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Weird dreams?


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I just woke up, sweating like hell.


Like I remember being in my culinary class, only with some kids I don't know and some of my friends. Me and my friend were arguing about the existence of Jesus and ish, which we do sometimes. Anywho then me and my friends and teacher went out in the hall. I had a bag full of trash that I had to throw away. I was with them one second and the next I had no idea where they went. So I continued on by myself, went to the trash cans, only to be confused by the number of them and different labels. Some staff dude yelled at me and then told me some crazy military thing. Before I knew it some giant three headed military worm tank thing started shooting stuff at us and killed the dude. I freaked out and ran like hell. I vividly remember hiding in a log and telling god I was sorry for not believing in him. And that I loved him and all sorts of stuff like that, praying to him to get me out alive. Other stuff happened after that but it's all a blur, though I remember Fluttershy being there and telling me to stop freaking out.


I say I'm an atheist but this dream is kinda wigging me out. I'm not sure if my subconscious is trying to tell me something or if it doesn't really mean anything... :huh:


Anywho, what are your weird dreams?!

  • Brohoof 2
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I had a dream that i was in a universe on earth in the year 1001 and that anthropomorphic animals ruled the earth and they were so much more advanced than our 21st century by 1 thousand years or so. And it wasn't like the planet of the apes where humans were slaves, they were just the bottom, ridiculed species.
  • Brohoof 1


*Slurping up a pink whale through a big straw while in a swimming pool filled with trash and some kinda gravy*.
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Weird dreams?


The weirdest I can get is a wet dream fetish of mine




Other than that, its basically 'normal' by my terms  ;)

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Well, I always have the same dream actually.
Apparently I'm a werewolf and some people (like an army) comes into my school to look for me. I pretty much kill them all and everyone finds out about it. I have no clue why I have this dream EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. But I'm pretty ok with it so...

Also, while I was reading your post, I started thinking "Pretty normal till here", and then the "giant three headed military worm tank" showed up and I just... don't even. xD
I think that it's ok when these dreams happen. They're weird yeah, but it's all just a dream (I think). As I found in a website: "
Your dreams are an expression of what you're repressing during the time you are awake. Dreams provide messages about "lost" or "neglected" parts of our selves that need to be reintegrated. Many dreams simply come from a preoccupation with the day's activities. But some offer rich, symbolic expressions -- an interface between the conscious and the unconscious that can fill in the gaps of our self-knowledge and provide information and insight."

Don't know if that helps ya, but yeah, that's what I found out. Learning is magic :P


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Well, I always have the same dream actually.

Apparently I'm a werewolf and some people (like an army) comes into my school to look for me. I pretty much kill them all and everyone finds out about it. I have no clue why I have this dream EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. But I'm pretty ok with it so...


Also, while I was reading your post, I started thinking "Pretty normal till here", and then the "giant three headed military worm tank" showed up and I just... don't even. xD

I think that it's ok when these dreams happen. They're weird yeah, but it's all just a dream (I think). As I found in a website: "Your dreams are an expression of what you're repressing during the time you are awake. Dreams provide messages about "lost" or "neglected" parts of our selves that need to be reintegrated. Many dreams simply come from a preoccupation with the day's activities. But some offer rich, symbolic expressions -- an interface between the conscious and the unconscious that can fill in the gaps of our self-knowledge and provide information and insight."


Don't know if that helps ya, but yeah, that's what I found out. Learning is magic :P


Lmfao, yeah everything was kinda normal up until that point. I was playing darksiders 2 last night and I think the sand worm kinda had something to do with that. :P


I'm just wondering if maybe the dream was trying to tell me to look for a higher power or something. Like someone I can put my faith in. :blink:


And dat Celestia>>>

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I have so many that I remember, ranging from funny to very disturbing.


Lately (on the least end of the weird dreams spectrum) I've been having dreams that it's the middle/end of a semester of college and I have some classes that I have not only neglected homework, but flat out not shown up to in a long time (which I would NEVER do), and I'm flipping out like "Why haven't I dropped this... Can I still drop it?"


I think the weird part of those, is that they've become so frequent. They remind me of the marching band dreams I had for several years after high school marching band where I was at a big competition going on the field to march a show that I had never practiced and have no knowledge of. xD


On the weird end of the spectrum (I may have told about this one in the past, I don't know, I've posted it many times. lol):


In this one I'm pregnant and ready to give birth, and in the entry lobby of a hospital on a wheelchair. I'm surrounded by family, and... a boyfriend/fiance/husband (never specified, I just realized him as the one I was with. lol). The weirdness of that is not only that I'm a lesbian and would never have a boyfriend, but the boyfriend there was nobody I had ever known - some guy just completely fabricated out of thin air for the role in the dream. xD


It doesn't stop there, though... This is when it gets really strange and random. A ghostly black figure that IIRC seemed somewhere between that demon in Samurai Jack and Maleficent appeared out of the middle of nowhere and started chasing me and whoever must have been rolling the wheelchair for me around the streets of a city.


That's where the dream ended. Sooo strange for so many reasons. xD


More recently I had one where the world was coming to an end and a bunch of friends and family were gathered in this convention center of sorts. I actually don't remember this dream too well... I think the world was to come to an end by means of a meteor, because I remember fixation on the sky, and streaks of fire in the sky. xD Not as welrd, as the previous dream, I know. Perhaps what has caught it in my mind was that in the dream my ex and I decided to get back together in the end. =(

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'm just wondering if maybe the dream was trying to tell me to look for a higher power or something. Like someone I can put my faith in. :blink:

Yeah. That I'm not sure. But in my opinion, I don't think so... But I don't study dreams so... xD


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Before I tell the dream I should let everyone know that back in high school, I played for the boy's basketball team.


I had a dream when I was around 16 when we were playing a varsity game against another school. For some reason, the game was in the elementary gym instead of the high school one, but whatever. I was in the game and got a pass from my teammate on the right hand side of the half court line. I did some half-assed fancy dribbling, which inexplicably faked out the guy defending me. I drove to the basket and layed it up with an opposing player barely missing when he tried to block it. The ball disappeared out of my hand when I shot it, then reappeared a moment later going through the basket. The halftime buzzer immediately sounded and I looked at the scoreboard that showed us winning 46-44. Our coach huddled us up and said "Great job, guys. You look like the Indiana Pacers out there!" (mind you, this is years before the Pacers were winning their division and getting to the conference finals). I then walked out in to the halfway to get a drink instead of using a water bottle like a normal player, and then walked right back into the gym where the second half started immediately and without my knowing. I looked at one of my teammates who was in the stands and he told me that the junior varsity was playing the second half, :confused: and then I woke up.


That's the most recent one I can recall.

  • Brohoof 1


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Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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I've already posted about this dream in another thread a little while back, but it was too weird not to share again.  Behold, this is what happens when you mix MLP, South Park, and pizza:


So I wake up and decide to look out the window.  The first thing I notice is that the clouds are shaped like dildos.  Also, they were pink. Then I randomly teleport to my school where we are watching a black and white film.  Then I realize that I have to go to the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom, somebody keeps trying to sell me something and there was some kid who wanted to hold my hand while I was walking to the bathroom.  So I go in the bathroom, do my thing, and then randomly teleport to a house.  I go outside to find my cousin and her husband, who are now Cadance and Shining Armor.  They're playing with their dogs and some chihuahua named Tim. I go back into the house and some kids from my school are singing The Moon Rises.  I walk out of their house and everything goes into a third person perspective and cuts to a scene of some fillies skateboarding.  These fillies include Rainbow Dash, Wooden Toaster's OC, that pink haired(maned?) filly from Children of the Night, and two Lunas.


That was also my first dream to have ponies in it. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Most of my dreams are painfully bizarre, but I have a hard time remembering them. I don't even appear in most of them, though.

One of them was about how a corrupted Pinkie Pie murdered Rainbow Dash from a TARDIS. For some reason, straight after that, I'm in what was my school back then (I had this dream like two years ago) and everything is grim, dark, and corrupted. Then, when I'm about to leave, everything goes bright.

This lasts for a while and then Pinkie Pie tells me that she killed Rainbow Dash, and I can't remember much later. I then can't leave school because a huge forest with a monster is outside the door and it won't let me leave untill I kill it. This monster is a fully corrupted Pinkie Pie that almost kills me.

When I somehow defeat her, she dies and her parts are sent into a sky deposit-thing where they store stuff of that kind, but I can't remember what kind. She tries to find me there somehow, but harmless. The guy who runs that place has some giant orange wrench and repairs bodies or something for some reason.

That's all I can remember of it. I have another one I got to record in text like this, but I don't feel like writing it.

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Most of my dreams are painfully bizarre, but I have a hard time remembering them. I don't even appear in most of them, though.

One of them was about how a corrupted Pinkie Pie murdered Rainbow Dash from a TARDIS. For some reason, straight after that, I'm in what was my school back then (I had this dream like two years ago) and everything is grim, dark, and corrupted. Then, when I'm about to leave, everything goes bright.

This lasts for a while and then Pinkie Pie tells me that she killed Rainbow Dash, and I can't remember much later. I then can't leave school because a huge forest with a monster is outside the door and it won't let me leave untill I kill it. This monster is a fully corrupted Pinkie Pie that almost kills me.

When I somehow defeat her, she dies and her parts are sent into a sky deposit-thing where they store stuff of that kind, but I can't remember what kind. She tries to find me there somehow, but harmless. The guy who runs that place has some giant orange wrench and repairs bodies or something for some reason.

That's all I can remember of it. I have another one I got to record in text like this, but I don't feel like writing it.



I...I don't even know what to think of that...


Killer Pinkie always makes me think of Smile HD *shudders*

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Ah dreams, what fascinating events! If you have ever looked into cognitive science, the study of the brain, you can acquire a better understanding of how our brains work. We still do not know entirely why or exactly how dreams occur but there are plenty of good theories out there with some evidence to back them.

I have had some bizarre dreams myself. I typically write them down if they are worth remembering when I wake up; fun thing I do.

I personally think that dreams are triggered by information that we have picked up on throughout our lives and our brains trying to make sense of that information while are bodies are at rest. Ex: if you had never heard of Jesus or God, I am willing to bet you they would not be included within your dreams. A person in a jungle village will not dream of a computer if they have never seen nor heard of it. etc.

We are curious creatures and often must apply meaning to everything so as to make sense of it. I do not believe dreams possess any divine properties. 

When we are asleep, one of the regions of our brain that remains active is the Amygdala, which is the "control center" for processing memory, decision making and emotional reactions. This is why we experience fear in our dreams and why emotions are so vivid. When we are awake, unless you have photographic memory, we cannot reach into our memory banks at will and remember everything in our lives. When we are asleep, hidden memories often surface and fall into the blank spots of our dreams. Ex: every human face you have seen in your dreams, you have seen in reality at one point or another. 


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I had a dream that I was getting driven around Iowa for some reason (our school did play Iowa state for football yesterday). Not sure where all that came from :blink:.

Edited by SparkWolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Wasn’t that weird, but I had a dreamake (a remake/reimagned version of a dream I had before).


In it, was the day before my wedding: and I was going to marry some girl (who never appeared) but who I was well aware of not really having any interest in at all and I'd rushed into it for the sake of having a wife.


It also revolved around a sub-plot of me for some reason having got hold of a sort of motorcycle, which was allowed on the pavement which was great fun (considering I’m not really into bikes in reality), it ran out of petrol in the end.

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I had a dream that life was ironic, but wasn't ironic until I woke up, thus making my dream and life, ironic. In multiple ways. (Note: this never happened. Unless Rarity was a marshmallow, and someone just ate her in their hot chocolate.)

Enter the Forest...

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My favorite weird dream was me taking a stroll in a city made entirely of ceramic bowls filled with cereals. I particularly enjoyed the part where it started raining milk!

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The weirdest dream I ever had was one in which I boarded a subway that was flooded with some kind of orange drink. It didn't act like a liquid at all in that it stayed in the subway at all times, it had no fluid motion and it offered no movement resistance and somehow, it still allowed everyone on the subway to breathe. It was just tasty viscous air if that makes any sense... Which it surprisingly does because science is weird sometimes... I don't remember why we were on the subway or where we were going.


I haven't had any weird dreams recently, but there has been a reoccurring character in my dreams who keeps showing up if that counts for anything.

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I wrote this as soon as i woke up from the dream...
there was a fight scene with 4 guys in an empty dim lit store 2 black there was a fat guy and two spy characters and two others grandm Candy was there tlkingg about how electroinic devices and (food?) are radioactive and will cuz you to graduatre highschool all over again (she said it cautiously znd quietly), she takes me to the grocey store and in the frozen section she tells which foods sre had for you like shellfish and stuff and a raandom passerbyin a blue shirt tells us :staying togethreeeee: we get a can of refried beans witht the word heat attadk on themwe also get rotissere froed whole chicken on he rotissere but uts tooo hot for her so i grab 2 whole pieces off of it
we exit a mcdonalds even though it was grocey stroe and we accidentally left the van open nd i said lets hope tht old lady didnt take tht burger
i gad an ipad it waas loose on one side of the screen.... before tht my brother was taken away by two people dressed in naval uniforms... they put him in a cage and drove away. at the stroe earlier i tried not to look suspicious (this was before the fights) and everyone was talking about a blaze and rthen once thery knew i knew something about the radioactivity the fught began and it was epic!
A nightmare I had

                I've never had a day as nightmarish and... strange before. I could have sworn it was some dream, but it was very real...and very creepy; well at least to me... It happened about a year ago, my family and I were staying at our beach house down in Florida for a week's vacation. The second day we were there, everything was off. After I had woken up and come to, I noticed that the world seemed gray and drab, kind of foggy as well. I got out of bed thinking that it'd go away in a little bit once I had become more awake. I made my way into the kitchen. It was empty, I figured that everyone must've been still been sleeping. I got myself a bowl of cereal and sat on a stool at the counter. I looked outside, the sky was white with no sun, yet light filtered into the room; this is when I realized that my drowsiness had not caused me to see the world in a foggy and gray tint, I wasn't just seeing things this was real. What the hell was going on?! I was frightened to death. In panic, I ran to the master bedroom, thinking this could not become any more horrifying, I found my grandparents in their bed awake having a conversation, while my mom and brother were on sleeping bags next to bed conversing as well. Silence filled the room after they noticed me standing in the doorway. My grandma beckoned me in, telling me to join them. I asked them what was going as I was shaking and panting. They ignored my question as if I hadn't even said a word and my grandfather told me that we were under a tornado watch and that I should stay in here in case a tornado came. I asked again what was happening, but they didn't answer. I sat next to my mother. She asked me to let my dog in from the backyard. I nodded and made my way to the sliding door in the room onto the back porch. Then something caught my eye. In the center of the porch there was a small, white lawn table with a weather radio on top of it. I placed myself in the doorway and asked if I should bring it in (stupid question, I know). My mom said yes. Then my brother said that they left it there while they were sitting out on the porch a few hours ago. Being about ten in the morning it was still dark a few hours ago. I didn't even bother to ask them why they were out there in the dark. I made my way back outside and called for my dog to come in. The tornado sirens went off and then I heard a voice. It was an automated voice, droning and monotonous. It was coming from the weather radio. I moved closer to see what the voice was saying, " the National Weather Service in Tampa, Florida  has issued a tornado warning for... *ERR ERR ERR - beeeeeeeeeeep*", I was so scared I broke down in tears and then I looked to the sky to see that the tornado was heading straight toward me.


*Slurping up a pink whale through a big straw while in a swimming pool filled with trash and some kinda gravy*.
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I once had a dream that I fired a cannon into the sky, hoping to kill "God". It was fun. Probably just the literalisation of my frustration with the anti-intellectualism and misanthropy of religious belief.

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