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open It's a Nice Day in Invermare(Casual SoL/Romance)


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"Kisu," she said, "Er, my name's Kisu. I'm actually from here, but I moved to... um - " her voice broke slightly as she spoke the next word: " -Vanhoover, then Ponyville.  Now I'm moving back here.
She shuffled backwards slightly, starting to wonder if she should just stay in a hotel for the night then just head back to Ponyville in the morning.. 

Either way, she wanted to get the conversation topic off of her. "Uh... so, what about you?" she asked, without looking up. "Um, either of you."

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@@Twi The Totodile @@~Phoenix~


Cloud smiled at the mare as she introduced herself as Aria. "It is a pleasure to meet you Aria, my name is Cloud Chaser, greatest adventurer in all of Equestria!" he said, taking a pose. If she were watching, she would notice that he flinched slightly as his wing twitched a little. He would not admit it, but he knew something was certainly wrong with his left wing. 


Soon enough another mare came up to him and asked if he were ok, the look of concern in her eyes were almost flattering. Gosh ponies were nice here. 


"Oh I am perfectly fiiiiii-ayay ow!" he said, interrupted by the shot of pain in his wing as he tried to flap it. He twinged a little from the pain before getting his composure and looking over at his wing, which was in somewhat of an awkward angle. Yep, it was dislocated. 


"Ok... soooo maybe not as fine as I believed it to be" he said with a sheepish grin to the mares.

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"Ah ha! Told you so Mr. Tough guy!" Aria said, feeling more excited than she should have been about being right. "Now let's take you to get help... Wherever that would be." She added. She had completely forgotten that this was a whole new town to her, and most likely a new town to the Cloud as well, seeing as he was an "adventurer".


@, @@thor9356,

Wind remained silent, not sure what to do besides wait for an answer. The longer I stick with these ponies, the higher chance it is I get caught... But a mare's gotta take a chance every once in awhile I suppose. She thought.

Edited by Twi the Totodile


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@@Twi The Totodile


Wow, she sure got excited when he had gotten proven wrong. No matter she was probably being lighthearted about it. Cloud gave a sheepish nod as she said to find help, though he had dealt with dislocated joints before, he always welcomed the help of a professional.


"Yeah... youre probably right, thanks for walking with me." he said happily as he tried his best to let his left wing rest somewhat comfortably. He looked over at the other mare that had asked if he were ok and said with a smile, "Thank you so much for your concern, I guess if you would like to walk with us to find a clinic, you are more than welcome. I am Cloud Chaser, what is your name?"

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@@Mint Drop

"Kisu? Das ist gut!. Vell I've lived all over, mien parents were professors see. I was born in Canterlot but haven't lived there for 17 years. I lived in Manehattan for some time, Even went as far as Stalliongrad. I've lived here for a year or so now. It's been gut so far, quiet, but vhen you spend your nights drinking and your mornings sleeping a quiet town can be a god send ja." Imperial chuckled.

"Ah but really I spend mien time at mien coffee stall, business is continuous.... wait.....corrosive? No....consistent! Business is consistent. Ha you would forgive mien poor grammar, No doubt by now you notice this is not my native tounge." Imperial let out a nervous laugh


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(So sorry for not posting, I seriously need to sort out my stuff!)

@@Mint Drop,  @@EldarSteve,

"I'm Lightning."

He noticed a massive scar on the ponies face, as well as her ear being torn. He didn't mention it due to it possibly being a touchy subject, but he did feel bad for her, and he wanted to help her with whatever she was doing.

Lightning nodded his head.

"Just moved here, my first legit day in this town." He nodded his head.

"Anyway, where are you guys off too? You're lucky if you've got something to do, I've got nothing, thought I'd just wander around a bit, see the town."


Edited by Lightning


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Tempest begins to walk with aria and cloud chaser "my name is Tempest Wind" she said with a slight smile as she cought up and walked on the other side of cloud chaser "i'm new here so i dont really know where anytjing is. Where is the nearest clinic?" Tempest asked aria "i could help you get cloud there"

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@@@Twi The Totodile,


Dogboots was still uneasy of Icy even after her supposed "reason" for being a changelings supporter. Of course the stallion had no qualms with anybody who did, but this pony seemed to be trying to hard.


"Yeah, she can..." He replied to Muata before eyeing Icy up and down. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but he put in the back of his mind.

Edited by thor9356
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"Well... I'm also kinda new here, so I have no idea where it is. I was hoping that you knew." Aria said. "But that's okay, I'm sure the three of us can find it." She added, trying to keep a positive attitude. She didn't even realize she had forgotten to ask Cloud if he knew where it was.



Wind could easily tell the stallion still didn't trust her, so she decided it would be best to make an excuse to get away. "Actually, I have some other things to do today, so I think I'm just gonna go." She said, then turned and walked away. I'll just get out of here and find somepony more trusting. She thought.


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@[user=Mint Drop] and [user=bronislav84]


"Manehatten's an ok place," Lorem said whilst Sunrise had paused. "It's not particularly pretty due to all the factories and the aiir's not great either. It's a nice enough place to live though." When he finished speaking, he looked at Sparky and then back on Sunrise. He did so just in time to catch the second thing she'd said. "My special talent's calligraphy. It's not quiet as interesting as Lektra here's is but I feel that calligraphy is more of an art form like a painting or tapestry than a practical skill like engineering or accountancy."


Lorem paused for a moment. "What's your special talent, miss?" he asked Sunrise with a smile. "If you feel comfortable telling us that is."

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Tempest kept walking along side cloud chaser and aria as she looked left and right wondering how they were going to locate the health clinic so that cloud chaser coukd get some medical attention for his wing, and then she thought "hey cloud, do you know where the clinic is?"

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@@Filthy Cropper and @bronislav84,
"Er, well," Sunrise smiled and almost guilty smile as she scratched the back of her head. She wasn't particularly upset, but it almost always turned out to be fairly awkward whenever she had to tell somepony about her lack of a cutie mark. "I don't exactly have one. I'm still a blank flank.


@ and @@EldarSteve,
Kisu backed up slightly as the newer stallion talked about himself, and stayed there as the other stallion started to talk as well. 
"I, um, don't have much to do either," she said. "All I'm really planning to do is go find somewhere to sleep. I was up all night walking here."

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Tilt smiled softly at the Stallion and said "Well, unless you count the sweet sound of a perfectly spherical ball bouncing off of drop targets into bank shots and the satisfying clunk of hitting the scoop on a pinball table a musical instrument, then I'm afraid the answer to that is no." she giggled lightly before wondering aloud.


"How do you plan on finding other band members anyway Snare?" she asked 


My pony OC

If you would like to Roleplay please Private message me, I only like one on one Roleplays cause groups get overwhelming and becoming attention contests, I like to rp with people equally.

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@@Twi The Totodile @@~Phoenix~


Cloud shrugged at the question and looked at the two with a smile, "No clue, this is actually my first time here. I heard a lot of good things about the place and decided i would come check it out myself. So I take it this is your all's first time as well?" He asked the two mares as they made their way down the walkway. He had to admit, the sights of the town was enough to take the pain off his wing, or at least allow him to ignore it long enough to enjoy the view. 


"So, where are you two lovely mares from?" he said with a smile at the mares.

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@@Twi The Totodile,@@thor9356,  


The changeling gave a sad frown. She understood why the other might want to leave, but couldn't help but be disappointed that she didn't want to accompany them. "Well...be well as you go." She touched a leg to Icy's shoulder, and removed it and returned to the Stallion. The young changeling wanted to feel torn, but she didn't feel attached to either pony or fake-pony yet. She was merely curious about ponies more so than her own species.






Star Snare laughed at her comments, "Well, I mean, I dunno. I'm sure there'll be somepony out there though." He half-coughed almost nervously. "I dunno. It might be harder than I thought." He smiled once more. 

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Tilt scratched the base of her chin with her hoof in thought, she shrugged idly soon after "Well, if you need a hoof ah can help ya out anyway ah can, ah mean ah'm new to this city too what with the demand for Pinball machines on the decline at the moment." she said looking a little saddened by this fact. 


My pony OC

If you would like to Roleplay please Private message me, I only like one on one Roleplays cause groups get overwhelming and becoming attention contests, I like to rp with people equally.

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@@Mint Drop

"Find a place? If your in trouble, and need a place to stay, let me know and I'll help you out."

Lightning's wings twitched in agitation.

He wanted to be flying, free wherever he wanted.

He thought about food, like he always does.

"You guys wanna go grab some food? It's on me."



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"You can take your cloak off, I don't think anypony is going to see you, seeing as how we're on the outskirts of town." He pointed out as they were getting nearer to the cottage. It was a bit of a haul for the stallion to be hauling so much left over fruits and vegetables, but it was a good deal of exercise for him.


The duo soon arrived at the cozy log cabin. It was a little more isolated from the town, but still within walking distance. The earth pony dragged the wagon into the shack and unhitched it before returning to the front and meeting up with the changeling. He opened the front door to reveal a fully furnished cabin. 


"Make yourself at home. Spare bedroom is upstairs." He pointed out to the changeling.

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"I moved here from canterlot. Lived there all my life until now" said tempest in repliance to cloud chaser's question "kinda funny how its all our first times here, huh? I had also heard alot of great things about this place." she said as she trotted along

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@ @@Mint Drop

Imperial thought about breakfast, then thought about working. He decided on food.

"Wunderbar! Frühstück is the most important meal of the day ja. Where did you have in mind?"

Imperial looked at Kisu "Mädchen, if you need help,  It would be mein pleasure to be of assistance. Have you considered seeking employment? "



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@@bronislav84 and @Filthy Cropper,  

Sunrise smiled sheepishly. "Heh, I suppose so."
She ate as Lektra continued. 
"Oh, yeah!" she exclaimed after swallowing a bite. "I totally forgot about that resort. Fairmount was the name, I think. Either way, that sounds fun. You don't have to pay for me, but i'd love to tag along."

((Fun fact: I visited Fairmont, the place Fairmount is based off of, on Friday. :3))

@ and @EldarSteve,

Kisu shuffled nervously, uneasy about the two stallions so willingly offering her what they were. Blushing slightly, she reached to scratch the back of her head, and in doing so, realized that her hood was off. Her eyes widened some and her blush deepened with the realization.
Oh... she thought. Oh. No wonder they're acting so giving. They feel sorry for me. 
It took a large amount of effort to not whip the hood back over her head, but she willed her hoof to return to the ground.
"Um. I'm not in trouble," she said, addressing Lightning's offer first. "I just meant, um, like a hotel. So, uh... thanks, but I'm okay."
She turned to Imperial next. "And, um, thanks for the offer, but I'm not too worried about employment a the moment. Just focusing on settling down."
She paused for a moment, recalling Lightning's offer for breakfast. While she still wasn't quite comfortable being around the two stallions, breakfast that wasn't bruised apples did sound pretty good, and she was very hungry. 
"Uh, I'll come to breakfast if you want," she said quietly, almost guiltily, as she stared down at the ground.

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@@bronislav84 and @Mint Drop

"That sounds like it'll be fun," Lorem responded. "You won't need to pay for me either but thank you for offering."


Cautiously, Lorem took his plate and glass over to the kitchen. He made sure to be careful not to knock any of the ponies near him; he'd already made a bad enough first impression by doing that to Lektra. "What sort of things are at this resort?"Lorem asked the group when he returned.

Edited by Filthy Cropper
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"So Canterlot and Ponyville huh?" said cloud with a smile as he looked at the two mares, "Thats pretty neat, ive been to both a time or two, mainly just for rest or finding a few jobs to make some bits. I grew up in Cloudsdale, worked as a weather changer before I decided to head off and see the world. I mean dont get me wrong, I love my home, but there is just so much that i can see before I am ready to settle down, so I figured why not see it all!"


Eventually the two came across what looked like a clinic, the red cross above it giving them the hint. With a nod in its direction, Cloud made his way toward the building.

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