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open Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot RP Thread (See OOC to join!)


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Copper smiled, then frowned as Colette asked him why he'd take off.  He shrugged.  But before he could speak, a lot of things happened too quickly for him to register.  First, Pinkie Pie showed up, then Colette said something about charges.


Wait, what was that last part?


"I think we're being too rough on Colette and Discord.  Having fun isn't a bad thing.  But maybe there's music for ALL of us to enjoy, perhaps?"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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  • 2 weeks later...


@@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Randimaxis, @,

Luna would land, her eyes still locked on the human girl before her. Without a word, she would walk towards their guest, wings upright. Her gaze would momentously shift to Discord before looking back. "Greetings human. I am the ruler of the night, and co-ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna." Though subtle, her voice would show a tad bit of venom. "We have heard quit a bit about thee, though most of it had been second hoof information." She would try nonchalantly to hide a sigh. "It appears that most of it is true...." she would trail off. "We where going to have the honor of inviting thee to a ball in thy honor, so that many of our subjects could be introduced to thee, but it appears such a gathering may no longer be needed."


"Speaking of which, thou art still invited to dinner this evening. There is much that we would like to discuses with thee, including the possible consequences of the stunt that yourself and Discord have pulled today...Tell me, is it your goal just to gain attention, or dose thou have an underling motive?" Luna's eyes would narrow even more.

  • Brohoof 1

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Oh-HO... so the Night Princess wanted to play, did she?  


Discord returned Luna's disapproving glance with a snarky smirk of his own.


"Well, aren't YOU simply radiant with charm and dignity today?  Certainly the proper way to greet guests into your kingdom, isn't it?  Careful, Luna..."


He moved up close enough to make eye contact with the dark blue alicorn.


"... you wouldn't want to give your human guest a NIGHTMARE, now would you?  I mean, I know you might not understand the actions of someone who did something upsetting being JUDGED by OTHERS... oh, wait!  Perhaps you do after all, hmmmmmmm..?"


He leaned over to Colette, speaking behind his paw to her.  "Remind me to tell you THAT tale later, my dear; it's a real hoot!"


He turned back to face the princesses, and folded his claw/paws behind his back as he began to pace while speaking... however, his head had become an owl's, complete with the wide-eyed gaze.


"Now... WHOOOOO has done anything wrong here, I ask you?  The music may indeed be loud, and the party may be wild... but WHOOOOOO has any actual grudge against this darling human here for wanting to share her performing skills with your fun-loving subjects - free of charge, no less!  Why, I'm certain the Flim Flam Brothers themselves would have made a MINT from her performance!"


He snapped, and >POOF!< there was a pony-shaped pair of Discords on either side of Colette (one with a bushy white mustache), both in striped shirts and straw hats.


"Brother dear, I do believe we've found the Perfect Performer!" 


"Absolutely, oh sibling of mine!  The musical monetary movement we could start with her would make us positively RICH!"


"Notoriously wealthy!"


"Completely cash-capable!"


Their words went back and forth between them, and they both leaned in on Colette, speaking in unison.


"Care to talk contracts?"


>POOF!<  Discord, himself once again, brushed a bit of dust from his shoulder before turning back to the Princ-



"OOH!  That was REALLY a good imitation!  You should play THOSE two in the EqE!  How did you-"


Uhm, Pinkie?  I wasn't done yet.


"Huh?  OH!  Sorry, Randi!  I'm 'backseat modding' again, right?"


It's okay; I'll get to you momentarily, Miss Pie; patience.


"Okie dokie lokie!"



AHEM... anyway, he turned back to the Princesses.


"So, you speak of consequences, dear Luna... but I ask you, consequences for WHAT, exactly?  Wanting to 'double' our fun?  Perhaps spreading joy among your deserving and eager subjects?  OOH!  Have we committed the CARDINAL SIN of... cleaning up after ourselves!?"


He put a paw to his forehead, taking a dramatic pose to show his extreme sorrow at having committed such a crime; he wanted to make a show of thumbing his... uhm, snout?... at authority in front of the impressionable young human, and even comically peeked an eye open at her to see if she was watching.  




After hamming it up a bit, he cleared his throat before he addressed Celestia directly.


"Now, if you actually have a REAL reason for acting so foalishly towards our esteemed guest, then please enlighten us... otherwise, you might wish to take a step or two back, my little ponies..."







"Oh!  Right... sorry!"


... ANYway...



... the Draconequus then stepped closer to Colette, standing defensively between the two irked alicorns and the human.


"Or are you attempting to show poor, dear Colette here how TYRANTS act - because you're both doing a fairly decent impression of such, I must say!  I mean, there's being a little heavy-hoofed..."


The look of utter distaste that crossed his features when he spoke next looked almost painful.


"... and then there's Tirek-level control.  I believe you know my opinion on THAT, already."


Pinkie Pie stepped forward, a look of confusion on her muzzle.


"Wait... so you DIDN'T actually do anything wrong?"  


Discord put his claw over his chest, and his paw into the air.


"Cross my heart and hope to die; stick a cupcake in my eye, Pinkster."


"But then, why is everypony so angry?"


Discord glanced back to look at Colette and shrugged.  She turned to face Celestia, a look of such innocent questioning staring directly at the benevolent ruler.


"Aren't we supposed to all be pals?  Besties?  Chums?  "  Pinkie's bottom lip began to quiver, and her eyes grew wide and wavery.  

"... friends?"


Discord said nothing further for the moment, but he lifted an eyebrow as he stared pointedly at the Princesses.

  • Brohoof 2

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@, @, @@Randimaxis, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin,


Applejack frowned as Colette grabbed a a very tiny Discord and whispered something into his ear before letting him go. Discord was up to somethin', but she couldn't put her hoof on it. "Twi? We may need ta keep a close eye on both the human and Discord." the farm pony whispered to her friend.


"Well, if helping me put on an awesome show and giving ponies taste of rock music is a bad thing, then I guess we're both guilty as charged!" the human then seemed to shift her gaze to Cadence, then Twilight as she addressed them. "So, shall you all convene to determine the charges, your highnesses?"


One thing was for sure: this human was quite a bit more brazen and bold than the first one! In fact, she seemed to relish the attention!


"I think we're being too rough on Colette and Discord. Having fun isn't a bad thing. But maybe there's music for ALL of us to enjoy, perhaps?"


"Thank you kindly Copper, but I think the royals can speak for themselves just fine!"


And speak for themselves they did. Luna made her way to the human, wings splayed and gaze piercing and icy. Just wonderful. Not even a minute into meeting the human and already Luna seemed less than amused. was"Greetings human. I am the ruler of the night, and co-ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna. We were going to have the honor of inviting thee to a ball in thy honor, so that many of our subjects could be introduced to thee, but it appears such a gathering may no longer be needed."


@@GeneralDirection, @@Yoshi89, @, @,


"Oh no, don't call it off, your highness! I was only giving some inquiring minds but a SAMPLE of the music I play; just consider this lil' get-together the hors-d'oeuvres, and the ball the main course. To call off the party would be denying more the chance to meet us! Wouldn't you all agree?" the human said, the last part of her statement imploring the crowd. Their response was loud cheering, stomping, whinnies and whistles; Applejack just made out the large pink bow that belonged to a certain little sister, and narrowed her eyes. "'Scuse me a sec, Twi. Ah see a filly that Ah told ta stay home!"


The farm pony made her way to the front of the crowd as Discord chimed in and took the last wind out of the Night Princess's sails.


"Well, aren't YOU simply radiant with charm and dignity today? Certainly the proper way to greet guests into your kingdom, isn't it? Careful, Luna..." He then leaned in close adding, "... you wouldn't want to give your human guest a NIGHTMARE, now would you? I mean, I know you might not understand the actions of someone who did something upsetting being JUDGED by OTHERS... oh, wait! Perhaps you do after all, hmmmmmmm..?"


Applejack was just behind Apple Bloom as Discord paced back and forth with an owl's head, then visibly cringed at the sight of Discflim and Discflam. Did he HAVE to bring those two up??


Applejack raised an eyebrow as Discord whispered something to the girl, piquing her suspicions even further.


Discord did bring up a fair point, however. What did the girl do, other than play something REAL loud??


"Tell you what. Why doesn't everyone head home and get ready for tonight's party whilst the esteemed princesses convene and I take on Mount Giftsmore? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come to castle tonight, 'cause I'm goin' alllll out and showing you ponies how to really ROCK." Colette then turned her gaze to Luna, her tone lowering in firm defiance. "Consequences be damned."


Applejack's mouth hung open. Was this girl really the female representative of the humans?? If so, manners were gonna be learned into her sooner or later...!

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Gavin accepted the cloak given to him and put it on. He was still in a bit of shock over what had just transpired. He walked through what looked like a wall of a statue, then appeared in some strange world with talking ponies. Gavin still can't believe it. 


After accepting the tea and taking a sip, Gavin found it quite good.  At least these ponies know how to make some good tea, he thought as looked around the room. But before he could get any more observations, The door opened with rock music blaring through. Gavin gave the ponies around him a questioning look as he realized that it was music from home. He heard it on the radio from time to time. "Isn't that- " Gavin said before Moonlit cut him off. "Um... Gavin, we need to go. I want to get you to your room to settle down before all Equestria goes into chaos thanks to that horrid music."


Gavin was about to utter a response but before he could he was nudged to get a move on. He grudgingly followed and thanked the other ponies in the room before being ushered off. 




Fluttershy crying seemed to get Discord's attention. He quickly poofed in and gave her some ear muffs before continuing the concert. Fluttershy noticed the draconequus' gift and thanked him softly. The music became much more tolerable through the muffs. Fluttershy looked around the column again to see the princesses on stage discussing something. And hPinkie was there with a large pile of presents! Oh no no no....I hope those presents don't fall on anypony... She thought as the muffled voices continued. "Maybe I should take this off," Fluttershy muttered to herself as she took them off.




It seemed the human was getting punished for the concert? She shouldn't have to be punished for playing music! It was fun to listen to until it got loud, but good nonetheless. Fluttershy mustered any courage she had and flew slowly toward the stage and landed on the far edge. 


"I don't think there should be consequences for this. It might have been too loud, but I don't think it was the human's fault!" Fluttershy said just barely loud enough for everypony on stage to hear.






Twilight cast a small soundproof bubble around her and Spike as the music got even louder. Her mane and tail also magically recovered to its usual state. "Yes Spike, the music isn't that bad. But it is much too loud. Obviously, this is Discord's chaos magic at hand, I don't think that human could possibly pull all those speakers from her home." As the music died down thanks to the arrival of Princess Celestia. The bubble collapsed and Twilight did walk forward towards the stage, with ponies parting way for the Princess of Friendship. Applejack appeared out of nowhere with Pinkie, which didn't really surprise her, since you know Pinkie.


When Applejack whispered into her ear about keeping watch, Twilight nodded her head then flew up slowly into the air to address the human, Colette's call for charges. 


Twilight felt that Colette didn't need to be punished for this. All the ponies here were having fun and enjoying themselves. Twilight felt that this taste of what Colette called rock music should be studied a bit more. I think I will need another taste of this for research purposes of course, but another time...  The major problem with what had transpired was the fact that the volume got WAY out of hand. Twilight saw her Fluttershy appear on stage and give her support to Colette. 


"Princess Luna, I don't think we need to go that far," she began. "Colette is far from home and maybe wants to make some new friends. For all I know, this is a human friendship ritual." Twilight landed near Fluttershy and stood by her. "If this is the human making new friends, then we should let her! But I think it should be a lot quieter next time," She gave a quick glare to Discord.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Taialin, @, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Randimaxis, @@Derplight Sperkle,

Luna would focus on Discord, her glare would even give a cockatrice a run for its money. "I see...," she would say in return to Discord's remarks. "Perhaps while thou are telling the human of our past, it may be best to also include yourself, and why thou where encased in stone for so many of years, only to be re encased shortly upon thy escape."


"We have no issue with anypony wishing to 'double thy fun,' however one must take into consideration all those that thy actions may affect. All ponies and creatures that where within range of that abomination of a sound system. Every bat-pony in Canterlot may have suffered permanent hearing damage because of both of your negligence."


The alicorn would cool down a bit as she listened to Twilight and her friends weigh in. "Perhaps they are correct in a sence, however numerous Canterlot ordinances have been breached here today. Fluttershy and Twilight do bring many of good points however." Luna's eyes would dart between the human and Discord. "Though not as severe as I had originally wished, I believe I have come up with a fair punishment. Since you are a guests in Equestria, I believe it would be beneficial to both of thee to spend some time studying Equestrian Etiquette."  With a glow of her horn, a VERY thick book would appear near her. "We are sure that thou will find it most enlightening."


Luna would slowly walk up closer to the human and look her straight in the eye. "We shall look forward to thy future acoustic performances." Backing away, she would put a hoof to her eye and then point at both Discord and Collette. "Also, this dinner in thy honor is a formal affair," looking over Collette from head to tow, she would add.

  • Brohoof 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Derplight Sperkle@Yoshi89 - @DwhitetheGamer - @Fresh Nonsense - @Taialin



Discord watched as the others said their piece, yawning as Luna made her demands of he and his new friend.  Sighing, he folded his arms in front of him, a skeptical, bored look on his face.


"Yes, yes... of course you'd want something to be a FUNLESS as possible; and I suppose we have no choice in the matter, either?  Typical - but NOT impossible to achieve, I suppose."


He gave a long, drawn-out and loud groan, then turned his eyes toward the gathering of ponies, hidden behind the slits of his eyelids.


"But the party YOU have planned had best entertain our two-legged friend, here - it simply wouldn't DO to have a guest present who finds what you have to offer DULL and DREARY... or would you want word to get around that our esteemed princesses have lost their knack for showing their visitors a good time?  Or did your experience with the Yaks teach you nothing?"


That last comment was aimed at Twilight Sparkle; he grinned, hoping the challenge to entertain such a young and free spirit would keep them occupied... especially if they wanted to keep a good reputation.






He then turned to Colette, smiling from ear to ear.


"Now, my fine new friend - how would you like to get right to your new home, hmmmm?  Allow me..."




A snap of his eagle claw, and the two of them vanished right in front of everyone.


Pinkie Pie blinked, then turned back to look at the wall of gifts.


"Awwww... I gotta move all this AGAIN?"






Colette came out of a puff of smoke followed by the draconequus.  They were in a nicely-sized room with a simple (yet comfy-looking) bed, a plain, sturdy-looking desk, and not much else.  It looked suitable for living, but there wasn't a scrap of decoration anywhere to be had.


Discord dusted himself off, then looked around.


"Well, this is the room they have prepared for you... I am SO sorry.  Such BOREDOM hardly suits you... tell you what, why don't you tell me how you'd like it?  I am a fair hand at decorating, you know..."


He examined his claws, giving Colette a sidelong glance and smile.


"What's your taste, my dear?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Randimaxis, @@Derplight Sperkle, @, @@Yoshi89, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Fresh Nonsense, @@Hypn0ticD
The first thing Princess Celestia registered was her sister showing up behind her, probably for the point of chastising Discord for causing a ruckus. Again. Discord did seem to have a special sort of talent nowadays that meant he was very good at causing chaos and making lots of ponies angry while still not hurting anypony. He also happened to figure out how to dance behind the line of propriety such that everypony was always complaining about him, but nopony could do much about it.
Just as he had done now. Had he broken some Canterlot ordinance? Absolutely—Celestia could surely find some piece of legislation from years past that stated that noise before or after a certain time of day had to be kept below a certain level. But she could do the same for half of the ponies in Canterlot. Celestia was not one to enforce the letter of the law for some beings and the spirit of it for others, so why should Discord be any different?
And that was notwithstanding the fact that she would have to put the human down on that list of breaking the law as well. And while she was not the most . . . courteous of individuals, charging a guest whom she played a part in inviting was not something she was keen on doing. She was not a vindictive ruler, and she had no plans on starting to be one to any of her ponies, and that included—once again—Discord.
And the time when she had invited Twilight and her friends to the Gala. Or when she invited Discord to the same. What happened to that Celestia? The one who disregarded the desires of the elite to have a formal and delicate affair where she would have to do nothing but greet all the ponies who expected one in the first half and play some social fencing in the second? That party was one just screaming for a little pepper to lighten up the mood and make things less boring for all involved.
It just so happened that she liked her everyday Canterlot more natural.
Luna and the others said it best when they suggested that the volume be turned down next time; she herself was normally fine with impromptu concerts, so long as they didn't shatter nearby windows. So Luna left with that suggestion, dropping an enormous book at her feet. Celestia recognized that book—it was a philosophical discussion about civics, civil discourse, debate, sense, and consciousness that only a Ph.D could find anything interesting about. She chuckled good-naturedly. With a wink of magic, she replaced the tome with a leaflet for travelers that pointed out the main differences between Equestrian culture and most others. Hopefully, that also covered human culture.
And suggesting that the dinner be formal? Well, honestly, Celestia was hoping it wouldn't come to that—she was never one for white-tie dinner parties. And given the little she had seen of Colette so far, there was very little chance the event would turn out that way. Best not to make more of a ruckus than she had to, and maybe best to embrace the madness. In a sense.
"I agree with my sister and the others; the occasional unscheduled concert or public 'practice session' does no harm. The shaking loose of the foundations of nearby buildings, however, does." Princess Celestia walked up to the human and addressed her at eye level (something she didn't have the opportunity to do very frequently). "I do not believe we've been acquainted yet. I am Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria, along with my sister."
Princess Celestia put on an apologetic look. "I am sorry that our first meeting has to be like this, but my sister is right. You have 'disturbed the peace,' in a sense, and I am forced to charge you." Celestia steeled her gaze and narrowed her brow just a bit. Not quite an angry look, but a severe one. It wasn't one Celestia had to put on often. "Colette Irving, you are hereby sentenced to attend your gathering this evening, where you must show us what other kinds of music you can play."
And with that, Celestia dropped her façade and winked. "I hope that will be acceptable?"

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@@Derplight Sperkle,


Inkwell and Spell Caster found themselves smiling at the boy's reaction; it was a marked improvement over Alex's lackadaisical demeanor. Perhaps he will appreciate this opportunity far more as well!


"We have so much to discuss with you, Master Wilson, but we must hurry and get you settled in." Inkwell said as he went to open the door "There'll be a party held in the castle's ballroom in your—"


Inkwell was cut off by a hard wave of rock accompanied by the lyrics to "Staring at the Sun"— a distinctly human song.


"Isn't that- " "Um... Gavin, we need to go. I want to get you to your room to settle down before all Equestria goes into chaos thanks to that horrid music." Moonlit Cast said, cutting Gavin off.


"CONFOUND THAT GIRL!" Spell Caster fumed as he led the way out of the castle. "I'm sure Celestia will NEVER hear the end of it from the elites and night guard! She'll be lucky if Princess Luna or Twilight don't lecture her to death!"


"There's also the matter of Discord colluding with her! We have to get her away from him, because he's up to something, and it can't be good!" Inkwell added. "Let's just say your new roommate is quite... Lively."


The three ponies led the boy out of the castle with - thankfully - no interruptions. They hailed another arranged taxi - whom the driver was not named Dodric - and headed off to their destination.


((This next part is just describing what's going on, so Gavin can record around him...))


Ponies of just about every color went about their business as they traversed the quaint stone streets and made their way in and out of the medieval buildings. Some had wings and flew, others had horns that emanated visible magic. A few of the denizens even shimmered and sparkled in the sunlight.


A few of the citizens were making comments about the strange song; some moved their heads and hooves to the music, others grimaced and made what could be assumed as snide remarks to one another. Whomever was playing this music was certainly wasn't shy about making their presence known!


The music got louder as the cab continued on its way, to the point the cab driver pulled out a pair of earmuffs; Inkwell and Spell Caster had to make due with plugging their ears with their hooves.


Before long, the scholars caught sight of the crest of what was hooves down the largest pile of gift boxes they'd laid eyes on.


"... I see at least one of Equestria's heroes are here." Spell Caster said, craning his neck. "And it seems half of Canterlot is here as well!" Inkwell groaned.


By this time the taxi driver stopped at the rear of the crowd, and whistled at its sheer size. "Looks like that 'Umane gots itself quite an audience! Issit gonna play at the castle toonight?"


"We'll just have to see what the Princesses have to say about it... Inkwell said, sighing.


He paid the driver as Spell Caster hopped out and looked to the boy expectantly. "Let's head around to the back door. Unless you're up for stealing a bit of your roommate's thunder, that is!"

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@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @, @@Fresh Nonsense, @@Randimaxis, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Zhooves,


Up until now, Colette had thought princesses - especially fairytale pony princesses like the one before her - always carried themselves with the utmost beauty, elegance, grace, decorum, and civility - yet here Luna was, giving Discord the SALTIEST of glares. Three out of five ain't bad, especially when said glare was impressive; even Colette would've buckled had she not realized she was surrounded by a race of smol ponies, hearts, and the color pink.


"Perhaps while thou are telling the human of our past, it may be best to also include yourself, and why thou where encased in stone for so many of years, only to be reencased shortly upon thy escape."


Ooooo, shots fired from Blue Princess!


Luna then chastised them both for the loud performance. Colette sighed internally at that. If only Metal Pony had more fortitude!


Discord remained unruffled at this. "Yes, yes... of course you'd want something to be a FUNLESS as possible; and I suppose we have no choice in the matter, either? Typical - but NOT impossible to achieve, I suppose."


"Well, your majesty, two ponies overheard and inquired about my music, and I played for them." Colette began. "Discord here just helped get my music out there in his own way! I for one say good on 'im! No sense in continuing if all I get are those who can't take it!"


"I don't think there should be consequences for this," a soft voice said, just barely loud enough to hear. Colette turned to see a soft yellow winged pony nearby. "It might have been too loud, but I don't think it was the human's fault!"


"Princess Luna, I don't think we need to go that far," the purple princess said, joining the yellow pony. "Colette is far from home and maybe wants to make some new friends. For all I know, this is a human friendship ritual."If this is the human making new friends, then we should let her! But I think it should be a lot quieter next time," she added, casting a glare towards Discord.


"I promise I won't be that loud from here on out!" Colette said with a smirk. Friendship ritual. Yes, go with that! We're not being total asshats! Nope!'


"Perhaps they are correct in a sense," Luna began, seemingly resigning to the others' opinion. "However, numerous Canterlot ordinances have been breached here today."


It seemed the blue princess did not lose her resolve after all. Luna's horn glowed as she magicked the largest tome of etiquette Colette laid eyes on. "We are sure that thou will find it most enlightening."


Luna closed the gap between herself and Colette, adding "we shall look forward to thy future acoustic performances."


Luna then gave both her and Discord the apparently universal "I'm watching you" gesture as she placed the tome at Colette's feet. "Also, this dinner in thy honor is a formal affair."


"Uuuuugh, God no. Are you serious?!" Colette groaned. If there was one thing she absolutely couldn't stand, it was formal affairs. Too stuffy, uncomfortable, and BORING. This was gonna be a loooong night!


"But the party YOU have planned had best entertain our two-legged friend, here - it simply wouldn't DO to have a guest present who finds what you have to offer DULL and DREARY..." Discord began. "Or would you want word to get around that our esteemed princesses have lost their knack for showing their visitors a good time? Or did your experience with the Yaks teach you nothing?"


"What, Yaks? Here??"


A flash of pale golden magic caught Colette's eye. Glancing back at the tome, Colette found that it was now a single leaflet.


"I agree with my sister and the others; the occasional unscheduled concert or public 'practice session' does no harm. The shaking loose of the foundations of nearby buildings, however, does." the queen horse said, making her approach. "I do not believe we've been acquainted yet. I am Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria, along with my sister."


Princess Celestia was right in front of her now; Colette knew the white mare was tall, but didn't imagine she'd tower over her!


"I am sorry that our first meeting has to be like this, but my sister is right. You have 'disturbed the peace,' in a sense, and I am forced to charge you." Celestia said, a forlorn look upon her face.


'What?! I was only bluffing!'


Princess Celestia steeled her gaze. Shit, it looked like she was serious!


"Colette Irving, you are hereby sentenced to attend your gathering this evening, where you must show us what other kinds of music you can play." the princess then dropped her façade with a wink. "I hope that will be acceptable?"


"You'd better prepare more earmuffs then, 'cause things are gonna get--"


"Now, my fine new friend - how would you like to get right to your new home, hmmmm? Allow me..."




And just like that, the Draconequus and human were gone.

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Pripyat Pony, @@DwhitetheGamer, @, @@Zhooves, @@Randimaxis,


"Awwww... I gotta move all this AGAIN?" Pinkie Pie groaned as she gazed up at the mountain of gifts she had brought.


"Don't worry, Ah'll help out," Applejack said, placing a firm hoof over her sister's shoulders. "just as soon as I get Apple Bloom on the next train back to Ponyville." Applejack gave her sister a hard glare, which the filly returned.


"Ah can help, Applejack! Ah'm not a baby anymore, and besides, Ah got here an' met Colette before any a' you did!"


Applejack gave her sister an even harder glare, then sighed. "We're gonna talk 'bout this later, but you can stay. For now. But you're goin' back home in the morning!"


"Fine! Now let's get those presents moved!"


Applejack then turned to address the the crowd. "Y'all heard Colette! Why doesn't everypony else head on home and get ready for the party tonight? Find somethin'..." as much as she wanted to avoid wearing such, grimaced as she said it. "Fancy. This is gonna be a-" Applejack sighed. "Formal gatherin'."


@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @@Fresh Nonsense, @,


Applejack then waited until the masses dispersed before turning to her friends. "Alright, y'all! We got a lotta presents and not a whole a' time ta move 'em, so we're gonna need all yer help."


Applejack then glanced at the front door before turning back to her friends, leaning in conspiratorially. "Ah have a feelin' Discord's up ta somethin', but Ah don't know what! What Ah do know is he shouldn't spend too much time with the human - for her sake! Let's see if we can interrupt whatever it is that Discord's doin and bring the gifts into the living room?"

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Copper merely blinked several, and I mean, SEVERAL times after seeing all this. He was too confused at all of this to even acknowledge the princesses' appearances. He spoke in a rather nervous tone in his voice to the princesses, "I hope the music's not too loud this time. The noise kind of scared me."


He shook his head, not sure of what to do next. He then thought about the gathering, where he asked, "Is the gathering in your castle, your highness?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"--LOUD AS F-" before she could finish what she was going to say, Colette found herself coughing a bit and waving away smoke. Looking around, she found "What the - oh yeah." Magical talking pony land powered by hearts, magic, friendship and the dreams and wishes of little girls.


Looking up to the Draconequus, she found him to be looking around the room with a disapproving frown.

"Well, this is the room they have prepared for you... I am SO sorry. Such BOREDOM hardly suits you..."


Colette looked around her room as well, frowning thoughtfully. Soft pink hearts lined between thick green and purple stripes upon the walls, a simple, yet austere Victorian era writing desk, and what Colette could assume was a queen sized bed complete with a plush, skull and crossbones bed set - something clearly not Equestrian in origin.


"Well~, less is more, Discord!" she said, going over to a box of rolled up posters. Taking up a poster in each hand, she turned back and unrolled them, revealing one to say "Life Is Peachy" and the other saying something about "Things I'll say when I beat you at something called 'video games'".


"The less Equestrian style there is, the more I can decorate with my own - no offense to you, but I just don't do anything girly if it can be avoided!"


"Tell you what, why don't you tell me how you'd like it? I am a fair hand at decorating, you know..."


Colette crooked an eyebrow at this.


"Whaddya I have to do in return?? Give up my first born? Sign my soul away with my own blood? Or do you just use me as a puppet and make all of Equestria burn??"




@@DwhitetheGamer, @@GeneralDirection, @@Yoshi89, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Zhooves, @@Fresh Nonsense, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @,


"I hope the music's not too loud this time. The noise kind of scared me."


Applejack and Apple Bloom had already begun gathering gifts and heading toward the front door. Their ears swiveled around as one of the guests said something. They both turned to see that several had remained behind and were just standing there.


"Is the gathering in your castle, your highness?"


As tempted as she was to answer for the princesses, Applejack held her tongue, and was thankful that Apple Bloom did the same. They instead looked to each princess, wondering which one would answer...

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Discord watched as Colette explored her surroundings. She was a scrappy little thing, full of fire and life... reminded him of himself, in a younger age - well, at least as far as humans go, he supposed. He DID enjoy her feisty, 'thumb-my-nose-at-authority' attitude; that made it fun to be around her.


And Discord was all about having fun... though WHOSE fun was always a matter of perspective.


But as it went, he did have an agenda to keep up, so...


"The less Equestrian style there is, the more I can decorate with my own - no offense to you, but I just don't do anything girly if it can be avoided!"


The draconequus raised an eyebrow. "So you don't do 'girly', eh? Then might I offer some advice - should you happen to meet an alabaster pony by the name of Rarity... steer clear, else you'll get a point-blank, double-barreled dose of 'girly'."


The Fashionista had her moments, true - but this was about ingratiating himself to the human; she seemed farther from Rarity than anypony else, so a warning couldn't hurt. Besides, the misunderstandings such a warning could cause might be fun.


Discord grinned as she spoke of what he might have wanted from her... and so, the opportunity presents itself, he thought.


"Whaddya I have to do in return?? Give up my first born? Sign my soul away with my own blood? Or do you just use me as a puppet and make all of Equestria burn??"


"Oh, Colette... you can keep your first-born; I would prefer NOT to have to deal with a child, regardless of what kind of child it may be! And why would I have you sign your soul away? Without soul, how could you make such fantastic music? And the puppet thing..?"


In his own mind, he laughed maniacally... but his face simply smiled.


"... well, two out of three ain't bad." He chuckled to take some of the bite out of the words. "But honestly, my days of burning Equestria are..." Why lie? "... few and far between, these days. I admit, I haven't the best of reputations amongst the locals, but they've convinced me that it might be best to try my paws at something else. And so, here I am, doing my utmost to be nice and welcome our guests accordingly."


He bowed to Colette, doing his utmost best to be cordial with her.


"But you ask what I'd like in return? Well, I suppose NOW is a better time than any to discuss that 'favor' I spoke of earlier, hmmmmmm?"


He moved in close, used his tail as a hand to (gently) grip her right shoulder as he leaned down to speak into her left ear.


"You see, I have a... present... I've been working on for you humans, but unfortunately I seem to be missing some key ingredients. Key ingredients that would make ALL the difference in its' creation. That, my dear, is where YOU come in."


He locked eyes with the human girl; a force of chaos eye-to-eye with humanity.


"You see, I require a bit of hair from the other human here - just a pinch would do the trick - but as you've seen, the denizens of this land are ALWAYS ruining my fun; they probably won't let the two of us stay together for long - mark my words. Because of this, chances are they won't allow me to ask this DIRECTLY of him... but they wouldn't think TWICE about the two humans hanging out together! It would be the perfect chance to gather that little bit of hair for me... and to help me put together this FINE present for our human ambassadors!"


He grinned; inside, he held his mental breath... but it had to have a proper topper to the cheesecake he was offering. Well, she DID seem to enjoy the anti-authority vibe... and she came across as a tad competitive, as well...


"So, would you be willing to assist me in this endeavor and help me gather this pesky, yet most necessary ingredient? Or would it simply be easier to say no... and allow our Royal Hineys the chance to lord over us BOTH some more?"


He snapped, and what appeared to be two human butts were protruding from the wall: One was a bright white, and had a sun on it - the other, a dark blue one emblazoned with a moon. As they spoke, their cheeks moved like lips - to Colette, it was kinda like that 'Ace Ventura' movie... except it was JUST their flanks.


"Ohhhh, let's make sure we do our utmost BEST to see that horrible, horrible human is stuffed into a dress and made to curtsy and be ladylike!" said Sunbutt.


"Indeed! And should we press the same idea onto the other human, then the CONTROL shall be DOUBLED!" chimed in Moonbutt.


Then they both laughed, and the air began to smell kind of funny before Discord sent the Booty Princesses on their way with another snap of his claws.


"I, for one, would LOVE to present you with this gift, fully finished, RIGHT in front of their muzzles... after all, they already believe I'm incapable of kindness or generosity - the act alone would blow their equine minds! Plus... free gift, right?"


He leaned in closely, taking on a conspiratorial air.


"All I would need is a lock of his hair - merely a pinchful - and for you to keep quiet about this. After all, if they thought for a minute that I was doing ANYTHING, they would automatically assume it's THE... WORST... POSSIBLE... THING, and would stop me. But YOU, my dear Colette... YOU could help me prove to them that I can be kind and generous when I so choose to be."


He grinned slyly.


"Not to mention, of course, that my gift will be SO absolutely incredible - you've already seen my abilities firsthand; imagine what someone such as myself could come up with for a gift?"


He looked around the room again, then closed his eyes and snapped his fingers.




The room around them stretched and changed, reshaping itself around the two of them, until it looked like the inside of a rock 'n' roll tour bus. From the long and comfy-looking couches to the table covered with playing cards and bottles of cold, crisp cider to the rack of guitars hanging in the back... it looked like she'd climbed onto Ozzy's tourbus - and SHE was The Ozzman!


"Besides... friends help each other, don't they? Here I've helped you NOT ONLY to decorate the room here, but I was instrumental in seeing to it that YOU were the author of what was undoubtedly the LOUDEST concert Equestria has ever heard! Shouldn't such generosity be returned?"


He fluttered his eyelids at her, hoping the extra twist of mischievous cuteness would convince her to help.


After all, the spell called for these ingredients to be 'taken, not asked'; though the idea of trying to sneak some hair off the humans' heads had it's appeal, the possible chaos of having them take the hair from EACH OTHER was simply an added bit of brilliance on his own part.


"What do you say, my dear Colette? Are you game?"




Oh gosh, this is BAD...


Rainbow Dash had been making her way around, trying to find where everypony had gone off to - the music earlier had drawn her in this direction, but then it had stopped... and RD had gotten herself turned around trying to find somepony she knew.




It was her powers of observation during flight that had helped her see the flash of light from the window, and her natural curiosity led her to it - can't hurt to take a quick peek; I'm already lo-... umm, TURNED AROUND... so why not - but what she saw inside chilled her to the very bone.


It looked like a human - HAD to be a human - with none other than Discord! THAT wasn't a good sign at all.


If only I could hear what they're saying... but this is STILL bad, no matter HOW you look at it!


All she could do was watch and try to take note of what they did... and from the look of it, the draconequus was getting all sorts of conspiratorial in there. They BOTH were.


DEFINITELY not good.

  • Brohoof 2

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@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@GeneralDirection, @@Yoshi89, @@Pripyat Pony, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Fresh Nonsense, @@Randimaxis, @, @@Zhooves, @@Hypn0ticD,


Luna grumbled to as both Collette and Discord vanished from right in front of them. To be honest, this day had gone far worse than even herself had produced. Now to top it all off, her sister had changed her punishment.


She would sit, still facing the spot that the human and Discord had vacated just moments earlier when her ear would twitch as she heard s familiar voice fallowed by questions from her subjects. The gears in her head would begin to move before an uncertain smile would begin to form on her muzzle. This extra commotion had taken away from the time needed for a proper gathering.


She Would turn to face the crowd of ponies. "Yes my subject. The gathering shall be held at Canterlot Castle. Anypony that would like to attent has just two small tasks. The fist, help Miss Pie transport all of her lovely gifts to the ballroom. The second...show up in thy Galla best we want to put our best hoof forward after all, with all the class that is befitting such a guest."


"Rarity," she would call out, "Has anypony seen Rarity? I am in dire need of her assistance. If anypony happens to see her, please have her meet me in my chambers as soon as possible."

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Copper nodded at the Moon Princess for answering his question. And it seemed like a simple two tasks. As per his norm, he was on the ball for the job he was going to do. "Yes, your highness."




He sprung into action, carrying the required supplies to the castle, and making sure, to the best of his ability, that nothing was dropped, as he went to the Canterlot Castle.

Edited by Hypn0ticD
Inserted mentions.
  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@,@@Hypn0ticD, @@Taialin

@@Pripyat Pony

North watched as things played out around them. He appeared a bit confused at all the things that went on, the sudden appearance of royalty and other well known faces. As the sound of the music died out and things seemed calmer, he took out the earplugs that had been generously placed in his ears.


"This is indeed interesting. New kinds of music, chaos and the sudden appearance of order."


He then took note of what the princess of the night said, about the event, and the help they'd need with the gifts.






"It also seems our ticket to the main event is just to carry some packages for the pink one. I bet you can carry quite a few with ye magic, Clover." he spoke, before scooping up a bunch of gifts with his wings, and started to slowly follow the others to where they were to be placed. "And mayhap dress formally..." he continued, almost shuddering at the thought. "Ye coming, or have plans changed?"

Edited by Zhooves
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So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Taialin, @


Amidst the confusion, Vinyl Scratch had stepped away, and chose to silently watch a safe distance away from the crowd of ponies that had gathered. She observed the interactions between the human, Discord, and the reigning monarchs of Equestria, occasionally snickering at some of the dialogue being exchanged. As one might expect from Discord, the concert had dissolved into utter chaos.


Aside from that, Vinyl still maintained her opinion that the human, who she had heard being referred to as ‘Colette’, had both played and sung very well. She also made out something from the princesses about the human being allowed to perform again, and this news excited the unicorn. Her initial attempt to talk with Colette hadn’t exactly gone as she had hoped, so Vinyl would have to look out for that in the future.  She very much enjoyed a good discussion with a fellow musician, even if they didn’t play the same genre of music that she did. Not only that, but with this human being from another world, there could be a number of fascinating things she could learn.


However, that would all have to wait. The task at hoof at the moment was slightly less awesome. Princess Luna has requested her subjects to assist Pinkie Pie with bringing all these gifts to the ballroom of Canterlot Castle for the gala that would be taking place later. While it wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world to do, Vinyl certainly could help out. She used her magic to pick up what she felt was her fair share of the load, and proceeded to Canterlot Castle alongside the rest of the ponies.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Colette watched as Discord merely smiled at her as she spoke; for a being who lived in the land of ponies and girl magic, he seemed completely unfazed.


"So you don't do 'girly', eh? Then might I offer some advice - should you happen to meet an alabaster pony by the name of Rarity... steer clear, else you'll get a point-blank, double-barreled dose of 'girly'."


"An alabaster pony, huh? Duly noted. Stay away from girly girl! Is there anyone else I should be avoiding? Like Princess Pretty-'n-Pink??"


Discord's smile seemed to widen as Colette asked what she had to do. He refuted the offer of the first born and her soul (like she was going to give them up, anyway!), but being used as a puppet? Discord's smile only widened even more. "... Well, two out of three ain't bad." he said with a rather sinister chuckle.


Colette only snickered at this in return. This guy would make for a damned good devil, if ingratiating himself to her was anything to go by.


"But honestly, my days of burning Equestria are..." a pause. "... few and far between, these days. I admit, I haven't the best of reputations amongst the locals, but they've convinced me that it might be best to try my paws at something else. And so, here I am, doing my utmost to be nice and welcome our guests accordingly."


Discord then bowed deeply to her. He wanted something from her...


"But you ask what I'd like in return? Well, I suppose NOW is a better time than any to discuss that 'favor' I spoke of earlier, hmmmmmm?"


She knew it! Discord sidled up to her, bending his serpentine form and placing his tail on her shoulder to speak to her more directly.


"You see, I have a... present... I've been working on for you humans, but unfortunately I seem to be missing some key ingredients. Key ingredients that would make ALL the difference in its' creation. That, my dear, is where YOU come in."


"Wait a minute, you said—" Discord cut her off by locking those weird eyes of his with hers.


What the Draconequus had said next sent up many a huge red flag for the human girl. "Hair?! Is this some sort of black voodoo magic ritual of yours?"


'What was that thing you thought about Discord making for a good devil?? OHH YEAH~!'


"So, would you be willing to assist me in this endeavor and help me gather this pesky, yet most necessary ingredient?" Discord asked, seemingly ignoring her suspcion. "Or would it simply be easier to say no... and allow our Royal Hineys the chance to lord over us BOTH some more?"


Another snap of Discord's claw produced two gigantic asses protruding from opposite walls.


"Ohhhh, let's make sure we do our utmost BEST to see that horrible, horrible human is stuffed into a dress and made to curtsy and be ladylike!" the white ass with a sun tattoo 'said', its cheeks moving as it spoke.


That's right. The welcome ball was going to be a formal affair. "Princess Luna, I can see, but is Princess Celestia really gonna try to—"


"Indeed!" the blue, moon embellished ass concurred, cutting her off. "And should we press the same idea onto the other human, then the CONTROL shall be DOUBLED!"


They then fart-laughed and stank up the place until Discord sent them away with another snap of his claw.


"I, for one, would LOVE to present you with this gift, fully finished, RIGHT in front of their muzzles... after all, they already believe I'm incapable of kindness or generosity - the act alone would blow their equine minds! Plus... free gift, right?"


"Good point..." Colette said slowly, still unsure about what she had to collect. Seeming to sense this, Discord leaned in even closer, taking on a conspiratorial air.


"All I would need is a lock of his hair - merely a pinchful - and for you to keep quiet about this. After all, if they thought for a minute that I was doing ANYTHING, they would automatically assume it's THE... WORST... POSSIBLE... THING, and would stop me. But YOU, my dear Colette... YOU could help me prove to them that I can be kind and generous when I so choose to be."


With that, a sly grin formed on Discord's face.


"Not to mention, of course, that my gift will be SO absolutely incredible - you've already seen my abilities firsthand; imagine what someone such as myself could come up with for a gift?"


Discord looked around the room again, then snapped his claws once more.




The room stretched, changed and reshaped itself around them until it looked like the inside the inside of a famous rockstar's tour bus, replete with long, plush couches and a table covered in playing cards and what she determined was some local fizzy drink to the pièces de résistance hanging on the back wall— Three VERY PRICEY guitars.


A white Gibson SG Custom 1963 model with a triple bridge, black Gibson Flying V Custom with 7 strings, and a chrome silver Fender American Jazz Bass V 5 string. As far as Colette could tell, all three were very much real.


Everything else was just frosting on an already very decadent cake if Discord was just going to give these to her!


"Besides... friends help each other, don't they? Here I've helped you NOT ONLY to decorate the room here, but I was instrumental in seeing to it that YOU were the author of what was undoubtedly the LOUDEST concert Equestria has ever heard! Shouldn't such generosity be returned?" The Draconequus asked as Colette made her way over to the musical treasures. She turned to see him fluttering those odd eyes of his at her.


"What do you say, my dear Colette? Are you game?"


Colette turned back around and strummed a string on the SG, which produced a soft twangy note in return. An unseen smile formed upon Colette's face. "I'm game. But for now, there's a mountain of gifts that needs moving, not to mention a fancy ball that I somehow have to get ready for." Colette turned back around to face her new friend. "You, on the other hand, better not keep everyone waiting!"







What the Pegasus could see was a hooded figure - the human - standing along with Discord as the room they were in shifted and transformed itself into something foreign, yet awesome at the same time.


The human made their way to the far wall to touch one of the strange instruments mounted upon it. They then turned back to Discord, seemingly approving of the offer.


Whatever they were up to, it most definitely needed to be brought to the attention of the others!

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The human was astute, that much was clear; he was no stranger to suspicious glances, and Discord swore he'd seen Disapproving Stare #42 on her face.  Well, what else was new?  It wasn't like this was the first time he'd been trying to convince someone of something, true... but if he didn't handle this a bit more carefully, he'd blow it!


As it was, Colette had been fairly easy to get on his side; they shared their dislike of authority, and he DID like her music.  However, she sounded as if she was preoccupied with whatever was to come tonight... he certainly hoped she didn't forget about it.


"Princess Pretty-In... OH!  You must mean Cadence!  Oh, she's a JOY, to be honest - FAR more fun than the stick-in-the-mud Twilight Sparkle, to be sure!  If you ever contemplated Death By Lecture, then Twilight would be happy to oblige - I swear, she loves to talk more than I do... she, however, is MUCH less entertaining.  Heck, you'd think the DRAGON would make her more interesting, but noooooo..."


He shrugged, then simply grinned.


"At any rate, I suppose I DO have a few things I'll have to deal with before tonight's shindig - however, I don't think there will be any problems that you cannot handle.  Plus, have no fear; if I am to attend the fancy party tonight, I PROMISE YOU... it will be FAR from dull!"


He turned to face the window, then paused and spun back on his heel.


"Oh, and the guitars?  Yours.  A gift from your favorite Lord of Chaos, to the most FUN human I've ever met!  Now, don't forget what we talked about, and I'll be seeing YOU later, my dear Colette... COUNT ON IT."


He turned back to the window, and reaching down, he raised the entire wall around it, the window itself hanging in mid-air as he did.  He stepped outside, then turned to look at Colette as he did.




The wall dropped back into place, as if nothing had happened here that was out of the ordinary.




Rainbow Dash watched from the eaves of a nearby dwelling as the draconequus left the human's room - if he hadn't paused to speak to the human again, she'd have been caught right out in the open; fortunately, Discord liked to gab a LOT; she was able to hide before he'd left.


She watched as he flew above the domicile, then he gave one of those twisted, wicked grins before he snapped his claw and vanished in a puff of smoke.


"Oh, this is bad!  Dipcord's got the human on his side - and his side's ALWAYS bad news!"


She turned to look back at where the concert had been going on; the volume had been loud enough to pinpoint earlier, so it wouldn't take long to get back there.


"I've GOTTA tell Twilight!"


She turned and took off at breakneck speed, bound for her friends.




Pinkie watched as the volunteers began to take portions of the Wall O' Gifts, transporting them to their new location.


"Okay!  Now, careful there!  Watch that wrapping paper; it's limited edition!  Ooooh!  Make sure to get the little boxes, too!"


She bounced back and forth, supervising as best as she was capable of - and as this had to do with parties, she was far more capable than most would think.  As the wall began to get smaller, she made sure to thank everypony who had begun the arduous task at hoof.  Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she went to the wall herself and grabbed a single box.


"THIS one's special!  I've got it!"


With that said, she took the single gift box and, retrieving her party cannon from beneath the dwindling pile, she put the gift on top of it and began to push it towards the same place everypony else was headed.  It was a box that contained a HUMONGOUS teddy bear... and a soundly sleeping Rarity.


Humming a happy ditty, Pinkie followed the trail of gift-bringers.

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Gavin has been dumbfounded so far. Not only was this not an elaborate prank that got only a few ponies, or possible holograms, to talk to him, there was an ENTIRE city of them! He couldn't believe his own eyes, and by the low chirps coming from his bag, it looked like his viewers were dumbfounded as well. Gavin decided to take out his laptop nad look at what his chat has turned into. 


His twitch chat was full of viewers looking at his stream and most were dumbfounded as well. That chat is going feed is going extremely quickly... Gavin thought as his eyes looked over to his viewer count. It was well over 1000! It was the most viewers Gavin has ever seen on his channel! But before Gavin could do anything, the cart screeched to a halt and the door opened. The pony named Inkwell with Spellcaster ushered the boy out. Moonlit Cast followed him. 


Gavin nodded to Inkwell's question, quelling any juvenile thoughts about the wording of the question. "What are the Equestrian hero- " Gavin was asking before being cut off by the sight of the gift mountain. It was bigger than any building in Gavin's hometown, and it rivalled some buildings even in Boston.


"Come on! We have a party to get you to," Moonlit pulled at Gavin's cloak. The two followed. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Hypn0ticD, @@GeneralDirection, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Randimaxis, @@Zhooves
It was a strange feeling Princess Celestia got—right as Discord whisked himself and Colette away, she felt the need to bleep something. Like there was something inconvenient that Colette was just about to say and it wouldn't do to have any foals in the vicinity hear what exactly it was that she said. Well, she disappeared at a convenient time in any case, and there was now a party to attend. A formal party.
Her sister was right, in a way. Just for the sake of outside appearances and customary for ambassadors from other countries, it was not only a good idea for the party to be formal, it night on had to be formal. Even if their guest had no intent of making it so formal and she herself was not keen on an overly formal gathering, it had to be done. While word getting out that some disaster had struck another formal gathering (such as with all the Galas in the past), it would be even worse if word got out that the Crown was disrespecting an ambassador. Some pony always found something to criticize about her and her sister's leadership, and it was a balancing act to create the least noise.
And so Princess Celestia levitated her own share of presents to the ballroom, preparing to put on a façade of formality and be "shocked" at the disaster that inevitably followed.

The last thing she remembered was an overly exuberant pony in her face blabbering about subjects she had no recollection of nor any conceivable way to extract meaning from them. Then was a massive migraine, then . . . nothing. Perhaps a bump here or there and a very soft bed, but . . . nothing. Of course, nothing was also the absence of non sequiturs and massive migraines, so all things considered, "nothing" was not altogether a bad place to be.
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@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @@Yoshi89, @@Fresh Nonsense, @@Randimaxis, @,


Applejack and Apple Bloom watched as Princess Luna skulked and grumbled as Colette and Discord disappeared. Not even a full day in Equestria, and already the human girl managed to ruffle the feathers of a princess, whether or not she was intending it. Thankfully, the most senior princess was there to somewhat mitigate Luna's punishment.


"Is the gathering in your castle, your highness?" The spiky maned spectator asked. "Yes my subjects." Luna said, addressing all who were present. "The gathering shall be held at Canterlot Castle. Anypony that would like to attend has just two small tasks. The first, help Miss Pie transport all of her lovely gifts to the ballroom. The second...show up in thy Gala best; we want to put our best hoof forward after all, with all the class that is befitting such a guest."


So, she was really gonna go through with it. As much as they disdained anything fancy, Applejack addressed the masses as she and Apple Bloom made their way to the mountain of gifts. "Y'all heard Colette and the princess! Why doesn't everypony else head on home and get ready for the party tonight? Find somethin'..." Applejack grimaced as she said it. "Fancy. This is gonna be a formal gatherin'."


"Wait, why're we lugging these gifts to the castle if the two humans are just gonna bring 'em all back here?" Apple Bloom asked. "An' after Pinkie Pie already went through alla that trouble??"


"...You have a good point, Apple Bloom. Come on, we gotta stop Pinkie Pie!"


"Pinkie, wait!" Applejack said, making her way over to the party mare. "At least leave the heaviest gifts here - like that one!" she said, grabbing the box that contained Rarity and placing it on her back before the pink mare could protest. "We can just give 'em to the humans now!" Apple Bloom added as she grabbed another box. "That, and we can check on 'er an' see what Discord did!"


"Rarity?" Princess Luna called out as AJ and Apple Bloom made their way back to the cottage. "Has anypony seen Rarity? I am in dire need of her assistance. If anypony happens to see her, please have her meet me in my chambers as soon as possible."


"We'll let 'er know, Princess Luna!" Oh, for Pete's sake - now Rarity disappeared! "We don't have time for this!"Applejack groaned as she knocked on the door. "Ah seriously hope she just had a stroke of inspiration and is off makin' somethin' fer the party!" she huffed.


"Miss Applejack! Is there something I can help you with??" somepony asked from behind. Before she could even knock, she turned to spot an older Unicorn, accompanied by the scholar from earlier - and what appeared to be a another human; this one was taller than the first she'd met, and had strange doohickey on his back.


"Howdy there! We were jus' tryin' ta drop off these here gifts fer y'all before the party! Hope ya don't mind!"


"Not at all! Come on in!" Colette said, having opened the door. " I was just about take on Mount Giftsmore myself, but since you finally decided to showed up," she said, pointing to Gavin, "you can help me!"


Colette then grabbed the box off of Applejack's back, and grunted as she carried it into the cottage. "What the hell is in this?? It weighs a TON!"


"That's Pinkie Pie fer ya! Whatever it is, it's sure to be somethin' that'll blow yer minds!"

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Princess Luna would make her way back to Canterlot Castle where she would storm into her chambers...something she had not done in many of years. Her frustration with the humans...human was beginning to show. "The first one was a pushover...now this one...UGH!" She would take a few deep breaths as she would try to calm herself. "The night guard said an new male human had arrived to replace the first. Perhaps this one shall know some manners and common courtesy." The alicorn would pace within her chambers as she tried to think of just what to do next. A migraine would begin to form as all she could think about was Discord and Collette, and trying to determine just which on was worse. 


"Perhaps he thinks he's being cute...perhaps Discord has another angle what with that ungrateful whelp of a human," she would say, slamming the inner door of her chambers. She would put a hoof to her face as she began to think over the situation more then she should. Suddenly, a candle would go off in her brain as an idea entered. "Two can play at this game...Discord..." Walking over to her desk, the princess would retrieve some dark blue stationary. Levitating a quill, she would begin to wright something on it...in pure silver ink to top it off.


"Dark Wing," she would say as she exited her inter room, "Please deliver this to the male human with greatest of heist." as gave him the letter. "Also, be sure to return in time for the galla. Dress Armor, shinned and polished." With a nod of his head, the bat pony would be off.


The Princess would return to her inter chambers and heading towards a closet fitting of a princess and would close the door behind her as she attempted to find something 'fitting' of the magnitude of the party.



@@Randimaxis, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle,

The bat pony would catch a gimps of the cottage that the humans would be calling their home once more. He would land in front the cloaked male figure and those escorting him. He would clear his throat and bow in respect. "I bring a message for the human from her magnificences, Princess Luna," as he would extend the blue parchment forward, waiting for the human's response.


"Greeting Human,

Though we have yet to meet, I extend a welcome to thee. Equestria welcomes thee with open hooves, and so do I. It is my honor to invite thee to be my guest of honor for the party, as well as during thy stay in Canterlot and all of Equestria.


I shall look forward to meeting thee,


Princess Luna,

Co-Ruler of Equestria and Princess of the Night."

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Twilight and Fluttershy


@,@@Hypn0ticD, @@Taialin, @@Randimaxis,  


Twilight and Fluttershy listened along to the other princesses before the human girl known as Colette was teleported out by Discord. Discord can be so tricky sometimes... Twilight thought. Applejack called the others to help take care of the presents that Pinkie had somehow brought here. Twilight nodded and proceeded to levitate gifts of many sizes and organized them by size. They were stacked almost perfectly with precision.


Fluttershy revised her initial thoughts about the humans. She thought they were going to be entirely scary and this one seemed nice. Despite taking on Luna, Fluttershy saw through her act as someone who was just dropped into a new place quickly. The concert, however, affected any animals nearby. She saw quite a few little critters running from the concert and decided she should go help calm them down. "Twilight, I will go calm down some of the little animals who didn't like the loud music, ok?" she asked. Twilight nodded, paying more attention to the intricate detail of her gift stacks.


Fluttershy went off and began to gather and help the quivering little creatures. There were many bunnies and little squirrels that needed her help. Shortly after, she had a bunch in one group and she began to calm them after the incident. She came back with them and the relaxed little critters helped with the smaller gifts.

After the mountain of gifts dwindled to an acceptable level, both Twilight and Fluttershy carried some gifts to the party cottage. "You all are such a great help, little friends!" Fluttershy thanked all the little critters that helped.


"Yes, thank you all for the help." Twilight chimed in. A purple glow enveloped some of the gifts that the critters carried in, fixing some of the tears and mud prints on the gifts. "Now it's perfect!" she exclaimed with a smile.


The surprises didn't end, however. A few scholarly ponies appeared with another hooded figure, looking taller than the last human. Fluttershy was a little-distracted thanks to the helping her new friends out the door, Twilight walked over and noticed a weird bump on the new human's back. "Um, excuse me. I'm Twilight Sparkle! “Twilight’s eyes, however, were still drawn to the human's back. “What exactly is that on your back? The other human didn't have one..."




@,@@Hypn0ticD, @@Taialin, @@Randimaxis,  


The cottage doors opened to even more ponies stacking gifts. Inkwell walked in and introduced himself to the others. This isn't exactly what I'm expecting, Gavin thought to himself as the decorations were... what was the term... girly. His backpack began to buzz even more as it looked like some of the ponies in view drew more attention. A yellow one was guiding some animals out the door, looked like bunnies and squirrels. At least some of the animals don't talk, he thought as he heard their small cluttering to the yellow pony like the pony understood them.


A purple pony with both wings and a horn, which was odd since he hasn't seen a single one like her yet, walked up to him and introduced herself, or is it himself? Gavin couldn't tell what pony genders looked like yet, or if they have any, or even they have dozens like some of those people on Tumbler always love to exclaim to the heavens.


"Oh, um... hi, I'm... Gavin," he said quietly. The purple one, however, was quick to study his backpack, with its wire protruding to the camera on his shoulder.


If that wasn't bad enough, a girl, human for once, appeared out of nowhere. Gavin heard there were two original winners of the contest, but he didn't think a girl would be one of them.  Bronies are only guys, right? He didn't really think girls, especially good looking ones, would like the show.


His introverted nature kicked in, now that another human was in the room. His instincts begged him to get somewhere comfortable. Since home wasn't an option, he instinctively went to Plan B, his laptop screen. "I....I'll help in a...second. Got to check on something," he stammered to the girl as he pulled out the laptop. This excited the purple pony even more upon seeing what was in the bag.


"What is that?" Twilight said with even more curiosity in her voice. She flew even closer to investigate. Gavin pulled up his Twitch page, Whatshisface, and watched the stream chat explode.

As he was watching the chat, a bat looking pony appeared with an outstretched hand (hoof?) with a letter in hand. Gavin, feeling a bit more comfortable behind his computer screen, accepted the letter from the bat pony and went back to looking at the screen.


Moonlit Cast, noticing her human charge almost ignored the letter, used her magic to grab it from him and opened and read it. Noticing who it was from, immediately tugged Gavin's cloak

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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