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Spike abuse


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The Brony community seems to go on and on about how poor spike has things and how he is the butt-monkey character. But personally I don't get this, sure he is sometimes a victim of slapstick, but so is every other character on the show, and I would argue that Rainbow Dash and Twilight are both victims at least equally as frequently (Twilight particularly in season 1). To me it seems Spike is perfectly happy in his role serving Twilight and the other ponies, and it seems he is treated well by the ponies and they include him as their friend.

  • Brohoof 9
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The Brony community seems to go on and on about how poor spike has things and how he is the butt-monkey character. But personally I don't get this, sure he is sometimes a victim of slapstick, but so is every other character on the show, and I would argue that Rainbow Dash and Twilight are both victims at least equally as frequently (Twilight particularly in season 1). To me it seems Spike is perfectly happy in his role serving Twilight and the other ponies, and it seems he is treated well by the ponies and they include him as their friend.

I guess it is just more noticeable for us :D. I agree :)

  • Brohoof 1
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It just depends on perspective, and season four seemed to expecially highlight him as a victim for such comedy. Not to mention having a hand in other incidents; like with the Breezies.


But it is like you said; every character has been a victim of such one way or another, and Spike does like his role.

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Spike never seemed like a butt monkey to me. Ironically, the only time I ever felt that was in his own episodes (specifically Owl's Well That Ends Well, Dragon Quest and Just for Sidekicks). It's not even that unwatchable compared to Meg and Squidward getting tortured.

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There's always been a question about his status. Is he a pet? A citizen of Equestria? Etc. That's one of the things I love about this show. There's plenty to discuss and debate.

Also people always ask things like why they have a birthday party for Twilight and Spike's not there. The real reason is that they just want the chemistry between the six ponies but I think the writers have gotten better about including him in stuff. He even has his own throne in the castle.

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When I seen the title I thought you were going to talk about spike being physically abuse, don't ask why. I don't really see him as a butt monkey the ponies treat spike really well. I think in one episode they weren't treating spike right.

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When I seen the title I thought you were going to talk about spike being physically abuse, don't ask why. I don't really see him as a butt monkey the ponies treat spike really well. I think in one episode they weren't treating spike right.


Interesting. I think of him as a tag-along a lot of the time, but his purpose is sort of important... he IS a mail boy! 

I wouldn't say he's a pet but his influence on everything isn't that great.

He does seem to always get the worst of every situation, but he looks like he enjoys being basically a slave (friend).

  • Brohoof 1
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Spike just suck.

When Discord messed up something. We at least can understand him since he have troubles understanding pony culture, like in case of his betrayal he didn't understand why they cared about loyalty.

Other mane 6 also usually make mistake that is often not their fault.

Spike is just incompetent. He take the book in Inspiration and Manifestation even when he saw that it is dangerous. He cause problem in Power Ponies, Breezies, Owl's well, SAYS, Secret of My Excess. He make a fool of himself in Equestira Games and almost every episode except Equestria Girls. He is literally a Snip and Snail combined and turned into a main character.

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Spikes character changes, in some cases dramatically, to aid in the telling of any particular story, more so I would argue than the main cast, as he is a side character. When stories aren't revolving around him, he's usually limited to emotional and mental support for the ponies. When stories are focused around him, suddenly his characterization that was perviously established sometimes takes a big turn, causing some confusion or leaving some scratching their heads. I think if you understand this about Spike from a writing perspective, the issues you may have with his character will become more clear. For me there's a certain suspension of disbelief I have to accept and roll with. But what the hell do I know, I was expelled from High-School!

Edited by PonyTonite
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That's what it is right there... He goes from being basically completely unimportant to being the primary source of the problem occurring in his stories... Or being WAY important, just ridiculously pivotal in his stories.

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"So is every other character in the show?" Please. No one else in the show gets run into the ground as much as Spike, and it's especially sad when he doesn't deserve it, which is actually most of the time.  >_>


Oftentimes, it just seems like the mane six don't give a crap about him. Hell, Castle Sweet Castle is the most recent example. They started their pancake breakfast without Spike, despite him being invited to it. And the fact that he overslept was hardly a good excuse, because they certainly would not have started without Twilight, even to the point of letting her sleep at the table. 


I certainly dread the day Natasha Levinger ever writes a Spike episode after what she did to him in It Ain't Easy Being Breezies. 

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Spike definitely seems to be the butt of more slapstick jokes than average (although I may be wrong). I personally enjoy most of the jokes. I feel like there's this idea going around that the only time slapstick is funny is if the character deserves it (ie karma). It's fine if you feel that way, but let it be known that is in no way an objective standard. I feel like this show does a good job of messing with Spike without insulting the audience (he's never "punished" for being in the right as someone like Squidward might be these days. Even that is not inherently bad, but I digress).

Edited by LZRD WZRD
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Spike is most definitely not the butt monkey. He's the youngest party to the mane six, and as such he does things that a child would. like in Owl's well that ends well, he gets a super fit of jealousy and makes a complete idiot out of himself in front of his friends. Or when he returned to the crystal empire and was basking in the glory of being "Spike the brave and glorious" during the Equestria games. During the Crystal Empire part I and II, Spike saved the day, and Spike saved the day during Princess Twilight Sparkle when he ran ahead and got the other 5 mane ponies to save Twilight from the Everfree plants that had gassed her. 

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Interesting. I think of him as a tag-along a lot of the time, but his purpose is sort of important... he IS a mail boy! 

I wouldn't say he's a pet but his influence on everything isn't that great.

He does seem to always get the worst of every situation, but he looks like he enjoys being basically a slave (friend).

He only injoys being a slave "friend" because twilight is treating him nicely I bet if she was yelling at him all the time he would hate working for her

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Where do people get the idea that the Mane Six treat Spike badly? They say that Rarity just uses Spike, and doesn't care about him. What show are they watching? Let's see,


Rarity explicitly calls Spike her friend in Inspiration Manifestation, even assuring him that he shouldn't be afraid to tell her the truth. 

In the middle of her song in RTM, she gives him a hot dog.


She calls him a "dear friend" in Secret of My Excess.


She's shown concern for his well-being numerous times. She threatened to tear a teenage dragon to shreds if he harmed Spike. And listen to how she says, "Spikey-Wikey!" when he falls in Crystal Empire. She's CLEARLY worried about his well-being.


She's given him various pet names, such as "Spikey-Wikey", "Spikey-poo", "Spikey-boo", and "Precious Scales". 


What about the fact that Fluttershy DOESN'T get upset with Spike messing up the Breezies' travel?

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I don't think Rarity is necessarily terrible in keeping Spike around as she enjoys her company but she has definitely taken advantage of it before (moving insane amounts of luggage around for example). The other consideration is whether taking his young crush and keeping him strung along is truly fair. It would be inappropriate given the age and race difference for it to come to fruition but i'd love it if for just once they'd actually talk about it head on (like Dipper and Wendy did in Gravity Falls in S2Ep2) on the show even if that means that they're just friends. Way too much staus quo.


But yeah is he just Twi's assitant? Her adopted son? Her pet? Her servant?  Even that hasn't been truly answered either. What responsibility and loyalty does she ultimately show him? He's not treated quite as an equal and will he ever?..


Biggest problem i have with Spike is that "his" episodes i count as the worst of the series for the most part. He's also shown he's a bit selfish whcih may be part of his culture. Othewr times he's a bit incompetent. Ultimately if the show's writers can't write him interestingly then how are we supposed to appreciate him either?

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well, in season 5 alone, wich has only had 4 episodes thus far, Spike has been left out of a get-together breakfast with the mane 6 (I agree with Cleverclover and the point they made- y'all can't tell me that Twilight's friends would've started without her. But Spike? Pff. Nah. Everypony can be at the table and already stuffing their faces before Spike even wakes up. Bet they wouldn't have even left any food for him, if he didn't wake up and join them.) And how TWILIGHT and her friends just completely forgot that Spike lives in the library tree, and that it never occurred to them that he'd be missing the library, too. Hell with Spike's feelings! Does anypony think to take Spike on their adventures? Nope. How many adventures have the mane 6 been on, and how many have they included Spike in on?

Don't even get me started on all the crap he got put through and left out on in earlier seasons.

Spike's just better moving away from his so-called "friends" and living in the Crystal Empire. At least ponies give a damn about him, there.

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well, in season 5 alone, wich has only had 4 episodes thus far, Spike has been left out of a get-together breakfast with the mane 6 (I agree with Cleverclover and the point they made- y'all can't tell me that Twilight's friends would've started without her. But Spike? Pff. Nah. Everypony can be at the table and already stuffing their faces before Spike even wakes up. Bet they wouldn't have even left any food for him, if he didn't wake up and join them.) And how TWILIGHT and her friends just completely forgot that Spike lives in the library tree, and that it never occurred to them that he'd be missing the library, too. Hell with Spike's feelings! Does anypony think to take Spike on their adventures? Nope. How many adventures have the mane 6 been on, and how many have they included Spike in on?

Don't even get me started on all the crap he got put through and left out on in earlier seasons.

Spike's just better moving away from his so-called "friends" and living in the Crystal Empire. At least ponies give a damn about him, there.

This. Someone finally realised how little and meaningless Spike is in writing staff opinion

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