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Only Child.

Rosemary Comet

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I'm an only child, and since I don't have any siblings, it isn't easy for me to socialize. Don't get me wrong, I love talking to people, but sometimes it seems like people don't want to talk to me. I don't know what it feels like to have a brother or a sister and how to talk to people. A lot of people at my school have this problem, too. If you are an only child and you're stuck in the same situation, please comment below. If you're not, still feel free to comment what you think about this.

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I'm an only child but I'm rather happy about it. Most of my friends have brothers and sisters (actually, all of them do) and they just find their siblings to be annoying and they're actually jealous of me. Come to think of it, I've never even imagined having a brother or sister. I just, haven't really cared for it at all  :P

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I am the "only child" too well not really, because both of my parents had an earlier marriage before they got together and got me  and they had  children in those marriages=). My moms children are 10 years older than me and my dads children are over 20 years older than me so I am an only child in that sense.


My parents are quite old Dad 65 and mom 50 and I'm 17. They have been very kind and nurturing on me protecting me from all the bad and coddling me =) I have been lucky to get such wonderful parents I would never change them away =)



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I'm an only child but I'm rather happy about it. Most of my friends have brothers and sisters (actually, all of them do) and they just find their siblings to be annoying and they're actually jealous of me. Come to think of it, I've never even imagined having a brother or sister. I just, haven't really cared for it at all  :P

Yeah, I can definitely see your point there. I totally feel the same way a lot of the time!

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I'm an only child, and I can sympathize with the fact that you have less social experience from not having a sibling. A sibling can give you a boost as well, causing you to interact with more people and get recognized easier (especially if they're an older sibling). I honestly would rather stick with being an only child. I like having my space and such.

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I actually think I'm worse at socializing because I have two siblings. I'm a lot younger than they are, and it feels like they already have an established relationship and get along really well, so I kinda just stay in the background :P

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I'm an only child. It has caused me to be lonely quite often, because I had nobody I could relate to, nor did I have anybody I needed to protect. I always felt misunderstood by my parents, despite their efforts to keep me happy but never realized how lonely I really was. I didn't have many friends, in fact don't have many yet and sometimes I imagine what would've happened to me if I had a brother/sister. Would it change me? Would I have been happier? Would I have been a completely different person? I still ask myself these questions quite frequently. But if I were to have a chance to have a brother/sister, heck even a child would do given that I'm 18, turning 19 this year (and yes, having a child would be something that interests me quite a bit, unusual for my age eh?), used to babysit my cousins a little who are around 7 years younger than me but I couldn't call them brother/sister because I barely even got to see them as they're living far away and visited like once a year.


Uhm back to topic, I had a rather lonely childhood, was spending a lot of time with games at that time already, never really bothered about social contacts, what eventually caused me to be somewhat isolated from my peers. But it also helped me become who I am and I like my current personality to the point that I would do everything the same again only to have the same mindset which I have right now.


Being an only child can make you lonely at times but it may be for the better depending on how you grow up.

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I don't know what i would do if i was an only child maybe that's a good thing im not and i just only have 2 younger sisters uhh lol :okiedokielokie:

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I once was an only child. That changed when I turned 4 years old. I hated having a little sister when I was younger. She would hog all the attention, and I spent most of my childhood being jealous of what she "stole" from me.


Now, though? It's awesome. I'm closer to her than I am to my parents. My parents are oatmeal, but my sister and I are actually a lot alike.

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I actually think I'm worse at socializing because I have two siblings. I'm a lot younger than they are, and it feels like they already have an established relationship and get along really well, so I kinda just stay in the background :P

Haha, I'm in the same situation. :P
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I'm also an only child. It really sucks being alone, plus I'm more lonely since my mom is always working.


My friends go on and on about how lucky I am to be an only child, but even if having siblings can be a pain sometimes (from what I've heard), I would love to have a brother or sister.


As for socializing, I don't really have any problems with it. My social skills could be better, but I'm fine.

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I'm the second child in my family I have an older sister who is 5 years older, a younger sister who is 2 years younger, a younger brother who is 6 years younger, and a younger sister who is 11 years younger....


I had always wondered what it would be like to be an only child since I like being alone and I have been around my siblings my whole life.... but it would probably get boring and I'm grateful to have siblings


I once was an only child. That changed when I turned 4 years old. I hated having a little sister when I was younger. She would hog all the attention, and I spent most of my childhood being jealous of what she "stole" from me.

Now, though? It's awesome. I'm closer to her than I am to my parents. My parents are oatmeal, but my sister and I are actually a lot alike.


it was like that with me and my younger sister I hated her... until the day I realized I was the only one keeping her safe back when I was living with my mother..... now we are closer then two best friends

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I am an only child. It was a bit of a surprise, as twins were expected (I'm older than many here, and the various methods of examining fetuses before birth were either experimental, or hideously expensive back then. :) )


That aside, yes, I have always had difficulty making friends and opening up to people. As an adult I've deliberately trained myself to be more outgoing, but it's still very, very draining to deal with people. And if it's *lots* of people, like an event such as a con, I have trouble not 'shutting down' after awhile and retreating.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm an only child, and since I don't have any siblings, it isn't easy for me to socialize. Don't get me wrong, I love talking to people, but sometimes it seems like people don't want to talk to me. I don't know what it feels like to have a brother or a sister and how to talk to people. A lot of people at my school have this problem, too. If you are an only child and you're stuck in the same situation, please comment below. If you're not, still feel free to comment what you think about this.


I know this feeling. I am also an only child. I'm not angry about that fact at all, there are many awesome things about being an only child, but I'm sure it contributed to the social phobia I suffer. However, I also suffered with it even when I was a little kid so I'm pretty sure I was also heavily predisposed to it genetically. 


It sounds like you don't have problems that severe though, and that's good. I don't mean to say that to marginalize your concerns at all, I'm just glad you don't have to deal with what I do, because it truly makes life a living hell.


The best advice I can give you is practice. Socializing won't always go well, but the more you do it the easier it'll become. The main thing is to not care about what anyone thinks of you if it's bad and unconstructive. Just don't let it get to you. It's your life, not theirs. At the end of the day, anyone who tries to make you feel bad doesn't care about you at all, so there's no reason why you should care about what they think.


I wish you the best.

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Being an only child comes with it's pros and cons. A pro is that, you may get more recognition from your family, and you may not have a sibling overshadowing you. However, like you said, a huge con is the loneliness and isolation. That kind of feeling sucks, and I can relate to it very well.

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I was the only child for 10 years, But since i was so Young Before having any siblings i dident really mind it. But when i got my first sister i felt a Little bit less lonely.


Right now im really happy to have sibblings, We are all mlp fans and rely alot on each other in a good way.

Edited by PonyShiro
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