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The Mane Six and Ponybashing

Ziggy + Angel + Rain

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I agree 100% with this, and in general I just think obsessive character bashing is stupid - of course it's fine to not like a character and express your opinion, but why put so much energy (as some people seem to) into hating them instead of focusing on the stuff you DO like? But especially in a show like MLP, which as others have said has such a positive, inclusionary tone...Plus, some of it feels unnecessarily personal, like attacking the fans of the character as well as the character themselves ("why do people like X", "only idiots like X"). I love all of the M6, even though I have preferences, I'm sure we all do, but it still makes me sad to see any of them bashed. For me, they are all great characters, and while that's a subjective opinion, I do find it baffling how someone can even like the show if they hate one of the main characters THAT much. Not indifferent to or mildly dislike, but the kind of outright HATE that IRL is normally reserved for people who do terrible things, not a fictional pony who - gasp - is sometimes a bit arrogant, or doesn't always do the right thing!!


And there's no need to bash other characters to make your fave look good - that's a pretty ridiculous argument, especially considering since whoever your fave M6 is, whichever one you hate so much in canon is one of her best friends who she loves and cares about deeply, and indeed - even if you don't have to like the other pony personally - her relationships with them are a huge part of who *she* is. There's no need to even bring them into it - I'm not saying you have to love every character, and it's fine to talk about why you dislike them where it's appropriate (so, not in that pony's fanclub), but in general, I feel like fandom would be a much nicer place if we'd talk more about the things we do like/love about the show, instead of focusing on the negative all the time. :kindness:

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especially considering since whoever your fave M6 is, whichever one you hate so much in canon is one of her best friends who she loves and cares about deeply

^ This.  I'm reminded of "Mysterious Mare Do Well," and how much I was initially bothered by how her friends handled the situation.  That could have led to my seeing the others in a negative light, long-term.  BUT, Rainbow herself didn't hold anything against the other Mane Six.  They were friends at the start of it, and they were friends by the end of it.  Their friendship is stronger than that or any one thing, and it's simply not my place to hold a grudge.  Dashie didn't.




but in general, I feel like fandom would be a much nicer place if we'd talk more about the things we do like/love about the show, instead of focusing on the negative all the time

I agree.  It's a choice to focus on the negative or to dwell in "hate."  And even those who strongly dislike a pony could simply focus on the pony or ponies they do like.  I'd much rather talk about Rainbow than, for example, Snips and Snails.  (I don't even genuinely hate those two, either.)

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I'm fine with all ponies except Rarity. She annoys me

May I ask why? I mean you're allowed to dislike a character, but why do you find her annoying? Please don't just resort to she whines a lot, because there's more to Rarity than just whining and being a drama queen. She's one of the most complex characters on the show in my opinion.
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Let me guess... you started with Sonic Rainboom...

Even as a Dashlover, I appreciate Rarity and the strength of their friendship in that episode.  I've said it before, but Rares volunteered to be the test subject for Twi's spell.  And that was after she was seemingly the only one of Rainbow's friends who realized how nervous she really was.  And then, at the end of the episode, Dashie shrugged the whole thing off like it was no big deal.


That = friendship.  That's how I know Rainbow and Rarity are actually very good friends.  So I don't get why anyone would dislike Rarity on account of that episode.  They really do need a proper episode together, though.

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This seems to be some sort of stupid tribalism on the part of the fandom. People unabashedly putting out for their favorite characters and bashing others just to make themselves feel better and feel as if they're part of some kind of elite club.


The Mane 6 are all developing, fluid characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Unless you can come up with a sound, valid reason as to why you don't like one of them, don't even try to defend your own favorite. Don't ruin others' enjoyment of the show because of it.

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Even as a Dashlover, I appreciate Rarity and the strength of their friendship in that episode.  I've said it before, but Rares volunteered to be the test subject for Twi's spell.  And that was after she was seemingly the only one of Rainbow's friends who realized how nervous she really was.  And then, at the end of the episode, Dashie shrugged the whole thing off like it was no big deal.


That = friendship.  That's how I know Rainbow and Rarity are actually very good friends.  So I don't get why anyone would dislike Rarity on account of that episode.  They really do need a proper episode together, though.


I like Rainbow Dash too. It doesn't stop the fact that Rarity was an antagonist in that episode. When most people watch MLP for the first time, they would see Rarity and automatically think of her as a terrible character. Then when she does act terrible, they have enough evidence to dislike her and will not give her a chance. During the moment of the episode where Rarity was good, new bronies drowned her out.


A problem I have with some bronies, especially Rarity haters, is their lack of understanding of generosity. I think they believe that it's solely giving people lots of money all the time and never having anything for yourself except what you actually need. They also think that generosity is a black and white thing. If you aren't always generous, you're never generous. Also, Rarity is feminine. Feminine is considered bad by a lot of people, so she's automatically considered a bad person. I don't know why I waste my time defending Rarity. She will always have the most haters.

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A problem I have with some bronies, especially Rarity haters, is their lack of understanding of generosity. I think they believe that it's solely giving people lots of money all the time and never having anything for yourself except what you actually need. They also think that generosity is a black and white thing. If you aren't always generous, you're never generous. Also, Rarity is feminine. Feminine is considered bad by a lot of people, so she's automatically considered a bad person. I don't know why I waste my time defending Rarity. She will always have the most haters.

I think all of the Elements have been oversimplified and misunderstood at some point or another by the fandom.  If it's a pony they simply don't like, someone will constantly look for reasons they don't measure up to their personal Element.  Which is silly.  Because the Mane Six are all more complex than simply that ONE thing.  Than simply their respective Cutie Marks, as well.  No one, no matter how extraordinary they may be, can fit precisely into the same limited little category all of the time.  And if the Mane Six somehow managed that to the satisfaction of everyone, they'd be called "Mary Sues."  Besides: The moments where the ponies are seemingly at odds with their Elements are usually the moments they overcome an internal struggle and learn something / better themselves.


And the fandom oft holds members of the Mane Six to some ridiculously high standards; particularly where the Elements are concerned.  Without stopping to appreciate how they, themselves, might fare in that same situation.  The right thing to do (which is subjective, anyhow) is seldom the easy thing to do.

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in general, I feel like fandom would be a much nicer place if we'd talk more about the things we do like/love about the show, instead of focusing on the negative all the time.

Maybe but it would also become incredibly boring. People generally argue over negative stuff, if we start to focus on the positive only, there would be no discussion.

(I agree with the rest)

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nope, Pinkie pie or Twilight

Then Why do you hate Rarity? 


Is it because she's never generous? If that is so, then stop going to this site because you obviously don't really watch the show. That or you believe generosity is black and white. If you aren't always generous, you are never generous. If you ever want something, you are extremely greedy. Rarity had her moments, but so did everypony else. 


Is it because you believe Rarity is feminine? What is so wrong with being feminine? A Dog and Pony Show even teaches us that being ladylike doesn't make one weak. I'm a very feminine boy, so do you hate me even more? Not only am I feminine, I'm a guy who's feminine. 


Is it because she hates getting dirty? I HATE that. I know for a fact you would hate me if this and the previous statements are all reasons. Because I fit in those categories. Rarity will get dirty when she absolutely needs to, though. It's not like she will like another pony drown in mud because she doesn't want to touch it. (Though you would think she would.)


Is it because of the way she treats Spike? If I ever met you in real life, and someone offered to carry stuff for you, do not accept their offer or I will hate you and believe you are taken advantage of that other person. Seriously, Spike does it willingly. Also, you might as well hate all of the Mane Six except maybe Applejack because they are also "taking advantage of him." 


Is it because of that one time Rarity charmed Spike into giving her his birthday present? M A Larson, the writer of that episode, said that Rarity was just admiring it and had no intentions on taking it. Also, if Spike didn't give her the fire ruby, Spike would never return to normal. Rarity unknowingly and indirectly saved Spike's life. Now, tell me how that's a bad thing. (Unless you're a Spike hater too.)


Is it because of the way she treats Sweetie Belle? They're sisters! What do you expect? For them to always get along? In Sisterhooves Social, Sweetie Belle was dropped off at Rarity's house. Based on Rarity's reaction, she wasn't expecting her sister nor her parents to be there. If I lived alone, and my parents dropped off my sister at my house, I would be angry, too. Sweetie Belle did cause problems. I can relate to Rarity very well in that episode. (Yes, I have OCD, and that is probably the reason.) I'm also an artist, and when I'm working on something, I would rather have everything out. Also, regardless of intentions, don't touch other people's stuff. One the part where Rarity got angry at Sweetie Belle drawing her a picture, imagine if someone went to your house and made a picture for you, but doing so, they used very valuable objects of yours without your consent. Also, Rarity did willingly cover herself in mud during the race, so, she made up for it when Sweetie Belle was the one who constantly complained about Rarity. Rarity was the one who made things right. Also, in Sleepless in Ponyville, Sweetie manipulated Rarity. Rarity didn't want to go camping. Sweetie Belle was also happy when pulling the cart. Rarity even let Sweetie Belle have a break and let Scootaloo pull. Also, Rarity was very comforting to Sweetie Belle. Rarity and Sweetie Belle are sisters. Unlike with Applejack, Rarity plays the role of a sister rather than a mother, so that's why we see a lot more conflict between Rarity and Sweetie Belle than with Apple Bloom and Applejack. 


Is it because you hate her voice? I see, you also hate Princess Luna, original Derpy, Mrs. Cake, Photo Finish, Granny Smith, and anyone else voiced by Tabitha St. Germain. 


Is it because of her English accent? Yeah.... her accent isn't English. Nice try, though. It's transatlantic. Which, by the way, is not an actual accent. Everyone who speaks in a transatlantic accent is faking it. 


Is it because she loves fashion? If that is so, then I can't help you there. You're just so closed minded that you will hate a character for a harmless interest. 


Is it because she whines all time? No she doesn't I'm not even going to go there. In A Dog and Pony Show, she was being very manipulative to the Diamond Dogs who enslaved her! Other than that, she's doesn't usually whine. 


Is it because she only cares about her own self? If that was true, Green isn't your Color would have been very different. In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity wouldn't have told Twilight to find a spell to help Rainbow Dash. Rarity didn't make the Gala Dresses before she didn't want to be around her friends who were wearing terrible dresses. She wasn't even with them at the Gala, and she let her friends wear the ugly outfits and didn't even try to stop them from showing them off in a fashion show because even though she didn't like them, they did. In Filly Vanilli, if Rarity only cared about her self, she would have continued pestering Fluttershy into joining the Pony Tones and singing up front. She does pester Fluttershy, but she is understanding of her stage fright. Rarity does care a lot about others. Even to the point where she would go out of her comfort zone. 


Is it because her singing is terrible? I don't know what you're hearing, but I think her singing is amazing! That's just an opinion though...


Is it because you haven't seen Season 4? Watch Season 4! 


Is it because you just don't like her and lack any reason? Then that is the stupidest reason to hate her, and you're a lost cause. 


Whatever reason you have, I will most likely be able to counter it. 

I think all of the Elements have been oversimplified and misunderstood at some point or another by the fandom.  If it's a pony they simply don't like, someone will constantly look for reasons they don't measure up to their personal Element.  Which is silly.  Because the Mane Six are all more complex than simply that ONE thing.  Than simply their respective Cutie Marks, as well.  No one, no matter how extraordinary they may be, can fit precisely into the same limited little category all of the time.  And if the Mane Six somehow managed that to the satisfaction of everyone, they'd be called "Mary Sues."  Besides: The moments where the ponies are seemingly at odds with their Elements are usually the moments they overcome an internal struggle and learn something / better themselves.


And the fandom oft holds members of the Mane Six to some ridiculously high standards; particularly where the Elements are concerned.  Without stopping to appreciate how they, themselves, might fare in that same situation.  The right thing to do (which is subjective, anyhow) is seldom the easy thing to do.


I don't like Twilight Sparkle, and my reason is because we're too similar. I will still defend Twilight with my dying breath if that day ever came. Hey, the reason I started to like Rainbow Dash when I used to not like her was because I defended her when others said she wasn't loyal. Though anyone who believes Twilight doesn't live up to her element never watched the show or doesn't even know what element she represents. I will still defend Twilight for other reasons, though. I do love how some people say Twilight is Mary Sue because they are also saying I'm perfect because we have pretty much the same flaws. If her flaws aren't flaws, then neither are mine. :P Fluttershy is a bit harder for me to defend. I don't dislike her, but unlike Twilight, there's really nothing I like about her. Despite the dislike of Twilight, I do like some of her other qualities. Fluttershy is... boring... (No offense to those of you who like Fluttershy.) I used to like Fluttershy, but I don't because she's weak or extremely agressive. I prefer her when she's shy, but I don't like how she's weak and represents the element of kindness. That doesn't help with the stereotype. Though that's not exactly a good enough reason to dislike Fluttershy. She's just... boring. I don't like her, I don't dislike her. Though if I could come up with a good argument to defend Fluttershy, I will defend her, too. 

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It would be nice if members neither felt the need to ponybash nor felt they had to defend this or that pony.  I'm sorry for what Rarity appreciators have been subjected to by these forums and the fandom.  As my affection for Rainbow has grown, I've come to respect her friends more.  I can't both love her and hate any of her friends; it doesn't work that way.


And what some people in this fandom fail to realize is...  Flaws are GOOD.  Flaws are real and identifiable and interesting.  They leave room for growth.  None of the Mane Six are bad ponies; not even close.  Their virtues far outweigh their flaws, and their flaws help make them more real and complete.  They have good hearts and good intentions.


And they save the flipping world.

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You may wonder something. Why don't we let people have their opinions and their reasons on hating characters?


Well, some reasons just don't add up. I've seen some stupid and generic reasons on hating characters. "Pinkie Pie is annoying." Well annoying is a highly subjective thing. I could say I find Diamond Tiara annoying, but you don't me never shutting up about it and constantly reminding fans of it. "Rainbow  Dash is arrogant." "Rarity is selfish." "Applejack is boring." "Fluttershy is underdeveloped." "Twilight is also boring." All characters have flaws. That's how you make a good character. As long as the flaws aren't detrimental to the plot, what's to complain about?


Bottom line, it's more healthy to focus on why you love a character over why you hate one. And I will continue to love all of the mane six.

Edited by ChikoritaBrony
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It would be nice if members neither felt the need to ponybash nor felt they had to defend this or that pony.  I'm sorry for what Rarity appreciators have been subjected to by these forums and the fandom.  As my affection for Rainbow has grown, I've come to respect her friends more.  I can't both love her and hate any of her friends; it doesn't work that way.


And what some people in this fandom fail to realize is...  Flaws are GOOD.  Flaws are real and identifiable and interesting.  They leave room for growth.  None of the Mane Six are bad ponies; not even close.  Their virtues far outweigh their flaws, and their flaws help make them more real and complete.  They have good hearts and good intentions.


And they save the flipping world.


I disagree with you when you say that the fandom fails to realize that the flaws are good. I think they just only focus on the flaws of certain characters who give them bad first impressions. If what you said were true, then Applejack would be a lot more liked. The reason a lot of people dislike her is because her lack of flaws. (She does have flaws, but they fail to notice them.) 

You may wonder something. Why don't we let people have their opinions and their reasons on hating characters?


Well, some reasons just don't add up. I've seen some stupid and generic reasons on hating characters. "Pinkie Pie is annoying." Well annoying is a highly subjective thing. I could say I find Diamond Tiara annoying, but you don't me never shutting up about it and constantly reminding fans of it. "Rainbow  Dash is arrogant." "Rarity is selfish." "Applejack is boring." "Fluttershy is underdeveloped." "Twilight is also boring." All characters have flaws. That's how you make a good character. As long as the flaws aren't detrimental to the plot, what's to complain about?


Bottom line, it's more healthy to focus on why you love a character over why you hate one. And I will continue to love all of the mane six.

Unfortunately, it's not just the fandom that focuses on what they hate rather than what they love. People also hate others solely because of something they love. I think almost every brony knows that. 

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Unfortunately, it's not just the fandom that focuses on what they hate rather than what they love. People also hate others solely because of something they love. I think almost every brony knows that
That's kind of what I think. Why focus on something and dwell on it so much? That kind of stuff is not cool or funny or whatever they want to call it, it's annoying, tedious, and condescending. You may take glory in bashing something you hate due to bias. However, that does not mean people around you will.
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I disagree with you when you say that the fandom fails to realize that the flaws are good. I think they just only focus on the flaws of certain characters who give them bad first impressions.

That's where hypocrisy comes into play: Someone will defend or explain the flaws of a pony they like and then turn and blatantly attack the flaws of a pony they don't like.  They may acknowledge or appreciate the flaws of the former, but they fail to realize the hypocritical nature of their attacks.  Or the significance of all flaws, and that all these flaws are - if not capable of being appreciated - forgivable.  There is a filter conveniently in place that facilitates the vilification of one pony while the other is still held in high regard.

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That's where hypocrisy comes into play: Someone will defend or explain the flaws of a pony they like and then turn and blatantly attack the flaws of a pony they don't like.  They may acknowledge or appreciate the flaws of the former, but they fail to realize the hypocritical nature of their attacks.  Or the significance of all flaws, and that all these flaws are - if not capable of being appreciated - forgivable.  There is a filter conveniently in place that facilitates the vilification of one pony while the other is still held in high regard.

I think it's more blind hatred. If you hate someone, you only focus on their flaws... most people do. As a random person to list good things Hitler did, and they most likely won't be able to. That's how it is. People who hate me will think I'm annoying, I always throw temper tantrums, I won't shut up, and I talk about myself too much. People who like me will say I'm friendly, compassionate, intelligent, and fun to be around. I can be annoying, I do throw temper tantrums, I don't shut up easily, I talk about myself too much, I am friendly, I am campassionate, I am intelligent, and I am fun to be around. See what i mean? 

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Maybe but it would also become incredibly boring. People generally argue over negative stuff, if we start to focus on the positive only, there would be no discussion. (I agree with the rest)


But what's the point in discussing about whether or not Celestia is evil or whetever or not Twilight is a bad character ?

Because, in my opinion, if a discussion has no potential other than criticizing a character and make us feel less "bound" to the characters, the said discussion is pointless and worthless.


Discussing about why someone may or may not be hated is a thing. Discussing about why a fictionnal character may or may not be hated is another. You gain nothing from making a character look worse to you while you gain much more by thinking it is a good character that, while not perfect, is a kind being. :)


Instead of discussing only to make you feel worse than before the discussion, you should focus on discussing things worth being discussed.

EDIT: Of course, discussions can make you feel worse than before and yet be necessary or beneficial, but that's not the case here.

Edited by ConcorDisparate
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I think it's more blind hatred. If you hate someone, you only focus on their flaws... most people do. As a random person to list good things Hitler did, and they most likely won't be able to. That's how it is. People who hate me will think I'm annoying, I always throw temper tantrums, I won't shut up, and I talk about myself too much. People who like me will say I'm friendly, compassionate, intelligent, and fun to be around. I can be annoying, I do throw temper tantrums, I don't shut up easily, I talk about myself too much, I am friendly, I am campassionate, I am intelligent, and I am fun to be around. See what i mean? 

I do.  Hatred in general is blinding, and I think hatred is utterly wasted on the likes of colorful equines.  Failing to see past one's own hatred is actually a flaw in and of itself, and dwelling on hatred is a waste of time and life.  I know you were simply utilizing a "for example," but nopony is Hitler.  Not even the likes of Sombra.  When I see ponybashing I think of puerility.  And purposeful exaggeration; bashers will go to extraordinary lengths to disparage a pony they dislike.

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I like Rainbow Dash too. It doesn't stop the fact that Rarity was an antagonist in that episode. When most people watch MLP for the first time, they would see Rarity and automatically think of her as a terrible character. Then when she does act terrible, they have enough evidence to dislike her and will not give her a chance. During the moment of the episode where Rarity was good, new bronies drowned her out.


A problem I have with some bronies, especially Rarity haters, is their lack of understanding of generosity. I think they believe that it's solely giving people lots of money all the time and never having anything for yourself except what you actually need. They also think that generosity is a black and white thing. If you aren't always generous, you're never generous. Also, Rarity is feminine. Feminine is considered bad by a lot of people, so she's automatically considered a bad person. I don't know why I waste my time defending Rarity. She will always have the most haters.


Being a former Rarity hater who thankfully came to the light... I'm somewhat ashamed to say that you are spot-freakin'-on.


But to be fair, I think a lot of what drives distaste of *any* of the main characters is probably the application of some sort of black-and-white view of that character. All of the Mane Six are far more complex than they seem at first glance, so it'd be very easy for someone's first impression of them to be sorely mistaken.


Fortunately for Rarity, I'm not too proud to admit that I was wrong.  :rarity:

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It has become so easy these days, to bash mane 6, because it's the cool thing to do and because everyone say the same thing like screaming parrot.


Wanna see how easy it is?


Rainbow Dash is a huge a-hole

Fluttershy is a doormat

Rarity is a highsociety snob

Applejack is bland and forgettable

Pinkie Pie is annoying

Twilight Sparkle is a Mary Sue


See? Easy.

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I am going to keep this short and simple. Tearing other characters down does not elevate  other characters in the process, and doing as such tends to be  very not conducive for civil discussions. There is a time and a place for criticism (preferably constructive) but there is a fine between being critical and hypercritical.

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It's kind of an inevitable thing considering how passionate people can get about this show. 


What annoys me is that what could be interesting conversation devolves into petty infighting due to that kind of misplaced passion. I genuinely like to discuss with people with whom I don't necessarily agree with. You can get some interesting insights from such discussions. I think it's a shame and ultimately to our detriment that many people simply want to avoid talking about "negative" aspects of the show.


As for what I think of the Mane Six: I can't say I particularly like Pinkie Pie or Twilight these days.  I like Applejack even though I don't think she has much going for her. I have no real issues with Fluttershy, and Rarity and Rainbow Dash are my personal favorites.

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