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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Electron scoffed again, "Pssh, Quick Fix owed me a favor, and it seems like he delivered. He and I go back pretty well. So yeah, I meant what I said before, not only will I not let anypony mess up your bar, but that mare who blew it up, is gonna be apologizing as well."


He tried to make light talk, "Ugh, don't you just hate it when ponies don't follow instructions? I mean every time those feather brains above, mess something up, I gotta come behind them and clean up their mistake. I mean, as a Weather Regulator it's my niche, but come on, every 3 sec--"


And electric shock was heard outside as EWS groaned and check what it was, "No! Arclight, the lightning's for tomorrow!"


"Whoops, sorry, boss."


Electron sighed as he went back in, and sat down in a seat in front of the counter, "But at least, I get to use my voice and tell them what's what. But it drives me to wanna drink, you know?"


Kevin was on the move. Like a speeding train through the town, as he ran past the Hall, "Something's not right, I just know it. I think something's going down. Parties never go right from my experiences. I sense trouble...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"I remember," Rarity replied, coming to the sudden realization about the same time Lektra mentioned it. "It's nice to see you again, and luckily over a much more pleasant circumstance."


She decided to offer a compliment, confident in the truth behind her words.


" You know, Lektra, it's just my opinion, but I think you're incredibly pretty. i'm sure you could find a proper date if you applied yourself, maybe go out and talk to somepony?" she suggested. She decided to hold her tongue and not say anything about the ensemble, not sure how that conversation would go over.


Instead, she turned back toward Ice Blizzard as he began to talk. She noticed something... off about him, but decided not to mention it. Instead, she nodded affirmatively toward.


"It's okay if you don't know how to dance, darling, I happen to be quite good at it. All you have to do is follow me, okay?" she offered kindly.




"Looks like the alcohol's all still here," Applejack shouted, checking under the counters for the bottles she stored there. "I'm still a bartender, and it is technically opening hours, so feel free to order anything that you want. I'll even cut you a deal since you brought the place back to life; the first one is free. The rest you still got to pay for it though," she added quickly. "Sorry, business is still business, after all." she said with a shrug.


"Well, it's a good opportunity to learn." Sleight Mist countered from her position beside him, placing more pressure on the cracks she was sure was beginning to show under Caliber's will. She'd get him to break, come Tartarus or the River Styx.


"I'll even help you out personally... if the Great Wanderer isn't scared to try something new," she teased, the temperature now rising and falling in various spots on his back.

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caliber frowned. no doubt she was leading him on, and that the shivering in his back was her doing.


and damn if it wasn't working.


"er...you know, like you said, do we really need to go there?" he asked, weakly. "i mean, you didnt wanna go in the first place...so..."


he chuckled. granted, it was an uneasy chuckle, but still.


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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie snorted and giggled, "You're funny silly billy." She booped his nose and smiled before bursting out into laughter. "You can be friends with anypony, I believe everyone is your friend until proven otherwise, it's super duper fantastic to have your expectations not only met but exploded. It makes me so happy to see other ponies meet their bestest best friend. It's just so--," she stopped and drew back. Only seconds later she let out a humongous sneeze and out came confetti. "Sorry," she sheepishly smirked.




@nyone who cares.

Vinyl pulled NT by his hoof through the resturant as fast as she could. She dodged a few waiters and waitresses who were getting ready and navigated NT around any obstacles. She pulled him around the outskirts of the dining section and up onto the wings of the stage. She brought him through a thick velvet red curtain and threw him in front of her. 


He stumbled on his hind two hooves, which he'd been running on; and onto a grey figure that shrieked. "What in Celestia's name are you doing, I could have you fir--," Octavia had her face on the ground while she angrily spoke in her upper class, formal, tone. Halfway through her minute speech she turned around to see a familia blue stallion who she hadn't seen in a little over a year, "Tracey?!" She exclaimed as she jumped up and hugged him. 


Before Night Tracer could respond, Octavia cut him off, "I'd love to catch up but we're really busy right now, I hope you understand." 

He looked back at Vinyl who nodded in agreement rather non chaltantly instead of her bestie who was stressing a storm.


"Glad to see you haven't changed a bit." He seemingly congratulated, "You know, I'd be happy to help, I just have to leave a bit early to pick up a friend from something and bring her here."


Octavia who was already prepared on leaving to go work more caught the offer. She thought it was very generous but didn't want to use her old friend. However, she had a change of heart when Vinyl came up behind NT and nodded her head in agreement to having him help; so, she accepted his offer. "Well, two things. We need a pianist for tonight--,"


"You're looking at him." 


"Really? You would? Thank you so much!"


Vinyl jumped over him and gave him a noogy with her forehoof, "Hey, chill you're mesing up my mane." he laughed. "What do you need me to play?"


Octavia thought, as did Vinyl who came up with a wonderful idea. She drew their attention and point to each of them in additon to making a few hoof motions


"Oh, what we did for our exit exams! I remember that! Yeah, we could do that, are you down for that, Tavey?" 


Octavia silently agreed, "Now we need you to play a closingnumber as well, do whatever but make sure it's good, alright?" She said rather sternly, she didn't want anything to go askew. "Now, we also need two spots performing filled and some help preparing tables, could you do that as welll?"


Night Tracer replied with enthusiasm, "Of course, you can count on me. Let's go." He concluded and tapped to Vinyl as they began to run off to get some work done.


But before they got far, they were stopped. "Hey, Wait." It was Octavia wasn't speaking in such a narcisstic but a more genuine and natural tone, "Thanks, I mean it. We can talk later, It's nice to see you again." she smiled then saluted with her hoof; off behind some doors she went and they each went there seperate ways. There was a hell of a night to prepare for.


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Blizzard realized his attitude just then, he needed to stay calm if he wanted this to work, "Ok, stay calm and focused, I can't let the presence of another pony buck this up. That's what reckless fools do."


"Hehe, thanks. But I'm still gonna try my best to make this night fun for you." Vinyl and Octavia's Hall came into sight, "Ah. Target sighted. I can't wait to take you there Rarity. It's gonna be great." He turned to Lektra, "Hey, I got an idea, maybe you'll find somepony at this party hm? Go out on the floor, mingle a bit, I mean I think you'll be fine. And here's another thing, and this is just my opinion, I'd think you'd be more approachable if you went and started a convo up yourself. Initiative. One of the key traits that ponies look for in other ponies."


He started to blush a little, "I mean it's one of the many things I like about Rarity. She takes great initiative...hehe...ahem, so yeah, you'll be great out there, Leks. Come on, girls, the place is just down the road, I can already see the ponies entering and presenting their tickets."


EWS shook his head and smirked, "Nah, here, take it." He said as he placed 50 bits on the table, "Now, I consider us even. And please don't say you can't accept it, because I still feel the need to pay you."


He turned around in his seat, facing away from her, "You know, I'm starting to like you, Jackie. You're pretty tough compared to what I've seen growing up. And you got some admirable qualities, like your honesty, trustworthiness, and hotness. Just hope I can redeem myself and gain some qualities of my own eventually....oh and uh, surprise me with anything you got back there."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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rune had been mulling over the last few minutes, trying to decide if he would go.


he shrugged. "got nothing better to do, so..."


he ran to the place, and used some fancy magic to get backstage. 


he forged a vip pass. wasn't that hard, he just needed a reference...and he watched some ponies walk by with a few.


"yo! someone by the name of night tracer invited me to play here!" he shouted. "where do i go? oh, and i need a guitar!"


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Kevin was doing something akin to surveillance as he walked around the sides of the building, "Careful where you stand, folks. This could get messy out here."


He also had his own ticket, mainly due to suspicions and conspiracy theories he had, "When the time is right, we'll make our insertion..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Well, the healing they had at the hospital never ceased to amaze her.


Red had been watching the copious amounts of ponies with dresses and-- well, Gala-worthy outfits--walking along in one direction, chatting.


Finally, she turned to Ruby. "Do you think there's something going on?" She asked. Unsaid was, 'and do you think we should go?'



Bjorg stared out across the arena at the gorgeous pegasus. Ancestors above, what a flank. If all ponies were that pretty, boy, Bjorg was going to like this place.


"Bjorg looks forward to our fight, Violet the Beautiful!" Bjorg called across the arena, taking several steps forward and unsheathing long claws.

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@@Little Red


ruby cackled. she had been bouncing around, amazed how her side, head, face, and cuts were healed. "huh?"


she grinned. "i say we go, eh?!" she asked, "i even found my fake bag of bits in the trash!" she grinned wider. "it looks like we'll be going!"


she started to lead red to the local dress shop, and ruby said 'wait here.'


she ran in, and about five minutes later, she ran out sporting a top-hat, one of her fake mustaches, and she was holding a dress and what appeared to be a stallion's suit. 


"lets roll!" she cackled, running away. inside there was a official-looking pony holding his mouth. no doubt he chipped a tooth testing the 'bits' ruby had given him.


after a while, they came to a stop. "now, red, since i only managed to swipe these two suits, its only fair that i get first pick. and i shall choose...this one!"


she picked up the stallion's suit, and started putting it on. what was funny, though, was that it was a few sizes too big, so it hung off in folds. but in a cute way.


"now, red, suit up, and we'll get some passes to the ball! dont worry, ill be your date!"


it looked so funny, seeing ruby with a stallion's suit, and with a mustache. 




violet merely cracker her neck, and then her hooves. "violet the beautiful? like i haven't heard that before!"

Edited by PeytonJay


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Red put her hoof in her mouth to stop herself from laughing. She quickly removed the hoof.


"You look dashing," she said, seriously. She eyed the dress, trying not to seem distasteful. It doesn't look as though it allows for much maneuverability. "So is the dress for me?" She asked, slightly cautious.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Little Red


ruby grinned from ear to ear. "thanks, i know!" she said, as her top hat shifted, covering one of her eyes.


she noticed red looking at the dress with a hesitating look.


"hey...you want me to get another suit, of you dont want a dress?" she asked, "im sure i could use the dress as bait..."


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violet merely cracker her neck, and then her hooves. "violet the beautiful? like i haven't heard that before!"


"I am sure a pegasus with such fur as yours has heard such praise before!" Bjorg cawed cheerfully, moving forward. Her wings stretched slightly and she puffed out her feathers, making her seem even larger. "Let us have a fight for the ancestors to be proud of!"


She charged forward, head lowering, and lunged, claws unsheathed, ready to attack.




"Bait?" Red said, now even more concerned. "Bait for what?" She was considering. It would be risky going back to the store to steal another suit, but what if a fight broke out? Or something?

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@@Little Red


violet was looking at the griffon with the weirdest smile playing at her lips. "alright..."


she posted up, and moved ever so slightly to the right, the grffon's claw's brushing against her cheek. she cocked, and threw a rising punch at the stomach. she was intending to end this fight quickly.




"listen, red, if you dont like it, i could just steal another one. ill give this one back, dont worry."


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Bjorg quickly dodged to the right, grabbing Violet's hoof with her left talon and clenching her right talons into a fist, and attempted a punch straight at Violet's pretty face.



"No, I like it," Red said hastily, not wanting to offend, "it's just, uh, I'm not a dress-type, I guess. Yeah, let's go back and steal another suit," she said, grinning slightly. "And give this dress back."

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@@Little Red


violet blinked when her attack was countered. she looked at the fist heading at her, and retaliated by cocking her head back, and heat-butting the fist as hard as she could. might as well deal damage if she's gonna take some damage. 




ruby grinned. "okay, one sec!" she said, as she ran off.


she came back, with a new suit that looked strikingly like her own. and for whatever reason, she had another top hat on top of the one she was already wearing, along with a fake mustache on her forehead, and cheek. "got the goods!" she chirped.

  • Brohoof 1


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"Ow!" Bjorg grunted, pulling back the first quickly and shaking it out. She stared at Violet, very impressed. This Pegasus is a very tough cookie!


She attempted to grab Violet's other foreleg with her other talon. She intended after that to pin Violet down and perhaps finish the fight.


(Forgot about Red!)


Red blinked at how quickly Ruby had gotten the new supplies. She was very amused at the outfit she had gotten.


They were going to stick out like a sore thumb in that party... but that was okay, because they would look awesome.


"Thank you," Red said, taking the suit and removing her cloak and strap. She put on the suit (which was also too big-- not because she was small or anything) and chuckled. She probably looked ridiculous.


"Are those mustaches all for you?" Red asked, eying the one on her cheek perplexedly. "Or is one for me?"

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@@Little Red


violet grinned, seeing her counter worked. although, even with her hardened head, it still hurt.


her leg was grabbed, and she reacted by spreading her wings, and taking to the air, flying about wildly, trying to shake the griffon off.




"oh! sorry, how could i forget?"


ruby pulled out another fake mustache, one that hadn't been used, and handed it to red. "here ya go!"

  • Brohoof 1


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Bjorg was surprised by the sudden strength of the take-off and the power of her struggling. Bjorg followed her into the air, but she was considerably bulkier and slower then Violet and had trouble holding on.


She pressed her beak together, holding tighter, as a colt does to his favorite toy. Unfortunately, it was too hard to keep up and her grip was loosening.



Red blinked, opening her mouth to inform Ruby that mustaches generally were not worn on one's forehead and cheek, but decided against it. It was just so cute and she didn't want to burst her bubble.


"Thank you," Red said serenely, taking the mustache and sticking it over her muzzle. She looked at Ruby. "Shall we go?" she said, then coughed slightly. "Excuse me--" she took on a fake, deeper voice-- "shall we go?"

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"Yeah, Kind of : P " she said to Rainbow Dash "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out? You know, if you aren't busy. I've got nothin to do currently. we could show each other our skills and stuff, or possibly race each other, it could be fun ^-^" she said excidetly

Edited by sonicdashie
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@@Little Red


violet kept flying higher, and higher...towards the ceiling. 


violet was about to use her momentum, and the ceiling to crush the griffon on her back.




ruby giggled. then she remembered that they were trying to be males.


"of course." she said, imitating a stallion, "lets go!"


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Bjorg grumbled to herself. She was going to lose this little tussle. Unless she tried to push Violet against the ceiling-- after all, the ceiling was just as good as the ground. Except with more stalagmites. (or was it stalactites?)


She attempted to fly under Violet and charge upward to pin her against the ceiling.



Red walked towards the street and followed a pair of mares with dresses. She glanced at Ruby. "Operation: stealthily follow the random pair to find out what's going on," Red said seriously. Then coughed again. "Pretend I said all that in a deep voice," she said, lowering her voice by an octave.

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@@Little Red


violet felt the shift, and she started to panic. "wait, WAIT!"


she twisted so that her back would hit the ceiling, and she started throwing punches and kicks before she actually takes the damage. although this'll still hurt...




ruby snuck up behind the two mares, and actually brushed past them. "wait, i forgot something-" she murmured, and she turned around, and walked back to red. she raised two passes for the ball. "gottem!" she squealed quietly.


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Red rather disapproved. Oh well, probably those mares had some connections and could sneak in anyway. It was a ball-- couldn't be that hard to sneak in.


"Well done," Red said in a deep voice, patting Ruby on the head, and accidentally denting the top hat. "Oh." She grabbed the hat and pushed it from inside and put it back on Ruby's head.



Bjorg got kicked in the face. She cursed, but continued, unable to see, rocketing straight for Violet. The ceiling was only five or so feet from them now.

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The magic stopped. Sleight Mist shot him an unreadable look before she turned away.


"You're right, I did," she said flatly, not bothering to explain further. "I'll be at the training grounds if you need me, then."


She began to trot away, securing the final key to her plan. Caliber could either stop her, or let her go. If he did the former, then that was a win in her book. If he did the latter, then he would simply blow the biggest night of his life, and she could cut in some training time before her next fight, with or without him. Either way, there was no way to lose.


Sleight Mist had just put Caliber into a checkmate.





"Maybe we could," Rainbow Dash replied with a challenging grin. "Tell you what, new kid; we could do a simple race, and I could kick your flank into next Thursday. But how about this? I'll fight you in the arena. If you win, we get to hang out, whatever you want to do. If you lose, you still get to hang out with me, but we get to do whatever I want to do. Deal?". She held out a hoof, ready for the pegasi to accept or decline. It was her choice.




Applejack took the bits without a fuss.


"Thanks for the compliment, you're not so bad yourself." she replied, slipping the bits under the counter. She fiddled under the counter for a second, before coming up with a glass and a bottle of dark red liquid, almost thick enough to be solid.


"It's called Blod av Aptgangr, and it's some powerful stuff. Took a bottle of this myself, and well... I don't really remember too much after that."


She poured the liquor into the glass, only enough to barely cover the bottom of the glass. She looked up at him knowingly.


"Trust me, that's all your going to need if you want to see properly once you leave here. It's the honest truth; that there's some powerful stuff."




Rarity took Ice Blizzard's compliment and smiled. From inside a dress pocket, she pulled out two tickets as she walked, and handed the second one to Ice Blizzard. They'd be there soon, hopefully without a fuss. Then, it was time for the two of them to have the night of their life.

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Blizzard took his ticket, in preparation to present at the booth ahead.


"Uh...this way, milady. We're almost there." He shyly held out his hoof to Rarity to hold as they walked together, heartbeat increasing as he did so.


EWS took the sip of, whatever that was, "Heh. Pretty damn good. I should come back more often."


Suddenly, a pegasus mare walked in, "Sir! We ne--"


EWS sighed, "You go, I'll catch up." As the mare left, he turned back to AJ, "Thanks for everything, Jackie. But unfortunately, now I gotta go. There's supposed to be a strict pattern of weather going on for tonight and I don't want anyone, or anyone's businesses, to get bucked up in a miscalculation. See ya later...or whatever."


He then walked out the doors and flew into the air, "What the---? NO! That is NOT how you make a cloud! What the buck is that?!"


In front of EWS was the mare from before with a virtually unstable cloud that was  moving on its own, "They did their best, boss..."


EWS facehooved, "Their 'best' apparently wasn't good enough! I mean look...what the---?!" The cloud started to shake even more before EWS found an empty glass bottle, and bottled it. Afterwards, he threw it as far as he could, and in midair, it exploded wildly, like fireworks, "Grr...You tryin' to kill us?!"


"I-I'm sorry, I'll go get another..."


"Hurry up, and go! Move! Move! Move!" EWS yelled as the mare flew off, "I better go see if these dunderheads haven'tt messed up the party yet...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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