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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

“Blueberry...” came Windy's dreamy reply, not even blinking as a drool drop from her mouth, acting as if hypnotized by the food.

“She's funny” Tepe suddenly appear out of nowhere behind Windy, though Sorrow needs to remember he is still unaware of his ghostly state or else she'll say the wrong word and he'll become a doomsday character.

@Blitz Boom @Starforce @Kujamih

Luna gave her a smile. It's very pleasing to talk with a fellow guard, one whom she had never met her before, her interest growing as the mare revealed a few details about her life.

Her smile stayed when asked where she live, “I'm from Richville, a small quaint farming town in the southwest region of Foal Mountains” she said as she gave the guard a quickl summary, “The town has a few traditional festivals, the most notable is the Festival of the Harvests, the most Important event in town” there was pride in her voice.

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All this talk about their homes made Light's heart ache painfully, that it shows a bit in his face.

"...." Light would then try to rub his chest a bit, calm himself and put on a poker face....:yeahno:

Light would slowly follow their walk of phase at the back.

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@Blitz Boom

“Being seen like a fool isn't something that'll bother us. Even Ghilan thought we were mad until we explained things to him, and eventually, he came to an understanding. Then, he met you and has come to respect you and what you gave him. Still, something you mentioned didn't sound like a comforting thought. Putting you in prison for many years while they figure things out? Sounds good for a moment, but then, who knows what they’ll do?”

“Keeping this hushed sounded good for a moment, but what if someone thinks keeping you locked away for longer and longer periods is better because of what they find out later? This is making us more worried for you.”

Being worried like that was already getting aggravating, and Sen had hoped whoever would provide the verdict would at least stay true to the length of the sentence. The siblings didn’t understand a lick of the Equestrian justice system, and while some of their fears were assuaged by things being kept away from the public eye, some of the things Rosa explained still sounded rotten. If they were given the chance to speak in the trial, to do something that could probably help commute the sentence, the siblings would do their best. 

Still, honoring the sentence is likely the only thing they could do lest they run into more issues with the justice system. All that talk of Equestria being some kind of utopia starts to crack and fall apart when someone would look at its worse aspects. Sen appreciated the answer he was given, though aspects related to the trial and the possible sentencing to follow made him more disturbed. As Rosa said when he turned to Lin, the answer wasn’t a kind one.

And for Lin? Her previous ideas for questions just got thrown out the window after Rosa responded to Sen’s question. She wasn’t worried about how others would perceive her if word got out that they were associating with a criminal. In fact, Rosa’s response eased her out of some concerns. Her question would be something more pertinent toward what they were just discussing.

“I’m sorry if we don’t think highly of Equestria’s justice system or the the proceedings. I guess it’s that we’re nervous. Maybe things are different here unlike back home where someone could just rig a trial. After knowing what that was like, it's hard to avoid thinking about how many ways the next one could go wrong. If it could help, can you tell us what we should expect and how to conduct ourselves? The last thing you’d want us to do is to mess things up for you.”

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On 2021-06-22 at 5:16 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Being seen like a fool isn't something that'll bother us. Even Ghilan thought we were mad until we explained things to him, and eventually, he came to an understanding. Then, he met you and has come to respect you and what you gave him. Still, something you mentioned didn't sound like a comforting thought. Putting you in prison for many years while they figure things out? Sounds good for a moment, but then, who knows what they’ll do?”

“Keeping this hushed sounded good for a moment, but what if someone thinks keeping you locked away for longer and longer periods is better because of what they find out later? This is making us more worried for you.”

"It's a complicated mess. Layers of laws, bureaucracy, risk evaluations, public perception, how it makes you appear to other countries, and so on, and so forth. I have scraped enough under the surface in my time to understand that government isn't simply steeped with secrets that few would like to come out, but also a complicated mess, strung together in a way that would make most have a headache from trying to grasp it. The bigger the kingdom, or nation, the more layers to it there is, as they have to think of several factors before doing something that might end up backfiring.

Admitting you had caught a spy, would mean admitting you had someone with potential dirt on you, and would show weakness in how you had likely not caught him or her in time. Public punishment, would make you seem like a dictator. Openly putting the offender in prison for their actual crimes? It would open up to your secrets being leaked, or the subject being extracted to share what they knew.

That is before even factoring in how they may have accomplishes, waiting to grab them and whisk them away. Or if they have guards, wardens, and so on, that might work for the same ones as the spy in question, which they'd have to consider as well to avoid a potential compromised situation. Letting the spy die would also be bad, as they may have information you'd need, so outright executing them, or letting them potentially get killed in prison, by their own hooves or others, would be catastrophic too.

These are but a few reasons, and I loathe that I know plenty more things they'd have to consider, and yet am still aware that there are more, considering how careful Equestria is to preserve its image. It's not rotten to the core, but there are dark sides, even to them.

Trust me when I say, that you are the ones to envy, for being oblivious to the finer workings of government."

He wasn'øt kidding. If he knew before starting this, what sort of dirt he'd gather up, and how much he'd have to dig into the seedy side of a functional governing system, he'd have dropped the daggers off at his fathers place, and gone off to become a melon farmer.  It sounded like such a nice, calming profession.

On 2021-06-22 at 5:16 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I’m sorry if we don’t think highly of Equestria’s justice system or the the proceedings. I guess it’s that we’re nervous. Maybe things are different here unlike back home where someone could just rig a trial. After knowing what that was like, it's hard to avoid thinking about how many ways the next one could go wrong. If it could help, can you tell us what we should expect and how to conduct ourselves? The last thing you’d want us to do is to mess things up for you.”

Rosa would slowly chew through the berry he had been granted, as he listened to Lin's concerns. Following into something which were rather relevant: Questions about how they should behave during the trial. Which were honestly rather valid, as it wouldn't be long now until they would be going there, so it were good that they were given a crash course of sorts here.

"They won't rig the trial against me. Whatever's gonna happen, will be considered just, and they will weigh evidence, as well as worth, regarding what I might be able to give them in exchange for leniency. I am not sure of the regular court systems, but the generals handle this, and I know them to be honorable, in matters such as this.

As for how to behave, I think it is best to just go over some basics, as to not overcomplicating things.

First off, only speak when addressed. If you speak out of turn, or interrupt, they may end up removing you from the room, and then your side will not be heard. Judges, and potentially the generals too, also tend to look less favorably upon those being obnoxious like that, and that will cloud their judgement.

You should expect to be searched before we go in, for anything that might be seen as a weapon. Then when we are cleared and get in, expect to be taken to the side, in a section usually reserved for witnesses. You are likely to be called up after they present their first argument, and asked some questions. Answer everything honestly, even if it might seem hurtful, or damaging to the case. Lies are not tolerated in court.

I know not when they may be asking you for your personal opinion, and experiences, but the same ruleset follows. Simply be honest, and tell them what you think, and know.

That will  be the basics. And advice specifically for Omen, would be to not eat anything they hand you. They're not presenting you with snacks. It's either evidence, a book of law, or something else related to the procedure."

He'd be about done eating as he said that, and be ready for wandering off, when eventually the questions stopped. Maybe if they got there a little early, he would be able to see his brother, and show then that he did not try and run away from this.



@Windy Breeze

Sorrow couldn't help letting out a small snorting laugh as she saw Windy's response to the question about the blueberries. It was just too good to not do that, even if it were a little embarrassing, and her hooves went right in front of her muzzle, soon as it escaped.

It'd take a bit for her to get it out of her system, before she could answer Tepe, but eventually she'd be able to. Still had to chose her words right, but this didn't touch on his... State, currently, so it should be somewhat simple, yes?

"Changelings can be, but they have their reason. One of their more ambitious queens, of the biggest hive in Equestria, tried to take over the capitol. Nearly got it done too, and some citizens they kidnapped are still unaccounted for, last I heard. Before that, their kind had mostly been seen as spooky tales you tell your foals, to keep them away from dark alleys and such. After that though, there were no escaping anymore, and the way the public saw them in full swing... Well, it tainted their reputation, and made it very hard for those just trying to live normally around Equestria.

That's how I have come to understand it, at least. The hive Chrysalis had have been reformed, and their new leader are talking well with Princess Twilight, so there are better times ahead for their kind, I believe. It's just not easy for them, you know? A lot of changes they have to adapt to, that's not easy.

That, and we sorta brought some really bad attention on this place, when we came here to hide. I'm sure it's a little strained with Cimex over that too. Which is not going to get easier, if her tarts gets plundered, so gonna have to keep an eye on Windy here."



@Kujamih @Windy Breeze @Starforce

On 2021-06-22 at 6:19 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Her smile stayed when asked where she live, “I'm from Richville, a small quaint farming town in the southwest region of Foal Mountains” she said as she gave the guard a quickl summary, “The town has a few traditional festivals, the most notable is the Festival of the Harvests, the most Important event in town” there was pride in her voice.

"Richville... I don't think I've heard about that place before, but it sounds very nice, ma'am. Festivals are always such pretty, important events, and I'm sure a hravest festival's gonna have a lot to show. I can imagine the tables are lined with local produce, fresh off the vine, or dug from the dirt then, yes? I can see the fruit of your labor being something worth celebrating, when it's all there, and you can take pride in all that hard work.

Can you tell me more about the festival? I'm curious. I-If that's okay, ma'am?"

She were still speaking to Luna, as if the mare had rank over her, which really, she might have. It were hard to say. The way she spoke at least made it seem as if she had seniority, which were still experience, and hence, marked her as higher ranking.

On 2021-06-22 at 12:17 AM, Cali said:

Cali smirked and cackled slightly at her words. "Yeah, friends. Friends is perfectly fine. My dimension or rather, planet is quite something! It's called Earth, home to many nations, so many cultures, and different kinds of people. It has things that would drive ponies here quite frankly insane by how complex and fascinating they are. Fun fact, I could probably take you into space if you wanted, or show you a book. Would you wanna see a book about my world? I think you would." Cali stated in an excited fashion, largely ignoring the other conversations for now. Cali lets Blitz go, but tells her to stay nearby.

As for the other mare... Well, she wasn't a ranking officer, but she were an alicorn. It would be rude of her to just dismiss her request to see a book from her dimension, right? Besides, what harm would it do? It were just a book. Not a... Heh... Not a portal... *gulp* Hopefully...

"I'd prefer to not go up there, miss. But uhm, the book sounds interesting. What's it about? A history book, m-maybe? It sounds like there's a lot to talk about where you come from, so it would have to be pretty big, I guess."

Big enough to squish her, she could imagine... Hoh boy, her thoughts were really not helping her right now, but she just wasn't sure what would come of this. Talks about other dimensions here in Equestria, were not exactly part of happy stories.

As for Blitz, it were cute that Cali thought the filly really listened to her at this point. Soon as she wasn't grabbed, she'd go over and start looking at the various things. She wouldn't go past the lines, but she'd make big, fascinated eyes at what she were seeing. She were almost about to move on to the next section around the corner, when she saw something horrifying. Something so grotesque and wrong, that it demanded action be taken this instant.

It was *drum roll* Light with a sad face! A brief one, but still- Catastrophe!!!

She'd turn instantly, and heroically go straight for him. Right for his chest, where she'd rise up, and cling on, with a big, happy grin on her face. As if she were trying to transfer her own joy right into him, via the hug she were giving the less than happy looking stallion.

"Don't be sad Light! I bet you can go watch the pretty festival too, and eat pumpkin with both hooves."

She assumed this is why he were sad, as she couldn't read his mind. Probably not he case, but her sheer positivity might help take him out of his glum, and wasn't that a victory in and by itself? She'd say so.




"Cleaning them with your magic? Huh... Didn't think about that, but we can try. In the forest, that is. I can clean out the residual magic after that."

It might work really well this way, actually. It would let Magnolia try her magic out on something, and then in turn, it would give some really clean beakers to work with. And that would be important, as unclean ones could cause all sorts of messes. Like say, a droplet of mayo, might drastically change a potion, as it were delicate business. Clean water weren't like that, and neither might this magic not be. Of course, it would leave some residue, but it was minimal, and to be on the safe side, Zeehva could remove that. It might well prove to be very effective.

"Well, we're not far from the forest, so we might as well go towards it now then, yes? Gives you a chance to show me that -"

She'd move in a little closer, with a little grin on her face, and deepened her voice.

"- You are the night."

A small giggle would escape her. It was silly, she knew it, but it just sorta felt right to say, you know? A little thingie from a comic book she had read once upon a time, and what Magnolia said just resonated with that a lot. Hay, might even be the very same thing it were referencing. Wouldn't that be a fun coincidence? Though even if it wasn't, it were still a fun little situation. She enjoyed that. Helped keep the thoughts from the dark, or awkward.

"Hehe. Silliness aside, we'll only go if you're okay with it. Still a lot of nigh time left, so we can wait a bit, if you'd rather rummage around town a little more. When you're ready though, it might be a spot of fun. I can teach you a few flasks once things have been gathered then. Simple things just to start you off with though. we all gotta crawl before we can walk and all that, heh. Aaah, but the basics really are important. And pretty close to tea making, so it's good to ease in with."

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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Cali opened up a red portal next to her and reached her hoof in. The mare could hear some sounds of items being moved around as Cali rummaged through. She pulled out a book that was more focused on a general sense of history rather than the exact details. All the way up from the Kingdom of Atlantis, all the way until the current affairs of the world and the Lunar colonies. She handed this book to the mare, and the mare would see the faces of humanity overlooking an Earth globe with the stars behind it. The Book is titled "Humanity". 

"I hope this book interests you, it would be really interesting to see your reactions to this book." it wasn't a fairly large book, but it wasn't exactly thin either. Cali enjoys the mare's willingness to discuss, and even possibly learn about this subject. 

Cali smirks at Blitz's actions with Light, she wasn't doing anything wrong so its not like Cali would intervene. She was glad Blitz wasn't doing anything bad here.


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@Blitz Boom

Magnolia chuckled happily at Zeehva's silly comment here. She was glad she could make light of the situation so to speak, and even so that laugh of Magnolia's was a happy calm laugh. It was not an overly extensive laugh, but it was a genuine and happy laugh. That is what truly mattered, that Magnolia was happy. "No, we are the night. And like that, we'll head into the forest and gather what you need. We need a good break from the city for a while, don't you agree?" Magnolia asks with a bit of a playful grin.

With a subtle flick of Magnolia's tail she stepped forward and she casually looks to her companion. "Lead the way to the forest and I uh, will...clean your beakers?" she would ask a little awkwardly as she walks alongside rather close to her companion as if the relative proximity was comforting for Magnolia. "Of course, we'll do the steps we need to do and I'll follow your instruction...I don't wanna mess up, do I?" Magnolia asked with a coy grin as well as a slight wink.

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@Blitz Boom

(Sorry for disappearing for a while, life got very busy)

"I'm always up early or up late it depends if I manage to sleep... And I was...um... I'm not sure why I came in here...oh! Right! I was wanting breakfast. " Ginger said she was chatty as always. She sat down and waited a bit.

"could I eat or do I have to wait?"She asked  awkwardly. She shifted her large wings and relaxed. She gestured for Meiko to sit next to her.

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Blitz took Light by surprise and took the wind out of his chest literally, as she rammed herself into Lights chest.

"UUGHH!!! *Cough*" Light was stunned and snapped out of anything he was thinking....

Light panicked for a bit as to wonder what hit him on the chest. It was blitz.

"......sure Blitz...." Light was still a bit shocked and just gave a smile to blitz.

Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom

“Huh… I don’t think I could ever wrap my head around the laws of Equestria. Even thinking about it now is making my head hurt. I’d normally say I am curious, but the way you described how complicated the system is, maybe you’ve convinced me to be a little less curious.”

“It’s never simple, is it? Perhaps it does sound better if things were kept hushed. If the finer workings of government is really this complicated, I’m glad I never tried to become an elder. I could only imagine what Ghilan got himself into when he decided to step up.”

In many ways, Sen and Lin were coming to a point when questioning the way things are would lead to nowhere. Yet, they’ve both been in situations that had them living through experiences they never thought they’d get. Having a friend in a position of governance was one, yet Sen harbored contempt for rulers in general, even Ghilan at one point. Now? The longma counts that same elder as one of his closest friends. Likewise, he never thought he’d find close friends with creatures outside the longma, but here he was with Omen and Rosa, learning from them.

And speaking of learning, he and Lin would find that honesty was about the most crucial thing for them to follow. If the generals presiding over the trial were as honorable as Rosa said they were, then they’d put their trust on his word. Honesty was what they were advised, though if given a chance, the siblings wouldn’t hesitate to talk about their friend’s merits, about how despite his past, his character should still hold some promise of redemption. Knowing what the learned form their adventures together, Rosa ought to be given a chance to atone outside of a cell. If it means commuting a sentence, the siblings would give it their best. 

“Even now, I can’t shake this feeling that something is just bound to make things more complicated. I guess there’s no use worrying about it at this point. Be honest and I guess listen well. No pressure then…”

Lin would see Rosa and Sen finish their meal, and when she was ready, she’d open a gate to Canterlot. For a moment, she hesitated and didn’t want to open the gate at all. If she could buy themselves a little more time for themselves, she’d do it, at least for Sen’s sake, but that would be a disservice to Rosa. The trial had to happen, no two ways about that. 

“If we’re ready, everyone, just step on through. The gate should take us to Canterlot’s town square. And Rosa? You wouldn’t want to forget these. They’re yours, after all.”

The longma pulled out their souvenirs from the night before and gave them to the thestral. Gifts, prizes, mementos, and most importantly, a picture of them; the siblings hoped that at the very least, their friend would be able to hold on to them in prison, if only so that things could be a little more bearable. It might not be the way things worked in Equestria, but they hoped Rosa would be afforded some leniency. 

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6 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Even now, I can’t shake this feeling that something is just bound to make things more complicated. I guess there’s no use worrying about it at this point. Be honest and I guess listen well. No pressure then…”

Lin would see Rosa and Sen finish their meal, and when she was ready, she’d open a gate to Canterlot. For a moment, she hesitated and didn’t want to open the gate at all. If she could buy themselves a little more time for themselves, she’d do it, at least for Sen’s sake, but that would be a disservice to Rosa. The trial had to happen, no two ways about that. 

“If we’re ready, everyone, just step on through. The gate should take us to Canterlot’s town square. And Rosa? You wouldn’t want to forget these. They’re yours, after all.”

Rosa would tenderly take the things offered him. It were questionable how many of them he'd be allowed to keep though, due to safety reasons, so much as he disliked it, he'd have to make some choices here. So he'd take the picture of them all together - which caused him to get a smile spreading on his face, by looking at how happy they seemed - and would then carefully put the other things down on the ground.

"There is certain rules about what prisoners can keep, since they may use certain objects to harm themselves, or others. I won't be allowed much at the start, so please, take care of these for me, until the day comes where I'm allowed to see them again. The picture is not something they can deny me, and I promise I'll take good care of that from my end."

Bit of a tear rolled from his eyes, that he had to lift the glasses to wipe from his face. He truly didn't want to be separated like this, but actions had consequences, and it were time he faced his. For the sake of his own guilt, what was right, and for the chance it could provide him, in showing his remaining family that he were not untrustworthy. He just hoped this wouldn't end up being too bad, once everything were said and done.

He'd wander through the gate first after that, and out on the awakening streets of Canterlot. It were still rather early, so the streets were not massively crowded, though there were still various workers that went on about the start of their day. Social workers, bakers, marketplace ponies, preparing their stall for the day, etc.

Rosa would give glimpses towards them, but his focus would stay more on the building that they were heading for. The one where his case would be spoken, and judgement passed. It were hard to pay much attention to the town, with this looming ahead.

Omen would look around more, but had no real thoughts on any of this. It looked like how she had seen the city many times, and while she had questions about that, there were other things she were thinking of instead. Mostly things regarding last night, that she were sorting out some in her mind. The case was something that she just saw as them showing up, and speaking to others for now, and then Rosa would be away for a time. She didn't know what to be nervous about, just curious about how it would go.

Making their way towards the castle, they'd eventually reach where they had been told to arrive. Somewhat subtle area, where only the guards had full vision currently. A good place for whisking someone away, once judgement time began. Though there weren't any guards here, except for one. A large, dark form, standing and looking upwards at the building silently.

Rosa wouldn't say a thing as he approached, and would halt, about a meter to Stargazer's right, where he'd join his brother in looking towards the building.

"It's good to see you again."

"I didn't think you'd show."

"I'm done running. Whatever happens in there, I'm prepared to accept it."

The two would stand in silence for a little while, before Rosa would begin speaking again. His gaze still didn't go towards his brother, but he'd talk to him at least, before turning to the others.

"...Maybe I was wrong about you.

As for you, are you all ready for the trial? Once we enter, there is no turning back."



@GingerLightning (Welcome back. :) )

"Nono, feel free to. The others aren't gonna be up for another hour anyway. No need to let you two go hungry. I just have to be up to ready the joy.

We didn't really know what your pet would eat though, so uuuh... I took a wild guess, when I was at the market. They said wolves liked that?"

She'd point towards a bowl on the floor, in which were a slab of meat, and a fish. Both diced up of course, and Meiko were all too happy going in and starting to chomp that down. Better than dog food for sure, which she had also considered getting, but they didn't know what a timberwolf pup would technically need, and hadn't the time to go over it with Ginger, so she had to guess here at first. So he had a bit of a gourmet meal here for the time being. Wasn't like it was too expensive. It wasn't the choice, primo cuts of the very best you could get. Just some regular salmon, and a chunk of boar, which where normally sold as mince meat for stews at best already, due to this particular cut being rather chewey and ugly looking in its normal form.

"Awh, ain't he precious? How did you even get him, if I may ask? And what do you normally feed him? I don't want to cause trouble with his food regime. Or hit allergies. That'd be really bad for the poor pupper."




"I don't think you'll mess up at all. Not more than usual, anyway. The basic potions here are pretty simple, and they're pretty forgiving. Long as you don't overstir things. It's the more advanced things that starts to become more about being exact. Like uhm... Yes, and example. The difference between a potion that will rejuvenate your energy, and one that will cause you to fall unconscious for ten hours, are a single gram of swamp-pickled clover root. Put too much in, and you end up with something only used by those who have really big issues sleeping, and need to force a good night's rest in.

Meanwhile if you use too little, you could end up making one where the drinker have hiccups with bubbles for an hour. It's weird looking, bur harmless. usually some sale in that as a prank item.

Anyway, that's just the first example I thought of. There can be a ton of variance in things, but I'm sure you'll catch on soon. Memorizing them all is another thing, but that's what we have books for."

She'd use her horn to float a small book out of her bag, and open it up to show various pages of scribbled down recipes, in a pretty small font. Had to make use of the space well after all.

"It's nothing special. Just a few hundred useful ones, and a few I've mixed up myself. I can't remember all of them of the top of my head, so best to keep a reminder around.

But we can get to work on that later. We got a forest to reach first, and like you said, it might be good to get a bit of distance to the town for now. We can take it in small steps, and reach further in some other time. Maybe when we're done with the potions? We'd probably need to find a more busy street to get a sale done."

The road towards the forest were much the same as the one towards the harbor, where they had a room currently, but they'd have to turn before the pier. They would be able to see when they got within distance, that Gretha were still there, yet laying down right now, whilst the ponies and such around her were working. She were seemingly either done with her part, or waiting for her to be needed.

Turning right before they hit the inn though, would get them to wander along with the edge of town, and soon enough, start to see the forest's edge approaching. Looming, dark, and ominous, as no light beyond that of the pale moon, shone down through the branches. A light that wouldn't reach everywhere, and who knew what might lurk in the shadows?



@Starforce @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

On 2021-06-24 at 12:43 AM, Cali said:

"I hope this book interests you, it would be really interesting to see your reactions to this book." it wasn't a fairly large book, but it wasn't exactly thin either. Cali enjoys the mare's willingness to discuss, and even possibly learn about this subject. 

The mare reacted alright, by seeing the faces of humans. Promptly letting out a *Meep* and jolting back a few steps, dropping the book in the process. She didn't really know a lot about humans, but there were certain old legends about them, and some very crude drawings of them alongside some of those old fairy tales, and they didn't speak nicely about them. Probably one of the reason those tales were obscure. Didn't want the sort of tales thatd give your foals bad dreams, if you read it to them.

"S-Sorry, so sorry miss. I didn't mean offense, it's j-just... G-Got a little shocked. Really sorry about that."

She'd cautiously move slowly forward, after her heart stopped beating so loud that she swore it were echoing in her ear, and cautiously poke at it a few times. As nothing seemed to happen, she'd pick it up, and turn on to a random page. This one seemingly being about something called *The Bronze Age*, and started to read a little about it. Couldn't hurt a little bit, right? No way this were as bad as the twisted old tales.

23 hours ago, Kujamih said:

"......sure Blitz...." Light was still a bit shocked and just gave a smile to blitz.

"Yeeey. Happy Light, happy Light, gonna smile all nice and bright."

A little jingle of sorts, that she had heard Pinkie use before, on some dour stallion that came through Ponyville, a few weeks before she ran into Molotov. Light Breeze, his name were, if she recalled right. Wasn't the same pony at all, but the name were there, and it just sorta popped into her head, as Light seemed to cheer up a little. At least from her perspective, which were still clutching on to him, with her face pressed against him, and nearly radiating pure joy.

She were also clinging on well. For a unicorn, with a below average physique, she were surprisingly good at latching on, and sticking to someone, as if she were made of velcro.

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@Blitz Boom

“My tribe has not seen or heard of them, as of now, I am the only member of my tribe to be aware of the changeling race existence” there was some sadness in his voice, “It's a shame my people have been ignorant and unaware of stuff they must know to survive. But, if I'm able to go back I can pass my knowledge to them, I can convince them to move to the west sea to get close to Equestria and out from the dangers in Maresai Mara”

“Did I went out the topic? I don't want to be rude, and speaking of being rude, looks like Windy decided to take a quick advance to the furnace” Tepe stared at Windy, the wonderbolt pressing her face against the oven window with a dreamy look on her face. Tepe smiled with amusement, “Pa never told me food can cause an extreme case of addiction”


@Blitz Boom @Starforce @Kujamih

“During the festival, the streets will be crowded by locals and tourists alike, the marketplace and the main road will look like a sea of colorful water and what street you go, you will find stands of any kind. Many locals will also host parties, especially the farmers. The Festival of the Harvest is a great reminder of Richville's first big success of planting massive amounts of food which ended a famine that had our ancestors almost succumb to greed and selfishness” Luna explained.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

"So what you are saying is that the potions themselves depend entirely upon the amount of ingredients? I wonder how certain things interact and how contrasting concoctions can differ from one another. You know a few hundred of these sorts of spells...?" Magnolia gave her a shocked, yet also impressed expression with a slight blush on her white cheeks. When shown the book, she squinted her eyes and could barely make out the small text.

Magnolia was curious upon seeing Gretha on the pier there, perhaps they could talk after the potions were completed? Something to bring up later. When the rather ominous appearance of the forest itself had appeared, Magnolia was not phased by it one bit and even seemed to be comforted by its otherwise intimidating appearance. "We shall see in due time after all..." she grinned somewhat slyly.

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@Blitz Boom @Windy Breeze @Kujamih

Instead of getting offended, Cali did a long hearted laugh at the mare's fear of offending her. Cali would step closer, and give her a reassuring pat. She found ponies to be interesting, yet also adorable too. "No worries about that. Enjoy your reading." she stated, as the mare began to see what the bronze age was like, much of it was normal except she reached the page called "Kingdom of Atlantis" in which there was once a great Kingdom in the Atlantic on an island chain that was at least 10,000 years more advanced than everyone else. They had a habit of wearing horned helmets. While not much is known about them, they were described to become too greedy and careless in their technology before a massive accident occurred, and the islands themselves sunk and everyone with it. The pyramids in Egypt area also shown too, to be mysterious structures built far older than what was originally known, and that Atlantis and the Ancients in Egypt also held regular contact. 

There were also other more advanced civilizations such as Hyperborea, Lemuria, Mu, and Zealandia stated. While similar to Atlantis, they all would fall in devastating natural disasters and as time grew on, their tales became legends, and the legends became distant myths. Only through modern technology, were those myths proven to be true. 

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@Blitz Boom @Starforce @Windy Breeze

Light chuckled a bit at Blitz jingle. But because Blitz snapped him out of his trans Light noticed Cali showing off another one of her books from another dimension.

" Hey..heyeyeyey!" Light said while Blitz is clinging at Light, walking towards Cali.

" You're doing it again Cali!"  

Light somehow noticed that Luna was talking and had interrupted her.

" Oh sorry Luna, Ahmm." 

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@Blitz Boom
"Animals and probably insects usually can sense something is wrong, and I'd say that to most creatures this is something wrong enough that they rather stay hidden." Ruby said, if she was a creature small enough to be eaten by a bird, she too would stay hidden when flock of the seemed to gather somewhere.

Ruby didn't seemingly react when the bird made their move, though there was a reason for that, she could tell they were cautious, so any sudden movements could have painful consequences, not that she was afraid of the birds, but she wasn't exactly fireproof in this form. She asked something from Charir, to which he didn't answer right away, as he first moved on the top of the wagon to see better the back of it, as he had positioned himself in the front as they had been moving. After seeing the potential reason for things, Charir responded to Ruby, and she let out annoyed grunt before informing the others. "Someone or something is messing with us, there's a bowl of seeds on back of the wagon, and I don't think they are Marley's." 

Charir didn't try to do anything to the phoenixes, he may have not seen them before, but even he could tell a fight would be quite pointless, two creatures of fire wouldn't do much to each other after all, instead he moved closer to the bowl and tried to get it off the wagon.


Scarecrow mainly ignored the pecking, as the part 'as you may call it' was quite important, acknowledging how others may see something as, didn't mean he agreed with it.  Again he was silent during the conversation, he didn't have anything to say that would have been worth cutting in for.

"I'm also willing to take you up on your offer, though I'm afraid I can't tell you much about my kind, I don't know if I've hit my head at some point or something, but I have trouble with my memory regarding many things." he felt it necessarily to give that disclaimer "I have nothing pressing to say right now..." he paused for a moment "...though I have one question, out of curiosity, we heard jesters are considered...old school, how old are we talking about?"

"As weird as she sounds, you're not scaring us off, it may actually be refreshing to experience something like that, since we have seen so much the opposite." Trox said in a nonchalant manner "And now that we know what to expect, maybe we don't get fight-or-flight when she suddenly assaults us." Sheska added in similar nonchalant manner "Though we will see how it goes, never been to any parties, so don't know what to expect, other than candy and stuff that make a mess, that is." while they had never interacted with someone like Pinkie specifically, and while they didn't necessarily want to call her insane, they had their experiences with creatures gone mad, so they should be able to handle her aright enough, in fact, they wanted to make it through without problems out of spite towards the guard that no doubt had been through one of these parties, and since it's was safe to assume he hadn't killed anyone, it meant he had handled it well. 





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@Blitz Boom

“In that case, I guess this will remind us that we’ll see each other again. We’ll look after these as if they were our own, my friend.”

Sen would hold on to the items Rosa put on the ground, placing them in his own saddle bag before heading off. For a moment, he’d hold off and examine them, as if he was figuring out how and where to store them. If time permits, he’d find something back home that could help. An artisan back home might have a trunk or box they’d intend for keepsakes. It wasn’t for him, but a good place to store it was in order. 

Once done, he’d follow Rosa through the gate with Lin closing the way once everyone was through. The way to court didn’t take long, but every second felt longer than it should. The longma didn’t like the rising anticipation, as much as he didn’t like working with unknowns. Having risks was one thing, but this instance didn’t have that feeling. There was only the trial to come, and the inevitability was the most difficult thing to accept. By the time they arrived at the castle, it was only a matter of time. 

The siblings would give Rosa and Stargazer a moment alone as they stood back. Canterlot’s ivory towers radiated with splendor, but its regal appearance did little stave off the dread. It was more imposing than anything; a sight that should evoke awe and beauty instead intimidated. Once the siblings were addressed, they knew their time was almost up.

“Wait. Before we go in, there’s something we’d like to say before we lose the chance.”

Sen paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. If these words would be part of his last exchange with his friend for a long time, then these words would need to count. Lin expected this, but she wouldn’t hesitate to do the same. This was just as important to her as it was to her brother. This might even be a good time for Omen to join in lest the opportunity would pass with words unspoken.

“Thank you so much, my friend. For your guidance, for your time, and for the journey we shared. It’s going to be different knowing our paths will diverge soon, but know that our adventure together had been some of the best days we’ve ever had.”

“I don’t think we’ll ever be truly ready for what’s to come, but we’re with you, Rosa.”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

"I found him when I was lost in the Everfree forest once when I was 15, fun times. I usually feed him dog food. I don't know how Timberwolves grow or age. All I know is that he likes to eat a lot and chew on everything." Ginger said starting to eat food and stuff her face, very messy eater.

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@Blitz Boom

Soaring Grace freed her wing from the spa pony long enough to get herself into a sitting position on the massage table.  Returning with a bow of her head in kind to the strange greeting.  Luckily Equestria had Princess Luna and her Dream Wardens to fend off nightmares, but that of course wasn't quite what the witch from Harrowmark meant.  "Charmed, darling," the pegasus smiled warmly from decades of practice on the big stage.  "Please, call me Grace," she offered.  She took the compliment well, running her hoof through her mane to give it a proud flick.  "Why thank you.  But you'll have to share with me YOUR secret.  I'd love to look that at your age," she beamed.  Rising shook his head at her, silent, warning her that she was heading for a touchy subject.  It was evident Dawn had shared much of Harrowmark's adventure, if at least in the broad stroke.  Clearing her throat a little embarrassed now,  "My my, Savior of Harrowmark, what a hefty title, you've been busy dear," she directed at Rising.  Flapping her wings to lift into the air and land stand before her son with hardly a sound from her graceful landing.  Putting a hoof his cheek and turning his head side to side.  "And most weary," she examined with a concerned look etched on her face, not much he could hide from his mother.  Even his best fake smile was weak.  At least Dawn had left out the part about him poisoning himself with a power pill that accounted for most of his current appearance.

"And that's where we come in," Dawn took over with a pleased smiled.  Trotting up beside Rising, his sister and the spa pony from the front desk put their hoofs to his side to shuffle him along and away toward a set of double doors along the back wall.  "You're in good hoofs, detective," the spa pony promised in her thick accent.  Rising was completely overpowered and outnumbered, left to the whim of his 'recovering' at the hoofs of somepony else.  "We'll be baaaaaaack," Dawn sang as the three disappeared through the doors.

Grace simply waved farewell to the trio, she was as in little control of this situation as her son was.  "Understanding my daughter is often unclear at times even to this mother," the pegasus admitted with a sigh.  "The world is a game board and we, are but pieces upon it to be moved," she quoted something her husband said one night at dinner.  "She is indeed, quite crafty," the mare shared a musical chuckle at Lily's compliment.  "But if I had to guess, I think it be two fold.  First, Rising will have a more difficult time saying No with me around.  Second, I think more simply it'd be that I have not seen my son since the attack on Manehattan or since his return from Harrowmark," she offered her thoughts.  Rising were never the sort to come running to his mother after such hardships.  Always independent.  "I did see Dawn when the attack was over, of course.  I was washing dishes from afternoon tea when in a flash of rainbow light, I was suddenly in one of my daughter's many spare bedrooms.  Across the room was my husband, writing away on his chalkboard still in the middle of his lecture.  I recall it took nearly a good five minutes before he realized there was no more class to be lectured.  I'd already began brewing more tea and was slicing up some apples when Dawn finally came in to talk about what was happening.  One of my daughter's safety plans that of course we'd never been warned about.  Until last night I had assumed Rising was with the rest of the O.M.I. protecting the city.  Instead, he was off in Harrowmark, battling a Dark Wizard.  We just so slowly lose sight of them when the grow up," Grace mused with a mix of pride and worry.

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"I will watch you."

Omen's contribution were less comforting sounding, but Rosa still took it as heartfelt as she had meant it, and had to take off his glasses momentarily to wipe another tear from his eye. These three were just insistent on making him cry in their last time it seemed, with all their warmth and kindness.

"Thank you, everyone. I don't know what will come either, but it's something that have long been coming, and I'm just happy that now that it's here, I'm not alone with it."

He'd go over to embrace the lot again, and this time, Shrimp would not bite him. He weren't gonna hug either, and just slither further away, on Sen's back, but still. It were an improvement, and it wasn't like he hadn't been apprehensive of Sen to begin with either.

"...You really trust him, don't you?"


Much further things wouldn't get, before three other guards would approach, carrying chains, and halting before the group. The one in front prepared to speak, before Stargazer interrupted.

"Those won't be necessary. He's not a flight risk."

"Sir, we have protocols for t-"

Stargazer would narrow his eyes at the smaller pegasus, who seemed to have his words wither in his muzzle, as the imposing stallion glared at him.

"Are you questioning my judgement, recruit?"

"N-No sir, sorry sir."

Stargazer did not have a high rank, but he had seniority, and had the aura of an officer. Only reason he hadn't advanced further up the ranks, were personal choice, as he didn't want to spend too much time with official work when he had a daughter to care for. It could wait until she were an adult.

With this sorted, they would just carry the chains themselves, as Stagazer pointed the group forward, into the building. A short trip, culminating at them wandering down a path with a myriad of silent guards standing to each side of the hallways. At the end of which, were a large, dark door, leading into a large room. A courtroom it seemed, with three seats above for the generals, some room around for the guards there, a smaller one to the side of the middle, meant for the witnesses - that being Sen's group, and Stargazer - and then the podium, for Rosa himself. All that were lacking now, were the generals, as they would get into place. And they came in shortly after, with the most trusted guards of the three branches saluting them all.

The oldest of the three, Morning Dew, general of the Solar Guard, strode in first in full armor.


The regal, silent form of the thestral general Midnight Screecher came next. General of the Night Guard.


And last, the youngest member, fresh from the coastal town of Shark Bay, came the Coastal Guard general, Tidal Wave.


The one leading the word would hte Morning Dew, who stood on the middle seat, and would take off his helmet before looking down. His mane were greying, but age did not make him less authoritarian, as he gazed down with a stern, neutral look in his slight amber eyes, at the assembled group.

"I see all are assembled. State your names for the court please. After that, Sub Rosa? Step forth, and place yourself at the podium. We have much to discuss here."




"Sound like a growing pupper alright, though I dunno how they grow either. Maybe he have like, growth spurts? Maybe there's something at the library about it, you could check out. Wispy likes going to the library and look up books for plays, or costume ideas. Maybe she could help."

She'd keep stirring as the saw the two feral beasts going at their meals, though whom were the sloppiest were hard to say. It were kind of adorable though, and it were nice having company when preparing breakfast for once. Means she had less time to whistle a tune, but variation was nice too.

"Y'know, we were all pretty surprised to hear about it, when Cheshire told us that you were joining us here at the theater. Nopony really showed that sort of interest before, but we're excited about it. It'd be nice having somepony else around, and see what sort of magic we can make happen.

What got you interested in theater?"




"I actually know more than a few hundred, but intuition and testing new mixtures, means I tend to learn new ones here and there, Some of those I write down. Others are because they're complex, and I don't want to mess up the process. Like how many times you need to stir, or the right angle of light that are allowed to hit the mixture. It's among the more advanced things, but important to remember in those mixtures."

She didn't want to brag, but she did fairly well. Not as much as a full fledged, homegrown zebra, but they had more years to get entrenched with this. For a regular unicorn, she did well.

When they got to the woods, nothing would jump at them as they wandered in, and Zeehva began to look around after some herbs to make use of. She took a few here and there without much explanation as to why, though some were discarded for various reasons, before she could package them down. Among those she were most careful with though, were a purple flower, blooming on the bark of a nearby oak. Literally, as the moonlight hit it, it were beginning to open its petals, show off the fragrant, onyx inside. A pretty thing, and something she could definitely use.

Zeehva would have managed to harvest a few of these, before a cry for help would be heard further inside the forest, before someone screamed. A female from the sound of things, and not entirely close.

If they were to rush in and try to help, they'd find a young griffon with a sprained wing, terrified as she were pressed up against a tree. She were starring right at the thing getting her here too, which appeared to be a large manticore male, with scars going over his fur, showing he had been in quite the amount of fights. Normally they didn't hunt for the talkers, but this one had fallen down right in the middle of its slumber, and it were irritated with her for disturbing it.



@Starforce @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

"So it's a very historical festivalt oo? That sounds nice. And ending a famine is definitely something that's worth celebrating. Nopony should have to struggle to fill their bellies. Especially not if it's because of a few who thinks more of themselves, than others.

What time of year is it held? Maybe I'll go see it someday."

The guard would address Luna first, and with genuine curiosity, between listening in, and reading this book. There were a lot of knowledge she were suddenly being presented with here, and she were thinking that it sounded fascinating. Both of the festival, and what she could see here in the book. The bronze age sounded a little weird, but not as much as when it went over into talking about Atlantis. Which rang a bell of sorts. She wasn't sure why though. The circumstances just sounded oddly familiar.

"The book is fascinating too,o-of course. Atlantis sounds like a strange place, who faced a bad end though. Tragic thing to have happen. And there's nothing to worry about, sir. It's just a book, with some history. It can't hurt to learn a little about this, right? Or about... Pyramids? Huh, looks like the ones in Saddle Arabia."

She'd keep listening in to all, but she'd also curiously read through what she had been presented with. A lot of complicated history here it seemed, and this were not even that far into the book. What might not come later on, as their people advanced? Definitely something worth reading on to find out about.

Meanwhile, Blitz would finally let go of Light, and scurry into the next room, to check on the next exhibit. This one displaying various weapons, such as spears, bows, and something that kinds looked like a crude crossbow. There were also some rough looking blades on display, but it were mostly with chiseled stone. The metal ones looked like they were easier to bash with, than cut.



@Rising Dusk

5 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Why thank you.  But you'll have to share with me YOUR secret.  I'd love to look that at your age,

Lily's face stiffened some as she heard this. A compliment it were, but not when you took into account what it had taken for her to look as she did now.

"You wouldn't, if you knew the price. Years are given, from years taken, Grace."

She'd look away after saying this. While she were glad that she were young again, and had another chance at life, Lily knew that the years she had gotten, were stolen from others. Such were the price of Twisted's magic, and another example of why sacrificial magic were banned in most countries. It always came at a dark cost, and when it came to Twisted's time magic, it came from sacrifices, and manipulating the magic he gained from a god he had made imbalanced, to drain the years from those he wished to. It were how, even after six centuries, he had looked forever young. Lily could think that at least the years she had been given, wasn't wasted now that Twisted were gone - only for the time being, she feared - but it were still a burden to know that she hadn't just been rejuvenated. She had been given years meant for others.

If they wanted to know more, they could ask, though for now, she'd remain silent as Grace inspected her son, before he were ultimately dragged off by the staff. It'd probably do him good, but she couldn't help getting a slight smirk, imagining him struggling to get free of the well meaning treatment.

5 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

Grace simply waved farewell to the trio, she was as in little control of this situation as her son was.  "Understanding my daughter is often unclear at times even to this mother," the pegasus admitted with a sigh.  "The world is a game board and we, are but pieces upon it to be moved," she quoted something her husband said one night at dinner.  "She is indeed, quite crafty," the mare shared a musical chuckle at Lily's compliment.  "But if I had to guess, I think it be two fold.  First, Rising will have a more difficult time saying No with me around.  Second, I think more simply it'd be that I have not seen my son since the attack on Manehattan or since his return from Harrowmark," she offered her thoughts.  Rising were never the sort to come running to his mother after such hardships.  Always independent.  "I did see Dawn when the attack was over, of course.  I was washing dishes from afternoon tea when in a flash of rainbow light, I was suddenly in one of my daughter's many spare bedrooms.  Across the room was my husband, writing away on his chalkboard still in the middle of his lecture.  I recall it took nearly a good five minutes before he realized there was no more class to be lectured.  I'd already began brewing more tea and was slicing up some apples when Dawn finally came in to talk about what was happening.  One of my daughter's safety plans that of course we'd never been warned about.  Until last night I had assumed Rising was with the rest of the O.M.I. protecting the city.  Instead, he was off in Harrowmark, battling a Dark Wizard.  We just so slowly lose sight of them when the grow up," Grace mused with a mix of pride and worry.

"I must commend you on that, Dawn. An efficient way to keep those safe you care about, and not telling them. seems wise. I can imagine there are mind readers i your lands too, yes? If so, it seems wise to keep emergency plans hidden, just in case. Though I find myself surprised at how long it took your father to realize he were not with his students. He must be very dedicated to his craft, once he begins. A focus I can see replicated some in his foals. Though your wits seems to come from your mother. You have a similar way of speaking with others. Relaxed, yet appearing in control.

Moving beyond that though, your reasonings makes sense, Grace. It is somewhat regrettable that we have to push him into such things, but if he will not see reason on his own, others must do so for him. He's going to need to be relaxed and as energized as he can be, for what is to come. And by that, I mean his celebration. There is nothing ominous in what Harrowmark have planned for your son. If you wish, you can come to see for yourself when time comes. They would not refuse the family of our savior to partake, if you wanted to see what were to come. With how worried you seem to have been for him, perhaps it would give some comfort to see the budding hope he have returned, and the joy in the eyes of those he have saved? Given some preparation, perhaps I can retune this odd bauble some too, and have it show the rough area he will be in, even if I can't ensure sound."



@Catpone Cerberus

"Birdseeds? I most assuredly did not put that there. When would someone even have the chance to do so?"

This were surprising to Marley, though it would certainly explain the phoenixes. Elemental in nature or not, they were still birds, and a large bowl of birdseeds out in the open like this, would seem very inviting. Though due to the ones it were with, they'd be cautious, until they could tell if it were okay for them to feast. As the first one had done so without issue, it had been a sign to them that this were indeed for them, and had gone for it. Charir moving the bowl away, wouldn't deter that. They'd still go for the seeds once said bowl of them had been spread on the ground, and not caring much about the wagon. Except for one. A small, rather young bird it appeared, that would fly over and land on a low hanging branch, that would get it an unobstructed look at the group. The lookout perhaps, or just one more curious than hungry.

"I couldn't tell. I haven't sensed anything, but the seeds appear real, so it's likely not another illusion. So, hmm... Perhaps we have something more troubling in here with us, than simple beasts. Let's try and just make our way through before more happens."

She hadn't thought much before this, but a mysteriously appearing bowl of seeds? Harmless as it were, it still seemed like a prank, and she knew one being in the area that liked pranks, and had the power to do this. That being Discord, and if this were his doing, they were just starting to suffer his antics.

Still,  nothing more seemed to happen for now. Though if Charir or one of the others looked on, when Marley passed by with the wagon, they'd find that the young phoenix watching them, were smirking, and laughing a little as it watched them. If they watched it, it would then fly back into the trees, and vanish. Not just from sight, but straight up vanish, with nothing of it to sense anymore. And then, the forest would return to its usual sounds, and everything appeared normal, as they continued on the path.

For now, at least.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-06-26 at 9:28 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"I'm also willing to take you up on your offer, though I'm afraid I can't tell you much about my kind, I don't know if I've hit my head at some point or something, but I have trouble with my memory regarding many things." he felt it necessarily to give that disclaimer "I have nothing pressing to say right now..." he paused for a moment "...though I have one question, out of curiosity, we heard jesters are considered...old school, how old are we talking about?"

"That's unfortunate, but sadly those things can happen. You have my condolences, and best wishes towards you regaining your memories again, sir.

Regarding jesters, it's about as old as there have been monarchies. In Equestria, it only really started to gain traction after Nightmare Moon, and Princess Celestia needing some joy in the new castle from what I hear, so... That will have been roughly one thousand and three years. These days they're more just high end clowns, taking part in some lavish performance troupes, but historically, they tended to be hired for the amusement of the monarchs. A few countries still have that far as I know, and a few nobles here in Equestria."

If that were all he wished to know, the three of them could be on their way once more, and head towards the market with the eager Muffin impatiently running ahead, then halting and looking back at them. It were a not so subtle way of saying they should hurry up already.

"I'm sorry it did not narrow things down much, to hear of how long jesters have been around, Scarecrow. It seemingly is a more time honored tradition than expected. Earth Mother be willing, perhaps meeting him, will bring other things into mind, which can help narrow it better."

She'd follow the dog, but Lyriel would still speak to her friend, and give her condolences in a way, to what he had been told. It would sadly not do much to help him figure out how old he truly were, as a thousand years roughly, were a long time in which things might have happened. Who could tell when in that time it had happened, that he had met one? And in what situation? Had he visited a circus? The princesses? Some other noble? There were sadly options here, and those mentioned barely covered it. There were also options such as just running into one on the streets, or him being one himself, once upon a time.

"Least our meeting had merit, in that the mayor now knows of you, and seems willing to speak with you, in case you have more to ask. As for what she'd ask in return... Evergrown seems familiar to me, in a way. Perhaps we can explain things, as they pertain to my kind, and hope it will suit her well?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"You can't expect the same thing from a regular party, to a Pinkie Party. The regular ones can be very varied, but tend to be sorta low brow, calm things, where you show up and celebrate the one in focus. Pinkie though, likes to bring it up a few notches. So it tends to be filled with colors, balloons, streamers, lots of food, and so on. If it gets out on the street, instead of being indoors, it can go a little wilder. Still not sure where she gets the rides from, or where the music is from most of the time, but as I said: Best to not think about it too hard."

"I tried when I saw one of her parties. I didn't get far."

Benny would pop his head out, now geared up in his self made armor. Which mostly just meant a facemask, some plats strapped to some parts of his body, and a breastplate that mostly just covered his belly. Overall, this were handling his weak spots, rather than trying to cover everything. He were a dragon after all, and had scales for a reason. On the breastplate, were two symbols of the solar and lunar guard, carved in near the side, but beyond that it were simple metal, and he wouldn't carry weapons. Just a pair of saddlebags fitted to him. Had to be specially made for him, but hey, long as it worked, right?

"They're great though. Lots of things to eat, good music, friendly creatures everywhere- Not a dull or sour moment anywhere. You're gonna have a great time. Just try not to overeat."

"I recall telling you the same thing, and you still ended up groaning with a stomach ache the day after."

"Still worth it, heh.

So, if I make haste, I can probably make it to my brother's place and back before the sun settles. Anything specifically you'd want to know about what he might know? Beyond where to look, of course. Dunno if there's anything you might be able tot ell me that'd help him say if what he's seen, are some of your kind either? Anything will help."

Benny would be addressing the kobolds, whilst chewing on something crunchy. Likely one of those caramelized gems that Pop had spoken about.



@Windy Breeze

"I'm sure they'll appreciate your wisdom, Tepe. Soon as we get you back home."

There were sadness in Sorrow's mind as she said this, though she did her best to hide it with a nice tone, and a smile on her face. Even if there were still some left of his family, how would they deal with this? She knew zebras had good senses, and were spiritual creatures to a certain extend, so perhaps they'd be more inclined to believe this, and could help Tepe to move on, but it were also possible that there just wasn't anypony left. Both of his immediate family, and in his bloodline. Her own family might be old, but she knew well that most did not last that far. Not without muddling into several off branches at least, so it were questionable if Tepe had any left. His soul seemed strong, and old, so,,, *sigh* The poor fellah would have to be faced with a horrific truth sooner or later, and were going to need what comfort that could be offered him. Hopefully, he would have thought well enough of Windy and her by then, that they could help calm him down, and show him that they wished him only to find peace.

And speaking of Windy, she had been losing focus of the mare for a few seconds as she thought of this, and were then directed to look, and see that she were now more or less stuck to the oven.

"Wha- Windy! Get away from there, you rascal. The food isn't done yet."

She'd go over and try to pull Windy away fromt he oven. Though depending on how strong Windy were, it were debatable if it would succeed, or if the Wonderbolt would stay stuck near the oven for so long, that she'd end up medium roasted too.

It were getting rather hard to take them serious, when the one Wonderbolt Sorrow knew personally, were now acting like this towards some blueberry tarts.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom

Magnolia simply nodded to Zeehva's explanation, she wasn't knowledgeable in that regard and didn't really have anything else to add. The night was quiet, and peaceful. Magnolia walked alongside her companion with a profound silence. She enjoyed the sound of silence as it was very relaxing, her stride changed from one of a more engaged one to a casual slow pace as she followed Zeehva. She would smile upon her collection of the herbs, she would join in with the harvesting of the herbs but being careful to not touch them directly with her hooves. She wanted to help her friend here, and continued with the collecting.

That was until there was the sounds of someone crying for help within the forest followed by a scream. Magnolia looked to Zeehva, quickly motioning her to follow. Magnolia sprinted towards the sound as her form turned to that of a black smoke. An unconscious reaction within her magic, for when she had to go fast. When Magnolia arrived at the scene, those there would feel a cold and dark influence enter the area. 

In a raspy, intimidating voice Magnolia would ask: "Mind telling me what is going on here?" 

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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

"There is a country in my world known as Saudi Arabia, they are ruled by an autocratic monarchy and have rather strict rules with how people can act, or look. Their economy is mainly based on oil extraction and exports to the rest of the world, and they have some of the largest oil reserves in the entire world." Cali clarified as she read further. "The pyramids in this book are in the nation known as Egypt and are on the Nile river." she added.

As the book continues it describes how the descendants of the Atlantians spread throughout the world and they evolved into different tribes and nationalities, most of them merging within other existing cultures. Nationalities such as the Basuqes, are the last true descendants of the Atlantians. It also describes how the world lost much of its former knowledge due to these natural disasters and wars, leading humanity to de-volve back into the bronze age for a few thousand more years.

What happened afterwards, is the more well known origins of humanity starting in the Indus River, Mesopotamia, and other places. By then, Atlantis and those other advanced civilizations had fallen beneath the waves for thousands of years. It goes on to explain how ancient nations were built such as Sumeria, and proto-cultures that spread throughout much of the world itself. 

Empires such as the Macedon Empire, Roman Empire, Carthage, Mongolian Empire, and many others are also explained in detail. 

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@Blitz Boom

Windy whined as she struggled to keep her face on the screen. While she may be strong, a screen oven has nothing to hold into other than the handle above which is might broke If Windy weree to grab it while Sorrow continues to pull the blueberry-addict-wonderbolt. Sorrow is successful but both her and Windy ended up laying on the fall as Tepe tried to stifle a snicker, “Ah, humor. You never fail to impress me”

Meanwhile, Windy, ears pinned stared at Sorrow with a childish pout, though there seems to be only little anger in the expression, “You killjoy” she huffed.


@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Starforce

“It occurs just 10 days after summer though sometimes preparation tend to happen too early, we locals are enthusiastic to celebrate the festivity. The event lasts for three days”

Luna raised an eyebrow when Cloudwatcher started to mention 'Atlantis' and its tragic history. Luna decided to stay out of the conversation.

“Luna, this place is amazing! They have pony skeletons and everything!”

Luna chuckled, “I see you like this place, Blue”

Before Blue can reply, they heard Light cry out to Luna and Cali, something about Blitz going to an exhibit full of many types of weaponry.

Wait a minute, weaponry?

It may have been instinct aided by adrenaline why she's able to turn her head and can't Blitz in her magic faster than the Wonderbolts, “Blitz, stay away from the weapons” she hissed ar the filly, but not angry. Luna was just concerned of what might had happened if Light did not notice Blitz approach the exhibit.

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@Blitz Boom

One last hug before heading off to the trial, and the siblings relished every second of this moment. Sen, in particular, was doing his best to keep his composure, though he’d let out a sniffle as even his attempt at remaining calm wasn’t working. As for Lin, she fared a little better, but that wasn’t really saying much. The longma allowed themselves this moment to work through their emotions, as this was a moment they could say and do something for a friend instead of them being forcibly separated by circumstance. 

By then, the group headed toward the building. A short walk, but the guards standing at attention didn’t help with providing a positive atmosphere. It felt like the group was already being judged before hearing the verdict. Even the courtroom had that feeling in the air where the generals would look down on them. Once inside, the siblings hesitated to move to their designated spots away from the middle, as they’d still feel the intimidation that the room’s layout evoked. 

Eventually, the generals would take their places and address everyone present, starting with the longma. Authority in a position like this wasn’t like the kind of interactions the siblings had at home. They could freely speak with Elder Ghilan and, in theory, anyone could just as easily do so with with other elders if they were going about their day. Without the bureaucracy or paperwork, elders could freely move around and see how their villages were doing. From what the siblings knew, that wasn’t the case with Equestria, and it likely wasn’t true here. 

“Um… s-sirs? M-my name is Sen, a-and this is Lin and Omen.” 

If there were any official honorifics to go with being generals, Sen didn’t know of any. He’d go with what he knew, but this was one of those times when Lin couldn’t step in and say something that could help. Frankly, court etiquette was an unknown, as was addressing military leadership. She could only stand by and place one claw on her brother’s shoulder to comfort and support him. 

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