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private Equestria Online [RP]


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@@Shift,@@Little Red,@@Midnight_Aurora,


Rush grinned as he realized his luck at showing up here. So far half of their members were mares, and not bad looking ones either. The other two guys he could care less about so long as they didn't get in his way. This was looking promising. "My name's Rush. I'm honored to join you lovely ladies in starting this guild. I can take hits and handle the brunt of the frontline fighting. Getting hit just makes me angrier, and I'm dangerous when I'm angry."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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caliber laughed at rush for a moment. "what are you, the saddle ranger?" he said, laughing. "so, im in the guild, eh?" he said, still snickering. he had been a solo player for a while, but he wanted to see what changed when he was in a group. and who knows, maybe they'll become great friends.


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Lunara says, "Equinox, can I speak with you in private, please. Sorry Everypony but what I have to say is only for Equinox's ears."


Lunara heads over the other side of the pub. She waits for Equinox before taking a seat and motioning for her to take the seat next to her.

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Once Humble Hymn got a good understanding of how to use his abilities, he would do what he could to help those in need. Normally he would watch other players fighting monsters from a distance to let them grow their skills on their own. If he saw them in trouble, he would use his basic flute to distract one or two monsters to give the player breathing room and fight one at a time. If they were low on health, he would what magic his flute had to heal the player as much as he could so they could finish off their fight. Once he is done, he would leave the players alone before seen with them, without needing a reward or even a thank you for his work. 


Realizing how he is trapped in this world, he tends to let his mind go into a state of panic, away from those who would see. Not much would calm him down, except for the thought of others unable to heal themselves like he could and the occasional cold fruit drink. He would play what music he knows in the streets for coins, with something to cover his head or face so he wouldn't be seen even if no pony would recognize him. Traveling however far he could until he found the right place to stay, purchasing the basic essentials and drinks from where that's cheap, such as pubs. One he just entered was "The Silver Horseshoe" for a quick drink, but not before seeing posters about a guild on his way to it.


Noticing a bunch of other players already in the bar, he considered leaving, but that would only enhance his need for a drink even more. He decided to suck it up and sat at one of the farther seats from the crowd. "Just...one of your fruit drinks...for now..." he quietly told the waitress trying not to attract to much attention.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Equinox blushed a bit at the 'lovely ladies' bit, before composing herself. "Hello, Rush.  So you want to join, eh? Well, you like a formidable fighter. You're in, without a doubt. Hope you have fun. Why don't you chat up the rest of the members? And..." Equinox was about to say some more, before Lunara distracted her.




"Oh! Yep! Okay, sure. Be right back everypony!" Equinox yelled quite loudly at her newly forming guild, and sprinted over to Lunara. She jumped into a seat and spinned around to look at Lunara. "Alright, Lunara. What did you want to tell me? I can keep secrets."

Edited by Shift

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lunara says, Only to Equinox in almost a whisper, "Not many players know I am a Pegacorn. Even outside the gameworlds I am one. Those who do know, also know I may resemble an alicorn but I ain't one. For one I am physically the weakest when it comes to earth pony magic. My magic actually took me three years longer then most unicorns to learn. Even then I still only know three spells. My flight is more my specialty. I have the same wingpower as your average Pegasus. Please don't tell the others. I didn't really want to be a Pegacorn this time around. But when that jerk did what he did, I couldn't be the unicorn character I created."


She looks threw her PMs again. "Ah. Good my first crafting request."


She looks to Equinox, "I just got my first sale of a crafting request. A player has asked for me to craft them a new sword. Would you and the guild like to come with me and help me get the materials? We will be going near the front lines. The materials I need are several mining metal nodes and some refined leather. According to the request order, this player is requesting a broadsword made of refined leather and mythral."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Rush felt a bit of satisfaction at seeing his new leader blush and a bit more at being recognized as formidable. Things were off to a good start. Looking around at the others he smiled and tried to be friendly. "So... quite a group we have here. Can't wait to see what kind of trouble we get into out there, you know?"

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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While Humble hopes to avoid any attention from the other players in the pub, he can't help but wonder what it is they're doing. He tries to observe them without directly looking at them. Counting around seven of them,he thinks of how these very different players are getting along so well. He hears words such as "join", "Member", "group', amongst their chatter, and remembers the posters he passed by earlier. There was something about looking for a guild, he thinks, if this is the same guild that's trying to look for new players, I could very well join...it'd be better and easier for me than a experienced one... but it looks like they got a good thing going, I don't want to mess that up... He finds himself fighting a small battle against his mind, trying to figure out what and what not to do. He takes a large sip of his drink, hoping to calm himself down.

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Red stared at Rush, a little disbelievingly. Well... he's... weird. She thought. She'd never been... flirted with. The smaller size was generally a throw-off. It was a pleasant change, if a little bizarre in a video game, in her opinion. But, what did she know about games?

She turned to Equinox. "That pony over there seems to be shy. That probably means he is powerful. Perhaps he would be interested in joining us," she suggested. True, the statement wasn't logical, but shyer ponies tended to have potential... as far as she knew.

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Arcing Storm


Equinox smiled. "Sure thing! Welcome to the crew... uh... what's your name? I didn't quite catch it, but mine's Equinox!" Equinox grumbled a bit. "Darn it all, why am I so inadept socially? Good job, Equi."

"Arcing Storm. Just call me Storm." Storm smiled as he introduced himself. "Seemed we have quite a lot of members already, huh?" He sat down next to Equinox, ordering a mug of apple cider from the NPCs working in the pub. "Is everyone trapped in here like I am?" He asked everyone in the pub.

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Equinox nodded. "Alright, that's okay. I won't tell anyone. About your sword thing..." Equinox opened up the world map and checked where the front lines were. She flicked through her map before stopping at the front line dot. "Alright, so the front lines are in the middle of some kind of crystal cave full of monsters. Seems like a good and relatively easy first mission. Hopefully. We should be able to get there in a day, tops, is that good? 'cause it is to me! ...but first we obviously need a name, I mean we can't go running around calling ourselves Nameless Guild."


@@Little Red, @, @@Humble Hymn,


Equinox flipped her head over to Little Red and Storm. "Yep, Storm, we're all stuck here until we probably beat the final boss. Which won't be for a while, two years at least. I thought that if I got some friends to hang out with my chances for survival would be higher." She shrugged. "Friendship is the top priority for me, even if in the real world I have little to no friends."


Equi then looked over at the pony that Red directed her to. He looked to be a support-y pegasus, perhaps a bard or a cleric? Whatever the reason, he could be a pretty good member if he wanted to join, even if he was too shy to convince. She nodded at Red and waved at Hymn in her most friendly way. "Hey! Um... you, the yellow pegasus stallion! ...er, I was wondering if you wanted to join this guild i'm putting together! We accept all at any level. Usually. Uh, I don't mean to pressure you! Well, yes I do, but it's for a good cause, even though you'll be risking your li- you know what, i'm going to stop talking now." Equinox mumbled.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lunara gets up and heads back over. She says, "Y'all will understand in time. But please no more about this alicorn related stuff. On another note, I just got my first crafting request and am wondering if any of y'all would like to come along. I may be able to defend myself but not alone on the front lines. Also, what should we name our new guild? I nominate the name 'Ender's Alliance'. The Ender part means reaching the end goal of beating the game. And I think we all know the alliance part."


She goes back over to Equinox and whispers to her, "Also, you can call me Luna."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
  • Brohoof 1
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Snowflake notices more and more players enter the pub.... he wonders why the server hasn't slown down yet.... Snowflake opens his crafting menu and sees what he could do... he sees that he can make some health potions but he needs to be at an alchemy station... so he walks back towards the others....


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Realizing that the mare was referring to him, Humble made somewhat of a stuttering reply, "W-W-What me?....I....uh...uh...don't have the proper experience to...um...be in any guild....", he knows very well what he is being offered. Being part of a guild involves more responsibility, interaction, and dangers than he is used to. Though, he knows very well that one of his stronger suits is helping others, and that he isn't going to be doing that be sitting down and hiding in the shadows for the rest of his days here. He got up from his seat, making sure he isn't rude with his response, "th-th-though...um...if you have room for a healer...well...a support player...in training...I suppose I could....join..." 

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caliber grinned. "so! what shall we do first? i know this hidden boss on floor twelve that i haven't gotten around to beating, yet..." he grinned. "i was pretty sure i could take it alone, but as a team our victory is guaranteed!" 

caliber's drinks arrived. "yeah!" he started chugging them. the whole four barrels.


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Snowflake looks at Caliber "heh you could take him on alone.... I find that hard to believe.... I don't even think you could take me on" Snowflake gets a grin on his face "a hundred gold says I beat you in a duel" Snowflake pulls out a coin purse containing one hundred gold

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Ender's Alliance sounds good, Red thought, watching Snowflake and Caliber. The bar-pony was now looking at them with something akin to horror. "Perhaps not in here, guys," Red said lightly. "You guys should probably take it outside. I like your suggestion, Luna." Red added, drinking the cider she'd nearly forgotten about at this point.

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"Luna, huh?" Isn't that the name of one of Equestria's princesses? Eh, she'd pry later. "Alright. I think the name Ender's Alliance is good, what do the rest of you think? Any objections?"


@@Humble Hymn,  


Equinox let out a little squee, yes, we had a healer. She nodded happily. "As I said, we accept people of all level! Thanks for joining... er... well, you can tell me your name later, or now. Whichever works! It's honestly a pleasure."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lunara says, "You know what, I think my secret should only be between the guild. How about it?"


Not really wanting to wait for a response, she unequips her Night Cloak releaving her wings for all to see. "I don't really like talking about them because most try to confuse me with an alicorn and tease me about not living up to the alicorn standard set by the princesses."


She turns to Equinox and says, "about my Nickname and name, if your thinking i was named after a princess, you would be correct. I was named after Princess Luna. I also think of Luna as a role model. She would be someone to look up to."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Woah!" Equinox yelped as the mare in front of her spread her beautiful wings. She didn't expect Lunara would open up to the rest of the guild this quickly, but she wasn't complaining. "They're a lot more pretty than I expected, Lunara! It's not every day I meet a pegacorn, that's for sure." Equinox smiled at Lunara in her standard way. "Well, I don't think you have to worry about living up to alicorn-y standards here. We're all pretty accepting... I think... as long as you aren't a jerk, that is. If anyone gives you trouble, give the word, okay? I got your back. Fellow player to player!" 

Edited by Shift

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lunara gives her first ginuine grin and then asks, "About that offer I made to yall. Caliber, I think that boss you speak of is near where i need to go to get some leather scraps and some mythral ore. I got a request for a broadsword made with refined leather and mythral. I may not be able to solo the front lines but I can already make mythral items. Weapons, armor and accessories."

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"Hum-Humble Hymn..."he replied, it's not like keeping his name from his new guild would help anypony,"as for the guild name, I don't think I could come up with anything better...."




Humble took a moment to examine the pegacorn. Being somewhat of a musician allowed him to have some sort of eye for beauty, as what his sight displayed. However never meeting any alicorns or any of their "similar species", he's finding himself in a difficult position. While he doesn't want to judge a pony on how they look or what they are, he can't help but think of how different Luna is from the rest of the guild. Hoping not to jeopardize any sort of relation with the mare, and believing she is much more important than he could possibly be, he finds it best to not say anything.

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Lunara says, "I may look like an Alicorn but I don't have their size, strength, natural wingpower or magical prowess. For me it took an extra three years to learn my first spell. My wingpower is like that of your average pegasus and to this day I only know three spells. I am even afraid to say this so I will just show you."


She turns so Everypony can see her flank. What they don't see is a cutiemark. She doesn't have one.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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caliber positively beamed at the prospect of a dual. "sure, i got gold to spare." he materialized his own bag 'o coins. "any rules, or a free-for-all?" he asked, "i may lose, since you said you've been in here longer than us, you've had more time to get experience. but on the other hand, all iv done since i got here was grind, grind, grind." he unsheathed his sword. "plus this."


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