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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom, As the cat slipped out o his grasps Cresent rolled his eyes diving and dogeing the raining explosives. It seemed to have lasted a short time sense the bombs stopped there was some more noise of cannons firing but nothing else seem to have came down from the sky above them.

Settling down next to his friend out of breath the bat pony said "not...a nightmare for sure....but the hey..was that all about?" he asked looking up at the castle warring with the zeppelin

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade shakes her head, "No to the Bun, I'm an astronomer, not a Librarian. Braids might work, know any pony that can do it, I'm not a well-known face around here, you know being nocturnal. Before moving here, in Canterlot It's was either my work or talk to the Night Guard, and they were usually on duty. Since then, Ponyville isn't exactly a jumping nightspot." Serenade glances around, before nodding and moving a few books, a plant, even a coffee table so that Fah'lina would have her pick of napping spots. Most of them high up, a few need the front door. 

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@Blitz Boom @Wolves


War released a breath one he had practically been holding since visiting Cantorlot. He was finally done with his business there and heading back to ponyville. He had been summoned to speak about his siblings progress, he was glad everything seemed to have gone over without incident. Now he eagerly flew back to see his brothers hoping they hadn't done any damage.


As he was getting close the weather seemed to be acting up, at first he ignored it powering his way through but soon it became to much. He was forced to land a little way out from the town. He was very confused by the current events, what the heck where the Pegasi up to? He had a very difficult time landing his wings still wanting to catch air even when folded due to their size. He had to slowly make his way down by folding his wings falling then opening them again to slow his momentum.


Finally his hooves met the earth and he stomped annoyed by this. His wings continued to collect air and nearly topple him over as he approached the town to the best of his abilities. He ended up taking his armor out of a bag he had packed for Cantorlot and wearing it for the extra weight, making sure he stayed on the ground.


Placing a wing in front of himself to block the wing he continued, his mane and tail moving wildly in the storm. Those Pegasi where going to get an aggravated letter from him. Quickly the wind became overwhelming and he realized he could go no further. He needed to find shelter somewhere near the city, it was hard to see in this wind but he walked a slow march battling the elements until a few buildings came into view. He made a beeline for the closest building choosing it over the hospital since he wouldn't need a hospital. Upon getting a closer look he could see some pony had fortified it to the best of their abilities, but It looked sloppy, rushed, must not have had much time to prepare for this. That ruined the weather theory since the Pegsai would surly warn the town if there was going to be a tornado. Getting closer he could hear voices inside, the wind made them impossible to understand but he was sure some pony was in there. He didn't wish to bust in on someone so instead of breaking in and scaring every pony he walked to the entrance and knocked on the door hoping some pony would let him inside.

Edited by PonyOfWar

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@Blitz Boom


Rapid Wind found himself wondering just what the mayor and Stargazer had been joking about and thought about asking Stargazer, but then thought finding a new job for himself in Ponyville was more important. Plus, he had already had seven minutes worth of looking. The most tempting offer he had seen so far was to go and work as a handy pony for the spa. Ever since he had lost confidence in flight, Rapid had been doing odd jobs which didn't involve flying and the handy pony job seemed doable without much flight. However, it wasn't his only interest. A job at a cafe also drew his attention as he had been a waiter before and though he felt he shouldn't be interested, a position amongst the weather team was available.


It caused him great conflict to even consider it since it would definitely involve flying, but did he want to be a mostly grounded Pegasus for the rest of his life? Rapid Wind didn't know, but rather than stand around and make Stargazer wait, he made a mental note of all three jobs.


 "Yeah, I've seen three possibles, I'll get started on applying from them tomorrow," Rapid Wind said as he thought it would be best to explore the rest of Ponyville first and he remembered he still hadn't visited Twilight's castle and that had the potential to be interesting.

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@,@@Blitz Boom

"A chimera? how did you run into a chimera?" Butterfly asked curiously as to why a chimera would be out of its normal habitat of the flame geyser swamp. "Well maybe I can help?" Crystal said hopefully. Butterfly then noticed her pink holed hair and shrank back realising she didn't have her disguise. Butterfly tried to put it back up but her horn didn't even make a stray spark. "U-um h-how is t-the w-weather?" Butterfly panicked and started rubbing the back of her head with her holed hoof.

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin took a peek at the creature and her eyes filled with awe, mostly because she'd never seen anything like it. She still maintained her distance though as to not appear rude. Sen, stayed where he was, admiring the view but gave everyone else their space.


"Aww! Isn't it cute?" Lin squeed in excitement. "And I don't what it is." She ended with her tone quickly shifting to one of disappointment but maintaining her enthusiasm.

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"Something the dream guards will pay for if I get my paws on them."


Zinthar was irritated, bordering on angry. It was bad enough that they had been ditched in the middle of an unknown part of the dream halls - or in some shifting dream for all he knew - but the bombs? The fire? His fur?!


He could feel the ends of his hairs singed and smoking a little, felt the hunger rise again after using some of the little energy he still had left after all the time trapped here, and his fur... His precious, precious fur were at places burned down to his skin. He looked ridiculous! Especially since his tails now resembled more that of several rats than his own as they had been hit the worst and lost all the fur... Grrr, if he ever got his paws on those who did this, they would regret every second of it!


It might be that his fur would return, but he was proud of his shiny coat, and like many cats, he were vain. Whatever else had happened to him over the years, he were still a cat at the heart of things, and situations like this showed it well.


The anger was also one of the reasons why the little power he had left radiated as it did, though Crescent should not be close enough to feel the effect of it. It would have been rather obvious if he did, but instead he looked more wondering about what was with the zeppelin and the flying castle, which Zinthar did as well in his own way. Though his thoughts were on destroying the both of them if he had the option. Sadly though he didn't. Not anymore.


"I don't know why they felt the need to put on this display in their little theatre of a world, but if it's a show they want, they can get it. Starting with destroying something on this little... Set, of theirs."


He seemed pretty intend on getting something destroyed regardless right now, though the energy was toning down rapidly. He didn't have the peak of rage going anymore to support it, and not the reserves either. Which was likely for the best for both him and Crescent all things considered.







"Well, I Did meet one just before going over here who had a problem with her shoulder I helped her massage out. She had braids and talked about going to listen to... Vinyl, something-or.other I think it was? It was kinda in the passing she started to say that, but it seemed like she'd be doing something that would keep her awake still. Could ask her?"


Whilst Ziggy spoke, Fah'lina got done with the apple and started to yawn a little before taking flight, looking around for a clear spot. The ones that Serenade had picked out did catch her eye a little, but in the end, she found a little place at a high nook or shelf where she placed down and curled up. She usually slept in trees as it was safer to have high ground, so it was the most comfortable to her.





@@Rapid Wind,


"Anything in particular that caught your eye?"


Stargazer was curious as to what he might have picked out of jobs on the billboard, thinking mostly that it was some kind of manual labour as he headed towards the door to continue their trip around town. He had heard something about the weather team needing some help, but so did the Apple family at times, or there could be a delivery gig if he was a particularly fast flyer likely.  He hadn't checked the billboard himself so he wasn't sure, but something akin to that seemed fitting enough to the pegasi. Didn't seem the desk job sort of pony from things thus far really, that was for sure.







"Sister said she didn't know. They thought it was a rock, claimed she had no idea what it was when it hatched. Says it liked me though, something about biting being friendly."


Omen tilted her head and looked at Lin, contemplating if this was true only for this, or if that was a pony or longma thing too perhaps, before Mother interjected, having a pretty good inkling of what went through the mind of her daughter.


"Keep in mind that most does not appreciate being bitten, Omen. It hurts them."


Her daughter nodded and scratched her scalp a little with her hoof, which prompted the little... Well, in spite of a better word, Drake, to claw at it. Something she didn't really take much notice of.


"Okay. What do I do with it?"


Mother chuckled a little to herself and leaned in,putting her claw down and calmly running it over the creature's head, which seemed to please it well. It was curious what the trick was, but perhaps her sheer size compared to the small one, and the fact that she had clawed hands, were familiar on a instinctual level of the drake. Made it think that Mother might be one of it's own kind.


"It seems to like its nest, and defends it in its own way. I say that you take it with you, and take well care of the small life. It... No, I think She, will be your responsibility, which I think will be a good experience for you. And I'm certain that you can ask your friends for some guidelines if it is on how to keep pets, yes?"


Mother smiled at Sen and Lin, then swung her right arm and made the wall next to her more or less dissipate, leaving them a more than obvious way out of her little place of relative silence.


"But you can speak as you wander my child. Your friends have expressed their want to move onwards, and I will not stop them, though I do hope to hear from you as time goes by. And especially about how it goes when you find a place or pure magic and get cleansed. It will be a tale well worth hearing I would think."








Null shook her head.


"I don't even know. We've been lost in this forest for days trying to find a town with a working train so we could get onwards to your capitol, and at some point we ended up somewhere with this chimera thing, and it started to hunt us for like, an hour or more before it went away and we just ran to be sure. We kept our items with us for the most part, but... At some point, it started to get lighter and I can only remember a waterfall passing by around there. No idea what way anymore."


She let out a sigh and mumbled something about hating this place, whilst Void looked at the changeling, still nervous about whatever or not she were going to have a lot of her kind swarm them or something all of a sudden.


"Y-You don't uhm... I mean, y-you're not going to call your hive here... R-Right?"


Despite her size, Void were more or less constantly worried about something going bad. Experience had made her paranoid, and life had beaten her up the times she had tried to ignore it instead of preparing for the worst. In this case, getting dragged into a changeling hive.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom"That sounds like an idea, just give me a second." Serenade heads part-way up the stairs to the second floor, and opens a small window. The opening is large enough for Fah'lina to get out, and not feel trapped. It also let's in a breeze. She quickly trots back down, "Lead the way, the quick I no longer have to deal with a long mane, the better".  

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@@Blitz Boom Golden Spell smiled, his pride evident as he heard Happy's compliment. "Thank you!" he said. "And the name of my store in Canterlot is the Golden's Goods. Been considering changing the name though... anyhow, it shall be nice to see you around when you visit."


"Oh yes, I very nearly forgot..." Cyan Flare said. She suddenly turned her attention back to how ill she felt. "All of this chaos distracted me." She took the medicine out of her bag and followed the instructions on the box. Then, hearing a knock on the cottage door out of the blue, she rushed to the entrance of the house.

@@PonyOfWar Golden Spell had arrived there before her though, and was opening the door. He peeked outside and cautiously greeted the pony he was met with. "Hello?"

Edited by Wolves



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"I don't know why they felt the need to put on this display in their little theatre of a world, but if it's a show they want, they can get it. Starting with destroying something on this little... Set, of theirs."
As the batpony gazed at the action above them he said


"I don't think this is them zin, for all e know it could be my doing to bring this castel I wonder...." cresent placed a hoof under his chin contemplating something (incoming oc) a door to there left opened to a shack and a young blue unicorn colt with stringy hair standing in the doorway.  


"what are you two doing, get in here before it starts raining again!" he said


sure enough as if on cue the bombs and explosions went off again, seeing no other answers cresent shrugged following the young unicorn in.

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"Just three possibles," Rapid Wind sighed openly and made for the exit. His mind was now on exploring the rest of Ponyville before it got too late in the day and perhaps to visit Twilight's Castle too. However, he managed to make a mental note of the three jobs that had interested him in his mind, so all he had to do was remember.

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@@Blitz Boom,@,  

"U-um" Butterfly froze in fear at what he said. She hated the hive, sure there were some good changelings but for every 1 good changeling a thousand bad ones populated the hive. There was no concept of free will, just feed, reproduce, and follow queen Chrysalis's orders at least for the majority of the hive that was the case. "I-I wouldn't do that even if the princesses found me" Butterfly spoke as a shiver ran down her spine. "Butterfly would never do that! not all royal changelings are bad" Crystal put her hooves to her mouth as she realised what she had said and blushed. "Yeah I do remember what you looked like Butterfly" Crystal blushed while Butterfly thought of what would every pony do if she passed out.

Edited by Minty_The_Sweet
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Both the sisters now got a weary eye towards the changeling. There was several reasons of distrust for the race that could be the reason for that, but really, the mention of her being a royal changeling was the root of it all now. A fleeting changeling was something they could believe in, but... A royal, without her hive? Something was wrong here.


Void was about to say something about that when Null spoke instead, thinking it better if they just... Ignored that for a bit. At least until they found their stuff, as that was really a bigger danger to them right now than a changeling, royal or not.


"Yeeeah... So, I'm just gonna put a pin in that for now and go along with things, and then see for myself as time goes by. We don't have the luxury of trust, even if the stories we heard about Equestria is true.


Anyway, do you know where there might be a waterfall in here? Please? Cursed objects lying around and all that."


You could hear Null were still wary, though she did accept things a little as it were right now. She'd see for herself, as stated, but she would keep the plans on what to do if it turned out to be a trap a little on the side burn for now, instead of going pro-active and clock this one out, just to be sure.


Besides... Hitting a foal, royal changeling or not, was not something sitting well with her. Felt wrong to even think about it really.





@@Rapid Wind,


Seemed like Rapid wasn't interested in sharing, but it wasn't his place to really dig into either. There could be several reasons for him wanting to keep hush about this - like he might think Stargazer would judge him for taking a particular work - and frankly, if he wanted to keep it to himself he could. The Night Guard wasn't his keeper after all, so not like it mattered in the grand picture what he decided to do. Only if he were on parole was there really a need to know really.


He looked up into the sky, noticing the placement of the sun for now and mumbling something about having a few hours more from the looks of things, before returning his gaze to Rapid.


"Very well, where is the next stop then?"







"Yey! Let's go see if we can find her then."


Ziggy waved at the already sleeping Fah'lina before exiting the house, and when Serenade was ready, would start to wander down the streets whilst keeping her ears open for some kind of music to be heard.


It would take a bit of time, but eventually, they'd reach a place that seemed to work as the late night entertainment place in town, and for tonight the stage appeared to be filled with machines and a unicorn with headphones on dancing a little to herself while music blasted out around the place. A lot of ponies was in there, dancing, some drinking cider, and apparently having a great time. At least, this is what it looked like when Ziggy popped her head in and looked before pulling her head back out again and looking at Serenade.


"Bit noisy, but I'm sure she's in here somewhere. She had a sort of neon-white... Head scarf? Some piece of cloth wrapped around her head. Kinda like a sweat band, but not. Anyway, I think we can look for that to find her. Though... How are you with noisy places like this? You know, with sound being your sort of thing too?"


She sounded a bit nervous at the end, but... Well, could you blame her? hard to tell what a siren would feel like around these sort of places when she had never even heard of one before Serenade. It was a learning experience, and she'd really prefer to ask a bit in advance - though, she should perhaps have asked Way sooner - rather than seeing bad results and trying to learn from that. Serenade was trying to hold a low profile after all, and not become exposed.







"Who, if not them, could make this out of nothing?"


There was some truth in what Crescent said that might be the case. For all Zinthar knew, they were not in the dream halls anymore but had wandered into a blank dream or something ludicrous like that, and now everything was being made from some of his memories and thoughts. Though he still didn't buy that the castle was a real thing.


Still... He was angry, and felt like lashing out at something. Anything really, for the injustice done to his poor fur, and the dream guards seemed like such an obvious bunch to blame.


That anger was likely not going to go away until he had the chance to properly lash out, but for now, he would begrudgingly follow the bat pony and the colt into the house, smouldering both in his mind and his body. Hopefully, this was a trap of some kind so he had a chance to hit something. Or somepony, to be more exact,


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade follows Ziggy, but as soon as the cacophony of sound hits Serenade, her ears flatten and her pupils dilate. Her back hoofs stamp against the ground, and her wings start to twitch uncontrollably. "GAH!...." She backs up until she hits a wall, she starts using her forehoofs to rub her head and her pendant starts to jiggle like it's coming loose. 

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin inspected the creature and delved into the recesses of her memories, hoping to find information that could explain its behavior. Such a thing hatching from an egg, or something familiar to it, would likely mean that whatever it is that the creature sees first will almost always consider it its parent. The nipping would either say it is hungry or showing affection. 

"I've seen similar behavior," Lin started. "Birds normally hatch from eggs; this one might be a bird or possibly a mythical phoenix. Whatever it sees upon hatching will consider it its mother and will often show affection or hunger by nipping at its parent. It could be that, or it might want to play."

Sen looked at his sister with an inquisitive tilt, eyebrow raised. Lin took the hint and replied, "I'm not an expert on this but it's what I observed whenever you went in the forest to train. It's not like I had much to do while waiting for the elder to give a lecture. " 

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@Wolves, @Blitz Boom


War was grateful to see a brightly colored stallion answer the door. "Greetings," he bowed his head quickly to show respect. "It's a pretty bad storm out here." He paused a moment to lift a hoof in order to block the wind that whipped his mane into his mouth as well as blew dust in his eyes. "May I take shelter with you? If that's not to inconvenient of course." He hoped his strange military appearance wouldn't make the unicorn reluctant to help. He wished he though of that before approaching strangers in his battle garb.

Edited by PonyOfWar

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@@Blitz Boom, as the batpony and cat made there way in the cabin the colt closed the door using his magic to bolt the door with a beam. In the cabin it seemed like it was fortified more so on the inside then outside. "so...um....you look like this isn't your first bombing then?" asked cresent


"no go's with having king mall at the helm of things" said the colt


Cresnet blinked "wait, who's king?"


"Mall, sense he becam king he's been making more wars then what he should be doing" The colt glared at the flying castel.


"so whats all that then" cresent asked


"Malls flying castle, probably rebels trying to take over the castel" said the colt  


"String shot get your tail back here this instent!" a stern voice from the floor came a stern looking mare had her head from a trap door glaring at the two.


"listen mam we mean know harm he brought us in" cresent said trying to calm the mare down.


The Mare moved between the colt and the batpony and feline "i don't know you I don't trust you what do you want?" she asked


"mom let them be" the colt wined "they were in the middle of it and we have room to help them" he said.


The mare looked at the two "if your not with malls troops then what are you two" she asked

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@@Blitz Boom,  Astral tilted her head. "Cursed? in what way?" She asked, she had seen at least ten cursed items in her lifetime and none of them were good. "If you want me to help you find them, I will." She said gesturing to herself. "Only if they don't make me want to take over equestria and give me unlimited magical powers." She added.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom@,

"If its something cursed then we really don't want it falling into the wrong hooves... like my mother's hooves" Butterfly grumbled something intangible before looking up at them. "She is right, the whole mother thing maybe a bit out of place but she's right! we need to stop those artefacts from falling into the wrong hands!" Crystal Ball's voice was filled with determination as a brave look came over her face. 

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@@Blitz Boom @@PonyOfWar Golden Spell was slightly surprised at the appearance of the stallion, but politely nodded and held the door open. "Of course, it's fine!" he assured the pony. "And that is quite the hurricane... strange." He trotted back into the cottage and said, "the more the merrier, I suppose. Good for a chat. Not much more we can do, I think, in such weather."


Cyan Flare saw Golden Spell talking to the military uniform clad pony and greeted him with a friendly wave of her hoof.



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"Okay, I guess that answers That question."


Ziggy looked with worry plastered in her eyes and voice at Serenade, hoping that her new friend wasn't hurt. It hadn't looked good at least, like a sonic blast had gone off in her direction or something like it, and that was just from the outside! It must have been 10 times worse if they had gone fully in and she'd been taken by this noise by surprise.


"Are you okay Serenade? I can go find her myself, but I'm not leaving if you need me here."


She wanted to help in whatever way she could, which was one of the reasons they had come here looking for the one with the braided mane, but she were a doctor first and foremost, and she'd take helping with her friends health over anything else any day. Especially when it looked like she might be in serious pain.







"Bites because it's hungry, wants to play, or likes me?"


Omen sounded confused, and raised a hoof to her head to check what would happen. As expected, she were bitten, but it didn't seem very hard, even from something this small, and she didn't feel pain as much as most others - another of Master Discord's character designs mixed with her confusion about what pain exactly felt like, and how much of it was bad - so perhaps it made sense? She'd have to try and feed it something at some point to know likely, though what did this eat? Guess she'd see.


For now though, Mother had opened the castle for them, and spoke of them having to leave to do something. She wasn't sure what that might be, but if she wanted it, then she'd follow that. Both with helping with whatever she had to now, and trying to handle the drake currently nuzzled in her swaying mane.


"Strange... But perhaps I will learn? Or not. Guess I will see, in time."


She tilted her head and looked towards Sen, him being the first that had called her friend and the one she thought would answer her if asked about what was to happen now. Maybe. She still wasn't sure how friends worked exactly.


"What do we do now?"


Mother stood and smiled behind her, feeling joy in seeing that for once, Omen did not ask this of her. Sure, she still sought answers from someone, but to want it from another when her mother was this close showed some degree of trust to her, and it made the old reaper feeling a warmth rise in her chest.








Oh , you had Got to be kidding me!


The thought was the second that rolled through Happy's head, right after the obligatory *Oh bugger, a royal guard* that any changeling who hadn't slept under a rock the last few years should have had as well.


The attack on Canterlot had been widely told amongst the hives that hadn't been part of the unionised force under Queen Chrysalis, and so had the measures that Equestria had suddenly taken against their kind. Wards to mess with transformation magic, more guards in some towns to scope out anypony acting suspicious, etc. etc.


Basically, being a changeling in Equestria these days were almost as harsh as being in the Badlands, though since they still needed love, having to go to the country was still more or less a forced action for those that had their hives near it. His own were not part of those, as they were situated in more closed off spaces to the north and sometimes to the west, but supplies were scarce sometimes, so a frisky run towards a country that oozed love was often tempting. Which, after Chrysalis had ruined the nice order of *sometimes, a few ponies go missing and a few townsfolk can feel a little drained* was becoming a huge pain in the flank.


He knew this when he had entered the country, and had thus far been lucky enough to not meet a guard that found him suspicious or a town with the right measures against his kin, yet meeting one always got him somewhat nervous. Hence, seeing this armored one - even if the uniform seemed a bit off - got him shaken a bit beneath the somewhat calm layer he showed the others. For all he knew, the strange looks were because this was one of the guards for the new princess, who might chose attire like this to separate her lackeys from the others.


The second thought were born from irritation, and the reality in this going from the quiet place he had planned when he had *handled* a few others that looked for a place to wait this out, to what it would have been if he had just let them stay. Minus the sobbing, scared looks they'd likely have over these.


Still, faced with this... Pony, he had to try and act his best. Nothing suspicious, nothing shown, just keep calm, and act like a pony.


"Why hello there. I'm Happy Hour, and this is Cyan Flare and her brother Golden Spell. What're your name mate?"


He raised a hoof in greeting and sent the larger pony a cheeky, friendly grin. He wasn't That much larger, as Happy's pony form was a bit taller than the regular size ponies, but the armor clad pony still got some height over his head.








Both Null and Void seemed to squirm a bit when faced with what the cursed artefacts were, as they likely had to explain how they could carry it around as well and that subject had gotten them... Well, not good places, that was for sure.


"S-Some of them are... Worse than the others. A f-few will take control of you, one will m-melt you, slowly, and other's are j-just... Horrible."


"We have gathered them around as we found them, both for protection to ourselves and to sorta keep them at legs length from others, and we were going to give them to the princesses, to see if they could cleanse them or something. And to prove we didn't want to do anything bad in this country."


"Except f-for our uhm.. Weapons."


"Yeah, those we're keeping, but the rest are going. They don't really work on us because we're - *cough* - but we don't want them around either, in case they get lost or stolen. And if we find it, for the love of everything that's holy, don't touch anything. It's only going to end badly."


As the two sisters more or less explained things - even though Null obviously hid something when coughing - the squirming ended. Or well, at least for Null, but she were the one controlling things here mostly it seemed, and as she jumped up on her sisters back and laid down, Void seemed to get a bit more of a calm look over herself.


"So... Have you ever seen a waterfall in here? Please? We sorta, uhm...Need a place to start from."







"Someone who'd very much like to find him, and beat the sense either out or into him. Whichever one takes the longest."


The slightly angry, sly voice of Zinthar rolled of his tongue as he narrowed his three eyes on the mare in front of them, showing her the same suspicion that she showed them.


For all he knew, this were one of the dream guards, and this were just them setting the game in motion in this little fantasy land of theirs, but right now, he just didn't care. Let the game proceed, long as he got to act out on somepony. Somepony who, seemingly, were called Mall, as they were likely going to end up knocking the *evil regent* around, or whatever was the case.


As for the suspicion from these, he could hardly care less. Most responses he had gotten when around other, non-horrors, had been obedience, fear, anger, or worship. And suspicion came under the broad definition of fear, and one he had been met with plenty enough times to feel a little jaded towards it. It had irked him a lot back then, but time had helped his perspective and his short temper issues.


Well,some at least.


The pony-sized cat took a step towards the mare and again let the words roll of his tongue, carrying the same undertone of anger but iotherwise running smoothly.


"So, tell me, who is this Mall, and how do I get up there to make him regret scorching my fur?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Sereande nods, and quickly heads over to where she's not in direct sight of the door. "That was loud. Way louder then I expected."  She sits down, "I'm fine...really. But yeah, if you can go and get her and bring her out that would be great. I would like to avoid that....music, if you can call it that."

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral looked around. "There is a waterfall near my house." She said pointing in the general direction of her house. "Which isn't that far from here." She put her hoof back down, the lack of magic from Null and Void now worried her after it seemed like Void covered something up with a cough. "This may seem like a strange question, why aren't you emitting magic?" She asked gesturing to the two of them.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


Lin looked at the little creature once more and replied, "It takes a while to get used to. I still wonder how mother birds know what their children want without them saying."

Sen continued, remembering what had transpired prior to Omen's arrival. There is still a matter of Lin's magic. 

"We should proceed to a place where my sister could get the hostile magics residing in her cleaned out, or find someone to help us out in that task. She says she has a lead, a cave west of the Everfree Forest where she encountered our clan's lost magics. It's as good a place as any to start." 


As he ended, his voice slowed down, almost to a standstill. Deep down, he knew Lin too well. He felt he would lose her to magic one way or another. Whether or not this would be a good thing for her, he knew not. It would only be a matter of time before he found out. He didn't ruminate on it any further.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom @Wolves


"Thank you" he stated with relief and trotted in behind the unicorn. Looking back to make sure the door was closed firmly before taking in the room. Besides the Unicorn he noted the Pegasus mare and earth stallion, they seemed to be the only others in the building.


He waved at the mare as she waved at him. "Yeah I have never seen weather quite like it, I hope the rest of the ponyville citizens made it in doors safely." He replied to Golden Spells comment before turning his attention the pony introducing everyone.


"Greetings Happy Hour, Golden Spell, Cyan Flare, I am called War, strange name I know." He smiled walking to a corner near one of the fortified windows to peer out if he could.


He sat down using a hoof to try and tame the mess the wind made of his mane and tail. He began to quietly take notes on his shelter mates. He had been in ponyville only a short while and wasn't sure if he had seen these particular ponies before, perhaps they were from out of town? He didn't know he hadn't got to meet many locals yet, he could be wrong. Studying them they seemed friendly enough, they let him in after all and he wasn't exactly the friendliest looking pony.


Then again he could say the same of the one who introduced himself as Happy Hour, he was tall nearly the same height as War and look pretty scarred up leading War to assume he probably knew his way around a fight. Of course that didn't mean anything, his cutie mark suggested he was skilled in his name sake...which War was confused by...how did his parents now what he was going to be talented in to name him something like that? That was suspicious, well maybe it was just War he was just learning pony customs. He forced the thought out of his mind to study the others.


The unicorn had a tree, War didn't know what talent to link that to, Herbalist? Lumberjack? And his sister, he couldn't make hers out at all. He stared a moment trying to figure it out but looked away after catching himself just encase that was considered rude. "Anypony have any idea what is going on out there? I don't believe this storm was scheduled."

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