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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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rune had left, in pursuit of his water, as he was distantly aware that vinyl went to defend him. he wanted to stay, and help defend himself, but he needed that water. the performance he put on drained him more then he would admit.


five clones, plus teleportation, and dancing the whole way through? yeah, he was pretty spent.


he noticed vinyl trotting up to him and smiling. "hey, pon-3!" rune greeted her, "some show we put on, eh? it'll be hard to top, but im sure we can do it."


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Sleight Mist had made it to the training ground, and was now in the middle of fighting for her life. From the air, an ice spike as big around as she was made an arcing descent towards her, forcing her to dodge. She rolled off to the side, dodged three more equally large spikes with a series of flips, and brushed one away by smacking it with a barrier, which actually cracked under the strain. She de-summoned it, but was forced to do so on the move, jumping straight up to avoid the sharp water tentacles that attempted to strafe her at ground level from all sides.


Sleight Mist had set herself up for this. With a lack of good opponents to take on, she had settled for the next best option; herself. An odd machine with the capability of recording and replicating a ponies battle maneuvers happened to be on the field, and she had wasted no time in setting it up. She had also wasted no time in breaking the safety once she found the lower settings to not be to her liking. It was something that she would probably remember as a poor move on her part. If she survived this, that was.


She flash froze the water tentacles below her, and kick flipped backwards on contact, landing on solid field. Or so she thought. A barrier that had seemingly set as a trap underneath her feet suddenly rose, propelling her fifty feet into and disappearing before she could react. The machine apparently could, however; as many as fifteen ice spikes shot from it, none of them hitting a critical spot as they passed her, but more than a few causing her to lose skin on her flank. She hit the ground, taking it into a roll to avoid breaking anything.


It was probably in her best interest to disable the machine now, she thought, as she absent-mindedly used a barrier to plunge yet another ice spike into the ground. After all, the machine would only get better as time went on. She jumped, moving into a spinning roll to dodge two barriers that had been placed perfectly horizontal with each other. She felt the air from both of them pass over her body as she moved through them.


But, she figured she needed this. No, deserved it, after all that happened. She had to pay for her mistakes in some way, after all and she couldn't think of a better way to do it. And if she couldn't stop the machine by the time she was done...


She chose not to think on it, instead choosing to devote all of her brain activity to staying alive. She had a long night ahead of her.




The scene changed in the world of shadows, a ghostly ballroom surrounding Luna and Nightmare as they talked. In the background around them, innumerable stallions twirled and danced with the black shadows of a familiar mare, forming the setting of a hellish masqurade ball.


"Stop this," Luna called out, all to aware who both the shadows and the stallions were. "You cannot make me do anything, Nightmare!"


The Nightmare responded simply by shaking her head where she stood. The ballroom changed dance pace, all of the stallions and shadows suddenly moving slower.


"No, I cannot," she finally admitted with the shake of the head. "But I don't have to. You already know what you have to do; this world is proof enough of that."


"Lies!" Luna once again called out. "This is just more of your trickery!" The tempo once again changed, but this time the spirits moved faster, nearly blurring as they spun into innumerable and impossible dance positions.


"You know that's not true, because I don't control this world," the Nightmare said simply. She let a shadow pass through her, with no visible reaction on her end. "You do."


The entire room seemed to freeze then, spirits and stallions in their masks alike freezing in whatever position they happened to be in. Nightmare walked casually up to Luna, who seemed to be panting from either shock or exertion. She leaned down, whispering lightly into the moon princesses ear.


"Tell him..."





Rainbow Dash Looked at Lightning Strike and smiled; at least there was someone here that she could rely on. Side by side with the other competitors, she bent down low to the cloud that she was currently, getting into a starting position.


"Okay, guys, get ready! 3...2...1...go!..."


She took off, and it was like she had never even moved in the first place. Like movement was something that was beneath her; just one minute, there had been a Rainbow Dash there, and the next, she was gone, not even kicking up cloud material to announce that she had disappeared. As Rainbow Dash pulled through the air with a speed that caused the world to blur around her, she recalled that this was why she loved flying. The energy the excitement, The thrill. She broke into a spin as she shot off towards the forest.


This was real magic.




"Not particularly," Rarity replied, looking around the hall, then back at Ice Blizzard. "I think I should be going home anyway; I can hardly walk straight."


She demonstrated, getting up and attempting to move towards the door of the hall. She only got about halfway before she stumbled, and she had to sit down at a nearby table to avoid falling over.


"Um, scratch that, it seems I can't walk at all." she looked toward Ice Blizzard with a half embarrassed smile. "Um... Do you think you could help a lady get home?"




@Orion Caelum

Anette paused in all of her actions, like she had been frozen to the spot. Like time had run had run off and forgot her. She simply remained tied to that spot, dimly aware of everything around her. Then, the inevitable happened; she started to cry.


"Wilhelm, I..." She attempted to get the words out, but she cracked under the happiness she felt, and couldn't continue. She tried again, with the same result. A third try later,she simply gave up, and settled for looking at Wilhelm helplessly.


"They won't stop," she said simply, looking up at him with a smile that dimmed the entire hall by comparison.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Blizzard got up and followed Rarity, but grew a look of concern as she seemed to be unable to move. He thought for a moment and got an idea, "Uh-huh. I gotcha."


Without hesitation, Ice Blizzard put Rarity on his back. (Like this:





He made sure she was perfectly balanced upon him, and was able to get home comfortably. He turned his head to her, "Ok, Rarity. You all set? I'm gonna walk nice and slow so you'll be comfortable."


Ice started to walk out the door, but could see that it was raining lightly outside. "Ooh. Don't want her to catch a cold. I didn't bring an umbrella. Damn! Think Blizz, think." He stopped to think for a moment until he got an idea, "I got it!"


He summoned a horizontal portion of his ice shield above Rarity. Like his full ice shield, it would block her from getting rained on, it was placed the perfect distance above her where she wouldn't get cold from it, and it would stay above Rarity for as long as Blizzard wanted. "Hang tight, milady."


Ice slowly began walking outside with Rarity on his back. The rain was dropping lightly around them. Rarity however, stayed perfectly dry under the ice shield portion. While walking, Ice turned to her and asked softly, "You ok, Raresy?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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LS took off along with RD, she was about 7 or so feet behind her, and slowly catching up. LSs backtrail was showing behind her, it was a light cerulean color with a yellow-orange zig zag running through it. she loved going this fast, it was a chance for her to show off her moves and have lots of fun, and, just to have a little bit if fun she did a quick flip mid-race

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Tyra descended into the Ursa, deducing that it was indeed not a real living creature. The bones flowing through its body were not natural, and its skin was all rock.


She descended what she supposed was the stomach, which was more like a cavern. Lorec was knelt down in the middle, the familiar aura emanating from him. She slowly and carefully approached him.


"Lorec!" She called to him.

Lorec was unresponsive toward Tyra, and continued to send out power throughout the entire body of the stone ursa. His eyes stared directly at Tyra, blank and glowing, as if he were asleep with his eyes open. His entire consciousness had gone into powering the gargantuan stone war machine, and it had reflected earlier, as though Lorec was indeed the great bear himself. Perhaps a well placed strike could bring him out of his little trance...

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec was unresponsive toward Tyra, and continued to send out power throughout the entire body of the stone ursa. His eyes stared directly at Tyra, blank and glowing, as if he were asleep with his eyes open. His entire consciousness had gone into powering the gargantuan stone war machine, and it had reflected earlier, as though Lorec was indeed the great bear himself. Perhaps a well placed strike could bring him out of his little trance...


Tyra approached Lorec, slowly and carefully. He hadn't responded to her call; was this a ruse to draw her in, or could he truly not hear her?

"Lorec...?" She repeated, much softer as she got right in front of him, waving a hoof in his face.


Perhaps she could knock him back to his senses?


She took a deep breath and reeled back a forehoof, proceeding to sock the minotaur square across the face.

Hopefully that would be enough to get his attention.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Star Saber

Sleight Mist rolled to the floor of the training ground once again; she'd lost track of how many times she'd done that in the past hour. This time seemed to be different, though as a wincing pain told her that she'd probably sprained her ankle when she kick dived from the ceiling to avoid the explosion. Just her luck.


The entire room was in a calamity from the fight. The entire room was covered in ice, and giant spike twice as big as she was were impaled in the surfaces in random directions everywhere, making movement difficult. More complicated, though, were the barriers whirling around at indeterminate speeds, glowing in multiple forms of colors and ready to strike at any time.


Sleight Mist took cover behind a particularly large ice spike, and calculated her odds. It seemed the machine had out grown her long ago, but if she could just get a clear shot at it...


She leaned over to get a peek, and a solid red barrier passed by, inches from her face. She ducked back into hiding, then, waiting for any opportunity...

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There was a resounding bang in the training arena. The machine Sleight Mist fought against jerked back as small projectile had passed between its barriers and struck it firmly in the machine’s centre. It’s barriers faulted as sparks emanated from the open wound.




A second bang, louder than the first was coupled by a spray of white light bolts then perforated the Machine mercilessly, tearing it apart. It clattered to the ground in a heap as a Unicorn walked into the room, in his magic grip, a revolver made of some dark metal and a double barreled shotgun in the other; which was bathed in a white light that was slowly fading. He turned to look at where the mare had been hiding.


“You alright back there?”

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@Star Saber


Well... the other three legs were, Sleight Mist thought as she heard the the voice shouting from across the room, but she didn't say that.


"Just a sprained ankle back here," she called out instead, hobbling out onto the ice with three legs and still keeping unnatural balance. She walked closer to front of the room, and the first thing she saw was the damaged machine, teeming with odd rips and tears from an unknown weapon. The second thing she saw was the pony who had called out, and she looked at him strangely. It wasn't Caliber.


"Who exactly are you?" she said, her stance tensing up a little. She wasn't in a good shape to fight him off, but she would if she had to.

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“What the?” Was Ash’s reaction to the sound of Pinkie’s cannon, he froze on the dirt wall as he felt the air behind him rush upwards. “WHAT!?”


Ash then heard Pinkie’s voice from above from above. He cricked his head upwards to see her looking down on him, asking if he needed help. He growled and clawed the rest of his way out of the pit; forgoing Pinkie’s offer of help. He stood up over Pinkie Pie slightly menacingly.


“Watch where you’re hopping next time, I don’t need my wing getting any more busted than it already is, Alright?!”






“The name’s Calibur.” The stallion answered, complete unaware of the coincidental significance of his name. He holstered his firearms as he looked the mare over, “You’re lucky I came when I did, that machine seemed to have you on the ropes.”


Calibur cautiously walked over to the ruined training machine and poked it with his hoof, “Who the hell would make a machine like this?”

Edited by Star Saber
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"Yeah, i'm fine... just so tired..."


Rarity yawned; the rocking motion as Ice Blizzard carried her was lulling her to sleep. The buildings vanished, and new ones popped up in their place every time she closed her eyes, but she barely noticed. She just kept clinging to Ice Blizzard's back, letting him safely carry her through the streets.


"Ice...thank you..." she said sleepily as she drifted off, nuzzling her head softly into Ice Blizzard's neck as he walked.




While the mare with the leafy green mane and tail slept, she also dreamed. Walking in a world unknown, lost, alone, and afraid. Strange voices haunting her from long ago. A world, no, a sky, on fire, as far as the eye could see...




@Star Saber

"I'm guessing the princesses. Who else?" Sleight Mist replied, checking over the machine. It seemed down, but she couldn't make heads or tails of the mechanics or the materials. She made note to come back here later and find out.


For now though, she had introductions. She moved over to Calibur, still on three legs, and held out a hoof, having to contend with standing on her injured one for that.


"My name's Sleight Mist. Nice to meet ya."

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Ice was very happy to hear Rarity say she was ok. It was actually kind of weird. He didn't even feel weighed down by Rarity, yet she felt...soft. And when she rubbed her head upon his neck, Ice began to blush a bit as his heart started to beat a bit faster. "Whew. That was a fun day. But now, I gotta get this angel home to her bed so she can rest."


He turned his head, and whispered softly, "You're welcome, my sweet." He turned back around, and after a few more minutes of walking, he saw Rarity's workshop come into view. "Aha. Here we are."


Ice opened the door, entered, and made his ice shield dissappear. From there, he carried Rarity to her bedroom once again, and let her down gently upon her bed. He pulled the covers over her body, and thought, "Hmm...should I...no. Uh-uh. I'm not that kind of guy. Maybe later."


He looked her over once again, and knew that there was something that he had been meaning to say for a while. Something that would make him feel better to get off his chest sooner than later, "Oh man, should I tell her? I mean, she's asleep, so she probably won't remember tomorrow. Plus, I'd finally get it off my chest and feel more confident in saying it when she's awake. I'm gonna do it!"  Ice knelt down to her bedside, and mumbled softly into her ear, "I...love you....Rarity....." And after he gave Rarity a quick goodnight kiss to her fore head, he stood up, and walked towards the bedroom door, planning to exit, "Sweet dreams, my lovely gemstone..."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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“The princesses huh? Don’t know why they’d make a machine that could end up killing their own subjects.” Calibur said putting a hoof up to his chin. He then noticed Mist offering her hoof to shake.


“Nice to meet you as well ma’am.” Calibur said politely as he shook the mare’s hoof he also tipped his hat slightly with his magic. His gaze then focused on her injured leg he stared at it for a while before speaking again, “Doesn’t look broken, probably just sprained like you said. Probably would do well to keep off it for a little while.”

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Aknor looked up from his food, finished chewing and swallowed it. "You were talking abut where you're from in Canterlot and how your childhood was, I think." He looked at her, she seemed annoyed by something but decided not to probe, she didn't look in the mood. "So, what was your childhood like?" He asked, resuming the coversation before as if nothing had happened in the last few minutes.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Night Tracer saddened as Celestia began to sing, he didn't let her know, she was hitting close to home with him. He sighed and opened his mouth. 


"Lully dear Tia, Goodnight sister of mine..." He cleared his throat and looked down at his hooves non chalantly, and glancing side to side as if he were trying to remember something but tried to play it off as if he knew, "Rest now in Starlight's embrace, Tis, you loved me much more than I know. Forgive me for being so blind." He held on the last note, it was soft, gentle. He closed his eyes and shook his eyes, before opening them back up to look back down at the table, "Soon did her sister do what was demanded and gave to the moonlight her due. Breaking the harmony, she saved her ponies, and banished her as a wise ruler must do. But such is the weight of the crown we wear, sister, Duties we always uphold. May you forgive me that foolishness mine and live on with no burden upon your soul..." A tear was almost brought to his eye. As he remembered the words Luna wrote on the back of a picture in her album he had looked at the first night. 


He finally faced Celestia, not knowing what to expect after what he had done. "They're her's." He stated, "Her words, I read them off of the back of a photo. It was of your coronation that was on the picture, and instead of her looking at your crown, your glory, you, she looked at herself... I, know the feeling. More than anypony else. As I have--," He stopped and curled his lip. Before letting out a sigh, then proceeding to lie, "I have, uh, studied, a, uh lot on them and I remember having a close friend... when I was younger. Who had a sister. A lovely younger sister but he was such an unbearable asshole, he shoved her to the side and focused on himself. Leaving her to devour herself... Leaving her alone." He explained before pausing and glancing off. "I hate that friend. He's too much of a scared, pathetic, prick to try and salvage that relationship. He could look out for anyone, friends, elders, teachers, professors, strangers, crooks, but he couldn't look after her. Because she had everything he never wanted to be known by the world. She was the only way besides a book he kept hidden; Those were the only ways you could ever learn about him and his horrifying past. And due to fear, he pushed her away. Although she needed someone as much as he did. She had nightmares... stayed awake at night... cried for days upon end... she was suffocated by the hell of the world... she was all bucking alone, and that selfish, arrogant prick let her try and take her life... AND he still won't give in. Knowing all the pain, all the hell she has been through, he still can't bring himself to be an ounce of piss to her." Hot tears filled Night Tracer's eyes as he got more and more angry, attracting attention from ponies around him and Celestia.


"Dammit Celestia, this wasn't how this night was suppose to go... we were suppose to have fun, we were suppose to leave all our pain at home. I'm sorry, I can't tell you who I am, even with how open you are, I'm not. I'm an inconsiderate ass who cares about himself and you can't know what I've done because I'm not the same..." He angrily thought to himself as he choked up on tears. 


"Celestia, he was a terrible brother and I, pray he has a change of heart. Because he's not as bad as you may think. He's changed, like I said, "past does not define me, past is not today," and I believe that for everyone who is willing to change. He's no exception...But you, You're an amazing sister, I know. You can feel however you want but Luna is your everything, just as much as you are her's. Keep that in mind. You sent her away, but for her own good... You extended your hoof to help her back up, and you did so. Nopony... none, would be so forgiving and understanding. You may of messed up in the past but, you can't dwell on it because if you do, you'll miss the oppurtunity to be a great sister as you are now, ok?" He felt sorrowful and sappy, he almost had too much for one night, already twice in Bangcolt had he broken. He felt insecure, but wasn't all too worried as al his troubles he tried to dismiss.


The only one lingoring is what he had done to his sister and how he lied to Celestia. "You know, if you dig a ditch, and keep digging, and digging, it's only going to keep getting deeper and deeper..." He told himself. He knew he was in a bit of a pit and wasn't helping but there wasn't much he could do anyway so he decided it would be best to truck on through, regardless of the enormous amount of guilt on his chest. It was about as heavy as politicians heart. 


He wiped a tear from his eye, and spoke again, while hysterically smiling, "You know it's funny, my intent when I asked you out tonight it was to runaway from our burdens yet they keep a rising. It's odd, you can never truly forget. But I suppose it's a bit better talkign to someone who, uh..." He tried to word it properly so Celestia couldn't catch him lying but rather telling an honest half truth. "Who knows both sides of the spectrums..."


Night Tracer cleared his throat and sat up striaght, "I apologize for my, uh, emotion... I don't do very good job at keeping it under control. I tend to be rather explicit... but no need in changing it. Nothing wrong with it... I think?" He questioned before shrugging it off, "Your... question..." He ennunciated slowly in order to move the conversation off the topic but he did indeed want a response from Celestia before moving forth. It would be up to her, whether she did or not. 


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@Star Saber

"Yeah, probably a good idea." Sleight Mist agreed. Just placing it on the ground to offer that hoofshake had caused a slowly build-up of pain. She folded it up under her body, keeping it out of the way.


She looked back at the stranger, curiosity about him setting in. But for now, she started slow, and decided to keep it subtle.


"So, I was just blowing off some steam when I got trapped here. But, I don't think i've seen you around Bangcolt. So, what's your deal? Traveling?"




Rarity fell asleep lightly, snuggled tightly in her covers. She slept, and she also dreamed. At first, it was dark; a mysterious but familiar pony who had attacked her sister with evil intentions. But then, it changed. To wonderful dreams of a blue coated stallion who would always be there to support her, no matter the obstacle.


She rested peacefully through the night.




"What was my childhood like?" Trixie thought for a moment. She figured he deserved a straight answer now, after she had nearly left him hung out to dry. However, it wasn't nearly as pleasant as she first made it out to be. For one good reason...


"Dixie. Wixie. Lixie. Mixie. Nixie. Vixie. Bixie." she said, tilting her head slightly to the right and left with each name. She then took her hoof, and placed it firmly onto her own chest.


"Trixie." she said, with added emphasis. "My siblings all share similar names as me. parents were either really bad with them, or they had a twisted sense of humor. I never bothered to ask."


"Anyway," she said, rolling back in her chair, "Six sisters, one brother, and two parents, all in the same house. Obviously, I never really got much attention there, and standing out was practically impossible. I felt like a shadow for the longest time," she remarked, her voice falling a little.


"At least, until a certain somepony special took notice in me and my magical talents. She offered a chance for me to go to a special school for gifted unicorns, and I took it the first chance I got. I wanted so badly to stand out, I would've done anything at that point for the chance truthfully. And I wasn't that bad, either, until..."


The memories suddenly flashed through her mind.



"But, Celestia, you know that i'm good, or you wouldn't have brought me here. You know that I could be the best. Why won't you teach me?"


"Because the things you do, you do for attention," Celestia replied calmly, "and to stand out. Magic, true magic, should be used in order to help others, and to make Equestria a better place."


"But, I could do that!" Trixie shouted suddenly, fighting back tears. "I could do that." she repeated, her voice now falling eerily silent, "if you'd just..."


Celestia shook her head, then, putting the final in the coffin.


"Trixie, i'm sorry," Celestia said firmly. She slowly walked away...




Trixie shook her head, clearing the flashback.


"Until I was told I wasn't good enough," she finished, voice cold enough to shatter glass. "So, I ran away. From everything. The last part of my childhood involved me running away and becoming a circus performer. The Great and Powerful Trixie." she finished, shaking her head at the thought.




It didn't take reading minds for Celestia to know who Night Tracer was talking about, and it didn't take being a perfect empath to know that he was going through obvious pain. Celestia debated whether or not she should talk about it, and risk opening that personal wound. To what would likely be her eternal shame, she choose not too.


Instead, she glossed over the subject. "Night Tracer, what is your biggest personal fear?" she asked, personally curious. She figured it to be something emotional, seeing as how he faced her down and fought off her sister with little sweat off of his back, but she waited to see.

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Tyra approached Lorec, slowly and carefully. He hadn't responded to her call; was this a ruse to draw her in, or could he truly not hear her?

"Lorec...?" She repeated, much softer as she got right in front of him, waving a hoof in his face.


Perhaps she could knock him back to his senses?


She took a deep breath and reeled back a forehoof, proceeding to sock the minotaur square across the face.

Hopefully that would be enough to get his attention.

Reeling backward from the immense force of the blow, Lorec was forced out of his kneeling position and onto his hooves, jumping backward as he slid from the blow. The life force energy that he had been sending throughout the entirety of the great stone Ursa had stopped flowing from his body. As he recovered into a standing position, he smiled, and began to draw his sword from his backside scabbard.


" about time you made it in here, krigare... I actually felt that one..."


He gripped the zweihander with both hands, and put his right shoulder forward, ready for Tyra to make her move.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Reeling backward from the immense force of the blow, Lorec was forced out of his kneeling position and onto his hooves, jumping backward as he slid from the blow. The life force energy that he had been sending throughout the entirety of the great stone Ursa had stopped flowing from his body. As he recovered into a standing position, he smiled, and began to draw his sword from his backside scabbard.


" about time you made it in here, krigare... I actually felt that one..."


He gripped the zweihander with both hands, and put his right shoulder forward, ready for Tyra to make her move.


Tyra smiled back at Lorec, happy that she could break him out of his trance. She was seriously beginning to grow concerned for his wellbeing.

"I am glad I got to you before your body tore itself apart," she joked, readying her axe as the minotaur did his sword.


She dragged her hoof on the rock a few times, before making a straightforward dash to Lorec while yelling a battle cry.

She turned her head for a slash attack to his arm.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Night Tracer was glad to see Celestia didn't push on the topic and even with her being all powerful, he hoped she wouldn't see past his flimsy barrage of half truths.


A rather interesting question for him to answer, he knew the answer but pondered it yet again as he didn't know if he'd raather lie to Celestia or tell her the truth on this one... He took the high road, "Now, and forever, will it be that my mistakes I've made in the past... that they catch up to me. I don't want anyone to know who I was because who I was and who I am are two incredibly different ponies, but not everyone can acknowledge that..." He sighed, leaving Celestia to respond

Edited by Not Safe For Woona
  • Brohoof 1


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Tyra smiled back at Lorec, happy that she could break him out of his trance. She was seriously beginning to grow concerned for his wellbeing.

"I am glad I got to you before your body tore itself apart," she joked, readying her axe as the minotaur did his sword.


She dragged her hoof on the rock a few times, before making a straightforward dash to Lorec while yelling a battle cry.

She turned her head for a slash attack to his arm.

" Who the hell do you think I am? I've got the strongest body out of all the members of the Divine Retribution, and that's why I can tow the line in a drawn out fight!"


He said, beginning his own charge towards Tyra, bringing his sword downward to clash the with the axe. He put much of his might into the swing, wishing to clash blades with the little mare who was proving to be the greatest challenge he had ever experienced.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" Who the hell do you think I am? I've got the strongest body out of all the members of the Divine Retribution, and that's why I can tow the line in a drawn out fight!"


He said, beginning his own charge towards Tyra, bringing his sword downward to clash the with the axe. He put much of his might into the swing, wishing to clash blades with the little mare who was proving to be the greatest challenge he had ever experienced.




The sword and axe blades clashed, sending a cascade of sparks flying as the two warriors faced each other down. Both had fire in their eyes and passion in their hearts.


Indeed, this was proving to be the toughest fight of her life, but she was enjoying it too much to want to stop!

She smirked determinedly, and attempted another swing at Lorec's face.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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“I only just arrived here in Bangcolt.” Calibur answered before pulling out a small stack of what appeared to be drawings from one of his vest pockets with his magic. He shuffled through them before singling one out. He showed the drawing to Sleight Mist, it was a rough sketch of a deranged looking hooded earth pony; “I’m here looking for this Stallion, do you know anything about him?”

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Ice Blizzard left Rarity's bedroom, and eventually her workshop. He closed the door behind him as he went back out into the rain. It was starting to pour a bit harder, but Ice didn't mind. All he was focused on, was Rarity, "Oh, Rarity. How I love and value you. I just wish I had the guts to tell you how I felt when you were awake. Maybe tomorrow when we're alone together, I'll come clean....But for now....I'll just take it slow..."


He walked all the way back to his room, IA-2, at the fighter's apartments. The clock on his wall said 9:50. I was getting late, but Ice wasn't about to sleep just yet. He closed the door behind him, and took of his grandpa's suit, "That can be set aside for washing later. I had so much fun with Rarity tonight. I can't wait to have some more fun with her tomorrow. And first..is...modelling her stallion outfits."


His mind started to drift places as he sat on his bed, "Ooh. I wonder if she'll be modelling any outfits for mares? I bet she'd look so bueatiful in them..." He let out a deep sigh as he laid back on his bed, and started to read from his grandpa's book.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Celestia could easily relate to Night Tracer's fear. Living for thousands of years, the knowledge that the past would someday catch up with her was something that haunted her constantly. But, that meant it was something that she understood, and she could at least provide some small measure of comfort to Night Tracer. Hopefully.


"There are many mistakes we make in life, and even some that we must pay for until the present day. But, who you are is not defined by what you have done, but what you do now, in the present. Never forget that, Night Tracer, and I believe you may find your problems that much smaller." She said it with a smile, though she also understood that, sometimes, self-doubt was enough to undermine any words of re-assurance. She had been there herself.




@Star Saber

"I can't say that I have." Sleight Mist said as she peered at the picture. The hood certainly didn't help her identify him at all.


"Too bad, he looks like he'd make for one heck of a fun time," she said mostly to herself as she smirked. "So let me guess," she said as she turned her attention back toward Calibur, "You're some kind of a bounty hunter?" She asked curiously, but her thoughts immediately flew towards Caliber, and she put it in her plans to protect him, no matter the case.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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When LS was about 5 feet behind RD she said kind of loudly so she could hear her, "I told u I was also really fast" she said, smiling. They were getting kind of close to the forest, she though to herself, 'I have to pick up my speed if I wanna try and win this thing'. She started flapping her wings harder, which was causing her to gain more speed and move closer to RD

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