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gaming Why do PC gamers get so frustrated with console gamers? (mild rant)


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Yeah I still like the Wii U. It may be the weakest, but its got the best exclusives of the bunch. But anyway, I just never saw a big need to jump into PC gaming. (Don't make a lot of money so I can't budget a good gaming PC.) And if it means becoming an entitled snob with too much money, then no thanks.

I saw some games on wii. They actually look pretty fun and I like graphics. Technical aspect is not overwhelming, but "artistic" one often is great. Also there are some typical fun games that I often miss on PM. I can understand clearly why some people prefer Wii. I'd get it myself, but I'm afraid I'd play only occasionaly on it, besides I'd be embarassed to move around XD 

  • Brohoof 1


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I can't really say because I'm not a pc gamer but I don't really want to play on a pc just because I don't want to be associated with the pc master race or any the egotistical and aggressively passionate pc gamers. (don't get me wrong I know console gamers can be damn annoying to but they haven't made a title for themselves)

  • Brohoof 1


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:wat: I think we need some qualifying phrases here. Some PC gamers can be snobs, but it's not all of us. Please don't generalize.


I mostly play on PC, but I don't care if someone else prefers to play on consoles. Have at it, go to it, have a great time, invite me over to join you for a game sometime. I even had an X-Box 360 for a while. Then it died.


What I like about the PC is, if something dies on your PC, you simply replace it and badabing, badaboom, you're back in business. (Even hard drives are not irreplaceable, assuming you're keeping up with some sort of backup, and that's becoming less of an issue with cloud computing and all that.) With a console you have to send it back to the original company and then where are you at? Staring at the wall, waiting for someone else to fix your problem for you.

  • Brohoof 4

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I can't really say because I'm not a pc gamer but I don't really want to play on a pc just because I don't want to be associated with the pc master race or any the egotistical and aggressively passionate pc gamers. (don't get me wrong I know console gamers can be damn annoying to but they haven't made a title for themselves)

Ugh, that whole "PC Master Race" has been run into the ground at this point. I guess maybe it was supposed to be a joke at some time, but it just sounds more and more serious as time goes on.

  • Brohoof 4

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Ugh, that whole "PC Master Race" has been run into the ground at this point. I guess maybe it was supposed to be a joke at some time, but it just sounds more and more serious as time goes on.

I treat it more like a joke and most PC gamers do it same, I can promise that. Problem is that as always the ones who take it seriously are the loudest. Please don't judge us all over those individuals. They are annoying but sadly they can't be silenced. 

  • Brohoof 1


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

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Ugh, that whole "PC Master Race" has been run into the ground at this point. I guess maybe it was supposed to be a joke at some time, but it just sounds more and more serious as time goes on.


If it was ever supposed to be a joke, it has failed miserably. A lot of PC gamers really seem to exemplify the title, and the usage of the title, whether intended to be a joke or not, really just makes them come off as even more of jerks.

  • Brohoof 7

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I treat it more like a joke and most PC gamers do it same, I can promise that. Problem is that as always the ones who take it seriously are the loudest. Please don't judge us all over those individuals. They are annoying but sadly they can't be silenced. 

That's probably a good indication that you should retire that joke then.

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That's probably a good indication that you should retire that joke then.

Not our fault that it is misinterpreted because of some random PC fanatics. 


Besides what does "you" mean? I don't use that joke personally :P


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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I never got why people got so Elitist over their gaming systems. I personally own both a PS4, and a gaming computer and I like them both. One may have better graphics, of fps, or whatever but I don't care. Anyways, here's a gif I found on /r/pcmasterrace.



  • Brohoof 2


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Actually it goes two ways at least in Poland. PC elitists bash console gamers and vice versa. 


PC fanboys say consoles are responsible for worse quality of games as games are now awfully easier (crappy argument as some PC exclusives are easy as well), blame consoles for much slower graphics development in games or simply say PC is better because You can much more than just play games. Of course, needless to be said those arguments are total crap and it comes from mouth of PC gamer right now.


Now let's roll with consoles fanboys. Those arguments are hilarious too. "computers are not for gaming" (wut?), "consoles are better" (matter of taste, stfu) or that they don't have to improve their gear all the time for games to run. This one is a bit legit, they don't have to buy new graphic cards etc. But on PC games we get ability to adjust graphics settings so that game runs smoothly (unless game developer screwed things up, that is) and normally PC is changed one time in 4-5 years (at least in my case) so it is not that expensive neither. 



Both sides are silly if not even stupid, I say - play on whatever You prefer. Play even snake on Nokia 3310 only if that's what You want. People who want to force others to play on PS/xbox/PC/whatever else should have their internet connection removed as they only cause tension and probably most of them are trolls. 



I don't know... It just seem like gaming draws the sorts of immature people who do not and perhaps can not understand the idea of someone else liking something that they do not like.


PC gamers in particular can be really irritating, though. Always finding every chance they possibly can to degrade consoles and insult console gamers. And they act like consoles are completely worthless because they are less powerful than PCs (which cost a fortune anyway). I really don't care whether the game I'm playing runs at 30 FPS or 60 FPS, or 720 or 1080. All I care is that it is a good game. Games like Mario Kart 8 look gorgeous even though the Wii U is 'weak'. Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned.


There may be (well, are) great games on the PC, and people can enjoy them all they want. But they simply must stop acting like all good games exist on the PC, because most of the games that are the best in my mind (and I'm far from alone on this matter) are console exclusives. Once again, it all comes down to the "Stop liking what I don't like" attitude that the gaming community as a whole is so terrible about. Consoles have great games. PC have great games. They both have their place, and they both have their fans. Get over it.



Except it IS weak in EVERY way that it matters compared to the bone/PS4. Let me quote some hardware specs for you.

PS4 and Xbone both have 8GB of unified system memory with 5GB avalible for games.

Take a guess at how much the Wii U has.



Nope, a laughable 2GB [which for anything new coming out is impossible to develop for, plus IIRC Wii U does not support using HDD space for system RAM which is something even the horribly outdated PS3 and 360 can do.

The PS4 has a peak GPU shader throughput of 1.84 TFlops, with the Xbone has one of 1.31 TFlops. The Wii U does not even have half of the xbone's throughput, and clocks in at a measly 0.352 TFlops. 

The PS4 and Xbone both have almost identical AMD CPU's being 8 core and 1.6GHZ [though some sources state the Xbone's CPU clock is slightly higher at 1.75 GHZ], the Wii U has a measly 3 core CPU at 3.25GHZ [however cores are much more important in this case and the Wii U's cores are also very weak], and to top it all off it may infact be 3 GCN cores on the same die.

Did I convince you?



She obviously doesn't care about specs. I believe she meant that it doesn't matter if the graphics are great or not, it matters on the gameplay. And that's what she cares about.



You convinced me of absolutely nothing, because it was obvious from what I said that I don't care.


The Hard Drive may be a slight issue, but that's only really if you download games digitally. The rest of what you said is a bunch of technical talk that is meaningless to what matters as far as I am concerned. As long as the Wii U can pull off games like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U, and the upcoming Zelda with its huge open world, that's all that really matters.


I bought the Wii U to play games, not to brag about its power.



Yeah I still like the Wii U. It may be the weakest, but its got the best exclusives of the bunch. But anyway, I just never saw a big need to jump into PC gaming. (Don't make a lot of money so I can't budget a good gaming PC.) And if it means becoming an entitled snob with too much money, then no thanks.



I never got why people got so Elitist over their gaming systems. I personally own both a PS4, and a gaming computer and I like them both. One may have better graphics, of fps, or whatever but I don't care. Anyways, here's a gif I found on /r/pcmasterrace.



For me personally, I don't have a preference between PC gaming and Console gaming. As long as I have fun, that's all that matters to me.  :)


I have a gaming PC laptop, Wii U and an Xbox 360 and while all of them have their perks, I could care less about which is better in the long-run.  :okiedokielokie:


If you want to talk the 8th (Current) generation of consoles, here's my take on it. I personally prefer the Gaming PC + Wii U combo. That is a win-win for me.  :D


I know that the Xbox One and PS4 have some good games now and upcoming, but due to personal reasons, I cannot afford to get both or either at the moment (maybe in a few years or so, but it all depends on what it'll be like for me then).


Therefore, I am very satisfied with the Gaming PC + Wii U combo I currently have now. :)


What happened to "Count your blessings"?  :confused:

Edited by Jonny Music
  • Brohoof 2
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I'll just go ahead and say that I too come from a background of both pc and console gaming. 


Why not petition for more PC exclusives? I mean it's not the console gamer's fault that pc games are held back. Take it to developers. 

  • Brohoof 1

I stopped watching the show a while ago...


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Because a lot of games recently have allegedly favoured consoles and/or have been console ports. So we (they) look for something to blame. And who better than the people on the platform?

To each their own

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You convinced me of absolutely nothing, because it was obvious from what I said that I don't care.


The Hard Drive may be a slight issue, but that's only really if you download games digitally. The rest of what you said is a bunch of technical talk that is meaningless to what matters as far as I am concerned. As long as the Wii U can pull off games like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U, and the upcoming Zelda with its huge open world, that's all that really matters.


I bought the Wii U to play games, not to brag about its power.


You convinced me of absolutely nothing, because it was obvious from what I said that I don't care.


The Hard Drive may be a slight issue, but that's only really if you download games digitally. The rest of what you said is a bunch of technical talk that is meaningless to what matters as far as I am concerned. As long as the Wii U can pull off games like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U, and the upcoming Zelda with its huge open world, that's all that really matters.


I bought the Wii U to play games, not to brag about its power.

Then if you don't care, how are you qualified to say statements like:

"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."

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Then if you don't care, how are you qualified to say statements like:

"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."

That's because she (Envy) doesn't give a crap about graphics and just wants to get the graphics situation with the Wii U out of the way because the Wii U's horsepower is none of her concern. She only cares about gameplay and that's it. 


What more do you want from her anyway? There's no point in arguing further about this.


We all have our preferences and opinions. Why argue over opinions when there is no meaning to the arguments in the long-run?

Edited by Jonny Music
  • Brohoof 4
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Then if you don't care, how are you qualified to say statements like:

"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."


That doesn't even make any sense, silly.


I said "as far as I am concerned" at the end of that sentence. Did you not read it? Even if I hadn't, the point is that video game consoles are made to play video games. And the Wii U is doing a fine job at that, so no, whatever deficiencies you see in the power don't matter.


As for what everyone else is saying... Don't get me wrong, I do like good graphics. The Wii U makes beautiful graphics. Mario Kart 8 is a gorgeous game. This just goes to show that the power is even more insignificant, when such a beautiful game can still be made with the Wii U's weaker power.

  • Brohoof 7

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Then if you don't care, how are you qualified to say statements like:

"Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned."


It's been pointed out already, but... "in any way that matters as far as am concerned" is the important part here. It might be weak in ways that matter to you (hardware) but it is not weak in ways that matter to them (games, functionality, interface, etc.)


You're just looking for a semantic argument :\

Edited by TenorSounds
  • Brohoof 4
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That's because she (Envy) doesn't give a crap about graphics and just wants to get the graphics situation with the Wii U out of the way because the Wii U's horsepower is none of her concern. She only cares about gameplay and that's it. 


What more do you want from her anyway? There's no point in arguing any further about this.


We all have our preferences and opinions. Why argue over opinions when there is no meaning to the arguments in the long-run?

Still claiming it isn't weak.

  • Brohoof 1
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Still claiming it isn't weak.


Oh my god, is this seriously a real conversation


You don't need to go around listing specs to show not only your superiority, but also whatever console you're circlejerking atm. I'm like, at least 95% certain that we all understand that the Wii U isn't as technologically strong as other consoles

  • Brohoof 8
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That doesn't even make any sense, silly.


I said "as far as I am concerned" at the end of that sentence. Did you not read it? Even if I hadn't, the point is that video game consoles are made to play video games. And the Wii U is doing a fine job at that, so no, whatever deficiencies you see in the power don't matter.


As for what everyone else is saying... Don't get me wrong, I do like good graphics. The Wii U makes beautiful graphics. Mario Kart 8 is a gorgeous game. This just goes to show that the power is even more insignificant, when such a beautiful game can still be made with the Wii U's weaker power.

Fair enough. I get your point.

  • Brohoof 1
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I started typing out an eloquent and thoughtful response, then realised the folks over on reddit did it for me. 


Here's a link.


I was ready to be indignant, but that is actually a very well put-together write-up.

  • Brohoof 2
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You want to really get into this bash fest, own a Wii U. Then you have both pc gamers and other console gamers on you. Funny thing is they always beg to let them play smash bros in the end. #nintendomasterrace

  • Brohoof 2


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I admit, I say PC Gamer Master Race from time to time. Not that I care what platforms others game on, but I genuinely prefer PC.


-Cheaper to upgrade (though more expensive initially).

-Can get games cheaper

-More flexible (though consoles are becoming able to do more).



That said, I have used consoles, (PS3 mainly), but I generally prefer PC controls.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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