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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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, @Pripyat Pony


Catherine gave the woman an inquisitive look and got down on her knees. "So you speak English. Well, first off, you are in Paris, France. And second, I believe what you are trying to ask is, 'Who are you?' To which, the answer is Catherine, or Cat if you prefer." Cat had been so focused on this girl that she didn't even notice the man on the other side of the courtyard




How could she be in Ireland and not know what Guinness is?? Chloe fixed her beanie and pulled down the sleeves of her sweater. "What're you talkin' about? You lost your wings? Anyway, you're just a ways outside of Essinkerry, which is just a few miles south of Dublin. So, are you a tourist, or..."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@Miss Reaper,


He was the greatest on the battlefield. Unmatched by man or machine. Peeking out from behind a sheet of metal, he picked off an enemy sniper with a well-placed headshot then bolted for a new hiding place before the enemy found him, picking up his enemy’s gun on the way. He cloaked and waited for his next target, before leaping onto the metal hulk’s back. “Yeehaw!” He exclaimed, pouring bullets into the exposed circuits on the back. Just a few more seconds and the battle was over…
Then it disconnected.
“Come on! I was this bloody close!” Alex Jones yelled. He had been playing Titanfall, one of his favourite games, for a good portion of the night and was getting pretty good at it. The parkour was his favourite part, especially when it let him get really high and snipe from a distance or just pull daredevil stunts with a 50% chance of succeeding. But his fun had been ruined tonight. He groaned and removed the disc from the console and looked over his game collection, some of which he brought with him from Australia.
Then he noticed movement outside. A girl who seemed to be in a panic. Now Alex was starting to worry, and couldn’t seem to decide what to do. “Should I help her? It’s not really my problem since I don’t know her and she might have someone pick her up soon anyway. But then again, if she’s alone and doesn’t have anyone to help her…” He debated out loud, before switching from his Australian accent to a Texan accent.
“Alex, Ah’m disappointed in you. Didn’t your mother teach ya to help those less fortunate than yourself?” He said, almost certainly mimicking his dad.
“Yes, but…”
“Don’t ‘but’ me, mister. You should go and help her. We can always take her down to the police station in the mornin’ and find out what the deal is.”
Alex glanced out the window then grabbed his jacket. “Thanks, Dad. You’re great help, even when you’re actually down at the pub. You said you’d be back at 10, and now it’s 11…” He said on his way down the stairs from his bedroom. The moral advice wasn’t the only reason he debated some things out loud. Alex liked to practice voice acting, since he had entertained the idea of becoming a voice actor one day, though he still remained indecisive about the whole thing. But a little following on YouTube was proof that he was decent. He wished they wouldn’t request him to voice act for My Little Pony stuff so much, though.
As he got closer to the girl, he discovered she was screaming. Or rather, trying to, if her soft voice was anything to go by. Approaching carefully so as not to spook her, he knelt down near the girl and spoke. “Uh, hello? Are you alright, miss?”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Oh I'm no tourist; I'm not from here at all! I've never heard of any of those places you just mentioned, haven't seen any of your kind, whatever it is that you call yourselves. I don't know what the name of this world is, but the land I'm from is called Equestria. It's a place full of ponies, griffons, dragons, and many other creatures. There, I was a pegasus pony. I had wings, and I was the fastest flyer around." She longingly looked towards the sky, depressed at the thought of never flying again. "But it seems I won't be doing much of that here." She remained silent for a few moments, before asking "So, what are you, exactly?"


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"…But dad, it's due by next Friday!" The young girl pleaded to the man on her laptop screen.


"Then why don't you ask Miss Bellamy? She's a native, after all!" her father responded flatly.


"But isn't she like the daughter to your CEO's company?" The girl asked. "She's a whole Universe above us, dad! No way!"


"Catherine's your best bet, and you know it! And it's not like you two are strangers. You both got along well enough at the party!"


The girl huffed as she relented. "Fine. I'll email 'er in the morning! Right now, I got another song request to take of."


The man smirked a little, before it turned into a frown. "Don't wake the neighbors again. Don't need to come home to THAT again. And start on your other homework, Colette!"


"I already did dad, Jeez!" Colette groaned. "I gotta get off. It's already past 11 here!"


"And I have to get into work. I'll try to call you again when you're awake."


"G'night, dad!"


"Good night, Colette."


With that, Colette ended the video chat, leaned back in her char, and sighed. Another three months without dad around... Colette knew full well if things went well, her dad could finally get to come home after the project went live, but still...


Colette rose from her chair, grabbed her bass,* then got ready to fufill that request...




You're so close, so close /

And it's you that I believe in, I believe in /

So close, but far away, I seek for your light/

I'll hold on/

'Cuz for you my heart keeps beating/

When the wind, the fire, and all is gone/

Caress me with your sweet lullaby...


Colette found that she was bobbing her head as she strummed her bass and finished singing the main vocals , but didn't care.

was AMAZING, and it was from one of her favorite animes!


Awesome as the song was though, it was out of her vocal box's comfort zone--totally not hard metal or alternative it was used to! A short break would do the trick! Colette had stopped her recording, replaced her bass, and in short order, was pulling on her favorite hoodie. A quick walk around the block wouldn't hurt!




It was getting colder a lot faster than she thought! Colette hugged herself as the wind began to pick up, wondering if the walk was such a hot idea... The wind kept picking up as Colette turned on her heel, the cold tearing through her hoodie as if it weren't there! To make matters worse, the sky seemed to grow blamed than it already had been! And just where did this storm come from??


"YAUGH!" Colette suddenly cried out as she jumped back, just narrowly missing being struck by a bolt of lightning. The wind was ripping through the air as more bolts of lighting touched down all around, pinning the teen in place. She jumped again as a bolt of lightning struck the sole street lamp, pitching the area into total blackness...


The storm disappeared just as it appeared, the sky returning back to the clear and starry night that it was... What was going on?? Colette looked around in as she got back up on her feet, lowering her hood. She pulled out her cellphone, and opened the notepad app, so so she could have a at least a little light. Panning around revealed something-- or rather, someone lying prone before her.


Colette ran over to this figure, shaking him lightly. "Hey...hey, are you alright?? Hey, say somethin'!"



*In case you wanna know what Colette's bass looks like:




Edited by Hypn0ticD
  • Brohoof 1
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@@Pripyat Pony, Magic? Trottingham? Horn and ponies? Well there was one thing sure. Either this guy was making a prank on him or he really was from... "there". 

"I... might have a bit of knowledge from what you are speaking about who and what you are but i am not sure you are serious or not. Anyways... can't you use your... you know... hands? Those things with the fingers?" he said moving his fingers in a waving manner to show him what he meant.

"So... Diego. My name is Dennis and this is the city of Patras in the country of Greece. Does that ring a bell to you? Maybe you have heard of it or something?" he still didn't quite want to believe this. I mean sure there were all the hints but he had to reserve some backup for error right?

@, Terra heard noises from nearby and turned his head, he didn't hear well since he was a bit zoned out. Looking he saw two more creatures much like him. One was walking on two legs... maybe that's the way those creatures walked? He tried sitting up and quickly fell on his hand trying to balance himself on it. He was weary and tired a bit, but he had to ask for help, direction, maybe even get a clue about what had happened to him. They looked... female... from what he could deduce from the short dizzy looks he gave them. He tried to approach them.

"Excuse me fair ladies can you help me? I seem to be... lost." he asked kindly. He didn't want to scare anyone or be perceived as a weirdo so he tried keeping his cool.

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@@Gloomfury, Clare led Shamrock back to the house where she was staying with Mary. The lights were out, indicating that Mary had gone to bed. "I'll explain in the morning," Clare said to Shamrock. "It'll be alright, tho. I'm staying here for a few more days, anyway." She used the spare key that Mary had given her to unlock the door, and led Shamrock in. "Come upstairs," she added. "I'll dig my sleeping bag out and you can sleep on the floor of my room. I'd say the sofa, but I need to explain things to Mary before she sees you."




@, @, Cicada returned the glance with annoyance. "I meant what I said," she replied. "I don't come from round here. In the Hive, there are no creatures such as yourself. Nor anywhere in Equestria."


Cicada broke off with annoyance as she saw another stranger. Tho he had been changed as she herself had been, Cicada recognised the tiresome earth pony stallion who she had been fighting with when the darkness had taken her. How come he had gotten here, and her Queen had vanished?




Diego shook his head slowly. "I never heard of such a place," he replied. He hesitantly curled the stick things, which the stranger had called "fingers", round the bottle. Clumsily, and spilling some of the water down himself, he took a drink. It was difficult to judge now that instead of a muzzle, he now had a flat mouth. Teeth clashing against the neck of the bottle, Diego drank greedily and felt his headache lessening slightly. He set the bottle down and looked at Dennis again.


"Don't know of no greasy place," he said. "Is it near Saddle Arabia?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Chloe looked at the girl like she was crazy. "I'm a human... Are you sure you're not supposed to be checked into some kind of mental hospital or something?" Now is the time when you back away slowly... Wait, didn't she say Equestria? I know I've heard of that before. It was on that TV programme... Er.. My Little Pony? If she's not crazy, this is really weird. "What did you say your name was again?"



, @Pripyat Pony


Cat nearly jumped when Terra spoke up. "W-Who are you?" She then turned back to Cicada. "I'm a human. And what do you mean 'in Equestria'? Like on My Little Pony?"

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@Pripyat Pony


"Alright..." Shamrock was feeling strangely nervous. She was with a girls she just met's temporary home and she was letting her sleep the night as well. The only time this has ever happen to her was when she met her father. As she followed Clare, she couldn't help but look around the house, she almost tripped a few times cause of it. "Why are you-" Before she could ask the rest of her question she tripped on a tables leg and fell on her knee. "Fffffecking hell!" She said though gritted teeth as she linched her knee with both hands.

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12:04 AM, Saturday - Manheim, Pennsylvania, Jaeger Household - United States Eastern Coast.


Riza bit the inside of her cheek. Whoever was in the yard was, rather unsteadily, walking towards the house. Valkyrie had stopped barking and resorted to just growling and staring. Apparently the person, a woman, hadn't heard her. The teenager slowly stepped back into her home, tucking the stock of her firearm under her left arm, and without turning her attention away from the backyard, she felt along the wall just inside the door until her fingers found the light-switch placement. She counted the switches until she found the one she sought, and flipped it to the 'on' position. The result was several floodlights placed along the roof of her home to turn on, illuminating the backyard. Some of her friends often questioned why those were even there, to which her response was usually 'Dad and I got bored.'


Now that she could see the entire yard much easier, Riza shut her flashlight off, and slipped the 870's sling over her shoulder, pushing the weapon behind her back as she stepped back outside once again, quickly walking down the steps from the deck and onto the mossy grass of the lawn and towards the stranger. She brushed her strawberry blonde hair back behind her ears as she neared the other woman, whom she could tell was somewhat older than herself - probably in her twenties somewhere - and had... a very unique hair color. As in, it was a blend of three separate colors, a blondish yellow, pink and purple. Riza knew she recognized the style and colors from somewhere, but that was not important in her mind right now. Rather, it was who this woman was, and just where she had come from.


The seventeen year old stopped a few feet from the woman, meeting her halfway to the house. Valkyrie came to a stop beside the younger woman - no longer growling, but definitely still on high alert. Riza held out a hand, speaking once again, "Excuse me... Are you okay? You seem a little shaken, which I guess makes sense and all, considering..." She let her words trail off into silence, just trying to get a better look at the strange woman before her, "I know I recognize her from somewhere... Well, there's MLP, but... That's ridiculous." She thought to herself. The foremost possibility in her mind was extremely far fetched. So much so that she wanted to completely disregard it as a possibility all together. But... Well, nothing tried, nothing gained, right? Right. Riza took a deep breath before speaking, her voice coated in uncertainty, "Cadance...?"


Now, that was a really absurd guess. Cadance. A character from a TV show about magical, talking ponies in a magical land. Here. On Earth. As a human. Totally, and completely absurd. Sure, she could be a cosplayer. But a cosplayer at such an early hour, right after some sort of freak windstorm? Okay, suddenly the former possibility seemed somewhat more sane. 


12:07 AM, Saturday - Manheim, Pennsylvania, Jaeger Household - United States Eastern Coast.



@@Hypn0ticD, @@Miss Reaper


10:04 PM, Friday - Colorado Springs, Colorado, Connery Household - United States Western Coast.


Bowen arched one eyebrow. Firstly, there were two woman lying around in the middle of the street. Secondly, both of them seemed extremely out of it. The officer sighed, stepping out of his home and pulling his door shut behind him. He made his way over to the two woman, kneeling down so he was on eye level with them, "Are you two high? Or drunk? Because I am really not in the mood to deal with that right now." Now, that was his first assumption, as it wouldn't be the first time it'd happened, but something was telling him that wasn't the case. What was happening, he had no clue, but there was really only one way to find out.


The man pushed himself back up to his feet, gesturing for the two strangers to do the same, "Come on, get out of the street. I need to ask you two a few questions." There were some ulterior motives to his instructions. He really did intend to question them, but it was also a test to see how well they walked. That might help him figure out if they were under the influence of something.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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While Rainbow had lost her wings, her personality was still very much intact.


"Hey! Just because I'm from another world doesn't mean I'm crazy! So you're called a human, huh? I think I can handle that." When the human asked Rainbow what her name was, she replied "My name's Rainbow Dash, the most awesome pegasus in Equestria." She grinned, acting as if she were some sort of celebrity in this new world. "What's your name?"


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Shawn whistled to the tune of "Winter Wrap Up" as he made his way back to his car, twirling the keys all the while. Tonight's Brony Meetup was a blast, as per usual! There were no objections to re-watching the Season 4 Finale, and Shawn wouldn't have it any other way!


Huh… was it getting colder? The wind was picking up, sure, but the drop in temperature seemed a bit much!


Shawn quickly climbed into his car just as the first flashes of lighting illuminate the now surprisingly darkened sky. Was it even supposed to be raining? Oyy, better get a move on, or else Stephen was gonna be pissed.


Shawn had tried to start the engine, but all he got was the soft click-click-click of a dead battery. "Are you fucking kidding?!" He slammed his fist down onto the steering wheel as he uttered another curse. He and his brother just put in a new battery last week!


Shawn huffed, leaned back in his seat, and looked out the window. The wind was howling now, the tree branches above him whipping wildly as the lightning's activity intensified, some of the strikes landing dangerously close to the car… Ohhh, no! If any of those bolts hit…!


Just like that, the the storm faded. "Huh??" Shawn blinked as the street lights flickered back to life; he wasn't even aware they went out! Unconsciously, Shawn tried engine again, surprised that it came on without a hitch. He'll have to check it in the morning! Right now, he had a twin to pick up.




Shawn didn't have far to go now. Just a few more blocks and he'll meet Stephen at his-- he slowed his car to crawl, as there was someone up ahead, slowly making their way across the street, arms outstretched behind them as if they were trying to fly…


Shawn rolled his car up to the stranger, braking once he was but a few feet away from her. "Hey, miss? Mind getting out of the road??" Shawn asked as he rolled his window down, honking his horn. "There are sidewalks 'round here, ya know!"

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As Cadance stumbled unsteadily towards what she assumed was a house. The lights looked odd. Not candle light, like she was used to. She decided it must be magic. She shook her head in confusion; it felt incredibly strange though. Feeling her forehead she gasped a little in horror. Her horn was missing. The panic creeped up again. Taking a few more deep breaths, she calmed herself, reaching 10 much faster than she usually would. 


As Cadance neared the house, a flash of brilliant light flooded the area. She threw her hands to her face, trying to block the blindingly bright light. Ready to defend herself however she was able, she got ready to fight. She then heard a young woman's voice: "Excuse me... Are you okay? You seem a little shaken, which I guess makes sense and all, considering..." Cadance felt a little better, hearing that there was someone there that was female. Then she heard: "Cadance...?"


Cadance still couldn't see who it was that was speaking to her, but the voice wasn't one she recognized. "Yes?" she said uncertainly. "Who's there? And can you extinguish that light? I can't really see." She had heard a dog barking, although it seemed to have stopped. "May I approach?" she asked. She was rather frightened, and she also didn't scare the pony she was speaking to.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Bright, blinding light. Aegis lost concentration, and with it, his tenuous grasp on balance. After a brief moment of flailing and trying to stay upright, Aegis went down again, landing on his already sore rear. And now he could panic. Discovered by one of the locals before he got the hang of moving, much less being capable of defending himself, and he couldn’t even see the one addressing him because of the light in his eyes. So he flung his ‘forelegs’ in front of his face and drew his legs in closer to his chest.
“Sorry! Just…don’t hurt me.” He said, slipping into his feminine tones in hopes it would make the local that found him less likely to conduct hostile behaviour. “I’m lost and I don’t know what’s going on.”
Right now, Aegis was visibly shaking and had assessed the situation as bad. Unable to move fast enough for an escape and incapable of defending himself in this situation if things took a turn for the downright nasty, he was left with simply waiting to see what happens. He peeked out from behind his hands, fear visible in his eyes. “M-my name’s Aegis.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"I don't even know where I am. What happened to my hooves, my horn, my- my body? I have no clue what happened or where I am." It was dark, but Akatsu could make out that Corsica was covered in a bit of dirt or grime.


Akatsu was a bit skeptical of this girl now. "Uh... Do you want to come inside? I can make us something warm to drink, considering its a bit cold out here" she mentioned, rubbing her forearms in attempt to keep warmer. 'She has to be either drunk or insane... Hooves, horn? And what about her body? She looks rather fine to me...' she thought to herself.


Akatsu extended her hand out in a gesture to help the girl up. "I don't have much variety. I usually just have tea."

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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@@00Pony, @@Miss Reaper,


Applejack merely continued to stare blankly at the beast as it closed the door behind it and make its way over to her and Twilight.


"Are you two high? Or drunk? Because I am really not in the mood to deal with that right now."


"We ain't drunk! An' we're certainly not 'high', neither!" Applejack protested, doing her best to work her strange new body up to a sitting position. "We're right here on dis-hyeer ground!"


Applejack eyed the beast as it rose to its hind hooves, gesturing for the Ponies to follow.


"Come on, get out of the street. I need to ask you two a few questions."


Applejack looked down to the rock hard ground, then to Twilight, then back up at the creature. "Dis-hyeer's a street?" she asked incredulously, before attempting to follow its lead. "Ohh-whhaa!" She cried out upon standing, jutting her arms out and wobbling them. "H-how in the hay am Ah asposed ta walk like this?!" She asked before managing to take a single stomp forward, wobbling a bit more before regaining her balance. "Ah think Ah got it…"





I know I said the queen was next, but I couldn't resist! I will get to her, though!


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@@Gloomfury, "Careful," Clare cautioned. "We don't want to wake Mary up." She listened for a moment, but there was no sound from upstairs. "Lucky Mary is a sound sleeper. Follow me."


Clare led Shamrock up the stairs to the spare room, which was where Clare was staying. She closed the door after Shamrock, then rummaged thru her bag to find her sleeping bag. She unrolled it on to the floor and added a spare pillow from the closet. "Here," she said. "We'd better get some sleep; we can sort things out in the morning."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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In spite of his efforts not to spook her, Fluttershy still jolted a little at the sound of another voice, quickly turning her turquoise gaze towards him. Though she was already fairly small, she seemed to shrink even further when she found herself staring up at some... strange creature thing. In all her years of working with animals, she'd never seen one like this before.


Then she realized that this creature was speaking. To her. Okay, so another sentient being, it seemed - but oh, gosh, she was shy enough around other ponies as it was, let alone creatures she couldn't identify.


"I-I, um..." She stuttered uncertainly for a few moments before she could find any words. "I, uh, I'm not sure, to be honest... I think I'm lost, a-and it would seem that my body... changed somehow..." That statement was punctuated with a glance down at... whatever these things that had replaced her hooves were. They kind of looked like paws, or talons maybe.


After a short pause for thought, she looked at the creature again. "H-Have you seen my friends, maybe? I'd like to know that they're alright..."




@@Hypn0ticD, @@00Pony,


Twilight was also stuck in a blank stare of confusion, until the creature addressed them again, asking if they were drunk or 'high.' Before she had the opportunity to speak, Applejack answered him; and since Twilight had a fairly similar answer in mind, she merely remarked, "Yeah, what she said."


She watched as the creature stood up on its hind legs alone, then asked her and Applejack to get out of the street. Okay, wait, he was walking only on two legs? And he was expecting them to do that? This was going to be tricky...


First, she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Then, slowly, carefully, she tried to ease herself up into standing on her hind legs. She hardly made it halfway up before she lost balance, yelping as she just barely caught herself from falling flat on her face, instead landing on her knees and wincing slightly at the impact with the hard ground.


Then Twilight quickly glanced at the creature. She knew he was probably expecting her not to make a fool of herself, and she wasn't succeeding very well with that right now. With a slightly sheepish look, she held up a claw/talon/whatever you call it and said, "Okay, no, wait, I- I got this." Her second attempt at standing went a little better, and she managed to get up into a somewhat balanced though still shaky stance.


Okay, so she was standing now, good! But how in the hay was she supposed to be able to manage walking like this?

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@, "What's 'My Little Pony'?" Cicada asked. "I'm talking about the place where I live. I come from the Hive; I'm the Changeling Commander."


A fresh wave of pain hit Cicada as she realised that her queen was still missing. She struggled to keep her face impassive. It was difficult for most ponies to understand how close Cicada and Chrysalis actually were; ponies generally assumed that Changelings were unfeeling. But Cicada considered the queen to be her sister; they had grown up together and were very close.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@Pripyat Pony


"Right, changelings. Like Chrysalis? That is your queen, no?" Cat sat down in front of her and started to think. Donc, elle est apparue de nulle part. Elle dit qu'elle est un changelin. Et elle a dit qu'elle ne sait pas à propos de My Little Pony. Ce n'est pas en ajoutant le haut... Ou peut-être c'est l'ajout parfaitement. "And what did you say your name was?"



So she appeared out of nowhere. She says she's a changeling. And she said she doesn't know about My Little Pony. This isn't adding up... Or maybe it's adding up perfectly.





"Me name's Chloe. And, just saying, that whole other world thing is kinda why I would think you're crazy." There are a few possibilities here. Either she's batshit insane or I am, or I'm still asleep. Just to make sure it's not the last one... "Oi, can you hit me, like, right here?" She pointed to a spot on her arm, then hastily added, "But not too hard! Just enough to know that I'm not asleep."



Corsica looked up at Akatsu and took her hand. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like that." She got to her feet and attempted to walk like this human. She was a bit unsteady at first, but she soon stabilised herself and was walking alongside the girl. "I'm Corsica, by the way."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Akatsu nodded and walked towards the lobby with Corsica. "I'm Akatsu, if i didn't already mention before." As they walked into the lobby and towards the elevator, Akatsu could tell that Corsica was drunk by the way she walked. Akatsu knew bringing in drunk people wasn't a very good idea, but she had to do something. The poor girl didn't know where she was... and from the sound of it, doesn't know where she came from. Akatsu lead her into the elevator and then pressed the 16th floor button. The gears and pulleys of the elevator rumbled and started to lift the carriage to the top of the apartment complex.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Few events in Equestria gathered as many ponies as the Summer Sun Celebration. And this year's Celebration looking to be one of the best yet, with the crowds of ponies. Most ponies were there to see the princesses, others were there only to take advantage of the crowds and make a few bits. Mirror Image was the former. She had come so that she could see all four of the princesses at once....and definitely not to make some easy bits by performing tricks in front of a bored and anxious crowd.

Everything was going well, the bits were trickling in, ponies were enjoying themselves...then the screaming started. As usual with ponies the panic spread quickly throughout the rest of the crowd. A few of the shouts had sounded like "changelings", though it was difficult to make out any single scream amongst the dozens of others.

Mirror did the only sensible thing that she could think of, she ducked under the nearest cart while casting a few spells on herself for good measure. Her plan was too hide there until the chaos died down. Or at least until she was confident enough to make a break for it.

It didn't take long for Mirror to know that nothing dangerous had seen her flee underneath the wagon. She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, the less curious she was the less she would move. And the less she moved the longer her magic could hide her.

And so she waited, listening to the sound of hooves pounding against  the streets as ponies ran by. This eventually faded into the sound of chittering of changelings, which in turn gave way to the sounds of battle as the guards and other ponies began fighting back. The fighting must have been close, as the air was practically charged with magic.

One of the spells must have flown astray and landed too close to the wagon, the loud roar of powerful spell nearly deafened Mirror. A feeling of weightlessness quickly overcame Mirror and when she opened her eyes the world was hidden by darkness. This was like no spell she had ever heard of, though that hardly mattered; judging by its effects the spell was many times more powerful than what Mirror could counter.

Mirror tried to move her left forelegs here was nothing to feel. It was almost like the right side of her body, she knew she was making the motions to move, like always but nothing was there. She couldn't even feel her muscles moving. Maybe she was dead? That spell must have killed her. There was no other explanation for it. It had dissolved her body and her mind must be on the precipice of death.

Instead of struggling against fate, Mirror resigned herself to her temporary existence, after-all it shouldn't be long before it was over. Time was difficult to gauge, she could have been waiting for minutes or possibly hours but eventually, after what felt like an eternity, a small ray of light pierced the darkness. It quickly became larger and brighter almost as if she were falling towards it.

Before Mirror could make sense of the situation, she hit something. Hard. The impact rattled her to the core. It felt like every bone in her body had been knocked out of place, though nothing hurt like it had been broken. She kept herself from moving. Nothing felt right, not yet. Her back legs felt longer than before, her forelegs felt...different. Just altogether different. Only her face and her left hoof could feel the grass, though that didn't feel quite right either. Her cloak must have gotten twisted around her somehow, since her stomach and legs weren't touching the grass.

Groggily she opened her eyes. In front of her were a few trees, grass, plants of a few types, all things you'd find in Equestria. It was blurry but they looked familiar enough. The one thing that did stand out was the house. It looked nothing like the architecture commonly found in her homeland. It wasn't much different but the subtleties were there.

A voice called out. Somepony was nearby at least. That wasn't good. Or maybe it was. Nothing felt right, surely she could use the help. Mirror breathed as deep as she dared and shouted back, "No." It wasn't much of a shout, barely louder than most pony's normal speaking voice, but it was all she could manage.

All that was left was to cast a simple spell to hide her scars. Mirror closed her eyes closed and focused her magic. This was a spell she had done countless times. She had practiced it so much that it was nearly effortless by now, even the ever constant drain on her magic was easy to ignore by now. With eyes shut she willed it into completion, the normally bright flash was almost nonexistent.

Which wasn't right...in fact there had been no flash. The magic that she had meant to use for the spell hadn't even been used. She opened her eyes and looked up, if she tried she was normally able to at least see the tip of her horn. Hesitantly she brought her left hoof to where her horn should be, while her heart pounded in her chest. It was smooth, there wasn't even a bump. Or fur! Just a few loose strands of her mane were between her head and her hoof, which also didn't feel right. It was soft, and the shape was all wrong. Mirror brought her hoof down so that she could look at it. She let out a shriek, the stranger entirely forgotten.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Rainbow could see that she wasn't getting anywhere with this...human. She, assuming this human was a mare, or whatever it is that humans called themselves, had decided she was crazy, and that's the way it was gonna stay for now. 


"You want me to hit you? And I'm the one that's crazy, huh? But sure, since you asked, I'll do it. I need some way to release all this stress you've been causing me, anyway." Rainbow proceeded to hit Chloe at the spot she pointed out, but a bit harder than she probably would've liked. 


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@@Pripyat Pony


Shamrock sat down on the sleeping bag after getting up and limped behind Clare to her room. She rubs her sore knee."Thanks again."  She takes off her hat and holds it close to her like a teddy bear.Then she lied down with her legs close to her in a fetal position. IT didn't take her long to fall asleep. 

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@@Miss Reaper,


Alex felt sorry for this girl. Lost and alone in a big city and very clearly stressed. He took notice of the way she looked at her hands. It was as if she’d never seen them before. Drugs? Probably, but then there’d be evidence of it nearby. Drinking? Unlikely. Her speech wasn’t slurred. So the logical answers didn’t fit here. “I’m sure your friends are ok, but to be perfectly honest, I’m more worried about you.”
He looked over the girl. She didn’t look like she had much besides the clothes she was wearing. “Do you have any family here in Austin? Anyone we can contact to let them know where you are?”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@, Cicada looked straight at Cat, her gaze unwavering. "That's right. How would you know that? I thought that nopony knew much about the Hive. It's why they misunderstand us so much. And my name is Cicada." She touched her jewel as she spoke, wondering if the Hive Mind could work here. Perhaps not with the Changelings who were back home, but maybe when she didn't feel so tired, she could attempt to contact her queen.


@@Gloomfury, Clare decided to get ready for bed, herself. After all, it had been a busy day and then a busy night. She took a quick shower, changed into her night attire which was an over sized t-shirt with Eeyore on the front which reached her knees then got into bed, switching the light off.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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