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Quintara HiveHagfish

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Void looked at little Kelly then back at Kelly now as he hugged her tight.

"Monster? How is a Alicorn of shiny magic a monster? You are not a monster and never will be, you defended your father with such power and courage and you were still young!"

He smiled at Kelly and lifted her chin up with his hoof so they were at eye level and face to face.

"Don't think like that... You were strong and brave there to protect those you love"

Void was completely honest and truthful with every word.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Jane smiled at them, then the site went dark again, it looked like the necklace knew Kelly had to accept their transformation abilities she still had not accepted. Then the place went dark again, and a brilliant pony walked up to the entire group, their energy was frighteningly big, much like Kelly, she approached Kelly and Void. Kelly was transformed smiling at Kelly and Void. But Kelly was still in shock.


(Void is you, help Kelly with Shiny Kelly)

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Void just stared at Shiny Kelly then back at Kelly again with a very confused look.

"Wait... Is this a memory or can that Kelly hear us... Hello?

Void was very confused with this memory when he realized that could be when Kelly goes very vengeful and violent.

"Kelly? Is that you when you go very mad? I can't tell... Is this a memory?"

Void had no idea how to react, he was in shock too.

Edited by Void Crawler
  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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So Shiny Kelly, entered the body of Kelly, Kelly then remembered all that this transformation helped her in life, they were expelled from the collar of the Mother of Kelly and all fell on the library floor. Kelly was transformed. Only that his aura was incalculable power. Twilight Sparkle was looking happy for Kelly waiting for someone to tell what happened inside, Shiny Kelly was looking at her body, she understood the meaning of transformation. 
"I'm an Alicorn or an Earth Pony?" 


She looked with some tears for King and Void.
Edited by Mrbrunoh1
  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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Void approached the quite tall Shiny Kelly with a grin.

"At the moment Kelly your an Alicorn and you are glowing a very strong aura! I think King still is kinda scared of your power though"

Void made a little joke at King who was stood behind Mariah and Jane.

"No I am not... Maybe, your power is immense and since the battle it still puts me into a bow of respect for you" King had much respect for Kelly when she was like this as he literally bowed at her.

"No need to cry now. That was amazing!" Void hugged Kelly again and didn't let go for awhile.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Twilight smiled at the time of the friendly group.

"Kelly is not afraid of his power, he is part of you, your friends respect you as much as Alicorn EarthPony now grab this may be something that will help end this."

Twilight played a map with the coordenatas cache of Dark Alicorns other, and winked at King.

"Now go and end this suffering."

Jane hugged King who was with the map, and Mariah joined the embrace of Void and Kelly.

"Thank you Princess."

Mariah looked at King and Jane waiting for a response from both.

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King bowed again but this time for Twilight as a sign of respect when he looked at Jane as he hugged her then back at the map.

King then realized what Twilight said about the Alicorns and the map and he looked at it with the largest and most psychotic smile he has ever done.

"HAAAHAHAHA! We can end this, they will burn! All of them will burn in black flames!" King then realized how insane he sounded then and calmed down quickly and his black mist around him faded away.

"Sorry just happy we can finish them all now, if you all don't wanna come trust me when I say I will kill them all alone if it's dangerous"

King was determined to get them now for all they did to the group, especially for how they have tried tricking all of them in the past.

Edited by Void Crawler
  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Kelly stood up and walked slowly to King and called the group. 

"Mariah can teleport us to a place near ?, this will be the end of them." 
Kelly smiled at Twilight, she had helped the group again. Kelly blinked King. Mariah teleported the two to close the place, could already feel the energy of the three dark Alicorn. 
"Jane King and you two are in that part of the cave, I Void and Mariah go to that, Okay?" 

Kelly was ready for anything now, wait for an answer from Jane, and King. 

  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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@@Mrbrunoh1, @,


Jane smile to King and King with your negative aura, and Jane with you little negative aura.


"I will not disappoint you with King, King promised to be with him for him to learn, even if it is a bit sadistic ones Alicorns deserve after what I saw Kelly, and I can switch the magic between positive and negative. "

Jane looked at King waiting for his approval.

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King grinned at Jane then back at Kelly.

"Oh we so got this in the bag, they will all regret there own lives" He looked at Jane and poked his horn then hers.

"I can also teach you a few things whilst we do this if you want?" King looked at Jane with glowing eyes from excitement for revenge. 


Void nodded in agreement as he too smiled at Mariah and Kelly, 

"So then, we going to start this and finish off those VILE Alicorns?"

Even Void was getting a feeling for revenge at the moment.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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The group broke up, Kelly, Mariah and Void went one way, that site could already feel quite negative energy, Shiny Kelly did not seem to care about the amount, she winked at Void and spoke. 
"Void you can do something that shows the trail of more powerful negative energy will destroy one by one, perhaps his group has increased." 

Kelly waited Void with a smile. His armor shone like never before. 

Edited by Mrbrunoh1
  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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Void smiled, he didn't even say yes as his horn was already glowing.

"Yes I can use my magic to let us follow there dark magic since I can absorb it for my own power, we should only follow one trail at a time" His horn had a black mist and sparks coming from it as he made dark magic visible to the normal eye, since he was a Changeling he could see dark magic unlike other normal pony eyes.

"There you two should be able to see dark magic now just make sure you don't attack me, I have dark magic too so don't get confused"


King gestured Jane to follow him as he was following the walls to the cave. He was making sure that the Alicorns didn't do anything to Jane too but he trusted her skill with magic to help him so he wasn't to overprotective about it.

"I trust your magic Jane, I hope we both get some target practice if you know what I mean" He laughed a little as he made his horn glow a black mist Alicorn dummy in front of him and he rammed the mist with his horn.

"The Alicorns will not even expect it" 

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Jane lived in both knew that each local Everfree it, especially the caves, she was smiling at King, she was absorbing the energy of the site along with King.

"King, you know Mariah and Kelly has not had time to teach me to Shiny Magic, you think I'm capable of it?"

Jane was in front of King she knew all the pitfalls of the local King would fall into one and she jumped on him just in time and the wall fell right in front. The two fell embraced.

"Are you okay?"


(OOC: SO CUTE, go Void)

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King went bright red as they were embraced on the floor.

"Uhhh, wa..... You... saved m...." He was stuttering again and couldn't get his words out.

"Yeah... I'm alright, thanks to you" King quickly kissed Jane on the cheek before going red again and he had no clue what to do next.

"That is a thank you uhhh..." King remembered when he told her that he wasn't getting embarrassed around her and it was for another reason... If she asked him why he was going to tell her, even if it made him look stupid or dumb.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Jane smiled and to see their small prey, she helped King to rise and at the same time answered.

"Alright King, friends help each other and you are much more than that."

Jane gave a kiss on her cheek as a response to the King.

"Alright you look like, I think you're funny, you always makes me happy, I think Kelly left us together so we can talk a little, it scared me a bit with that energy."

Jane smiled to King, and she did not care King tripping over words, was his way over to her and she liked it.


(OOC: wait one more Bruno)

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King was near passing out from this moment and he tripped over but stood back up and was still blushing through his shell as she kissed him.

"You think I'm funny? Well I am glad Kelly umm let us do this hunting together uhhh, talking is always something nice" 

He was extremely happy to hear that she thinks he is funny, hopefully not him being dumb though.

"The energy scared me a little... Umm too" He kept trying to calm himself but failed every time.

"Sorry if I am being... Stupid again..."

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Jane smiled and giggled for King with her tail she lassoed the legs of King and pulled to stand face to face.

"I do not care, you're not stupid just a little strange when you're with me, I think it's because I am different, but no matter, we will continue."

Jane wait King to recover of the moment.

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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@@RaritySparkleArtist, @@Mrbrunoh1,


King was look down to see Jane's tail wrapping his legs to pull them closer and again he went into a very obviously large blush.

"It's not because your different... Umm Yeah let's continue on before I fall over into sleep from a certain Changeling Pony..."

King followed Jane on through the cave after that painfully long lasting moment for him as he again felt like a stupid love struck idiot.

"We have got to find them Alicorns soon right..." King was admiring Jane's cute tail before focusing on the cave again.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Jane and King ended up entering a type of ancient arena that was in the cave, which was immense and soon entered the stones fell and locked the entrance and the exit, I had an Alicorn in the center of the field, Jane retreated to behind King, it does not knew nothing about the Dark King Alicorn but surely knew. Had two Alicorns center field.



  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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King just shot a massive bolt of dark magic at the wall to hopefully get the attention of the others as they would feel the Dark magic level rise very quick he then turned to face the three with hatred in his eyes and violence in his heart cutting at him slowly as he stayed put in front of Jane making a hissing sound.

"So... this cave is quite large enough for a multiple enormous creatures... Unlucky for you, Jane! This is going to be the hardest thing you could ever do in magic of the dark kind but do what I taught you earlier but instead of a Phoenix think about a Dragon, and no I am not Joking just do this!"

King made his horn spark up black magic as his body was covered in mist and he became an Armoured Black Dragon.

His voice was booming loud and was shaking the cave walls.

"You will never feel worse pain in your whole life than now you FIEND!"

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1,


She was frightened when King quickly turned that huge dragon, the Dark Alicorns then began to attack him Jane started breathing heavily and was wondering, when suddenly a burst of negative energy hit the horn Jane, as she is a changeling absorbed this gust unintentionally, his body began to change and she was a dragon a little smaller than King of bright red color and without armor.

"King worked"

She exclaimed with a voice of a dragon.

Both Dark Alicorn were preparing a coup to hit Jane.

  • Brohoof 2

Pills <3 Kelly - The true nature, is one that warms the soul - Jane


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Kelly feels two extremely strong energy, Mariah teleports everyone to the site, so she sees two huge dragons on the spot and three alicornios then she screams. 
"STOP, I finish with this, I'll kill the three." 
Kelly looks shiny with a very strange look at the three.
  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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"I told you Jane, I knew it would work, Haha!"

King grinned at her showing his jaw off razor teeth as he jumped at one of the Alicorns and his armour deflected a magic shot as he pinned it to the floor roaring in it's face, when Kelly teleported the rest of the group into the huge cave area to his surprise the Alicorn teleported out of his grasp as he got distracted.

"Good to see you ponies here! Two Dragons just fighting these monsters ain't fair" 

King laughed as he looked at Kelly with his lizard tongue licking his muzzle as he hissed. 

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Kelly lit up the place with his incredibly strong horn, the Dark Alicorns arrested if the trap itself, Kelly created a magical cage for the three and walked slowly up to them, shaking with fear of Kelly, she arrived with a seductive look for all three. 
"I'm not the pony that you mocked the ten years I promised I would find you, and kill one by one, now you have to to exist, but I will not do it, which of the two dragons you choose, red or black? "
Kelly smiled and pointed to the Black. 
"You have no choice, the two can end this nightmare." 

Shiny Kelly, blinks for King finished with that nightmare. 

  • Brohoof 2

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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King poked Jane in the ear quickly and whispered.

"I am quite sure you would be happy taking one out right?"

King then approached two of the cages with his mouth open wide enough to see every fang and tooth in there.

"I am going to savor this moment in my dreams... I am sure you will too Kelly"

King then was stood right over the far end Alicorns cage with his Jaw open wide and he readied his bite.

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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