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Greetings =) I'm new to the fandom, and this is my inrodution post :p


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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony


How did you find MLP Forums?

How you became a fan of My Little Pony

My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

How did you find MLP Forums?: Google

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Show/Toys

Hello EveryPony!


I'm new to the MLP FIM fandom, and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Scoot Broy. I love to draw, play guitar, and collect toy figures.


My first MLP figure was a Fluttershy I found at a dollar store. When I got her I instantly fell in love with her. Only problem was that I had no prior experience with doll hair, and her's was a mess out of the box. Eventually I started doing research on taking care of doll hair, I even bought her a little brush, and now she smells nice and looks pretty. =) I even started styling her hair. :3


I'm still getting use to navigating my way through this site. If anyone wants to make any suggestions to newcomers, like different things you can do on the site or ways to meet new friends, let me know. That would be great. =)


  • Brohoof 12
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Hey there Scoot Broy, welcome to the forums! :yay: It's great to have you here, and everypony- myself included, if that's okay :blush:- would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish ;) I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community, and feel free to send a PM my way if you wish! :squee:


There's quite a lot to do on here =3 Talk about the show,  or Equestria Girls ^^- play some Forum Games or relax with the Forum Lounge... there's also discussion about things aside from MLP here, roleplay stuff over here if that sorta thing interests you, and all the arty stuff over here, like fan-art and fan-music and so on ^_^


As for how to meet new friends, greeting new ponies on the forums and just making friendly conversation where you can should help ;)

  • Brohoof 8
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Welcome to the fandom! I hope you like Bronies cuz' there's lots of them here. But ya welcome! If you have any questions, ANYTHING AT ALL feel free to ask me!

Oh and I forgot to give you my very special standard greeting

  • Brohoof 8
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Welcom new pony, its always awesome to see new ponies coming to the forums, this site rocks so sit back, and enjoy also have lots of fun. This camp is the best camp, lots of good ponies to meet so enjoy, and "welcome to the show."



My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

How did you find MLP Forums?: Google

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Show/Toys

Hello EveryPony!


I'm new to the MLP FIM fandom, and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Scoot Broy. I love to draw, play guitar, and collect toy figures.


My first MLP figure was a Fluttershy I found at a dollar store. When I got her I instantly fell in love with her. Only problem was that I had no prior experience with doll hair, and her's was a mess out of the box. Eventually I started doing research on taking care of doll hair, I even bought her a little brush, and now she smells nice and looks pretty. =) I even started styling her hair. :3


I'm still getting use to navigating my way through this site. If anyone wants to make any suggestions to newcomers, like different things you can do on the site or ways to meet new friends, let me know. That would be great. =)


I feel you on the toys, I also collect toys have been since the early 90's so I have quiet the collection, I am passonate about my toys, good to see other toy fans here, to which there are many, enjoy the forum.

  • Brohoof 7
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Welcome to the fandom! I hope you like Bronies cuz' there's lots of them here. But ya welcome! If you have any questions, ANYTHING AT ALL feel free to ask me!

Oh and I forgot to give you my very special standard greeting


Hello Thanks for the greeting's It made me lol :lol:



Hey there Scoot Broy, welcome to the forums! :yay: It's great to have you here, and everypony- myself included, if that's okay :blush:- would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish ;) I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community, and feel free to send a PM my way if you wish! :squee:


There's quite a lot to do on here =3 Talk about the show,  or Equestria Girls ^^- play some Forum Games or relax with the Forum Lounge... there's also discussion about things aside from MLP here, roleplay stuff over here if that sorta thing interests you, and all the arty stuff over here, like fan-art and fan-music and so on ^_^


As for how to meet new friends, greeting new ponies on the forums and just making friendly conversation where you can should help ;)


Hello Its nice to meet u =)  Thanks for all the help! I think I'm going to enjoy my stay here :3

Welcom new pony, its always awesome to see new ponies coming to the forums, this site rocks so sit back, and enjoy also have lots of fun. This camp is the best camp, lots of good ponies to meet so enjoy, and "welcome to the show."



I feel you on the toys, I also collect toys have been since the early 90's so I have quiet the collection, I am passonate about my toys, good to see other toy fans here, to which there are many, enjoy the forum.

Hello Its nice to hear from a fellow toy collector Ive just recently got into collecting MLP FIM figures I only have two so far RD and Fluttershy it's just it's alittle hard to find that stuff in the town I live in for some reason :blush:

  • Brohoof 6
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Hello my friend :):) and welcome to this happy pony community forum of mlp forums :):) i hope that you will have awesome and happy pony time here with this community abd meet lots of new pony friends ;);) if you have questions feel free to ask :):)


I also like the pony toys :):) they are so happy :)

  • Brohoof 6
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Hiya! Nice to meet you. /)

Sure your gonna make plenty new friends here. :)


I love to draw myself, such a fun hobby. :P

I'm more fond on collecting the plush toys myself. (Recently got one of chrysalis that I just adore.)


Anyway remember to have a lot of fun. Welcome to the forums.

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Welcome to the forum! YAY!

I hope you make a bunch of friends while you're here! And that you stick around for a long time! :muffins:

Also, if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any issues, please feel free to let us know by creating a thread in the Site Questions & Tech Support forum, so we can get you answers, assurances, and/or solutions! :muffins:

  • Brohoof 6
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hey there pal! Welcome to the forums! we all hope youll have an awesome time here with us!! and I see you got a fluttershy toy, well keep collecting them to have a huge collection of mlp toys! now get out there and show the world your love!

  • Brohoof 5
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Hello friend, here you'll find an spetacular forum, where everyone are friends, we share content, talk and most important, we have lots of fun here, so come with us, it'll be fun i promise                  :D


Everyone on the forum is very kind with each other, if you have any question or problem, just ask any other member or staffer so we can help you                  :squee:



And remember, together "We've got hearts as strong as horses"

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