Will Guide 21,362 October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 (edited) Hmm..I re-watched the film and figured out 12 of the 16 bands whose icons appeared on the tourament chart near the beginning of the Dazzlings' "Under Our Spell" I'll list the official names and unofficial names of the bands. 1.Rainbooms: Our Humane 6 (icon: horseshoe and rainbow) 2.Dazzlings: Our Villains (icon: musical notes and red siren pendants)3.Flash Sentry's band (icon: a speaker that looks like Flash's cutie mark)4.Trixie and the Illusions (icon: moon and stars like the one on Trixie's wizard hat)5.Snips and Snails' rap (icon: brick wall with graffti of a pair of scissors and a snail)6.Crusaders (icon: 3 skulls on fire; fire matches the girls' hair colors)7.Bulk Biceps and his violin (icon: Weight and wings; resembles B.B's cutie mark)8.Octavia and her Cello (icon: pink treble cleft surround by cello bows; resembles her cutie mark)9.Derpy and her saw (icon: a gray, sour note and a muffin )10.Lyra and Bon Bon's Piano Duet (icon: A Lyre harp on a set of piano keys on a pile of Bon Bon candies)11.Photo Finish's band (icon: a magenta ribbon with a camera shutter in the center)12.The Eco-Teens (icon: globe with recycle arrows around it) Those are the ones I know for sure, but the other icons are of: 13. A Diamond surrounded by a spike collar like you see on a dog...Oh The Diamond Dogs! or at least the human versions of them! 14. A happy and sad face like you'd see in theater, so I guess the Dramas-Teens! 15. A green oval with a musical note shooting across like a comet..I don't know for sure, but they could be the techies? Yeah, it's green like a circuit board. 16. A lightening bolt with a skull, 3 gemstones of purple, blue, and green, and drumsticks...It took a good look, but I found out it seems to represent the Punk Teens group Hmmm...Looking at the flowchart of the bands before and after the montage, I conclude that were 4 official rounds in the BotB. No, the round where the Rainbooms sang "Shake Your Tail" and heard SnS Rap happened before the untouched flowchart was shown, so I guess that was more like the qualifying round that determines which band faces off with which in the first match. I shall make a chart that list which band was beaten by which. Round one (The most outer row, like I said the round where Shake Your Tail was sung may have been considered round 1 in film, but to me, that was the pairing up round, THIS is what I call Round 1): 1. Trixie beats the Punk Teens 2. Lyra and Bon Bon beat "the green oval with comet musical note" or "Techies" 3. Bulk Biceps beats Snips and Snails (Seen in montage) 4. Rainbooms beat Octavia (Seen in montage) 5. Photo Finish beats "The Diamond Dudes" 6. Dazzlings beat the Dramas 7. Flash Sentry beat the Eco-Teens (Seen in montage) 8. Crusaders beat Derpy Round Two (The 2nd most outer row): 1. Trixie beat Lyra and Bon Bon (Seen in montage) 2. Rainbooms beat Bulk Biceps 3. Dazzlings beat Photo Finish 4. Flash Sentry beat The Crusaders (We don't directly see the battle, but the Crusaders flash onscreen after the Trixie vs. Lyra and Bon Bon match, so I guess that was the Crusaders vs. Flash Sentry) Round Three (Semi-Finals): 1. Dazzlings beat Flash Sentry 2. Despite the Rainbooms not finishing due to "Sunset going back to bad girl", the Dazzlings manipulate the Principles to officially declare the Rainbooms the winner over Trixie as part of their plan. Round Four (Final): Due to a "tricked Trixie trapping" (say that 3 times fast)our heroes below the stage, Trixie goes onto the Finals; the Dazzlings not so much wanting to officially win the BotB as much as create complete negativity and control over the whole student body, even sarcastily say "I don't think we can top that!" The Dazzlings get their full power and take One-Winged Angel Form. Nothing can stop them now! The True Battle of the Bands (battle that determines the fate of the Equestria Girls World): The Rainbooms, with sound system support by Vinyl Scratch, sing Fluttershy's song and take Anthro form. The Dazzlings overpower the Rainbooms with astral projections of their true forms. Sunset finally takes a stand and sings! She too takes anthro form. The student body is free and join in the chorus! Our heroes summon an Astral Alicorn--an Astralicorn, if you will--and finally defeat the Dazzlings, at last! Wow! That took time and effort to write! Worth it! EDIT: Finally added a much needed picture to show the icons of the bands and not just tell. and I also figured out the band with the green, blue, and purple gemstones, with a skull, lightening bolt and drumsticks! Edited October 29, 2014 by WiiGuy2014 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix 1,363 October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 (edited) I'm buying this movie as soon as I can. <3 Much better than the first Equestria Girls! Also, I have one thing to say about the plot, but in case people haven't watched it I'll leave it in a spoiler. So, because Sunset Shimmer had that book that Twilight also had and could then connect to the portal which thus allowed her unlimited access to their world, what does this mean for season 5? Heck, even Twilight said this was not goodbye. So here's what my mind is racing on about: With the portal constantly open and Sunset Shimmer turning to the good side, I believe it's very possible we may see Sunset Shimmer in pony form again. Think about it. Season 4 focused on the magic that comes from the mane six and the rainbow that is formed by their colors whenever the concept of rainbow power, their ability to use the magic of friendship from within without the elements, occurs. At the end of Rainbow Rocks we saw them once again activate rainbow power, however, when Sunset Shimmer stepped in a seventh color of red was added. Could this mean we have found our main seventh? Possibly one who will not appear all the time but still has potential to show themselves through out season 5? Remember that Sunset Shimmer on her own doesn't need to be involved with Equestria Girls to make any sort of plot. Sunset Shimmer originally came from Equestria which means if they were to put Sunset Shimmer into season 5 there would be no interruption between FIM and EG. They'd still be their own thing. The only minor thing that would have to be brought up from Equestria Girls is simply the fact that Sunset Shimmer would of course have to come through the mirror to find pony Twilight. Finally, as further evidence for this possibility, if Sunset Shimmer is in fact apart of rainbow power would the fact that Twilight and her friends cannot activate their abilities unless together then also apply to Sunset Shimmer since she is now apart of it? Meaning, if they want to use rainbow power at some point during season 5, they'd have to bring Sunset Shimmer in? Edited October 18, 2014 by Felix Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjrgmc28 130 October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 (edited) I totally disagree! During that scene, I picture Sunset witnessing mean Flash making Twilight cry from offscreen and decided to confront the Dazzlings in the dark hallway because of that. Yeah, I'm making the arguement that particular scene was to get Sunset motivated to confront the Dazzlings. It's my most favorite memorable terkjerker in the film! Agreed. Although I was thinking more about Twilight after the confrontation with Flash and how she was heartbroken after he pretty much spoke to her. For me though, it would have been nice if time was allowed to see Twilight being comforted/consoled by either one of the Mane 6 or even Sunset similar to this pic: Image Source: Why Did He Act That Way Towards Me? by JOSHWILLZ I know it might not fit into the film and the idea trying to come up with a scene could take too much time or lose viewer interest, but it would have shown a bit more of Sunset's caring side and also showed to the viewer that Twilight is capable of feeling different emotions in the CHS world. As a hypothetical scenario on how the scene would have played out, I would have had Twilight break away from Applejack and Twi would burst into tears and run away crying. After the Dazzlings confrontation scene with Sunset, she would try and find Twilight before they returned for the second act and then finds her crying in a convenient location (e.g. outside the portal etc, viewers choice) and then Sunset would comfort Twilight and give her some encouraging words to bounce back and try and break the spell. It doesn't have to be drawn out and long (preferred though) but just enough to give the whole scene an emotional touch at the end. I know this might sound a bit far out of the capacity and some people might not agree with the idea, but that is how I would approach the scene. Edited October 18, 2014 by rjrgmc28 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 (edited) Well after seeing this movie first in theathers on priemere day, I was impressed! This night when I saw the t.v. broadcast. I was slightly disappointed to find that some scenes and shots were cut! They didn't even put a warning in front of the t.v. broadcast saying something like "this show has been edited to run in the time alloted". If they had put that up, I probably wouldn't have been disappointed. The T.V. version is still very good, though. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B04MfhXo0bXIYWsyY0tnTzMxSjQ/view I used this upload camera in theater footage with Spanish subtitles (my second learning language) on the internet using my laptop and listening to it with one ear to compare with the t.v. broadcast I watched on my bedroom t.v. while listening to it with the other ear. I actually challenged myself to sync the two versions together whenever a cut scene or t.v. commercials broke it, so I'd hear a perfect mono version for each ear. It was fun! Well, here are the scenes and shots that were cut! Pinkie and A.J showing their cards to each other Spike mentioning Twilight's got her own castle and Rarity freaking out with joy at that! Spike photobombing the girls' selfie and Rainbow disconnecting AJ's video game controller The bad counter song was trimmed down to the point where you couldn't see Granny Smith putting apple cores in her ears to not hear Twilight's weak singing Snips and Snails rap is shorten to the point where we don't see Pinkie actually enjoying it. Just cut straight to Sonata liking it, even trimed out the high five between SnS before they leave the stage. The scene in the hallway with Hate Plauge Flash hurting Twilight's feelings. That was my favorite tearjerker! The mic test on the outdoor stage where Sunset put the setting too high, causing feedback is skipped Rainbow's single line of "I know just the song" was cut just before the kept "Fluttershy wrote a really great one" and Fluttershy goes Being a t.v syndication, the awesome closing credits were reduced to bland credits being pushed aside by advertising for a re-watch the next day on the newly renamed Discovery Family, so there was no "Shine Like Rainbows" song, no artwork, and most depressingly NO NATIVE HUMAN SCITWILIGHT SPARKLE! Like I said, I loved the t.v broadcast, but I hope the DVD/Blu-ray will contain the original theatrical version. Hmm...actually back when I first saw it at the movie theater, when the film ended the screen actually looked like a DVD Player's home menu screen, so perhaps the version shown in theaters will be the digital source transfer to DVD's and Blu-Rays everywhere! I look forward to that! Edit: Went over it again and this time, I'm sure all the scenes that were cut from the theatrical version for syndication on television are in the spoiler box above. Plus if you consider the commercial breaks breaking the movie into several acts, then there were 7 acts total! Edited October 23, 2014 by WiiGuy2014 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadowking58 1,137 October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I feel like a lot of people are complaining about Rainbow Dash' actions in this movie, and how it's out of character, and this may be hard to understand at first, but keep in mind that HUMAN Rainbow Dash did NOT learn any of the lessons that Pony Rainbow Dash did. They're two totally different organisms despite sharing name and look. 2 All My OCS Quote “The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponylaces 1,870 October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 Watched the premiere on TV last night, and it didn't fail to impress me. I loved this movie, maybe even more than the first one. Sunset Shimmer got a lot of character development, there were tons of cameos, awesome songs, and overall an awesome plot. Trixie's disappearing trick never got old. I also loved Sonata and Pinkie in this. Vinyl saving the day with her badass car was probably the best part of the movie I recorded the movie with my DVR since I was at school when the movie was on, so I couldn't see what was after the credits. I'm going to watch it again today to find out what was after the credits. Nobody spoil it for me please! hello Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EquestriaGuy 1,074 October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I wonder if Star Swirl's spell could only lock onto the human world during a time when it had magic. Sunset brought some amount of magic when she appeared with the book, 3 years before EQG 1, so that could have been why the Sirens appeared now, and not 1,000 years ago. It would also negate the need for them to be that old as well. Hopefully this gets explained in EQG 3, but I doubt it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparklingSquirrels 21,355 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 (edited) I really liked this movie! I just watched it today on Dailymotion and I found it quite enjoyable to watch. I wasn't a huge fan of the first one so I wasn't expecting much, but I'm glad that I decided to give it a try. I thought it was neat that Sunset Shimmer helped out and got to actually do something (instead of just saying that she changed) so it was nice to see her get development. Flash Sentry is still... eh, but at least he was a bit better than in the first movie. I liked the Dazzlings too and thought the mythology behind them was interesting, although I still don't understand why it had taken them so long from being banished to take action in the EG world. Maybe I need to watch the movie again, and I probably will do so. I loved the music as well; it was really catchy, and the animation effects were just great. I especially liked the song during the battle when you saw the bands "beat" the other bands and move up on the chart. There were a few things I didn't like abou this movie though. I felt the pacing was a bit off at times, and I also thought RD was just a big jerk. Granted, I know she's not the nicest character, but I think they went a bit too far with her at some points. Edited October 19, 2014 by SparklingSwirls ֍֎֍֎ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 Rainbow Rocks starts out slow, but about midway into the movie, I found that it had every bit as much colorful, good-natured charm as the original, but with none of the terrible plotholes and broken storytelling that made Equestria Girls 1 so widely divisive. It's a well-written movie with some strong music and an undeniable, compelling charm. To nitpick, though: The Dazzlings' climax song was superb, but the Rainbooms' climax song was mediocre at best. In what twisted universe did the Rainbooms win that contest? Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace O. Jade 122 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 Alright, this is really annoying me. I can't figure out who the two ponies/people in Trixie's band (the Illusions) were. Could anyone identify them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andaasonsan 3,205 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 I recorded the movie with my DVR since I was at school when the movie was on, so I couldn't see what was after the credits. I'm going to watch it again today to find out what was after the credits. Nobody spoil it for me please! If you're watching the TV version, there is nothing to spoil. The after the credits scene was cut out. Alright, this is really annoying me. I can't figure out who the two ponies/people in Trixie's band (the Illusions) were. Could anyone identify them? I think they're completely new characters. The bulk of the background humans don't really have pony counterparts. Application REJECTED! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponylaces 1,870 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 If you're watching the TV version, there is nothing to spoil. The after the credits scene was cut out. Yeah, I just noticed that yesterday when I re-watched the movie. Oh well, I'll just look for it on the internet. hello Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daring derp doo 1 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 in my opinion,i think the movie was great good songs, good lesson. but to fast paste! and i did not really get why a giant pony came to destroy them?.and it feels like the rainbooms make it seem like the dazzlings want to be popular when clearly the only thing they wanted was to get enough power to get to equestria. wich i also thought about in the first movie with sunset shimmer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StargazerDC 24 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 (edited) I watched it yesterday. In my opinion, Rainbow Rocks is way better than the last one (which is still good, but this one is 20% cooler). I loved how they've shown background characters as Derpy, Lyra&Bonbon, Octavia and Dj Pon.. Oh, I've also enjoyed the irony they put here, when the other wonder where's Trixie gone and Pinkie says: "oh, she's hiding there!".I used to dislike Sunset Shimmer but this movie has now made me like her! Anyway, most of all I've enjoyed this movie for the music. The've done a great work this time. 9/10 Edited October 19, 2014 by Dan Sparkle 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
No one 27 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 (edited) I would just like to share my story on this. I literally just saw the movie and I cannot say anything but praise for it. Now, I have not read other people's opinions, but I would just like to ask anyone who hates or feels strongly against the new line "Equestria Girls" (and just happens to read this) to consider my point of view, even for just a minute. The most hate I have heard about "Equestria Girls" is, perhaps, because of the change of setting, namely in a high school, which is believed to drag along with it shallow concerns, petty problems and other terrifying concepts, such as romance and some falsely perceived sexualisation. I have seen no degradation in the quality of the story nor the way it is told. It is, after all, an art piece where magical powers try to take over the world, and any person who by the virtue of their own free will watches it should refrain from condemning it due to any "things that do not make sense (plotholes)" and everyone else would do well to realise moving pictures are seldomly anything more than few people keeping visual records of the movement, recited lines and reactions of hired actors to falsely produced lighting, explosions and similar special effects - a movie is indeed an art project where one man (the director) says "This and this happens" with a "because..." thrown in-between sometimes. You either like it or you do not, either is fine, but logic or realism are poor excuses to something that is illogical and unreal, to begin with. Now, maybe it is because I am so ancient, but I can only see the entire line of "Equestria Girls" as nothing but precious. Despite what some people might claim, all I have seen are some kids do what kids do best (when not fighting magical demons, that is ). Like in the short "Perfect Day for Fun", it was just so precious - a bunch of girl-friends just hanging out and having fun with each-other, they seemed so happy that it made me feel happy for them. Or when they had that slumber party in "Rainbow Rocks", Rainbow Dash and Applejack were just so cute playing video games and Pinkie Pie gazing at her laptop, Flutteryshy with the Gummy plush, it was all just so very innocent and adorable. One can only hope his own children would be that charming (even if it is certain they will be, after all - they would be your own children ). Although I can deduce why some people are troubled by the appearance of romance with Flash Sentry, when I see that I can only think how adorable it is going to be when my own daughter (hopefully) one day gets her own first crush, I expect it to be just as cute and charming. I think I had some other points I wished to point out, however all that typing seems to got a lot out of me, so I will refrain for now. XD Other compliments, which I would like to direct to the movie, start with the fact that this was quite a "musical" movie. While I do not believe there was an overwhelming presence of songs, compared to other productions of the same franchise, the premise of a concert/battle of the bands, itself, was highly regarded by me (i.e. it was AWESOME). Being a rock fan I was endlessly delighted to learn that the new movie would not only be titled "Rainbow ROCKS" but feature some sort of concert and I got to see my favourite characters dress in KISS-homage garments (I think [from Hasbro shorts]) and blast out some solid tunes! I know I will be listening to the entire soundtrack non-stop for quite some time. My only regret is I cannot somehow listen to all the songs at once and at the same time to each one separately. XD I do not see much point in simply praising the overall quality of the music in the entire Generation 5, since words would be poor and overly worn out by this point, I would simply agree to their magnificence and only make specific mentions. The sirens' songs were, also, especially good. Not only were they an exquisite vocal performance, I also have to admit their very first one had me under its spell. It posed quite a good point and made me root for them more or less. Considering we are being usually bombarded from all sides by antagonists who wish to rule/destroy/enslave the world by using some form of a really big stick (i.e. a weapon or force of some kind) it was really original for them to perform a song, ushering people to act out, on the premise that everyone is better than the rest (a notion that is way too common to everyone) and encouraging competition. I, myself for the most part, like competition and it is rewarding to prove yourself better than someone else. Still, friendship wins at the end. None the less their initial plot was genial(from genius) in its simplicity. I even loved Trixie's song, its style was so pleasant, while at the same time the lyrics kept true to the singer. Oh, GOD, how I wish Hasbro would make a full legit album. I suppose my only regret is the movie not having more songs. I would kill to hear what Bulging Biceps' violin playing is like. XD And Octavia's cello and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and etc. :3 Cheezus, enough out of me, I should really get a life! XD Post Sctiptum Oh, Gosh, I forgot to honor the already honorable animation, especially the Sirens' choreography was superb! Incredibly well thought out and animated, not only was it well realised but it must have been done with a consultant choreographer - it is that good and professional (considering it is supposed to be at high school tier) Also I know a woman whose hair is so long it reaches her waist and beyond and I KNOW how hard it is to maintain such hair and how well it looks, so even if it is animated I take my hat off to two of the sirens (whose names escape me at the moment): The one with the giant pigtails seemed quite fashionable, considering I do not like pigtails the fact that her hairstyle appealed to me speaks something. And the lead singer - that much hair can NOT be easy to maintain or style! Edited October 19, 2014 by Noone 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
No one 27 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 (edited) I would just like to share my story on this. I literally just saw the movie and I cannot say anything but praise for it. Now, I have not read other people's opinions, but I would just like to ask anyone who hates or feels strongly against the new line "Equestria Girls" (and just happens to read this) to consider my point of view, even for just a minute. The most hate I have heard about "Equestria Girls" is, perhaps, because of the change of setting, namely in a high school, which is believed to drag along with it shallow concerns, petty problems and other terrifying concepts, such as romance and some falsely perceived sexualisation. I have seen no degradation in the quality of the story nor the way it is told. It is, after all, an art piece where magical powers try to take over the world, and any person who by the virtue of their own free will watches it should refrain from condemning it due to any "things that do not make sense (plotholes)" and everyone else would do well to realise moving pictures are seldomly anything more than few people keeping visual records of the movement, recited lines and reactions of hired actors to falsely produced lighting, explosions and similar special effects - a movie is indeed an art project where one man (the director) says "This and this happens" with a "because..." thrown in-between sometimes. You either like it or you do not, either is fine, but logic or realism are poor excuses to something that is illogical and unreal, to begin with. Now, maybe it is because I am so ancient, but I can only see the entire line of "Equestria Girls" as nothing but precious. Despite what some people might claim, all I have seen are some kids do what kids do best (when not fighting magical demons, that is ). Like in the short "Perfect Day for Fun", it was just so precious - a bunch of girl-friends just hanging out and having fun with each-other, they seemed so happy that it made me feel happy for them. Or when they had that slumber party in "Rainbow Rocks", Rainbow Dash and Applejack were just so cute playing video games and Pinkie Pie gazing at her laptop, Flutteryshy with the Gummy plush, it was all just so very innocent and adorable. One can only hope his own children would be that charming (even if it is certain they will be, after all - they would be your own children ). Although I can deduce why some people are troubled by the appearance of romance with Flash Sentry, when I see that I can only think how adorable it is going to be when my own daughter (hopefully) one day gets her own first crush, I expect it to be just as cute and charming. I think I had some other points I wished to point out, however all that typing seems to got a lot out of me, so I will refrain for now. XD Other compliments, which I would like to direct to the movie, start with the fact that this was quite a "musical" movie. While I do not believe there was an overwhelming presence of songs, compared to other productions of the same franchise, the premise of a concert/battle of the bands, itself, was highly regarded by me (i.e. it was AWESOME). Being a rock fan I was endlessly delighted to learn that the new movie would not only be titled "Rainbow ROCKS" but feature some sort of concert and I got to see my favourite characters dress in KISS-homage garments (I think [from Hasbro shorts]) and blast out some solid tunes! I know I will be listening to the entire soundtrack non-stop for quite some time. My only regret is I cannot somehow listen to all the songs at once and at the same time to each one separately. XD I do not see much point in simply praising the overall quality of the music in the entire Generation 5, since words would be poor and overly worn out by this point, I would simply agree to their magnificence and only make specific mentions. The sirens' songs were, also, especially good. Not only were they an exquisite vocal performance, I also have to admit their very first one had me under its spell. It posed quite a good point and made me root for them more or less. Considering we are being usually bombarded from all sides by antagonists who wish to rule/destroy/enslave the world by using some form of a really big stick (i.e. a weapon or force of some kind) it was really original for them to perform a song, ushering people to act out, on the premise that everyone is better than the rest (a notion that is way too common to everyone) and encouraging competition. I, myself for the most part, like competition and it is rewarding to prove yourself better than someone else. Still, friendship wins at the end. None the less their initial plot was genial(from genius) in its simplicity. I even loved Trixie's song, its style was so pleasant, while at the same time the lyrics kept true to the singer. Oh, GOD, how I wish Hasbro would make a full legit album. I suppose my only regret is the movie not having more songs. I would kill to hear what Bulging Biceps' violin playing is like. XD And Octavia's cello and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and etc. :3 Cheezus, enough out of me, I should really get a life! XD Post Sctiptum Oh, Gosh, I forgot to honor the already honorable animation, especially the Sirens' choreography was superb! Incredibly well thought out and animated, not only was it well realised but it must have been done with a consultant choreographer - it is that good and professional (considering it is supposed to be at high school tier) Also I know a woman whose hair is so long it reaches her waist and beyond and I KNOW how hard it is to maintain such hair and how well it looks, so even if it is animated I take my hat off to two of the sirens (whose names escape me at the moment): The one with the giant pigtails seemed quite fashionable, considering I do not like pigtails the fact that her hairstyle appealed to me speaks something. And the lead singer - that much hair can NOT be easy to maintain or style! Edited October 19, 2014 by Noone 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Music Chart Fan 819 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 I just watched Rainbow Rocks recorded off of TV (although I've also seen the scenes from the theatrical release that were omitted from the version shown on TV). Overall, I would agree with a lot of other viewers that Rainbow Rocks is better than the first movie, for whatever that's worth. The plot and events of the movie don't seem quite as contrived as the first movie, and there are some enjoyable aspects in it, particularly seeing Sunset Shimmer growing as a character, hanging out with the Mane Six, and adapting to being a "normal" student. One of the biggest questions I have about the movie is why Sunset Shimmer is never invited to join the Rainbooms until the very end of the movie. This seems like a fairly significant question, and one that doesn't seem to have been really answered. Several times throughout the movie, we see Sunset Shimmer to the side looking awkward and/or disappointed when the band is practicing, or when they're talking about the band. Also, the Sirens try to use the fact that Sunset isn't in the Rainbooms to demoralize her and maybe cause more infighting between her and the Mane Six. I discuss some possible explanations for this in the topic I created here. Another big thing in Rainbow Rocks (and to some extent in Equestria Girls) that I don't quite understand is how/why the human Mane Six and Sunset possess Equestrian magic. A central point in this movie (and somewhat in the previous one) is that the human Mane Six and Sunset Shimmer possess Equestrian magic, and no one else does. And, related to this question, why does the inner Equestrian magic within the human Mane Six (and later Sunset Shimmer) only express itself when they're playing music, particularly as a band? The movies don't seem to give a good explanation for these things. I made another topic about these questions here. I also had many other observations and questions from Rainbow Rocks; I'll detail some of them below, in rough order of when I noticed them in the movie. First, I know that this was in Equestria Girls also, but it's still hard for me to believe that the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Snips and Snails are in high school along with the Mane Six and Sunset Shimmer. Back in Equestria, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their peers seem to be in the equivalent of elementary school. On the other hand, the Mane Six (and Sunset Shimmer) seem to be much older - they have jobs, live in their own houses, etc. - so I would think that they would be at least the equivalent of upperclassmen high school students, if not even older than that. So why does the age difference between the Mane Six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their peers seem to change so much in the human world? Even if the advertisement for the showcase that the Mane Six made is eye-catching (which is debatable), it has no words on it, and as such, wouldn't seem terribly effective as an advertisement. Without any words, how does anyone know what it's advertising? There are at least a couple of things about Canterlot High School that seem unlike my (assumedly pretty typical) experiences in high school. For one, how are the Rainbooms able to practice just before lunch? What kind of schedule do they have? At my high school, there was no free time during the day - just 7 classes and a lunch period. Even in study hall (which was mostly taken by slacker students), no one was allowed to leave the room or do anything else besides quiet study. Also, in the cafeteria, Flash just has his electric guitar slung across his back? What kind of high school would allow a student to casually carry his guitar around like that? The movie repeatedly shows tension and fighting among the three Dazzlings, which may lead the viewers to believe that the Dazzlings' disharmony would later become important or be used against them, but no, it never becomes significant. Why would Princess Celestia's personal diary (for lack of a better term), which is magically connected to Sunset Shimmer's diary, be given to Twilight for her library? Isn't that rather personal and not of any particular use for anyone else to read? I guess it must be assumed that Twilight told Princess Celestia about Sunset writing in her diary, and about how Twilight is opening the portal between Equestria and the human world, since Twilight is using the same mirror (originally in Celestia's possession) as in the first movie. Why does Twilight hesitate when Sunset offers a hand to help her up? After all, Twilight was the one who suggested that Sunset should learn about friendship from the rest of the Mane Six at the end of the first movie, and Twilight can see that Sunset is hanging out with the rest of the Mane Six, just as she suggested. Sunset certainly looks as though she's trying to do something nice, and not as though, say, she's plotting to take over Equestria any more. Pinkie announces a slumber party that night, and everyone is able to go on such short notice? No homework, no prior job or extracurricular commitments, no problem with their parents? I, and my siblings, could only wish things could work out so well and so easily with any plans we try to make. Pinkie's refrigerator in her kitchen is full of nothing but whipped cream? How could that be allowed to happen? Presumably Pinkie, being a high school student, lives with her parents (and at least Maud), and presumably they have some other real food they want to keep refrigerated. Why does the stage for the finals of the Battle of the Bands have a giant trapdoor in the middle of the stage, operated by a big lever on the side of the stage, that opens to a multi-foot drop into a mostly empty storage room, with only one door out that apparently can't be opened from the inside when it's locked? So Trixie and the Illusions are simply allowed to compete in the finals? What reason was given for the Rainbooms not making it? Is there any concern about them at all? I guess none of this even matters, since (almost) everyone else is brainwashed by the Sirens. Why did Spike need to get someone's help to open the door? Was Spike just incapable of turning the doorknob? If the door was locked, and Spike had to get Vinyl to get the key to the door from someone, then did Spike somehow manage to communicate that to Vinyl without speaking to her? Or did Spike just throw caution to the wind and talk to Vinyl anyway? Why did the Dazzlings grow pony ears and ponytails? After all, the Sirens' original forms look like some kind of sea horse. They may arguably have pony-like ears, but they don't look like they have hair or a pony-like tail. I thought that maybe the Mane Six (and Sunset) sprout pony ears, wings, and ponytails because they were tapping into Equestrian pony magic, or magic possessed by (or embodied by) ponies. I don't know, does Equestrian magic just affect all human bodies the same way, i.e., by making them sprout pony ears and ponytails? At the end, when Sunset demonstrates her guitar skills, her guitar just happens to be there on stage? It looks similar to Trixie's, but Trixie's is a different color, so the guitar Sunset plays definitely seems to be hers. Did Sunset plan on (or secretly hope for) being able to play it, if need be? Finally, after Sunset demonstrates her guitar talent, Rainbow Dash's "We'll see" elicited a bit of an "Oh, c'mon!" reaction from me. I would think Sunset's done enough to earn a place as an instrumentalist in the band, and besides, a lot of standard rock bands (e.g. The Beatles) have two guitar players. Sunset and Rainbow can alternate lead guitar and rhythm guitar parts, if need be, and I think (and Rainbow should agree) that the Rainbooms would be a lot cooler with two guitarists. At least in the end Sunset is a full member of the band, singing and playing guitar alongside Rainbow, which is one of the most satisfying moments in the movie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonami97 25 October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 While I definitely enjoyed RR wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better then the 1st movie (I found it to be almost on par with the series) I was annoyed at the dazzlings punishment they got off easy compared to SS despite doing at least as bad and far as what SS she did in the 1st movie I know it's a kids show and all but couldn't they get a better punishment then getting booed and garbage thrown at them? SS at least was reformed them not so much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yayayayayala 1,668 October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 http://mlpforums.com/statuses/user/15085-yayayayayala/?status_id=501678 My opinion, I'm tired and I don't feel like retyping what I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 I thought it was ok, and a little better than the first movie. Some songs were great. But I still can't stand the characters' human form. I liked that they used many background characters (Derpy, DJ Pon3...), I hope we'll see that in the season 5 too. Plus Sunset Shimmer was much better than in the first movie. But please, no more EQG movie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 Twas a fantastic movie. I really adored Sunset Shimmer in it, and I hope that she writes to Twi in season 5. It bothered me at points, but overall I'd give it an 8/10. Was still a bit short, too. Rainbow was a total bitch, though. I didn't like her in this movie. Still waiting on a full-fledged pony movie. though. At least 90 minutes. Come on, DHX! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emeraldink 13 October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 For all that I didn't care much for the first movie this one was much better. I thought the Dazzlings were well done villians. My favorite being the yellow floofy haired one (I don't know her name). My only real nitpick with this movie is that Flash had no real role again. It seemed worse this time around. Come on writers if you want people to care about this character give the poor boy some on screen character development. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 I loved this movie, can't wait for a dvd release already. Sunset was by far the best thing of the movie for me. I loved the Dazzlings' music also :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunia 332 October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 Loved Rainbow Rocks and I can't help but absolutely love all the new expressions that the characters made. Music was wonderful, mostly the Dazzling's music. So overall 9/10 since I have to agree with what some of the other people are saying that is was better then the 1st movie. Signature made by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyLittlePwn3 4 October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 does anyone know a way to watch this online? i would love to see this as i very much enjoyed the first one i hope this one is 20% cooler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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