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Emerald Heart

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Midnight was caught by surprise when Chrissie stopped her. "Wait, really?" She replied with a small smile that quickly morphed into a face of confusion. "But, you don't even know me. You don't know what I look like or what I'm like." She said. "What if I am some horrible shadow lurking monster?" She asked before adding, "That's what every other pony seems to think I am.

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 "Those mares bully me too, so I know how it feels. Because I moved here from Appleoosa, they think I'm some kind of redneck with no brain cells." Chrissie sighed, and collected herself. "What I'm saying is I know how you feel, and I know your not a monster because you were wounded by those mare's words. A real monster would have already attacked." 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Rave still had one class left but he decided to shirk that. He wasn't feeling good. "Why do I feel like this? I usually don't care what other ponies think about me. Is it because now that I have friends that I feel like this? What is going on?" Rave thought. He waited at the wagon station for a wagon.

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Midnight's ears perked as she lifted her head up when she heard Chrissie say she wasn't a monster. "You're really not afraid of me?" she asked. "I hear ponies refer to me Sketch because I'm always in hiding and they say I'm pretty sketchy. The ponies who have taken notice of me, call a monster." she said her head drooping back down, but she immediately pulled it up again. "But you're different. I like you." she added in a shy quiet voice managing a smile.

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Rave sat in the back of the wagon. Some students from the school were done for today and were also on the wagon. They eyed him with suspicion and fear. "There's the traitor" one mare whispered. "It is strange that he hasn't dropped out. How can he bear showing his treacherous face around". Rave decided that he didn't want to ride with the wagon so he jumped out with the driver calling after him. He would rather walk home. Thunder cracked in the sky as it started to rain heavily. "Great, just what I needed, you've made my day". Even more rain started to pour down. "I was joking, I was joking".

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New school, new worries, and new bullies. Lorcan faced all types of bullies: jocks, meatheads, and ignorant ponies who loved talking behind his back. The off yellow stallion finds himself a corner of unoccupied grass to lay in outside. He pulled out a book by a famous poet from hundreds of years ago. Lorcan loved the way this author wrote; dark and dreary, painting scenes of death and eternal torture.
"Is it not the living who are truly tortured?" He asks himself as he opens up the book to a bookmarked page.
Lorcan was told to try and make new friends, but he let that piece of advice fly in one ear and out of the other for he knew ponies were destined to pick on him no matter where he went.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Counterstrike was still playing his game, completely oblivious to the outside world as he stared at the 8 bit screen. All of a sudden he shouted "OH COME ON! THATS UNFAIR!" Counterstrike sighed with exasperation as he put down his game. "I was THAT close to finishing the level!" He muttered to himself a bit frustrated. Of course he wasn't talking to anypony, he didn't really have friends to talk with, but it still didn't stop him from talking to himself.

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@, @@JonasDarkmane @@Pripyat Pony@@thor9356, @@The Shadow Stallion@@Rainbow Dash,

 Chrissie put a hoof around her, and smiled. "Well, that is what friends are for." Chrissie looked at her table and saw it was half empty, and she frowned for a second. Had her friends gone off and left her after all? "I-I need to go. I'll catch up with you later." Chrissie fled the school halls, and then out the school completely. She ran past Rave, then stopped for a second and just stared at him. I guess I wasn't meant to have friends after all. Chrissie picked up her pace again, and ran the rest of the way home. 

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Strange pony." Midnight said as Chrissie ran off. She grabbed her backpack and decided it would be best to leave the cafeteria. It wouldn't take long for the other ponies to figure out she was unprotected. She went out to the front grassy part of the school for some fresh air and free space away from mean ponies. When she got out, she noticed a pony that seemed to be talking to himself. Midnight could only assume he was playing a video game. It peaked her interest. Being her curious self, she had to check it out. She dropped her dark purple backpack down where she was and silently approached the game playing pony trying not to be noticed. She was behind the tree and looked over to watch the pony play the game.

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Lorcan spots a pony bolting out of the school and watches her leave.
Not my business....now..where was I? Lorcan continued to read his book. Lorcan became enthralled with his book. Reading page after page, escaping into the crisp pages. His escape from reality is soon spoiled by a sandwich pelting him in the head.
"NEEEERD! Go back to your cave, you emo weirdo!" A stallion yells.
Lorcan sighs and tries to ignore the moronic stallion.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Sinu sits outside under a tree, talking to one of his few but reliable friends about a project that they were working on together; "So, Assembly—" That was his name; Assembly, as in the basic method for programming anything with transistors. "—I was thinking that I could replace the t-esh IPA double character with the letter tshe, from the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet. That way, the 'Better English' alphabet would only consist of half-width characters. That would make things easier, correct?"

Assembly, also a nerd, could still only understand a fraction of what Sinu had said. "Yes, making it uniform would be nice." Better English was a semi-cipher designed by Sinu to shorten the length of English sentences; Assembly programmed it onto punch cards.

Sinu looks over to see a pony throw a sandwich at another's head, who obviously tries to ignore it. "Do you see that guy? He's obviously a jerk; watch this." He says to Assembly, looking over as well. Sinu's horn lights up in a pale gray, as he tries a new spell that he worked for years to create. He begins to vibrate the moron's eyes at a sub-bass frequency, causing disorientation and dizziness, while simultaneously vibrating his eardrums at a very high frequency, inducing a sort of sonic torture.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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"Yeesh! By all the ponies in the world, I hate stray shots!" Counterstrike said, continuing his rant about the unfairness of his 8-bit game. It was Galaga and Counterstrike had a very high score, but it wasn't high enough by Counterstrike's standards. After he calmed down a bit with some self ranting he felt a presence behind him and his eyes widened slightly. His head didn't move but his eyes shifted and he saw a form in his peripheral vision. "AHHH!" He shouted and sprawled to the side, looking at the form. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT?!?!" He said frantically.

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Midnight continued watching the device's mesmerizing gameplay. She was intrigued to see the little character battle creatures. Until her acute hearing picked up a yell nearby. She thought the insult was directed at her. Her heart raced as she whipped around to see  who it was. Just as she did, the other pony who was playing the game turned around and took notice of her in a very surprised manner. Midnight was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. "I...uh... I gotta go." She said quickly and nervously. She ran off and grabbed her back pack. She kept running until she saw a pony getting bullied. The victim seemed to be doing nothing but relaxing and just reading a book. Out of her peripheral vision, she saw two other ponies near by, but her focus was on the action.

Midnight was just about to run again until she thought about speaking up. She was afraid of what might happen and debated with herself. Some pony had stood up for her so she figured it was her turn to stand up for somepony else. "Hey! uh..Leave him alone!" She yelled at the bully. Midnight began to think if that was a bad idea.

Edited by Houndoom
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"Hey! Where are you going? I'm sorry, you just sort of startled me!" Counter said as he quickly put away his gaming device and followed Midnight. He hadn't meant to be mean, he was just very surprised by Midnight's sudden appearance. He arrived at the scene and saw her standing up for somepony that was being bullied. It made him feel worse about sort of snapping at her. "Yeah, Leave him alone!" Counter shouted out. He didn't like bullies either and he was impressed by Midnight's bravery. He also thought that by standing together the bully would be intimidated and back off.

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After a few seconds, Sinu decides that the "bully" has had enough, as research made by audiologists showed that exposure to frequencies like that for too long could result in temporary deafness; he halts the vibration, leaving that pony in dizzy confusion.

Assembly says to Sinu impressedly "That's pretty cool. Is that the result of high frequencies?"

"High amplitude, with high frequencies in the ears and low frequencies in the eyes; it creates a pretty awesome combination." Sinu replies.

Assembly nods, then asks "Speaking of which, did you finish that song for the space level?"

"Space level, as well as cloud and laser." Sinu remarks about the music loops that he was asked to write; "I get depressed if I'm unproductive."

I wrote this thing.

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Suddenly the Jock and his buddies appeared around a corner. "Wait, how did they get here so fast? I was way ahead of them" Rave noticed the sky chariot behind them. The jock immediately went for Rave and grabbed him. One of his friends had a bright purple mane, Diego's prank. "You're in for a world of hurt now traitor".

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"Look, he's a garbage can!" The stallion yelled as he threw more junk at Lorcan. 
Apple pits, banana peels, papers, and more. Whatever the stallion could find he threw at Lorcan. 
Just keep reading...he'll go away once he wears himself out. Lorcan thinks to himself as he tries to focus on his book.
Soon, the stallion goes too far. The antagonistic stallion throws a pudding pouch at Lorcan. He misses, but manages to muck up the book Lorcan was reading. Lorcan set aside his book, got up and stretched, and tackled the stallion.
"YOU FILTHY PHILISTINE!!" He shouts as he starts punching the stallion.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Sinu watches the idiot stallion [the one yelling at Lorcan, which I seem to of miscommunicated] throw some garbage, somehow instantly recovering from his sonic spell. "That doesn't make sense... all of my calculations should be correct." He says, pulling a piece of paper and a pen out of one of his pockets with magic, and goes over his math another time.

Assembly looks over the paper too, and after several moments says "It looks like you added here when you should have subtracted."

Sinu looks at it, and begins correcting the equation. "Yeah, I forgot the negative again." He says while silently jabbing a second pen into his side, out of anger at himself. After a short time, he finishes and checks it again, but by then the stallion had thrown something at the victim's book, clearly ruining it. Sinu, suddenly sounding as if he were about to murder somepony, says angrily "Do you see that?! He just ruined a book! That's enough."

He tries the spell again, and as the stallion is suddenly attacked by that same pony, Sinu begins to vibrate the stallion's eyes and ears at maximum power, regardless of who was winning their fight, and powerful enough to induce nausea, vomiting, and temporary deafness. He strains a bit to accomplish this, as it was the first time that the spell worked, but he could see that what he was doing was extremely effective.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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The jocks had brought Rave back to school after having beaten up on him a little bit. They had bound his tail to the flag post and heaved him up. "Look everypony, see the traitor. See who he really is. Why don't you go back and dabble with your dark magic you freak" the jock laughed. Many school students gathered around the flag post and started laughing. 

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Midnight didn't know how to react when Lorcan decided to fight back. She didn't know if she could help or not. She would feel bad for just leaving, but there were many other ponies to help. Without being noticed, she silently slipped back away from the action. She was beginning to walk home when she noticed something strange out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head to see a pony dangling helplessly from a flagpole.  She then heard somepony call him a traitor and that he used dark magic. Midnight could relate o this. Being a batpony, many saw her as a kind of traitor because of her kind being loyal to Nightmare Moon when she was evil. They also saw her as a creature of evil and darkness. Midnight knew she had to do something to help this pony out. She ran over to the jock and yelled, "Let him down now!" in a commanding tone hoping it would work.   

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The jock looked at Midnight. "Or what, exactly? You gonna doing something about it? Piss of you little freak, before I hang you there beside him". His buddies started to take notice of Midnight and were looking at her and the jock. Seeing if anything would happen. Rave only stared down in disbelief. 

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The jock's words pierced Midnight like a dagger which made her draw back a bit, but she used that pain as strength and stared coldly into the jock's eyes. She figured she would have play a card she never wanted to use. "I'm warning you. Don't make me do something I promised I would never do." Midnight's voice was shaky with adrenaline and fear. She began to think that this was a bad idea. She really didn't want to have to follow through with her threat.

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The jock looked at her grinning. "You know, threats don't really work if you don't tell the other pony what you are going to do. If you don't tell them, then you are most likely bluffing. Now get over here so that I can hang you there beside him" the jock started approaching Midnight. Students were watching the commotion with excitement. 

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Midnight's cold gaze disappeared to fear when the jock approached her threatening the fate as the 'traitor'. She began to back up. "P...please don't. I...I don't want to--" Her sentence was cut short when she felt her flank run into the back of a tree. There was no escaping it now. 'Well crap' Midnight thought. There was no way out of it now. She quickly whipped off her back pack and sweatshirt. She fully extended her bat like wings in a battle ready stance. She bared her fangs and hissed like an angry bobcat. She made herself as frightening as possible. And angry look was in her amber eyes as she stared down the jock. There was no backing out now.

Edited by Houndoom
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The jock seemed taken aback. Ponies started to back away. "Ju--ju--just stay where you are y--you freak" the jock said with a shaky voice as he backed off a little bit. He signaled his friends and some of them came over too him for support. Rave looked at Midnight with interest. "A batpony, interesting". Then he remembered that he was still hanging up there and felt horrible again.

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