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open ~* Beware, This House Is Haunted! *~ {RP Thread}

Pripyat Pony

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The creaky hallway protested as Adam walked through till the very end. He found a room there that was spacious enough, not too big, but it had a nice window that would bring sunlight in and one could see clear view the yard. Though it wasn't much, he instantly took a liking to it. He recalled it wasn't taken and decided to claim it as his own. He went down to sign for his boxes when the moving truck eventually arrived and claimed them. Carrying the two big brown boxes, he went to his new room and deposited them there.


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@@Alex Kennedy, Victoria decided to show herself. She'd appear as a thin, young girl in a dirty white nightgown with a pale face and enormous, dark shadowed eyes. Perhaps this young man was a cut above the rest. She would see for herself as to how he'd react to her as to whether she'd allow him to stay or not. She found his attempts to hurt her amusing; as a ghost, his hands just passed thru her.


@@Lord Bradley, Emily felt somewhat uncomfortable in the room. There was a slight chill in the air, but she steeled herself as she walked about the old nurse's station. This room had an ensuite after all, something she'd always wanted. But it was with a sense of relief that she heard the doorbell downstairs which meant that the removal vans had arrived and she went downstairs to let them in.



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@@Pripyat Pony


Somehow, seeing the ghost actually made Rush feel a little better. Still terrified, but better. "I...you... I didn't think... how can you be real?" He tried his best to calm down. Maybe, if he could see them, and they looked relatively normal, that meant he could talk to them like a normal person. "Wh-who are you?"



Terrance had decided to wait and ensure that the other ghosts were okay with the newcomers before involving himself at all. For the time being, he simply sat in the front room and watched.

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after hearing the room Andrew called Snowflake decided to wait in there for Andrew's return "he has to come back eventually I don't think the others will mind me talking with a living person so long as I don't scare him shitless" Snowflake chuckled to himself


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oh hey the trucks are here I cant wait to get the TV in here Chain thought then rushes to the truck and starts to get the TV out of it while the others start getting the beds in the house "I'll get the smaller things allright, and when I finish that I will install the TV" Chain said smiling to the others

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Andrew went down and looked at Chains "Don't touch my cello, it is fragile. My cello is for my hand only" He said as he went after Chains. He went outside and looked at the trucks. He hoped his cello wasn't damaged, Andrew had bought a hard case for it so it wouldn't have been damaged but if it hit anything on the truck to hard, it would still crack.

Edited by Chronos Dial X

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Charles was still invisible as Adam got a first-hand view of the room he wanted. The ghost backed up against the wall next to the laundry chute and remained there, sightless as Adam walked out. That IS my old room, Charles thought. He's going to feel that chill whenever he tosses his dirty clothes. His train of thought was interrupted as Adam came back to drop off some boxes to his room. He chose not to show himself just yet, instead sneaking back down the stairs to return to the main room. Whoever had his room now did not need to know he was there, too.


@@Alex Kennedy,


Seeing Terrance was there and nobody else, Charles made himself visible again. "Someone's got my old room," he said in a voice only loud enough for the two in the room to hear.

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@@Alex Kennedy, "My name is Victoria," she replied, staring straight at Rush. "I'm real, alright. And I'm not the only ghost here, either. I'm here cuz I died here, back when this place was the Rosewood Insane Asylum. I didn't have anywhere else to go after I died, so I stayed here."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


So now he was talking to a ghost. Well, he might as well try to friendly, at least. "You... I... this is weird. I don't... I'm still not entirely convinced this is actually happening, but... can we call a truce, or whatever? I don't mean you or this place any harm. If it weren't for all the hostile ghost vibes I'd actually really like it here. I don't know how my friends are going to react- they're probably not as... indifferent to the idea of ghosts as I am. But you don't have to worry about me, as long as you don't try anything." He extended his hand for her to shake, not entirely sure whether that was even possible. "I'm Rush. Well, it's not my real name, but that's what people call me."

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After getting all the small things but the Andrew's cello Chain wondered where was Adam? he could help with the beds so Chain went to the room that Adam claimed and knocked on the door "hey dude the trucks here, I don't know what your doing in there but we need some help with the beds, I'm actually seting up the TV right now but still" Chain said outside the door

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Adam was looking through his box of clothes, trying to find something to change into. But to his dismay, it wasn't his clothes, he had never even seen them in his life before.


On top of the stack was a letter in a simply white envelope. It simply read: Darling, I got you some decent new clothes so you won't have to wear those horrid rags. I threw them away for you. Love, mum.


He was about to have a fit. She threw away his clothes! All of them! He felt a sense of panic rise within him. They looked like his size so he tried some on. From the soft feel and overall high quality he knew it was definitely tailored, all of them were. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch since his maternal ancestors were tailors and craftsmen, some of which had worked at Savile Row.


But then there was the problem of looking like a complete idiot. Nobody dressed in tailored fabric gold around the house, not in this house anyway. They'd all think he was some sort of posh twat. He was fretting about when he heard the knock on the door. He changed back into his old clothes and quickly packed the new ones back in the box. He was going to be stuck with this outfit for a while till he could nip out and get something off the rack. He prayed it wouldn't get spoiled till then.


"Sorry to keep you waiting, I'll lend a hand if you want." He said as he opened the door.

Edited by Swinton


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Andrew got his cello case and a medium sized box that said 'Andrew's items, number II'. With his cello case on his back and a box that contained his sheet music, and his clothes. He went into the house and took his cello and his things to his room. He went in and set his cello on the corner and set the box down.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Snowflake sees that Andrew is back and decides to take this opportunity before it slips by him... he closes the door and locks it "Andrew...." Snowflake makes himself visible "do not fear me I'm not here to bring you any harm I'm simply here just to talk to you.... please don't scream"

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He turned around thinking that it was one of the others "Stop playin' around and unload the truck." He turned around and saw Snowflake. He froze for a second and took off his glasses and cleaned them. He put them back on and realized that the ghost was real. "uhhh... oh my god,  William was right, ghosts are real. " He said, his heart was racing. "uhh well... Howdy, I'm Andrew. nice to meet ya" He couldn't believe it, There was a ghost in front of him. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"do not fear me Andrew my name is Seth.... though everyone prefers to call me Snowflake... perhaps you heard of me I was a YouTuber before I took my own life though I was big, I wasn't super YouTube celebrity big.... and yes we ghosts exist I'm the youngest ghost in this house just dying only a few months ago... there are many others but the likely hood of encountering them is pretty low... since the eldest Victoria specifically told us not interact with you all.... so I found a loophole and here I'am only interacting with you"

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Chain after getting Adam"s attention he set up the TV and started to unpack his own things which ment installing all the game consoles he had. then he found a football game and that made him think where is rush? Chain then went to rushes room and knocked on the door "hey Rush I think you might like this wii game I got a while ago, it has football!" Chain said

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"Sorry never heard of you... but  I may look you up. " Andrew said. "Wait why did you choose me to interact with, why am I so special?"

He asked, he thought it was both awesome and terrifying that he was talking to a dead person, who was a youtuber. "Also, who is Victoria, and there more of you?!"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"yes there are more of us... but I'm the only one from this timezone... as for everyone else... they are pretty ancient, It seems this house was once an insane asylum, the ghosts here are a mix between dead patients, to builders, to just people who ended up here.... damn landlord told me nothing when I bought the house..... wouldn't be surprised if he didn't mention anything about me either.... and how I use to live here.... and how I ended my own life here.... but that isn't important the reason I chose you of anyone is because you mentioned your a cellist.... in my life I was a violinist"


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@@Alex Kennedy, Victoria waved her hand thru Rush's; that was as much as she could do, given that she had no solid form. "Forgive me for appearing in this unseemly manner," she added, gesturing to the dirty white nightdress she wore, "But this was the clothing I died in. I'm willing enough to form a truce; I have no objection to anyone living here, as long as they don't displease me."


Victoria couldn't help but see what was, to her, a slight sense of recognition in Rush's face to what she'd imagined that her son would look like. This helped her to want the truce.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Rush was still sort of terrified by this whole thing, and the chill of her hand passing through his didn't really help. But perhaps it was due to his rather simple mind that he tended to get over things easily. He could adjust to this. "I... certainly hope I don't displease you. I don't think I want to be on your bad side. I should... probably go. I need to get my stuff. You don't mind me putting my stuff in here and, like, making this place mine, do you? Because I'm going to be living here, after all. And I'm probably going to be doing a lot of repairs and minor renovations to the house, as well. I guess maybe I ought to apologize in advance for that. Anyway, um... see you later, I guess?" Trying his best not to think to hard about this whole thing lest he freak out about it, he set his stuff down and headed back downstairs.

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"Well, you heard right, I'm a cellist" Andrew said pointing at his cello. "So... you were a violinist" He then had an aggravated look "Violins are nothing but treble" He joked. "At least I got the ghost with good tastes" He said before taking out his notepad and pencil and writing on a clean page ' Seth aka Snowflake - Youtuber, Violinist, the youngest ghost '  He skipped a few lines and wrote 'Victoria- the oldest ghost' 


"Also the landlord told me nothing about an asylum, why would someone turn an asylum into a house?" Andrew still had an uncomfortable feeling in his gut, he was unsure about living in a house in which there are ghosts everywhere.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@, @,

After his victim(Which he still hadn't got the name of)had left the room, the old yet young-minded ghost just relaxed, or tried to, on the weary bed while talking out loud. "Yeah, yeah, I probably should have given him atleast a broom. But you can't really change the past now, can you?" He said, a familiar silence following, which was then broken by a slight chuckle. "Alright, but enough of that. Let's go do something, and since we decided to give our victim some time to adjust, I might aswell see how the others are doing!" He declared with a clap, floating out of bed and straight on to his spectral feet. And out he went, grin on his face, on his journey to bother, or help, the first fellow he saw.


He flew through a few rooms, pausing at one of them that was filled with boxes, rotten corn and coconuts with the occasional broken rubber duck on the ground, some sticking out of a few of the boxes. He stared at everything in the room, disbelief visible in his eyes. "TheyStill kept this stuff? after that horrible incident?" Shaking his head, he flew onwards.


After a number of rooms, he found himself stopping in one of them just in time to see one of the living and one of the ghosts looking at eachother, presumably speaking. The living guy was writing something, there was also a cello near him. Needless to say, Mark smiled at finding his goal. "... Am I interrupting something?" He asked casually, a somehow warm smile still on his face.

Edited by Lord Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Rush did you hear...me?" Chain said as he saw Rush rush down the stairs "meh" he said as went down stairs as well. ok so everything but personal stuff has been taken from the truck and I bet no one will miss me for a while...time to go down to the basement Chain thought then got his flash light with some matches and then his phone. can't have to much light he thought then headed to the basement.

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@@Lord Bradley @


"Mark.... well so long as your not trying to do anything funny your welcome to be here.... Andrew this is Mark he is one of the ancient ghosts I was telling you about.... now Mark do you think you can keep this between the three of us... if Victoria was to know I spoke with a living one without telling her first she'll flip"


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While Mark's smile was still stuck on his face, he opened his ghostly mouth to respond. "Yeah, sure. Don't have to worry about that. This will indeed stay between the six of us." He said, shifting his position to lay in the air like it was a bed, arms behind his head. Then, he moved his head so he was looking at the living dude. "So, Andrew, is it? Nice to meet you" He said, his smile shifting into a grin. "So, what were you two doing before i so gracefully revealed my glorious presence?" He said once again, still laying in the air.

Edited by Lord Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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