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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"Oh, Ice Blizzard, stop!" she said, laughing softly. "All these compliments... you'll make a lady blush!"


The two of them arrived at the milkshake shop, where she stepped back, allowing Ice Blizzard to pull her chair out for her.


"Sweetie Belle?" Rarity replied in a perfectly even voice. It was harder than it looked; her hooves were shaking slightly on the table.


"She's doing wonderfully. The poor girl still hasn't picked up her cutie mark yet, though, and she feels horrible about it. I keep telling her our family is made of late bloomers, so she wouldn't be worried, but it seems like she's set in tearing her mane out until it arrives. Fillies, right?"


She took a deep breath posed as a sigh, and steadied her breathing. The shaking stopped.

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Blizzard was happy that Rarity was happy, but when she spoke of her sister, he could tell by her body language that something was wrong, "Mm-hmm. She's shaking. Something must be wrong. I hope it's nothing major. Oh well. All I can do, is just watch out for her AND her sister. Stay focused, stay alive..."


He laughed, "Yep, well. What can we do besides support the little ones ya know? Foals need all the encouragement they can get. But I'm sure she'll get it soon. Alright I'll be right back...strawberry for ya that's right." he went to get in the milkshake line, and had his back turned.


The table Rarity was sitting at was near many bushes, and oce Blizzard's back was turned, a unicorn out of nearby bushes snuck behind Rarity. When he got close enough, he covered her nose with a towel that had a non-lethal knockout chemical. It was a bit of a struggle, but he took her behind the bushes before anyone could spot him. Afterwards he levitated a tape recorder marked 'play me' on the table. "Hehehehe....." And with a flash of his horn, he and Rarity teleported and were gone.


"Oh Rarity, you're so beautiful and elegant. I wish I could tell you how I felt. But I don't know if I have a chance. What am I saying?! Of course I gotta chance! I was sweet talking her smoothly as silk. It'll be easy." After he paid for the milkshakes, he turned around. When he got near their table, he froze and dropped the milkshakes onto the ground, "Rarity? Rarity?! Where are you?! It's not like her to leave like this, Something must have happened!"


He was feverishly panicky until he saw the tape recorder, "Huh? 'Play Me'? Uuuh...ok?" he pressed the play button.


The recorder began, "Hello Ice Blizzard. I wanna play a game. I have your marefriend in my clutches. If you want her back you better do as I say...."


"H-huh?! What?! Oh no! This is like that old movie called 'Sierra'. Where the people gotta listen to these thing say, 'Hello, I wanna play a game.' And they end up dead! Oh no....what am I gonna do Who are you?!....?!"


"If, you're wondering who I am, let's just say...you've met me before..... Now, if you want your marefriend back, here is how the game works: There are 5 other tape recorders hidden around the arena. Each recorder has a riddle-based clue to the location of the next one. The last one will be your clue to finding me, if you can handle it! HAHA!"


"Ok, doesn't sound so bad..." he said shakily.


"But there's a catch. Each recorder has a magical fuse time set to it. After you find one recorder and play it, it'll be defused. However, at the end of each recorder's clue, the next one will become armed. You have a 10 minute time gap to find each one. If time runs out...the bomb within the recorder will detonate, killing everypony at that location."


"Hmm...still not that hard right....?"


"Oh, and before I forget. Here are the rules:

1. Find each recorder on your own.

2. Tell nopony of what's going on.

3. Don't let time run out, and a location blow up.

If you break any of these rules, I will not only kill your marefriend, but I will also remotely detonate all the bombs! After the riddle from this message is told to you, you will have 10 minutes to find recorder #1."


"Grrr...where are you you son of a gun?! Come and fight me right now instead of these BS games! *sigh* No point, he's not even here. Fine, gimme the clue." he said with a voice of worry, panic, and anger.


"Here's your clue. I'll start you off easy, so you can get a feel for it:

I am big and bold. I am the most powerful thing around. However, even those whom I protect are afraid of me. Who or what am I? 10 minutes starts now!" the recorder then shorted out and with a small non lethal explosion, disintegrated.


Blizzard took a moment to think, "Ok...big...bold...all powerful...and protection fear....hmmm. I got it! It's the princesses! They're big, powerful, AND those who they protect are afraid of them! But now this is another problem: Is it at the princess announcer box, or their living quarters?" he began to pace back and forth until he looked at the clock tower, "dammit! already wasted 3 minutes! Ooooh think!!!" he then came to a conclusion, "I doubt this guy would have access to where they live, so it HAS to be the announcer booth!" He started to skate as fast as he could to the princess booth, when he got there, he saw that according to the clock tower, he had 5 minutes left. "Ahh! Princess!!!! Princess!!!! Princess!!!!" he said as he feverishly began knocking on her booth door.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tempest led the Saddle Arabian up the the tournament groups and the hooded pony handed him a hooful of silvery coins, as they parted ways the hooded pony's horn glew dimly, the coins in Tempest's pockets disitigrated into fime powder, which leaked through and drifted back into the hooded ponies pouch, "What a gullible fool.." He mused to himself. Truth be told he' only known about this place from him to begin with. It was probably why he never got any friends in the first place. He approached the entry booth and decided to sign himself up. He'd finished sigming and saw a map of the event. "No smithy? Better change that." He pulled out a large black pen and drew a crude circle with the work "Blacksmith" he grunted to himself in approval and headed to the empty space near the border. He put his sack of fine steel powder down, he then draw a large rune on the ground, quietly hummed a quick chant to himself and slammed both forehooves into the ground just before it. The there was a small tremor, then another. And another. Then, slowly rising out the ground was a sandstone iglooshaped rock, then features began to form, windows, a chimney and finally, a door. The dust in his pouch drifted out lazily and formed into a very steampunky key, which then flew into the door amd turned, leaving a resounding click then disitigrating and drifting back into his pouch. He looked towards his house, a considerably brighter shade of stone than all the other building, he then looked at it, something was missing. He couldn't quite tell. He walked inside to see his house in the exact way he'd left it. Being an earthwarder had its benefiets. He then remebered what he was missing, his anvil and forge. He took out his pouch and it quickly formed into an anvil just ouside of his home, to the passerby it'd have looked like an anvil simply materialized out from the window. It landed with a loud clack outside, he took off his coat and hood and walked outside and looked for some company to chat woth, or some cider to pass the time. He noticed a modest looking armour and headed over to look at the availible wares. He knocked on what looked like a sign four times, "Hallo? Is anyone there?"

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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"hm? well, for one, we do kinda fight like in the arena. only more...controlled. you know, stopping the blade before it hits something serious, and whatnot. and theres weights to make it harder to move, and the padding is for...i dont know."


he grinned. "have you ever had a spar with somepony, before?"


it was a simple sand pit, around 50 meters in diameter, with soft sand to land on. it was a couple feet deep into the ground, but not that deep. inside the sand dune, there was some racks and chests surrounding the edges, stacked with equipment, and supplies. even some first aid, for the non-serious wounds. above the sand pit, there was a fence surrounding it, to ensure no-one fell in, and more importantly, the fences were enchanted so that any kind of magic, or force, was contained inside, and didnt hit anyone who happened to be walking by.


there was one gate on the fence into the pit, and caliber opened it, and jumped in.


(is that good?)



Edited by PeytonJay


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Nightmare once again shook her head.


"You are a fool, Night Tracer, an absolute fool. If I had any power to alter events yet to come, I would have done so, but I cannot. Not even to save myself... or Mother."


Her horn glowed, and she scowled slightly.


"It seems Luna is about to wake up, so listen up, Night Tracer. Your choices are, unfortunately, your own, and you may make whichever you choice best suits you. But know this." she said, getting into his face.


"Should I ever be summoned by Luna again, and come to find out it was you, I will not kill you."


Darkness flowed around her feet like the blackest oil, seemingly pulling her into the stands themselves.


"No matter how much you scream."


The darkness closed in on her, leaving Night Tracer in silence.




Rarity awoke suddenly, and the first thing that came to her mind was the milkshake shop. Then she realized she was bound, gagged, and blindfolded, and the situation became a lot more serious. Muffled screams begin to sound from behind the cloth as she began to panic.




Princess Celestia was pouring through important paperwork and dreaming of something more interesting to do- like being dropped from orbit- when she heard a rapid knocking at the door.


"What in Mother's name?" she said to herself as she walked over to the door and opened it.

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Kazas immediately, without hesitation, began to clean dishes, being extra careful not to scratch them with his talons.


" well, you see, she had some business to take care of, and I assume that said business took precedent over meeting for drinks, which is perfectly understandable. Wouldn't be the first time. Probably won't be the last. And I do greatly appreciate that compliment, miss... oh, dear Avae, I haven't even asked you for your name! That is quite rude of me! I beg your forgiveness."


He said, finishing up on a plate and then stacking it neatly with the others he had already cleaned while engaged in conversation.


" may I have your name, friend?"






first up, was Alrahm. Having made his way to Al's manor, which was quite sizable, he knocked on the front door loudly.



No answer.


He knocked again, loudly this time. Still no answer.


He banged on the door even harder this time. Again, no answer.


Cursing to himself, he decided that a little friendly home invasion was necesscary.


" Buck this..."


Entering shadestalker form once more into his own shadow, he was able to slip underneath the door. Alrahm's abode was pretty sizable, almost sterotypical for a manor. Fancy furniture, valuble pieces of art... everything befitting a gifted strategist's tastes. But the manor was remarkably empty. Alrahm had a wife, child, a daughter-in-law, and a grandchild in one household... where were they?



Knowing that Alrahm would be in his private study if not anywhere else, Vorrin exited shadestalker form and travled up the stairs to the second floor, traveling down a long hallway and opening the door to the study. What he saw of course, was typical. An old, light-blue unicorn with a well kept, long beard and a graying mane asleep with his head on the desk. Vorrin, trotting over to the sleeping unicorn, attempted to wake him up.


" Alrahm. Wake up."




" Al, come on. Wake up!"




It was clear that Vorrin would have to shake him to wake him up. Doing so, Vorrin also yelled as loud as he could.




the grizzled unicorn, snapping out of it, slowly opened his eyes, recognizing the voice almost immediately. Speaking in a tired yawn, he adjusted is bifocals as he did so.


" ah, Vorrin. What brings you around * yawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnn* to my home at this hour?"


" it's not that late, and we are being summoned to the outside of the arena by Kazas. He ordered me to come pick you up. It's Lorec. Recent information seems to conclude that Lorec is fighting in the arena. Better yet, it might be... THE fight, Al. Also, where is your family?"



Alrahm yawned again, and answered, getting out of his seat. His study was quite organized, save for his desk, which always contained the scribblings, notes, theories, and thesises that he was working on, along with the poorly done homework of Syuren and the well executed work of Sifana. The rest was neatly organized on bookshelves in alphabetical order.


" I assure you, they are quite alright. They went on vacation, and I chose to stay here with my books."


Vorrin answered.



" And what could have possibly prompted you to stay behind?"


"....soul studies."


Vorrin paused, taking off his hood and cowl to express his confusion. A scar down the right side of his snout and a a short, black mane complemented his dark purple coat and indigo eyes.


"... that's not usually your specialty."


" true, but do not forget the breakthroughs that have been made by my earlier delving."


" just be careful. You said yourself that this research is dangerous, right?"


" correct, but no discovery has ever been made without risk. Even so, you said that Lorec has found the one?"


" yes. It is specifically an honor duel."


"... it seems... he is finally able to let go soon, then. Without that burden weighing down his soul... I wonder..."


" do you think he can push the limit further?"


" It is entirely up to him. He has already mastered phase 2 for quite some time now. If he truly is ready to accept who he is, then he will be able to obtain his soul's evolution and become awakened. I am eager to take notes and observe, if possible."


" it is. The fight is taking place in the arena that was just built not too long ago. Seems like Lorec got a bit of action before anyone else."


" hmph. Typical of him. Very well, I'll be off. I'm assuming that we are honoring Kazas's promise?"


" yes."


" was I the first to be informed, Vorrin?"


" yes."


" very good! I'll be there as fast as I can!.... as soon as you help me down the steps..."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Pinkie Pie waited for the Griffon to respond, impatiently. 


She was then ecstatic to know that this Girffon actually responded, unimprudently; that made her really happy. Her eyes lit up and miniature fireworks went off in her mind. This Griffon was actually kind!


"Oh that's ok, no pony is generally able to keep up with me!" She smiled wider, "I couldn't help but notice that you aren't mean and grumpy like most Griffon's. But you atually care enough not to be rude, Thank you!" She shouted.


"Well, anyway. I'm Pinkie Pie!" She reintroduced herself, "Why don't I show you around town?"

Fluttershy was about to let Strix leave but she still felt bad for breaking his foreleg. "Wait!" She cried, "are you sure you don't need anything else Strix? I still don't feel right about what I did." She explained


"I'll do anything, you name it." She smiled sheepishly


"Oh I apologize for spacing out like that, I tend to do so when I think. Either way, uh Pinkie was it...I would love a tour of this place. There are so many buildings and ponies and buildings with ponies in them its quite easy for a newcomer to get lost don't you agree? I seem to have a priority location I would like to visit. Do you perhaps happen to have any places where I could get my talons on goods and services of the magical variety?" I asked in way that seemed to mimic her own, maybe if I act more like them I can clear the griffon name!

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Blizzard was so happy to have seen Celestia  open her door, "Oh jeez! Princess I got a big problem biiiiiig problem. No time to explain gotta find something important!" He almost made a mess of the booth when he found the recorder taped underneath Celestia's announcer table. "Got it! Terribly sorry Princess, gotta go!" he said as he skated as fast as he could to a private area to listen to the recording.


The hooded unicorn approached Rarity, "Ahaha...you're so lucky. I'm getting rid of that ice idiot once and for all! Do you know who I am..? I am...Carmine Backdraft. Hahaha! I am an S Rank assassin who's been terrorizing every city in Equestria from the shadows with my arsenal of weapons, bombs, and magic spells. I have been all over, Manehattan, Canterlot, and ...Ponyville. But every time I came there, that Blizzard idiot would beat me again and again, stopping me from earning my job money. But little did he know, I was purposefully letting him win every time so that I could gauge him. I was ordered by my employment CO. that I was to keep an eye on him, as he seemed to be a high priority target. And so I did. I've analyzed all of his strengths and weaknesses and let's just say....you are one of his weaknesses. Well not you per se, but everypony he hangs around is the way to get to him. I know because every time somepony he knows gets hurt, he comes a-runnin'! And I managed to track him down here. So by bringing you here, I will eventually have him dead, and with him dead, there will be nopony to stop my rampage! So, I'll be keeping a close eye on you babe...." he said as he stroked her mane.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Wilhelm was quite literally bowled over by IB as Wilhelm strolled along the arena on a pleasant nighttime walk, after he had finished his orders for the night. Standing up, Wilhelm was about to offer an apology for not looking where he was going when he noticed the recorder and the expression on IB's face. Carefully, Wilhelm said "Ice? Are you... okay? Where's Rarity?"

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard had almost dropped the recorder when he smashed into Will. Dazed, he got up, "Ugh..Will! Terribly sorry my man. I'm in a serious rush." He debated whether or not he should tell Will, but he remembered not to say anything or else Rarity would die, "Uh...Rarity's...around. But, uh, I gotta go! See ya later!" he continued skating until he thought he was alone, "Ok time to play and defuse this." he pressed the play button.


"Well, well well. You're not as stupid as I thought. But this next one won't be as easy:

I am surrounded by glass and admired by all. But when I am consumed, I can destroy you, what am I?" the recorder disintegrated in IB's hooves.


Blizzard listened carefully, "Hmmm...glass....consumed....bottled! But it can destroy you.....uh...come on!" He looked to the clock tower, he had already lost 2 minutes, "Ahh! Come on! I got it! Alcoholic drinks! Everypony loves them, but too much can destroy your insides. I bet that means AJ's bar(n)! Time to get chilly!" he then skated all the way back the way he came, and passed Will again. When her reached the bar doors he busted them open with a kick.



"AJ! AJ! AJ! Quick no time to explain looking for something here!" he began to rummage through the bar to search for the recorder.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Wilhelm exasperatedly stepped into the bar. "IB, what's wrong? Is..." He thought back and remembered how the recorder disintegrated, and IB's remarks about defusing, and then his voice went deadly cold. "IB, if you're keeping anything from me that could threaten the lives of anypony in this arena, I will personally have an issue with that. Tell me. Now."

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard was still searching, and according to the bar's clock, he had 5 minutes left. When he heard Will speak again, he began to cry, "I...I *sniff* I can't tell you Will. Somepony's life is at stake here, and if I tell you...the pony will die." he was having a hard time searching, and when he couldn't figure it out, he sat at a table and cried some more, "*sniff* Why me? Goddammit."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Orion Caelum

"Heh. Name's Applejack, and if I hadn't spent more than enough apologies already, i'd give you one more for not telling you that from the start. Now you-whatsit?!"


She turned rapidly at the commotion, only to see the same blue pony that she had kicked out of her bar the other day bolting in through the door and rummaging through her stuff. followed by a well-dressed pegasus baring a dangerous expression.


"I ain't even gonna question it," she said to the griffin "sometimes it's just better that way.". Over her shoulder, she yelled "if y'all break any of my stuff, i'm breakin' you, ya hear?!"


She turned back to the griffin.


"So, where do you plan to go from here?"

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard was still searching, and according to the bar's clock, he had 5 minutes left. When he heard Will speak again, he began to cry, "I...I *sniff* I can't tell you Will. Somepony's life is at stake here, and if I tell you...the pony will die." he was having a hard time searching, and when he couldn't figure it out, he sat at a table and cried some more, "*sniff* Why me? Goddammit."


Wilhelm's eye twitched slightly. He paused a few moments to calm himself down, and eventually came to the only conclusion possible. In a tone sharp, cold, and impersonal as the blade of the sword he wore along his flank, he finally said "I know. And I can assure you, whoever committed this atrocity will be punished to the furthest extent of the law... which, actually, I am authorized to interpret. For example, do you know that the death penalty works on a case-by-case basis? I'm sure this qualifies, for the first time in hundreds of years, as an appropriate case." Wilhelm turned around and began searching as well. After three minutes, he finally found it inside a waterproof bag inside a bottle of Applejack Daniels. Triumphantly holding it upraised, he tossed it overhoof to IB, and put a few bits on top of the bar counter to pay for the smashed bottle.

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@@Orion Caelum,

Blizzard felt happy and said to Will, "I might not be able to tell you Will. But the guy never said you couldn't follow me from afar. Would you like to help me? Just stay a few feet behind me so that I may still follow the rules and keep the pony alive alright? Let's listen." he pushed play.


"Hm. Maybe an idiot like you is actually worth something eh ice? Here's the next clue:

Within my pages, I have more letters than every post office combined what am I?" it disintegrated.


He thought long and hard, "Hmmm....what has letters like that...? Newspapers? No. I got it books! But not just books, a library! The next one must be at Twilight's library! Follow me Will, but keep your distance."



He skated all the way to Twilight's library and knocked, "Princess Twilight?! You there?!" 

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Wilhelm nonchalantly followed behind Ice, mentally checking over everything he had or could presumably improvise from the Arena's environment. He winced; it wasn't enough as he would prefer. Unfortunately, he only brought his sword and two experimental objects he was planning to test after his stroll, so it depended on what this mysterious foalnapper would have. Doubtlessly, Wilhelm would be able to duel a coward like this six hooves under where he belonged, but he always preferred to be sure. For once in his entire period in the arena, he wasn't sure of what a battle's outcome would be.

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@@Orion Caelum@

Blizzard knocked against the door again, calling for Twilight, "Princess Twilight Sparkle! Are you here?!" he looked behind him to see that Will was still following him. He felt confident in his abilities, but according to the clock tower, he had 7 minutes left, "Ugh! Come on!" he said while pulling on the locked door.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@@Orion Caelum,




rune had been working on his spell, when he got an idea.


'if anything, twilight's library should have the answer!!' he thought.


when he got there, he noticed two ponies already there. they looked like they were trying to get inside.


"excuse me, gentlecolts." he said, before trying to open the door himself. upon realizing its locked, he took out his spellbook, and flipped to the 'Dissembly' glyph.


holding it up to the door, the lock's screws and bolts fell out, and the lock itself fell apart. rune grinned. "now, lets see if i can figure out the spirit spell..." he said, opening the door.


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Fustrated and annoyed, the short tempered earthwarder walked away from the armoury and towards a food stand, he took a hayburger and buns and left some bits on the counter without saying a word. He ate his burger as he went through the site, he noticed a training center and kept e mental note on where it was. He decided to head over to an area with space but was close enough to head back if he was needed, as much as he doubted he would be. He planted both hooves into the ground and focused. After a few moments of straining he'd summoned a sturdy pillar of rock, he took some dust out of his pouch and formed a chizzle and hammer and began shaping the pillar into small pony shaped sculptures.


After making 2 equally sized statues he planted himself back into the ground and what remained of the pillar shrank back down into the ground. He then went up to the sculptures and carved a set of runes on the back of their heads. Then after a moment or two, their eye sockets and the runes on their heads let off a soft orange glow as they began to become 'alive'. He murmered an old equestrian spell and the statues sank into the ground, the only evidence of them still being there was the darkened patches of earth following him as he moved along as he headed back through the area towards his home, keeping a mental note of where everything was.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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Trixie was walking the streets, heading back to her shop. She was slightly annoyed; she had received agreed to imbue some items for Rarity days ago, but today, on the scheduled date, she had walked to Rarity's shop to find the door closed and locked. Typical.


With her schedule now unexpectedly opened up, Trixie decided to take the scenic route back to her room. On the way there, however, she spotted something strange, even by her standards. A pony was burying some type of rock into the ground before moving on. Curiosity overtook her, and she decided to follow him.




Rarity watched the events unfold from the corner where she lay, and it made her heart sick. She was once again being used as a tool to manipulate and hurt others, this time against one of her closest friends. And she was once again too weak to do anything about it.


It was the realization that finally broke her; it was happening again. She began sobbing uncontrollably through her gag, tears streaming down her face as she curled up into herself in the corner.

  • Brohoof 1
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Carmine laughed, "Aw. You look so cute when you cry. And don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want your coltfriend the ice idiot. Once he gets here, I'll let ya go...maybe." This time he walked up and closely sniffed her mane, "Mmm...you smell nice. It'd be a shame to let such a pretty face go, but I got more business than toying with mares this time...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@,@, @@Orion Caelum,


Twilight heard knocks at the door. She was on the upper floor of her library so she couldn't get to the door instantly. Sure, she could of just used magic but she didn't. She first had to put away her book that she was reading; "Daring Do; Crusade for The Lost Mark"  


Once she had returned the book to its original place she began walking down the stairs of the library while she was about halfway down; she peeked around to see three ponies who had just broken into her Library.


"Hey! I get this is a public library but this is also my home so if everyony could please be a little bit more considerate then I'd appreciate it very much. What do you all need?" Twilight asked. 


She then looked over to her door, "I swore I locked it.she thought. "Wait a minute...", she then noticed that her lock had been magnled. 


"Wait, everypony. I want to know who did this," she asked inquisitively, interrupting the others. 


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"i did!" rune said happily, "now, do you happen to have the 'The Advanced Combinations Guide to Runes and Glyphs' book in your personal library?"


he showed no shame in breaking her lock, and didnt seem bothered she had found out about it. in fact, alls he seemed to care about is that book.


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"Ooh, Magic! Of course their are places! How about I show you that first then afterwards I show you the rest of our town? Wouldn't that be fun? So, super, ultra, mega, fantastically fun!" She was right in Vice's face again; they stood eye to eye, literally.


"So, how about I take you to Trixie's and afterwards we can go elsewhere and I can show you all sort of neat stuff." She asked. Inside she begged for a "yes" or even better, maybe "Absotively" or something. 


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@@@Orion Caelum@

Blizzard quickly cleared himself, "Wasn't me Princess. I was just knocking and he came and broke your lock. But anyway...WILL AND I ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING IMPORTANT GOTTA FIND IT!" He began to skate quickly up and down each aisle of books, hoping to find a recorder, "Find it yet Will?!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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