Doctor XFizzle 8,669 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 Chubby colt made my day. "I wear a fez at school now, fezzes are cool." I really felt bad for the CMC especially when the Mane 6 showed their dislike (rightfully so). If I was one of the CMC I would've cried if all my friends wanted nothing to do with me. They hung in there tough and made things better in the end. Big Mac + Smarty Pants = SERIOUS BUSINESS Also Mayor Mare just doesn't look great with a pink mane :/ That made me sad 2 MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildCard 1,037 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 I liked that they didn't wrote a story about Tiara, would have been more predictable And I really liked Rarity and Dash in that episode. Those two were hilarious, and Rarity has made it from least favorite after the first episode, to one of my favorites now I loved the whole spa and mane6 scenes and off coure Big Macintosh talking Don't know what I should think about Featherweight. But that's probably because I was very underweight a few years ago and therefore don't like the idea of being named after your weight. At least they didn't depict him as a moron And Tiara remindet me of Mr. Jameson 2 OC was made by Princess Ariona. Give her some brohoofs here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 Another episode without a friendship reports? Celestia is surely lonely there... Also, Celestia loves cake 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
halcyonharlot 372 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 (edited) Another episode without a friendship reports? Celestia is surely lonely there... Also, Celestia loves cake celestia is eating her feelings "dear twilight sparkle, I'M SO ALOOOONE" Edited March 31, 2012 by spicydetective 5 blood guts and chocolate cake Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hironakamura 126 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 Spike managed to recover the cucumber slice after RD swallowed it. Strange. Did he stick his hand all the way into her stomach? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DJ MUFF1N D3RP 323 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 (edited) Did anyone else notice that Diamond Tiara smacked Dinky aside to get that paper? That's not forgivable! Also...BIG MAC JUST SPOKE SENTENCES! THIS S*ITS SERIOUS! I was expecting Angel to do something serious when he opened the door for the CMC. Anytime Fluttershy is crying her eyes out is time that could be spent making him a salad. Edited March 31, 2012 by super muffin derpy506 It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eenohay 318 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 Did anyone else notice that Diamond Tiara smacked Dinky aside to get that paper? That's not forgivable! Also...BIG MAC JUST SPOKE SENTENCES! THIS S*ITS SERIOUS! I was expecting Angel to do something serious when he opened the door for the CMC. Anytime Fluttershy is crying her eyes out is time that could be spent making him a salad. This actually would be the second Big Mac serious speaking role, first being in Applebuck Season. After that they decided to not let him talk anyomre, I dunno why. I still laughed at that bit, with Applejack saying Big Mac's lines, for some reason it felt just about right. And Trixie is still alive! I loved that! Plus the continuity with smarty pants and yet again the baby cakes. I must say I expected Pinkie not to react badly to the article on her, given that she is infact a party animal (and she recognized it), but I suppose it was written in a very despective way. I liked this episode, the same way I like every CMC episode, I just love them! I was dissapointed tho that it wasn't a Scootaloo centered episode. We still haven't got any. And of course they didn't write a story about Diamond Tiara. That would have been both typical and stupid. After all, that wouldn't have solved their problems at all, it would only make them worse. I was actually expecting for them just to let Tiara publish their pictures, to be "even" with ponyville in a way, but I suppose what they actually did was better. Anyways as usual I will post again after watching it in high quality. I still don't get what the hell was Featherweight's cutie mark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tejntanga 42 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 (edited) Featherweight's cutie mark is a feather. I think he just realized that he's light, flighty and quick. Apparently also a bit of a shutterbug, but that was just his job. Edited March 31, 2012 by tejntanga Love and Tolerance for everyone! Especially the ones I don't agree with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colon Leftbracket 971 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 (edited) I think Big Macintosh just tripled his total spoken words. Funny thing watch that scene again... I think they pulled off the perfect role reversal! Normally it would be Applejack scolding them right and wrong and Big Mac sitting back as near silent support... so what does Applejack say in this scene? "Eenope!" O_o Yeah THE PERFECT role reversal! Applejack is silenced by her disappointment and Big Mac is so angry he takes charge! POWERFUL SCENE! I also REALLY liked the Sweetie Belle and Rarity scenes, especial the confrontation! "Et tu Gabby Gums!" BUCK YEAH Rarity is going Shakespeare on Sweetie Belle's flank! Also of course... "I WILL DESTROY HER!" That was just about as scary and hilarious as the Pinkie Promise scene! I am pretty much a sucker for the CMC episodes! I find all of them adorable! Show Stoppers has one of the best songs but then again so does Hearts and Hooves, and Staremaster! Though this episode I thought was gunna be kinda lame. I thought the plot was VERY cliche for a children's show (I mean every show seems to do one of these episodes) I didn't know really what they could do with this aside from making some fun rumors and gossip. But this episode blew me away! As soon as Diamond Tiara came in I was taken aback from her behavior. We've known her as the snobby spoiled rich girl, but now we see her as a serious antagonist. She is arguably the most nasty antagonist the show has ever had (Discord wasn't nasty, he just wanted to have fun at other ponies expense). So the characters that are really strong in this one are Diamond Tiara, Big Macintosh, and Rarity! The CMC act more as a unit and aren't quite that strong as individual characters, but they did good! Honestly, my personal favorite episode of Season 2! Edited March 31, 2012 by Kuhllahn Luphtbrawckut 1 [New siggy in progress!] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LunaShy 168 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 heya all i would like you at to look at 6 min and 19 seconds into this episode there is a filly that looks like it could be derpys sister or something ahhhhhh spike hefner hahahahahahahahahahahahahahyahahahahahahahahah " big macintosh, whats he hidin?" This is truly a hillarious episode come play some xbox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Joe 583 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 I liked this episode a lot more than most CMC ones. It's no Hearts and Hooves Day, but it was very entertaining. By far, my favorite part was the articles themselves. They were absolutely chock-full of references to previous episodes and some caught me totally by surprise (Seriously, how do you report of Celestia being a glutton without mandatory moon therapy?). Other than that, I thought that putting the moral in letter form was a really cool touch, and Diamond Tiara's over-the-top editor mode was just hilarious. Oh yes, and Pinkie's "It's true! I do have a problem!" now ranks among her best lines ever. One more thing... I guess this confirms that Scootaloo is 1) unable to fly and 2) ashamed of it. That's really all there is to say on the matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colon Leftbracket 971 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 I guess this confirms that Scootaloo is 1) unable to fly and 2) ashamed of it. huh... I was so worried on why they were so worried on those particular images. I mean Diamond Tiara could've got better dirt that that! But the Scootaloo one I can see! I mean look how bullied Fluttershy was in Flight Camp! They'd destroy poor Scoots! [New siggy in progress!] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBz 499 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 I just now saw the Smarty Pants one. Humilation of Big Mac & Smarty Pants = YOU HAVE DEFINITELY OVERPUSHED IT. … Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaganPony 92 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 I just got a chance to watch it on my DVR! SQUEEE! That was awesome. Favourite parts were definitely Big Mac's intelligible sentences! Celestia eating cake. Featherweight being adoramuhbul! That chicken's Scootaloo's hopeless wing flapping. X'D Oh yeah, Fluttershy has tail extensions... does that equal to breast implants? *epic face/hoof* It equals hair extensions. -.- Oy, bronies. 1 ♀♀ Pride Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HomuraBL 851 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 I never got why it was a big deal for there not to be a friendship letter. The lessons are in the show, just not being written down. Plus celestia said it herself. "When you happen to discover them." Also, the only times they didn't have, "Friendship lessons" was in Hearth's warmings eve and Family appreciation day. Can someone please tell me why people actually care if they don't make a letter out of it? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Java Jive 440 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 With this episode in mind, i have this feeling that Celestia's dark cake secret will be put into the spotlights next episode. It would be hilarious to say the least. 1 Let's go downtown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beth Sycamore 28 March 31, 2012 Share March 31, 2012 Although it was cool that Mac spoke in this episode,he was P'd at the CMC. Applejack was too hurt to yell at them. I'm not sure if they had just made up lies about the Ponyville citizens,or had actually discovered their most deepest secrets. I don't believe that FS would really wear tail extensions,that sounds silly. The trio were right to feel guilty,gossip only winds up hurting others,even thouh it may be fun to read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forlong 1,726 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 The Great and Powerful Trixie is briefly mentioned! Wait a second... how'd they get that information if she's not in Ponyville anymore?Its magic. They don't have to explain it. I thought this episode was great. A good approach on the characters. A few highlights for me: How is babies crying a story when an interview with a fashion designer isn't? Rarity snooping was great. And I never would have guessed that it would be used as a plot point...twice. When Rainbow Dash caved in and got a hooficure, I screamed at her to turn back before it was too late. I knew what was coming. Fluttershy's reaction to news breaking on her tail extensions was hilarious. Pinkie Pie being a party animal was really the best they could get on her? Rarity finding out who Gummy Gum was=fantastic. The ending was so sweet. But how did they realize the front page was an apology so fast? Are they all speed readers? 1 Check out my YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 (edited) This episode is my favourite CMC episode yet. The humour was spot-on, the characters reacted to the gossip in interesting ways, we got a veritable flood of words from Big Mackintosh, the continuity nods were excellent and best of all, lots of Rarity and Sweetie Belle interaction! It was like Sisterhooves Social again. Diamond Tiara went from class mean girl to evil corporate executive - she became Lex Luthor! Maybe now Cheerilee will be a little more wise to her real character, rather than the sugar sweet persona she usually presents. The little things were also great... like that Printing Colt - I thought he was just covered in ink, but that's the pattern of his coat - genius! (Edit - Or not... in the earlier part of the episode, his coat is a uniform blue. Darn) And Mayor Mare - I've always thought she was younger than most people believe, and this just makes me more certain - her mane isn't grey due to age! And then we have "Celestia - just like us!" Brilliant! All in all, a top drawer episode. I hope we see more like it. Edited April 1, 2012 by SolarPony 1 Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnus 69 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 Lol, I loved this episode, and so many things stand out! Raritys reaction to seeing her diary published was friggin epic Forlong pretty much nailed it in her comments Pinkie Pie being a party animal was really the best they could get on her?I loved that! I immediately drew comparison with all the news you get, when some celebrity goes on a party rampage! Pinkies immediate breakdown and admitting she has a problem was brilliant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Enduring Man-Child 22 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 The typewriters and old fashioned printing press were a nice touch. It wasn't just the Crusaders who learned a lesson this week. All the ponies in Ponyville enjoyed and patronized Gabby Gums until they themselves became her victims. This is especially true in the case of the Mane Six. Only Twilght Sparkle thought it was a bad idea from the beginning. Good girl, Twilight! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eenohay 318 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 The typewriters and old fashioned printing press were a nice touch. It wasn't just the Crusaders who learned a lesson this week. All the ponies in Ponyville enjoyed and patronized Gabby Gums until they themselves became her victims. This is especially true in the case of the Mane Six. Only Twilght Sparkle thought it was a bad idea from the beginning. Good girl, Twilight! Yeah, I heard that mentioned. Everybody except Twilight acted like complete hypocrites (Well, Fluttershy didn't speak, so I guess she's alright too), specially Rarity. They deserve to have their gossip published. "They took a teacher and since I wasn't a teacher I did nothing, they took a miner and since I wasn't a miner I did nothing, then they took me and there was no one left to help me." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Enduring Man-Child 22 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 BTW, could anybody make out Featherweight's cutie mark? I couldn't see it on TV and I can't see it on YouTube either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eenohay 318 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 BTW, could anybody make out Featherweight's cutie mark? I couldn't see it on TV and I can't see it on YouTube either. It's just a feather. I also saw just a blank flank the first time. It's already HD in youtube BTW Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 April 1, 2012 Share April 1, 2012 This was probably one of the best episodes ever. I wish that Scootaloo was more in it though. What can I say? HUGE Scootaloo/RAINBOW Mark Despite that I really liked this episode. Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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