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open Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot RP Thread (See OOC to join!)


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"Well, Applejack can't fly or do magic either, and you don't find her boring. I can't fly or do magic by myself and you don't find me boring. Just give 'em a chance, Dashie. Who knows what kind fun things they like to do? But we need to plan a party for them when they arrive, so will I need my party cannon? It make it so much faster and more portable, but the old fashioned way is good too..." Pinkie said, starting to ramble on about methods of planning a party, but hopefully she got her initial point across, since she had one for once.


"Oh! Hold that thought! Gotta check the cupcakes!" Pinkie exclaimed, racing into the kitchen to check on the cupcakes she was baking for their meetup at Twilight's castle. They weren't quite ready yet, but they would be by the time they all got together.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I don't think six locks is too many... Fluttershy thought about Applejack's comment. As they neared Sugarcube Corner however, Applejack pointed out Princess Cadance was close and rushed to meet her. "Wait Applejack-" Fluttershy called out but her voice never reached Applejack in time. Fluttershy sighed and headed over to Princess Cadance's location.




As Fluttershy approached Applejack and Princess Cadance, she heard Applejack say "Care ta come with us? We can all get Twilight together!" But as she closed in to the two, she heard an unfamiliar voice. It seemed the pony had accidentally collided with Princess Cadance, but Fluttershy was still unsure about the mare. She carefully walked over and hid slightly behind Applejack, to try to hide herself from the mysterious mare. 

Edited by Derplight Sperkle


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Wilhelm was trotting down the main street of Ponyville, still aiming for Sugarcube Corner and the long-awaited cupcake and coffee. As hen as walking, he heard noise up ahead, and for the first time, he noticed a steady stream of ponies wending their way towards the train station. He cocked his head to the side inquisitively wnd began to move with the rest of the ponies.


Two in front of him, a mare and a colt, were chatting, and he caught the word Cadance in one of the sentences, repeated several times and delivered with a excited air. Wilhelm's mind took a moment to process what Cadence could possibly mean, and them, when he remembered the scheduled royal visit to Ponyville, he stopped short in the middle of the road, causing the stallion behind him to slam into Wilhelm. Said stallion proceeded to curse Wilhelm out, but the astronomer was too busy panicking inside, his oh-so-carefully orchestrated plan torn apart in a instant. However, he calmed down slightly and ran a simple logical analysis of the situation.


Surely, the Six would be with the Princess, and from there, I suppose they'll visit the portal. Now, if I could use the visit and associated disorder- At this, Wilhelm shuddered slightly and then continued. Anyway, I could use the disorder to my advantage and sneak in with them. Imagine what the humans could have, the knowledge they obtained! Obviously, it'd be the most preeminent scientists, artists, and musicians of their world who come to Equestria... With this in his mind, Wilhelm decided on his risky plan, and melted into the gawking crowd as best as a wealthy professor could in a crowd mostly composed of the proleteriat. After a few minutes and muc jostling, was at the forefront of the crowd, merely waiting for an opportune moment.




OOC: I feel like such a jerk for setting Wilhelm up to be disappointed this badly. ;-)

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"Oh, thank goodness!" Spike remarked once he saw Twilight enter the bedroom. "For a moment there, I thought you left to meet whoever was coming here without me."


Spike caught the quill that Twilight levitated over to him and began reading the checklist over. He was too distracted with the scroll to notice Twilight's disheveled appearance, not that he cared about how she looked in the morning. What he did care about was her stressing over the little things, details that even he overlooked from time to time. Still, he wasn't quite sure what to expect from whoever she said was coming to Ponyville but it was his job to help Twilight prepare for the unexpected.


"So, Twilight," he got her attention without looking up. "I guess all of our friends are meeting us here at the castle, right? If that's the case, should I add that to the checklist and mark it off once they arrive?"

  • Brohoof 1

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Aspen decided that he needed to get to Canterlot.  Fast.  There was a train leaving today, it said in the paper.  So, Aspen tried to pack up his things as quickly as possible, but din't know what he should pack.  Was it going to be overnight?  How much money should he bring?  Aspen decided to just go with only a bit of money, and to buy anything he needed later.  As he raced out the door, Aspen steered himself towards the road to the train station.  He could see a small crowd of ponies waiting to board, and Aspen checked the clock.  "Hmm, still a while 'till it's time to board."  He thought.  He went ahead and took a seat on a nearby bench, and waited for the train to roll in.

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Under the gathering darkness the ponies stood, under the lamps they took refuge, Swiggie among them. The distant engines became louder as ponies prepared their families and belongings, all of them strangers to him. Canterlot station was crowded tonight, the occasional rumor whispered and casual conversation spoken gave the atmosphere life. The engines became louder and broke into a screech as it came to a halt. The cabin doors opened and ponies pushed and nudged their way in. 


some time later



Swiggie opened his bag and levitated out a folder of personal documents,a 'to do' list, a train ticket and a letter from his Charge Nurse. Swiggie unrolled the letter and pressed it down on the table across his seat.


"Ponyville, nurse shortage... Transfer nurse...and they chose me" Swiggie mumbled off the letter. 


The carriage screeched as the train conductor applied the brakes, everything and everypony shifted towards the front of the train as it came to a halt. The cabin's atmosphere became polluted with chatter and movement as ponies prepared to get off.

"~Yawn!, right..."



Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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@@Littlecandylulu903,  @@Derplight Sperkle@@Hypn0ticD,

Cadance walked through Ponyville deep in thought, not noticing the multitudes of ponies that created a buzz of excitement. Mostly she was brooding over these new life forms which seemed to now inhabit Equestria. She hadn't seen one yet, but "*Ooof*" she grunted, very unlady like, when she realized that she had crossed paths with another pony who seemed to be doing the same thing she was. Not paying attention. She saw she had bumped into a blue-ish purpley ...Unicorn...? she guessed, though it was hard to tell with the hat on the mare. She heard her colliding partner stutter an apology, but waved the mare off. "I should be apologizing to you. I wasn't watching where I was walking," she stated with a smile. "Are you okay dear?"


While she was talking to the periwinkle mare, she heard Applejack call to her. She waved to the earth pony, who also seemed to be joined by Fluttershy. "I'd love to join you both, but I should make sure this young lady hasn't been injured. Miss uhhh...?" She asked of the pony she had nearly trampled, looking for a name.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Spellbind was a bit surprised to say the least. Instead of even being bothered, such a high-ranking member of society - and she thought that to be an understatement - was perfectly fine with the collision, not only that but she wanted to know the name of such an "insignificant commoner who ranks even lower than a typical commoner" like herself.


"Spellbind," she mumbled in her small voice.

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@@Love, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Littlecandylulu903,


Applejack failed to hear her timid friend as she took initiative and met up with Princess Cadance, stopping to bow and invite her to join her and Fluttershy.


"...Care ta come with us? We can all get Twilight together!" Applejack offered.


Somepony had bumped into the princess before she could answer her, however. Applejack craned her neck to spot a purple pony, who looked to be very surprised at Cadance addressing her.


"I'd love to join you both, but I should make sure this young lady hasn't been injured. Miss uhhh...?"


Applejack rotated her ears forward as she just barely heard the softspoken newcomer utter her name, "Spellbind."


"You okay there, Spellbind?" Applejack asked, not being able to stop herself. Sure, she could only assume that the stranger bumped into Cadance or vice versa, but all the same...


((Terrible post, but I hope it gets the ball rolling again... also, I couldn't really think of a good way to add Fluttershy...))

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Swiggie paced through Ponyville, giving the occasional wave and smile to the friendly folks. The hospital was visible from the town square, along with other notable buildings such as the clock-tower and the odd crystal thingy.


"Grrrrl"  Swiggie's stomach rumbled. "Damn it" Swiggie looked around for someplace to eat, hospital work can wait.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~


 The bell above the door chimed, chitter chatter from both inside and outside Sugarcube corner filled the atmosphere. 

Swiggie dropped his bags off at a vacant table and proceeded to read off the menu.


"Perhaps moving here wasn't a bad idea"

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@@Littlecandylulu903@@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle,

"Spellbind," Cadance said thoughtfully. "What a pretty name," she said with a smile. "I hope I didn't injure you. I should have been watching where I was going, but there seems to be some troubling news. Something about a ...hoomin? Is that how you say it? Anyways, I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm terribly sorry about that," she finished with a sheepish grin. "I'm Cadance, by the way," she said, removing her title and sticking out her hoof for the mare to shake. "My friends, Applejack" she said nodding to the pony bedecked in a country style hat, "and Fluttershy," this time nodding to the yellow pegasus.  


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Spellbind looked at the assortment of ponies before he, and was able to remember all of their names as they introduced themselves. "I've heard so mucn about all of you and your friends," she said for lack of something better.


She looked to the side. "I should've watched my step. I'll stop bothering you all now, I think... take care." She slowly begzn to walk away.

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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Love, @@Littlecandylulu903


Fluttershy barely heard the the unicorn's name over the the commotion throughout the town. She didn't look directly at the unicorn while Cadance conversed with her. Then when Cadance mentioned her name, Fluttershy acknowledged her by hiding her face in her mane. She still didn't know this new mare, and wasn't too comfortable with her. 


Fluttershy then nudged Applejack and said to her, "We should go get our friends, if that's okay with you."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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The thought about meeting the so-called humans piqued Spike's interest. He had heard about them but seeing one in person would lift his spirits more than Twilight could have imagined. "Come on, Twilight," he said finally. "Of course I want to see these 'hyu-manes' you've been talking about. Everyone in town seems to think so."


Before they could wait for their friends to arrive, Spike updated the checklist to reflect Twilight's change of plans. However, that would involve tidying up the castle before they could welcome them inside. "You're right," Spike remarked as Twilight began putting the books away. "A mare's home is is castle. It shouldn't be a pigsty." Spike inspected the bookshelves before grabbing his quill and marking off the item on the checklist.


"Okay, I guess that's everything, then," he said as he tucked the scroll under his arm. "So, I guess we play the waiting game now. Should I prepare lunch for our friends before they arrive? It's getting to that time."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Littlecandylulu903, @@Love, @@Taialin, @@Derplight Sperkle,


((Let's get things moving and bring Taialin in, shall we?))


Applejack smiled to Spellbind as Cadance introduced herself, then tipped her hat as the princess introduced her, uttering a "howdy!" as she did so.


"I've heard so much about all of you and your friends," Spellbind said as she looked away from them. "I should've watched my step. I'll stop bothering you all now, I think... take care."


And with that, Spellbind was on her way, leaving the farm pony more than confused. "Well, she's a might weird, Ah'll admit," AJ said under her breath once the unusual pony was out of earshot. It came as no surprise that their names were known, especially around Ponyville, with everything they did, but it didn't mean that they couldn't be approached, or be bothered... "You alright, Princess Cadance?" Applejack asked, bring her attention back to the present.


"We should go get our friends, if that's okay with you." Fluttershy said, to which Applejack nodded. "Ah reckon you're right, sugarcube. Let's not keep Pinkie and R.D. a-waitin'!"


Applejack then lead the way to Sugarcube Corner, and was just about to ask Cadance of she had heard the news when she spotted another familiar face headed right for them...


"Rarity!" Applejack called as she trotted over to the white Unicorn. "You finally done with that order?*" she asked as she met up with Rarity. "Cause if ya are, you can join me, Fluttershy, and Cadance! We're headed to Sugarcube Corner ta meet up with Dash and Pinkie so we can go get Twi!"


((*Couldn't think of another reason for Rarity to be out of the action... Also, don't wanna godmod, I'll wait for Rarity's reactions and responses!))

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@@Love, @@Hypn0ticD, @@Derplight Sperkle,


Agh. When is the last time that anypony swept this floor? It's filthy! Rarity thought as she strolled through the town. She always liked to keep her coat (all parts of it) in pristine condition, and one of the . . . annoyances about going outdoors was that the ground was a veritable smorgasbord of dirt and grime that simply couldn't be avoided. Rarity stared distastefully at the small flecks of dust that already collected on her hooves. Mud and puddles were perhaps the most heinous offenders, which was why Rarity was always careful to watch where she was going. A necessary evil to meet up with friends, I suppose.


Rarity's muse was interrupted by a call: "Rarity! You finally done with that order?" she heard.


"Hail, Applejack, Fluttershy!" Rarity called back, raising a hoof in a wave, grinning widely. She quickened her pace to catch up to Applejack and her party of three. "Yes, I am finished with that order, and you would not believe how demanding certain clients are of their commissions," Rarity said when she caught up. "Demanding, picky, and with no real fashion sense. I mean, who would ever think that lime green would go with fuchsia? I had to negotiate for ages to get them off of that ridiculous idea." Rarity shook her head in futile frustration.


"Ah, and fair greetings to you as well, Princess Cadance," Rarity said, punctuating her proclamation with a perfunctory and proper bow. "It's always a wonderful day when our lovely Princess of Love decides to visit our humble Ponyville," Rarity said with a very-slightly-different-but-more-socially-appropriate smile on her face than the one she used with her best friends. "Come to visit your sister in law?"


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@@Taialin, @@Derplight Sperkle,[/b@@Love,


((I'm bored and nobody's posting, so I'm gonna try and see if I can get the ponies talking, at least...))


"Hail, Applejack, Fluttershy!" Rarity said as she quickened her pace to meet up with Applejack, then going on to gripe about her latest client in her typical Rarity fashion. "Demanding, picky, and with no real fashion sense. I mean, who would ever think that lime green would go with fuchsia? I had to negotiate for ages to get them off of that ridiculous idea." she added, shaking her head.


Applejack couldn't help but chuckle at that. She knew none of the finer points of dressmaking, but she was more than sure that was one of her more persnickety clients for sure. "Well, Ah'm sure that you've set 'em right and got 'em lookin' all fan--nice lookin' for wherever they're goin'!"


It was at this time that Rarity had moved on greet Princess Cadance. Applejack waited until Cadance responded* before asking, "So, Rarity, Cadance... you two hear the news about the hu-manes yet? Fluttershy and Ah were just talkin''bout 'em!"


((Don't wanna pass on the opportunity for Cadance and Rarity to interact with each other first...))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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(I'm gonna get Spellbind back in on the action)


Spellbind returned to the group of ponies, scanning the ground. She saw a couple of silver bits laying there on the ground. "So I did leave them here," she muttered, picking them up and pocketing them.


"So Rarity, Cadance... you two hear about the hu-manes yet? Fluttershy and ah were just talkin' 'bout them!"


"I sure did," commented Spellbind. To her, it wasn't clear as to whether it should be obvious or not.

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@@Hypn0ticD@@Taialin, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Littlecandylulu903,

Cadance nodded solemnly. "I heard, but there weren't a lot of details, considering I was coming from the Crystal Empire, it was all hearsay and train gossip. I was hoping one of you might know a bit more than I do." she said with a furrowed brow. She wished Shining Armor was here, then she would feel safer. She had come to rely heavily on his advice and wisdom. She wondered if he had heard by now. "Are they here already? I heard they looked really strange.


She could feel her apprehension building. After the defeat of Sombra, the attack by Chrysalis, any news of a possible new foe made her feel very on edge. She considered heading back to the Empire, so even if she couldn't protect it, she would at least be there.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@Love, @@Hypn0ticD,


"I was hoping one of you might know a bit more than I do," she heard Cadance say.


Rarity's mouth twisted into a mild frown. "I would say that I do know some on them, but all that knowledge comes from tabloids and magazines. And as much as I like reading them, they aren't exactly the most . . . reputable sources of information," she commented. "A fair number of magazines have posted mockups of the creatures, though the ones I've seen are as varied as the colors in Rainbow's tail. Tall, ugly, hairless ape creatures seems to be the consensus, though. Possibly large as dragons!" she exclaimed.


Rarity was about to launch into another gossip-fueled rant on the creatures she read about, but she noticed the very slight look of trepidation Princess Cadance had on her face. Being a socialite, Rarity had to be able to read ponies and their emotions during social events, but the skill had utility in other situations as well. "I-I'm sure they're nice creatures, though," she commented, backing off with a socially-acceptable laugh. It was true that none of the magazines that she had read specifically said that the humans were "nice," but it wouldn't do to aggravate the princess in her state or commit a more grievous faux pas than she already had.


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Pinkie watched the cupcakes intently, so close to being ready. But she had left Rainbow Dash out front and it wouldn't be good to leave her hanging like that. "Two seconds, Dashie. Cupcakes are almost done!" She poked her head out of the kitchen and called, before ducking back into the kitchen to get the cupcakes out of the oven and let them cool a little. Satisfied that they'd be alright until the others came by, she headed back out to talk to Rainbow Dash some more.


"Sorry, Dashie. Cupcakes were closer to to being ready than I thought. So...where were we?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker, @@SwigglySwiggly



Rainbow could only sigh as Pinkie bounced off into the kitchen to check on her cupcakes. Never a dull moment when Pinkie's around. She mused. Dash stared off at the ceiling aimlessly, a part of her still wishing she were back napping. But her boredom was soon appeased when she noticed a pony enter Sugarcube Corner and take a seat at the other end of the room. As far as she could remember, Rainbow didn't remember seeing this particular pony before, and made a mental note to ask Pinkie if she knew who it was.



The pink earth pony soon returned from her baked goods, and asked "So...where were we?"


Rainbow thought for a second, and the replied "Pretty sure I was talking about how I thought these...uh...humans were going to be like. I thought they were going to be boring. But you had a good point; I really should just give them a chance." Then Rainbow lowered her voice. "Do you happen to know who that pony is over in the corner?"  She nodded her head in the direction the pony was.


(OOC: I'm sorry if my post was bad, but I just wanted to try to include Swiggly, since his OC is in the same room as we are...)


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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(thanks, I was getting hesitant)


Swiggie raised his brow at a certain famous pony in the bakery.

"The element of loyalty? here?, oh of course, it's Ponyville, the nexus of strange"


Swiggie balanced his bag on the next seat and made pace towards the bakery's counter. Swiggie hesitated to pick a flavour, he noted the oddity of how the bakery only sold sweets and no plain bread was on the menu.

"Whats a bakery without bread?"

The service bell sat there on the counter, it looked like it could use a ring. His belly stood there, it looked like it could use a muffin.



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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Love, @@Taialin,@@Littlecandylulu903 


Fluttershy was glad to see her friend Rarity was deciding to join them. It's good to have all of us together, in case those aliens....um humans... are scary. Fluttershy listened to all of her friends conversing, discussing the possibilities of what the humans could actually look like. Spellbind also appeared to come back despite what looked her taking her leave, Fluttershy inched away so she was somewhat out of sight of the new pony.


"A fair number of magazines have posted mockups of the creatures, though the ones I've seen are as varied as the colors in Rainbow's tail. Tall, ugly, hairless ape creatures seems to be the consensus, though. Possibly large as dragons!"


Fluttershy's ears perked up and her eyes went wide open in fear upon hearing those words. She frantically looked for a nearby hiding spot and saw a nearby bush. She was quickly in that bush and hid inside it shaking profusely. I don't think I want to see these humans anymore!


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle,


Spellbind listened intently to the conversation about humans. For some odd reason Fluttershy seemed a bit unnerved at the sight of her. Spellbind did wonder why, and moved away from her a bit.


When Fluttershy retreated into a bush, Spellbind wasn't sure if she should join her to comfort her. After all, Fluttershy seemed to get frightened whenever Spellbind showed up. Don't think I'll be showing her my horn anytime soon.


Spellbind slowly went to the bush and knelt next to her for some comfort. "Humans sound scary to you, huh?"

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