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private Raising the Sun, Carry the Fire. [1 & 1]


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Link to OOC - http://mlpforums.com/topic/113377-raising-the-sun-carry-the-fire-ooc/



They say when it happened, the sun in it's everlasting glow frowned sadly at it's blue satellite.

Some heard a series of concussions, a ray of heat and a burst of light. The old world is gone. A life of luxury and laughter turned into despair and cries.

People roam along the cold dying streets and roads gripping the last bit of belongings they have.

Some don't hold long to their existence, some embrace the evil, and very few hold true to their morality.

Every morning Bishop would peek out and look up hoping that the sun would shine if only just for a split second... Wanting to feel that everlasting glow.


Bishop sat up on the tattered worn mattress in the shelter of an old abandoned dorm complex. He stared at the window for several seconds before standing. He let out a soft yawn.


"Good morning..." He spoke to himself

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Meanwhile, endless light years and several ever expanding universes away, her majesty Princess Celestia entered the lofty demonstration hall in the prostegious Academy of Advanced Magic. A group of judges sat in a row of seats near the front, her sister Luna was among them. "Hello" she greeted them in her usual sweet sounding voice before taking her seat next to her sister.


Luna managed a quick smile before glancing down at a clipboard that she levitated in her blue magic aura. "Ahem, first up for their entry exam, Trixie Lunamoon." She announced loudly. Doors on the other end of the hall burst open and a light blue unicorn mare strode in with a confident smirk plastered in her face. Celestia frowned slightly, she had heard of this unicorn; she was the one who apparently imprisoned all of Ponyville under a dome just over a year ago. The princess was silent and was willing to give her a chance but she wouldn't lie that her hopes weren't too high.


Trixie set up a large mirror in front of the judges, "I the Great an-" she stopped, "I mean I, Trixie, am here today to present a spell of my own creation for you today. It gives anypony the means to turn any mirror into a gateway into another world!"


This got Celestia's attention, mirrors into portals to other dimensions? Such things were mere fantasy, but one novice Mage comes in claiming to have done the impossible, that was interesting indeed. "Please Trixie, demonstrate this to us" she urged her.


Without another word Trixie faced the mirror, her horn built up a brilliant white light before she launched it at the mirror. The effects where....less than desirable. The bolt of magic hit the mirror before refracting off of it and flying right at Luna, before anypony could react Celestia sprung from her seat, putting herself right between Luna and the stray magic blast. That's when it collided with her face.


Everything became a jumbled mess of light and sound before the Alicorn opened her eyes, she looked around to see that the whole room had become frozen in place. 'What just happened?' She thought, trotting in between the unmoving ponies still stuck with shocked expressions on their faces. "At least Luna's ok" she said aloud, looking into her sisters face.

There was a sound if ripping fabric, jarring Celestia from her thoughts. Whirling around she was faced with a black maw of nothingness that dragged her in before she could even let out a cry.

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There was a loud whoosh heard outside, the wind rustled violently at what trees remained.

And then as quickly as it started it stopped.


Bishop peered outside seeing a ray of light piercing through the gray atmosphere and into the dead forest ahead.


With immense curiosity he grabs his rucksack and crude recover quickly making his was into the open.


The demonstration room is in panic chatter!


"The princess!" A royal subject shouts everyone beginning to mutter worriedly, even the Royal.Guards chatter about before quickly exiting beginning an immediate search.


Trixie stands about with a look of immense shock.

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All was dark and silent, the eternal black nothingness swirled about the tiny figure as it hurled through the blackness at impossible speeds. Then there was light, Celestia, the powerful Alicorn and raiser of the sun had been reborn. The first thing she saw was trees, or at least what was left of them, the brown husks of once was huddled about Celestia like ghosts.


A harsh wind blew through the dead forest, stirring up brown leaves an nipping harshly at the Alicorns skin, the filly Celestia let out a short and pittiful cry. Newly born into this strange world she would surly die if nobody found her shortly.



*Meanwhile in Equestria*


Luna rose from her seat and approached Trixie, a look with a mix of anger and worry contorted her features, "You," she pointed a hoof at her, "You have savagely murdered my sister and for this you must pay" she lowered her horn to Trixies face.

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(Focus shift now mainly to the human world.)


Bishop slowly creeped about keeping himself into alert. He could see a small bit of movement but wasn't exactly sure, he then heard a pitiful cry.


His heart racing, was it a child? He quickened his pace and approached, his eyes widen in surprised as he sees a small white fur and pink mane filly.


His memories rush back to his youth... He knew exactly who this was. He rubbed his eyes unable to believe what he sees.


"Sweet Celestia..." He mutters to himself.

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At the sound of approaching footsteps the filly turned around to see a large thing staring fown at her. She stared at him and he stared back, Celestia wasn't afraid, this was the first living thing she'd seen so far, her naturarsl instinct was to imprint on it. At the mention of the word name Celestia she filly' sears perked up, she had no idea what he was saying or what it ment but it sounded important. Wanting to get closer to the man she tried walking over to him but stumbled around unsuccessfully.

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He kneels down, "Oh! Careful." He says assuringly, he smiles at her determination. He gently walls forward and helps her up.


"What are you doing out here... How'd you get here?" He asks, unsure that even she knows how she arrived.


This was incredible, Princess Celestia is here but...not quite her full grown self.

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      As the man kneels down Celestia tries to follow his example but sitting back on her haunches, crushing a pile of dead leaves under her. She wasn’t quite sure how to react to this other creature, only to accept it with the trust any small child would at her impressionable age. As a light gust of wind blew through the forest, kicking up the leaves Celestia giggled as they took flight, clearly oblivious to the dead scenery about her. 

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Bishop was simply astonished, they looked upon each other for a several seconds he simply taking on the Joy of just seeing this adorable filly.

Like a rarity from the old world, carefully he picks up the little princess.

"Come on, it's not safe out here." He says to her and Carries her along back toward his shelter.


The two move along into the errie darkness of the dormitory complex and into a hall passing into one of the room, faint sunlight peering in illuminating the bedroom.

He gently sits the filly downon the written mattress.

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     Celestia had little objection to being picked up, she just looked at her surroundings with slight interest and made several intelligible gurgling noises. After being brought inside and sat down on the mattress the filly frowned at the grey walls which seemed to box her in. Trying to get comfortable she moved into one of the faint rays on sunlight that shown upon the bed.   

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Bishop looked outside, as if seeming to search for any hostiles that have followed. He sighs a bit and sits down along the strewn about cushions around.

"What am I gonna do?" He mutters to himself. His stomach growled, hunger, he was always hungry how was he gonna manage to keep her fed?


Was this more harm then good? He tries to hold back the looming oppression. Whatever happened to this royal princess he had to take care of her.


"Are you hungry ?" He asks to her rubbing his belly to signify what he ment.

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Celestia cocked her head sideways trying to understand Bishops body language. As he started

rubbing his belly she tried to look at her own but only flopped over on her back. On queue Celestias stomach made a growling noise and she let out cry of distress as she didn't recognize what this feeling of hunger was.

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He let a soft smile show. Reaching into his rucksack he rummage about, from a lucky find he had he takes out a pack of stale saltine crackers.

He sighed a bit, not exactly a meal but it was all he could provide.


He opens the pack and sits next to he gestures by pressing one to his mouth acting like to eat it before offering it to her.

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Noticing the cracker he offered Celestia stumbled clumsily over the worn mattress to it. Giving the thing a quick sniff she bit a corner off cautiously. The thing didn't taste great and the filly would have spit it out if eating it hasn't made the pain in her stomach subside slightly. With great reluctance she carried on the task of eating, although it tasted bad she was happy he offered it to her.

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"I wish I could give you something better.." He says to her, he removes his tattered gloves before gently petting her pink mane and head feeling the near plush texture.


She herself could feel the rough surface of his hand but touching her forehead with the ever so gentlest demeanor.

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     Celestia closed her ears and took in the simple pleasure of being petted. As short of a time it may have been she really took a liking to this man, he gave her food and a warmer place to stay and for that the small filly was thankful. All of a sudden she let out a small yawn, despite only being awake for less than an hour Celestia felt worn out. 

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He remained on the bed continuing to pet her softly, once drifted to sleep he carefully places her on the mattress and covers her up with one of the tattered blankets.


He had time real quick to do more investigating in this area, quietly as he could he steps out and shuts the door after leaving the crackers and a bowl of water for her. He couldn't be gone for long, he had to make this quick.

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     Within the depths of her mind Celestia saw images somepony her age couldn't hope to understand. There was a room filled with others like her, a blue one was being dragged away by two others while a dark blue one that was larger than the others seemed to be very angry. The images faded as the filly woke up, she had no idea what time it was but the room was empty. 

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An allotted time has past, noting on the sun it is at it's brightest even though covered by the depressing scene of clouds. It was the afternoon.


Celestia could hear a wailing ehcoed scream, possibly from outside, at that instant Bishop quickly entered and shutted the door just as quickly.


He breathes heavily immersed in intense terror. From under the mattress he pulls a wooden plank, positioning it along a bar in order to barricade the door along with simply locking it.


The scream echoes again.


"Christ..." He mutters his shaking hand gripping the revolver.

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Celestia had no clue what was happening but upon hearing the scream she knew it wasnt good, she folded her ears back and looked around the room for somewhere to hide. Finding an old newspaper on the floor she tired her best to hide her head underneath it with little success, she whimpered softly 

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Seeing the filly scamper and hide, he approaches to her and picks her up in his, arms.

"It's okay it's okay." He whispers to her..


The wailing again echoes seemingly outside the barricaded door, the room inside seems to also have large metallic storage lockers.


Quickly he opens one of the doors, the spacing is enough for the two to fit.

He squeezes in sitting down followed by placing Celestia on his lap and pulls back on the door.

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 Although Celestia did find comfort being in the mans arms she could still not help but remain scared out of her mind. Any small noice that was made caused the filly to flinch slightly, she may be small and did not fully understand the danger but that did not stop her from knowing that whatever was out there would hurt them if it happened to get in

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There was a loud crash against the door followed by several repeating pounds against it.

"Flesh.... It's here. It's here.it's here." A crocky voice spoke.

Bishop held Celestia tightly with his left arm, the other hand holding the revolver.

"I won't let it get ya girl." He whispers to her


With another attack the door is burst open, heavy audible breathing can be heard as the unknown attacker enters. Celestia could hear the shuffling of the feet as it scanned the room.


"No... Here..." They both hear it's whisper.

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The filly couldn't possibly be shaking any more than when she was right now, the sounds behind the door where just so....scary. She felt like she had to cry out yet at the same time remained silent only out of the hope that the thing would go away. As the sounds outside got closer to their location Celestia let out a small squeak in fright.

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The thing cocked it's head questionably at the door, it inched close.

Bishop at that moment braced his left shoulder and violently pushed the door forward walloping the assailant knocking him back, from one of the planks on the ground Bishop raises it and swings it forward vigorously, giving another wallop at the charred man, a loud crack ensues and it falls.


Bishop breathes heavily his body shaking violently.


"Christ..." He mutters.


The charred man remains motionless.

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