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What are the things that bother you the most?


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I really despise smoking, littering, foul language, corruption, habitat destruction, and most recently, sexualzed material. There's probably more, only listed a few things on the top of my head.

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People who say "I'm not like other girls" are fairly annoying. Or said people who trash-talk someone for being into fashion or wear make-up because it's "girly" or "stupid", which it's not, it's called having different interests.

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Sexualizing anything to exaggerated extensions

Neverending series of cartoons or TV shows

Lackluster or broken games that get released with no consent

Destruction of public property

Parental and abusive relationships

Name/trash callers

Gang members


Just to name a good few

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I could have sworn there was another thread similar to this but I'll list some of mine.


-Double standard

-Political correctness and over-sensitivity

-Unjustified hatred


-This doesn't bother me as much as the above: when people are loud about how they're proud of their sexuality; note that I'm not against other types of sexualities, but I don't understand how anyone would consider their sexuality (whether heterosexual, homosexual, etc.) to be something to be proud of (exception being if it is to specifically counter those who are against said sexualities).

Edited by Krovavaya Luna
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I wanted to say 'clop' but ultimately decided not to for two reasons-

-I hate that word. I hate the material more.

-It figures the moderators would flip out and run in the streets naked and screaming if they see another word on these threads. If that wasn't enough, they'll probably take over some mall and hold the shoppers as hostages.


So please, don't use that word, or at least don't make it obvious

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Here's some of the things that bother me:

  • Racism
  • Rude people
  • People that judge everything.
  • Smoking
  • People who take my stuff without asking. Especially if it's my MP3 player or cell phone.
  • People who ask stupid questions. I strongly don't believe the "there's no such thing as a stupid question" bit.
  • When people play music through the mic on Xbox Live. It can be the best song ever and still get me mad.
  • Lags
  • Slow internet
  • Kinect mics. This really aggravates me.

There's probably more but I can't think of them.

  • Brohoof 4
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I don't despise foul language, but when people overuse foul language just to look cool, at the end of the day, it doesn't make you sound funnier or cooler. The only reason why I sometimes use foul language is if I'm frustrated, mad, or in pain.


Racism bothers me, smoking (even if my dad does it >_>), and when people judge stuff by not actually knowing much about it.

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Here we go...

- Slow internet
- Bigots
- Furries
- People with a lack of sense of humor
- Desperate, horny people (usually males)


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Racism, people offended by the ss skull even though it's been around long before the ss even existed.

People hating on those who collect nazi memorabilia.

Women.(no offence).

Pushed around, called names.

The music of nowadays that are mainstream.

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Threads that ask what are the things that bother you the most! I hate those! I hate them with a fiery passion! 


Anyway, I am bothered by very little. The only thing I can think of right off the top of my head is extreme Incompetence. Not regular incompetence, as it is understandable seeing as we aren't perfect; but legendary incompetence, the bone headed acts of utter stupidity that are guaranteed to win you and everyone around you Darwin Awards, It's those I despise. 

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People who think things like rape jokes are funny.

People who stereotype bronies and furries into being fat worthless neck beards who get off to ponies and the like.

Girls who try to act like they aren't like other girls when really they're just like other girls they're just trying too hard to act different.

Girls who are a------es to girls who wear makeup and are interested in fashion and stuff like that.

People in general really tend to bother me. I'm not like one of those types who say that to seem like they're better than everyone or some such bull. No people just bother me in general.

Oh and dogs that bark constantly late at night. Never had this issue with cats though strangely.

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Pessimists. The fact that they never give things a second chance and always look for the worst of things is kind of sad.


Otherwise I'm not bothered too much. Well, I'm also bothered by overly modest/arrogant people, but it's kind of hard to explain.


Also, one thing I never understand is why so many people dislike stupidity. Everybody does stupid things, you know? -3-

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- People who yell at me just because I made a mistake while trying to learn something

- Loud noises that come suddenly

- Feeling isolated in social moments

- People who say it's too late to start something

- Slow internet

- Time management

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Topics like these that bring out negativity in one way or another.


I also don't like unfairness and a load of other stuff :1.

Edited by SparkWolf
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random people who invade you personal space, emo people, people who talk/ bring very young kids to a not appropriate movie at movie theatres, gen oners, smogon, red (mainly because of how overhyped he is as a badass HES FUCKING 10), sexualization in media, people who shove thier religion down your throat.

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All the unnecessary hate in the world, such as racism and sexism.


what should be non issues apparently have to be a huge freakin' deal for some stupid reason.


If there is other life in the universe (Which I believe there are) I hope so much they are more intelligent than this. 

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