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Rainbow Rocks


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Why not MLP Trixie's family?  But it would be interesting.

Basically because going around referring to yourself in the third-person as "The Great and Powerful Trixie" and dropping smoke bombs all the time as a high school girl is just so much weirder.


I've been thinking about this and I suppose for maximum comedic effect Trixie should have a family

That is really soft spoken and polite and nice.


Edited by Andaasonsan
  • Brohoof 1

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Basically because going around referring to yourself in the third-person as "The Great and Powerful Trixie" and dropping smoke bombs all the time as a high school girl is just so much weirder.


I've been thinking about this and I suppose for maximum comedic effect Trixie should have a family

That is really soft spoken and polite and nice.


I must not have been clear. 


Why specifically EQG over MLP.


I would like to see her family.


I mean When I heard the Pinkie Pie family episode was coming, I really excitedly posted that news to the pinkie fanclub.  but, why human, not pony?

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I must not have been clear. 


Why specifically EQG over MLP.


I would like to see her family.


I mean When I heard the Pinkie Pie family episode was coming, I really excitedly posted that news to the pinkie fanclub.  but, why human, not pony?

Because the way Trixie acts is much, much stranger as a high school girl than as a pony. It would be more lol-worthy.


The point is I want to know what kind of environment would produce a girl like that.


Random thought:


The other Twilight Sparkle should be known as "Twilight Sparklnate".

Edited by Andaasonsan

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Just saw it Wednesday night. The theatre was primarily a couple groups of bronies and about 3 or 4 little girls with their parents. Not a big showing but it was not well advertised at this theatre. If you hadn't found the showing online you wouldn't even know it was playing.


Anyway, I loved the movie! The story was great, the songs were great, references to the show were great, and I have no complaints about it!


I liked that Trixie had a much larger role to play. Her character was perfect!

I enjoyed Sunset Shimmer's redemption story line. It was handled well. I also prefer her as a protagonist.

I loved Maud's appearance and her interesting behavior. Maud is awesome :D

I also thought that Derpy's group sounded cool. I would have enjoyed hearing more from them, but that wasn't the focus of the movie.


The message of this movie was well delivered. Friendship requires maintenance. A person can't keep friends if they do not listen to them and care about them. Once again the spot on message that friendships are not always easy but are worth fighting for.


Finally the end credit scene made me :squee: ! I am so much looking forward to a third movie.



Edited by KnightoftheLion
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@Buck Testa, hello :). Just letting you know that I merged your thread with our main reviews and reactions thread for Rainbow Rocks, since that's what you were asking for in yours. And no, you most certainly weren't the only person delightfully surprised with RR :D


Funny enough, due to her absence in most of the promotional material I didn't have high hopes for Sunset Shimmer in this movie at first. It felt like she'd be pushed aside to make room for Twilight and keep the group that we're used to seeing in the spotlight. So yeah, I was very happy to find out that my worries were for nothing :derp:. I was very pleased with Sunset's story in the movie and it combined with Twily's to give a very good message about expectations and the pressure that comes with living up to/defying them.


The music was also more enjoyable than the first movie, mostly on the Dazzlings' end, but Tricks Up My Sleeve, Awesome As I Wanna Be and the Rainbooms' last couple songs were also fun enough. The thing I liked most was how the movie set the stage for more adventures in EQGland, showing that the Mane Six definitely haven't gone through the development that their pony selves have gone through, and between the setting, Sunset and The Question Human Twilight, future stories there have plenty of room to feel fresh and stand on their own feet.

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This is just me, but the reason I'd prefer to see Trixie's family/home life as a human rather than the pony is because I simply don't care about Trixie in the regular MLP. inb4ragingtrixiefans


I loved her in Equestria Girls though. :mellow:

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The movie is better than EG. I enjoyed the Dazzles songs. The movie very much ending the way I expected with the whole contest being invalid and just a platform for the good vs. evil battle minus the good guys being rewarded for it. To few of the other bands played. Good call of Trixie actually pointing out the Mane group using magic for the contest as an unfair advantage.

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I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Thought it was more cohesive than the first one, which I'm guilty of enjoying also.  The songs were a bit too "ten pop" than "rock"  for my taste, but I suppose that's too be expected.  No big whoop.


My only other nitpick was how Twi found her way back into the EQG world.  I just felt like how they did that was done hastily.  Again, nothing too serious.  I did love Sunset Shimmer in this; I like all the parts she plays in the story, and her sense of trying to "fit back" into a high school routine after almost going mad with magical power.  She was my favorite character in this movie.  Enjoyed the villains too (the Sirens).  Thought their back story was pretty cool, and their personalities were great to watch.


All in all, I though it did well as animated movie, and not just as an MLP related movie.  

  • Brohoof 2


If you wanna see, go on and tear it outta me!


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Because the way Trixie acts is much, much stranger as a high school girl than as a pony. It would be more lol-worthy.


The point is I want to know what kind of environment would produce a girl like that.



Random thought:


The other Twilight Sparkle should be known as "Twilight Sparklnate".

got it.


Why Sparkinate?


I call her conspiracy Twilight, myself.

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got it.


Why Sparkinate?


I call her conspiracy Twilight, myself.

Basically it's a reference to Fringe, where the alternate universe version of a character named Walter was called "Walternate". (As in "alternate".)


So it's not "Spark-i-nate" it's "Spark-ul-nit".

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I think Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna might now be peeved that another Equestrian shenanigan ruined another school function and put their students in danger. 


EG3 Celestia flips the table.


Celestia talking about the next school function. Turns to the Mane 6 and in a loud tone, "Are we going to have any more problems from Equestria?"

Edited by Singe
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Hey there! It's me, the one who started this thread. Now I DID say that I would be posting my review on a different thread, but you know what, I'm just gonna post my review. Right. Here. Enjoy!



First things first. Characters:


Twilight- cute and adorable as always. It may have been just me, but she did seem a little teeny tiny bit out of character, especially when she was around Flash, but that could have just been her gigantic crush on him controlling her.


Rarity- what can I say, she was the complete diva (like she always is). She did seem to be the main problem along with Rainbow Dash when it came to the band's petty little arguments, such as her throwing multiple fits about costumes (but again, typical diva Rarity).


Rainbow Dash- I can't believe I'm saying this, but she was a brat in this film. When she started to go on about how this was "her band" and all, I honestly thought that the writers went overboard with her this time. Despite her earlier actions, Rainbow did manage to make a good comeback in the end when she finally accepted the fact that this was everybody's band. 


Fluttershy- she kind of acted the way her pony counterpart had in "Putting Your Hoof Down". She let herself become a pushover when Rainbow Dash refused to play the song she had written, and then she finally stood up for herself during the Rainboom's big fight. Nothing more to say about her, really, other than the fact that she was probably the most in-character of all the HuMane Six.


Pinkie Pie- she's obviously the biggest whipped cream junkie out there. :P  Pinkie, along with Sonata Dusk, definitely had some of the best lines in the entire movie, some of Pinkie's being "So magical' and "YOU HAVE ALL FORGOTTEN WHAT FUN IS!" (or something like that). Overall, Pinkie was probably one of the most enjoyable characters out of the whole movie, and I'm not just saying that because she's my favorite pony.


Applejack- I felt like she wasn't a big part of this movie, they just put her in there because she's one of the Mane Six. She wasn't out of character or anything, but she just didn't seem to be as involved (?) as the other five were. Applejack did seem to help the Rainbooms stay calm, at least until the big fight.


Adagio Dazzle- she was basically pre-redemption Sunset Shimmer in a different body. She was the freakiest of the Dazzlings when they transformed into those red-eyed little demons with fairy wings, but she was also the prettiest of the Dazzlings when they were in human form. She was, without a doubt, always the boss of her little group, and she's a take-charge kind of character.


Aria Blaze- Aria has sass, style, and she's also apparently jealous of Adagio. Throughout the movie, she's shown attempting to make Adagio's plan seem stupid and unoriginal, so that she can take charge for once. She also sees Sonata Dusk as the trio's "weak link" and calls her "the worst."


Sonata Dusk- it's hard to believe that she's a part of the Dazzlings. She had a sweet personality, and she was a little dumb and clueless, almost like Derpy without the lazy eye. :muffins: She was the main supply of laughter in this movie, from her array of funny faces to her Taco Tuesday freakout.


Sunset Shimmer- I swear she was the glue that was holding the Rainbooms together. Without her, the Rainbooms would have fallen apart and the Dazzlings would have won, so Sunset was a crucial part of this movie. Sunset has shown that she's capable of possessing white magic, causing her to become the seventh element, or the human world's version of the Element of Magic. Her pony transformation was amazing, and she makes a lovable character now that she's turned good.


Flash Sentry- he did get some more character development, when he was normal and when he was possessed by the Dazzlings. He was shown to have a caring personality, especially towards Twilight (wink wink), so he naturally turned cold and bitter when he was possessed. In the end of the movie, when he's shown hugging Twilight, I'm honestly glad he didn't kiss her. Even though I support the FlashLight ship (a lot), there would be an unspeakable amount of hate rolling in from the bronies about him. But, you never know. The ending of the movie was screaming for a sequel (or threequel?) and maybe in the next movie, he'll finally kiss Twilight. (We all know he wants to.)




It wasn't perfect, oh no, but it was a HUGE improvement over the first movie's plot. Rainbow Rocks had less plot holes, better subplots, and although it was still pretty cliché, it was a lot less stereotypical, the biggest improvement along these lines being that some of the girls actually knew what pants were. Overall, it was a great movie, and it was worth the wait to see it in theaters.

  • Brohoof 2

I am your princess now, and you will be loyal to Me!

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I just watched it. I don't feel like going into a super detailed review on this one but here are my general thoughts:


The songs, I liked them a lot here. They were a bit more experimental especially with the Dazzles. Can't say I have a favorite just yet.


Sunset Shimmer was surprisingly well done too, the way they handled her 'redemption' thing was done a lot better than I expected, I thought the whole 'oooo, I will betray my friends because blah blah" thing was going to happen but it didn't luckily.


I also liked the more cohesive plot here, it just flowed a lot better and the addition of other background characters was also neat.


What I didn't like:


They used Equestria Twilight. I was a bit annoyed by them doing this. Instead of just introducing the Twilight of that world we instead get a loophole that was hastily thrown together so that Twilight can go there anytime, which is just there to set up sequels. I know introducing the other Twilight would have been difficult for the plot here, but they obviously are doing it eventually. That loophole was another thing that really bothered me. I actually thought that was really stupid.


The lack of Spike. Maybe it was just me but I did notice a lack of Spike or at least clever Spike in comparison to the first film but I guess that is just nitpicking.


Overall, I really liked the movie even if I think an EG sequel was not entirely necessary. Since sequels are going to be a thing and we will get more movies of this, I just have one request for the writers: Keep Equestria Girls and the real FiM (like season 5) entirely separated. That is most likely what they are going to do obviously but I wanted to express that. They may just keep this pattern going of having a season, EG movie, season, movie and so on.


This movie was a huge improvement over the first one and I even enjoyed the first one.


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Loved it. Yea, so I was gonna see it with friends in theaters but no our freaking theater took it down the day we were gonna see it just so could have a fourth theater to show Gone Girl (which was partially filmed in our town).


Pathetic. Regardless I've seen it anyway via YouTube, and despite the crap quality it was shown and heard in it was still better than the original. For an EG film, I actually give this a 9/10

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Am I the only one, while still being a brony, have absolutely no desire to see this? I felt the same with the original Equestria Girls and still haven't sat through the whole thing, since it came off as forced and dull so I quit halfway in.

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Am I the only one, while still being a brony, have absolutely no desire to see this? I felt the same with the original Equestria Girls and still haven't sat through the whole thing, since it came off as forced and dull so I quit halfway in.



If you don't like Equestria Girls, you don't deserve to live.


Alright, but in all seriousness... nah. :pout: There are plenty of bronies who don't like Equestria Girls; you're one of many.


I do think you should give Rainbow Rocks a chance though. A lot of people who didn't like Equestria Girls are loving it.

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Well, the first movie was pretty passable, it wasn't "great" on it's own but it's like a huge slice of heaven compared to other movies that attempted it. With all this positive attention you're giving it, maybe it's the rare time we have a sequel better than the first! Like, there's Toy Story 2, and really I can''t think of anything else at the top of my head. Of course, the theaters it's actually playing in are extremely limited but it seems like Netflix will stream it by the end of the month.

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Rainbow Rocks by the end doesn't even bother to bring up the scene of Flash Sentry being mean to Twilight Sparkle. He just runs up to hug her like it's all cool. 


I can't take a romance seriously if it's just going to gloss over every single bump in the road. :wacko:

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Rainbow Rocks by the end doesn't even bother to bring up the scene of Flash Sentry being mean to Twilight Sparkle. He just runs up to hug her like it's all cool. 


I can't take a romance seriously if it's just going to gloss over every single bump in the road. :wacko:


While your point is valid, he was under mind/emotion control at the time.

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I'm not going to read anything that looks spoiler-ish.


I just need to ask a question, and hope it will be answered:


Is it a good movie?


In the opinion of someone who didn't like the first one very much, it was a very good movie!


This one was a vast improvement.

There seemed to be a lot more effort put into this one: music-wise, plot-wise, writing-wise, and animation-wise!


If you go to Hasbro's youtube channel and watch a sneak peak video of the villains singing their first song called "Battle of the Bands", you'll see that they have improved on animating the human models SO SO MUCH. My brother and I were sitting there like "WOAH."


No spoilers: but this movie actually made me laugh out loud several times.

The writing is better, the jokes are great, the cameos are hilarious, the plot strung along better than the last one I think. It didn't seem as rushed or empty.


Sunset Shimmer is an actual character this time around rather than a stereotype. She is ADORABLE and I love her very very much (and I ship her with Twilight now, whoops).


And the VILLAINS! I am in LOVE with them.

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Rainbow Rocks by the end doesn't even bother to bring up the scene of Flash Sentry being mean to Twilight Sparkle. He just runs up to hug her like it's all cool. 


I can't take a romance seriously if it's just going to gloss over every single bump in the road. :wacko:

Twilight, as a princess of magic, knows that Flash was under the influence of powerful magic. It was not his fault. She wouldn't think there was anything he needed to apologize for.

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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While your point is valid, he was under mind/emotion control at the time.


It's actually more that the movie had this moment and doesn't mention it when it had the chance to use it as a way to bolster this little romance when it already has barely any depth. The problem with giving Flash Sentry the emotion control reason also requires that any personalty he showed while under the influence could also be disregarded as that was also him under the emotion control.

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If this was real, I wouldn't care I liked Equestria girls it was a good movie but it's not like I'm demanding another though. Still, if there is a new movie even though it has not been confirmed then that's just one more thing to look forward too.

I thought it was confirmed, they have a Bunch of commercials on the Hub channel

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