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Sunset Shimmer Fan Club


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There usually aren't many suggestive images of pony Sunset unless they were anthropomorphic but then something like this will come along.



When playing video games, be careful not to lose your cool otherwise you could end up doing something you'll likely regret. Sunset in this image? I'd say she's almost close to losing it completely. While this one isn't suggestive, it was labelled as a spoiler on Derpibooru so I'll be using a spoiler tag here.



Sunset really knows how to be casual, right down to blowing a bubble out of bubble gum.


This one has Sunset a little less casual.


Sunset and Pinkie Pie. These two have grown really close as friends in recent Equestria Girls specials and shorts where back at the beginning, they had very little in common other than having magical powers. I'd say it all started with Legend of Everfree which can be considered middle ground as opposed to recent.


Halloween was some time ago yet I still have Halloween themed images to share... like this one for instance. Here are Sunset and Sci-Twi as Batwoman and Supergirl respectively though this one is in black and white. There is a coloured image which I think will be coming up in my catalog later.


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As is the norm in this club, here's the mandatory swimsuit image, which all new or returning members must post at least once:








Sweet CELESTIA, that last one's gotta hurt!

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Who knew that playing a guitar would look so good. It also helps having your own name blazing right behind you. There is another version of this one without her name in the background but I don't see the need to post it here.


Pony Sunset as Phoenix. It's a reference to what she did during 'My Past is Not Today' and the character of the same name in Marvel continuity.


Sunset sushi may have lost a lot of prominence in recent months due to the swimsuit surge, but this version of her still shows that it has potential.


Ironic considering that Tara Strong voiced Raven in Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go.


Now all she needs is her own version of James and Meowth.


It may be late but it's still significant.


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The Halloween fun still continues even though it happened, in our time, over two weeks ago, as of this typing. Here we see Sunset and Sci-Twi in costumes that both have little in common to a lot in common depending on how you look at it.


Sunset has the power to see things that the rest of us could never hope to fathom. At the same time, I wouldn't want to see her do this in a dark alley as I would honestly get scared out of my wits.


And another late Halloween image. Be appreciative of these as soon the Christmas ones will be coming in full force.


Sunset decided to trade in her Team Rocket uniform for a Team Skull one instead. She really makes it look good.


Sunset finds that painful but Twilight doesn't think so.


Don't ask why Sunset and Fluttershy are together with both of them being vampires. For one, I don't know what happened, and two, it's probably best not to think about such things without over-analyzing it.



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A coloured version of an image I shared previously.


I like the grainy-like texture used to apply shadow here though it feels like Sunset is a bit taller than usual. Also, what she's doing with her hands is something I've been seeing on many a fanart in recent months.


Starlight now understands what it means to be stuck in the middle of something though she's not very happy about it. I guess that the portal didn't work as intended and she got stuck as a pony rather than become a human.


Obligatory Sunset swimsuit image... need I say more?


I'm not about to let pony Sunset be ignored.


Sunset sushi will always be a thing even if the popularity that had been behind it has waned in recent months.


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Time for me to do my usual thing and give this fan club new life.

We rarely see Sunset cosplay these days.


Hmmm... Sunset feels rather distant in this one. Though we can't see what everyone around her is saying, I think it's for the best as it adds an element of atmosphere. I also like how everyone else is slightly faded out which puts the focus clearly on Sunset.


Even pony Sunset has her own fainting couch though I don't think she uses it in the same manner as what we've come to expect from Rarity.


I can understand the sword because it makes Sunset look like a bad*** but I don't understand the suitcase. I mean, she doesn't look like she's dressed for business seeing as she's wearing her current attire, but still... Why a suitcase?


The Rainbooms--plus Starlight--as demons. Yep... Definitely Halloween themed. Using a spoiler tag as I think it's suggestive.



Speaking of demons, here is Sunset Demon wearing what looks to be an alicorn amulet!? Uh oh... I think you all know what this means, right? I hope you do.


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Well... Here I go again, keeping this fan club alive.


Now this is a 3D image that is sure to appeal to car enthusiasts and fans of racing.


Best friends have a tendency to have a lot of benefits associated with them.


I like the facial expression here though I suspect others might not appreciate it. Also, Sunset is clearly nervous in this one on account of the small sweat drops on the lower part of her face.


Ever wonder what Sunset would look like had she joined with the Dazzlings and became their fourth member? This image provides that answer. Here is Sunset as a hippocampus, the true form of the Dazzlings--and their proper name apparently.


Even pony Sunset can't help using inappropriate language. This one has been hidden with a spoiler tag on account of it being declared vulgar on Derpibooru.




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Three times the charm right? How about eight images this time.

Let's start with the obligatory Sunset swimsuit image that's too suggestive to be seen without a spoiler tag. She has quite the toned stomach which leads me to suspect that she secretly works out every now and again.



Like I said, Sunset must secretly work out in order to tone her body up. In this case, her efforts have borne tremendous fruit. So much so that even Rainbow Dash and Twilight are in complete awe of what she has done.


These are either figurines or some of the best 3D images I've seen so far. In any case, it looks like Sunset and Starlight favour a specific team.


Here are Sunset and Sci-Twi at the beach. While Sunset is clearly shining--and I don't mean the stars surrounding her--Sci-Twi appears incredibly nervous and the expression in her eyes adds to the anxiety.


And now we have Sunset in the bathtub. The way she is positioned makes her look both cute and curious as though she were hiding from the world. Then again, she probably wants to keep as warm as possible. Surprisingly, this one isn't suggestive in the least despite the concept so no spoiler tag will be necessary here.


Sunset feels like a real winner what with that trophy, medal, and wreath signalling that she is number one.


That expression just conveys a sense of innocence.


Would you like to have one of her 'Pocky'? I haven't had any for a very long time now so I should really consider going to the store and picking some up.


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Here we go again.

So this is what Sunset likes to read whenever she has a free moment. It must be quite the riveting read considering that it does relate to her.


Perhaps the most hilarious thing involves what's happening behind Sunset and Sci-Twi involving Rainbow Dash. Judging from her expression, she has realized that she just isn't good with mixing chemicals to make some kind of concoction.


I love this tender moment because of the sunset in the background.


Even though I'm no fan of shipping, I do appreciate the lengths and creativity people utilize to make said shippings adorable.


Someone--most likely Sci-Twi given the colour of the hand and arm reaching out--is offering their hand to Sunset out of a sense of compassion. Sunset does have tears trickling down her face in case no one could see.


Here we have Sunset and Adagio though judging from what's going on, the former appears to be in some kind of servitude to the other. The reason I say 'some kind' is because what's being showcased isn't exactly well defined. In any case, this is a suggestive image mainly due to Sunset.



Obligatory Sunset swimsuit image.



This last one is from 'My Past is Not Today', arguably one of the best songs to come out from generation four of My Little Pony.


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This was on the front page of deviantart, and it's not hard to see why.


Somebody's been taking a TON of Toon Boom character references for this! I really would have believed this was an actual screenshot for an upcoming movie sequel.... if Siren Sonata wasn't such a dead giveaway. As much as I like how she came out, that's just not accurate to how she looked in Rainbow Rocks or Shadow Play.

But I love the work put into the other three. Especially Sunset. You can tell she's playing the leader in this one.

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                                               No questions asked.

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Hooray! Others have posted here aside from me. Sunset would be very proud of this.


Obligatory Sunset swimsuit image. You know... I should trademark this phrase one day.


I am a sucker for hand-drawn art that has been coloured using coloured pencils--pencil crayons as we called them in England back in the day.


Sunset just can't help being so adorable what with her numerous facial expressions. This one in particular from Legend of Everfree stands out as a perfect example.


Pony Sunset and pony Starlight. I love the way both of them were drawn and I also like the little hearts as extra details. What makes the hearts truly stand out is that they are in the colours of the respective ponies mane colours.


Now this is what I call a crossover if I ever saw one.


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Let's cut to the chase and get down to business.


I don't know why Sunset is taller than Twilight in this one but I can overlook this. What I do find cute is that Sunset is wearing a top that says 'Sparkle' whilst Twilight is wearing one that says 'Shimmer'. The two of them are pretty close on multiple levels and hopefully it will remain this way for years to come.


Though this is a rough sketch coloured in, it's a very good rough sketch.


I had a couple of other screenshots I could've shared but I wanted to share this one in particular. It's not because of her expression but the fact that she does it in a slightly exaggerated way. It reminds me that she is still a cartoon character and that some of her mannerisms are, well, cartoony.


They say that love triangles can be problematic, they weren't kidding about it. In this case, we have what looks to be a four-way love triangle with Sunset, Starlight, and Trixie fighting over what appears to be a human Spike. At least... I think it's him.


Lastly, have some Equestria Girls in a cute anime style.


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I don't mind posting in this fan club in order to keep it relevant. Sunset will always have a fan in me.


Sunset reminds us that she is capable of producing some really awkward facial expressions. This one would be one of those examples. Sure, it might not feel right to some because she is a human here and not a pony, but Equestria Girls has more than proven that it can hold its own.


Here is Sunset from the comic book that she was working on. I find it cute and cool that this is essentially an art style within an art style--comic book styled animation within the Flash animated style.


What have Sunset and Sci-Twi gotten themselves into!?


Here is Sunset if she was imagined as a 'punk'. I like this one because of the art style and the fact that you don't see Sunset wearing this kind of attire. There is another version of this same image but takes place at night as opposed to this one which occurs at daytime but I feel one version is enough for here.


I was wondering when I was going to finally get to this one. Here are Sunset and Aria Blaze but the first thing you'll notice and ask is... what am I looking at!? This is a form of cosplay known as kigurumi--animegao to be more precise--and was something I used to do years ago--I've since gone back to it as of several days ago. It was the Sunset performer who indirectly helped me overcome any self-doubts that I had.


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Adorable "Ponies acting like Cats" featuring Sunset Shimmer.


Now here's Sunset built like a bodybuilder.


Hasbro, make this happen!


  • Brohoof 1

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Despite having changed her ways and for the better, Sunset is still flawed in that she has regressed unintentionally back to her old ways. Here would be an example of this even though this image is part of a series where the Rainbooms have distinct opinions on their shirts. Using the spoiler tag here for both suggestive and vulgar reasons.



I just have to include this screenshot all because of the memes that have been created about it. You have to wonder why Sunset kept on wanting to try and win a rigged game knowing full well that this was the case. I mean, we know it's due to her anger issues and desire to succeed at everything before her, but was it really worth it this time around? Also, I don't need to say the quote since we know what it is.


Here is the first image again but with colour this time. I could've chosen one or the other but I wanted to share both. The same spoiler tags from before are being applied here though this image is a bit smaller than the other one.



Pony Sunset has encountered Nightmare Moon. Both of them have a lot in common due to their tragic pasts yet Sunset in this case has found a better place. Then again, she could be tempted back to the dark ways were she to fall under the influence of Nightmare Moon. On the other hand, it could be that Nightmare Moon needs Sunset to help her heal.


Technically, she was originally a horse so her being in there is appropriate.


I'm a sucker for coloured drawings and this one is just so cute. However, the cuteness masks the fact that Sunset here is in a straight-jacket. Guess she must have snapped after too many magic related problems got to her.


I say... Sunset has no nose here but then it's part of the art style.


Lastly, one of the usual shipping images that even now continue to remain popular.


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That star covering Sunset's left eye reminds me so much of Jem from Jem & the Holograms. It should come as no surprise seeing as both are Hasbro properties so this can be considered a cute little Easter egg.


Sunset seems real enamoured with that fireball between her hands. Hmmm... maybe she ought to be careful about this. You know what can happen when you play around with fire, especially without the proper equipment.


Moustache! I know this is a meme somewhere.


There are some things that should be kept a secret because we don't have to share them with anyone.


Playing with fire again, Sunset? This time, she is using her magic to ensure her own safety so she has taken my words to heart.


Behold the plushie gathering!


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2 hours ago, Ganondorf8 said:

Behold the plushie gathering!


Plushie: The Gathering ? :)

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ᚾᛖᚹ ᛚᚢᚾᚨ ᚱᛖᛈᚢᛒᛚᛁᚴ - ᚦᛖ ᚠᚢᚾ ᚺᚨᚦ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛞᛟᚢᛒᛚᛖᛞ


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Nice one! I definitely wouldn't have thought of that.


Pony Sunset and Sonata Dusk in her Siren form. I find this so adorable because of how cute both of them are.


Here are Sunset and Sci-Twi hanging out and viewing something on their respective tablets. I've no idea what they could be watching but it must be interesting given they're completely focused on it.


I'll chalk this one up as both cute and adorable.


Since it's now December as of the time of me typing this, expect Christmas themed images to pop up more often such as this one for instance.


Equestria Girls crossing over with Super Mario--aka the Mario franchise. Definitely something you don't see every day.


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Sunset the maid is happy to be of service. Just don't overdo things when it comes to issuing commands otherwise things could get ugly.


Obligatory Sunset swimsuit image. Derpibooru didn't designate this one with a spoiler tag for suggestiveness but I'll add one here just for safety reasons. On the topic of this image, yes, it's anthropomorphic and she does look thinner than usual, but it does have a cartoon-like feel.



Twilight and Sunset together here though one of them is upside down... or is the other one doing that? It's hard to say.


Having to wear bunny ears without a good enough reason would make anyone feel embarrassed yet Sunset is doing her best to remain calm and composed.


This one definitely has 'magical girl' written all over it along with an anime feel. On a similar note, Sunset has an X for a belly-button which is very cute.


Maybe, Twilight, but not if Sunset has anything to say about it.



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