a good position to be discovered by someone who likes taking videos for the internet.


Where does she live? To Be Decided




OPTIONAL CHARACTER(less developed than the rest due to this. If he needs to be brought in, his personality and past may come up through conversation or exposition)


Name: Aidan York Walker.

(Pronounced Aye-Den)

Age: 21.


Gender: Male.


Height: 5'8".


Weight: 178lbs.


Eye color: Vibrant green.


Hair color: Dark brown.


Occupation: Professional Freelance Photographer, professional voice actor, hobbyist writer. Moderate YouTube personality (delivering video logs - because he refuses to call them vlogs - about where he is, what/who he's photographing, occasional montage type videos of his shoots. Humble Reviews (as he calls them) of books, movies, games. The occasional let's play (if the game has a good story))


Other distinctive features: Fairly well known photographer and moderately known YouTube personality.


Bilingual (English, Spanish)


A face that is easy to trust, and a very amiable person on general.


Backstory: Born in 1993 to unknown parents and put up for adoption that same year by his unknown mother, given only his name, Aidan was adopted by a family who already had a few children of their own and were looking to adopt another. He had a fairly good life growing up, did average in school though he was commended for his writing and photography skills. Attended a school to become a professional level photographer before going freelance.


Where does he live? To Be Decided






Equestrian Application





Name: Princess Luna (occasionally known as Selene)


Species: Alicorn.


Age: 1030+. Appears as though she was late 20's to early 30's.


Gender: Female


Height: 5'11"


Weight: exact weight unknown, but she is of a slender, elegant build.


Eye color: Light blue.


Mane color: A sort of mix between dark blue and royal violet.


Pony form: (http://mitadmissions.org/images/mit-blogs/Princess-Luna-Pictures-princess-luna-34772881-1280-1317.png)


Human form: (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/080/d/a/princess_luna__humanized__by_riotfaerie-d5yrs6q.jpg)


Cutie Mark: A crescent moon in a sea of black.


Backstory: Most of this should be known.


Sister to Celestia, and do ruler of Equestria. Luna and her sister had a good relationship when they were younger, and even in their adulthood, defending Equestria and fending off many who would do the nation harm, Avarice, Sombra and Discord, on at many more. Eventually, however, Luna became corrupted by jealousy and herself became a threat to Equestria, forcing Celestia to banish her sister to the moon for a millennia.


After her return, and her cleansing, Luna has been trying to atone for her past sins, and to reintegrate herself into pony society. She has taken to being the spearhead of Equestria's military focuses, while Celestia handles the more diplomatic matters. Luna leads her own expositions with her Thestral - bat winged - guards into the Everfree and other such places during the night to seek out and remove threatening creatures and other such things.


Despite her lofty position and how seriously she takes it, Luna is still certainly the younger sister, and this shows in her curiosity about many things (and her getting deeply immersed into most activities, even taking games of chess - a personal favorite of hers - incredibly seriously.


Ever the atoner, Luna set off on her own to deal with Avarice after the dragon pony fled The Summer Sun Celebration, after she and Chrysalis banished the Mane 6. In the struggle, Luna had managed to banish Avarice through her own portal, but was unable to celebrate as she herself was drug through by the villain.





I think that's all.... Let me know of something else needs to be done.


Plus: edited Aidan's bio to show what kind of content he produces on his channel, and added another job)

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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I may have gone a bit overboard.


Equestrian Application

Name: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadance)

Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/ Changeling/ Griffin): Alicorn pony

Approxiate Age (In human years): Mid to late 20s

Gender: Female

Height (Feet and inches): Taller than most ponies, exact size unsure.

Weight (in pounds): That's rude to ask a lady, let alone a princess.

Eye color: Magenta

Mane color: Streaks of purple, dark pink and yellow

Description of your pony form: Cadance has a light rose body with a slight gradient applied only to her wingtips in purple. She's long and lithe, often times attired in regalia fit for her station. Said regalia, a simple golden crown with a purple gem atop it, golden horseshoes and necklace add to her beauty, rather than detracting from her simple elegance. Cadance's horn is a bit longer than that of a normal unicorn. 


Occupation: Princess and ruler of the Crystal Empire

Backstory:  Born as a pegasus, Cadance was found in the wood by a nearby village. She was reared by said village, a group of earth ponies who loved and cared for one another. Driven nearly mad by jealousy and powerful necklace, a enchantress pony who lived outside the village, Prismia tried to steal the love of Cadance's town. Cadance confronted Prismia, and the necklace which had been used to steal the village's love amplified Cadance's compassion. Prisimia saw the damage she had caused, and changed her ways. Cadance was transported to an unknown realm, where Princess Celestia waited for her. Transformed into an Alicorn and presumably getting her Cutie Mark at the same time, Cadance was brought to Canterlot and raised by Celestia as her royal niece. Soon thereafter, Cadance attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.


As she grew into the equivalent of a teenager, Cadance won the hearts of all of the subjects in Canterlot. She was kind, and beautiful, and often foalsat many of the castle's younger colts and fillies. That's how she met Twilight Sparkle, and her future husband, Shining Armor. Shining Armor, along with many high school stallions aimed for her heart, and after many rather sad but flattering attempts, Cadance became his marefriend, and eventually his wife.


When in preparations for her wedding, Cadance was trapped in the caves below Canterlot by Queen Chrysalis. Chyrsalis wanted to steal all the love in Canterlot, which she would use to feed her changling army. Under the guise of Cadance, Chrysalis cast a spell over Shining Armor to control him. Twilight Sparkle, who has also been cast down to the caves finds and saves the real Cadance. Once back inside the city proper, Shining tries to repel the changelings with his magic. Unable, he turns to his (almost) wife. She tells Shining that her love will give him strength, and together, they are able to force both the changelings and their queen out of Canterlot. Shortly after the two lovebirds are able to join in pony matrimony.


Since then, Cadance and Shining have taken up residence in the Crystal Empire. An evil king by the name of Sombra was trying to take it over. Cadance was attempting to stave off his evil with a protection spell. While clearly draining her, Princess Twilight and her friends arrive, and try to gather some information on the Crystal Ponies. The Mane 6 attempt to help the Crystal Ponies remember who they are by recreating the Crystal Faire, however they realize they are missing the Crystal Heart. After much ado, Spike is able to save the Crystal Heart from Sombra, as Cadance's magic falters and fizzles out. She sees Spike as he is ejected from the tower where Twilight is battling with Sombra. She is thrown by Shining Armor, flies up and rescues Spike with the last of her energy. Sombra is defeated, and Cadance is declared to be the Crystal Princess.


In the lead up to the Canterlot Games, which were held in the Crystal Empire, Cadance prepared herself to take an honorary position of overseeing the development of the area before the games arrived, both her herself and her kingdom. Spike again saved the day during the games, where he was rightly honored.


The most recent events involved Cadance giving her magic, along with the other two princess to the newest princess arrival, to Twilight Sparkle, allowing Twilight to defeat Tirek.


Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Like her pony counterpart, Cadance is tall and beautiful, with the same lush hair and caring eyes. 


My_Little_Pony_-_Princess_Cadence_by_Rurutia8.png I did NOT create this art. You can find the original source here.

Cutie Mark: The Crystal Heart with two matching flourishes 



  • Brohoof 2


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Sorry, I was watching Toonami, but wow, what an app! You are in!

Aww thanks <3


Part of my moderator job is to review characters to see if their canonically accurate, so I've gotten to know quite well what constitutes a decent character application. ^^


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Equestrian Application

Name: Soprano Aurora

Species: Pegasus

Approxiate Age (In human years): 13

Gender: Male

Height (Feet and inches): 120 cm (3 foot 11 inches)

Weight (in pounds): 50 kg (110 lb)

Appearance: Light orange coat, light brown mane / tail. Tall, slim build, Hazel eye colour. 

Occupation: Student Paramedic

Other distinctive features (if any):

Backstory (A little more about your character): Soprano was raised in Canterlot, with an older sister. He was diagnosed with ADHD & Aspergers when he was 3 years of age, and it has plagued him for his whole life. When he started kindergarden, his only friends were the teachers. In primary school, he started to get more friends, but was a bully, because he did not know what he was doing was wrong. Later on, this improved, but he still never understood the other ponies.

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Fairly tall and skinny

Cutie Mark: Japanese character for water (水、みず)


Edited by SopranoAurora


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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No, no, no!


Something like this. Ya gotta wow me!:


Equestrian Application




Name: Diego.


Species: Unicorn.


Approxiate Age (In human years): Twenty three.


Gender: Male.


Height (Feet and inches): Five foot eight inches.


Weight (in pounds): Not a clue, but he's skinny and can't weigh that much. XD


Eye color: Red.


Mane color: Black.


Description of your pony form: Dark red and indigo patches, kinda like a pinto horse, on fur, short, spiky black mane and tail.


Occupation: None, really. Diego basically lives from day to day and spends a lot of nights drinking hard cider. If asked, he'll describe himself as a "chaos mage".


Other distinctive features (if any): None.


Backstory (A little more about your character):


Diego's mother, Shadow Star, was only a young blank flank filly when an older stallion seduced her. When she found out that she was in foal, he left her. Shadow Star's parents refused to help the young filly, considering her to have brought shame on them, so she moved in with a neighbour who looked after her while she was in foal and also for a while after her foal was born. Shadow Star left her foal with the helpful mare and tried to earn some money to support herself. She soon found that she had a talent for gambling, earning her cutie mark, so was soon able to buy herself and her colt, Diego, someplace to live. However, Shadow Star was not very motherly, probably cuz she'd had a foal so young, so she neglected her colt and he grew up a bit of a loner.


At school, Diego didn't really know how to relate to other foals and ended up spending a lot of time playing pranks in order to get attention. When he got his cutie mark for having a talent for chaos magic, other ponies feared him and started to avoid Diego, thinking that he had a connection to Discord. This made Diego resentful and he wanted attention even more, so his pranks got more nasty and sometimes dangerous. The only pony to not avoid him was a pegasus filly named Starfall who eventually became Diego's marefriend. Sadly, the other ponies of the town not only avoided him, but started to resent his presence in the town and eventually tried to get him to leave. Diego erupted into an angry demonstration of his magic which razed the town and injured some of the ponies. Starfall was terrified, having seen a side of her coltfriend she hadn't seen before and she fled Equestria for the griffon country. Her foal, Glory was born there; due to Diego being a chaos mage, Glory was born a pegacorn. Neither Glory and Starfall have seen Diego since, and he continues to live in Equestria, still pranking other ponies for attention and drinking away his sorrows in bars.


Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Spiky black hair, red eyes, skinny and average height. When found, Diego will be wearing an indigo pair of jeans and a dark red t-shirt, and black trainers.


Cutie Mark: The symbol of chaos.

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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You can play either or if you're only gonna play one character, just fill out an app!


Still not all that happy with it, but here it is… AJ's app!


Equestrian Application


Name: Applejack


Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/ Changeling/ Griffin): Earth Pony


Approxiate Age (In human years):


Gender: Mare / Female


Height (Feet and inches): 3'10"/ 5'8"


Weight (in pounds): 112 lbs. /…153 pounds when Ah'm ah one a' you Hyoo-Manes! *shifty eyes*


Eye color: Moderate Sap Green


Mane color: Pale, Light Grayish Olive


Description of your pony form: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Applejack


Applejack is an Earth Pony who is colored a light brilliant gamboge. She is of height and of muscular build, owing to almost a full lifetime of work on an apple farm.


She has long pale grayish olive mane and tail that she keeps in low set ponytails.


Occupation: Farmer / Key of Honesty /Former Element Bearer


Other distinctive features (if any): three freckles on each cheek. Also has a thick southern accent. AJ is also almost always seen with wearing her trusty Stetson.


Backstory (A little more about your character): Strong, honest, hardworking and dependable, Applejack is the mare of Honesty! She has a strong bond with both her family and friends, and after Twilight, often shows the most integrity of the Mane6.


It's no surprise that AJ's a hard worker, as she happily tends to Sweet Apple acres, growing the best apples in all of Equestria! As such, the Apple name has quite a bit of a reputation throughout Equestria, the Sweet Apple Acres brand being recognizable almost everywhere she goes!


Applejack is not a huge fan of looking fancy, as she once tried the sophisticated life when going to live with her Uncle and Aunt Orange, but found it too stifling. Ever since then, she took to happily getting all dirty and sweaty, as all off that sweat and dirt yeilded a healthy orchard and well maintained farm.


Outside of her duties to her farm, she shares a close bond with her five freinds, going through thick and thin with them, through both mundane and Equestria-wide threats such as Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, and finally Tirek. Applejack feels that together with her friends, she can take anything on!


Applejack is a terrible liar; once can easily tell if she's fibbing simply by watching her dart her eyes back and forth, as well as sweat a little.


Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Applejack will be a tanned, muscular young woman dressed in a worn orange plaid shirt, overalls, and workboots. And as always, she will be sporting her Stetson!


Applejack's eyes will be large and unusually green for a human, and her hair will be unusually yellow for a human as well.


Cutie Mark: Three Red Apples




So, does anyone else care to join? We could definitely use some more Equestrians, and especially members of the Mane6!


Bumping up the thread to see if there's still interest in this RP…


I'm looking for anyone who can write a detailed post, and who's into long term RPs!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
  • Brohoof 2
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Just an update: I'm still interested I just haven't had the time to write an application. I'll most likely get to it tomorrow between classes if I can get ahead of this week's homework.Then again, I'm not sure if I write long enough posts to be accepted.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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