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general media The irony of haters


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So this video is hilarious, especially the uploader's description




Before I get the predictable response...

An explanation:
This was originally just going to be another brony comment readings video, but then I realized I had collected more stupid anti-brony comments than I did brony comments. I guess that's because I generally only find brony comments on videos that are either explicitly about MLP or bronies (even comments by identifiable bronies are rarely about MLP or the fandom unless it's relevant to the video being commented on, or if it's in response to an anti-brony comment, which is the case 99% of the time), but I see anti-brony comments everywhere, even in situations where MLP and bronies weren't even mentioned, or were mentioned so briefly and off-handedly as to not even be worth commenting on.

Keep in mind, even if a comment is being made by an identifiable brony, I don't consider it a "brony comment" unless it's a comment about either MLP or the brony fandom. So while I see comments from bronies all the time, I don't see brony commentsnearly as often as I see anti-brony comments. Case in point: the very first comment presented in this video is from a guy who just happens to have a brony avatar and he talks about how he likes Easy Cheese, then he is suddenly flamed by some kid typing in allcaps to "STUP WHIT MLP" (sic) even though he made no mention of MLP. It's this type of unprovoked flaming that has me convinced that all anti-bronies (or at least the vast majority) are either trolls trying to pick on what they perceive to be an easy target, or they are "butt-hurt" in some way by the mere existence of the brony fandom. I think the latter is more likely due to the fact that their behavior often goes beyond trolling to expressions of genuine hatred, as seen in this video. I have a few theories as to why they might be so butt-hurt, but that's another topic.

A common contention among anti-bronies is that bronies "shove MLP in their faces", but to be completely honest, I have literally never seen that happening anywhere, and when I ask anti-bronies what they mean by this, their accusations almost invariably boil down to "they have pony avatars and they make fanart", which is a complaint that you could make about literally any other fandom, and I am of the opinion that merely advertising the fact that you are a member of a fandom is not the same as "shoving it in people's faces". If that were the case, then you'd have to levy that same complaint against anybody you see wearing a T-shirt with the logo of a band, TV show, sports team, movie, video game, or anything else that could be said to have a fandom. That complaint is, in my opinion, idiotic, and anyone who makes such a complaint needs to get over it. People have always and will always express their like for things, and you can't expect them not to just because you don't like it. If anything, you are the oneshoving your anti-fandom in other people's faces by acting as if they shouldn't be allowed to express their fandom. That is selfish, and it is extremely childish.

Now maybe bronies are shoving their fandom in people's faces somewhere else, like on 4Chan or Reddit or some other cesspool I don't frequent so I don't notice, but at least on YouTube, anti-bronies are by far the more vocal and more obnoxious group. I havenever seen a flame war initiated by a brony, and I have never seen a brony make a threat of violence against another person. While I'm sure it has happened somewhere, I haven't seen it, and my experience tells me that if it is happening somewhere, it is so rare to see such behavior from bronies when compared to anti-bronies that I don't even care. From what I've seen, it's only ever anti-bronies who are leaving such comments as, "I'm gonna beat the gay outta them", "let's make Jackson Pollock-style artwork with their innards", and "we need a second holocaust".

And I find it ironic that anti-bronies so often like to throw the word "autistic" at bronies as an insult when they are the ones who throw sputtering tantrums at the mere mention of ponies, as seen here: http://i.imgur.com/Uk7a9.jpg

Bottom line: anti-bronies are quite possibly the most whiney, self-centered, and—dare I say—autistic group of people on the internet right now. While bronies might delight in a cartoon made for six-year-old girls, and while some of them might be guilty of things worthy of mockery, the irony is that anti-bronies are vastly more stupid, immature, and clownish, and the things they say and do offer far more fodder for Stupid Comment Readings videos than any other group of people outside of religious fundamentalists.

TL;DR: Anti-bronies are butt-hurt morons who deserve to be laughed at.

  • Brohoof 4

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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I saw this video today and it's funny because it ridiculizes the comments made in ignorance and hatred by haters who generalizes us.

Edited by ObliveonBr0ny
  • Brohoof 2


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

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While I do agree that anti-bronies are often a very hateful group that contributes nothing to society, I must ask that we not stoop to their level by using words such as "autistic" as insults. Many members of this fandom are literally autistic or are otherwise not "normal" mentally, myself included, and frankly I see that as one of the greatest things about our fandom.


Actually, one of the things I hate most about these anti-bronies is that they are so incredibly ableist. Whether it's using autistic as an insult, using pictures of men with downs syndrome as a representation of "dumb ugly bronies", or mocking anyone they see in public with a stuffed pony by taking their picture without permission and posting it online (and yes, I have seen direct examples of all of these things), this group does enough ableist things to make me want to vomit, even the ones who call themselves "social justice warriors".


By and large, I see much less of this from bronies. Here, in this community, on this forum, I feel like there is and should be a place for everyone, where no one is mocked for the way they were born. I will always do everything in my power to keep it that way <3

Edited by Eloquence
  • Brohoof 5

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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And the wheel keeps on spinning... "bronies are gay" "haters are so stupid!"


just stop


I'd rather talk about the issue instead of letting them continue to ridicule us and we have no say so. Why should I have to stop?


While I do agree that anti-bronies are often a very hateful group that contributes nothing to society, I must ask that we not stoop to their level by using words such as "autistic" as insults. Many members of this fandom are literally autistic or are otherwise not "normal" mentally, myself included, and frankly I see that as one of the greatest things about our fandom.


Actually, one of the things I hate most about these anti-bronies is that they are so incredibly ableist. Whether it's using autistic as an insult, using pictures of men with downs syndrome as a representation of "dumb ugly bronies", or mocking anyone they see in public with a stuffed pony by taking their picture without permission and posting it online (and yes, I have seen direct examples of all of these things), this group does enough ableist things to make me want to vomit, even the ones who call themselves "social justice warriors".


By and large, I see much less of this from bronies. Here, in this community, on this forum, I feel like there is and should be a place for everyone, where no one is mocked for the way they were born. I will always do everything in my power to keep it that way <3


I agree as well. I'm not Autistic (I don't believe I am at least) but there isn't anything wrong with it what so ever. I never understood why Autisim became an insult lately (Internet and its stupid bandwagons.)

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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Be my guest and add fuel to the flame.


Well excuse me for not liking to just take insults laying face down

Edited by Kothen

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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Well excuse me for not liking to just take insults laying face down

They're just trying to get you hot n' steaming for a good laugh and making you waste your time writing up a paragraph on why you're not what they say you are just for them to laugh and not read it.

  • Brohoof 2
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And this right here, is why I barely read the comments of anything relating to ponies.


I barely read comments anymore in youtube, They are honestly some of the worst things I've ever seen online

They're just trying to get you hot n' steaming for a good laugh and making you waste your time writing up a paragraph on why you're not what they say you are just for them to laugh and not read it.

I never actually respond to these people. But I'd like to get others peoples thoughts on it as well. Not to feel so alone and feeling like an outcast among everyone.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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Well excuse me for not liking to just take insults laying face down


They're just trying to get you hot n' steaming for a good laugh and making you waste your time writing up a paragraph on why you're not what they say you are just for them to laugh and not read it.


In all fairness, you both make perfectly valid points. That's right, I, a person on the internet, just acknowledged that both sides had fair arguments in a debate. Truly a momentous occasion for the interwebs.


Both of you have ways of dealing with people that are best in the right situations. Small's way is best when dealing with trolls, who are literally brainless and not to be acknowledged at all costs. Kothen's way is best when making a point that can actually impact people and change their perceptions. I think we can all agree, there is a big difference between responding to hate with "we're not all like that!" and responding with "this is the 10th time you've brought up how much you hate a fandom that has no effect on your life out of nowhere, you're obsessed and you clearly have issues that you need to work on". True, they will both probably be useless, but at least that second one might make someone think. I am a big fan of constructive discourse between people open to listening to each other, and I think, rather than always speaking up or never speaking up, we just need to consider whether what we say will be useful, and work to improve what we can and ignore what we can't.


Or maybe I'm just rambling at 2:00 in the morning and thinking too hard about a thread on a forum about a cartoon  :mellow:

  • Brohoof 6

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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I love the one about how men should watch TMNT, and not MLP.  Cause, you know, colorful personified cartoon turtles fighting bad guys, manly and awesome, colorful personified cartoon ponies fighting bad guys, pussy gay ass faggot shit.  Yeah.....   WOW.  Lol.

  • Brohoof 1


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Random thing, but something I've always found funny about haters is that they constantly bash bronies for liking MLP (and all those other tall tales), yet when someone stands up to them, they're all like "WELL U JUST CANT ACEPT MY OPNION." top kek.

Edited by Miles Tails Prower
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Just wanna say, you're about the most brilliant person on this thread right now. Thank you for bringing more insight about the subject. 




Thank you for starting it off.




And thank you for bringing about the debate.



Seriously. None of this is sarcasm, I meant it all. I think everyone involved could have gone about it better, yes, but that's just my opinion. All in all, cheers. 

  • Brohoof 2
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A double irony would be if this video ends up boosting the brony fandom's ego, and they actually do end up shoving it in peoples' faces.


Oh god I really hope this doesn't happen. 

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Just wanna say, you're about the most brilliant person on this thread right now. Thank you for bringing more insight about the subject. 




Gosh, thank you. I'm glad I could be helpful. Actually I'm glad I could even write something that made sense at that hour of the night...

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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I'm pretty sure some of these people are either psychopaths, sociopaths, Nazis, or all three.

And the guy who posted that ponies make him think of death was amazing. That post was funny in its own right.

  • Brohoof 1

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

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But in the end.. no one deserves to be mocked and laughed at, anti-brony, brony, whatever.


"Treat my Brother, as I treat myself."

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But in the end.. no one deserves to be mocked and laughed at, anti-brony, brony, whatever.


"Treat my Brother, as I treat myself."


I wish I could follow that way of thinking. I never actually go out my way to personally attack a hater (because it ends with just a stupid fight) But people like that I never would consider "My Brother"

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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I don't understand why anti-bronies hate seeing our avatars on other sites.

Why should we hide what we like? Can no one have a Legend of Zelda avatar on an un-related forum?


I just...don't understand it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't understand why anti-bronies hate seeing our avatars on other sites.

Why should we hide what we like? Can no one have a Legend of Zelda avatar on an un-related forum?


I just...don't understand it.


Thats what I think. Does seeing a cute cartoon horse genuinely anger you? There are tons of things I dont like, but if I see someones avatar of something I dont like at all (ie.League of Legends) I Dont go on a tangent and attack them.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm learning how to draw! if you have any advice or anything let me know! If you just wanna say hi, shoot me a pm! Wanna play a game with me? Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kothen/

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I swear you cant go through a brony hate comment without seeing autistic/ faggot/ neck beard/ beastielity/ horse fucker/ queer/ kill yourself/ holocaust/ fat/ fedora/ virgin/ gay/ pedo/ fat/ society. That's basically your typical haters vocabulary. -_-

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