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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom
"I would boast that my kind is above all this but that would be only partly true." Ruby stated "My kind wouldn't go wasting their treasure here, but many wouldn't be able to control their greed, and as powerful as my kind is, there is power in numbers." "I just don't understand the mind that falls for this, you pay for the small change to get more than you use, but it's obvious that in most cases you lose, as evidenced by the fact that these places are still up and running." Ruby wasn't sure why she felt so talkative, but she blamed it on the alcohol she had consumed after she realized it.

Nada just nodded at Nerzhei's first statement, it was an unfortunate truth of life, but there was also certain beauty in seeing creatures go through generations of individuals in time that for her felt like a blink of an eye. She also nodded in agreement to the mention of importance of history, though she wasn't sure if her kind had necessarily forgotten history, as they told stories through their songs, it was just that no siren that Nada had met had known those stories.

"I think the incident was unfortunate, and though I don't deny that what the sisters did was bad, I did lose my trust towards ponies after how they reacted...it doesn't help that they wrote their history to be so...biased." there was clear bitterness in Nada's tone, telling that the matter was more personal than her words let to believe "And for interaction, I have quite positive feelings currently. I was found from my hiding place by a pony, she's...peculiar individual, but we became friends, and after leaving my lake, I met another individual who then got me in contact with the princesses, who at least seemingly want to help me to get the relations between our kinds back to more positive state." 

"I of course have my doubts and I would be lying if I said I fully believe this is going to go well, but I'm willing to give it a chance, and if things go south, I have my new friends in the forest to keep me company." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

The longma paused for a while, not expecting such a question from Rosa. Sen had his issues but through their adventures as of late, he hasn’t had the opportunities to think on them, much less acknowledge they existed. He was a little thankful their travels and the situation he is in was enough of a distraction to focus on. That, and wondering about what will come after the trial, was all he could set his mind to as those were the most relevant events he could think about. Then again… there are some things he couldn’t keep putting off forever.

How would he arrange a meeting with Elder Ghilan that wouldn’t set off an inquiry or worse with the council of elders? Sneaking Rosa in and having a secret meeting would avoid the suspicion but the elders would know about it sometime down the line. A private meeting with the council? A security issue or a fiasco is sure to follow. This is a tough one but maybe Sen could try that whole diplomatic ambassador route and see how that goes. However, there was something else that came to mind… an old memory and an old wound, probably one that couldn’t be patched up.

“You don’t have to apologize. You’re my friend and if you need help, I’ll provide it however I can.”

“As much as I value friendship, I just can’t accept how an old friend threw that away.” Sen sighed, trying to blot out the image of an old acquaintance, the same face they came across on the journey home. “There’s this longma back home about my age. We grew up together, trained together, and I was always certain we’d always have each other’s backs. But on the day I was exiled, instead of defending me from false accusations of putting the village at risk, he sold me out to the elder. I know those accusations were fabricated because that wild animal attack was a very convincing illusion, I investigated it, but learning my friend was in on it…”

“Is it worth confronting him about it? I’m not sure I’m ready to forgive or if I can ever forgive him for that.”

Meanwhile, Lin listened to Mother, saw the orb, but couldn’t pick up the object just yet. She appreciated her creating a chair and the gentle stroke down her face. It’s just, seeing Mother like this, something was bothering her. The longma didn’t want to pry but she couldn’t leave with Mother feeling this way.

“I’ll speak to them for sure, there is time for that. But whatever it is Mortimer told you, it is causing you distress, and I’m worried about you. I’m here to listen but if you don’t want to speak of it, I’ll keep you company for a while.”

The chair was definitely comfy but Lin hopped off and huddled as close as she can to Mother. It looked similar to the image of Shrimp laying by Lin from earlier and the longma was reminded of how calm and soothing that feeling is. It is the least she can do to ease what Mother is going through. 

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@Blitz Boom

Being gone for so long could easily make a pony become disconnected from what was once considered the norm.  On top of that, things change, in this case the local sweets pony becoming the town guard.  Likely related to the story behind the amulet Caramel hid under her apron.  Even if Lily looked in on the town every now and then to keep tabs for Twisted, or her own reasons, it wouldn't be too hard to look in at the wrong time to get a true picture of the passage of time.

The witch's response wasn't too unexpected.  Pride and worry for her daughter much higher on her list of priorities than the craving for a hayburger after his venture with Harrowmark food.  Never hurts to try, Rising always thought.  Dispelling the scry wouldn't likely earn him all that many points even if would be the easier option.  Nor would it be all the appropriate to more simply levitate her out of the O.M.I. like he did in returning Blitz Boom home after her escape.  Although the amusing thought of Lily continuing to hold the scry spell would floating behind made the detective smirk.  "What more can you do?  If something occurred all you could do is watch.  I cannot teleport, let alone at that distance.  If you could, you would have by now," the detective brought up.  Well, the wards of the O.M.I. would prevent such a thing, but she didn't even try and based on what the map told him before leaving, Lily arrived in Equestria via Twisted's power.

"If you'd prefer that option more available, I suggest we get a bite to eat," he offered again.  There wasn't anything available in the basement that he could makeshift a teleportation spell out of like he did Scarlet's pocket watch either.  Maybe expect for the Whisper Feather, but they'd likely wouldn't make it any further than Ponyville.  This wasn't official business so Minty was out.  That left one pony else that could help on such short notice.  Who luckily had a hayburger stand near them.

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 "Any mare that willingly takes in a wild dragon, such as myself, is as brave as any dragon." Pausing for breath, a moment passes as the situation settles and the young drakling looks down, a bit concerned before placing his long head by her side. "... if it can make you happy...sure then."


@Catpone Cerberus    Oh! Leeks! I get it!                    Shush, you can break the Fourth Wall, but not my Narrative Flow!


Oh! I'm a great example of that! Now that you bring that up! Widdershins floats backward in midair, sipping a teacup and floats a shiny tea kettle over to Cerberus with a nod, by means of offering some as well. Magic IS power, and you know what they say about power! (Between you & me, don't sass the Draconequus Spirit of Power. Not a lot of humor there!)

 Those who are born into it, spend their life aware of their magical power are more humble, but... take Missy Toilet Spackle there, or Wossnames. The average ungulate on the street isn't going to think twice about being friends or even dating an actual princess of magic! She wouldn't have the time to be friendly-friend, Goody-Four-Shoes, they'd think! Why most Celestia's tend to prefer ruling more hooves-off & in the background or elsewise get labeled as that naughty "Evil Queen" type for making others do rules like "Taxes" & "conforming to legal leadings, such as attending court when subpoenaed." 

It's a balance, surely! *Sip* Widdershins motions at his cup, the words forming thick, cartoon letters in the air by him, and giving the kitten on his head another thing to swat at for now. One we Duackonnakwatz are livi-, uh, Fine Examples of! Enough experience and one becomes so in tune with magic and how things interact that you become more respectful & humble! Ours is a species well-crafted with thought and deep character! Widdershins states placidly, somehow keeping a straight face.

And surely not made up at the last moment for a Guest Star.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom Harmony nods, "May I?" The fry take an interest in what Ziggy is holding, while the last and boldest is slowly moving toward Serenade, crouched down low with her muzzle as close to the floor as possible, her yellow eyes locked onto Serenade's tail which is slowly moving back and forth.

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Happy went over and reached a hand down to squeeze Aurora's shoulder, trying to see if she'd calm down a bit by this friendly gesture.  A bit hit and miss this one, but hopefully it'd work out with her, before she got a panic attack.

"Hey hey, no need to freak out here, alright? Hives are usually build underground or in caves, since rock and dirt is a lot easier to work with when it comes to mixing up with bile for some sturdy construction. Plus, you don't need to hunt for building materials, or have a village that's easy to find and siege."

"He's right. This were part of the hive grounds when Chrysalis were our queen, and even though we're trying to go up and live more in the open, there are a lot who finds it more comforting to stay down here, like they're used to. I pray thag we one day won't need it anymore.

And well... We don't technically have a dungeon. We have a few rooms to use for holding topside though, and the old conversion chambers, but I'm trying to avoid using that last place if it can be avoided. Honestly, I'd prefer to just collapse that part of the hive grounds, but there's... Complications."

Their trip went on peacefully, with the guards following them showing no want to mess with them, or anything like that. They just followed, and stood ready in case their king said something, though you could see that they were rather nervous about this whole thing. Still not too used to this role it seemed, even if some seemed very comfortable with it. Likely former hive guards.




On 12/29/2019 at 10:34 AM, Sekel said:

"D-Dia'thiz ... that ... that ... that really sounds familiar and I can't point out why,"

"When we were apart, we were Diamante the Crystal Antelope, and Verathiz, the Seeker Queen. Now we are one, those names hold no power. They are just remnants of what were, before we united."

The changeling queen's name might be what Atzy knew of, but if the part of Dia'thiz that were once the changeling queen knew her, the memories might need to be jogged from the parasitic changeling's side first.

Enzo looked with narrowed eyes at the entity as these details were mentioned, potentially having some idea what were going on here, and were opening his mouth to say something, when Atzy started to act up and his focus shifted.

On 12/29/2019 at 10:34 AM, Sekel said:

"Enzo, they want to be released and Atzy is helping them!"

He tensed down a tiny bit as he saw that it were just Karmic overtaking the body, though there were some worry as there were still a green tinge to her eyes that were normally only for Atzy. They might be running more out of time than he had first thought, when it came to separating without Atzy infecting the body too much with her own essence to make it irreversible.

"Is it so bad to wish for freedom, after being chained for so long? Wished you not for freedom too in your temple, when the dragons left you behind?"

"The difference is that I do not kidnap others to force them into releasing an invasive creature, like you are doing."

"We are not without reason and empathy, guardian. We wish only for a small piece of land to be ours, not for the world to be covered, like Rubitan, or Emeralze aims for. And this island is already abandoned by all but a few animals, now that you too have left. It suits us well."

"I know enough of your kind to be wary, beast. I won't just let Atzy, or any other, unleash you."

"What then when you hear that we can help her, who are trapped within? Atzy wished to be free, and we have promised that we can provide her a body of her own.

Try and see reason, guardian. Abandon your quarry, to take what chains us here, and not only will they be given what they desire, but we can free you if the burden they forced upon you, and guard it in your stead. All it would require is our freedom, and this island to call our own."

"And then what, you wil simply stay here?"

"No. We wish to seek others of these changelings, listen to how times have changed, and see if they will work with us. The one who lingers on the throne have many memories of these other creatures, and how things were in that age. We both wish to see how things are now.

Still, we will not crystalize their lands. This wil be our home, and long as it is not taken from us, we will have no reason to seek other grounds.

...Though perhaps, only a sphinx deal will satisfy you? If such, we will swear upon one. We know of the consequences for breaking the sacred word."

Enzo grew silent, as his claws scraped across the ground, and he stood unsure about what he were going to do here. This were not what he had expected at first when entering here, yet it presented a greag opportunity, if the entity were not lying to them. If sounded not like they were, especially as they were willing to make a sphinx deal, which were a rather powerful binding that were not wise to break.

As he knew not what to do exactly, his eyes went to Karmic. This were as much her decision as his, seeing as her and Atzy's own lives were at stake here. Their council on this would have to be weighted in, and might help him decide.

"...Karmic? You two might be greatly impacted by this. I need your insight on this."




"I know only that there are some paths up north,  but not were they are, as we sometimes saw exiles or criminals on the run come from there. If they made it to the shrine safely, they'd be given the option to join us and be protected, or leave and face the dangers out there again. I never met one who left.

The only path I know of for sure, is here."

Last tapped a point a little south of the shrine imprinted on the map, in the other side of the valley the tower were. If you looked really close on the map, you'd be able to see a barely noticeable mountain path that seemed carved out a long time ago and in great disrepair, to a point where it were hard to see there had ever been a track to begin with.

"Story goes that when the original Shrine Maidens came to the valley, they carved this path out, and blocked it off behind them, once all the supplies had gotten through. We were not meant to leave, so it kept our backs safer.

After Princess Luna dismissed us, we found it and cleared it so that we could all get out safely into some strange swamplands on the other side of the mountain. It should still be open."

It were the best offer she could give. A treacherous path, that would first require them to get to the swamp in question, and then through the valley to the tower, but unless Twilight could just teleport them near the area, this were all that the former Shrine Maiden could offer.



@Catpone Cerberus

"They prey on hope.

The odds are in favor of the house, but it isn't impossible to win something. Some have gotten out of town after winning big, and that hope to be the next higher roller - that *It could be me* attitude - is what makes them come and try.

It have been worse though. Back in the day, there were less rules in place, which lead to over betting and several bejngs getting into massive, inescapable debt. Things have gotten far less predatory and potentially destructive to ones life the past fourty years though, with proper regulations. The owner of the casino you were in? Diego? His grandfather were one of the worst sinners of the old system, and after his death, his son made it his goal to try and make things right.

In fact, many of the regulations actually limiting the earnings the casinos can get, can be directly linked to his work. He were a... Devisive figure, because of this.

The town honors him greatly though. The less predatory the town have gotten, the easier it have become to make it more family friendly and draw in families looking for fun things like carnivals with rides and other such frivolous distractions."

She likely wouldn't care much for the history, but it were important to make his point here about the things that lead others to spent their bits in this town.

That or he just liked to ramble. It were well possible.



@Catpone Cerberus

"History is written by the victors. It is almost impossible to find history that is not somehow biased because of it."

Nerzhei's free hand gently ran across the large, leatherbound book on her makeshift table.

"Though, the princesses that were there still lives. This history will be easy to salvage, if they are willing to listen to how the story goes from the other side, and mend their own pages to address this. Perhaps one day, the same can be said for the pony and dragon conflict.

But that is besides the point. As you said, your new contacts should be helpful in gettings things along if they are telling the truth, but I agree with your hesitation to trust them fully. Ponies are not the most deceptivecreatures I know, but it would be foolish to think that centuries, if not millennia of hostilities would be this easy to look past.

Personally, I'd advise you to speak solely through Twilight, if the other royals comes in over this, and then never accept to meet in private in their capitol. Not until they prove they're trustworthy at least.

I've met two of them myself, and while I trust neither fully, Twilight seems to be more curious than malicious, and have a somewhat genuine interest in making connections. I think there is a greater chance she will wish to move past things, mend fences, and correct history, rather than lure you into a trap. Though, that's just my initial impression. I'm not infallible."




"Confront him, and listen to what he have to say."

So this were something that weighed upon Sen then? A friend who had tested his faith in their bond.

Understandable really. What he knew of their situation, it had not been a kind situation that lead to them wandering the world, rather than stay home with their isolated kin. To know that one who Sen thought he could trust had been part in ensuring their expulsion, were bound to pour further salt into that wound.

"What I understand of your society, the ones in power can use it to do as much harm as good, depending on their motives. If one with a weighty opinion came and told him to betray you, he may well have felt forced to be used to get to you and/or Lin, or face the same sort of fate as you went through.

Exile is a powerful punishment for isolated tribes and races, as the members have a harsher time making it among others, as well as deal with the world on their own. In his place, I'd be crushed, but have to weigh it against the terror of being out there, away from everything and everyone he knows. If this was the case, he didn't pick the right choice in my opinion, but it would be an understandable one.

I'm not you, Sen. I cannot tell you what might work for you, with the bond between you that got tested by that betrayal. But if you want my suggestion, it would be to go to him, and try to hear his side of the story with an open mind. Give him a chance to tell you what he went through."

Rosa let out a deep sigh and ran his hoof through his mane.

This were perhaps not the right thing to say, as it could sound like he were just flat out defending that other longma, and told Sen off for being too emotional about this, but that wasn't what he were trying to do. He were just trying to get through that though he felt hurt, Sen shouldn't just throw this old friendship away without trying to see if there were something to salvage, and understand that things might not be as black and white as they seemed.

"If you don't try to face him, and see if there is something left to mend, I can tell you from personal experience that you will just end up with regrets, for potentially throwing something away that once meant a whole lot to you.

Talk to him, Sen. Worst case scenario, at least you'd know that it never meant as much to him as it did to you, and you can move on."

17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I’ll speak to them for sure, there is time for that. But whatever it is Mortimer told you, it is causing you distress, and I’m worried about you. I’m here to listen but if you don’t want to speak of it, I’ll keep you company for a while.”

"Such a sweet child you are."

Mother smiled at the precious little halfling that had come for answers, yet now offered comfort to this weary old soul. It spoke greatly of Lin that her heart were this large, when she may well have something of importance to bring before the ball, and seeing how life had not been too kind for the poor thing. Mother had many children who would not be this kind, or patient, if they were in Lin's place right now.

"I wish not to burden you with what troubles me, but I feel as if you will not stop being concerned until you know.

*sigh* Know firstly that Mortimer did not come here to cause trouble. He does not think my choice were the right one, but he respects it, and came bearing lost spirits, whom he judged to fit this realms purpose. This is the source of much of my weakened state, child. Taking so many and making them part of the other children, is a taxing endeavor, even if he had cleansed them before arrival.

Whilst here, he briefly spoke to me of olden days, and stopped me when he judged my memory to be wrong. It seems so much time had passed with both this and what came before, that I had forgotten what we all once were, and being told this have given me much to ponder.

I wish not to bore you with details, lest you wish to hear them, but let it be said that once upon a time, I wandered across plains familiar to you, in shape reminiscent of Omen's master, with little purpose to my action. Many of us did, before Mortimer decided that some of us were meant for greater things."

Mother let out a weak chuckle, finding some amusement in thinking how she had treated Diwcord, and wondering if all along, he had perhaps known, and just didn't have the heart to tell her the truth. A bluntness which Mortimer did not lack.

"Might I ask you though, what brings you to seek out the orb? Have something happened which requires their wisdom?"



@Rising Dusk

The way Rising phrased himself might need some work, as to Lily, it sounded as if he said *Come eat, or you're just going to be forced to watch them get hurt*. Something which forced her to move, reluctant as she were to indulge in such frivolous things when her daughter were being transported by a mottly crew headed for the capitol. Oh right, and she were harboring an unknown magic spell too, just to make everything better.

"Youth these days. No respect for their elders anymore... Peh, fine. But I'm not leaving this behind."

The bauble started to float in front of her with a pretty simple levitation spell, before she rose up and slowly walked towards Rising. It may be that she had some awareness of her surroundings, and weren't stumbling blindly, but this shared perspective tended to mess with her visual regardless, so she'd have to wander with care, at a slow pace, and potentially lead on the detective a few times.

Still, many others could not wander at all whilst doing this, so she'd still consider herself to be among the best. Though, she had seen one once who wandered around the roads in the north of Harrowmark some years back, with seven baubles dancing lazily and active around him. It were but a brief look through, as he bit notice in her scry, and with a wide, disturbing grin, did some sort of magic that caused her own baubles to explode. She had never seen this one again, and frankly, she hoped never to do so. Something about that look in his half-covered eyes had made the small hairs on the back of her neck stand tall.

"Lead the way then, but keep your pace slow. This takes more focus than most care to think about."




"Yeppers, just don't open it. You're supposed to jusg sorta squeeze it, and a puff comes out from the top.

If I did it right, it should jolt her right outta this state. If I didn't, it miiiight cause her to go into a sneezing fit. Potwntially with bubbles. For some reason bubbles are pretty often part of it when I mess something up."

Ziggy reached the pouch towards Harmony, whilst sratching the fry still with her under the chin, curious as to how this would go. Almost as much as how it'd go with the other fry, who seemed to be getting readh to pounce on Serenade's tal. A risky move, but she were sure that Serenade would find this equally adorable and funny as Ziggy did, soon as the siren were jolted out of her halfway sleep state. Would be interesting to see if the pouch, or the fry, would be the one to get the job done.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


Conversion chambers? That was a new concept for Aurora to hear. She flicked her ears and appeared to calm down when Happy reassured her. She took in a few breaths and let them out slowly before managing to give them a small smile. One thing at a time and she'll be fine. Ignoring the fact that Chrysalis used to have this hive, she responded to Thorax. "Conversion chambers. What are those? From the way you spoke of them, it sounds like a terrible thing."

@Blitz Boom


"They sound genuine," Karmic managed to get out before Atzy forced her way into control once more. Her body shivered and she laid down on the diamond she sat upon. Drawing in air to reorient herself, Atzy opened her eyes to reveal fully green eyes once more.

"Don't interfere, Enzo. This could be a better way to separate Karmic and I. Dia'Thiz mentioned the full name of the queen she's a part of and it jogged my memory, a bit. I don't know how I managed to get out of this place, but Verathiz was my Queen," Atzy told Enzo as much as Dia'Thiz before craning her neck to look up at the crystallized antelope head. Her gaze shifted and she looked at the changeling encased in the multi-layered diamond. "Queen Verathiz was kind to her changelings. Some of us panicked when she got taken over by an entity. There were some changelings following me but as far as I know, I'm the only one that's left this place."

@Blitz Boom


"I would teleport us there based on what i'm seeing on the map," Twilight mumbled as she peered at the mountain path and tried to follow it with her eyes to the tower despite it not going anywhere near the spire. "But I need to either know the exact co-ordinates, or I need to have been the place before to accurately perform the spell. This is our best shot for now of finding Marepunzel. Who's up for a road trip?"



"HA! You're not wild!" Dawn laughed, holding her hooves over her muzzle to try to stifle her giggling. She buried her face in the floor of her lounge room and tried to muffle her laughter further. She was unsuccessful and her mirth bubbled forth. "You're like Princess Twilight's assistant! All docile and complacent with ponies."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

“I don’t know, Rosa. I… I guess don’t know what I am going to hear and that scares me. What if he really didn’t care and only did it to get ahead? Or if it was the other way and he really had no other choice? I…”

Sen’s breathing began to accelerate, his body shivering and shaking, almost going into a convulsion. Just the thought that he might have been harboring an irrational grudge this whole time didn’t sit well with him. If those times he saw his old friend and shot him an angry growl to scare him off wasn’t called for, could he be sabotaging all attempts at reconciliation because he was too caught up in what has been? The two were best friends once but there was no way they could start over, could they?

Only after a minute or two did he calm down, claw gripping his chest, eyes watering. Evident that there was guilt on his part, realizing it and it was weighing him down, Sen continued:

“The truth, that’s what matters. I don’t know if this is issue weighing my old friend down as much as me but at the very least, we both need closure from this, whatever form it takes. Thank you for your input. I suppose that put things into perspective.”

Back at Mother’s realm, Lin listened intently, unsure what to make of it given how cryptic Mother’s language makes her situation prior to becoming who she is now, but the idea is there clear as day. It did raise some questions about how Mortimer chooses lost spirits and what makes them fit for their purpose in Mother’s realm. What was it like for them? And how would they integrate? If Mortimer knew of Lin and Sen’s closeness with Mother, would that make them candidates for the same process? So much to ask but now was not the time for it. 

“If you know in your heart that your choice is right and you can live with it, then you probably made the right choice. You know yourself better and your choice reflects who you are. I don’t know if that helped but ponies say this a lot and it seems to work with them."

“As for your question, Sen, Omen, and I are helping out a friend, a bat pony named Rosa. We’ve recently received a letter with a warning on it but it’s in a language we don’t know. Hopefully our friends in the orb might recognize the language and translate it. How we met him is a long story but it all started when we first returned home. Only days after did we realize something happened to Omen…”

The longma spent the next few moments recounting their adventure, the creatures they’ve met, the places they’ve been. She spared no detail and went up to the last few days holed up in a cave while waiting for the Rosa’s trial. She was especially fond of the friendships they’ve made with Amethyst and Rosa, and the way she spoke sounded like she was singing praises of how much their outlook on societies outside the longma have shaped their own. 

“It’s funny how all of this started because a pony bent on revenge,” the longma chuckled. “Hopefully we’re able to catch Filigree and bring her to justice. It should’ve been simply rescuing Omen but after what Filigree did, she made it personal.”

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Cerberus took on the offer and took a metal drink bowl to use as a cup from somewhere. "I guess so, though is a guest that appears several times and becomes important really a guest?" he simply responded, he had listened everything Widdershins had said and waited for his tea to cool, he didn't comment on anything else because he honestly had no idea what he was supposed to address from all of it. "But speaking of others of your kind, have you met Miseria? The spirit of misfortune? I don't know if it's he or she, the gender is whatever is convenient at the time." 

@Blitz Boom
Marley was right, Ruby didn't care, but at least it was more entertaining than silence "Fool's business none the less." she simply concluded "Hope...it's a weakling's mindset." that was all she had to say about it, until of course Marley continued on it. 

"I'll keep your advice in mind, but I have actually talked with Luna already, face to face." Nada informed "I have actually met her and her sister before too, when they were...a lot younger, and Luna at least seems to remember me, and if what I have learned is correct, she has been in similar-ish situation as I with the whole being banished into the moon thing."  she explained "My worries aren't necessarily related to them, but to other ponies, the civilians...and it doesn't help that apparently those behind the banishment of the sisters are still alive too." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom Harmony nods, takes the small packet and puffs a small amount into Serenade's face. Serenade's eyes suddenly go wide and she starts...hiccuping. The fry start giggling, and the one that was stalking Serenade's tail rolls onto her back and kicks her hooves into the air.

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 Jerking his head back up indignantly in surprise, Kaltrop takes offense. "I should say not! That is the role of a pet! To be tossed aside when the pony tires of them! Ponies take advantage of young hatchlings, ruin their lives and throwing them away when their interest wanes!

 You, on the other wing, have a bit more of a track record so far with me! I'd say WE aren't exactly "docile."!" The drake raises his wingtips and wiggles them forward a bit to emphasize his quotation of the last word.


@Catpone Cerberus

Oh, Importance, Gender, these are Mortal concepts. Not like how we Dahgonnawhee perceive of it in our lives of being embodiments of concepts... Uh, I digress though. Widdershins stumbles, having become slightly more aware this time that he just spoke himself into a corner again. Like... for example, I'm sure MOST beings would call getting hit in the face with a cinderblock as painful enough to be "Important", but it happens so often to me I've gotten fairly used to it! The day you get hit with a cinderblock, it was doctor bills and drama, for me... It is merely a Tuesday.

… but I digress!

As to your question, I might have very well. It's been so terribly long since I've met another of my kind, but it could have been so very long ago I've forgotten meeting them/It. Time is... kind of nebulous for me these days! Each day is a new continuity! Could meet them tomorrow, and tomorrow could be a decade ago for as well as I adhere to how mortals see time!


(To @Blitz Boom or whomever else wishes to meet a new experience!)


 Through the quiet of the day, unnoticed by most passerby ponies he walked past in town, a small blue unicorn scuttles by in a worried rush towards the tallest building in town. A few inches short of most mares, slight in build and mane long and curling in a power-blue glint of a crescent from the base of his horn to curl around to his cheek most would easily mistake him for such a mare or envy his natural, unintentional prettiness.

 But such things were rarely on Blither's constant tizzy of a mind. Responsibility usually fell onto him, being the eldest and the rest of his family were hardly to be depended on, they could barely function without breaking a few walls down. This matter, of course, being what led to his incessant, under-the-breath mumblings of worry, dread, more worry and those little crease lines under the eyes most parents & older siblings get. 

 Blither was new to this area. A matter which was hardly surprising given how often his family got chased out of towns. A family that he wasn't currently aware of where they were, which as history would prove usually meant half the town was about to get demolished. Desparate for help, yet another feeling Blither was prone to, he sprinted towards the tall, decorated building ahead of him hoping it would be where the head of town, some semblance of local leadership, royalty or at least somepony important enough to take immediate notice of somepony who stood out more than would be healthy.


 In from the opposite side of town, through the treeline of the Everfree glided in Sunny Flush. Glided, of course being operative here, as she covered quite a lot of distance with each step. She didn't much take in her surroundings as excitedly dazzled her eyes around, fascinated by the glint of a new ponytown to make friends at.

 She was quite the mare. Not only did she turn several heads, but several stallions dining outside at a restaurant she passed by fell out of their chairs. She was so much mare it left that coppery ting in your mouth from stunned surprise. It helped that she very nearly past nine feet tall, at about Celestia's stance & height and build but taking up far more noticeable room. Clearly of earth pony stock, muscle rippled through her limbs and golden, nearly shining hide as the few errant twigs from the forest seemed to fall off of her from shame. Her head grazed the eaves of most houses she went past with her thick mane of bouncy, platinum blond-white curls as she nearly filled the entirety of the street with just how big she was. This was a mare that beggared belief in how Equestria could bear a horse quite this huge... or really how bad a lot her mother must have had to birth a foal that size!

 Suddenly, Sunny let out an ear-piercing shriek, as she sprints past in a blur to a nearby front garden of a house she was skipping past. "YEEEE! LOOKIT THE PURDY FLOWERS, Y'ALL! Think that'un's a daisy! Ah just LOVE DAISIES!!" The giant mare excitedly chirrups to nobody in particular, her voice carrying for streets in all directions, unintentionally. "Ain' y'all just the bestest-best done fancy that a girl could e'er done wish fer! YEEEEE!!! AND A SQUIRRELLY POO! Lookit the squirrely-poo! WHOSA CUTSEY! C'MERE LITTLE CUTIE!!" 

 Sunny happily pounces to look at the squirrel passing by, leaning down playfully to the ground and wiggling her flank in the air. This, as usual for Sunny Flush, resulted in a slight tremor noticeable enough to rattle the panes of the nearby house and, of course, scaring the beejebus out of the poor little squirrel to have half a ton of shiny mare lunge at him like this. Scurrying away in terror, the squirrel flees down the street... Sunny Flush loudly bouncing after it, completely unaware that she's scaring the little critter and just so excited to be in a new town of new ponies to be happy at! And, echoing over the rooftops, way out of the way of where Blither is, Sunny's cry comes out:

 "Gimmie a Big Hug!!"

Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Thorax grimaced at the prospect of explaining what those things were.

"I think it's best of your friend here explains it, as he have been through one himself."

"Yeah, I'll take over this one, though warning ya here, Aurora. It's gonna leave a bad taste in your muzzle.

You know how changelings feeds on love, right? Well, feed enough on the same victim, and they become completely drained of love, and will wander around like a zombie. They'll get back on top eventually if they're left alone, but there's also the option for a queen to convert 'em. Essentially, putting the emotionally drained victim into a cocoon, and if they survive the time in there, they'll eventually emerge like a changeling.

Converted folks usually lose all memories of who they were, and will act like they've always been a changeling, though they're also sort of unstable. More violent in it, y'know?

And yeah, like the king said, I know about these things, because I've been through it. I didn't become enthralled by the hivemind, or forget who I were, but being a converted human probably made for these sorts of side effects. Honestly, I can't even join a hivemind. My brain's just not build for it I guess.

As for the process... It's the worst thing I've ever tried. Getting tormented for information were one thing, but getting drained to the point of feeling nothing, then slammed into a cocoon and slowly becoming aware of me changing, and eventually emerging as some sort of monster? It felt like the torture were a walk in the park after all of that."

"And yet, you still follow Onache..."

"Not like I had any other choice, and she darn well knew it, though yeah, if I wanted to, I could've defected ages ago. I didn't though, because I saw what she were doing and why, and believed in her. And seeing what this whole thing's like to her, I know that she needs me now more than ever, so I ain't leaving."




"...Yes, we remember some that did not join us, when we united. A few who did not listen as we told them that this would save us from starving, though bound to this crystal as we were, we do not know what happened to them. How strange to see one of them return after this long. I wonder if any of the others will remember you more clearly?"

"These feral creatures?"

"We are limited in here. We could save them, but their minds were locked away, waiting for the day when this slumber ended, and they could reawaken. Their bodies have long since become dust, but new ones are waiting, eager to reignite the spark, and giving them the gift of life that were promised to them. All we need to complete this, is to be freed."

Enzo stood silently, troubled by everything going on, as he had heard warnings of these crystal beasts in sphinx history in his kitten years. However, Diamante were never mentioned as an overly hostile force, but more of an elusive recluse, who found fascination in lesser races, so there were merit to her claims. And with the option to give Atzy a new body here and now, without having to wait for them to gather ingredients and potentially risk Aurora's body being irreversibly changed at that point...

*Sigh* He had claimed that their opinion would matter on this, and they had both given their vote in tentative to full favor of the entity. This should be honored.

"Very well, but you cannot take my burden away. The element have already been claimed, so in time, I will come and ask you for something else that I believe you can repay me with. Something which you will not deny me. This is my part of the bargain, and then will keep yours. Do we have a deal?"


Enzo laid a paw on the crystal, and a small trickle of light ran between it and the antelope's head. The sign of the deal being brokered, bound by the sacred word. A fun statement to make as it would make most think of there being an actual, ancient word. In reality though, it were just the word *Deal*. Ancient did not always mean special and mystical, sadly.

Afterwards, Enzo would bend down until the necklace he carried with the empty hole in the middle that once housed the Element of Hatred, would touch the crystal, at which point he'd focus on keeping still, as the entity pushed some kind of pale, blue energy into it, that soon enough crystallized into a pale-blue, crystallized eye of some kind of reptile.

And then, the cave would start to shake. If Atzy had anything to add now before the entity got loose, or felt like trying to run off for some reason, no were the time, and not after the large diamond block were done splintering around the throne.




Last pointed at the entrance to the path she had mentioned before, then ran her hoof a little from that, towards the shrine, but stopping a few dozen meters before it at a small, seemingly barren piece of land. After that, she would give off the exact coordinates, as found on a regular map.

"Oh, that... That's helpful. How come you know that place?"

"It's our graveyard. Everypony whose bodies we could retrieve, are burned and have their ashes spread there. I've been there enough to know where to find it on a map."

The solemn tone of Last there at the end (as well as the information that this were a graveyard) made Cherish flinch a little. Yet at the same time, whilst she knew that the guardsmare probably wouldn't like it, she felt pity rising up in her chest for Last. Every time so far that any information of the shrine came up, it had included something horrendous, and this mare had to live through that for all of her life. It might make her tough, sure, but what sort of emotional damage wasn't she carrying around from going through this? No wonder she seemed so... Intense, at times.

Before she could act on this emotion however, Last would start speaking again, this time looking directly at the princess as she did so.

"If we start here or not, it will be best do so in no less than six hours from now. If I can't talk you out of going here, your majesty, I can at least ask you to not go there until you're rested. Besides, I have some buildings to inspect in town after the reconstruction, and a lot of ponies still living in the tent camp, waiting to hear if their homes are safe to move back into. I'd prefer not to keep them waiting."




On 12/31/2019 at 1:30 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I don’t know, Rosa. I… I guess don’t know what I am going to hear and that scares me. What if he really didn’t care and only did it to get ahead? Or if it was the other way and he really had no other choice? I…”

Rosa were worried as Sen started to get nervous and teeming on the edge of hyperventilating, and as such, moved in a little closer. Whilst his facial expression remained neutral, he were preparing himself mentally to be ready to snap forward, and put Sen in a headlock. It might be seen as a violent act, but whilst it were a crude method, he did find that the same method he used for incapacitating troubling guards or the like without causing them actual damage, were effective in also easing on someone hyperventilating. He weren't a master of anatomy, but he assumed it had something to do with the lack of free air ways forcing the target to breathe more regularly, even if poorly. That or the blood flow potentially. As mentioned, he just knew it worked, not entirely why. At least in regards to hyperventilation. When it came to why it worked on other beings, he did, as well as how he had to press for the most effective way to do it. Doing on a longma would be new, but their anatomy seemed reasonably close to other species he had encountered before, including his own.

On 12/31/2019 at 1:30 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“The truth, that’s what matters. I don’t know if this is issue weighing my old friend down as much as me but at the very least, we both need closure from this, whatever form it takes. Thank you for your input. I suppose that put things into perspective.”

Thankfully, Sen managed - after some theatrics that made Rosa somewhat nervous - to calm himself and get his ducks in a row, so to speak, without needing the headlock. Probably for the best. In case Omen or Lin came back in the middle of it, it would not cast him in a kind light.

"Sometimes, an outside perspective is sorely needed to bring a situation into perspective. And know that whilst I cannot predict how this will go, I do think that in the end, you are making the right choice. To quote an old friend of mine, *It is better to live with the truth, than linger in uncertainty.*. These days, I wonder if following that saying, is the real reason she one day just didn't return from her mission... Though it matters little, I suppose. My apologies for rambling."

That said friend had also tried to stab him a few times were something that Rosa would neglect to mention. They had their frictions and arguments, like many others in their situation, and he would agree that the second time, he had basically asked for it himself. The first time were more uncalled for, but it were fascinating what you could learn to just forgive and forget about, given enough time and rational thought.

Meanwhile, Mother gave a slightly wider smile to Lin, as the halfling told her that it were important that she believed in her own choices. Mother had asked herself this a few times now, since Mortimers visit, and yet she could find no doubt in her heart that she had made the right choice, when she grounded her essences in this vast darkness, to create a small pocket for the lost and needy souls. Her beautiful children, who knew not of the past that were cleansed from them, but just frolicked around until they had the chance to find a home of their own, were worth all the pain and isolation she had went through to give them this. That she had no doubt of.

The choice made long, long before that though, she were not sure of anymore, though Mortimer were right in there being reason to do so. And not just because he were convincing when he wanted to be, and were so many leagues above her in power, that it felt as if only a fool would say no to him. It also matched with the purpose she had long since forgotten, yet still followed without her knowing it.

Still, much had happened because of that fateful choice, and she had changed a lot from it too, so there were some questioning of whatever or not things had to go as they did, if she had changed to something better or worse, etc.

*sigh*T here may yet to be time to think of that another time, though now, it seemed as if Lin had a story to tell her, and it would be rude to ignore her as she told it.

On 12/31/2019 at 1:30 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“It’s funny how all of this started because a pony bent on revenge,” the longma chuckled. “Hopefully we’re able to catch Filigree and bring her to justice. It should’ve been simply rescuing Omen but after what Filigree did, she made it personal.”

"You have all been through much since last we met. I had hoped that things would have slowed down, and given you time to breathe, yet you still seem to have managed it all, with your chin mostly held high. It is highly admirable, though this new friend of yours concerns me. I know of spies, and from what I understand, sometimes they pretend to be your friend only long enough to take something precious from you, and then something bad happens.

Still, perhaps I am just worried of your safety. It sounds as if you have all been through much that would bond any creature, so perhaps I worry for nothing.

Now, this Filigree that you speak off. You make it sound as if she is a danger to all that comes into contact with her, and hold plans to ruins vast areas of lands and lives. Why would anyone want to save a creature like that? What is there to gain from this madness?

I suppose if you knew the answers, you would have not needed to speak of it. Do you think this seer you speak of, holds the answers that you seek?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"Sometimes. Though hope does have a place. For instance, do you not hope for great wealth? I would argue that you do, just as I hope for a beautiful mate and many eggs. The difference here is that we go out and chase those things, instead of praying that it will one day just happen, or leaving it up to chance. It is quite sad, honestly."

After much talking and walking, they would finally start to see the other side of the large sky town near, as the center square would get into view. It were impossible not to see it were the center, considering the large, sky-made fountain, with a floating set of arrows above it, pointing towards every direction, showing where the varied parts of town were. The amount of street sellers were also rather abundant in the large square, but they were easy enough to ignore. They weren't as pushy as you might expect, as they were used to tourists eventually coming over to chat, so they were saving most of their charm for that, instead of wasting it on potentially seeming obnoxious and pushy.

The way they'd need to go were marked *Cumulus Street*, which would be less crowded currently, and would provide some delightful quiet periods once they'd begin to traverse down this particular pathway.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Seems like a long time for those to still be around, but be that as it may, if they are doing what they do for Equeatria, would that not then mean that if the princesses endorsed you, and openly came out and said that you were as much a free citizen as everyone else, they could not even threaten to send you away without repercussions? Legally, they'd be the villains if they just went after you for what you were then, correct?

The citizens I can imagine will be the bigger issue. I don't know how stubborn the princesses are, but public backlash might make them if not change their mind outright, cause them to waver and attempt a comprise so that their base does not start to resent them. I'd advise you to be cautious if you see this sort of flinching. It might just he the start of something worse.

Then there's the question on whatever or not you could even feel okay living in any town if the locals treated you like dirt and either acted aggressively towards you, or just flat out ignored you. I'd imagine no, though with the vast population of ponies, I find it hard to imagine that there wouldn't be a group somewhere at least, that are willing to give you a chance. Ponyville more than likely, if their princess truly sticks to her claim of being the Princess of Friendship. I've not been run out of town so far, and they seem happy enough to treat me with if not friendship, then at least tolerance and respect, so there are some merit to her influence here perhaps."

Whilst Nerzhei talked, Lotus climbed her until she sat on the dragoness's shoulder, who seemed to not even register it as she gave her take on things to the siren in more words than she perhaps needed to, but this were the burden og coming from a country where barely anyone wanted to listen to her, to a place where knowledge were welcomed with open ar- Hooves. There were more of a chance for her to have an actual conversation with others, and as such, Nerzhei didn't feel like she had to baseline and shorten everything for the sake of a bunch of illiterate lizards. Which sometimes manifested in her rambling on for more than she probably should have.

"Much as I advice caution though, it's something that you have met some of their leaders, and do have their support so far. If they really look up to their princesses, they should in theory follow their example, if they show tolerance towards creatures that they have personally have to deal with before in a negative way."




"Hehe, whoopsie. Seems like I stirred three times left instead of four after all. I got sorta distracted by some butterflies when I were trying to mojo this up."

So the hiccup were not a side effect that were all that bad, and it did wake her up, so it wasn't as if it didn't technically work. It had just gotten a teensie bit astray, and as the fries pointed out, it were objectively also pretty funny to watch.

"Uhm, let's see.. Hiccups, hiccups... Usually works trying to scare them."

Ziggy rose her front hooves into the air, and waved them wildly, whilst raising her voice to a more panicked state.

"All the fish in town have turned to tofu!"

That had to scare her, surely. The horror... The pure, bland tasting horror!




Music Box

The tune of a piano wafted through the forest, though this were not emitting from a grandiose instrument that had somehow gotten out into this wilderness, but instead played from a small music box, no larger than a hoof, which played the tune seemingly without stop. Whenever it reached the end, it appeared to just restart, whilst the one holding it sat still and looked at the contraption.

It were a simple contraption this peculiar box. Carved out of simple oak, polished at some point, but clearly showing some age, and there were no small ballerina or other figure rotating as it opened, as were seen in the more typical versions. It were but a small box with a lid, and a crank on the back with which to wind it up when it ran out of energy.

Holding this simplistic thing, were a far less simple mare. Sitting in purple clothes that seemed to include a large fur of some kind to cover her neck, she stuck out in the lush, mostly green forest. Getting closer, one would notice that her tail poking out of the clothes appeared to not have the large amount of hair that they usually did, but instead seemed to be short hair all the way down to a scaled tip, looking more akin to an arrow head.

Delicate markings were also shown on the parts of her body that were visible, though they could have simply been taken as tattoos, were it not for the red glow, that pulsated steadily in volume.

Then there were the ears, which appeared to be flicking at a distance, but were one to come closer, they'd see that her ears were halfway firey. Were they not the same color as her coat, one might have been confused and thinking that she had been accidentally set on fire, yet this appeared to be more a part of her, as if her ears were actually made of flames. Something which most definitely were not normal for ponies.

Neither were her horn, which were unusually long for a unicorn of average size, such as her, and more befitting for a larger mare, such as the alicorns.

The most unusually looking mare were not focused on whatever or not someone might be starring at her, however. Instead, as the music played on, she sang the lyrics to the old song with a low voice. She were clearly not a professional singer, but it were not a bad voice. Just... Average, and might sound a little better were it not for the fact that she sounded as if she were on the verge of uncontrollable sobbing as she went along with this song.

When the box finally stopped, she made no motion to wind it up again, she just sat there, face mostly covered by the hood of her outfit, and looked down at the contraption in silence. Seeing as there appeared to be no animal life near her, said silence would be strong enough so that you could hear a pin drop. Or perhaps, someone wandering through the early autumn leaves.




The mare would find that somepony were already at the mayors office, currently leaving it in fact, with a big grin on his face.


It had been a weird few days, but right now, Alonsus felt as if things had finally gotten back to normal, and were enjoying the simple tasks in life. Such as delivering food for the mayors assistant, who had ordered some from Slappy Joe's, where Alonsus worked. As the mayor were currently not in - something about having some personal business to discuss with the new resident bat pony guard - she had been unable to leave, and has called in so that she wouldn't grow hungry.

The two of them did not speak well all things considered, but she were respectful enough to not ask him to bugger off the second he had put down the food, and long as he did not try something like hitting on her, he'd have a minute or three to chat about things before he best be on his way. Ala, the like of a large, muscular, well-groomed stallion such as himself, were not simple mares throwing themselves at his hooves and easy days. Rather it were hard work, and issues getting others to speak with him for prolonged periods of time.

Looking out, he noticed that somepony were running directly towards him. A fair little thing, whom at a distance seemed like it may be a mare. Ah Alonsus you old hound, finally the mares were running towards him, unable to stay away any longer. *sigh* He supposed he only had himself to blame for that. One could not wander around looking like he did, without making many a heart flutter, hmhm.

Sadly, as the *mare* got closer, it became apparent that it were just an effeminate stallion. Oh well, it seemed as if the mares would wait for another day, though that did not mean that he shouldn't be polite to this one, surely. This were Ponyville after all. Friendliness were their towns trade mark. Along with horrible, horrible monster attacks, but that did not look as good on the brochures.

"Hail wandered. What brings you to our fair mayors office?"

He reeked of overconfidence, but not malice. The poor thing were just a bit full of himself, and didn't fully realize how that made him rather obnoxious to a good chunk of folks around here. Still, seeing as he were generally kind and helpful, most tended to be nice to him too, and tolerated him for as long as they felt able to before they needed a break.

Meanwhile, the gargantuan mare would find that somepony would end up standing in her way, whom weren't running away from the incoming, squirrel chasing pony.


"Ponyville truly do get the most interesting visitors."

As the pony would get closer, the mare would use her magic to teleport away to another nearby area in the larger mares path, or if the one in question stopped up, just remain where she were. The potential teleporting would continue until she'd be able to get the attention of the large mare, and make her stop up, as she were interested in speaking with this one. It were not everyday that you saw a nine stories tall earth pony after all.

Scarcity did not appear afraid though, and honestly, she weren't either. The things she dealt with on a daily basis made this seem more of a fun side distraction than a massive threat to be scared about, and as an opportunist of sorts, she couldn't help but wanting to connect with this one. Perhaps with some sweet talking, they could get to know one another a bit better, and the large mare could end up proving useful to certain... Endeavors, that Scarcity had lined up. Of course, that would depend on how the mare functioned too, but that is why one talked after all. It told much about others that papers alone just couldn't do.

As for Scarcity, she were a rather well groomed mare, who were clearly of some means. Her shoes were made of pure silver, and the aquamarine gem in the silver necklace were of high quality as well, though she weren't a noble. The lack of fancy clothes were one clue, and another were that she did not seem to view anypony around her as beneath her, or as dirt in some capacity. No, she had a rather friendly persona in fact, and much like this giant, were a new sight around Ponyville. She had connections in town yes, but this were the first time she had personally been here, as she had to prepare some things before she could arrive, which sadly took quite a bit of time. Messy business really, but ah, that were not important now, were it? Getting a potential new contact on the other hoof, might well be.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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20 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

When the box finally stopped, she made no motion to wind it up again, she just sat there, face mostly covered by the hood of her outfit, and looked down at the contraption in silence. Seeing as there appeared to be no animal life near her, said silence would be strong enough so that you could hear a pin drop. Or perhaps, someone wandering through the early autumn leaves.

It had been the singing he'd picked up on.

He'd been out in this particular part of the forest, seeking some of the more elusive flora for his studies, when he'd first heard it.  He'd heard the tune before - his father had done a rendition once, back when he could sing - yet this wasn't what drew him... it had been the sheer emotion in the voice, the sorrow and pain, fully evident in each syllable, every phrase, and all the notes.  It was the sound a soul makes when the spirit is stretched to the tearing point, and it cries out with the pain of the world.

It was why, when the Kirin had been searching for something else entirely different, he had instead discovered this heartbreakingly sad scene.  And as a fan of soulful singing, he naturally had made his way carefully towards the source of the sound.  But when he had gotten close enough to see the source..?

This most certainly wasn't what he had expected to find... in fact, he had never quite witnessed such a creature before.  And THAT had most certainly made him even more curious, as he was intent on learning as much as he possibly could.  To him, the creature was a learning experience, waiting to happen.  All he had to do was approach and speak.

Yup, approach and speak.  Motivate oneself to come forth and apply vocabulary.  Go over and say hello...

... but that's where it got tricky.

See, this particular Kirin had... issues... about knowing what to say.  He didn't have any problems with others, oh no, he just wasn't sure how to approach THIS situation, was all.  One could simply come up and speak, but after such a tragic moment?  What would be appropriate to say?  Would it be within reason to comment on the creature's most fascinating design, or perhaps a slight mention of how some of those markings resembled some of the darker magic runes he'd come across ensconced in some of the more unsavory tomes he'd tried to study, or mayhaps it was best to simply approach the logic of the situation and appeal to the...

Oh BUNK, why not keep things simple?

"Whatever the particulars of your personal agony may be evidencing," he spoke softly, "you most certainly possess my sincerest of condolences."

=====  ( 0=====


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@Blitz Boom

“Rosa… he’s been through a lot and despite being a spy, he seems to want to change. I mean, willing accepting a trial and offering to teach the changeling king to forge strong, positive relations with ponies is telling. Though I suppose it’s all that time we’ve spent looking out for each other that gives me certainty his friendship is genuine.”

“As for the seer, I don’t know. There’s so little we know of him that he might know something about the warning he sent to Rosa. He could see into many different futures but if he sent Rosa the letter, he knows we’d be involved in it in some manner. He’s possibly trying to nudge the future into a certain direction.”

Lin picked up the orb and looked at it for a while, pondering if the knowledge kept within would lead them into more dangerous paths ahead. She shared Mother’s sentiment in that she wanted things to slow down, settling into the banality of gathering food and helping Omen acclimate to simple village life. Sadly, it wouldn’t be the case but befriending Rosa and helping him out has given her some form of distraction. She wouldn’t outwardly admit it but she doesn’t have a clue about what she’s going to do in the long term. Whether this adventure is truly a distraction or a period of soul-searching is only for Lin alone to find out. 

“I guess there's no way to know until we start digging into the warning he sent. Thank you for your time, Mother. I, uh, hope we can make this a regular routine. You know, meeting every now and again, letting you know what’s happening as of late.”

As for Sen, his mind is set and his worries have eased a little. What Rosa told him was enough to get him to get his head straightened out and give him the resolve to face old friend. He still had his doubts about whether or not their friendship meant anything but at least he’d have an answer. 

“Guess now I have plenty to think about. I sometimes wonder if even I am partly responsible for my own worries. It’s alright though, I’ll sort them out on my own now that you’ve helped me make my choice clear. There is something else…

Sen didn’t really know how else to put this, but he would hesitate for a moment and figure out how to word this next question. It is a rather silly thing, honestly, probably the furthest from being outright serious. Even he sounds quite sheepish when he continued.

“I don’t want to get ahead of myself but if the trial ends favorably tomorrow, do you want to stop by the donut shop? I kind of developed a way of showing my gratitude by gifting donuts during my exile and I wanted to say thank you for all you've done.”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom


Aurora turned green upon hearing the explanation and took in deep breaths. She coughed a couple of times and focused on putting one hoof in front of the other. "That, ugh, that's horrible. I don'... I don't even want to know now. Can we just, just see what this Royal Jelly even is. What does it even do?" she questioned in an attempt to steer the conversation away.

@Blitz Boom


"How does the process work!?" Atzy called out, hanging onto the diamond she had been sitting upon this whole time. "Is the separation going to hurt!?"

@Blitz Boom


"You can't talk me out of going to this specific tower, Last," Twilight sighed with a small shake of her head. "I'm sorry. I understand your warnings based on what you've told me about where you live, but I truly believe that this specific tower holds Marepunzel. Or something relating to her at least. If it doesn't, then we can try the other towers but at the very least, we'll get the most dangerous one out of the way," she added before breathing out softly. "We can leave in six hours. I'll rest up in here while you do what you have to. Just let me know when you're ready to leave, Last."



"Docile?" Dawn echoed in a quiet voice before suddenly giggling. "Docile! We are most definitely not. And you aren't a pet. I don't even know where you got that from!" Dawn did quiet down a bit after a couple of minutes and laid down on the floor. She blushed heavily as she sidled up and laid against Kaltrops. "You feel warm," she murmured softly. "It's nice."



What else am I meant to put here?


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"It has been long ago probably if you met them, since as far as my feelings go, I feel like they have been turned into gold for some reason quite a long time ago." Cerberus stated thoughtfully "I don't know why I have that feeling, since I have never met them, but usually I feel right." Black cat had started playing with Cerberus's tail during his response, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it. 

@Blitz Boom
"I don't hope for anything, I seek them." Ruby stated "There's a difference." for her hope meant you were losing, because, if you were winning, why would you need to hope for anything. "Hoping for something is to admit that you may not get it." she looked around a bit when they arrived to a new area, mostly focusing on any possible threats, she didn't really care for the sellers or such. 

Nada shrugged at the first point but listened the rest before responding. 
"You may be right about the six who banished the sisters, but I won't take the risk you're wrong." Nerzhei may have been more familiar with the ponies nowadays, but Nada knew what they were like back in her time, and she assumed everypony to be like that until proven wrong. "When it comes to treatment, you're right I wouldn't stick around if I was treated poorly, but if they'd only ignore me, I would be fine with that, after all, I have spend last thousand years alone singing to myself, and even if most ponies ignored me, it would still be better than being forced to hide." "It's also nice to hear that at least you have gotten good treatment, it gives me a bit of hope, and i agree there has to be some ponies that would accept me, since I have already met one of them, but we'll see what happens." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Elders these days, so stubborn.  Making it all the harder to deliver upon the level of respect an elder should have when the pony in question looks younger than him.  Her distraught at the sight of her own daughter was understandable and the detective was trying to be as careful as he could.  The reality though, was that if anything happened, all they could do is watch.  That is a reality that needed to change.  Rising's vacation would need to be put on hold at least a day longer.  If Harrowmark wasn't coming to claim their lost elder, then he'll have to complete his duty, and the case, another way.

Collecting the paper bunny he slipped off the stool he'd been sitting on to lead the witch out of the basement.  "Can the orb be charged as a viewer to ease holding the scry?" he inquired.  Hoping it would be easier to more simply imbue the bauble as a crystal ball than having to maintain sight in two different lands.  Not all that wanting to meddle with her spell work again and risk further decay in her trust.  Even if it might be easier to attach it himself.  Luckily they had been able to get over the hurdle that was the defeat of Twisted.  Climbing the stairs of the basement and into the agent's work area.  Making sure to take quick stop at Bash's desk to drop off the gift from Caramel still snugly contained inside of the stasis cube Minty has placed it in.  Leaving the mug also gifted to Minty by her office door.  

It was at this point Scarlet came fluttering in from the main lobby, empty satchel still strapped on from completing her courier mission.  Not needing all that long to notice the odd pair in the O.M.I. office area.  "Oh, sir!  I'm so glad to see you back in one piece!" she expressed, not having gotten the chance to welcome him back.  "I'm sure a hair or two of mine are still in Harrowmark," the detective chuckled.  Scarlet returned a smile then turned her attention to Lily, "Why is she out of her cell?" the pegasus asked, her face scrunched in disapproval.  "Her sentence is up," he replied simply.  Looking up as if doing the math in her head, also coming to conclude that his comments rang true.  "But she's scrying again, right now!"  Rising turned to look at Lily and nodded, "More, calling home.  Harrowmark is a long ways away.  Besides, it's under my supervision," he told her.  Still flustered and not the most approving of sorts, there wasn't any more protest the pegasus could muster.  Igniting his horn, he levitated a scroll and quill to scribble a few notes and float it over to Scarlet.  "Mind delivering this on your way home?" he asked of the junior officer.  She nodded and scooped up the scroll, putting it away into her satchel.  "Yes sir!" she eagerly accepted.  Bidding her mentor farewell, and a less heartful one to the witch, before departing.

Inviting the elder of Harrowmark to depart with him of the O.M.I.  Standing on the curb of the sidewalk just outside to hail a taxi.  One pit stop before dinner.

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"I know royal nymphs needs it to grow into queens, but I don't know what it will do to an adult. Chrysalis or another queen might, yet I just have no idea. Sorry."

Thorax were kinda distressed by this actually, as he were trying to be a leader for this reformed hive of his, but things like this that seemed like questions he should have some answer for, just proved how inexperienced he were. Something which didn't sit well with him, yet were a sad fact of life. It wasn't as if he had been groomed to be a leader after all. He were just a drone, who somehow ended up like this. Potentially just because he were the first to evolve, though even Twilight couldn't say for sure when he had asked her, and she were a knowledgeable pony.

They kept moving down the hive, and got quite a lot of looks, though most seemed to be focused on Happy, who just ignored them. He were used to gawking when he wandered around in his real form at this point, and didn't get distracted until a particular one took off and flew down to look over him. An effeminate stallion it seemed, with a small scar above his right eye, that flew off again after a few rounds around the human changeling. Not a word were spoken, but the hurried retreat seemed to indicate that whoever that were, weren't feeling all that confident about being near Happy.

"Huh... Well that was random."

Happy would be thinking on this as they went further along, trying to remember if he knew who this were, since it had seemed like this changeling were either familiar to him, or weirdly curious, so he'd stay silent for a while. Long enough for them to reach a certain chamber, protected by a guard having a small nap. Thorax would just roll his eyes and wander past him. Wasn't like there weren't enough guards down here as it were, and no enemies in sight, so sure, let him have a rest for now.

Getting into what seemed like a storage room of sorts, he'd rummage through some gathered supplies they had from the outside, along with some scrounged up gold, silver and gems that had been found when they rummaged through the hive, and expanded a few places. It weren't much, but Rosa had said that it'd be a good start to build a functional economy on, which were needed if they were to trade with the ponies. He had talked something about investments and the like after that, but Thorax had kinda tuned out by then, as it seemed complicated, and the thestral had resigned himself to having to try and tell more of it another time. Said time had yet to arrive, so it were just stocked up in here.

Anyway, from behind some of the these things, he'd withdraw a small jar, crafted out of changeling bile and rock, and took the lid off to reveal a sweet smelling, golden-green substance, with the consistency of honey.

"Well, this is it. So... Want to try it then?"

He had no idea what would happen here, but if Aurora would even be able to swallow this would be the first part of the test, as regular drones literally couldn't consume this. Only royal changelings could, though beyond that, he were not sure what might happen. Perhaps nothing. Perhaps some kind of ravenous appetite for this, that would culminate in her rapidly evolving to a queen? Guess only time would tell.




She would not get an answer right away, as the large diamond block started to crack, starting from the Antelope head, and working it's way outwards.

Around a minute into this, as the cracks reached the outer limits of the diamond, a blinding light would burst out and block the view of what happened, though from the sound, it were easy to hear that the diamond more or less exploded. A force which Atzy would find she were shielded from, by one of Enzo's meaty paws being placed in front of her.

As the light would vanish, they'd see that the block of crystal were no more. Splinters of the entire thing were scattered around, and even the throne the changeling had sat upon, had been split in half, though the frozen queen did not sit there anymore.

Instead, she stood engulfed in several layers of slightly blue diamond, leaving a hoof's width, protective shell around - and in the case of the holes on her body, through - the queen, which had smoothed out to make for an exterior representing a large antelope. The head of said antelope, would be the one who had communicated with them before, which were now placed around the head of the actual queen. The only thing that somewhat poked through were the queen's horn, which were taken into the design of the outter shell, making the antelope have three horns. One forward, and the others backwards, as were typical for their kind.

Some may think this puppetry, as the entity would take a step forth for the first time in untold years, yet if you looked, the unity between them would be clear. Their hair, eyes, muzzle, legs, etc. all moved in complete unison, making it seem more as if the former Diamante were a set of armor upon the queen. Even when they spoke, there were a duality in the voice, of which the queen's half should be familiar to Atzy.

"Finally, we walk upon the lands again."

Their horns lit up, and with a large thumb, every single gemling in the cave would fall unconscious to the ground.

"They will reawaken as they were supposed to soon, as we once told them would happen.

Now you-"

They turned to look directly at Atzy, once Enzo removed his paw and with a pained expression peeled a sliver of diamond out of the back of it with his teeth, and wrapped some parchment around it.

"- Come with us, and receive your choice of vessel. But know that we cannot tell how much it will hurt to bring you into it. It will depend on how much you have bonded with the one you have now, though we will keep our word. She will be leaving this place alive and well."

Dia'thiz would start to move further into the cave then, down the area that had been closed off by diamond before, which now receded by a mere thought of the entity as they approached.




"Very well, your majesty. I'll return when I can."

With that, Last would salute the princess, and be on her way. She had a lot of buildings to check with a few ponies in town she had put in check of things, as they seemed to have some degree of idea how things worked, so the faster she got to it, the better. Who knew? Perhaps she might even be able to get a few hours of rest before they had to take off then. Something told her she were going to need her strength for this.

Back with the princess, Cherish looked nervously towards the path that Last had wandered down, before floating over to the front of the princess again.

"I don't think I could've stood up to that one, princess. You uhm... You're tougher than I thought.

...A-Anyway, we should get you some sleep, right? I can keep you safe when you do. I don't really have anything else to do anyway, so it'll be good to be helpful with something for once."

Cherish really didn't think she had done a whole lot of good currently throughout all of this. Especially not considering the huge favor the princess and Last were given her. Perhaps that would change as they'd go towards the tower, but for now at least, the spirit felt pretty useless. Keeping watch over the princess - though she were probably safe in this castle anyway - would be something though. Not much, but something of worth. There'd still be far, far more she had to do to repay either of them over the years.




On 1/3/2020 at 10:00 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Whatever the particulars of your personal agony may be evidencing," he spoke softly, "you most certainly possess my sincerest of condolences."

The mare jerked her head upwards, and looked towards the one speaking with tears in her eyes, as a purple light started to roll up her horn, and something began stirring in the leaves around the kirin. If he looked, he'd find that there were something purple stirring beneath, matching the color on the mares horn, yet it would last but a second or two before she dismissed the magic and whatever had begun were stopped.

"...Sorry. You startled me."

Vivid were an emotional mare, with a lot of baggage to carry around, and when she were caught in one of her moments, disturbing her tended to not always garner a good result. Thankfully her contract were written to reflect in extremely specific details how she would be unable to hurt anyone she ran into even during one of those times, but it were not out of her power to restrain, or scare others away. Either of those would have been the kirin's fate, had she not stopped herself before her knee jerk reaction to being disturbed right now, took over.

Well, the knee jerk reaction she had these days. Thankfully the reactions of old were no longer possible, and she had a document long enough to wrap around the castle her current masters lived in to thank for that. A little excessive in their mind, but she were a demonic infused mare, and had been around proper demons enough to understand where the loop holes were, so as she had told them several dozen times throughout writing it, every single word had been necessary.

Something she had never been around though, were kirin. This creature were not one that she had encountered millennia ago, when she had first walked around the recently united nation of Equestria, and quite honestly, she were not sure what to make of this. Not that it were easy to think on this well, with what were going around her head, but she would lie if she said that this weren't a welcome distraction, that helped some in getting her out of the slump that memory lane had lead her into.

Still, she felt pretty emotional and drained as she sat here, and looked at this creature for a few more seconds before she wiped the tears from her eyes. She did not wish for others to see her cry. One of the reasons why she had gone out here in solitude to begin with.

"*sigh* I thank you for your words, stranger. It helps a little to hear that some can still care for this old mare."

Her voice were still somewhat depressed and carried an undertone of that *near sobbing* she had expressed when she thought she were alone, but it had gotten another tone to it as well. An alluring tune, as if the one speaking it were a little shoulder demon, trying to convince you to do something you really shouldn't be doing. A part of Vivid which she did not overly care for, yet it were a part of her that she could not take away. It were several millennia too late for that sort of intervention.




23 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I guess there's no way to know until we start digging into the warning he sent. Thank you for your time, Mother. I, uh, hope we can make this a regular routine. You know, meeting every now and again, letting you know what’s happening as of late.”

"I would enjoy that, though please, bring your siblings the next time. I'd like to see how they are coping with all that have befallen them too."

Perhaps next time, Lin would find that Mother had gotten her mind sorted and were willing to speak more directly of what Mortimer told her. It were just that right now, she did not feel ready to go into too many details, in part because she had not had the time to mull over things enough to feel as if it were proper. Though, other reasons were there, directly connected to Lin and her group, which had some implications that meant she had to think over what to tell them, if any of this. She did not wish to lie to her children, but sometimes, the best thing were to not tell them everything, as to not worry them. This may end up being one such situation, though she would have to think of this for a time first.

"So, may I ask what your plan is with these spirits? Will you return them home? Or have you simply come to ask but a few things, then leave?"

The spirits inside the orb might well just answer this themselves, though just in case, Mother would like to hear from this gentle little soul what her plans were. Lin were a complicated child, so she had trouble knowing in advance what her plans and wants may be. Most of her children did not get this kind of complexity until they had lived for many years, and at that point, not a lot of them came back to visit her with any regularity. A shame really, yet she sent them out to find their own lives, and she would not fault them for focusing on that, rather than seeing what their tired old mother were up to.

23 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I don’t want to get ahead of myself but if the trial ends favorably tomorrow, do you want to stop by the donut shop? I kind of developed a way of showing my gratitude by gifting donuts during my exile and I wanted to say thank you for all you've done.”

"Going by that logic, I will have to bring a wagon to carry the amount of doughnuts I owe you, Lin and Omen. And I cannot say for certain that Omen will not try to eat the wagon instead."

Rosa smirked a little, though there were some truth to this.statement. He did owe the others enough to - if he went by the same standards - have to get a substantial amount of doughnuts for them all. Also, Omen may well try to eat the wagon. After seeing her eat fire and express words that made it sound more like she had gotten a mildly spicy portion of chili, he did not rule anything out as being beyond her to eat. Plus, it were likely rather easy to make her try, as though it were not a kind thing to say, she were rather gullible. Were he one with intentions to take advantage of her, it would honestly be rather easy, provided that you had the patience to guide her through things, step by step.

Be that as it may however, perhaps he should give Sen a more serious answer to his question, rather than fooling around like this.

"In all seriousness, I doubt that I will leave the court room without chains, and I'll likely be transported directly to jail. How long, or what degree confinement I'll land in, will depend on the trial."

Rosa sat down, and glanced around the cave for a few moments, to try and gather his thoughts before continuing. While he had spoken on the gloomy side of this trial business before, it seemed like he had to do it again now, and quite frankly, it were not going to be any kinder than the last few times he had spoken of it.

"Sen, I know that you and Lin hope there is a solution that will make everyone happy, but there isn't. I have committed high crimes in several countries, including Equestria, and that is not just so easily wafted away. Best case scenario, they will believe that I am trying to repent, will take my council on how to combat the consortium, and will be lenient with my punishment. Which might have me out on parole in 5-7 years. I might also risk to be trapped in there for good, exiled, or gods forbid banished to Tartarus, if they think that the crimes far outweighs anything I could do to repent.

No matter how this will go, and how they look on things, I am going to get rightly punished. And you will all have to let it happen."

The thestral were content, knowing that he'd be punished for perhaps the rest of his life. In some way it sucked to know that he might never leave a cell block until they carried him out in a casket, but at the same time, he knew that he had to be judged for what he had done, and he'd accept it. It were part of taking responsibility for what he had done, and quite frankly, it felt like it were long overdue. Thorax could likely do without him anyway at this point, even if the changeling king might not feel like it currently.



@Catpone Cerberus

Marley chuckled, but did not comment further on what Ruby said. They both had their own opinion on how to look at the prospect of seeking things, and he could respect that hers were different from his. Quite frankly, it would be boring if everyone thought the same, and their line of thoughts were not so drastically different that they could not get along. Were they after all, not united in their search for wealth? Such greed were a fine enough connection point, and could work well in crafting a good working relationship. Long as they all got their fair cut, of course. Connections made with greed, would break easily if one part let it go too far, and took far more than they had the right to. But he were sure that they'd be fine.

Heh, you could say that he *Hoped* for things to remain well.

The little chuckle he had to himself there for the bad pun were a little out of nowhere, as they wandered down the less populated streets, and passed folks mostly either cleaning up, handling the few tourists who were in this area right now, or prepared for it to be their turn, so to speak. Could be a minute, or could be twelve hours, but eventually the majority of tourists would wander over here, and you'd best be ready for that, if you wanted to make a fair living.

"May I ask you something, Ruby? Is there an end point to your lust for wealth? With that I mean, is there a point you are reaching for, that you can look at as being the goal you set out to reach? Not saying that you cannot keep collecting afterwards of course, yet I do wonder if there is a specific point you aim for."



@Catpone Cerberus

"The future is unclear, but like you say, it never hurts to prepare for the worst."

"Wouldn't it be better to hope that things would turn out for the better? It does not sound good to me, to think only of how badly something could go."

Lyriel returned to them, after the little dispute she had to help with had been dealt with, and at a time when it sounded like things had gotten somewhat dimmer in here.

"Hope is all fine and good, but things could go wrong, so it's only wise to prepare for it. Better to have a plan and not use it, then to need a plan and not have it."

One of the few things Nerzhei and her father ever agreed on, though the context were drastically different. In her case, she thought of potential exile, burning of her books, attacks on her settlement, etc. Her father however, were more concerned about how he had to stockpile dried meat and crystals, in case the hunting or digging seasons turned out badly. He had also mumbled that very sentence to her mother at some point, whilst giving a sideways glance towards Nerzhei, which had not resulted in a happy moment. IN fact, it were not long after that that she left the village for good, and never returned there. So far, none of her family members had come out looking for her either, and she doubted that were ever going to change. Not that she wanted it to either. It were better for both sides that they remained apart.

"Did it go well out there?"

"It were just a small dispute about territory. The poor things are still trying to get used to settling into new areas after the desert area took their home from them."

"Yes, not a good situation for anyone, but it appears to be permanent, so they'll have to live with it."

"I know. *sigh* At least the scorpions and some of their predators and prey have found themselves at home in the dunes, so there is still some of the ecosystem that enjoys this intrusion."



@Rising Dusk

12 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Can the orb be charged as a viewer to ease holding the scry?"

"It can, but then everyone would be able to see this. Do you want eavesdroppers?"

There were also the fact that she were somewhat reluctant as she weren't sure if he wouldn't just take it away then, and lock her up somewhere, though really, did he even need her now? His magic were strong, and annoyingly good at meddling. He could likely take over instantly if it were and just dismiss her without a second thought already.

Still, the  aspect of not wanting eavesdroppers were a part that he'd have to weigh here, especially if they were going outside the O.M.I. building.

If he cared little about that, and told her to reflect the scry unto the bauble, Lily would do that, and would subsequently require far less time moving around, and little to no help getting lead into the right direction.

Though if he preferred to keep this between them, she'd stay as it were now, and slowly follow them. In either case, it would be impossible for her to ignore the one whom she had called out out as being the detective's sidekick. A comment which seemed to have greatly irked the mare back before Lily were put in the cage, and which the witch had taken no small pleasure in saying. Perhaps not a kind act, but sadly, tutoring under Twisted had not bred nice tendencies. Taunting others were one of the lesser negatives he had fostered in her however. It were a better side to throw at her than the varied ways of crafting lifeforms together that he had showed her back in Harrowmark. Those things honestly still made Lily's stomach turn to think about.

12 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Yes sir!" she eagerly accepted.  Bidding her mentor farewell, and a less heartful one to the witch, before departing.

Lily followed the mare with her eyes as she left, whilst also looking over the ones travelling, who still had not passed anything of note. The only thing that happened so far, were Chirpy who had flown over to grab a particularly large bug on a tree as a snack. Quite riveting, truly...

"I get the distinct feeling that she is still annoyed by the sidekick comment. I suppose I should apologize for that at some point."

That, or she were not okay with them releasing the herald of an invasive force. Both could be true though she supposed, though only one of those would likely be made somewhat better with an apology. It depended on how much Equestrians kept a grudge towards strangers. She had not been in the country enough to get a read on that part, though who knew? Might be she'd face exile too and figure it out as time went along.

Hmph, that'd be the day... Silly thoughts aside though, it seemed as if they were outside the building now. A prime time to escape if she had a want for that, but Lily made no attempt to. Rather, she'd just stand and wait to see what were going to happen, and if perhaps she could get some sort of read on the town, post Twisted's attack. She might learn something of their tolerance level and nature, from how they were dealing with the aftermath of that whole situation.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“I know…” Sen’s voice quickly turned somber, knowing well what the likely outcome of tomorrow’s trial will be. “I’m just not ready to accept it yet. You know I always hoped this would have a happy ending but I guess that just me being naive. Like you said, better to know the truth, and this is one of those bitter truths I have to swallow sooner or later. Might as well do so now.”

It was on the back of his mind, wanting to see Rosa walk away with the legal equivalent of a slap on the hoof but the fact of the matter is that Rosa’s shady past is catching up, even faster now that he agreed to the trial. What’s one longma against a legal system like this? All the more reason no to try anything drastic and do what he can to lessen the severity of the punishment. It is what he and Lin offered to do and will still try their very best to do. 

“I have no idea how to come to terms with this though. I understand you want to make up for your past but how can you do that if you’re in prison?”

As for Lin, she was just about in a similar situation, unable to answer on behalf on the spirits sealed away in the orb. This was their matter and the longma didn’t feel like it is her choice to make. She simply wanted to ask them to translate some text and then figure out what they wanted to do now as they appear to just be lying dormant in Mother’s realm. 

The orb started glowing once more in Lin’s claw, ever so slightly and steadily until the exterior began to show signs of change. At first, it was a mere gold light just like before but now the light emanated from what appeared to be engravings, becoming more apparent as the light grew brighter. And odd appearance but nothing suggested it could be important as those engravings looked more like linear ornamentation more than anything. Then the sound of multiple voices followed. 

“There is no home for us to return to as none of our kind remain. From what we remember, our species went extinct but if there are any survivors, they will likely be very different from us. There is also an issue about a lack of a physical body to use as ours have withered away long ago.”

“I hope this means you won’t be hijacking mine or Sen’s bodies. Not after what happened last time!”

“There are more of us than you; not enough bodies for us to use. Depending on what you require of us, we may need to borrow your senses should the need arise. We will travel with you but we wish to keep to ourselves to deliberate the matter of our future. Call on us should you require our assistance.”

“I only wished to ask for your help translating some text but I guess I can accommodate you on the road. Maybe some time outside can help you come to a decision. Suppose that is about as good of a plan as I have at the moment, Mother.”

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@Blitz Boom


"What's going to happen if I do manage to consume this?" Aurora asked nervously, peering into the jar. She winced at seeing the bile and rock forming the container before lighting up her horn. It was for a brief moment though and it didn't look like she had accomplished any spells with it. "Right. I have no idea how to use my horn," she muttered before sighing heavily. She had only every really used here transformation magic, and even then, it was to briefly recharge her energy. So she had no clue on how to use her horn other than as a night light or a torch. "Here goes, I guess," she added, dipping her hoof into the substance. She brought it out and noted the consistency. Before it could get too far down her leg and fall off, she quickly licked it up. The jelly was held in her mouth for a couple of seconds but after a shudder, she had managed to swallow the jelly with an obvious effort. She ignored the gasps that Thorax and Happy made as she coughed a couple of times. "Ugh. That is so sweet."

@Blitz Boom


'Atzy, I don't know about this,' Karmic whispered uncertainly, even as Atzy hopped off the diamond that now had cracks showing through it from the force of the explosion. Atzy ignored her host and followed the newly formed entity behind the throne.

"Just hush. This is going to be a heck of a lot easier of separating us than searching for some stupid ingredients, Karmic." Atzy truly believed this were the case. She knew that they were slowly growing into a singular entity, just like the one that talked with them. She had no idea why, or even how it was possible, but she didn't want to get stuck with a foreseer.

'No, it won't. It's going to hurt like Tartarus. You and I both know it,' Karmic practically hissed, causing Atzy to stumble a couple of steps. She caught herself and simply flicked her ears. A slightly worried expression graced her features, finally ending up in a large chamber that had been housed behind the throne.

@Blitz Boom


"I'd be glad to have you watch over me, Cherish. You may be a ghost, but, you're definitely a nice ghost," Twilight giggled with a small nod. She lit her horn and levitated Cherish's stick before inspecting it. "I know I should go to bed but why this particular stick?" she mused out loud, and turned the stick over in her magic, carefully scrutinizing every single bit of it.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom
Ruby didn't pay attention to Marley's chuckles.
"Yes and no." she responded "My greed will never be satisfied, I will always seek more, but there will be a point after which instead of searching for more treasure constantly like I do now, I will only go after more if good opportunity shows itself." "I do not know when this point is reached, but I have a certain goal I know I have to reach before that." "I will kill my mother and take back what is rightfully mine."

Nada nodded in agreement at Nerzhei's response to Lyriel, she agreed more with the dragon on this one. 
The mention of the desert got her thoughtful again, and after there was place for her to speak she asked "Does either of you know where the desert came from?" "I mean, as far as I have understood, it has just kinda appeared out of nowhere, so there has to be an explanation....speaking of, that reminds me, do you know anything about trouble between my kind and changelings I think they were called? I met one of them when I explored the edge of the desert and they told me to stay out of their desert due to some strife between our kinds."



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

Hmm? Oh yes. That's the funny thing about Gold! Widdershins nods. It's nearly useless for everything but Status! The sort of thing you'd turn into to make a point of showing others you've transmorphed into gold! Feels like something I'd do, yes, quite.

 Turning into such & such a material seems to be a trend these days with Draconequiz. Knew a chap that turned into a block of Blue Cheese once! Stunk for ages, he did! Chortle!

 We do tend to make/slash/become artifacts often it seems. Feel as if this all ought ring a bell with me somehow...



  "I believe you've called me a pet at some point. Feels like you have." Kaltrop flatly states, pulling a wing out from between them and draping it over the mare, blanket-like.

" It does come with superior dragon biology. As much flames and Vitriol you ponies spout, I'm surprised you haven't somehow found a way to burst into flame as well! Enjoy me if you wish, if you aren't capable of producing your own body heat." The drake huffidly proclaims in a poorly phrased attempt at a compliment.

 "... shouldn't you... a Little Pony like you, be heading to sleep now? ...not like I'm tired or anything."


@Blitz Boom

 The lithe blue stallion screeched to a stop in front of Alonsus in an accidentally comedic way, back legs almost buckling over on themselves into a sitting position of shock. 

 " Ah! U-uhm…. c-context w-would..."

Living with a family a lot more... noisier than you got you used to being shouted over. Despite being the eldest and having dealt with these situations of having to acquire aid many a time before, social situations weren't Blither's forte.  Blither could nearly smell the confidence. Honestly struck him a little bit like his siblings and as much luck as he had had with them over the years. Doubt began to creep in like it always did and how to best approach the matter of... well, being the incoming doom the Cephalli Family always was.

 Squeaking & barely audible, the effeminate mare hid behind the powder blue forelock that had flopped to the right of his horn and slightly over the big, blue eyes he was reflexively looking up at Alonsus with. At least, others tended to treat his words with more respect when he always seemed like the least threatening one of the family. Perhaps that tactic would work... it was happening without him trying to anyway.

 Shyly, barely audible and stuttering out sentence fragments that would have made no sense even if he had been able to be heard, he squeezes out his own attempt to get across his frantic concerns. "Y-.. mispronounced.... p-problem, I... I-if th-this is... can..."


 Sunny Flush rushes over the mare, in one deft motion stomping two large hooves on either side of her and easily clearing her chest over the passerby pone and and in the next step, so fluidly clumsy that one would be suspicious of this all being a fae act of looking like a harmless oaf, then tripping up her forelegs with her back in an effort to stop at the last moment. Sailing head over Scarcity without barely grazing her... Sunny falls facefirst into the road's dirt, audibly embedding her face into the path.

 As the dust settles after a poignant pause, the big mare pulls her head out the newly formed face crater.  Without taking notice of what pony got in her way, Sunny starts using both hooves to rub her face of dust and pain. "OWUH!... Ya gave me Face Ouchies! Meany-Mean!"  

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Dia'thiz turned and looked curiously at Atzy for a moment, before moving along in silence. It seemed as if the host and parasite had some issues they were going through internally, that caused their shared body some imbalance.

It was a shame for them to see that these two could not function together. Unity were a glorious thing, combining great minds and bodies to one, and result in a being superior to what either one could be on their own. Of course it were hard, as unity were one thing, but aligning your minds and bodies took time and effort. Yet they could still have gotten there, and even now, if they worked together and thought out what they might both want of this life, the ground work could have been well established.

*sigh* Yet they wished for separate lives, and as could be seen, they were not meant for unification. Even if Atzy would get stuck in Karmic's body, and begin to transform it to suit her old form, it would be nothing more than a takeover. Just one part, erasing the other... What a waste that would be, when there were the option for something much greater.

As they moved along in to the large chamber that had been hidden behind the massive amount of diamonds, they'd find the old inhabitants of the hive. Or well, they'd find a large crystal formation in the shape of an incredibly large changeling egg, glowing softly blue with light slowly reaching across the surfaces and outwards into the cave behind them, seeking to connect to the gemling bodies laying around the mines.

To the side, a bundle of gemlings laid silently. Around a dozen, of varied sizes, sexes, status (one seemed to even be a young, female royal gemling) and with diamonds in their makeup that distinguished them further from one another. One for example, had a diamond in the chest, in the rough shape of a heart, whilst another had a diamond hoof and fang. They all seemed to almost radiate importance and/or power of some kind, unlike the gemlings they had seen until now.

"These were the first of a new breed. The best of our children, whose bodies are meant for the chosen few. We will honor our bargain, by offering you the first choice, before we give the rest to the most deserving of the hive."




"It were part of the old castle. I think it was part of a statue of some sort, before it fell through the floor."

Cherish had a vague mental picture of a statue of some kind of forest creature, like a deer or something, that had been gifted to the equine leaders a long time ago. She had seen it as she arrived at the castle the first time centuries ago, and several times afterwards too, until the floor collapsed under it, and got smashed in the basement. She hadn't gotten down there again until these strangers had shown up at the castle and she decided on a whim to follow them. This had been a seemingly sturdy piece of the castle that were just laying nearby, so it had seemed like a good pick at the time.

Granted, the statue itself were not technically part of the castle, but it had been there for so long that it apparently had become so. A permanent fixture were seemingly as much part of the castle, as the bricks that were used to build it.

"I don't know how I got stuck there. I think I could float around more freely once, but I've been in the castle for so long that I just can't remember what it was like any more, or when it changed.  I just know know that I can't move far away from the castle anymore. Or part of it, I guess. Perhaps like the statue, I just stayed there for too long, without ever leaving...

A-Anyway, you should get some sleep princess. I'm sure Last will be back before we know it, and like she said, you'd need your energy."

(A six hour skip can be inserted from this point forward, whenever you wish for it to happen)



@Catpone Cerberus

"Sounds a little... Extreme."

Marley understood not having the best relationship with your entire family, but to have such a distaste for another that you'd want to personally set out and kill them, seemed pretty extreme. What hatred must not lay the ground work for this want to commit the final blow towards your own mother? He could hardly imagine, though it were surely something profound, for it to have gotten to this state.

It sounded like some kind of theft were included in the grief between the two, and that were about all the information he had to work with. Though seeing as they had now gotten to a point o their travel where the street were essentially abandoned, as more owners of this area had to prepare an indoor shop, rather than an outdoor one, which meant they wouldn't be out here and wandering into them constantly. SO soon as he were certain that they wouldn't be overheard, he'd respons to Ruby again.

"Dare I ask what this conflict is about, or does that overstep my boundaries?"



@Catpone Cerberus

The dragoness and dryad looked at one another as they were inquired about the desert, before both nodding and looking back at Nada.

"We were both there. A sphinx entered the forest, seemingly deciding to settle in, and at some point in the proceedings, she made a desert area that were apparently - for whatever reason, given to a changeling queen. My arm is gauzed partially because I opted to escape from that scene, rather than to try and fight the over-sized cat. The changeling in question is likely the one you met, though whatever conflict is between you and her I haven't the faintest clue. I am barely scratching the surface on the pony/dragon conflict as it is, so my time investigating the same thing between other races have been non-existent."

"No, you got hurt because you had to drag me out. After I caused all of that..."

Lyriel's flowers even seemed to follow her own mood, as when this statement filled her with sadness, the varied flowers growing on her would seem flattened and dying. It would not have a chance to last long though, as Nerzhei went against the line of thought barely a few seconds after Lyriel had stopped talking.

"You were tricked, and you needed help to get out of there. That is all, okay? I'm not dead and my arms still attached, so don't get your vines in a twist over this."

She knew that the dragoness meant well, but Lyriel still could not stop feeling guilty for her part in all of this, and what damage it had done to the forest, the animals, and most importantly, her friend. Sure, her arm had been hurting before that too, and what Nerzhei had then done had not caused it, as much as worsened it, but it still didn't free her of this feeling of guilt she had, over seeing the dragoness with her arm all wrapped up and hanging in a sling like that.

"And speaking of which, could you grow some more of those herbs you gave me the last time? I think that works better than whatever the doctors were thinking of pushing on me."

Lyriel nodded and started on that instantly, with taking some seeds out of a compartment in her bark, and begin to mumble, plant, and use her magic to grow something. It would take some time to go through the entire process, so they'd see in time.




Ziggy leaned over to Harmony as she saw the creepy, silent sirens just starring into the air like they were terrified of some great threat.

"Hmm, too scary, maybe?"

It sure seemed like it, but she weren't sure if this wasn't just some other trick. Sirens were tricky in her experience, with how the fries controlled her so easily to do what they wanted her to do, and Serenade's sneaky brain.




Alonsus beamed down at the seemingly shy, nervous stallion in front of him, with as warm and friendly a smile as he could muster.

Poor thing were by far not the first that he had encountered that were this way. In Ponyville, quite a few were a bit shy, or nervous at times, and he tried his best to seem as inviting to those as possible, as to ease the tension a bit.

A stark difference from how it had been mere years ago. To think that then, he had been quite skilled at making other scared and nervous about him, repulsed Alonsus these days, and whenever he were met with a fearful glance, it tended to sting quite a bit. He weren't the pony he once were, and Celestia be willing, he'd never go back to that.

He shook his head a little, and his well maintained mane shook glisteningly along in the sunlight.

Such thoughts were not needed right now, or ever, to be honest. They had a new visitor to the town here, and he should gain Alonsus's outmost attention. How fortunate for this one, whomever he may be.

"Ease yourself my friend, and tell me of this problem of yours. The great Alonsus will surely be able to help."




Scarcity teleported away the second the impressively large pong seemed to stumble upon herself, as to not end up squashed beneath the goliath. Perhaps she should have done so sooner, but there were some fascination from her side, in seeing a mare of this stature wandering over her, and seeing what a regular pony must feel like to a cat, or her new little pet/ward.

Not that he had been brought along right now. Celestia no, he had to study after all, and it seemed to go well. The teacher had managed to quite quickly convince him not to eat the book, and that were a strong start she'd say, all things considered. It would be fascinating to see how far he could go with the proper education.

Ah, but that were neither here, nor there. As she had teleported away, and the mare made her acquaintance with the ground, she had calmly wandered closer, and waited for the larger mare to rise her head again, and speak her kind.

"I do apologize for that dear. My intention were never to startle you, I were merely curious as it is rare to see one of your impressive stature, and I seem to have placed myself in an unfortunate location whilst doing so.

My name is Scarcity. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?"

Scarcity were smiling, and talking kindly to the large mare. Nothing on the outside would betray that she were anything but a well groomed mare, trying to be friendly, except her calm to being face to face with one such as this. Most regular equines would likely be more nervous about being this close to a goliath, such as this one.

Then again, in this town, nopony could really point their hooves at anypony acting weird. Pinkie Pie had ruined the standard for odd behaviour years ago, and Discord had not exactly helped on things. Besides, Scarcity were just a calm soul. Surely there weren't anything sinister about her in the slightest.




On 1/6/2020 at 6:26 AM, Sekel said:

"What's going to happen if I do manage to consume this?"

"I dunno. You'd get stuck in a tree and we'd have to call the rabbit in to pull you out?"

Thorax gave Happy a weird look as the human changeling gave off his funny, yet clearly underappreciated joke. This right here were the issue with coming from another world. No one here understood his references. Back in his world, this comment would've been a great zinger.

"Bah, you peo- Ponies, wouldn't get a good joke if it bit you in the rear.

Anyway, like the king said Aurora, we got no idea. Perhaps you'll get a growth spurt or something?"

There wouldn't be much else than guesswork towards that sadly, and neither would there be when both Happy and Thorax curiously heard Aurora say thaf she didn't know how to use her horn. Sure, changelings were normally taught some things things early, and via the hivemind, but... Having no idea how to use your horn? How did the poor thing even survive out there? Hay, even Happy knew how to, and he had only been in this world for five years.

And right as That were brewing around their head, the moment of truth arrived, as Aurora dipped her hoof into the honeypot - uuurrg, if was So tempting for Happy to say something here, even if none of the others would get it - and lapped up the substance.

For a while there, ir looked like it wouldn't go down. She might have it in her muzzle, but any changeling could do that. The issue would be holding down the incredibly sweet substa-

On 1/6/2020 at 6:26 AM, Sekel said:

after a shudder, she had managed to swallow the jelly with an obvious effort.

The two of them had let out a big of a gasp alright, and were rightly so gawking at Aurora, as she actually managed to eat the jelly. Might be it hadn't been a smooth ride, but the fact that she had been able to alone told a whole bunch.

"Dude, you're royalty?"

Thorax cautiously took a step towards Aurora, not sure what would happen now that it turned out she were able to eat this - as she said - very sweet substance. Something more fitting for hummingbirds honestly, but a little royal nymph needed a lot of closely packed energy tk grow properly, and the nectar-like substance did the trick.

"Do you... Feel, different? At all?"




"One side of it, will be to give what information I can on the consortium to the Equestrian law system. Via that, they should be able to make some significant arrests, make some connections I doubt they have before, and generally start to wring in the consortium as a whole. If they share this information with other countries, the impact will become more severe for my former home, as there will be several governments suddenly at their heel at once.

I doubt this will destroy the consortium as a whole, but it might force a change in leadership through potentially non-violent means, which could have a great impact on the future of the thestral town they mainly operate from.

As for the time I will spend behind bars... It will not generally help anyone that I am there, but it will make those whom I impacted know that the law did not ignore my actions. It wil bring a measure of closure to them, if they are informed of it that is. I did my work well, so it wasn't often that my involvement were known.

Truth is Sen, I don't want to go to prison. But after everything that's happened, I know that I need to be judged for my actions, and then accept the outcome, no matter how grim it might be.

I hope that I can breathe fresh air again before I grow grey, but I wouldn't say it were unfair if they thought differently, considering all the harm I've done. I have heard of those who impacted less, who got a one way ticket to Tartarus, though... I sincerely hope it does not go that far. Hopefully they can see some point in keeping me in this realm, to provide further information, so thag it doesn't go to such extremes."

If he wanted to, Rosa could likely keep the law at bay for the rest of his life, but what were that going to help? Nothing. It would just drag things on, as his guilt and feeling of self loathing made his nightmares worse and worse. It were better to just get it over with, and then hopefully be able to live with himself a little better.

"Besides, how do you think Stargazer would feel, if I simply avoided a court room? Connecting behind bars will be a trying experience, but at least he might be willing to talk to me like that. At least I show responsibility for my actions then."

It might still be that his brother refused to have anything to do with him, but at least like this, he would have tried, and a maybe were definitely bettter than a definitive no, in his opinion. Especially when it regarded the only family he had left.

Meanwhile, in Mother's realm, the ancient creature simple watched on, as Lin communicated with the orb. She had question, and several things to say about the exchange that they had, but she had patience, and would wait until they were done with their talk first. Lin had travelled far to speak with them first and foremost after all. It would not be kind to take that from her, simply because Mother were curious about something.

"I understand, but please, if anything happens, do not hesistate to come back and ask for help."

Mother ran a claw gently down Lin's face, making sure not to harm the small creature who so little time ago, were but a creature alien to the large bat-like Mother. How things had changed, since she decided to allow entrance to her chamber, for her and Sen alike, but she were happy that she had. She would not say it out loud, but this child were in many ways one of her most favored, even if their relationship had lasted only days, and Mother already had high hopes for Lin. Something told her that one day, the longma hybrid were destined for something special.

"You are a sweet child, Lin. I pray that never changes, no matter how cruel the world might sometimes be. Make sure to stay cautious, and please send my well wishes to your siblings."

Though tired and drained, Mother's smile were as warm as ever, as she said one of hopefully countless farewells between Lin and her in the times ahead. The longma had an important task ahead of her now, taking care of the spirits of the orb as they decided on whag path to take, and it were something which she did not envy the child. Dealing with the desparted in any fashion, were a burden, even if it were rewarding too, in its own way.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“I certainly will. Before I leave, however, I just want to ask you something. How do you do it? Matters involving the lives of others? How can you be certain you’re making the right choice? I feel like I’m going to be in that position with our friends here in the orb.”

It might not exactly be the same thing, Lin deciding the lives of the scholars trapped in the orb and seemingly unable to decide what to do, and with Mother deciding whether or not to send the unformed ones with masters who can look after them. The former, from Lin’s perspective, appears to be a choice to decide the lives of beings much older and probably wiser than her. If their magic is tied to the orb, then what becomes of the knowledge kept within? The one choice that lies with the matter definitely carries plenty of consequences whichever way she chooses.

As for Sen, he had grown sullen over what Rosa mentioned but he understood why it had to be done. Lacking understanding of the way the legal system worked in Equestria compared to home, it was an eye-opener even if it isn’t what he expected. Still, this was one of those things that were pointless to go against and Rosa has made up his mind. Perhaps it is time the longma accepted that and honored the thestral’s choice. 

“There’s honor in that, accepting consequences and responsibility,” Sen replied calmly, no longer willing to fight the inevitable. “It’s… going to be different after tomorrow. In case I won’t have a chance to say it later: it is an honor to go on this adventure with you. I’m certainly going to miss that, even if we didn’t hit it off well on our first meeting. We’ll make the effort to visit you when time permits.”

“And if we have the chance to speak tomorrow’s trial, Lin and I will make that count.” 

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