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Is the *Smooze*, Discord's pet?


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For many of you that have seen the latest episode, "Make new friends but keep Discord" then many of you will be aware of the return of the "Smooze" from G1. This rendition of the old enemy has went through some changes, manly the fact that he is no longer a raging river of sludge, however he can still become a formidable foe if agitated, possessing a number of abilities such as: The ability to grow bigger the more gems and other shiny objects he consumes, the ability to melt down into a tidal wave of goo, is impervious to magic and can stick and hold ponies who become trapped in his goo. However despite how dangerous he could be, he seems to not behave in a manner that a sentient villain typically would, a lot of his actions seems to simple like hes a small child or a animal, he does not appear to be of  the same intelligence level as the ponies as he seemed to only wish to eat and paid little heed to anything Discord told him to do. This falls inline with a disobedient pet as well as one Discord would likely let do whatever its pleases, coupled with the fact that the "Smooze" can't talk and that Discord seems to regard it as a "it" rather than a "he or him" makes it appear that the Smooze is some form of animal that is probably native to Discord's pocket dimension and he either owns one or got a wild one. So ultimately I believe he is a animal native to Discord's home and Discord just plucked one up, put a bow tie and top hat on it and called it Smooze and took it to the Gala. The Smooze just does not seem like it could be a villain all on its own likes its G1 counterpart could because even with its immunity to magic and ability to grow larger, it appears to be harmless to ponies except for covering them in ooze and trapping them meaning he would only be useful if another villain used him and even then the Smooze was't exactly hard to get free from, he was definitely easier to deal with then the G1's version of the "Smooze".


So what do you all think? Is the "Smooze" a animal? Could he be a villain if he wanted to be? Or is he just the figment of Discord's magic?



  • Brohoof 2
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Could be a being from the dimension his house is in. Smooze does seem a bit sentient, but then again, so is Angel Bunny. There's also the fact that Tree Hugger being a critter expert managed to calm it down. So yeah, Smoozie may cross more onto the critter side. But I don't think if it can be considered sentient it would go down a villain path, it was to sweet.


It would be amusing if it did become a companion of sorts for Discord to have around.

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I wouldn't call him/it a pet. I don't think pets typically need tickets to events like the Grand Galloping Gala. I would suspect that it typically inhabits Discord's dimension, but I'm not sure. It might live in swamps or caves or something. Like ArcheoPony mentioned, he/it did seem very sweet, and I don't think I would consider him/it a villian. (Originally I was thinking along the villain path, but then I realized I was thinking about another slime monster from another series.) But Treehugger isn't as much an animal expert as Fluttershy is, so it seems like if he/it were an animal, Fluttershy would have been the one to help out.

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Judging by the fact that it is impervious to all magic exept chaotic magic, I would have to assume that it does come from Discord's dimension. When Discord is trying to think of someone to bring with him, the smile on his face makes me think that the Smooze was just something that lived in his back yard that he tolerated.

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Most likely not. Discord mentioned that the Smooze went to college with him, at some point, and that the Smooze got a particular nickname, there. Discord also treated it not like a pet, when the Smooze wanted to mingle, and was going off, doing his own thing. Pinkie also treated it not as a pet, when she invited Smooze to dance.

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It might be a creature from the dimensional plane we've been introduced to. Which makes sense to me. Like one of those slimy beings from the astral plane, on real life ^_^

Often found while bilocationg into planes of lower perception. Such creatures are their very environment, as it's with humankind's perception field on Earth, excluding most starseeds and indigo children, of course.

Therefore, their perception is limited to basic needs, mostly focused on feeding and mating from our sentient consciousness. Like a reflection multiplying from one single thought and emotion.


The "zmooze-like creatures" are located on scales, lower than most animal species on Earth. Still, creatures such as dolphins and wales are more advanced than human beings, spiritually. And their frequency of echo, communication, is located on higher scales of vibration than most human beings. They use telepathy. Their songs are beautiful!

If you're a starseed, my words will likely resonate within your being, like a pleasant reflection of truth. If not, it won't make much sense at all, since most human beings dna is still waking up.


More focused on the slime and my astral journeys. They are beraly sentient, unable to create dreams such as this one, Maya, your current physical experience, brought by higher higher frames of perception, whatever you wanna call it. Love is creation.


Still, consciousness evolution is gradual, so they mimic our feelings instead. Reflecting your life experience upon yourself, expecting an emotional feedback for them to feed upon. And given the lower perception you're located at such time in distance, you often believe your own reflection, despite blatant "incoherences"

They're only focused on feeding and mating, given their lower perception, they lack our tunic, or light body, also known as soul, so they grow like a single "biological" bed or pool. Nothing else. They don't pose any kind treat, eventhough it has been said otherwise.


Such resemblance between Discord's dimension and some places from the astral plane, is most curious. As with the slime and some creatures located on lower frames of perception.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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To me, The Smooze is Discord's friend but he isn't his pet (although he treated it like one in Make New Friends but Keep Discord).

I think he's just a strange but independent creature, who lives on his own.

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The Smooze is a creature with less than average intelligence who seems to be an acquaintance of Discord's who paraded him around in the Gala in his best friend. At the end of the Gala it seemed like they had become actual friends after Discord apologized for using him as leverage.

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I don't think so.... I think Smooze is just one of the many creatures that lives in the chaos realm with him but even with his low intelligence he is probably more intelligent than most creatures there making him an ideal candidate for the Gala.....  or Smooze is one of Discord's friends he has known for centuries like he claims.... regardless of his origin he doesn't look like a pet even for Discord

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
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Guys, he is a pet. An alien magic type but pet nonetheless. He was wearing a collar and a leash. His hat and other accessories were added by Discord. Smooze is less inteligent than Angel and only move toward shiny things. And as a pet he would not count as his only friend because thats reserved for sapient creatures.

Even his "kiss" is a same sign of affection as Winona licking Applejack. So basically Discord was desperate enough to bring his version of a dog.

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I think Smooze is a more basic magical creature like the Ursa Minor, and less of an advanced creature like a dragon (if that makes sense?). As far as being one of Discord's oldest friends, he probably was collaborating with Discord during his reign of chaos. Think of how much damage a slimy creature who eats everything and is impervious to magic could do!  :o

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Smooze is a mystery to me still... I can't put my thoughts on this character and it kind showed up out of no where. I don't honestly know how Discord has known about this blob for so long.

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  • 6 months later...

Judging by the fact that it is impervious to all magic exept chaotic magic


To be fair, Discord wasn't futilely trying to laser him like Twilight and Celestia; all he did was something indirect to get the treasures back.

Edited by A.V.
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