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open Bloodlines (S.O.L./Horror Mystery) [reboot]

Midnight Scribbler

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Bloodlines ~Horror Mystery~ OOC thread

Sunset Glow


Congratulations Peasant,

You have been selected to stay at Bloodwell resort, a majestic mountainside town with a flavorful history. You will get the once in a lifetime chance to experience the finest in dining, wine tasting, live plays, and outdoor sporting activities. You have already been booked and there are no expenses. Everything is covered, because I, Prince Blueblood, am a gracious host. I look forward to your words of praise for my newest resort.

-Prince Blueblood

By Royal Mandate, if you have opened and read this letter, you are obligated to attend. If you refuse or otherwise do not attend then you shall be imprisoned for no less than two years. Such is my will.


The letter read, and on the other side, the date, time and location for the travel arrangements. Today was the day, and the time was growing near. Sunset had made her way down to the Hotel where the invitation had stated. She'd spent the morning packing her things, and grooming herself for a trip she'd somehow been chosen for. It was nice to finally take time off from her work, though it was extremely unexpected, especially for the company of Royalty. Sunset grabbed the letter from her teeth, and flipped it over to make sure of the time and location, then placed it back between her teeth once she spotted the carriage. "Ah, good, good. I haven't missed it." She thought, remembering the fine print. Despite all of the wonderful things promised on the card, something about this whole thing felt wrong. Almost too good to be true, and yet, it was mandatory royal business apparently, so who could argue with that? She stepped up to the carriage, being greeted by the coach master, who took her letter, and then her bags, and placed them on the roof rack for her. As she stepped into the carriage, the feeling of dread seemed to grow, but there was seemingly no reason for it. She cast the thought aside as frazzled nerves in the face of high society. Looking out the window, she could see others approaching with letters in their possession as well. She was not alone it seemed, that was comforting at least. There was still about ten minutes before the ride left the hotel. She'd planned for a long ride, and relaxation time, so she'd packed her favorite books. Pulling one out she'd been picking away at, she flipped to the page she'd left off and awaited the others to arrive. The ride was spacious, and comfortable. There was lots of seating, and room to move around. Clearly this was no ordinary coach ride, it definitely seemed fitting of a royal excursion.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Taking a moment to stand in the first shimmering rays of sunlight as it’s glowing origin slowly ascended from the horizon, greatening the distance it had made from the edge of the world further and further with the minute, Scribblegroove tried to enjoy the bits of warmth on his skin, and sighed. Early morning was far too cold for his doing. He didn’t exactly look forward to a ride in a draughty coach in the frigid air of young day. He was already sick, and he definitely wouldn’t want to make it worse. However, the time he’d get to recover if he didn’t show up, which was 2 years, was quite exorbitant. So he’d rather persist in the face of a cold night and a terrible headache than suffer in prison for two years.


Tossing his scarf over his shoulder once more, he moved on, bidding the sun goodbye. Not far down the road there was a carriage. Quite obviously it was the carriage that was supposed to take him to his destination. It was to his pleasant surprise one of the most luxurious carriages he’d ever seen. “My grumpiness is getting the best of me…” He thought as he approached the ostentatious and pristine vehicle. Who was he to assume that stallion of royalty like Blueblood wouldn’t take excellent care of his guests? His expectations had indeed been influenced by his mood, because now that they had been overpassed in extreme fashion, a smile appeared on his face. “No draughty carriages for me… No sir!”


However, he did frown slightly at the sight of it, because it was that carriage that would take him to the so-called ‘resort’ that he’d get to ‘enjoy’ for the next couple of weeks. The moment he had gotten the letter he was already suspicious. He wasn’t very familiar with royalty, but wasn’t quite fond of them either. But now they invited him to this golden cage, with an aire of narcissism and a threat to top it all off. He’d be offended by the lot of it, but in all honesty he could use a vacation right now, as obscure as this one may seem.


He wasn’t at his healthiest and could use some time to relax, and since he didn’t have to pay a single bit for this trip his financial status wouldn’t be affected. So even though he didn’t entirely trust the situation, he walked up to the coach master, retrieving his invitation from the saddlebags on his back and showed it. “I’ll keep my bags with me, thank you…” He added when he looked up at the rack on top of the carriage. As paranoid as it would seem, they’d have to tear his work from his cold dead hooves. With a sense of both excitement and dread, but most of all capitulation, he entered the carriage.


Apparently he wasn’t the first to arrive. A mare had entered the carriage before him. She was currently reading a book, and that gave Scribblegroove the impression that she wasn’t up for friendly conversation. However, he was quite curious about her opinion on this unusual situation, so he decided to take seat across to her and simply say. “Good evening…” If she felt like talking it would be up to her to initiate conversation. He then started to look out of the window, watching the others approach the carriage. Watching the sun ever so slowly go up. It gave him quite a melancholic feeling.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Emerald Gaze


As if there had been no dark threat or insidious attitude attached to the letter, Emerald was prompt to arrive. Truly, she couldn't have refused even had she been given the choice: her standing at the castle meant that she had no choice but to attend, or risk her position as diplomat.


You know that wouldn't happen. You're just too interested in other ponies business to stay away. A voice chided coolly inside her head. Well... that, and you didn't trust Blueblood not to at least try to follow through with his foolish 'threats'.


She continued her approach, smiling gently and leaving no hint as to her silent thoughts as the carriage came into view.


"Oh, well isn't this nice?" She stated aloud in a bright tone - blinking and dismissing to internal monologue.




A minute or two later, she had arrived. Shoes pristine and jewelry sparkling in the days sun. Prepared as she was after following these type of procedures hundreds of times and in several different kingdoms, she presented her invitation to the coachmaster alongside a couple of bits and a warm smile. Setting down the case which she had brought, it opened to reveal a velvety, black lined interior, filled mostly with paperwork. From this, she drew her identification papers, before presenting those as well.


Perhaps it was unnecessary, but one such as her had to make every conscious effort to maintain a professional attitude. It simply wouldn't do to be the one to get things wrong!


Once satisfied that there was nothing more to do, Emerald paused before climbing aboard. It seemed that she wasn't the first to arrive: that was good. The two already here didn't seem acquainted, so she must have arrived herself just moments after the last.


"Good day." She greeted the pair brightly, taking a seat with that same warm smile still fixed firmly on her face. "It's quite pleasant today, isn't it?"

Edited by Cinder

Never quite forgotten.

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Aero WInd


Aero Wind was very excited about this! Getting a letter from royalty doesn’t happen everyday, and neither does being invited to a resort, with traveling completely free! It was about time he had a vacation from work, and this is perfect! It’s rather odd, and a little scary, that if he didn’t attend he would be imprisoned for two years. Such a threat seemed completely unnecessary; who would pass up on the chance for a completely free trip to a resort? He’d be very surprised if anypony who got such an invitation was unsure about it






Shadowhide was unsure how to feel about this. Receiving a letter from royalty was incredibly surprising, especially since she has no direct ties to them. And getting an invitation to an all-expenses-paid trip to a resort when she hadn’t done anything to earn was incredibly suspicious. She wondered if she got the letter in error, which would be difficult to tell since the letter referred to her by ‘peasant’ instead of by name. She considered not going, but the fine print that could put her in jail for two years helped her make a quick decision to go. She was sure it was illegal to threaten somepony to attend your event in such a manner, but this is royalty she’s dealing with; he probably thinks the rules don’t apply to him, and he’s probably right. Besides, it can’t be that bad. Aero keeps telling her she needs to mingle with other ponies more, and this is a good opportunity to do just that.


When the time came, Shadowhide went to the spot indicated by the letter. As expected, the carriage was there, as well as the coach master. Judging by the number of bags currently on the rack, it seems two ponies have arrived already. She showed the coach master her invitation, and gave him her saddlebags to put on the rack atop the carriage, then boarded the carriage herself. Inside, she saw two mares and a stallion. She was wrong, there's actually three ponies inside already. But the stallion brought his bags inside the carriage for some reason, so that threw off her prediction. Was there some reason not to trust the rack atop the carriage? Anyway, she looked at each pony and nodded to them in turn, and then sat on her own in the carriage.


‘What do you mean, I need the invitation letter to come aboard? I was invited, I just left the letter at home! The letter never said it was needed to board the carriage!’


Shadowhide immediately recognized that voice, which belonged to her friend Aero Wind. She looked out the window to see him arguing with the coach master. She didn’t know he got invited too. But she better do something quick if she doesn’t want her friend to go to jail for two years.


‘Excuse me,’ Shadowhide called out. ‘I know this pony, and I verify that he was invited to Bloodwell too. I apologize for his forgetful behaviour. Please let him board.’


The coach master looked to Shadowhide, then back to Aero, nudging him towards the carriage. Aero looked relieved as he climbed aboard the carriage. ‘Thanks a lot for your help, Shadowhide!’ he said, sitting down next to her. ‘I would’ve been in a lot of trouble if I couldn’t get aboard.’


Aero then looked to the other three ponies in the carriage. ‘Hello! I’m Aero Wind, and this is Shadowhide. So, you’re all going to the resort too?’

Edited by FortyTwo42


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Standing outside her home with a slightly nervous look in her eyes, Belle waited for the taxi, that her assistant set up for her, that  would take her to the the spot where she would get on the carriage that woult take her to the resort. Thanks to the invitation she was so...'generously'...given.  She's been given invitations for places like this before. Normally she would decline and get back to work. Be seeing as it was an offer she couldn't refuse, she had no real choice.


But at least it would help her to come up with new ideas. And even though she was being forced to go to a place she's never been to 'relax' She still packed like she was going to a fancy resort. She even fixed her wraps where they were just covering her mouth and not her whole head, along with getting he mane done.  She didn't want to freak out the other ponies who might be going to the resort along with her.


As she waited she pulled a large notepad, from her green coat, along with a pencil and started writing down random ideas for screenplays and movies.


 Because she was so focused on her one writing ideas, she didn't noticed as the taxi pulled in front of her. After about a second or two she drive cleared his throat to get her attention. Which worked, but a little too well. Because the sudden sound startled Belle that it made her drop her notepad.  After picking it up she gave an apologizing bow and quickly got in.





About a few minutes later the taxi pulled up where she was supposed to meet the carriage that would transport her to the resort. After paying the taxi driver she made her way over to the carriage.

As she got closer a nervous feeling came over he as she got in view of the driver.With shaking hooves she dug around till she found her invitation  After showing it to the driver she placed her bag on the rack and slowly got in. When she saw that she wouldn't be riding alone she froze in the doorway of the carriage. Her eyes shifted from each of the ponies, lucky for her it seemed that one or two of them seemed to be to occupied to notice her. She climbed in and carefully made her way to an empty seat.


After looking at each of the ponies again she pulled out her notepad again and went back to writing ideas.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Sunset Glow


@, @@Scribblegroove, @@FortyTwo42,


Sunset was staring into her book, scanning carefully over each paragraph, completely absorbed in the story. The words ran through her head as she read them, as if her mind were narrating the voices of each character. Suddenly a voice broke her focus.

~"Good morning"~


She tilted her head, frowning at the book momentarily, thinking "where did I read.. Oh." She snapped back into reality, realizing what had been said, wasn't in her head. She looked up to see a stallion was now sitting across from her in the carriage. "Oh!.. my apologies, good morning sir. I was quite focused in my own little world there." She smiled, and just as she was about to introduce herself, another pony boarded. A black mare, with striking green eyes, and accessories fit for royalty. Was she royalty? It would make perfect sense, being on a trip to a resort built by a prince. "Good morning! Yes, I agree. It's a little chilly, but beautiful nonetheless." Sunset replied, shuffling herself to the side. She'd unknowingly spread out a little over the next seat with her carry bag. She picked it up, placing the book inside. After all, now that she had company, it would seem rude to ignore them, even if it was a good book. placing the bag back into her lap where it had slid from. Sunset opened her mouth to introduce herself yet again, but before she could utter a single sound, another mare boarded. She appeared to be silently questioning everything she looked at, especially noting the stallion with the bags next to him across from Sunset. She said nothing, and found herself a seat alone. A peculiar mare, Sunset thought. Suddenly another pony was at the carriage, arguing about his invitation. Judging by how quickly the newest mare aboard jumped into action, Sunset concluded she must know this stallion. Her thoughts were confirmed as soon as she spoke.

Sunset glanced back to the stallion ahead of her, who'd spoken first, and the black mare who'd taken her seat. Just then the stallion outside boarded, announcing himself as Aero Wind, and introduced the mare he was supposedly with. "My name is Sunset Glow. Er, well I suppose we are. Unless this coach stops somewhere along the way." She chuckled jokingly. This coach was, of course, a one stop trip as far as she was aware. She second guessed her comment though, glancing about to see if anyone knew anything to the contrary.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Poppy Seed


It had been so long since the last time Poppy got to have a holiday. She'd been so excited when she got the letter, glancing over the fine print and thinking what a stupid addition it was. But it was Blueblood. He could be a nice pony if he'd stop acting like a prick. Still, this was a chance for a holiday and she was gonna take it. She had her things packed, a bottle of something special she'd been saving, half her total savings just in case.


The carriage was quite something and much fancier than she was used to, but the expenses were paid so she had nothing to worry about. She handed in her invitation letter and any other credentials she was required to show and climbed aboard. Lots of ponies already. That was fine. At least there would be somepony to talk to one the way.


"Good morning, everypony." She said cheerfully, using the same tone she'd use to greet customers at the bar and restraining herself from saying 'What can I get ya?'. She wasn't at work, and she sure as hay wasn't sharing her special drink. That stuff wasn't cheap and she'd been saving it for a while.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Cherry Bomb


@@Midnight Scribbler, @, @@Scribblegroove, @@FortyTwo42, @@Gloomfury


"Well, not unless your desperate for the little Fillies room," The abrupt response to Sunset's comment was followed swiftly by a series of slight giggling from the opposite end of where everypony thus far had entered the carriage, where upon a red mare could been looking in through the carriage window...upside down.




"Hel-looooooooooooo Everypony!" the red pony sung at all the other guests before beaming at them brightly. As she righted herself, reveling herself to be a pegasus as she hovered outside the window, she crossing her fore-hooves as they leant against the window sill, "My name's Cherry Bomb, pleased to meet you all...now, I just have one question for all of you....what..TOOK you so long!?"

The expression on Cherry's face turned from bright and perky to pouty and grouchy in almost an instant, "I have been here for SO LOOOOOOONG waiting for you guys!" 


"We were waiting for ten minutes." The coach master stated casually, he sighed as he stood outside patiently.

"Well...it felt like ages.." Cherry hovered back a bit, looking away as she pouted with folded hooves across her chest,"But can you blame me? I just wanted to meet my brand new friends!" Without warning the red mare hovered close to the carriage window, reaching in through the window with her hooves as she abruptly wrapped her hooves around Scribblegroove's neck and hugged him tightly, cheek to cheek.


For what would definitely seem like a long awkward moment, Eventually the peppy mare released her grip on the poor colt before turning her attention back tot he rest of the guests with the same bright cheerful smile, "SO!..who's excited about going?"

Edited by Golbez
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As Silver waited for his carriage to pick him up for his trip, he went over the letter again, wondering why royalty would pick him for an all expense paid vacation. He shook his head and moved his thoughts aside. It was only minutes later when this carriage showed up and was ready to take him, take him to Bloodwell resort.. Silver got in the carriage and set his saddle bag down on the leathery seat, Silver then sat down and got settled. The carriage slowly started to lift off the ground and took off, Silver could feel the wind in his mane, as if he was flying, which was a great feeling to him. The trip to Bloodwell is quite long and quiet. He saw a few animals along the way, Deer, birds, and few bunnies, but nothing much happend. Hours later Silver reached Bloodwell, ready for his all paid expenses vacation.


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Watching a black coated mare with stunning green eyes near the carriage, it was his turn to be caught off guard. The appearance of this particular lady had entranced him a little. At the least you could say she was a precense that demanded all attention. So in the short pause between his greeting and the red mare's reply, he had almost forgotten about her entirely. Looking up from the black mare outside he turned his head to the sound of Sunset Glow's voice.


"Not at all." He said, after taking a short moment to remember how exactly their conversation had started. He smiled briefly. "I think I would've been just as immersed and focused in your place." Right as he ended his sentence the black mare entered the vehicle and greeted them. He muttered a good morning back at her, but was a little intimidated, but most of all embarrassed by her appearance. Unlike her attire, jewelry and general physique, Scribblegroove sat there like a bag of potatoes, with a snotty nose, an ugly scarf and slightly bloodshot eyes paranoidly guarding his simple leather bags. He was usually a part of this high sosciety nonsense, but now he somehow felt out of place.


Just as those thoughts went through his mind another mare came in, silently taking her seat but not before silently judging the lot of them. He watched her briefly, and she replied that glare. She thought something of him already, that was certain. Soon after her came an agitated stallion who had apparently neglected to bring his invitation. Even though it was his own foolish mistake, he was worried for him. The consequences of not getting on this carriage were quite severe. Luckily the silent mare came to the rescue, apparently knowing the stallion, who later introduced himself as Aero Wind and his female companion as Shadowhide. "Fitting name...", he thought.


Then yet another mare boarded, and she greeted them with a warm voice and a smile. "Congratulations Scribbles, you'be selected the perfect day to show up looking horrid." he thought as the number of gorgeous mares increased, feeling more and more embarrassed. Though in the end he didn't care that much. He was sick after all, it was not like he could help it....


Yet again turning his attention to the mare who had just introduced herself, he tried to put a smile on his face again. Introducing himself, he hoped that she, or one of the other's recognized his name. After all in and around Canterlot he had been relatively famous as a musician. The small peer group of his genre often made sure that he wasn't as famous as he hoped to be, and since he was a small-time, still learning performer he usually got his hopes up for no reason. "The name is Scribblegroove. Pleased to make your acquain-" he was interrupted by a loud voice which seemingly came from outside, above the carriage. Looking out of the window he dodged back in surprise as he saw the pegasus floating upside down in front of him.


And his surprise was increased even further as she loudly started introducing herself and began chattering a tad bit childishly, accompanied by some severe mood swings. He would be annoyed by this behaviour, and normally he would've said something stingy about it as well, but for some reason Cherry Bomb's enthusiasm was humorous to him, and he couldn't help but snicker slightly at her display of sheer excitement.


His thoughts quickly changed however, because Cherry Bomb proceeded to hug him without warning, which took him completely by surprise. First of all because he wasn't used to this level of intimacy from a total stranger and definitely not from a mare, and secondly because he clearly had a cold, and he would've thought that with his appearance anypony would've had second thoughts about hugging him. So after an awkward few second in which he had absolutely no idea what to do, she finally let go.


To his despair he could see a slight smude of his own snot stuck in Cherry Bombs mane. Now he was so terribly embarrassed that he didn't know what say. He simply looked around the carriage, blushing. He got hold of himself rather quickly however, realizing he must look like a moron. He coughed gently in his elbow, making sure not to spread his disease by spraying the bacteria around into the open air of the carriage, but rather in someplace where they wouldn't bother anypony else, and decided to pass the entire thing off jokingly.


"Well clearly I can't possibly be as excited as you are." He said, grinning a bit awkwardly and hoping to Celestia that nopony saw the bit of disgusting snot that was now unkowingly stuck in Cherry Bombs hair.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Emerald Gaze.


"Emerald Gaze - royal diplomat and representative in foreign affairs." Emerald introduced herself smoothly: eyes catching the details of the torrent of events around her as she made a mental note to avoid staying near to the sickly-looking colt, and to be prepared with a barrier whenever he opened his mouth. Thankfully, that wasnt much of a stretch for Emerald, who fully expected the worst at any given moment. Whether that 'worst' was an envoy taking offence and growing aggressive, or a stray bubble of mucus that drew too near.


"Ahem..." She recovered from her slight pause with another wide, inviting smile - tinted with a trace of entertained laughter. Certainly, some of these seemed quite delightful at first glance. "... yes, this should be quite the enjoyable trip. I hope that it proves to be so for you all as well."


She blinked slowly - piercing eyes peering out like... well, Emeralds, from behind her dark coat as she appraised each guest in turn.


The sickly one was, well, just that really. Scribblegroove - there wasn't much she could say: perhaps he was having a bad day, or perhaps he was simply the type who was generally a little... grotty. Their was an air of refinement - though whether it was forced or simply strained due to illness, she had no idea. Yet.


Cherry - the red mare - certainly demanded attention. She seemed quite like Emeralds youngest niece: Bubble. If that was the case, then she should prove quite tolerable. A little stronger willed perhaps, but hopefully a little less hopelessly naive. Not a terrible sort to be around at all, in suitably sized doses.


Sunset - the mare who had been reading as she had arrived... Was that a hint of a waver in her voice, or was she simply soft of speech? Odd that she seemed shy somehow yet still made the effort to converse - that spoke volumes alone, and interested the diplomat greatly.


Aero didn't really catch Emeralds attention so much as his companion. Another dark mare - a calculating look behind her eyes that was all too familliar. Emeralds Gaze lingered for a fraction of a moment too long as she thought to herself. Nothing to be concerned of - they were all in the same boat here... or carriage, as the case may be.


As for the others who hadn't given names... well, time would tell. No need to spread her attention too thin - this was a chance to make introductions and small talk. This trip might have 'businessin disguise' written all over it, but Emerald was quite willing to enjoy it however she could.


"So! Where is everyone you from?" She asked - a standard icebreaker... not that Cherry hadn't done enough to break several glaciers with her introduction. "I'm picking up on a few different accents here, might I venture?"

Edited by Cinder

Never quite forgotten.

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The sky was painted with a bright crimson as the sun began to set on the distant horizon. A calm breeze was weaving through the bright blue mane of Bittersweet, who was just on her way back home from the outskirts of the Everfree forest where she was collecting herbs for her alchemy. The dirt streets the unicorn walked were nearly vacant of any other ponies save for a few who were most likely on their way home right now. Peace and quiet, just like Bittersweet likes it. 


"Why can't Ponyville be like this in the day time..." Bitter questioned herself as she trotted home, the satchel on her back hopping up and down with each step she took. However, a surprise awaited her when she arrived home. Something that Bittersweet wasn't accustomed to seeing often, a letter sticking outside her mail box. "A letter?" Bittersweet said with confusion, "Who would send me a letter?" 


The blue maned mare used her teeth to pull out the letter before heading inside her house to investigate it more closely. Once inside she closed the door, though it slammed shut with a loud bang which slightly startled the mare causing her to drop the letter.


"Oh Bittersweet. You've got to stop getting scared so easily." She said to herself as she began to stick her neck down to pick up the letter. That's when she saw it. A spot of red wax with a royal emblem engraved into it. "Royalty? This has got to be a joke, right?" Bittersweet tore open the envelope rather cautiously. Though soon finding out it was genuine. And signed up none other than Prince Blueblood. 


Speechless at the fact that she was noticed by royalty, Bittersweet read the letter to herself. Upon finishing, she was stricken with a stunning paralysis. Unable to move due to the sheer shock and confusion she was hit with. Though, this stasis didn't last long as she took a long, deep breath to calm herself. 


"I wonder what he wants with a mare like me?" Bitter questioned before shrugging it off. "I suppose I'll find out."


The next hour she spent packing. She packed up a portable alchemy set complete with a mortar and pestle, some flasks and tubes, a matchbox to light fire needed to create the catalyst, and a small cutting knife to harvest herbs she might find around the vacation location. She also brought some herbs and other ingredients for her alchemy. 


"I should probably bring a few extra bow-ties too. Just in case of an emergency." She explained to herself as she put a three blue bow-ties into her other briefcase. "Speaking of emergencies I might want to bring some medicine just to be safe." She continued to talk to herself as she went into her cupboard where the mare took out four potions. Two of which would cure headaches and the other two curing stomach-aches. Along with those she took out a few vials with powder inside them that could act as disinfectant. Placing these along side her bow-ties and safely packing some soft blankets around them to be sure they didn't break on the trip. 


"That's everything. I'm gonna have to get up bright and early tomorrow if I'm to make it to the carriage on time. So I'd best get some sleep." Bittersweet told herself before heading off to bed. 


When she awoke early next morning, she followed her typical morning routine. She brushed her hair, tail, and prettied herself up a bit. She Shutting the briefcase she paused and ran everything by herself. After clearing it with her conscious that she was all set, she headed to the location where the carriage was supposed to pick her up. When she arrived there she saw a large carriage with the royal symbol on it. 


Seeing as the carriage had the royal symbol Bitter figured it was the one she was meant to go to. Cautiously Bittersweet entered and soon saw that she wasn't alone. A whole assortment of other ponies were already aboard. Bitter panicked at the turn of events. She thought she would be alone. If it wasn't for the sudden shutting of the door Bitter would have been stuck in a paralysis once more. But the bang of the shutting door caused her to jump a bit and enter further into the carriage. She took a seat and stayed silent as she stared at the ground, not wanting to interrupt the chatting ponies. 

Edited by FirstPonySpectre


"We are legion. For we are many." Legion, Mass Effect 2

(Image not mine, btw. I plan to make my own soonish when I get the time)

Credit to WheatleyCore for my avatar

OCs: Bittersweet, Masquerade / Silver Tongue (Workin' on this one still)

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Belinda checked the address that had come with her invitation yet again, anxious to be sure that she had indeed found the correct carriage. It seemed to be the only carriage, and also seemed to be mostly full. Oh great, she thought. Not only am I late to some stupid mandatory royalty thing, I might not even be able to get a seat in the back.

She reached a hoof into the bag at her side and stroked her pet snake, Ophelia, a few times. She had been on very few carriages and didn't like all the shaking.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Belinda whispered. She withdrew a small bag of dead crickets and dropped one to Ophelia, who swallowed it with gusto.


Belinda paused as she got to the carriage door. Steeling herself, she closed her eyes and sighed audibly. Bad enough that I have to go to this at all, but I'll be stuck around all these other ponies for... however the Tartaros long it is to Bloodwell. And I'll be shocked if there's any escape once I'm there. They're probably all social, too. Idiots who can't be left alone with their own thoughts for more than a few minutes.

Walking rather quickly, she headed straight to a thankfully open seat in the very back corner, careful too keep a somewhat exasperated expression on her face. It wasn't hard.

Sitting down, she began to pet her snake again. Maybe we can both take a nap on the trip. At the very least it might calm your nerves a bit, little one. And probably make whoever wakes me up feel bad. A hint of a smile tugged at her lips for a second or two, and she closed her eyes.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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As Belle's mind started to grow empty from writing down almost all her ideas, and almost filling up her notepad she couldn't help but notice an elegant voice that stood out from the other voices that she was overhearing while she was writing. She looked up towards where she heard it, as she did her eyes fell on pretty much one of the most beautiful mares she has ever seen.


A light blush came over her after she caught herself staring at the mare. She didn't want to come off as rude so she tried to keep herself from staring. Even though it was hard to look away from the mare gorgeous eyes. Belle then just stared at the floor of the carriage as her shy nature started to take over again. She would always get this way around very good looking ponies.


She sometimes felt out of place and inadequate about herself. And when she started feeling that her tics start to become more frequent. And just then she let out a muffled shout. Her face turned a little reader but luckily her scarf was covering her mouth and cheeks so it was hard to notice.


When she heard the mare ask where everyone was from she couldn't help but feel slightly excited. She liked hearing about others, even if she wasn't part of the conversation. But she still wanted to be part of it because she really liked telling others about where she grew up. She was very proud of where she was from.


With a deep breath she wrote down a note for the mare. When she was done she hold it up to her with a slightly shaking hoof.


"Bonjour. I'm belle. I'm originally from a small bayou town called Willow Root. It's near foggy bottom bog around Ponyville. But I moved to Canterlot a few years ago.

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With everypony introducing themselves, Shadowhide quickly learned the names of the other ponies in the carriage. There was Sunset Glow, who seemed very fascinated by her books, Scribblegroove who seemed sick and overprotective of his belongings, and Emerald Gaze, who was an odd mixture of friendliness and professionalism. But before the conversation had much of an opportunity to continue beyond introductions, more and more ponies kept arriving at the carriage.


Shortly after Aero came, another pony called Belle arrived. She seemed to be shy, as she looked afraid for a moment upon entering, and took her seat without a word. However, the pony after her hadn't given her name yet. She seemed cheerful but otherwise was rather unremarkable. Then there was Cherry Bomb... Now that pony was anything but unremarkable. But the most surprising thing to Shadowhide was that she was apparently on top of the carriage the whole time, yet Shadowhide never saw her up there when she checked how many bags were on the rack atop the carriage. Lucky accident, or was Cherry intentionally hiding from the others until then? Probably lucky accident, since she seems incredibly sociable so she'd have no reason to hide.


There were three more ponies to arrive after that. First off was Silver Staff, who seemed happy to do his own thing until they arrived. The other two ponies she didn't get the names of yet. They just walked in and took a seat without saying anything. The first one, who had a pink coat, seemed very shy and didn't speak because of it. By contrast, the second pony, who had a yellow coat, looked like she hated everypony and really didn't want to be here.



This pony in particular Shadowhide paid the most attention to, because she felt she could sympathize with her. Although going to a resort is great, the way this has all worked out made everything seem really suspicious, like there has to be some sort of catch regarding this trip, so Shadowhide isn't too sure if this trip is a good idea either. After seeing how everypony else seems to be so excited about this trip, this pony is probably the only other pony here who isn't blissfully unaware of how suspicious this whole situation is. And besides, Shadowhide isn't overly fond of ponies she doesn't know either, and has a tendency to glare at them too. Overall, Shadowhide feels she has a lot in common with this pony. She might be able to get along well with her, or at the very least have somepony else to talk to who doesn't blindly think this trip is the best thing ever.


However, this pony quickly closed her eyes upon sitting down. Normally, Shadowhide would feel bad for waking up a pony sleeping like that. But since she only just closed her eyes about a minute ago, she couldn't actually be asleep already, so that's not something to worry about. Shadowhide got up, and then sat down next to her. 'Hello. My name is Shadowhide,' she greeted. 'What's yours?'




Aero Wind


Seeing Shadowhide suddenly get up and sit down to somepony else was a bit strange. Well, it was also rather typical of her; she's always been more of a 'do stuff first, explain thought process later' kind of mare. Presumably, she wanted to talk to somepony else who wasn’t contributing to the larger conversation with everypony. She had good timing too, since she hasn't spoken since entering the carriage, and if she stayed quiet much longer Aero would've had to force her into the larger conversation.



The current topic of conversation was where everypony was from, which Aero was eager to contribute to. 'I grew up in Ponyville,' he explained. 'I spent most of my life there, but I moved to Canterlot for a few years to study at a university there, and moved back to Ponyville when I graduated.'

Edited by FortyTwo42


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Emerald Gaze.


Pausing to look quizzically at the note, Emerald continued without flinching at the less-than-usual circumstances. She could hardly be called a diplomat without a tact for diplomacy, after all.


"A pleasure, dear." She noted, nodding slowly in acknowledgement of the message as she continued in her warm manner: each word carefully chosen and articulated. "I'm from the capital myself, naturally... though I travel quite often."


She looked back towards the colt that had answered.


"Ah, yes. Quiet place, though I believe it's minor celebrity status has made it busier in recent years? I have family there - a niece. Unusual girl... quite the genius and polite as you like, but a little unorthodox."

Never quite forgotten.

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Ugh... interrupted already. Belinda couldn't help but let a small grimace creep onto her face, and visibly stiffened her back in annoyance. The voice sounded female, and not only had its owner so rudely ruined her attempt to sleep, she had even taken a seat next to her without asking.

She stopped petting Ophelia, who hissed quietly, wanting Belinda to continue.

Without opening her eyes, she spoke in a monotone.

"Belinda. Did you need something?"

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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@@SilverHeart, @, @@Evilshy, @@FortyTwo42, @@Gloomfury, @@FirstPonySpectre, @@Scribblegroove, @@Golbez, @@Windbreaker,


Sunset Glow


Sunset's eyes popped out in a startled expression as a voice burst through the window next to her. Her mane nearly seemed to animate it's self as she jumped in her seat, out of fright from what seemed to be a disembodied voice, replying to her. "Oh my!" Catching a glimpse of a red mare's face.. upside down? She giggled at the sight, and allowed herself to calm down as the adrenaline cooled from her initial fright. Sheepishly she attempted to compose herself again, patting at her mane, and taming a loos strand that had somehow sprung from it's place in her otherwise well groomed hairstyle.


She glanced up as another mare entered, and gave her good morning to the group. "Oh, er heh, good morning dear." She replied. Still somewhat frazzled sounding, as she made another glance out the window, noting Cherry had righted herself, and was still yammering about how long it had been they were in getting to the carriage. Suddenly she was halfway in the window, hugging the stallion across from her. The poor guy seemed to look rather sickly, but Cherry didn't seem to notice or care. He looked terribly embarrassed, so Sunset made a point not to draw her attention to him as much in the moment. Instead she she attempted to speak, but was once again cut off as Cherry excitedly asked who was excited to go. "Oh, well, I suppose I am. A little bit nervous about meeting royalty I suppose, but I.." She paused, noticing Cherry had something rather undesirable in her mane. " Am sure it will be fun." She continued, attempting not to draw attention to Cherry.


Emerald spoke next, introducing herself. A diplomat? That was the sort of company Sunset expected to find on a trip like this. So what was she doing here? It must simply be some kind of experimental vacation, to rate the quality of the resort. But wouldn't it make sense for them to invite ponies with that level of sophistication? "perhaps I'm thinking too hard about this?" She thought, as Emerald continued to ask where everyone was from. "I'm actually from quite a long distance away, myself. I came from Dodge City, many miles south of here." She replied, with an interested tone. "I had wasn't sure I'd be going with anyone else, none of my friends were invited.. I'm glad to see other friendly faces along for the ride though. It would be rather dull going alone."

Just then, yet another mare entered the coach. Stepping in, Sunset noticed this pony did not look very happy, nor interested in communicating by the look on her face. She made her way directly to the most isolated seat she could, and seemed to be interested in something she kept in her bag. She couldn't see what it was, but she made no effort to try. It would be rude to stare after all.

Right after her, another entered, who seemed to take a particular interest in Emerald. She couldn't be blamed, emerald was quite a sight to behold among many of them. She replied to Emerald, but in an odd way. She seemed to be avoiding speech, but given the sudden outburst, Sunset could tell she wasn't unable to speak. Something was definitely different about this mare, but what, Sunset couldn't place just yet.


Sunset smiled as Emerald continued, explaining her background briefly. "A diplomat? Well, that sounds quite interesting." She commented, knowing a little bit about politics, but never having gotten into it herself. Emerald seemed fascinated by Sunset, which made her mildly nervous. Nopony had usually showed a lot of interest to her. "I make enchanted candles.. Therapeutic enchantments, for stress relief usually."

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Aero Wind


Listening to what Emerald had to say about Ponyville was interesting. So, Emerald's niece lives in the same town he does. That’s nice, but he’s pretty sure he doesn’t know her. 'There's not a lot to say about Ponyville,' Aero replied. 'It's a quiet town, so not many noteworthy things happen. Going to Canterlot sure was a surprise when I saw just how busy everything was! I still enjoyed my time in Canterlot, but I prefer the quietness of Ponyville. Personally, I feel it's just as busy as it's always been; it doesn't feel busier to me.'


Aero recalled that Emerald said her niece was a genius. He wondered if that meant she worked in a similar job to him, because if so he might actually know her. 'If your niece works in academia like I do, I may know her. What's her name?'


Aero then listened to Sunset explain where she came from. He was surprised when he heard the town’s name, since he was sure it wasn't near here. 'You came from Dodge City? Wow, that quite a long way from here, isn't it? So, these invitation letters have been sent all over Equestria?


It was interesting to hear what Sunset does for a living, but when he heard it was making candles, he quickly thought of how badly Shadowhide reacts to fire. Suddenly becoming more serious, he said, 'You make enchanted candles? A friendly warning: Please don't show those candles to Shadowhide. She's very scared of fire.'






This wasn't the response Shadowhide was expecting. She just thought Belinda simply wouldn't like speaking to others that much, but now Shadowhide's picking up on all sorts of signs that says she underestimated her and she outright hates it. There's the stiffened back, the grimace, the monotone reply and the hissing. Shadowhide prefers it when other ponies get straight to the point when talking to her. It's probably best to do the same here, especially since Belinda probably wants to end the conversation as soon as possible.


'I thought we could get to know each other, maybe become friends. We'll be staying at the resort for a while whether we want to or not, and I believe you're disliking this "vacation" as much as I am. I also believe you dislike pointless small talk like I do. I think such a partnership will be beneficial to us both.'


It was then Shadowhide realized something. Ponies don't hiss. Yet she distinctly remembers a hissing sound. She looked at Belinda again, and when she noticed what was under her hoof, Shadowhide's usual composure gave way to a fear-stricken face for a few moments. It's was a snake. When rational thought returned to her, the first thing that came to mind is whether that snake was venomous or not. And without a clear answer, it was difficult to think about anything else. 'Tha- That's a snake, right? Is it venomous?' Shadowhide managed to keep her voice, with a hint of fear, quiet so news about a snake doesn't spread and cause panic throughout the carriage.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Silently spectating the situation that developed in front of him, Scribblegroove tried to pick up as much of the conversation as he could. Some of the ponies that had joined them hadn't introduced themselves yet, but he was certain that if he didn't get to meet them here in the carriage, he'd get to talk to them in the resort at some point.


Two of them had separated themselves from the rest and were speaking silently in the back of the vehicle. He didn't mind it much. Some people didn't have any need for social interaction, and certainly not with strangers. It was good that the two of them got to talk to eachother. Both of them seemed rather negative. And two negatives usually make one positive! "A math joke... Since when do I do math jokes?


A pink coated and blue maned mare seemed to have chosen solitude as well, though perhaps she had been slightly intimidated by the lot of them already conversing as if this were a cozy bar. Hopefully she wouldn't stay discouraged from joining their chattering for long, but he wasn't one to push such things. It would come with time.


Yet another mare, who rather strangely introduced herself through writing, seemed to be quite nervous and was paying a lot of attention to Emerald Gaze. And she wasn't the only one. All eyes were on her, including his. But she didn't seem to falter in the spotlights. "As a diplomat she must be used to these kind of things..."


Right now however he noticed that the subject had changed to his hometown. It couldn't hurt to share his thoughts with the others as they discussed their eachother's origins. "I'm from Canterlot as well! Definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Equestria. The only negative thing I can think of is the wind razing through the streets sometimes. Since it's so high up the mountain it can get quite chilly and windy up there in certain alleyways." He explained enthusiastically. Grabbing one of his bags, he opened it and started searching through the several sheets in there. "I even think I wrote a song about it a long time ago. It must be in here somewhere..." He mumbled, quickly scanning through all his music, each piece of paper scribbled full with little balls of music notes, and tiny lines of direction notes and dynamic notes. Suddendly, he felt an awful sneeze coming up. "-uuh... UAAH-" he quickly grabbed a handkerchief from the bag he already had conveniently opened up in his bag, turned around and, "CHOO", sneezed into it, safely catching all the infectious material in the piece of cloth.


"I am so terribly sorry. I usually don't get this sick. It's been like this for a while now and I hope it will be over soon. Don't want to get any of you guys sick as well." he said with an apologetic look on his face. Carefully folding the handkerchief and putting it back in his bag, he looked at Sunset Glow seated in front of him. "Enchanted candles? You make those? That sounds like artisan enchantment to me! Where did you learn to do that? A school, or perhaps a family member?" He laughed and thought back of his days at school. "All I remember is that I simply awful at enchantment. I could just never get it right." He explained, not stopping to think that he hadn't put any part of his anecdote in context.


"And a royal diplomat! This must be daily business to you!" He gestured to their surroundings with both his forehooves. "You must travel around in royal carriages all the time!" He stated, though it still suggested a question.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Belinda heard the fearful stammer and thought she'd have a bit of fun. Opening her eyes, she picked the snake up and waved it in front of Shadowhides face.

"Venomous? Only a little." She said in a playful, yet slightly dangerous voice. "Not a fan of snakes are you? Don't worry, Ophelia is well trained. She won't bite unless I tell her too."


Her face suddenly straightened and her voice was monotone again. She gave the other mare a flat look.

"I don't need friends. Or really want them, I have Ophelia. I don't really see what we'd have to gain by being friends."


She looked at the other ponies in the carriage, and was surprised to see how diverse the group was. Only one or two seemed to be the type a royal would invite to a party. One in particular stood out, a bright red pony. She was overly exuberant and had no concept of personal space.

The rest seemed a little more bearable.


Though she didn't want to admit it, this Shadowhide didn't seem too bad. Belinda began to absentmindedly pet Ophelia again, who's tongue flicked out and tickled her hoof. Belinda giggled involuntarily for half a second before catching herself. She settled back into her seat and closed her eyes again.


She cracked a single eye. "But seriously, Ophelia isn't dandangerous."

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Belle as about to write something else down to explain what she did for a living. But then she heard a familiar hissing sound. She looked towards a yellow Pegasus mare, holding a snake! Belles eyes light up like the sun. It's been forever since she's seen a snake. Growing up on the bayou she gout use to seeing them almost all the time, along with other seemingly dangerous creatures .


She slowly moved over towards the mare so she could get a better look of the snake, maybe even hold and pet it. When she though she was close enough so not to make the mare uncomfortable. She then pulled her notepad back out and quickly wrote down a note for the mare. When she was done she hold it up for her to read, eyes still filled with excitement.


"Hello, your snake is so cute. Would you mind if I looked at her? I haven't seen a snake in three years. Where I'm from you see them all the time along with alligators, turtles, frogs, toad, raccoons even spiders. But cause I live in Canterlot now I don't see them anymore.


So can I see her?"

Edited by Gloomfury
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(( So, I'm here. Sorry for being a bit late. >///< ))


Dove Marigold


"This'd better be worth it. I heard a ton of ponies were here - maybe they've got some bits." These were the only thoughts running through Dove's mind when she approached the gloomy-looking carriage. If she's going to a resort, there is bound to be food or something else valuable. She heard voices from the carriage - it sounded like everypony was there already. How were they, though? It's awfully early. She brought a sun hat - if they were going to a resort, she might as well protect her skin. She's not too fond of it anyways.


Dove drew closer to the carriage and got a glimpse inside when she was a couple of feet away. "Hello, excuse my lateness.. I've overslept today," Dove smiled, hoped was a sincere-sounding apology. She took a seat far away from everybody else and looked over everypony. "Aren't you all eager to go?" she asked politely.


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Bittersweet stared at the wooden floor of the carriage as she braced herself just in case somepony tried to greet her. After a few minutes she gave a sigh of relief when it seemed like none of the other ponies had any intention of engaging in conversation with her. The pink mare's composer quickly became much more calm with the thought she wouldn't have to converse in such a large group.
"Calm down, Bitter. You're fine." The reclusive mare quietly said to herself under her breath, hoping the sound of the other ponies conversations would drown her timid voice. "They're just ponies, right?" Bittersweet continued to speak to herself in attempts to calm herself.


Bittersweet took a few deep breaths as she collected herself. "Since I'm not going to be here alone and I don't know any of these ponies I should probably get on good terms with them while I have the chance." Bittersweet told herself, still speaking under her breath. "I guess I can try to mingle a bit." Bitter whispered with a hint of cowardliness and hesitation.


Looking up from the floor her eyes met the huge crowd of ponies. All of them conversing. Hearing that the most prominent topic at the moment was where everypony was from Bitter took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak.  "I--" almost immediately Bitter was cut-off by another pony beginning to speak. The timid mare waited for the other pony to finish before giving it another go. "I'm fr--" Yet again, interrupted by a stallion this time. 





"It's useless..." Bitter sighed quietly in defeat. "You just have to be so timid, don't you Bit--" Even when she was whispering to herself Bitter got cutoff. She probably would have just hushed up for the rest of the ride if it wasn't for the fact that it wasn't words that interrupted her, it was a sneeze. Bitter looked up curious and saw that the sneeze came from a tan coated pony with brown mane. Just after he explained he's been feeling sick for the past few days. 


"I can't just sit back and let a pony be sick, can I." Bittersweet whispered to herself as she picked up and opened one of the cases she had brought. She pulled out a small vial that was about half way filled with basil powder. "Basil. This should help out with those cold symptoms." Bittersweet explained to herself even though she already knew full well it'd assist.


After closing shut her case and setting it back on the floor Bittersweet stood up with the vial of basil in her mouth. "It's a straight walk to the sick pony. Just... walk. That's all you got to do, Bitter. No pressure. You know it'll help him. Just go." Bittersweet encouraged herself as she began to walk towards the tan coated pony. To Bitter, each step seemed to take three times longer than what it actually did. Though she reached the stallion at long last. 


She set the vial down on an open space next to the tan coat pony. A feint blush began to fade onto Bittersweets cheeks as she began to speak. "I heard you sneeze... um..." Bittersweet began to speak to the unicorn with a shy voice. "This basil should help with your cold... or flu... whatever you have."


"We are legion. For we are many." Legion, Mass Effect 2

(Image not mine, btw. I plan to make my own soonish when I get the time)

Credit to WheatleyCore for my avatar

OCs: Bittersweet, Masquerade / Silver Tongue (Workin' on this one still)

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Poppy Seed



Seeing that everyone else had erupted into conversation and she had no idea when or how to jump into he ongoing conversation, Poppy had planned to sit back and relax 'til they arrived. Not because she was anti-social, but rather because she wanted to relax. Of course, when another pony came in, announced herself and asked if they were eager, Poppy piped up.


"I'd say we are. Just some of us seem to be more interested in relaxing than chatting. Name's Poppy Seed. What's yours?" She asked in a casual, but friendly tone.




Of course, even in mid-introduction, she still felt the need to offer words and advice to others, even if this one seemed perfectly obvious. She made a slight glance to the pink pony nearby and gave a short comment. "Relax. It's a free holiday, so no need to be so worried."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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