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gaming Why are new games boss fights AWFUL.......AWFUL?!


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I might get some flack for this thread but it must said. Games from generation 7 and now starting with 8 have pathetic final boss fights or no boss fights at all. What happened to the good old days of getting to the end of a level and fighting a challenging boss and you felt great afterwards. Games of the top of my mind that have this 


Pokemon's Red/Blue/Silver/Gold/Crystal

Star Fox 64 

Mario 64

Ocarina of Time 

Kirby Nightmare in Dream Land

The recent Shovel Knight... All bosses and I mean ALL bosses are awesome.

Banjo Kazooie


I have more and more and I know you all have your favorite boss moments.


Why are these new games so boring in irony of all these amazing visuals? I'm telling you, the Arkham series had some decent boss fights despite being easy. Arkham Knight better impress me with the boss encounters. 

  • Brohoof 2
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That might be a little too general; in all honesty.


Destiny, for all the hate it gets, has some decent boss fights. Dragon's Dogma has some of the best boss battles I have EVER seen in gaming, Bioshock: Infinite had great boss encounters, and Ryse: Son of Rome was pretty enjoyable.


Honestly, a lot of it is subjectibe. I cans ee why people would be underwhelmed by some boss encounters in Skyrim & all, but there is plenty of fun with bosses to be had in today's generation of gaming.

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
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The Evil Within honestly as some nice and challenging boss fights through the game, however the end boss fight was admittedly pretty bad compared to the others. And since the bosses are honestly difficult to figure out, you do feel awarded afterwards. Has some neat designs too. 


Dark Souls has the same thing, great & difficult boss fights. Bioshock Infinite was pretty decent in the boss fights aspect as well.


Tons of games have great boss fights, stop complaining and find some. 

  • Brohoof 1


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The entire idea that a game needs boss fights at all will ruin gaming. Things get a little too repetitious when it goes: level > boss > level > boss all the time. It forces the need to have a boss at the end of the level which ruins any creativity the boss might have had if it was placed differently.


Of course, then there's entire genres that don't have bosses of any kind and the obstacles you face come in completely different forms. Sim/Strategy games like Civilization have no bosses unless you want to go to war with someone but even then that wouldn't technically count as a boss.


I'd rather a level play out with a meaningful design than to always be building up to a generic super soldier who tanks everything and can smash your face for no other reason than because he's the big bad of the level or game.


Bioshock did not need a final boss. I would have been just as happy pulling a switch to end the game. A lot of the time bosses become a hindrance to finishing the game. I know, I know, that's kind of the entire point of a boss but when they're just kinda there to be in the way rather than be a story or world element it gets tiresome.

  • Brohoof 4
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Get any Suda game(No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw) or any Platinum game(Bayonetta, Madworld/Anarchy Reigns) that's come out these last two gens. Even with those game's shortcomings, their boss fights are some of the best

  • Brohoof 4
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Get any Suda game(No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw) or any Platinum game(Bayonetta, Madworld/Anarchy Reigns) that's come out these last two gens. Even with those game's shortcomings, their boss fights are some of the best

Leo vs Jack is one of my favorite fights ever. Especially with Testin' Me playing in the background. It fits the fight perfectly. Pretty sure it's Leo's theme song in the game.


Also, punk rock zombie concert. :wub:

  • Brohoof 1
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TL;DR - What games are you playing?






As a hard core gamer (I've played over 700 games spanning all the generations) I can safely say that there are some AMAZING boss fights in modern games. I really have NO IDEA what you're playing to think otherwise. 


A great boss fight isn't all about setting or graphics, it's about approach and the feeling of rewarding from beating them. It's about the satisfaction you get from driving the nail in that bosses coffin once and for all. A great boss fight will make you feel something for the boss your killing and cause you to elicit emotion upon winning. For example, Shadow of Mordor. This game is built entirely around the relationships you as a player have with your enemies. It's not in any epic set pieces but my god when there's an Uruk'hai captain that has been killing you at every turn, you grow a hatred for that bastard and you WANT to stab a knife right in his neck. 


Another approach to a boss fight is the feeling of ascendance. By this I mean that by defeating the boss you as a player feel like you've grown and can take on even greater challenges. The best example of this I can think of is Dark Souls (The first one). This game has some unforgiving boss fights. But let me tell you, when you hear that satisfying kill sound (It's like a SHISH sound. It happens whenever you kill an enemy or a boss in Dark Souls) you FEEL like a total BOSS! It doesn't matter the setting it was in, or how the boss came across in appearance. It matters that you beat the f**ker that was standing in your way and can finally progress forwards with your quest.


As for some insanely cool looking bosses, I'd like to direct you to Evil Within. This game has some AMAZING enemy design. Some of the best in the PS4 generation consoles. The black haired blood demon, Ruvik, all of them. They're all so masterfully designed and it pains me to see Evil Within being flaked so hard. It's really not that bad of a game. Sure the story is a bit bad but c'mon! It's directed by the same guy who directed Resident Evil 4! 


Anyway, I digress...


If you REALLY need to fight bosses that are just way over the top. Then I'd like to direct your attention to the Bayonetta games. These games are just ridiculously over the top insane in their boss fights. I don't want to spoil much but I will say this. The final boss in the first Bayonetta has an attack where they THROW ENTIRE GALAXIES at you. And that's one of their lesser attacks! Also it takes place in a space place, which is ridiculous in itself.  


What I'm trying to say is that you really need to broaden your horizons when it comes to gaming, because there are some ridiculous boss fights out there. It's not about how cool the setting is, or how the boss is designed, it's about the feelings you get when you fight them. Whether it's a desire for revenge, or self reward, or even just to feel like you've conquered the biggest challenge thus far. At least this is how I view boss fights.


Now, I'm not saying those old games didn't have some great boss fights. Banjo Kazooie's final boss was great. Hell, Conkers Bad Fur Day had some of the most memorable bosses ever. But I feel like you've got bosses confused with cool set pieces. At least how I view it. Sorry if this came across as rude. Haha

Edited by FirstPonySpectre


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Get any Suda game(No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw) or any Platinum game(Bayonetta, Madworld/Anarchy Reigns) that's come out these last two gens. Even with those game's shortcomings, their boss fights are some of the best

I fucking love Lollipop Chainsaw.

  • Brohoof 1


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Perhaps if video games stuck with the idea of challenging boss fights more or less since those days, then Dark Souls wouldn't seem so ridiculous!

Personally I don't believe boss fights need to be challenging. They serve their purpose better as a part of the story.


But you know, opinions and all that jazz. Not that I'm against challenging boss fights but I'd prefer them to be well-designed and relevant than just being there to get in the way.

  • Brohoof 1
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Perhaps if video games stuck with the idea of challenging boss fights more or less since those days, then Dark Souls wouldn't seem so ridiculous! 


That's a tad bit unfair though. Games like Shadow of the Colossus were nothing but boss fights, while others like Last of Us don't really need them as their focus is something else entirely, and both are considered as part of the upper echelon of gaming.


Dark Souls is it's own concept & execution; nothing wrong with that.

  • Brohoof 3

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Good points! For me, I suppose I dislike playing a relativity challenging game, confronting the final "boss" and having the whole ordeal over with with a click of a button. Maybe that is just me though!  :lol:

On the other hand, I don't wanna be playing a really hard game and then then there be a ballbusting mega boss at the end to prevent me from beating the game completely. :lol:


The bosses in Odin Sphere are pure hell. I don't think I'm ever gonna beat that game. ;-;

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't hate modern boss fights. Of course the Arkham games are amazing with boss fights despite being easy. All hack and slash games have amazing boss fights. I just find modern boss fights to not be as memorable. I didn't find Clayface in AC as memorable as Titan Joker from Asylum. Games like Mass Effect have horrible boss fights and even worse final ones. 

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Good points! For me, I suppose I dislike playing a relativity challenging game, confronting the final "boss" and having the whole ordeal over with with a click of a button. Maybe that is just me though!  :lol:


That's a fair point; actually. As much as I loved Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, the final fight kinda felt rushed because of that. Granted it wasn't bad or insultingly easy, but it just felt a little rushed.


I don't hate modern boss fights. Of course the Arkham games are amazing with boss fights despite being easy. All hack and slash games have amazing boss fights. I just find modern boss fights to not be as memorable. I didn't find Clayface in AC as memorable as Titan Joker from Asylum. Games like Mass Effect have horrible boss fights and even worse final ones. 


In the in; it's all subjective. A lot of people who played Dragon Age: Origins and defeated the Archdemon were fairly disappointed in Alduin from Skyrim as a final boss.


Some though would disagree with that, and people like myself appreciate them both for what they are.


'Tis what it is, my friend. :)

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Get any Suda game(No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw) or any Platinum game(Bayonetta, Madworld/Anarchy Reigns) that's come out these last two gens. Even with those game's shortcomings, their boss fights are some of the best

Platinum bosses are generally good. Platinum's Legend of Korra has some solid bosses.

  • Brohoof 1


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Woah woah woah. I just looked at this briefly and saw someone mention shadow of mordor as having good boss fights... That is crap. It had like 1 real boss fight and it was easy, given the fact he killed his own minions and there were health restoring herbs all over the arena. I love the game, but its boss fights were rather boring. I felt that there was no challenge whatsoever. I had a higher chance of being killed by a mob of random uruks then by the hammer, the tower, and the hand combined.

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I'd recommend your maybe picking up some old school video games with challenging and potentially rage-inducing boss fights lol.  I've played through Ninja Gaiden (NES) twice (once on the original console, once on VC without using save states), and that game throws several "final" bosses at you in a row.  Better yet, if you die during any of those boss fights, it boots you back to the start of the act.  I always found Death in the first Castlevania to be a pain in my vampire hunting butt, and the final form of ol' Drac in Castlevania III killed me several times before I finally prevailed.  Though, to be fair, I wasn't always able to even get to his final form without taking damage.  If you enjoyed Shovel Knight, you might enjoy the classic Mega Man series.  If you want an extra challenge whilst taking on those Robot Masters, try defeating them with only your standard weapon.

Edited by Ziggy Belongs to RD

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You want good boss fights?


Wallrider from Outlast

All, and I mean ALL the skyrim bosses

Vader Eloha in OFF


And for a good challenge:


Deerclops, Bearger, Dragonfly, or Moose/Goose from Don't Starve

All Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 bosses

The Evil Within minus the final boss fight

Edited by DolosusDoleus


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Woah woah woah. I just looked at this briefly and saw someone mention shadow of mordor as having good boss fights... That is crap. It had like 1 real boss fight and it was easy, given the fact he killed his own minions and there were health restoring herbs all over the arena. I love the game, but its boss fights were rather boring. I felt that there was no challenge whatsoever. I had a higher chance of being killed by a mob of random uruks then by the hammer, the tower, and the hand combined.

Idk, I found boss fights rather enjoyable when you had a full on battle with like 2 allies against a warchief and his allies. Or especially when going solo against a warchief and 3 other captains in a fortress at the same time. Sure it isn't incredibly hard, but it is a very open boss fight which is what makes them good imo, it isn't about how difficult it is, but how interesting they are rather than an on rails mash B to fire your laser at the eye of the monster then rinse and repeat.

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Maybe the ideas for new bosses aren't good enough then past boss fight ideas? 



That might be a little too general; in all honesty.


Destiny, for all the hate it gets, has some decent boss fights. Dragon's Dogma has some of the best boss battles I have EVER seen in gaming, Bioshock: Infinite had great boss encounters, and Ryse: Son of Rome was pretty enjoyable.


Honestly, a lot of it is subjectibe. I cans ee why people would be underwhelmed by some boss encounters in Skyrim & all, but there is plenty of fun with bosses to be had in today's generation of gaming.

Destiny gets hated? Why?


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I believe it's because games these days focus more on the quality than the quantity of a game. I feel that game producers have lost that magic touch, and has developed the "must turn everything into gold" touch. Sometimes, I feel like they don't bother trying anymore...for a while it's been nothing but first person shooters and whatever game cliche's are trending right now among the gaming industry. If people started focusing more on the development rather than how glossy it looks, perhaps it could lead to the new found perspective that people look for a good story, maybe focus more on character development and not get so hasty. Its just my opinion as far as what I have observed. I love to play games, but i'm a not a huge gamer. However, this does not prevent me from relying on my senses and trail of thought when it comes down to this particular subject. All in all, I believe there is no telling. lol :)

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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