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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"If you want to take a break, it's okay. Time works differently here, so you could take a couple hours and it would only be a matter of seconds. I had to take a couple breaks myself when they taught me this stuff." Again Charlie was trying to be reassuring. He didn't have anywhere to be just yet, so he still had plenty of patience.

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So it seemed the words did hold the meaning needed. She would have to try and remember that, in case she faced this sort of situation again.


But for now, it appeared their roads let them onwards, so she followed Senlin, looking around at the somewhat busy town around them as they moved closer to the castle in the distance. The ones around them still didn't seem too happy about their presence, even if lesser outright shushed whoever they spoke with and moved away. That wasn't to say it wasn't still happening, but there was a slow pattern if you looked at it long enough.


"Why do they fear? I heard them say Ponyville had many strange beings that had been here, so should they not be... Jaded?"


She sought a bit for the last word as she followed Senlin, but it was how things were at times. It wasn't always she had words for what she saw that came to mind with any speed, so at times the hamster had to spin in it's wheel a little more.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


Last looked around, blinking a little at the strange doors, then let out a small sigh and mumbled to herself. It wasn't clear what the words were, but something along the lines of *Typical* was easy enough to hear, if her companion cared for that.


"Alright, if these ain't working we just keep walking until we find one. Not like there's anything to do if we walk back, so isn't a bother... Okay, hold on for a sec."


Last turned and looked at the... Y'know, she was just gonna think *Pony* right now and then work her way from there. She had other things on her mind right now than trying to decide between saying he was a spectre or something else, like say... Oh, she didn't know, find a way to be remembered again? That sounded pretty neat.


"Would you mind if I just called you something? Just until we find your real name. It's easier to address you if I don't just have to say You. Might get wonky if we run into others."





@@Summer Breeze,


@@Frosty Frost,


"Row. Viws gedding Reawwy dark."


The muffled sound of Blitz was heard as she poked around a tree, looking up into the sky. Clenched between her teeth was the bag she had carried on her back earlier, whilst in it's place a box was balanced carefully. THe box looked like it could come from the bakery, but the doodle of the pony riding mounting a flag on a giant muffin on the top wasn't exactly the logo of the shop, so there was some question to that.


What couldn't be questioned by those with good noses were the smell, that did have the aroma of baked goods for sure ever so faintly around as she got nearer.


When she was almost at the door she stopped looking up into the sky and instead fixated her gaze on Summer, Frosty, and Damon, trying to smile as best she could without dropping her bag. Or well, who of them she could see anyway. At least one of them were further into the house and she couldn't see them, but all in due time, right?


When she could, she was gonna follow inside, trying her best not to get the box stuck in the doorway. It'd be Real awkward to get it ruined when she were this close after all. It wasn't one of her bombs, so it shouldn't end like one of 'em.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Seamore Sandwich,


Allure closed her eyes as she was breathing heavily though her nose, halfway between exhaustion and just calming herself down. "No. This needs to be finished. The sooner, the better. I'd rather not put off facing this." She laid down on her stomach and focused on an another image. The shadows began to coalesce, and out of the darkness emerged... Priestess. Just sitting there contentedly, as if nothing were wrong. 

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@@Blitz Boom


"I'm not sure what my name is, but I have heard somepony call somepony else 'Dewey' once. Maybe I can use that as a name, it's the only thing that comes to mind when I try to think of a name. Now what can I call you?" the horse with no name asked (I mean 'pony').




"It's up to you. If you want to keep going, that's fine. The rest should be a bit easier, as long as your most guarded secret isn't too much of a burden for you," Charlie responded calmly. He then waited to see what would happen with the image of Priestess.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom,


"I guess fear of having to clean up the mess that comes after the arrival of something... odd? Or because word got out that we are looking for Discord and now walking around after Stargazer took us away from town for a while, they probably have a good reason to fear us."

The two of them walked down a main street, in the midst of the townsponies who, in hushed whispers, mutter amongst themselves the oddities walking in their town. The big and gruff shopkeepers stood their ground and watched the two as the the young ones were told to run inside. But just as the two were already in the clear, at the center of the town with the town hall and fountain just before them, Senlin caught a glimpse of a rather familiar feature by the corner of his eye. Towards the back alleys, he caught sight of a strange, ruffled tail slinking into the shadows. He knows the sight well but maybe anyone in Equestria might have that same feature. 

"Omen, there's something back there I need to check out," Senlin pointed to the alley on the far right corner of the street just east of the town hall. "Do you want to come or will you be fine heading to the castle without me?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


Allure opened her eyes, and made contact with the doppelganger of her lover. She stared at it for a few seconds. *KA-BOOM* A big fire ball erupted from where the kitsune was once sitting. *sigh* "One of these days, I don't know how or why, but she's gonna do something stupid, and she's gonna kill herself, as unlikely as it is. She's tougher than nails and damn hard to kill, more than likely she's immortal, but still, I'm worried that one of these days she's gonna enter a fight she can't win or she's gonna pull some crazy stunt where there is no payoff at the end for anyone involved, only a cost."

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"You really do feel strongly for her. That's good. I doubt you'll have any trouble with the next step. Do you think that's enough chain to wrap the door yet or do you want to keep going?" Charlie asked. He didn't want to put Queen Allure through this any longer than he had to, but that moment might be a bit soon to end it. He wasn't very good at estimating, but the chain she created looked like it might be long enough to wrap around a normal door. Her door may need to be changed from a revolving door anyway if she didn't believe the chain could hold it shut, belief is the most powerful thing in the Realm Of Dreams after all.

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich, As the spirit made its good by cresent yawned still tired from the adventure from last night, "if you don't mind I kind of want to see some of the books here namely anything vampony realted" he trotted off towards one of the many half empty book shelv rows and started scanning for anything that poped out. He then saw a pile of books that, it really did look like a chair. He sat in it surpised by its confyness and grabed a random book with his wing to his left. "Order 72" said the book he shrugged and began to read seeing what it would be like.....5 min later he was asleep  

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

Allure let out a long sigh as the smoke & flame spiraled & twisted into the shape of a chain. "No. Not yet. Might as well exorcise all of my demons while I'm here." The new link joined with it's brethren. She closed her eyes to focus again. The dreamscape began to fade away into a window.  A barren desertscape adorned it.  Allure seemed to freeze at this sight.  The image was accompanied with loud screeching, hissing & buzzing of wings. An army of changelings. Over a thousand strong. All of them surrounded a smaller group of only a few hundred. These ones had purplish hues to their yes compared to the blue of their foes. A cackling filled the air. Descending form the sky, was Queen Chrysalis. 


"Now now, there's no need to hide, uh, Allure, was it? From one experienced royal to anoth-- an inexperienced one, let me tell you that you don't need to hide from me. Just surrender, and your hive will be assimilated to mine with no trouble at all, and I'll find you a nice little niche for you to work in. With two Queens, my plans for Equestria will certainly succeed, and all of changeling kind will thank us for it. So, what do you say dearie?"


A spiral of purple flames danced up from the ground, and from them rose Allure.  She stepped forward and approached Chrysalis, coming to a stop in front of her. "And what do you expect my response to be?" "Well, a sensible Queen would surrender immediate and join. A few others already have. Join the heard! Why I wou-" "No." "... well I did say a sensible Queen, didn't I? You think you could stand against me? Do you even think you can rule this hive, of all hives? This hive has changed queens more times than I've changed disguises! Your's has had the most dysfunctional lineage of all the royals. When one Queen falls, they just go to the next nearest qualified and for some reason, they get ascended. Maybe it's something in the water you drink, but somehow the least qualified drones find enough love to ascend, and get to lead the hive... right into a cliff. face it sweetie, your hive doesn't have the best track record in terms of receiving good leaders. What makes you think you can do any better? With me in charge, they would be lead to the promised land. So, if you truly love your subjects, hoof them over to me."


"You're right." All her drones looked to her. "There has been an odd history regarding who leads this hive, and questionable decisions have been made. And if I transfer authority to you...


..We'll never get to live long enough to make any more. Your plan is insane Chrysalis. You won't conquer Equestria. You'll incite it's wrath. The most powerful nation on this planet, one ruled by goddesses, will descend upon these lands like a storm, and cast the darkest shadow upon our kinds future. This attack will not be the beginning for the age of changelings. It will be the end. Think about this. How do you expect to defeat Celestia, when not even Tirek, Sombra, Discord or even her own sister couldn't do the job?"


"Ho oh? You doubt me? Of course someone as new to the table as you would. I have a way. And you, or at least your hive, are gonna help me, whether you want them to or not!" 


It was at this point Chrysalis fired a blast from her horn. Allure parried it with a shot from her own, but didn't have enough time to dodge out of the way of a charging Chrysalis. So she held her stance and hit her head on. Horn cracked against horn. And Allure was getting pushed back. Allure dug her hooves in and tried to push forward, but that only slowed down her aggressor.  She was still loosing ground. "Come now. You honestly think you can overpower meOWW!" Allure broke the deadlock, causing Chrysalis to charge forward, right into Allure's fangs, which sunk into the bottom of her neck. Allure buzzed her wings, lifting off the ground and tugging at Chrysalis's flesh, rotating to the side in an attempt to gator roll her. But the other Queen held her stance low, not budging. She brought a hoof straight to Allures temple. A second. A third. A fourth. A fifth one to her jaw broke the grip, before a right connected square on the muzzle, rolling Allure head over hooves. 


As she unsteadily scrambled back to her hooves, glazed look over her eyes, Chryssi jumped, assisted by her wings, and came game down with a two hoofed smash to Allure's back, driving her low to the ground. Chrysalis coked back a left, and drove it into Allures ribs. She felt something crack. Chryssi coked back a right and connected it with her chest, driving the wind out of her. A left uppercut, square to the jaw, sending Allure standing onto her hind legs, stumbling back beofre falling to her side. Phosphorus purple blood was trickling out her nostrils and lip.  "There's a reason why I'm a real Queen. With every victory, I grow stronger. With every hive under my control, more love is brought to me. You think with all the precious emotion I've accumulated over the years coursing though my veins, you could physically outmatch me? Why I just might be strong enough to topple Celestia herse-OMF!"


Chryssi's gloating was interrupted by a pivoting buck to the chest. Allure began to sprint away. She didn't care which direction, just away. She leaped into the air and began buzzing. Flying away faster and faster, until the outlines of a mach cone began to form. Then, she made a U-turn. At near supersonic speeds, she was going to return to Chrysalis faster than when she left. The belligerent had enough time to plant her stand and brace for impact.


*CRACK!* the sickening sound of chitin meeting chitin.  Chrysalis was skidding back, carving trenches into the dirt. But when she began buzzing her own wings, and slow things down dramatically. She looked down. Allures horn had broken through her chitin shell, carving a gash while being deflected of her chest and caving in a crater into her shoulder, the horn sticking itself halfway in. Chryssi began to elevate her position, hoping to overwhelm the defending Queen. But instead of coming down on top of her, Allure whipped herself back and used Chryssi's own momentum to flip her to the ground and land on top.


Allure ripped her head back, pulling out her horn and a few pieces of Chryssi's chitin. She raised up a left hoof, and threw it down to Chryssi's jaw. A second. A thrid. A foruth one. She lifted her right and thrust it down to her rival queen's muzzle. Left hoof was raised again, and she began banging the side of her fore hoof onto Chryssi's cheek and temple liek a hammer, over and over again. She bent her right foreleg up, and began driving her elbow into muzzle, trying to chip away at the chitin like an ice pick. Grinding that forehoof on Chryssi's nose, she positioned her left elbow, cocked it, than drove it down into Chryssi's eye. First she ground away at it, then she just rapid fire spiked it in there a half a dozen times, before a sudden gust kicked up sending dirt up into the air, beofre allure found herself in the same place, rocketing into the skies, with Chrysalis forelegs wrapped around her and her own wings. 


Faster and faster, up and up the went, before she stopped buzzing. The silence was momentary, beofre it started again, this time reversing direction, plummeting straight down. Allure struggled to get out, but the grip was too tight, and her rival queen too strong. Faster then when they went up, they both came down. *CRASH* A seismic shaking reverberated to all the lings, as Allure was driven into the rocky soil of the badlands. 


*Gasp!* *Cough cough cough cough!* Allure was now lying in a small crater, her entire body was almost below ground level. She tried to gasp in as many deep breaths as she could, but each one never felt like it was enough, her body shuddering with each painful breath, lungs never expanding to their fullest.  She shakily rolled to her stomach. She felt the warmth of her own blood smear across her stomach. She reached a hoof out to the edge of the crater, and proceeded to drag herself out. She was crawling, crawling towards the only thing she had sight of: her own hive. 


But she heard the hoof steps approach from behind her. She tried to quicken her pace. Her pursuer didn't even bother doing the same. Allures efforts were stopped when she felt a hoof press down on her wing. She weakly tugged to get it loose, but that only caused another hoof to be brought down on the opposite one. "You know, somewhere deep inside, I kind of hoped you would resist." She whispered into Allure's ear. Chrysalis didn't even sound winded. "It makes taking you and your hive as mine so much sweeter." Allure tried to crawl as hard as she can, despite the pain in her wing joints. "And now, I think I will claim my prize."


From the lack of warm breath on her ear, Allure could tell Chrysalis was moving away. Before the cracking of chitin and sharp pain in her neck filled her mind. Allure screamed in agony as fangs sank into the base of her neck. She felt the weight shift of her wings and on to her shoulders, pinning her down. She felt Chrysalis lower herself on top of her. She knew exactly what Chrysalis was doing. Asserting her dominance, the only way a creature who feeds off love knows how to. 


Too much power. Too much control. Allure couldn't win. And if she couldn't win here, then how could she hope to protect her hive against other threats. Chrysalis maybe power mad, but in pursuing such goals, she had become a deterrent to all other enemies of the hive. No creature would be stupid enough to mistake changelings for prey with her at the helm. Maybe she would be the one to break the cycle of this hive that seemed doomed to fail. A hive that only cared to notice her, after she ascended.


Allure stopped struggling. Just let herself go limp. It was all pointless anyways. Either she would be led by a clueless Queen, or she would lead the hive to nowhere fast. This hive seemed to be doomed from the start. A swarm made up of a dysfunctional branch, mangled up with remnants and cast offs from other hives. Always the odd ones out. Always the runts of the litter. Always the anomaly. Whatever fate Chrysalis had, couldn't be any worse than their shambles of day to day life. "Do... do as you wish... my-my Queen..."


Chrysalis let go of her grip and turned Allure to her back. Allure even tried to turn herself. " The winner of their battle leaned in close and whispered into her ear. "Don't worry. I guarantee you'll enjoy this part--"






It was then that the image began to rapidly crumple up and darken, getting crushed further and further down into a black chain. Allure was hyper ventilating now, glaring at her chain. With a yell, she threw it at the rest of her links, before collapsing, burying her head into her hooves, her body shuddering with each breath.  


"How!? How could one ling in my hive still bucking look at me, let alone follow me without question, after I sold them out so damn easily!? And right in front of all of them! How could they have even the slightest amount of respect and adoration for me, after I let that bitch have her way with me!? Just, just how!? Why!?!"  

Edited by Denim&Venom
  • Brohoof 1

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"I have time to wait."


Omen took a step towards Senlin, showing that she was going to follow him instead of heading to the castle right away. She was curious as to what she might learn up there, but Senlin seemed to be her friend now, and he had things he wanted to see too. Perhaps something about his sister was the reason he had to move after all, and as she had said: She had time to wait.


Though she hadn't any idea how long she might live, by pony standards she was far above expiration. 1015 years and she felt much the same as when she had first been formed. Or well, at least physically. Considering that master had often said that he was as eternal as Chaos itself, and she knew that those with both wings and horns amongst pony-kind - the Alicorns she thought the name was - lived far longer too, she had enough time to search later on.


She didn't know how long Senlin might be able to live, but even if it turned out he had a long time too, her goal stayed idle for the time being, and she had seen the Princess from her shades before. She knew how that one looked, and she had patience to wait a long, long time for those she sought.


Besides, she was curious too as to what had drawn Senlin in. It hadn't seemed like there was much more than fear in this town, so what might it be? They would see as she followed him to the alley, then take it from there.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Dewey? Good, we'll go with that for now. And I'm Last Stand, but just go with Last. Everypony else does."


She considered giving Dewey a hoof in greeting after that, but she was both unsure whatever or not she'd go through him and whatever or not she actually Wanted to touch him at this point. He didn't look too good by many standards after all the time he'd spent being forgotten, and she needed a bit of time to process this whole thing yet without adding up a worry abouther being potentially infected.


Much as she acted it, she wasn't confident and sure of herself right now. Internally, she was in a panic over what was happening, somewhat confused over the whole *Being forgotten* thing that seemed to now go on, and angry over it happening to her after all the other horrible and/or humiliating things that had happened to her since she first met the band of random ponies and assorted.


Back at the shrine though, they were used to having to look through blind panic and fear to get things done, and focus themselves on something simple. Right now, that entailed finding somepony who was dreaming and then... What? She hadn't any ideas from there. Her plan only went this far, with a grand, overall thing that was pretty obvious, so after this internal *order* she had given herself... Well, if they didn't get anywhere, she'd more than likely lash out at something. Hopefully it wouldn't go that far.







Vivid waved Crescent off, then turned and continued back to where she had entered, and down the path again whilst mumbling to herself and shaking her head a little from side to side.


She wasn't meant to go personal in any sense with others, or be soft like she had been before when the Batpony had hugged her. She had put those things behind her when she made her choice to abandon everypony for her own skin, and though she had looked back at that time with the thought of how much of a fool she had been to sacrifice that often since then, she could at least hold that where it belonged: in the past where nothing could change, and she had learned to accept her faults even if she couldn't move past it all.


If she started to get close to others again though, it would begin to change. She would think about new regrets, new choices and new ones she had to leave behind or in time, lead towards their afterlife, and she had already buried too many friends in her life as far as she was concerned. To see them leave her behind was soul-crushing, and those that had fallen because of her had felt like daggers in her heart. Both had been things she had once been able to bear, but there was only so much death one being could take before it started to take too great a toll on them, and with her it had started the day her eldest...


Vivid punched a wall before leaning her head against it, trying to get hold of her thoughts again.


"No... I will not go through that. Not again."


She had kept away from others for a reason since then, and she would do so too now. It was just a momentary lapse with Crescent. Just a momentary laps...


After a bit of silence through gnashed teeth she pulled herself from the wall and started to wander onwards again, caught in her own thoughts, thought away from where they had strayed before. She had enough of those things, and those pains, for now. There was a job she had to do, and then she would leave. It was better this way.


Hell, it would be better if they all forgot she was even there to begin with.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



Luna pulled a book out of the the bottom half of the bookshelf farthest to the right, reading it's title, "Ninth Edition Aid Against Agricultural Ailments. Still not the book we're looking for. How does Twilight have this organized?"


@@Blitz Boom


"Actually, on second thought, I think I would prefer to be called 'Nemo'," the grey pony said before coming to a door which was not faded. "Whose door is this, somepony you know?"




"From what I've seen here, it looks like you decided to live to protect your hive, rather than die with them. It is the more noble choice indeed to set aside selfish desires such as power and dignity to ensure that your people will live," Charlie said, truly impressed that she would go through such hardships to protect her kin.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom


If the ruffled tail was Lin's, then fate must've been generous that day or someone must be messing with him. Years spent tracking her may have been well spent but Senlin wasn't sure about that. Curiosity still piqued him and he followed the tail to the alley.


Senlin stood behind the corner adjacent to the tail's last known location and peeked behind the corner. Surely enough, one of his hunches was spot-on but it must be absolute. A tail that just happens to be coincidentally left in an alley next to a garbage can? It didn't seem right. He slowly approached the tail and cleared away the clutter.


"Really mischievous one, whoever did this." Senlin turned to Omen holding a cloth and leather tail strikingly similar to his. "Though I have a feeling someone is following us if this is anything to go by. I'll keep my eyes out for him. Let's go to the castle."


He kept the tail with him just in case it was needed later. Even if this temporary diversion had been just a distraction, the longma looked over his shoulder and at the rooftops every other second. There was a reason to suspect what just happened was more than average for a town like Ponyville.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I wish I could believe that."  Allure spoke, face still buried in her hooves. "A part of me does. But the rest? I wasn't confident enough. I was practically thrust into the position of Queen.  I had no idea what to do, and my predecessors were of little help. I do care for them, I really do. But even if I thought Chrysalis was gonna abuse them, use them as cannon fodder, she would've done a better job at leading than I. "


She raised her head from her hooves. "But they looked up to me. Even though they never gave a damn about me growing up, they looked upon me as their savior... and I let them down. Was I sacrificing my pride, my dignity, so that they could receive better? Or did I just not want the responsibility, didn't think I could handle it, was too scared to handle it, and just passed it on to some ling more capable, regardless of who they were. Did I give them something better, or did I just give up? 


They might forgive me for what I did. I'm their queen. They feel instinctively obliged to do so. But if that weren't the case, would they? Cause I know I can't forgive myself. They may have lived on because of it, but I could've, should've fought harder. Resisted longer. The end result may have worked out, but what does it say about the changeling they count on giving up like that? "

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"Your hive lived, that was the best possible outcome I could see for events such as these. It seems you were as powerless in the eye of fate as I was when my friend burned to the ground. From what I've seen of your fears, you seem to care more about others than you do about yourself. And so I must ask, have you ever given up again when it comes to your hive?" Such a question was a slight gamble, but Charlie was sure that Queen Allure wasn't the type to accept defeat twice. It was something about the way she talked about it, and from what her first fears were, he could definitely see she was the type to put others first, at least within her mind.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


Allure let out a long sigh as she closed her eyes and set her head down onto her hooves. "No. No I didn't. After the Canterlot invasion failed, I tried to take up the mantle, but so did every other Queen that Chrysalis usurped, dividing the remnants of her army to quarrel among themselves in civil war for control of the race. I lost to one Queen. What could I hope to do against more? But I didn't want to see my hive, my lings divided up and set against each other. None of them would've survived the fighting for long. I took as many as I could find, all that Chrysalis didn't take for her invasion, plus some others who were forced to her cause, yet not under the sway of their old queens at the time. We fled. Fled to the last place anyling would dare look, and scavenged for lost lings behind enemy lines, hoping to set up a home in a place where our most dangerous adversaries yet wouldn't look." 

She opened her eyes. "I haven't given up. Because there is nothing for us, any of us, if I do. I left them in Chrysalis's hooves, but while it saved them, ironically, it's also jeopardized their future, our future. I wan't to be the leader changeling kind deserves. We're better than that. I don't want to repeat my predecessors mistakes. I want better for us. I can't give up. I'm not allowed the courtesy of making mistakes. 


Cause I'm the only one left who can do this."

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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Blitz Boom,  


Frosty wondered what Damon was talking about, as he hadn't ever met an Australian before. The sentence "She'll be right." was reassuring though. It sounded like he knew what he was talking about.


When they arrived at Summer's house, Frosty looked up at the house. "Nice house you've got here, Summer," he said with a smile, "it's really nice and cosy-looking."

As he was about the go inside, he heard somepony behind them. He turned around to see that Blitz was back, with a big package in her mouth. "Hey, you're back! Did you bring muffins, or cupcakes?" Frosty asked her, as he levitated the bag to help her.


He went inside, and sat down next to Summer. "Woah, Summer, you look tired-" he yawned, "-aah. Come to think of it, I'm tired too. I spend the whole day doing magic things in my house, and I've just stayed up far too late. Do you have any spare rooms we can all take naps in? Or do we just have to buckle up, and go without sleep?"



(NOTE: I yawned several times writing this.)


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,

Damon looked around the place, looked really nice and cozy from what he could see. "Err, thank you Summer."


So then, Damon stood in the corner of the room, just watching everyone making their selves at home. Don't worry Barrel, I will find you... Just hold on buddy.. I am coming. He thought to himself.


Then Blitz showed back with some food. "Heya little Blitz, hows it going?" Damon asked.

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@@Damonater, @@Frosty Frost, @Blitz Boom,

summer blushed when everypony seemed to like her house. she gave damon, frosty and blitz some water and sat down next to frosty on the couch. 'if you want to nap, i have a spare room upstairs. but are you sure you don't want to eat a muffin first?' summer said to frosty and smiled.


summer looked at damon and he looked worried 'hey, damon, are you worried about barrel?' she asked damon, 'no need to, i'm sure we'll find him!' and she smiled as she tried to cheer him up.


then she changed her attention to blitz 'and, blitz' she said 'did anything happen in town? and what flavour did you pick' and summer realised that she had kinda missed blitz while she was gone. she didn't know her that long but it felt like blitz was her little sister. crazy little filly she thought and shaked her head.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Before Senlin took the tail away, Omen took a step closer and sniffed to air around it. She wasn't picking up any regular scents like perhaps a dog would, but she got the faint impression of an energy signature. Not one she could recall feeling before, and it wasn't overpowering so it'd be easy to follow, but if they met the one who had done this again at a later point, she would likely be able to tell.


It wasn't something worth thinking on now though. As Senlin moved on so did she, and eventually started to look at the rooftops like him after a while of watching him do it. She wasn't sure what they were looking for, beyond perhaps a prankster, but those had many faces in this day and age, so that wasn't saying much to her.





@@Summer Breeze,


@@Frosty Frost,


"Oh, be careful! I need the springs!"


Blitz couldn't go for the bag without dropping the box on her back right now, and since the tip of her horn were still broken she couldn't try and counter the levitation going on as Frosty levitated the bag of the parts she had been out and gathering through town during the night away from her.


Following Frosty and her bag, she ended in the same room as the other as Damon greeted her and she let her eyes of the floating bag for a bit to look up at the tall being again, wondering for a bit about how it'd be to climb him.


"Hey Daymon. You're still hungry? My friend found a box of all sorts of yummies in the big crate I never really know where comes from."


It had been a while since she stopped trying to understand how Storm Shine did things anymore and just went along with it, and when he had given her a dozen of the muffins and cupcakes he usually kept around for snacks so she didn't have to stand in line for that long, she had once more not questioned it. As far as she was concerned, he was like Pinkie Pie: Magical in strange ways.


Inside the box was a half and half of muffins and cupcakes in different themes, delicious and still slightly warm, and as she put it down on a table and opened it, the chocolate chip muffins that Damon had wanted should come into sight quickly for him amongst the mostly colourful baked goods in there.






@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I don't know. It all looks odd to me."


Omen took a few books out of the shelves, then placed them on the other book before slowly putting them back. Some of the odd signs had looked the same, but not many after all.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Alright, Nemo then."


Last would have to keep that in mind for later use, but right now she was getting more interested in the door she saw in front of them, though she couldn't place anything she saw on it as something she recognised. Not that she expected she might. She had never been in the halls of the dream world before, and she didn't really take much notice of cutie marks anymore, so for all she knew, this door could belong to anypony.


"I can't say this one's familiar, but we'll see when we enter I guess."


With that, she walked forward and opened the door, walking into whatever dream was on the other side.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


@@Summer Breeze,  


Frosty was right awake again when he heard Summer mention muffins. "Muffins? Oh yeah, Blitz went to get 'em! Let's eaaaaat!"

He put the bag on the table, and peeked inside. "Man, Blitz, you really got some good stuff here! Hey, even the chocolate chip muffins!"

He took a raspberry-flavoured muffin, and took a bite. "THEY ARE STILL WARM! Blitz, you're the best!" Frosty said, as he gave her a hug.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Summer Breeze,


@@Frosty Frost,




It was the only thing she said when she was pulled into a hug, loving the sentiment since hugs was always a happy thing.


After a bit of this, when she was let go, she looked up and took a rainbow-coloured cupcake with chocolate sprinkles, placing it in front of her but not eating it yet, she had a small thing to say to Frost first.


"You like 'em? Good good good. I'll tell Stormy when I meet him. I bet he'll like to hear that."


She hadn't any doubts she would like it as she sunk her head down and finally took a bite out of the cupcake in front of her, savouring the taste whilst slowly moving closer over towards her bag. She rather didn't want to forget the things in there here cause she hadn't an eye on it in the end, especially not since there was like, 6 springs in there, and she wasn't always this lucky with finding those in town. Not every day that somepony threw those out.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Charlie paused for a moment to allow Allure to collect her thoughts, then said, "There is a tradition, the last link in the chain is often created from the memory of this part of sealing the door for the first time. This single link is not used for sealing the door, but rather is left to hang loose after the lock. If you're done with the chain, I would recommend you do that. It helps you get past those emotions so you can move on to the next step." Charlie focused his mind again, this time letting her see the memory. She would see him as a horseshoe crab with three eyes, crying while watching another tree burn, the tree becoming a link in a long chain. That memory itself would also become a link in his chain as well.

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"Why, hello there friend."


Outside where Barrel had just broken out of, a grey'ish pony with a two-toned blue mane stood and faced him with an amused smile on his face. He had jumped very slightly when the door was broken down, but considering the wagon he was toting along it hadn't been that possible for him to get much up.


The pony's voice was rather calm and carrying a bit of the amusement that was shown on his face, talking like he would to anypony and not really too fuzzed over the breaking of the door from what it seemed.


"Had a bit of a rough day it looks like?"


While he externally appeared like a non-threatening sort right now, internally Happy Hour was thinking pretty dark things about whoever this was right now. He had been interested in seeing where this door had been leading since it seemed like a pretty odd place for it, when this maniac had all of a sudden smashed it open like he was doing a reverse breaking and entering.


He had half a mind to knock this one out in retaliation and doing some... *Facial reconstruction surgery* while he was out, but right now he were willing to curb the violence and see if he could figure out what the deal was here. Especially when his keen nose suddenly got the faint, but unmistakeable copper smell that came from that most precious of fluids: Blood.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"So, just focus on the memory of everything that has just transpired? Try to take all of what has just happened till now, and turn all of it into another chain to tie everything off? And then just let that one hang loose off of whatever we will use as a lock?"   

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"Exactly. It's tradition. The idea is that creating it as a link in the chain signifies the importance of facing your fears and moving past them. It also signifies that you control your fears instead of letting them control you. The reason it is left loose, hanging off of the end is because the memory of remembering your fears will never be as strong as the fear itself, therefore it's not ideal to use to secure your door," Charlie explained, definitely showing that he was a fan of tradition, which was a new concept to him when the Everspirits introduced him to it.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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