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@@Orion Caelum@

Electron laughed, "Hahaha! You go ahead and mope around, me? I'm gonna have a night on the town...WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!" he shouted happily as he flew away.


Darkrai had long before seen the explosion, and teleported deep inside the cave past Will and saw Carmine's body. "Hmph....what a wimp. I better go try and find Kaz and explain things...." she then teleported out, and began to walk back into town.


Carmine's manical laughter could be heard echoing along the cave walls, even though he was dead....


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Trixie shrugged as she looked at the bag of bits, mulling over the amount. Deciding that it was enough, she slipped both it and the armor behind the counter and into a private storage hole under the floor, before turning back to the griffin.


"As I said before, it'll be ready in three days, be sure to come back in that time. Also..."


She pointed to a sign above her head, one which read:




"Warning: During the process of imbuing, objects may be lost, destroyed, damaged beyond repair, or begin to seek out their owners with murderous intent. In which case, Trixie offers full re-reimbursement, whatever the cost may be.


Warning: After the process of imbuing, do not attempt to enfuse another spell into your object. Possible hazards may include combustion, spontaneous detonation, or, in rare cases, the object coming alive and attempting to devour its user. Remember Twist, and imbue responsibly.




"Probably should have mentioned that before, though."


She turned to Aknor.


"By the way, did you want something, as well? Since i'm filling out personal requests, and you are sweeping my floor..."




As soon as Rarity made it back to her shop, the first thing she did was lock the doors and turn the lights out. She wouldn't be going anywhere for a while.


​She moved to the back room, guided by the soft, light blue glow that emanated from it. A monster machine stretched to the top of the ceiling and almost from wall to wall, and in the center of it, a tiny, wonderfully shining crystal. Her personal creation.


She sat down, and began to work.

"Hah! Are you kidding? We're closer than a pair of ducks in a pond, or a family of ticks on a dog's ear! The Apple family has been together about as long as I can remember us, and even when we're not, we're always within shoutin' distance of each other. That's just how we do things."


Applejack had already hammered in one set of boards, and was heading back to the cellar to go pick up another.


"I know not all families are like that though, though I wish they were. What about you? You got anybody that you can call family?"

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Even though Blizzard was in cryostasis, he could still use his mindscape. But he was stuck within his own mind until he either died out or recived help, "You had to go and be a hero didn't you?" a clone of Blizzard said.


#1: "It wasn't my best decision, but it had to be done. I couldn't afford Rarity dying on me."




1: "Yeah well, still. I love her, what else could I have done?"


2: "Next time try NOT DYING!!"


1: "Shut up. I'm not dead yet. I still have 3 cryogenic days left."


2: "You better pray to Celestia someone finds you."


1: "I doubt it. I'm too far from civilization to be found out here. But yeah, hope is my best bet."


2: "Goddammit Blizz. How do you plan to be with Rarity now?"


1: He blushed and replied, "Go back to sleep while I think. Seeing Rarity's face is the only thing that'll assure me of her safety...."


2: "Whatever..."


In the real world, Blizzard was still motionless within his ice.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Trixie shrugged as she looked at the bag of bits, mulling over the amount. Deciding that it was enough, she slipped both it and the armor behind the counter and into a private storage hole under the floor, before turning back to the griffin.

"As I said before, it'll be ready in three days, be sure to come back in that time. Also..."

She pointed to a sign above her head, one which read "Probably should have mentioned that before, though."

She turned to Aknor

"By the way, did you want something, as well? Since i'm filling out personal requests, and you are sweeping my floor..."

"Honestly?" He said, "I have absolutly no plans for today and I thought that I might as well make myself useful. Also you were kind enough to make conversation with me in the first place. Otherwise I'd probably be 'burying' more things out there." He paused for a moment, thinking of the emblem that caught his eye earlier, "Hmmm, how much would it cost for that for the silver emblem I gave you earlier? I think it had a fireball etched in the center of it." He asked, hoping for it not to be extortionate in pricing. He doubted she'd want a coupon for a free piece of armour or a weapon. Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Night Tracer watched as Nightmare left. Chills rushed down his spine and his body temperature spiked, he began to break a sweat, then inhaled. No dice, he continued to tremble. He was afraid, very, very afraid.

Night Tracer was then alone, very alone. He felt like he was on an abandoned island, barren and sullen. The island crumbled yet it remained, unmoved.

If he stayed, gradually his mind would deteriorate, terror and misery would grasp his heart and engulf it with the agony faced by the mare he loved.

If he stayed he could help, although he might suffer Luna would not, or at least to a degree. He could slow her suffering, he could slow her from succumbing to the eternal darkness known as Nightmare Moon. He would prevent any outside sources from bringing her down, he could be her shining light, But in turn, If he failed. He could endure eternal horror as well as eternal anguish.

All of the negative but he didn't care, he loved her, but much more, he loved Equestria. Regardless if his pain, regardless of his despair. He loved Equestria almost as much as the moon that hung above it. If he couldn't do it for Luna then Equestria and vise versa.

Luna needs Equestria in order to rule and Equestria would need her to survive.

A tear fell from his eye and rolled down his cheek. "What have I gotten myself into..." He asked himself aloud.

He was done, so done. The anxiety had gotten to him, the pressure bore him down. He was tired, but silent screams kept him wide awake, like a woodpecker constantly pecking at his thoughts, at his heart.

He flew off of the roof of the Princesses' box, into the stadium, swooped up his equipment and ended up at the doorstep of AJ's bar; he busted through the door and shouted, "I need a pitcher of Cider; Virigin." 

Edited by louisvillepride
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Electron flew all the way to Applejack's bar, and bursted through the doors, "Boo-yah! Hahaha! Gimme the strongest thing you got! I'm celebrating tonight! Whoop Whoop Whoop! The most awesome thing that could ever possibly happen, just happened! Too bad you guys missed it!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Kazas had finished cleaning the dishes, having stacked them neatly and had stored them away in the correct placement. Turning to applejack, the one-eyed griffon sighed, and spoke in a reminiscent manner as he walked towards her.


" I do. My father and mother are back in Leovia, over the Eastern seas. However, my father and I.... don't exactly see eye to eye on many things, no pun intended. Won't even let me near the house to see my mother anymore. It is probably for the best that I am here now, though I do hope to eventually restore what was a loving father-son bond to its original state. Besides, family doesn't always have to be blood, at least, in my opinion. Lorec is like a big brother. Vorrin, the one you probably saw earlier speaking to me, is almost like a twin. Syuren, whom you haven't met, is like a little brother, and old Alrahm, whom also has yet to make himself known, is like a grandparent to me. They have become my second family, and I love each and every one of them as if they were true kin. We have fought, laughed, cried, and even bled together. The same goes for the acolytes that volunteer under our command."


He said, aiding in Applejack's endeavor to fix the hole left by Lorec. Heading up with her to help carry down wood.





Having painfully escorted Alrahm to the outside of the arena, next up, was Syuren.


Just great.


Having left Alrahm near the entrance of the arena as a marker for the acolytes, he entered shadestalker form again, this time to make to Syuren's; and by extension, Lorec's residence speedily. Syuren was both the fastest and loudest one of the bunch. Plus, he had to get Sifana, too.




" zzzzzzzzz..... "


Syuren was taking a nap, when he was woken up by Sifana shaking him.


" brother Ren? Please wake up!"


Syuren, waking up to Sifana's cries, groaned.


" whhaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt? I'm tryin' to sleep here... being a speed demon needs a whole 'lotta energy, and if I can't perform 'cause I'm low on awesome juice, I ain't gonna be ready for, well, you know.... stuff."


" Ren, Papa hasn't come home yet..."


"..... so? He probably got über wasted. He'll wake up in an alley somewhere eventually covered in throw-up n' good ol' shame. Heh heh."


" Ren, please can we go find him? I'm just worried, that's all."


" ... aghhhhh alright. Fine. We'll look for big horny, find 'em, come back, and nap. Just gimme a minute to gear up."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"but...ruk's training made me almost on par with earth ponies. and i was talking about how some earth ponies cant wield swords like unicorns." caliber said, "and well, i was a bit of a quitter back when i was a kid."


he swished the sword around in the air. "i couldn't get the spell right the first ten times, and i went 'hey, you know what? i dont NEED magic'!" he grinned. "i think it has something to do with the fact i had an earth pony dad who tried to teach me how to do stuff like earth ponies, and made me help out with carrying stuff. and my mom tried teaching me spells, but you know how that worked out. and...i dunno, i guess it messed with my subconscious or something."


he laughed a bit when she suggested meditation. "funny thing is, im actually very aware of the spirit and aura and souls and stuff. i just happen to be a unicorn who doesn't use magic." he started swishing the sword faster, and started moving in sync with it. "hey, you know what? this might be better then my current style..." he jumped, caught it, and slashed at nothing before dropping it and making it levitate again. "it might be even faster..."


he walked to the machine, and turned the dial down. the sword dropped, before caliber made it rise again. "what about you? you never wanted to be a different race?"


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"You and your pa will fix things. I can't say nothing for sure, but family just has a way of working things out, when they give each other the chance. I-"


Applejack dropped the nails she was holding and suddenly whipped her head towards the direction of the doors, which had suddenly burst open to reveal a blue shaded pegasi shouting something about a drink. Applejack glared angrily.


"Consarn it, y'all just can't go-"


She was interrupted yet again when another figure burst through her door. This time, a very familiar yellow pegasus who seemed to be in too much of a good mood to bring any kind of good luck. Applejack narrowed her eyes.


"I don't care if the moon fell out of the sky, I told you you're not welcome in my bar, so get out! And you," she shouted, locking eyes with the blue pegasus. "You better calm down and put some sense to yourself, or you're leaving with him."





"Well, i'll just have to put you to work, then," she said, winking. "Believe it or not, there's still a lot that needs cleaning up in here, so feel free to stay as long as you like. As for the amulet, really, it's one of my first creations, a simple trinket with a minor protection spell woven into it. If you want it that badly, you can have it, free of charge; i'm not about to let you pay for it when you helped fix my shop up. Consider it a gift," she finished. Reaching onto her shelf, she proceeded to pull out the amulet before handing it to him.

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Electron scoffed as he made his way towards the doors, "Heh. Fine. Oh, and by the way, your stupid blue friend Blizzard the snowball? Yeah he's dead! Ahaha! Dead and gone forever! Stupid fool died while foolishly putting some stupid purple and white mare's life before his own. And if you don't believe me, go ask the mare yourself! So don't expect anypony to save your bar the next time I come back and destroy it all over again! Hahaha!" he then flew out of the bar, back into the sky.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

The intercom suddenly blared out over the arena:


"Attention ponies!" The voice was surprisingly chipper.


"The next match has been announced, and Brightstrings Anette will be fighting Electron Wave Storm! The arena chosen will be: The Forest of Death! Fighters, begin!"


The intercom went silent.




On the streets of the residential area, a gray coated pony with a well pressed suit stopped and listened intently as he heard the names being announced.

"Mary, you're actually here..." he muttered, as he reversed his position, heading straight for the arena.




Anette stood in a small brown clearing in the center of the forest; one of the few that existed, as far she could tell. On her back, Glory, Heartthrob, and Hero stood up, seemingly glaring at Electron Wave Storm from their position.


"Before we fight," she said, halting the moment, "I just want to know...why? Why do all of these things, and hurt ponies? What does it mean to you?"

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Wilhelm had been lying on his bed for the last few hours, trying to put himself in the worlds of books- none of which included Ice dying. He had managed to stop crying at Minute Three, and started actually doing stuff instead of brokenly starting at a wall at Minute 19. After awhile, he had begun to feel happy again when the announcement rang through the arena. He jolted up, eyes wide in surprise and horror. "Oh Celestia. No. No, no, no..." He quickly threw together the loadout he kept in a haphazard pile near his bed (thrown there carelessly after he came home) and got dressed, for once not paying attention to wrinkles or even putting on a coat or tie.


He simply ran out the door, bow at his flank and sword opposite, wearing nothing but a white dress shirt and jeans. "No, no, no...." was his refrain until he made it to the stands, but by then, the match had already started. There was nothing he could do. Wilhelm cursed quietly and settled for watching the fight, praying with crossed hooves that Annette would be okay.

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zenru's ear flickered, and he shrugged. "might as well go to watch doll girl fight." he said, "she happens to be a friend of mine. until then, bye."


hunter nodded. "understandable. have a good one, zenru."


zenru smiled, and raced back to the arena. he was suddenly in the front row, looking expressionless as ever. "go hero!" he said, trying to cheer, but failing.


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Electron closed his eyes for a moment before opening them, and speaking solemnly, "When me and Blizzard were younger, we were friends. We did almost everything together like brothers. But then.... he got his powers before me. And he was acting like a pompous jerk thinking her was the best thing since horseshoes! I mean sure, he never outright told me that's how he felt, or acted that way, but I could tell that deep down, he had a superiority complex!


So from then on, I shunned and disregarded him. Eventually I stopped being friends with him. Especially after I got MY powers hahaha! AND the stupid snowball's DEAD! Don't believe me? Go ask your coltfriend Wilhelm. He was right there when it happened. There he is up there!" he said as he pointed a hoof to Will.


"So now, I'm only friends with tough guys. Anyone who's friends with that snowball, is just as big an idiot as him! And with Blizzard out of the picture, I'll be the best elemental pony in Equestria!!! So with less BS..... let's begin....!" EWS charged himself up, and shot 2 quick bolts of electricity at Anette.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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zenru had heard what electron had said, and he didnt like it one bit. insulting a pony is one thing, mocking them after they had died was another thing altogether. his eyes blazed with cold fire. he gave annete a look that said


'dont kill him, i wanna chance, too,'


and continued watching.

  • Brohoof 1


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As soon as Kazas heard this, he immediately felt as though a heavy stone had been dropped upon his chest. Beak wide open from shock and disbelief, he muttered to himself.


" no... I... she didn't..."


Looking at Applejack, and then back at the entrance that Electron had used, a new visage came across his face; one of determination, mixed with a little fear, and prehaps... fury? How could this pony rejoice in the fact that another had died, if it was true? And... was if it was true, would it be Darkrai that had done the deed? No time to think. He had to catch that pony. Speaking to Applejack in a panicked voice, he dropped what he was doing immediately, and began towards the entrance way.


" Applejack, I am sorry, but this is a matter that I must attend to! Please, forgive me!"


Running outside and taking off in EWS's direction, his search was all but in vain. He had disappeared without a trace.


" Dammit all.... i've got to find the boy! But where... how..."


Flying around town, he would try to locate anyone who could help him...

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Wilhelm's eye twitched slightly at this remark, and he came extremely close to simply jumping out of the stands and shooting Electron where he stood, like the dog he was. However, he managed to calm down at least slightly, and watched the match continue with narrowed eyes. "Come on, Annette, you can do this. Kick his ass."

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Darkrai had finally found Kazas. She heard him shouting at Electron Wave Storm and quickly said, "Wait Kazas! No! Electron has to go fight. It'd be best not to keep him from his match. Now I know you're probably thinking I killed the kid, but it wasn't me! I swear! I heard the explosion and saw 2 of his friends sad at the scene. Somepony else did him in!"

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai had finally found Kazas. She heard him shouting at Electron Wave Storm and quickly said, "Wait Kazas! No! Electron has to go fight. It'd be best not to keep him from his match. Now I know you're probably thinking I killed the kid, but it wasn't me! I swear! I heard the explosion and saw 2 of his friends sad at the scene. Somepony else did him in!"

It was then that Kazas, flying low to the ground, saw Darkrai, and heard what she had to say as he flew in close, eventually landing in front of her, panting. What she had to say was very thought provoking indeed. Almost as if she had confessed. Then... it was true. With a worried and confused look in his eye, he walked closer to her in an almost jerking motion that warrented immediacy.


" Darkrai, I need to find Ice Blizzard. If even the smallest chance that he is alive is there, then I have to take that chance! And Darkrai... you're telling me... that what I did not want to believe... was truth?"


He said, looking downward in a state of guilt and remorse. There were not many who could survive an explosion. Worse yet, she did say that two of his friends were mourning...

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@, @,  


Night glared at EWS as he busted in; cackling. He wanted to say something but he held his tounge as AJ spoke to him, "I'm sorry, just along day... or night... I hope you can forgive me. I'm not really in a great place as far as my mental state," he stated, his mind was still focused on Luna, as was his heart.


He stepped up and took a seat at the bar. He ran his hooves through his mane and placed his knees up against the side of the bar. 


He quit thinking to listen to EWS rant, and he didn't catch it all but he caught the gist. He then thought, "Blue pony... Ice..." he then hung his head in shame, and began speaking to himself.


"Yeah... he was a fool... But he was a wonderful fool. Going out of his way to protect those who he loves. He didn't care about the consequences that he would face but the consequences of others.... he cared far more for that pony then he cared for himself; how courageous, how bold, how cliche..."


He pondered, he was in a similar situation as IB, but he didn't feel sympathy for Ice but instead pity. Which he was incapable for feeling for himself. He sucked in air to his lungs and pushed it back out and continually stroked his hooves back and forth through his mane, repeatedly. 


His eyes were bloodshot and strained, he was dazed and stressed. A tear fell from his eyes, "But sometimes the biggest fools leave the most lasting impact...." he said as he wept. He was a fool, he knew it, but he didn't care. He pushed all his doubt to the side and ignored it. 


"I have to..." he whispered, this whole time he was audible to everypony around him but he didn't seem to realize. He couldn't see past his misery, it clouded his vision with tears and blurred his mind with thought after thought. 




Twilight glared at Rune; he had broken her lock and didn't seem to care very much. "Oh, thanks for that." She sarcastically mentioned and then turned toward her lock. 


She used her magic and moved the knob and its lock back into its position on the door. Then she faced Rune again, "Follow me," she instructed as she walked down a long line of shelving.


She repeated the name a few times to herself as she browsed the books. Suddenly she caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of her eye, "Aha." she triumphed, as she teleported the book down to herself and palced it at Rune's hooves. 


"Anything else you need help with?" she asked.

Edited by louisvillepride


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Before the bolt could strike, Glory was up, shield blocking the weak shots before they could touch Anette.


"No, I don't believe it, no matter how much history you throw at me," she said simply, shaking her head. "I've only known Ice Blizzard for a few days, and I still know he would never lose to a snake like you!"


At her last words, Hero jumped off of her back, sword at the ready as he weaved in elaborate patterns, all the while heading straight towards Electron. Off to his right, Heartthrob skirted around him, searching for a good shot. It was only Glory that hung back, sitting on Annettte's shoulder as she attempted to protect her from stray shots.

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Darkrai began to cry as she looked to the ground and a small puddle of tears began to form, "Kazas...I...I wanted to kill Blizzard. You see, his grandfather was an Equestrian General named Iceberg Chill. On one of his missions, he and his team took my parents from me when I was just a filly." she began to cry more, "I always thought I was alone in the world and wanted to exact revenge on Blizzard because of what his grandfather did. But then....you came along and showed me that I wasn't alone. That there are others who actually care.... I was about to kill him earlier but my consciousness told me not to. Now that he's really dead, I..I...oh Kazas...please forgive me..." she said as the puddle of tears became larger.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"nope, im good!" he said, as he plopped himself down right then and there, flipping through the book. "fire, water, earth, wind, soul, divine, dammit...nothing..."


he closed the book. "youwouldn'tmindifiborrowedthisforacoupleofdaysright?" he asked, before dashing out. "wait. isnt my match..."




"uh-oh." he made a 180 degree turn, and dashed towards the arena.


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Electron scoffed. He had a better plan this time around, "Sorry, but I don't hang with little fillies who play with dolls!" He charged himself up, and flew straight at Anette, ready to punch her dead in her face, "This is the pain all of snowball's friends should feel! Take this!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Nightmare Moon arrived in the World of Shadows, where the still sleeping form of Luna lay resting.


"You'll want to know we had a less than interesting visit, Mother." she said as she angrily strode up to Luna. "It looks like lover boy refuses to give up on you, even though he knows the pain it will cause the two of us. He thinks he can save you; what a selfish fool."


Her facial expression abruptly changed, becoming soft and miserable as she stared at her mother, resting on a bed of shadows. She shook her head slowly.


"You loved him more than me. That was your mistake."


She slowly faded into the shadows, and Luna woke up with a gasp.




"Partner, I don't know who you are," Applejack said, leaning on the counter to talk to the blue pegasus, "but you got no reason to believe him; that coward's full of more venom than a pack of sidewinder's. But I saw you before you got here, and that obviously wasn't your problem. Now, look, here's the problem; I wanna help you out, but I can't if you won't let me. So, stranger, imma let you make a choice: I can give you alcohol, or I can give you a friend who will listen to you until you can get this off your chest. But I can't do both, so you're going to have to choose."


She laid her hoof on his arm and looked into his eyes.


"Which'll it be?"




"Attention ponies!"


The intercom blared, chipper as ever.


"The next match-up has started, and it's a fight between Rune and Sleight Mist! The match will take place at Mage's Paradise! Begin!"


The intercom fell silent.




Glory's shield shuddered, but just barely held the force of the punch. Inside the shell, Anette shook her head.


"They're not dolls, they're my friends. Once upon a time, I actually thought we could be friends, too..."


The shield dropped, giving Anette enough time to twist Electron arms using both of hers, pinning him to the ground. She looked down at him, sadness etched into her face.


"But there's nothing good left in you, is there?"

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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