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Why is Dislestia a thing? Understanding shipping


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Fluttershy embodies the kindness, responsibility, and compassion that Discord needs to learn.

Never said she didn't. That was a two-part point I was making.

I was saying the compliment each other, and Tia needs him too. I also support the fact they have more evenly matched lifespans. I've never had a problem with immortal/mortal ships when they pop up, but i appreciate that Discord and Celestia won't die on each other.

But that's just my opinion.


(EDIT: I might not reply again after this just so you know. I've kinda gotten bored of the discussion and have other things I'd rather spend time on. But thanks for being respectful rather than being a hostile jerk about it. I appreciate it.)

Edited by ShadOBabe



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Don't get me wrong. I respect "pollar opposite" trope. I myself ship Daring Do with Ahuizotl. I just like when there is some honesty and chemistry. with Darizotl there is this eternal struggle between them that force them to know eachother and bond like Tom and Jerry. There is no FoeYay relationship between Celestia and Discord it feels like he is just one of her nuisances along with Chrysalis and Sombra. Their entire interaction is indifference which is worse than frienemy realtionship he have with Twilight. All the kind things she did  to him seems like opportunistic calculative kindness for future profit.  Not naive but idealistic kindness of Fluttershy. Choosing Fluttershy was just a strategy that she could reverse if she failed. Before S3 i was expecting that Celestia going to have her own episodes where she try to reform him and do the things that he already did with Fluttershy. But there were not even any "off screen" tea parties in Canterlot and she only started to become a Rainbow Dash level of friend with him after S4. 

Mind boggling are the ideas to still match them together unless it's some sort of a "thrill" about a romance between a brave and strong Jasmine type of Princess and Jaffar type of villain. Some kind of fantasy to stain her authority as a ruler with his villanious naughty charm as opposed to him changing from  a beast into a prince by Belle? I noticed that in most FlutterCord pics there is a scary looking monster turning into sap with Fluttershy while in most Dislestia pictures, he is dominating her and wrap around her like a snake that seduce her. Either way, im glad that Season 5 turned the way it was and I am very content with his current depiction.

I'm not into it because of th Foe Yay trope man. I already explained why I like the idea. And to her, he isn't on the same plane as Chrysalis or Sombra are. But I can understand the indifference perspective to an extent because of what the show has presented us, specially on Discord's part. Which is very interesting to ponder about, she was the one who sealed him initially and was free for the thousand years he was sealed. I can entirely understand him having some resentment or uncomfortableness about her. She seems more okay about him though, nothing groundbreaking, just simple "okay cool". I think that whole thing could actually make for an interesting episode to show the kids that talking it out with someone you where once on bad terms with, could actually end up making you nice friends, or at least be on good terms.


And dude, there's also enough fan art out there of Discord and Tia related that's just amusing or silly stuff. I've noticed that kind of stuff is what shared around more.


Regardless, I think I can entirely agree with you on that bit. I've enjoyed how they've approached his character so far, despite seeing missed opportunities. I just hope they to take advantage of his full potential and fledge him out.

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I'm not into it because of th Foe Yay trope man. I already explained why I like the idea. And to her, he isn't on the same plane as Chrysalis or Sombra are. But I can understand the indifference perspective to an extent because of what the show has presented us, specially on Discord's part. Which is very interesting to ponder about, she was the one who sealed him initially and was free for the thousand years he was sealed. I can entirely understand him having some resentment or uncomfortableness about her. She seems more okay about him though, nothing groundbreaking, just simple "okay cool". I think that whole thing could actually make for an interesting episode to show the kids that talking it out with someone you where once on bad terms with, could actually end up making you nice friends, or at least be on good terms.


And dude, there's also enough fan art out there of Discord and Tia related that's just amusing or silly stuff. I've noticed that kind of stuff is what shared around more.


Regardless, I think I can entirely agree with you on that bit. I've enjoyed how they've approached his character so far, despite seeing missed opportunities. I just hope they to take advantage of his full potential and fledge him out.

Let's just say that i would rather see him develop friendship with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack than Celestia. Celestia is on her own a very unused and ignored character. I think she will need at least some episodes that will flesh her out as a character and what she feels about other main characters, especially her sister and Twilight. After that we can talk about Discord/Celestia friendship and interaction. When there will be actually 2 fleshed out characters to begin with.

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Dislestia most definitely exists. The whole opposites attract trope has been around for decades, even before terminology such as shipping came around. :P


I'm personally no die-hard Dislestia shipper, but I find it pretty rad! I can definitely see Discord and Celestia having an emotional bond with each other, romantic or platonic.

I'm personally a boring duckling and I like going with overrated shippings, such as Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash, or Fluttershy x Twili. Again, that's just me tho. :)

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  • 2 years later...

I personally never got Dislestia either. and I agree Liquid 500% people concentrate on the appeal of them and call it canon. do you know what canon means though. it isn't an appeal its actual build up we see and we get none of that with celestia and discord the exuse for canon behind this ship is unlogical and absolutely looked over and insane.

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  • 5 years later...

I don't exactly understand this either. I suppose it could be because of their age, as they both have lived very long lives, or it could be something else entirely.

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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You are talking about a fandom that shipped two mares together because they happened to be sitting on the same bench after all. When it comes to matters of shipping, I think a better question to ask is why a given pair has not been shipped.

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On 2015-05-27 at 11:36 AM, ManaMinori said:

Discord x Celestia. Really. What's up with that? It doesn't even make sense given the logic people try to put behind it. Discord being a creature of chaos and Celestia as the bearer of the elements of Harmony, and opposites attracting. But where does Luna come into the Equation, since she, too had control of the Elements alongside her sister, they shared half each, when going up against Discord, but yet somehow people conveniently forget that.


Why don't people ship Discord, since- according to the Journal of the Two Sisters, it was Starswirl who knew about the EoH and their location and purpose long before the royal sisters came to power. Or Discord with the Tree of Harmony, itself, the ultimate harmony bringer, since it's basically providing the elements of harmony, itself? Or the Mane 6, who've been the most recent harmony bringers who've utilized the Trees and its elements powers? Why just Celestia?

As I stated in another thread about something similar, it does make sense (quite a lot) from an adult perspective because there's a visible flirting and certain tension between the two in more than a single episode, being the most notorious the one with the smooze. Discord is far from funny most of that episode. He sucks big time, but there's a constant interest on him from Celestia's part. If you've dated several people during your life, you'll notice similar interactions at some point. It's kinda hard to explain without going on in a long explanation, but one can see the chemistry in their interactions. And before you think I ship them, I support fluttercord more than dislestia, though, at times, fluttercord feels more like a second plate option for discord.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't get it either. People say it's canon but it really isn't. People just be dumb and say "hey he gave her flowers, that must mean something"

Edited by FlutterIsBestAlicorn
I forgot I already replied to that person
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I can't believe I'm actually going to defend this, but Dislestia makes more sense than about 99% of all the pairings out there. I also think shipping is stupid, so make of that what you will.

Also guys, it's the internet. You expect too much.  :P

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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