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private Equestria Online [RP]


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caliber looked at the guy who was apparently mad at snowflake. and snowflake was his friend. 


"hey, buddy, im a high leveled player, too." he said, walking towards Lyriex. "and maybe you should be thankful he helped at all!"


he had only been on the front lines a couple times himself, but he stopped when he realized the guild leader didnt care if he died or not.


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@@Shift, @@Reaver,


"Merci!" G.S said as he took the arrow. He wrapped up the arrow with cloth and poured alcohol on it.

The swarm began to move slowly.

"Shoot the bag in it" He said to the archer.

The flour bag flew toward the swarm and exploded inside in a dark gray cloud. The cloud seemed to be stuck inside the swarm and didn't dissipate.

G.S lightened the tip of the other arrow and gave it to Caramel.

"Now shoot that inside, but I don't recomand that you look. It can be a bit to bright sometimes"

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"power is what I was in search for back then.... I didn't leave the elite they all died out... I'm the sole survivor.... just ....please don't remind me of that event.... I may have amazing powers but that's meaningless once I die... I don't even know what will happen once I die only with half a soul" Snowflake sighs "and I never sold my soul.... he stole half of my soul.... its locked into this amulet.... its indestructible as well...."

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Red was musing. The decisions on Snowflake's part seemed to have been immoral. But that time was past. Anyway, what he did with his life was his own business. It wasn't hers. Even if she did like learning about her allies beforehand. But now that she knew, she really could care less.

"I believe we've collected everything we've wanted here," she said, turning away from Snowflake, "shall we set out?"

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"Right," Caramel sighed, grabbing the arrow and with one quick motion shooting it expertly into the center of the cloud. She did not look away--her mistake. The bugs seemed to explode in flame, lighting up the sky like a second sun."AHH! MY EYES!" she howled, promptly slamming her face into the ground. "THAT HURT! THAT HUUUURT!"

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"I told you"

G.S grabbed a mini healing potion inside his bag and toss it gently to Caramel who received it miraculously on her back. Well it was some painkilling tisane but hopefully with a placebo effect...

"It's called a dust explosion. When smal particles are dissipated in the air they are much more flammable and if contained, create an explosion.

Flour works really well but since I just had one bag I enhanced it with a modified smoke bomb. That's why the explosion was so bright."

He put his bag on his back an took his tank fish in his hooves.

"The swarm kind is a much more difficult enemy to defeat without this trick, or a powerful fire mage" G.S said while moving toward the trees.

"It suck the energy of the battle and transform into a big wasp when it's fed enough"

He put his aquarium on his back and began to free the glyphs from their trees.

"A lot harder to deal with"

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"power is what I was in search for back then.... I didn't leave the elite they all died out... I'm the sole survivor.... just ....please don't remind me of that event.... I may have amazing powers but that's meaningless once I die... I don't even know what will happen once I die only with half a soul" Snowflake sighs "and I never sold my soul.... he stole half of my soul.... its locked into this amulet.... its indestructible as well...."

Lunara says, "When everyone is ready, let's head for snowflake's boss. Then we can gather the mythril and leathers I need. The smelting salt can be bought at any general shop."


Lunara is ready to go. She grabs any treasure the group has left. Because of her high endurance stat, needed for crafting, She could carry near an Armory's worth of stuff.

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"Alright then... everypony come close" Snowflake channels his magic and creates a portal to where his boss is "lets do this.... this boss isn't that hard but if you aren't paying attention he can one shot you so make sure you guys are focused on everything he does" Snowflake jumps through the portal everything is desert.... and behind him was the canyon covered in fog "everypony ready check.... I'm ready"


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"Well, you've faced them before." Caramel noted drily as she downed the potion. Her vision quickly began to clear, and she stood up, looking at the pony. She blinked several times to adjust herself to the calmer light from before. "You around here a lot? By the way," she added as he slipped the fish tank on his back, "what is that? It's a... strange... fashion choice, if you get my meaning." She attempted to scoot closer to Gold to peer inside the tank. He was still moving about, however, taking the glyphs off trees. "Can I help you with that?" Caramel asked, glancing at Equinox, hoping for the other pony's permission. She just wanted Gold to stand still long enough so she could peer inside the fish tank, but he need not know that.

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Lunara steps through the portal. "It beats traveling."


Lunara looks around. She nods and says, "So that is the infamous Frost Bosses location. He drops the complete Frost set blueprints. I hope I can get the Frostmorne Blueprint. It is said to be a legendary adamantine crafting recipe."


((Yes, I speak of the sword from warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. It is average all around attack strength with high frost elemental damage a low crit hit stat and a high crit damage stat. Works off of intelligence for all weapon bonuses. It is a two-handed sword.))

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Actually kind off. But not in game. I had to study a change of behavior in bugs on one off my expeditions in Zebrica. I accidentally burned them all with an alchemical bomb, before I concluded that they all where controlled by a second entity wich reformed an other swarm and showed me its second form."

G.S then pointed toward a tree behind him: " Avec délicatesse s'il vous plait"

"I can't remember how I got out off this one. But since this game HATES ME" He shouted angrily to the sky "I guess it want me to remember" His tank-fish miraculously rolled to his back without spilling a drop and balanced itself.

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caliber grinned, and jumped through the portal.


his perception skill was rather high, so he'd probably be the first to see it. but hey, these things play out weirdly...


"come at meh, ya scrub!!" he called out to nothing.


(sorry for tha late reply, life happened, so...)

  • Brohoof 1


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Equinox, due to being worn out from the mini-battle and a bit shocked from Storm's death, was completely silent as Caramel and G.S. dealt with the swarm king. She stared off into space, only looking for a few split seconds. She felt Caramel's glance and yelped, turning to Caramel. "Eep! I didn't see you there! Uh... yeah, i'm still here. Still a bit unwinded from the whole... er... Storm... thing..." She muttered.


"Anyway..." Equinox turned over to G.S. "So you're a pretty interesting guy, if that screaming and bug buzzing was any notice. And the whole... glyph... thing. Where'd you learn how to do that? It's a damn unusual way of fighting, I've never seen it before, and I've been all around. Never heard of it." Equinox glanced back to Caramel and decided that she was wondering what was in the tank too. She starting to slowly trot to G.S.'s side, hopefully getting a look in. She bit her lip a bit.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@@Shift, @@Reaver,


"I hope you had never see this before. Because that is simply IMPOSSIBLE to do this in a game." G.S he exclaimed clearly annoyed. " You want to see something fun. Open my character info an look at my -Class- ... See... Nothing... Just blank..."

He turned to the two mares. "So I've come to two conclusions: first this game hate me because at my character creation it had given me no class and I had to survive looked inside with just an alchemist job and no way to level up. Second: it want at all cost to make me mad." G.S put his tank-fish on his head and reached inside is saddle bag to pick a red gem that was transparent wite in the center. " This ruby is an invention of mine irpl. It had been reorganized on a molecular level. MOLECULAR, to be able to change the ambiant magic field into a nano sun, a big hydrogen fire ball if you want."

G.S put the stone back into his bag.

"That lead us to two solutions, one, the creator of this game might be the greatest mind that the entire universe will ever hatch. Or we are on a totaly other plane of existence."

"And the funniest is that there is two magical field on top of one another. The second is in charge to categories ever spell and item relevant and create an ID for them. I called it -L'INTERFACE-"

"Even the dust explosion was a interactions with particles and it's still impossible with our current level of technology"

G.S walked slowly toward an other tree and began to untie a glyph.

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@@Guirdann, @@Shift,

"That's... really impressive, actually," Caramel said, honestly, staring at the ruby. She didn't get impressed very easily, especially when it came to intelligence, but Goldilocks clearly knew what he was on about. "Another plane of existence, huh? That's.... mmm," she finished mildly, not really knowing what to say about that. To her, Equestria Online was, and would always be, just Equestria Online--no need to worry about what made it tick, all you needed to try and do was not die and make it to the end. Like any other game, except, well.

She looked at Gold again, away from his intriguing fish tank thing. He was clearly very intelligent--she could learn a thing or two from having him around. When she heard Equinox comment on his fighting style, she perked. "Hey! He can--well, he could join the guild," she said, trying to sound casual and not too eager. She had, after all, only recently met Equinox, and didn't want her Glorious Guild Leader to get the wrong impression. "If, y'know, that's cool with you."

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Snowflake shakes his head... "no this isn't the boss your thinking of Lunara... this boss is a reference to some movie.... the game makers thought it would be funny to buy rights for it then make him a fightable boss.... watch..." Snowflake throws the ring into the fog and waits a few seconds.... all the sudden the fog began to slightly lift revealing a giant stone bridge.... "tread lightly" Snowflake went first across the bridge he made it at least 1/4th of the way before telling the others to stop... in front of them was a figure emerging from the fog... it was an old stallion with grey wizard robes and a hat... he also was holding a staff.... the old stallion shouts in a booming voice "YOU SHALE NOT PASS".... Snowflake grins.... "its Gandalf" Snowflake gets behind everyone and starts enchanting them Ice Armor

  • Brohoof 1


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caliber laughed when he saw gandalf. 


"i cant pass?! freaking watch me!!" he said, deciding to end this fight as quickly as possible.


he was gonna put everything he had into the first blow. he crossed the bridge in record speed, jump, and aimed a downwards strike.


"take this!!"


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Gandalf jumped back and blasted some sort of magic at Caliber.... he then caused both sides of the bridge to collapse trapping the players with him "careful Caliber, he doesn't screw around...." Snowflake ran over to assist Caliber.... Snowflake casted an ice beam at Gandalf, but Gandalf reflected it and freezes Snowflake completely with it "Ahh......."


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Lunara notices how this boss works. "Anypony got any fire based weapon oils or flame weapon buff spell? He is an ice master."


She tosses a defrosting potion at Snowflake. The potion shatters on the ice block encasing Snowflake Hopefully thawing him.

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Snowflake got unfrozen by his own spell thanks to Lunara.... "no he isn't ice... they based him from the movie.... he doesn't focus on a simple type of magic he uses plain magic.... he just reflected my magic at me" Gandalf stands back in a defensive stance preparing for whom ever is next to attack


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Lunara grins, "Then how about we take into account its own abilities and combo. These mana blades have a special skill. They can hold a single spell with a range of touch in each blade. If you catch my drift. My evasive ability is high and I can take a hit."


Lunara ready's an attack. Her wings still hidden from view.

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Red almost laughed at the boss idea. "Good choice, this should be fun," she informed Snowflake. She watched as Caliber got blasted back, and stepped behind him in case she could help steady him, but he had already caught himself. She trotted to Lunara's side.

"Do what you will, I will back you up," she said, all seriousness now.

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Gandalf walks back slowly.... he then draws his sword in one hoof and his staff in the other.... he stands there watching the others waiting for the next attack.... Snowflake tired of waiting charges in casting minor ice spells at him while Gandalf block and reflects them.... Snowflake then gets close enough to where Gandalf can hit him with his sword but Snowflake casts his ice sword and parrys it... while doing so Snowflake manages to hit Gandalf with some spells


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caliber had already caught himself, and was once again attempting to rush gandalf. aiming a flurry of slashes at him, but gandalf was surprisingly able at swordplay. not to mention the magic.


caliber considered using his last dragon force, but...would it be worth it?


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