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My two favorite fan fictions would have to be...My Little Dashie and Cupcakes. My Little Dashie made me cry my eyeballs out, and Cupcakes made me develop some sort of Pinkie Pie phobia. After I got over it it became one of my favorites. ^.^

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I just LOVED 'Past Sins'...

It was EPIC Posted Image!


Was Past Sins good I am looking for good fanfics to read, I heard Past sins was good would you recommend it. I want something to read that won't leave me feeling like how i did after My Little Dashie.


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My favorites are a few stories that I thought were well written. 2 of them are Dark. Here is them ranked

1. My Little Dashie. This is one of my favorite fan fictions ever. It may have not been very descriptive but moves and flows well. It is very sad and I can't wait for the movie

2. Not my destiny. It is a great written morbid sad story of Twilight.

3. Rainbow Factory. This one has been turned into a song. It is a dark story of how Rainbows are created

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One that I will always remember for certain hilarious quotes is "Liberty Prime Invades- I Mean, Saves Equestria". Definitely not a fic to read to your young ones, however.


A Dash of Apple is also pretty funny, and it takes a realistic light on same-gender relationships.


And of course, Fallout Equestria. Kkat is my idol. :wub:

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Oh I could fill PAGES with my favorites. But one's I've particularly liked are:


-My Little Dashie


-Fallout Equestria


-It's a Dangerous Business Going Out Your Door


-Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog


-Creeping Darkness


-On a Cross and Arrow


-A Candle to the Sun


-TCB: First Contact


-TCB: Yellowstone




-Through the Eyes of Another Pony


-The Birth of a Beautiful Friendship


-The Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine


For explanation as to why any of those. Feel free to ask. As for reccomendations READ THEM ALL!

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Well here is my three current favourites anyway.

  • Yours Truly by Thanqoi
  • Tears of a Goddess by Thecrazyrabidfangirl
  • Catch You by PinkiePie35
I whole heartedly recommend all of these fanfics. They can all be found on fimfiction.net.
  • Brohoof 1
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There are two that have caught my attention


Retired to Equestria: A very genre savvy evil overlord from another dimension decides to retire to Ponyville, not as a pony, but as a Griffon.


Arrow 18 Mission Logs: The first person logs of a human that comes to Equestria in a space ship. He and twilight communicate THROUGH MATHEMATICS!!! Then later, she learns English, and loves to go on his computer.


Also, Nine knackered souls, cause Red Vs Blue crossover! :D

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I um....I have to go with Cupcakes....It inspired me to write my own novel; Origins.


I guess I haven't really read many fanfictions. I should probably start.

If anyone wants there ocs drawn, lemme know. I'm in the mood for free art. B)

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Well, i've read things like

Vinyl and Octavia: University Days

My Roommate is a Vampire

My Little Dashie


stuff like that, and they are the ones that I have throughly enjoyed.


also, there's one around here somewhere that i think is good at least...


ah, here we go!


My Lil' Vinyl.


only the first chapter is out but it's still pretty good.


i might be biased about it though, cuz i wrote it. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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I've never read fanfiction before now. Since first learning what fanfiction is I've always heard that well-written fanfiction is so rare finding it is like panning for gold. What do I find in my first foray into the medium? Surely not anything good, I've only taken a look at seven fanfictions- which I choose almost at random- statistically speaking, I shouldn't have come across anything remotely good yet. Instead, even the two worst written of the seven (The 63rd Rune and On a Cross and Arrow) are merely kinda dull, I might even finish them. Third from the bottom (The Things We Need) is pornographic in nature but even it bothered to have fluidly-written characters (though it would have benefited from more characterization and less porn). The other four- over half!- are all recommendation worthy. If I ever feel less lazy I'll talk about all four but for now I'm going to limit my comment to just the next two best.


Second Impressions

Description: "Fluttershy revisits the site of her worst night ever and comes face to face with emotions she never imaged she possessed…"

Thoughts: Think of it less as a fanfiction and more as a lost episode, that's what it appears to be going for. It's roughly episode length (nearest I can tell) and follows the series format, ending with a friendship lesson. If it was an episode of the series, it would be one of the best, the characterization Fluttershy receives able to rival that of Hurricane Fluttershy. It does have one problem in that it takes some liberty with established cannon such that one event seen in the series is shown to have happened differently. This would be less of a problem if it wasn't for the "lost episode" feeling of the story such that it wants to fit right in with continuity but couldn't fully commit without destroying the story it wants to tell. Moreover, if Fluttershy does feel this way her behavior in the series doesn't show it. But really, MLP has never had rigid continuity and this story- if it were an episode- could probably fit in without any of us being too fazed. Highly recommended.

The part in question this fic changed is Fluttershy meeting all the animals in Cutie Mark Chronicles. As shown in that episode the animals all befriened her pretty much instantly but in the fic it took a long time before she got any of them to trust her. In fairness it might be that since Cutie Mark Chronicles was such a rushed episode we're meant to take what it showed as more representative of what happened than literally what happened.


Fluttering Heart and Chasing Rainbows

Description: "Fluttershy's attempt to admit her feelings is met with fierce backlash from Rainbow Dash, and the brash young pegasus is forced to deal with unpleasant memories from her past."

Thoughts: Yeah, I'm a Flutterdash fan. Obviously if you don't like shipping this one isn't for you. Despite how much I enjoyed it I've little to say about it. It succeeds by hitting home a feeling of poignancy which, really, is all a shipping fanfic needs. Its only issue is that it's too short. Don't get me wrong, it's well-paced and ends in a sensible way it just could have been so much more if it had been more fleshed out. Still, definitely check it out if you're looking for a Flutterdash fic.

Note: Be sure to read Fluttering Heart first


Finished an 8th fanfic

Applecores and Rainbows

Description: "Applejack and Rainbow Dash attempt to turn their longtime friendship into a heartfelt relationship, without letting too many ponies in on the secret."

Thoughts: Wasn't going to read this at first because Flutterdash appeals more to me than Appledash but I'm glad I did. That it's excellent is no surprise, this was written by CosmicWaltz. While my lack of enthusiasm for this particular coupling did limit my enjoyment I still enjoyed it immensely; it's just that good. In particular the final chapter hits one out of the ballpark delivering the most satisfying ending one could ask for. If you want Appledash, here it is.

Edited by RationalistPony
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Let me start here - some of you here still consider me the "Cupcakes pony". Don't be alarmed, I still think Cupcakes is a great fic.

However, misinformed you may be, my favourite grimdark fiction is Cheerilee's Garden. The sheer amount of mafia-tricks and other interesting ways of torture just somehow entertain me.


But that isn't my favourite fic. No.


The greatest story I've layed my eyes on (in my personal opinion): Upheaval - Breaking Point and Upheaval - Reckoning.

It's a story about how the Equestria as seen in the series can be so surprisingly peaceful and free of bigger worries and at what cost is this kept up.

It's a great, GREAT storyline. Completely in-character dialog and actions, an abundance of background lore to make the plot (no, not THAT plot) all that much better, and epic scenes alltogether.


Upheaval. The fic Ouker recommends. Try it now!

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Let me start here - some of you here still consider me the "Cupcakes pony". Don't be alarmed, I still think Cupcakes is a great fic.

However, misinformed you may be, my favourite grimdark fiction is Cheerilee's Garden. The sheer amount of mafia-tricks and other interesting ways of torture just somehow entertain me.


But that isn't my favourite fic. No.


The greatest story I've layed my eyes on (in my personal opinion): Upheaval - Breaking Point and Upheaval - Reckoning.

It's a story about how the Equestria as seen in the series can be so surprisingly peaceful and free of bigger worries and at what cost is this kept up.

It's a great, GREAT storyline. Completely in-character dialog and actions, an abundance of background lore to make the plot (no, not THAT plot) all that much better, and epic scenes alltogether.


Upheaval. The fic Ouker recommends. Try it now!


If you liked Cupcakes, I did a spinoff of it. Basically Rainbow and Pinkie swap places. If you want to read it, here it is. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/57123/Rainbowel


It's my first gore fic so it may not be that great. But hope it's enjoyable.


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If you liked Cupcakes, I did a spinoff of it. Basically Rainbow and Pinkie swap places. If you want to read it, here it is. http://www.fimfictio...123/Rainbowel��


It's my first gore fic so it may not be that great. But hope it's enjoyable.


I'll give my comments right back at you -

The motive is good enough. Something that could easily turn Dashie crazy enough.

The "luring in" also went all legit.

Something about the act felt slightly odd. Sure enough, it was somewhat entertaining to read, but it's as if Rainbow Dash didn't plan too much in advance, not counting the cup. She didn't have too many ideas of what she could do for Pinkie's demise.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll give my comments right back at you -

The motive is good enough. Something that could easily turn Dashie crazy enough.

The "luring in" also went all legit.

Something about the act felt slightly odd. Sure enough, it was somewhat entertaining to read, but it's as if Rainbow Dash didn't plan too much in advance, not counting the cup. She didn't have too many ideas of what she could do for Pinkie's demise.


ok. I plan to do one for each of the mane six (minus Pinkie of course) so any feedback is good. At least it was somewhat enjoyable. Thanks for the comments.


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A Day With Dad by MyOpinionIsSuperior


Description: Rainbow Dash's son learns that unexpected surprises may come from those we underestimate. A story on father/son bonding.


This is such a good story. It's well-written, adorable, funny, and even has dramatic moments to spice things up when need be. I've always thought about them being an 'okay' couple before now, but now I can happily say I'm a full supporter of Soarin'XDash after reading this fanfic.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 1


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A Day With Day by MyOpinionIsSuperior


Description: Rainbow Dash's son learns that unexpected surprises may come from those we underestimate. A story on father/son bonding.


This is such a good story. It's well-written, adorable, funny, and even has dramatic moments to spice things up when need be. I've always thought about them being an 'okay' couple before now, but now I can happily say I'm a full supporter of Soarin'XDash after reading this fanfic.


I agree completely. I dunno if SoarinDash is ever going to be my favorite pairing but I like it a lot in this. You can tell that they really love each other even if Soarin is deathly afraid of pissing her off XD. Blitzey is amazing, and it makes you feel good to read. Also, sequel incoming! Time to celebrate!
  • Brohoof 1
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Finally got myself to sit down and write about those other two fics.


Fell Into the Right Hooves

Description: "Just weeks before an open audition for the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash finds herself unable to fly after a failed stunt leaves her injured. Left in the care of her friend Fluttershy, she worries that her dream of joining the Wonderbolts may have been crushed. As the days go on, however, she finds new feelings emerging for the pegasus aiding her recovery." Thoughts: This is, no joke, one of the most emotionally gratifying stories I've ever experienced. I can't praise it highly enough. First thing I did when I decided to read mlp fanfiction was look for a Flutterdash story and it's astounding the very first such story I read- that I choose merely because it was one of the first stories to appear in my Google search- is pretty much perfect. It gave me everything I wanted and I highly doubt any future Flutterdash story I read will ever surpass it.


My Little Timelord and Torchwood: Ponyville

Description: "Little Ditzy 'Derpy Hooves' Doo wasn't anything like the other ponies in Ponyville. Maybe it was destiny that led her to the colt with the wild brown mane and the hourglass cutie mark..."

Thoughts: It's strange, I barely even like Doctor Who yet this mlp/Doctor Who crossover is nearly, if not, the greatest work of fiction I've ever experienced- not something to be said lightly. Both the Doctor and Ditzy "Derpy" Do are sublimely written characters who blew my mind. In particular, the story succeeds by portraying Derpy as a tragic figure- the crude caricature from the show this is not- she's suffered brain damage and reading from her perspective it actually feels like we, the reader, have entered the mind of a person suffering from said. As for the Doctor, he's just as written here as in the show. I may have little positive feelings about Doctor Who but if there's one thing I like about it it's the Doctor- he is a genuinely terrific character and both the actors that have portrayed him that I'm familiar with (Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant) are amazing at bringing him to life. Doctor Whooves is definitely still the Doctor yet at the same time he's his own version of the doctor- an older, somewhat bitterer man. (Admittedly, for all I know he could just be a carbon copy of one of the older versions of the Doctor) This version impresses because he, like Derpy, is portrayed as a tragic figure, his pain more palpable here than in the show. That's not a knock against the show. It makes sense this Doctor wouldn't be as happy-go-lucky as he often is in the show; he's much older and has gone without a companion for years. Changing topics, it's ironic but it may be exactly what I dislike so much about Doctor Who- it's unbelievable cartooniness (seriously, this show is more cartoonish than most cartoons) as well as its frequent decents into pure fantasy (to the point I'm not even sure it can be considered sci-fi)- are what make it a perfect match for mlp. If you tried to tell me the crew of the Galactica or the Enterprise or the members of SG-1 came across a planet of pastel colored ponies I'd say that's incredibly stupid but with the Doctor it doesn't seem particularly out of place. Anyway, My Little Timelord is incredible and you should read it. *


Alright, onto my latest readings: 


Last Night at Pinkie Pie's

Description: "Everyone knows Pinkie Pie throws the best parties. The volume goes up, the drinks go down, and everypony enjoys themselves as they let the fun take over. Even Rarity lets her grace and etiquette slide for a time to party with her friends! But after a few too many the night before, she awakes to find a suitor shares her bed. This guest, however, is far more important than even she had expected."

Thoughts: The "guest" the above plot description mentions, if it isn't obvious enough already, is Celestia. If that sounds as hilarious to you as it did to me read this story, it doesn't disappoint. 


Thread By Thread

Description: "Everypony knows that Rarity can be a bit dramatic, but when she realizes her affections for another mare, even she has trouble controlling the theatrics. Every time she goes to say one thing, she says another, getting no nearer to the task at hand: confessing her emotions for Twilight Sparkle."

Thoughts: Another story by the wonderful CosmicWaltz, it's shorter but no less sweet. Not much to say about it beyond that I, as a shipping fan, wanted a RarityxTwilight story and this delivered brilliantly.



* The story is dead. Don't waste your time. 

Edited by ByTheTides
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You should read My Little Dashie - the story about a depressed, alone man finding RD. If you decide to read it, you'll cry like a little p**y. Just like I did. Cupcakes is meh.

Edited by StefanSreto

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I have read All of the My Little Dashie's and they are very very good, they were very touching. Also I have read Twi and Me. The beginning is really good but then things get a little... well how do I say this..a They start " Lovin' Touchin' Squezzin' " each other I will leave it there. But ya I recommend the MLD series and I you like ponies and humans getting it on read Twi and Me


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