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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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the spar was still going strong, albeit they were at a safe distance now. they were still in their own leisure. zenru was about on stage 6, and cubus wasn't letting his memories guide him. to them, this was rough-housing, nothing more.




"oh?" caliber stopped eating his giant plate of food for a moment. "is that so?"


he grinned. "alright, your on!!" he took a deep breath, and started talking. he chose a rather tame adventure, since he actually kinda wanted to get drunk, and if she could actually top this one, then she was certainly fun enough.


"i accidentally wandered into changeling territory, once." he started, "and by time i realized where i was, it was far too late to simply turn the other way, and go back to safe territory. i had to go all fugitive, after i was attacked by a small pack..."


this went on for a while. "and finally, a full month later, i made it across the border, where they wouldn't dare follow. and thats how i almost died sixteen times in a month."


(if y'all want the full story, then just say so. i was just feeling lazy.)


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Blizzard thought for a moment before drinking more champagne. "I think I might like runway modeling. It does sound fun, but I kinda wanna take it slow. Like maybe after a couple of days of regular modeling, if I feel comfortable with it, I might wanna go ahead an do the runway model thing."


In truth, that was the only thing Blizzard wanted to take slowly. As far as this relationship, he wanted to show that he could step it up, and be there for her in a way that others have not. With the knowledge of nopony to tell her she did a good job at a workdays' end, nopony to help her relive stress, nopony to even cook her a decent meal once in a while. He knew what he had to do. "The gold heart necklace locket....with that message inside..."


Blizzard just realized another topic, his mom, "Hey Rarity. My mom said she met you at the spa. What did you think of her? She also told me she showed you a baby photo of me, holding flour." he laughed, "Give it to me straight, did I look ridiculous as a baby or what?" he said before eating more spaghetti.


"Don't worry Rarity. I hope I can show you the advantages of being with somepony. If only I could tell you how I really felt...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Bjorg got pulled into a-- hug? For a moment, Bjorg was occupied dealing with very distracting thoughts before coming back to her senses. She suddenly realized that despite her larger size, she couldn't break free. Violet was too strong..!


She began furiously snapping at her with her beak as a compromise.


Red passed Ruby on the way to the buffet. Ruby had a giant plate of food and a very contemplative look on her face. Had something happened?


Getting a considerably smaller plate of food, she returned to Ruby and decided to ask her question. "Ruby, did something happen while you were over there? You look deep in thought."

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@@Little Red


violet spread out her wings, and took to the air. she started making wide circles in that air, and was apparently building up speed. 


she had seen this technique in a favorite anime of hers, 'pokemon', and wanted to see if it worked. the snapping at her face would jsut have to be endured.




ruby looked at her. "hm? oh, nothing...just had a blast to the past...its okay." she smiled. "now, when are they gonna start the music?" she wondered out loud. 

  • Brohoof 1


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No... could this be..?


Was this the mythical seismic toss?


Bjorg suddenly couldn't see anything. All she could see was how incredibly screwed she was.


She struggled harder. As she was bigger, the only thing her beak was hitting was the top of Violet's head, but she began tugging at Violet's ear wildly while trying to claw her shoulders with her front talons. Her hing legs flailed uselessly.


Red stared at Ruby a little doubtfully. She got the definite feeling that Ruby wasn't telling her something. Oh, well-- all in good time.


"I don't care too much-- I've hardly ever danced before," Red said, staring at the empty stage. Once at a school dance, but-- yeah, she didn't want to think about that. And one other time when she'd been alone and there had been this traveling gypsy caravan...

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@@Little Red


violet winced at her ear. thats it, no mercy. she made one last circle, and gave an all-mighty, all-powerful throw at the ground. she was really throwing as hard as she possibly could, here, and as such, she had generated a lot of force. the griffon sailed towards the ground after her beak was ripped from violet's ear.


she didnt know why, but she cried out 'seismic toss' when she threw her. 




"oh, so you dont dance, huh?" ruby asks, with a glitter in her eyes. "well, i could teach ya...its a very simple dance, but you wouldn't believe how fun it is..."

Edited by PeytonJay
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Bjorg knew there was nothing she could do. She had heard too many legends about the horribly animated, terribly powerful seismic toss. She for a split second thought about spreading her wings to attempt to slow the fall, but that would only succeed in her breaking her wings.


She lifted her neck slightly so her head wouldn't hit the ground and landed, creating a small crater.


She felt a crack. Probably several ribs, maybe even her spine. No, she could move, her spine wasn't quite broken. Luckily, her head hadn't really taken damage. She attempted to get up. Yes, those were ribs, and also both her hind legs, it seemed.


Bjorg couldn't fight like this. Wait, yes she could! Violet would have to come down at some point to finish the fight. And she still had her beak and her front legs, after all.


"That's all you have?!" Bjorg cried out, while inwardly literally crying from pain. "Bjorg is yet to be defeated!"


"Uh... might be fun." Red ventured cautiously. "What's the dance?" If it was swing dancing, she was out. Swing dancing had always made her nervous.

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@@Little Red


violet sighed. really?!


this was one tough cookie, she'll give her that much. she landed on the ground, near bjorg. "you just dont give up, do you?" she asked, walking towards a medium-sized boulder in the ground. with a grunt, she managed to lift it up, and walked over to bjorg at a safe distance. "forfeit, or im throwing this sucker at your face." she threatened, "and trust me, their not gonna be able to heal that."




"okay, but to be fair, you may feel a little silly doing it at first. its called...." she was quiet for a moment just to build suspense. "...the nyan nyan dance."

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"Bjorg does not give up!" Bjorg cawed, ruffling her wings and attempting to toss her head, which didn't really work.


She considered her last words. "But please allow Bjorg to consider her options for a moment!" She added. She considered.


Wait-- the griffins of Griffinia do not need thought! "Bjorg does not give up!" Bjorg said triumphantly, then realized what that boulder probably weighed in comparison to herself. "But... Bjorg does not wish to get her face smashed in," she admitted, in a lower voice, "so Bjorg concedes that Violet the Beautiful has defeated her."


"The... nyan nyan dance?" Red said, cautious as ever. It sounded... menacing. "Uh... okay. I would like to learn that."

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@@Little Red


violet dropped the boulder, next to her. she grinned, and slid down into the crater, and picked up the griffon. "now, lets try this again. hi, my names violet!" she said cheerfully, carrying her towards the medics. "whats your name?"




ruby grinned. "trust me, you'll like it. its easy enough to learn, its a two-step dance. when the music starts, ill start doing it. assuming that the music is something dancable to, of course."


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"I am BJORG!" Bjorg yelled from atop Violet's back. "IT IS AN HONOR TO MEET YOU, VIOLET!" As per Griffinia tradition, her voice became much louder as she said her name. "THAT WAS AN HONORABLE FIGHT, MY FRIEND. I HOPE TO SPEND MUCH TIME IN THE FUTURE WITH YOU." She would have suggestively raised her eyebrows at Violet or something, but Violet wouldn't see it anyway, so she saw no point.


"Oh... okay." Red said doubtfully. Two steps? What on Equestria could this dance be?

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@@Little Red


violet laughed, letting the medics take bjorg onto the stretcher, and she was taken to the infirmary. she headed there, too. after all, her ear was positively radiating pain.




ruby grinned. "you'll see...honestly, im not sure this is that type of party, though..."


"ah, no worries, there. ill be sure to play a number with a fast beat." came a voice from beside them. rune grinned. "nyan nyan dance, eh?"

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Red jumped slightly in her seat as a stallion spoke behind her. She turned hastily. He was a unicorn with some strange rune-like markings on his right foreleg.


She raised an eyebrow and almost told him that eavesdropping was rude, then decided she didn't want to come off hostile. Especially not to a unicorn with a weird leg in Bangcolt, the city of crazy warriors.


"Does every pony know of this nyan nyan dance except me?" Red asked drily. She also stowed the fact that he had said 'I'll be sure to play a number with a fast beat,' which implied he was a musician, in the back of her mind to question later.

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@@Little Red


"aw, dont be stingy, now!" rune said, pulling up a chair, and sitting down. "its a pretty weird dance. not a lot know about it." he chuckled. "so, whats y'alls names? im rune."


he grinned, and ruby took the bait. "well, im ruby. and this here is red!" she said, liking this friendly pony immediately. 


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Red was a little doubtful about this pony. He was a little too friendly. And Ruby was also a little too friendly. She didn't quite trust him.


Oh well, she wouldn't get anywhere from being paranoid. She nodded in affirmation of Ruby's words, still staring at him a little suspiciously. "Pleasure to meet you, Rune," she said impassively, not sounding like it was that much of a pleasure but saying it anyway because she was willing to trust him for the moment.

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rune looked at red. once again, it seemed that his overly-trusting personality seemed to get to someone. again.


he'll try, anyways. 


"so...red..." he started, and you can almost hear something in his brain switch, "tell me. are you intimidated, or afraid. or maybe your even trying to assert your dominance." he started, analyzing her to see her reaction. 


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Red stared at Rune blankly. Wait-- wait, he was serious?


Her opinion changed of the pony. He was honestly friendly, got exasperated easily at ponies that weren't as friendly as him, and liked making friends fast. When a pony wasn't quickly taken in as his friend, he wanted to sort out the issue immediately. He was straightforward.


Her mouth twitched slightly as she thought about deadpanning that she was afraid, but decided against it. "Sorry if I offended you," she said serenely, "I don't meet many friendly ponies like yourself. I think we got off on the wrong hoof." She held out her hoof. "I'm Red. It's a pleasure to meet you." Now, it actually was, somewhat.

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@@Little Red


rune regarded her for a while. "that still doesn't explain why you reacted so...whats the word? negatively." he said, through calculating words, and eyes. "normally, when someone reacts like you did, their almost always cautious. perhaps its because we're in bangcolt, famous for it's dangerous atmosphere. but at the same time, you, yourself is a fighter. and that can only mean one of two things. one is that your afraid, and your certainly not afraid, since you had the guts to come here. and you dont seem to have any problems making friends, as seen with ruby, here. now...that shortens our options. either you were angered, by something, intimidated, or like i theorized, your trying to assert your dominance. and since you haven't made any attempt whatsoever to move either of your hooves towards your sword, and since you've kept unstable eye-contact, i can safely assume that you wren't trying to assert yourself as alpha, nor were you intimidated. so, i guess this could be possibly be even annoyed. maybe i caught you at a bad time. oh well, at least you want a do-over. ill think back on it, and tell you my deduction when im done, but for now..."


he spoke with a single breath, and shook red's hoof shortly after his little speech. "glad to meet you, red. im rune."

Edited by PeytonJay


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Trixie stared openly at Night Tracer for roughly fifteen seconds. Then, she looked up at Celestia, reading the situation and finding something very wrong here.


"You're not laughing."


"Because it's not a joke. Him and my sister have, in fact, fallen for each other. It was a surprise to me too." Celestia non-chanlantly took a sip from her glass. Maybe she should slow down...


Meanwhile, Trixie regarded Night Tracer, looking at him for a second like a Chineighs curiosity exhibit before falling back to a smile.


"So, are you a contestant here too, or just visiting?"


The dolls stopped once again as the shaking intensified, to be added onto by loud crashing noises. It sounded like they were in the middle of a tornado.


One particular crash sounded right outside their door, and it was then that Glory decided that she had had enough.


"Hero, Heartthrob, Nightmare? Come here." When they all rallied up, she spoke to them, talking with deathly seriousness.


"This is obviously too big to ignore, so we're going to check this out. But I don't want anyone doing anything until we're sure what we're up against. Okay?"


Everyone nodded in agreement, so Glory beckoned them to silently follow. They each floated up to the window, which Glory silently nudged open with telekinesis. Then, they each moved out into the night, moving up to the top of the roof for a better view.


Glory strained to see what was happening, but her eyes couldn't catch anything. She turned to Heartthrob, but she didn't even need to utter the instructions.


"Two ponies." she began, rattling off the words as she stared off into the night. "Both swordsman. Damn good, I have to say; looks like you have some competition, eh Hero?"


Hero gave a gruff response. Glory glared at her, and Heartthrob read it down the back of her neck. She continued her analysis.


"Okay. Ridiculously fast. Ridiculously strong; they're cutting down trees like they're nothing. And... hold up... I came almost see their faces..."


Heartthrob stopped staring, turning back towards Glory with an expression of exasperation.


"You're not going to believe this..."




"That is what I said. And I always keep my promises." she replied, taking another shot. She looked back up at Caliber, smirking dangerously.


"So, you're the great wanderer, which means you must have some good stories. I'll make you a deal; you share one, and I share one. Winner takes two of the heaviest drinks in this place. You up for it?"




Rarity shared a laugh with Ice Blizzard as he brought up the idea.


"No, darling, you'd simply be modeling any of the designs that I happen to come up with, to make sure they'd properly fit your average stallion. I assure you, there will be absolutely no runways involved. I mean, unless you want to, that is. I'm sure I could fit you in somewhere..."


She took another shot of sherry, pondering the possibilities.


"Originally, neither. Well, possibly the latter. I was just looking for some place to go since I had just completed college no more than a month or so ago and I had friends here so I figured I might stop by. But what happened knocked my world right side up; not down because that had already happened. Or maybe it was down, I don't know quite honestly, my life has changed several times." He contemplated with himself, "I don't know, doesn't matter."


He figured he might return the favor, "How about yourselves, the both of you. Trixie, I don't know where you're from but Celly, why'd you move of the palace in Canterlot."


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Red raised her eyebrow and as the hoof-shake finished, she lowered her hoof.


He was obviously quite the thinker, too. And quite open about the fact. He probably liked seeming intelligent. And he did, he appeared very intelligent by the amount of effort he was willing to put in a deduction.


In Red's opinion, he was overthinking it. "You're right. I'm something of a warrior." she said agreeably. "I left my home years ago and was on my own until very recently. I only met Rune today. During that time, ponies have tried and some have succeeded in taking advantage of me."


She let the rest stay unsaid and changed the subject, leaning forward slightly, looking at him interestedly. "So, are you a musician, then?"

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@@Little Red


...ah, one thing that he didnt like. ponies that would take advantage of others. but he would rather not dwell on that.


ruby was still trying to comprehend what he said, when he talked again. and this time, he sounded as cheerful as before. "yes, i am a musician, of sorts. although i do prefer my runes, and glyphs, it is a rather favorite hobby of mine." he said, with a winning smile.


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Red nodded, eying the runes on his leg again. This pony likes to smile. She reflected. It wasn't a bad smile-- there was just a lot of it, which surprised her still. She hadn't met such an honestly friendly pony in-- well, as long as she could remember.


"I haven't seen runes used in combat, but I assume you do so." she said, hoping he would continue. She was curious about his combat style.

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@@Little Red


'haven't seen', 'assume', and 'do so' were the keywords, here. rune decided taht she wanted to see how his spells work, and he was more then happy to demonstrate.


"glyphs hold a magical power thats been put into them beforehand." he explained, taking out his book, and ripping out a page. he laid it on the table, and there as a strange symbol on it. "depending on the mage, the amount of magic put into said glyph can be merely a spark, to a slow and steady input over years that could even rival alicorns."


his horn glowed, and the yellow aura barely appeared on the paper for a half-second before it burst into fire. "...this glyph, for example, didnt have that much of a charge..."


he ripped out another page, and laid it on top of the ashes. "runes are magical by nature. they take a considerably longer time to make, but its worth it. it involves using the four basic elements which are always in the air, drawing them in, and making something from it.this earth rune, for example..."


his horn glowed once again, and it felt like every bit of dust in the room was sucked towards them. a perfect cube made out of compressed dust sat there in the middle of the rune. "unlike glyphs, runes need magical power just to activate. but their arguably the better of the two. and, well, i use these things to my advantage, in combat."

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After listening to Heartthrob's description, Glory began making her decision.

"...it looks like we don't have a choice. We'll have to distract them, or this whole place is in danger."


She looked at her group, a plan forming in her consciousness.


"Hero, you'll going to be going down there directly into the battle to intercept them. Keep your attacks light and make sure you stick to the cover of night; you're nowhere near as strong as them, and without Anette giving you energy, you're nowhere near as fast."


She took a turn towards Heartthrob.


"Heartthrob, you'll be up on the roof with me. In case anything goes wrong, try your best to put those two to sleep. I'll be casting shields over Hero in case anything goes wrong, but they won't last against any sort of direct attack, especially not against these two. You can't afford to miss."


Heartthrob saluted, and Glory began making a final turn, this time towards Nightmare.


"Nightmare, you'll provide distraction. I want the works; make them think Tartarus has broken out around them. Stick close to Hero, and try to throw them off."


Nightmare simply cackled in response.


"Good. Now let's do this quickly and efficiently. And guys... keep yourselves safe, above all else. With Anette being so far away, our magical connection is strained. I don't know what happens if we take too much damage, and I don't intend to find out, got it?"


All the dolls began nodding in response. Glory nodded back, before turning forward again to watch the fight.


"Good. Now, move out."


Hero and Nightmare vanished, leaving Heartthrob and Glory on the roof.


...Hero and Nightmare dropped down, moving towards the fight. As per Glory's instructions, they moved in under the cover of darkness, floating inside and out of the curves of buildings and never staying in the open. They made it there in a little under a minute.


"Okay." was all Hero said as he stared up at the two warriors clashing. He concentrated, trying to pin down their movements. Then, he made his own. Pulling the highest amount of speed he could muster, he aimed a long slash towards Cubus' flank. At the same time, Nightmare let loose a belch, spewing a long jet of bright fire into the night.



"No, you looked fine! Positively adorable!" she said, unabashedly. At least until it occurred to her what she had just said. She began blushing heavily.


"No, I didn't mean adorable!" she stammered out, completely off-guard. "I meant..."


She took another shot of sherry, composing herself. When she lowered the glass, she seemed perfectly fine.


"Your mother is just wonderful. She joined me on my spa visit helped me out on a few decisions which I had been having some trouble with. And she was perfectly pleasant the entire time. You're quite lucky to have her."



Sleight Mist only smirked once Caliber finished his story.


"Just changelings, huh? Let me finish that story I started to tell you, the one about the dragon..."


"...It all starts with me and Anette wandering into a shut-off town in south Equestria. We were just going to take a rest stop there, but it turned into a mission. Because, as it turned out, the locals were using the nearby mountain for mining rare jewels, but an enormous black dragon had decided otherwise. He had crashed right in the center and taken the hoard for himself, sinking their entire economy. At least, that's what they told me. Naturally, I decided to help them."


For a fee, she thought, as she continued her story, but she decided not to mention that to Caliber.


"I leave Anette holed up in an inn at the village, and I walk through jungle for several hours to get there. Then, I scale the mountain using barriers for several more hours, until I can finally get inside and see what i'm up against. And what do I find? Him, sleeping. He must have been three times as big as this building, and uglier than Nightmare Moon's flank..."


"...But more importantly, sleeping next to him were ten other dragons, much smaller, but just as ugly. It was a gang, something that the locals had failed to inform me of. Obviously, my chances of winning this fight straight had just lessened dramatically. But, luckily, dragons are dumb as rocks. I snuck up on the smallest one, and gave him... a haircut... before he woke up. Then, going out the back I set up barrier systems around the interior of the cave, and fired a couple of shots at some of the littler dragons. It worked like a charm; they began in-fighting like a group of old mares at a bingo match. I just had to wait patiently, until the big one was in the right position, and then I fired a single shot off of my barriers and down his throat. Dragons, you know? Remarkably tough skin, but not magic-proof on the inside one bit."


The smirk widened.


"Anyways, once they saw what had happened to their leader, the rest of the dragons cleared out fast. I crawled back down the mountain, and told the locals they could use their mountain again. And just like that, I was a hero. I got a crapton of money, it took me less than 24 hours, and walking was the worst part."

"It's not important," Trixie quickly feigned, drawing a concerned look from Princess Celestia. The Princess decided not to speak on it, however, and spoke up instead, moving the conversation towards herself.


"This is a temporary resting stop, I assure you. Me and my sister came here to initiate the start of this tournament, and to see it through. There are other...concerns," she said, firing a look at Night Tracer, "but I assure you, there's nothing to be worried about. As soon as this tournament reaches its end, we'll be back in Canterlot once again."


Celestia gave a light-hearted smile towards the both of them.


"We have to be. We finished all of our important matters before we left, but paperwork can only be held up so long." As she mentioned it, she thought back to the castle, and her no doubt very frustrated right-hand stallion. Poor Kibitz...

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Blizzard blushed heavily when Rarity said he was adorable. It was like the best thing he could have ever heard in his entire life, coming from the pony he loved.


He tried to keep the flow going, "Th-thanks Rarity. Hehe...uh, yeah, my mom's pretty nice. Although she can be kinda...a tad embarrassing, but that's what moms do, and I love her for it. She's the best mom in the world, and she loves to help others with decisions. She would always be there for me to help with my homework, and I'm glad she was able to help you with whatever you needed. And she can bake! My mom makes the best baked goods in all the North. I bet she could even give Pinkie Pie a good challenge."


He then thought of something else, as he sipped more champagne, "My mom also said, that she told you about a bit of our ancestry. The Clan of Ice. Tell me, did our history interest you? And uh, if you wanna know more about my clan, I'd be happy to tell you. I-if it doesn't sound boring...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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