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Alicorn Mane six could happen

Buck Testa

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Update: This is a rather Divisive Topic and understandably there are strong opinions and reasoning for your particular position. HOWEVER, pointless spam because you do not like the notion presented in this topic will not be tolerated and will be reported until they are removed. 

You may have differing opinions, but present them civilly and with forethought behind the post you are making, I more than welcome an exchange in ideas. Thank you. img-3545022-1-mane_6_alicorn_collection_ 


The more I think about it the more it seems like a possibility that the rest of the Mane six have a chance of ascending to Alicorn status and the more I'm actually okay with this idea. 


Think about it, it is heavily implied and expressed that being a Princess/Alicorn is something that is earned. Cadence earned hers through embodying the concept of love, Twilight did the same by embodying the magic of friendship as corny as that sounds. 


Now think about the Elements of Harmony. Each one is a concept in and of itself that have been attributed to these five ponies, and each have achieved a greater understanding of their individual elements with the "rainbow connection" and the keys that went with them during season 4. However they have their struggles with their elements, they do not represent them totally just yet though they make efforts too. 


It probably would be something along the lines of a series finale or something that takes place during the final season, but as the rest of the mane six learn to truly embody their element they'll find themselves ascended to Alicorn status. Its not just limited to Unicorns either, Cadence was a Pegasus prior to being an Alicorn (according to the wiki and some other sources anyway). 


I also wouldn't be surprised if the Mane six end up replacing Celestia and Luna as the rulers of Equestria, which I'm pretty sure was Celestia's plan from the start. She's had her run, she's tired and not as powerful as she once was, so she set it up that the Elements be divided up among six ponies as supposed to being solely owned by one or two like before. 


That castle Twilight has may even be the testing grounds to help them along the road to ascension, it was made when they had a better grasp of their elements and each of their chairs has their cutie marks emblazoned on it. 


I used to not like this idea, but now that I've seen how it worked with Twilight and how it could work with the story in general, I think I could be down for something like this. 


Pinkie Pie, the Princess of Laughter 

img-3545022-2-alicorn_pinkie_pie_by_linaRainbow Dash the princess of Loyalty 



Rarity the Princess of Generosity 



Applejack the Princess of Honesty 

img-3545022-5-princess_of_honesty_by_rubAnd Fluttershy the Princess of Kindness




It really fits when you think about the progression of the show. But what do you think? 


ooh and one other


Big Mac, Princess of Shmoopydoos (sorry I had too)


Edited by Buck Testa
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Princess Big Mac is the prettiest. ;)


I highly doubt all of the mane 6 will ascend to Alicorn status. That would just be a ridiculous move on the writer's part. With Twilight, it was kind of expected. She was Celestia's student, and understood the Magic of Friendship itself. It would defeat the purpose if Twilight's friends became of equal status. I don't think Celestia will ever stop ruling until she dies (by that, I mean gets killed, as she is immortal).

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Well, we already know that ponies can be ascended by Celestia for next to nothing and that alicornification has no meaning or consequence. Soooo yeah, literally any or all characters could become alicorns and it wouldn't make the slightest difference.

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The possiblity is big and I've been expecting this since Season 4. As much as I wanted this to happen, I don't think we will see this happen. A lot of brony will be like NOPE and jump of the train.

  • Brohoof 1



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Hah! No, sorry, but I'd honestly go as far as to say it's utterly impossible for the mane five to become alicorns. 


Besides, if that happened, Twilight wouldn't be the special one anymore, and of course we can't have that, can we?  ;) Especially when part of the reason why she ascended in the first place was to serve as confirmation that she was the special one among the mane six. 

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I think it would be a terrible plot device to have the Mane six become alicorns, but I have a bad feeling it's going to happen. It kind of makes sense for Twilight to become ruler of Equestria (not sure how else her character will develop), and it doesn't make sense for her to rule without her friends. Also, it's my understanding that alicorns age at a much slower rate than other pony races, which means Twilight will live much, much longer than the other five unless all become alicorns.  :confused:

  • Brohoof 1


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Does not make any sense considering none of the others desire to do such or thing or have done the work to do so. Just lazy writing, 


Plus it would dilute things further down with excessive alicorns at this point/


Well, we already know that ponies can be ascended by Celestia for next to nothing and that alicornification has no meaning or consequence.


Wrong on both accounts. Twilight and Cadence both earned it through their merits, and the show has displayed consequences of such actions.


which means Twilight will live much, much longer t


I don't think this is going to be an issue on the show thoughbut technically Twilight can keep always making friends and by that token she won't outlive her friends.


Especially when part of the reason why she ascended in the first place was to serve as confirmation that she was the special one among the mane six. 


Then you missed the point of her ascension entirely. 


Actually the reason against making the other five alicorns is almost the opposite the reason entirely. It would make everyone less unique or special, not just Twilight.

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Does not make any sense considering none of the others desire to do such or thing or have done the work to do so. Just lazy writing, 


Explain how it is lazy writing though? Twilight didn't really desire to become an Alicorn either, she was aspiring to be something more along the lines of Starswirl actually (at least thats the way I see it) but Celestia was grooming her for the position just as she tried with Sunset (but didn't succeed).




Twilight and Cadence both earned it through their merits


But if they had done the work to do so, even unintentionally like Twilight, wouldn't they earn theirs through merit as well?




I think it would be a terrible plot device to have the Mane six become alicorns

What about it is a terrible plot device? Explain it to me.




but I'd honestly go as far as to say it's utterly impossible for the mane five to become alicorns. 

What is so impossible about it when it is earned and not given? If they earn it through their element they would get it, that's not impossible at all.  


See the thing is its been considered a bad idea for so long no one seems to want to give it a second thought anymore. THIS is a bad way of thinking. Unless you can logically explain why such a thing is canonically impossible then what you are saying is essentially just an opinion.


I'm saying with the way alicorn ascension works and the fact that the other five are aspiring elements of harmony, it is very likely that they will meet the qualifications of ascending to Alicorn status through merit, likely by the series finale. Give me facts and evidence as to why this is could not be possible and i'll give it some thought. "bronies don't like it" does not count.   

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The in world logic may be sound, but by the end of the day it is a series of stories written by writers. The urge to prevent a massive "Mary Sue" event is too strong. Good story telling typically does not have "and they all lived (as alicorns) happily ever after.".

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It could happen, but only at the very end of the show, or something like superforms (or don't do this and stick to rainbow power, why not?).

Otherwise the show would lose it's personality and charm a lot.

  • Brohoof 1

"You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!"

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I can totally see this as a series finale.

After all, it's been confirmed by someone's tweet that Twi would not outlive her friends, right?



Well, we already know that ponies can be ascended by Celestia for next to nothing and that alicornification has no meaning or consequence. Soooo yeah, literally any or all characters could become alicorns and it wouldn't make the slightest difference.

Next to nothing?
Twi's had alicorn-level magic even before s1, which is why Celestia took her as her pesonal student. S3's finale was something I easily predicted halfway through s1, although I didn't expect it to happen so early. 
Besides, Twi had to prove herself in a multitude of ways prior to her ascension. She was pretty much the one who handled whatever bad situation happened in season premieres/finales, most of the time without Celestia's help. She deserver her rank.
The other 5, on the other hand, were merely helpers. They might be the embodiment of the elements of harmony but they're still... normal pones.
Edited by ExPro
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Hello everyone  :grin:

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The in world logic may be sound, but by the end of the day it is a series of stories written by writers. The urge to prevent a massive "Mary Sue" event is too strong. Good story telling typically does not have "and they all lived (as alicorns) happily ever after.".

In what way would it make any of them a "Mary Sue" ? How would going through the process of learning about their element of harmony and gaining enough understanding of that said element to ascend into an Alicorn would in any way make them resemble a self insert Oc from some fanfiction? This is actual legitimate character growth that could happen over time and culminate in the final reward of enlightenment, which is the topic of many a good story as well as many religions.

So again How does this not correlate with good story writing or good character development?  

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In what way would it make any of them a "Mary Sue" ? How would going through the process of learning about their element of harmony and gaining enough understanding of that said element to ascend into an Alicorn would in any way make them resemble a self insert Oc from some fanfiction? This is actual legitimate character growth that could happen over time and culminate in the final reward of enlightenment, which is the topic of many a good story as well as many religions.

So again How does this not correlate with good story writing or good character development?


"Mary Sue" and author insertion are not the same thing. And my Mary sue comment was directed at if they continued the series beyond that point (otherwise it wouldn't be too too bad, but still "happily ever after is a generally horrible way to end a story") . If they ended the series that way, I would be fine with it. But continuing after with "perfect" characters would make for a "Le sigh" from me, and I am sure plenty of others.

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"Mary Sue" and author insertion are not the same thing. And my Mary sue comment was directed at if they continued the series beyond that point (otherwise it wouldn't be too too bad, but still "happily ever after is a generally horrible way to end a story") . If they ended the series that way, I would be fine with it. But continuing after with "perfect" characters would make for a "Le sigh" from me, and I am sure plenty of others.

Even Celestia isn't perfect though (though she is better developed in the comics) and I'm sure they could handle it, but yes I would rather it be a series finale than continue on. As for the happily ever after part (which is boring I do admit), did Celestia live happily ever after? Did Luna? Luna was Trapped on the moon for a thousand years yes? Could you imagine of one of the mane six had something similar happen after they had become an Alicorn? Where they think its going to be smooth sailing but instead it causes more problems than it fixes? There are Many MANY ways you could go with such a plot device that doesn't lead to "happily ever after" 

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I'm on the fence with the idea of Mane Six Alicorns, it's just such a predictable direction to go in at this point and I'm not a fan of blatant predictability, though the writers have shown themselves not to be above it. But in-universe, the idea is completely sound; the Princess of Friendship can't exactly do her job without her friends, now can she?

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I can see all of them becoming alicorns:


Imagine, rather than each of them being princess of something specific, all six will be the 'Princesses of Friendship." After all, friendship is not a single entity (such as the moon or the sun), but rather something shared by multiple people (or ponies)


However, in order for this to work, it requires Shining Armor to become an alicorn. After all, love (what Cadance is princess of) falls in the same category as friendship, and requires at least two people.

Edited by StoneCold
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Maybe it will happen in the series finale, but I just don't see it happening in the middle of the story.

Episodes with the alicorn mane 6 would be so boring...

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What is so impossible about it when it is earned and not given?


If they were actually going to earn it, they would have done so already. They've put in a significant amount of work into defending Equestria, and have become just as well-learned in the concept of friendship as Twilight is.  


It's just not in the cards for them. At all. Because Hasbro wants Twilight to be the important one and that alone is enough to make it impossible. 


Even as a series finale, I don't see it happening. 




The other 5, on the other hand, were merely helpers.


Uhh, yeah, this about sums it up. The mane five are the "helpers." In other words, they're the sidekicks. They're never going to have a chance to prove themselves through leadership because that role is reserved for Twilight only. 

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