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yeah it was 1.6.4 IU was able to get on, but I am sorry I'm not downloading those things that you feel is needed for it. I have enough on my computer >.<

I am the Candy Cane Fairy, hear me roar "Rawr!" ~Me!

Avatar Artwork done by Sfyr

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yeah it was 1.6.4 IU was able to get on, but I am sorry I'm not downloading those things that you feel is needed for it. I have enough on my computer >.<


What items do you mean for downloading?


Server status: Online


There is a new map ready to replace the old brohoof server. The old brohoof server map is only 2000X2000 which is relatively small. The new server map INCLUDES a full map (infinite distance), a 5 mob mega grinder with potion creation area and TONS of ready to use enchantment books, a nether farm, and a massive standard wheat/potato/sugar/pumpkin/melon/carrot farm! The mob grinder has the following spawners: zombie, skeleton, wizard, zombie pigman, and creeper. The new map was tested as vanilla and everything works fine. All established houses, minus a house that will be mine, are open for anypony to claim, even on the server that is current. I will establish a protection zone around your property to keep anypony from griefing it.


DO NOTE: When around the mob spawner, the zombie pigman WILL spawn even if the lighting is on or off for the upper or lower decks. You can either ignore them or you can kill them by either killing physically, using a splash potion of healing or letting them drown with the water execution device. Another thing. Wizards will heal themselves automatically so they take longer to die when using water execution. All items will be collected in a lower level where you can go and pick up everything. When it comes to the netherwart farm and the standard farm, PLEASE replant what you reap. I don't mind if you keep what you collect, but please be nice and replant what is taken. I will continue to refine the map until it is put into server and from there, I will make small physical changes as needed. Hope to see everypony in game!

Edited by FlutterScream



The irresistable pegasus!

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Mine Little Pony and LiteLoader hardly take much space at all and are relatively easy to install. You don't even need Minecraft Forge to use them but is Forge/FML compatible. And the MineLP mod is only 769 KB, hardly a scratch on todays drives.




Sure you don't have to have it, but it gives a lot more capability, like 3D skins...





Equestria+ map being installed as well as two more plugins for bukkit.


Added: 5 mob mega grinder, netherwart farm, standard farm, 2 new homes, replaced broken town hall, and other little changes to make game play nicer.

Server Update: Survival Mode - Mobs Disabled


I'm doing a bit of work to the map and mobs do tend to lag, but this also gives players a chance to get settled in. Please do go around the map and set up an area that you wish to be claimed for you to live. There is also a new security system called LWC that allows you to lock doors, chests, and other things that can be locked. Chests, by default, will be dedicated to you. There are a list of commands for the LWC system by typing /lwc. Any issues, let me ([A]Sunbutt) or jreidsma ([OP]Moonbutt) know.


Server Update 2: There is a bit of an issue where the server will disconnect at random, this is due to it being overstressed. Anything you do on server is saved as server does save periodically. Don't think that the server is unplayable, it totally is, but don't be aggravated if you get randomly disconnected. You've been informed. :)


Server Status: ONLINE


Server Update 3: The LWC plugin has been removed as it was the cause of problems with the server disconnecting at random. I will be looking for a replacement plugin that has the same security features as LWC so everypony can have protected chests and homes in general. Once I find the new security plugin, I will pass it on to jreidsma for it to be applied and tested. Thanks to everypony that is being patient with us while we try to make the server as stable and protected as much as possible. :D

Edited by FlutterScream



The irresistable pegasus!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been keeping monitor of the server nightly and doing repairs to whatever it is needed to be repaired, though it is getting a bit aggrivating of me having to keep replanting and even unearthing some blocks so the garden is back in full swing. Though it does seem that somepony is griefing the server on a light basis and I don't want to have to go to the extents of protecting every single block just to advert the problem. jreidsma and I already found some nice pixel art that was left over from the brohoof server partially destroyed and we repaired it. We shouldn't have to do any repairs to any of the awesome things that I myself have aquired and even my own creations that I have put into this map. If you see somepony griefing the server while you are on, jot down their name and message me on here or on skype.                        Second in Command [siC]GenFlyshy



The irresistable pegasus!

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I'm excited to start playing here  :D

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move,
your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
"No, you move."

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  • 2 weeks later...

General server update from the second in command: ME!


Yeah, server is holding steady at its new IP which is located on the first page. I haven't been on as much due to local reasons, however, I'm able to get on again since local reason is null and void. Now for the nitty gritty...


I have put up TWO chests (public access) for HOME REQUEST. PLEASE use the book and quill supplied in the right chest, jot down the info, and put it in the left chest. If you happen to catch me online, even better. This is so when I'm offline or you're offline that I can set up your home location. Please indicate via coordinates about where your home is so I can use my axe of awesomeness to establish your home boundary. Please, do not just set up a sign on the property saying it's yours because I will remove it. Keep in mind that there are plenty of homes that I have not put into my asset list yet and some homes still have signs on them from the previous server broadcast (being brohoof.com).


ALSO, If you do wander around, please be sure to keep the doors closed. It's a hassle to keep going around and closing them when I shouldn't have to and it keeps the mobs at bay and outside of the homes when others wish to look them over.


If I am online when you are and you talk to me but don't get a response, don't assume I'm being rude and just ignoring you. Often times I offscreen because I have nothing to do and I got bored. :D If you need my attention immediately for anything server related, harrass me on my skype (cyclonic.devastation) and I'll see what you need. If I don't reply on that, then I'm likely doing something and away from the computer. Just leave a message saying what's going on, and if any griefing is going on, leave the culprits name and location and I'll wave the mighty banhammer and fix the problem.


I would also like to say that I have successfuly established a working powered rail line between Lunagrad, Woodland (a city entirely built by me), and Appleloosa. Instead of going straight from Appleloosa to Lunagrad (and vise versa), you will now arrive in the city that I have built entirely by hoof. There is a third rail in the progress, but no idea where to lead it to, (maybe Hoofington? Canterlot? No idea yet..)


The mob grinder in Ponyville has also been reworked a slight bit adding in a mob hold/trap for the water execution system.


On any hoof, enjoy what the server has to offer!  ~SiC~ GeneralFluttershy



The irresistable pegasus!

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I had to edit some of the files so the fires would not burn anything. I think that is what happened to Twilights house.


No, It was Tirek


Good one, good one, however that was the initial map that was used before I had it replaced with the one that is currently being used/always renovated by me.





MC Edit ftw.



The irresistable pegasus!

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Btw if you don't have BigBrother (Logs data so you can see who broke what block at what time) and whatever the rollback plugin is get em'


I'm the master of the map so any damages that get one to the more important buildings, I repair. If it's too severe, then any fixable damage is fixed and too damaged buildings get removed. If the damage is widespread and massive, then the entire map gets reloaded and with as often as I roll out new stuff into the map, no need to worry about griefing much.

General Server Update 5/21/14


A new plugin for taking care of trees quickly has been added, however... HOWEVER... there is a minor setback with it and it is currently disabled. Nothing like wasting axes on a blocks that don't chop, right? Will be fixed/replaced whenever a better plugin is found. Other than that, nothing else has changed.


General Server Update 5/24/14


A new NEW plugin for chopping down trees at the base has been installed and working successfully. Server map is ready to be updated, but I am waiting for jreidsma to get me the map file so I can edit things in.


NEW ADDITIONS: Adding the 4 buildings from the first map from Griffon Kingdom Ruins into the map, adding extra spawners to the mob spawner, and some other buildings.

Edited by FlutterScream



The irresistable pegasus!

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Server Map Update: 50% complete


I am taking some extra time with this update since jreidsma isn't at the controls. Griffon Kingdom Ruins now Griffon Kingdom Village is successfully in place. Only accessable via Woodland until I can get a rail station from Ponyville (yes, Ponyville) going to it. It is NOT in the Equestria portion of the map and is on the outward boundary. I have revamped every building but still have far more to do to the land. 2 new spawners have been added to the main 3 mob spawner. Now off to the side are a duo of spider and slime spawners. Still more to do, but I'll post when it's complete.

MAP IS DONE! 6 hours later... Now to wait for reidsma to get back and to accept the new update.



The irresistable pegasus!

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Equestria Map Update V 5.0


2 new spawners added in to the spawn chamber in Ponyville. Spider and Slime duo farm. Makes getting leads easier!

Griffon Kingdom Village now located on the outside of the Equestria map. Only accessible via Woodland for now and will have a rail line from Manehattan in some time.


If you are more fond of building your own house, the outward lands is what you would rather seek than having a house in the Equestria portion (inner lands) of the map. There are far more resources and nearly unlimited possibilities that you can utilize. Though it is still okay if you have a house or two in the inner lands if you so desire. Since there are only 30 players max allowed (for now) and there being a large amount of homes already established in the inner lands, anypony could have a home in one city as well as any other. Outward land homes will still be protected upon request though, so don't think your custom made dream house is any less important than any other.


As always, have fun and see you in game!



The irresistable pegasus!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The server is back up for public use, whitelist mode is off.


Sadly I had to set up a new permission system. Everyone upon first use of the server will be unable to build or break blocks. If you use the server and plan on building then contact an admin or me (the owner) and we will add you to the user group which can build, break, and change their own gamemode. This way only people who will actually use the server will be able to do anything. And if anyone does begin to grief I will know who it is.


We will see how this goes.




If anyone finds any griefed areas let us know as I am still trying to find the area in question.

Edited by jreidsma
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The server is back up for public use, whitelist mode is off.


Sadly I had to set up a new permission system. Everyone upon first use of the server will be unable to build or break blocks. If you use the server and plan on building then contact an admin or me (the owner) and we will add you to the user group which can build, break, and change their own gamemode. This way only people who will actually use the server will be able to do anything. And if anyone does begin to grief I will know who it is.


We will see how this goes.




If anyone finds any griefed areas let us know as I am still trying to find the area in question.


My experience after not being on the server in awhile.


-I spawned on top of the statue head. Luckily, you made a river flow near the spawn. :catface:


-I found out I wasn't allowed to build before eventually spiders killed me while I was almost starving.


-At least the town looked nice.


I'm not trying to be a whiney prick here. I'm just asking if I may have permission to build.


Please? My username is Bob1223445, and my skill is building weapons of mass destruction using redstone.

Edited by Asterisk Propernoun
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My experience after not being on the server in awhile.


-I spawned on top of the statue head. Luckily, you made a river flow near the spawn. :catface:


-I found out I wasn't allowed to build before eventually spiders killed me while I was almost starving.


-At least the town looked nice.


I'm not trying to be a whiney prick here. I'm just asking if I may have permission to build.


Please? My username is Bob1223445, and my skill is building weapons of mass destruction using redstone.

I have added you to the user group that can build now. You can also use the /game mode command.


Where you spawn, hunger, and things like that I am sorry about but we don't control that. Have you been on sense the new map was uploaded? Maybe you spawned in a new location because the new map was uploaded and the coordinates changed.


You have brought up a good point though, maybe it should change the mobs to peaceful ;)

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I have added you to the user group that can build now. You can also use the /game mode command.


Where you spawn, hunger, and things like that I am sorry about but we don't control that. Have you been on sense the new map was uploaded? Maybe you spawned in a new location because the new map was uploaded and the coordinates changed.


You have brought up a good point though, maybe it should change the mobs to peaceful ;)


Peaceful gets boring. I usually play on hard, but I'm probably standing alone when I say that.


How about easy or normal?

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