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gaming The Nicest Gamestop Employee I Ever Met Got Fired

Tom Snyder

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We all have those moments where we are playing our games and suddenly hear that noise we all were dreading, and it destroys the game. So here's my account:


I've owned my first XB 360 for a good year and a half, and then suddenly started making that grinding noise and quit working. So i had a choice, try to repair it myself or take it to Gamestop. I decided on trying out Gamestop first, if they couldn't do anything, then i would fix it myself. I drove over there and brought it inside, There was only one employee working there at the time, and i really didn't want to go home without the game, the guy greeted me and asked what's wrong with my console. I told him it croaked on me and asked if he could get the game out of it, he opened it up and just had that look as if something was wrong. 


"It seems your game is toast." that ticked me off more than you can imagine. I payed $60 for it, and now its useless. But i wasn't expecting what he did next.


"I might get fired for this, but i can help you out, just this once. After that, you're on your own." He hands me another copy of the game. I ask him if he's pulling my leg, he says he's not. I can't exactly remember my my own words at the moment, but i was happy about it.


I bought a new XB 360 and went home, the next time I went back; i learned he got fired for giving me a free game. I felt sorry for the man, i don't think he deserved that for just helping me. Its sad that the boss did that to him, but we are good friends though and i do get to see him when he's stops by for a visit. 


He found a better job, and a boss who's not a total prick. I think he said he worked as a game dev or something, not exactly sure. I'm happy he got somewhere good, and that he loves what he does.




So that's what happened one time to me, i swear some people just don't understand what kindness is, and just disregard it. If i could, i'd grill the boss about it; the guy was helpful, and a good person.

Edited by Candy Star
  • Brohoof 16


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Yes but you've got to look at it from the bosses point of view. That boss has to manage that store. Giving a $60 game away for free is $60 out of their money. Now the boss gets moaned at by his superiors. You cam't just look at it from one direction. Yes the man did something good and boss probably doesn't hate him for that. He only fired him because he did something he shouldn't have done and the boss will probably get moaned at for it. Not the bosses fault the guy broke the rules.

  • Brohoof 11


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Yes but you've got to look at it from the bosses point of view. That boss has to manage that store. Giving a $60 game away for free is $60 out of their money. Now the boss gets moaned at by his superiors. You cam't just look at it from one direction. Yes the man did something good and boss probably doesn't hate him for that. He only fired him because he did something he shouldn't have done and the boss will probably get moaned at for it. Not the bosses fault the guy broke the rules.

Forgot to mention is was a used copy. And I do understand it, It was just a first time he ever did it. 


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firing him is a little too much.... if I were the manager I would just dock his pay.... especially if it was his first offence.... no need to fire someone over a used game..... also this is why I never get CD games I just download them on the Xbox Live marketplace

  • Brohoof 1


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If the manager didn't fire him, the regional manager would have to fire the manager. :c

It also depends on how the freeby went down and whatnot. It's not hard to do the right thing, and leave the correct papertrail, but there are some situations that it's not a viable option. I don't have an opinion on your story, really, because I didn't witness how it all played out first hand, or I'd tell you my full thoughts. :U

That said, I'm glad he's doing well. c:

  • Brohoof 3
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The manager is a shit businessman. Sure that's up to 60 dollars out the door, but that GameStop just earned a guaranteed customer for life. Now how much is that loyalty going to bring in? Ya gotta spend some to make some.

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The manager is a shit businessman. Sure that's up to 60 dollars out the door, but that GameStop just earned a guaranteed customer for life. Now how much is that loyalty going to bring in? Ya gotta spend some to make some.

I am a loyal customer, but the bs move the manager did was a little harsh. The guy said it would only happen one time and that's it. Not like they were losing money.

  • Brohoof 1


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I am a loyal customer, but the bs move the manager did was a little harsh. The guy said it would only happen one time and that's it. Not like they were losing money.

Ya, just a little. If the end of the story was the clerk's generosity, not only would you be guaranteed loyal for life, but so might any friends you tell. That manager cost his store money in the long term.

  • Brohoof 3
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The manager is a shit businessman. Sure that's up to 60 dollars out the door, but that GameStop just earned a guaranteed customer for life. Now how much is that loyalty going to bring in? Ya gotta spend some to make some.

This is one of those things that work great on paper but don't work in real life. If they give one person a copy of a game, they must do the same to everyone.  

Edited by Yamet
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This is one of those things that work great on paper but don't work in real life. If they give one person a copy of a game, they must do the same to everyone.  

Yes, but you can't be an total prick to your employees, that's the number one rule. It was his first time doing it, a warning would have been good enough.

Edited by Candy Star


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Yes, but you can't be an total prick to your employees, that's the number one rule. It was his first time doing it, a warning would have been good enough.

Perhaps he had broken some other rule in the past. 

  • Brohoof 1
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He took a risk by doing that. He knew that he could get fired for that. I don't think the boss was wrong for firing him. I also don't think he was wrong for giving the game, especially since he knew he might get fired.

The manager is a shit businessman. Sure that's up to 60 dollars out the door, but that GameStop just earned a guaranteed customer for life. Now how much is that loyalty going to bring in? Ya gotta spend some to make some.

I didn't think about this. :wacko:

  • Brohoof 1


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He took a risk by doing that. He knew that he could get fired for that. I don't think the boss was wrong for firing him. I also don't think he was wrong for giving the game, especially since he knew he might get fired.

I didn't think about this. 

The store makes more than enough on sales, not like they had anything to lose by losing a single game.

  • Brohoof 1


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We all have those moments where we are playing our games and suddenly hear that noise we all were dreading, and it destroys the game. So here's my account:
I've owned my first XB 360 for a good year and a half, and then suddenly started making that grinding noise and quit working. So i had a choice, try to repair it myself or take it to Gamestop. I decided on trying out Gamestop first, if they couldn't do anything, then i would fix it myself. I drove over there and brought it inside, There was only one employee working there at the time, and i really didn't want to go home without the game, the guy greeted me and asked what's wrong with my console. I told him it croaked on me and asked if he could get the game out of it, he opened it up and just had that look as if something was wrong. 
"It seems your game is toast." that ticked me off more than you can imagine. I payed $60 for it, and now its useless. But i wasn't expecting what he did next.
"I might get fired for this, but i can help you out, just this once. After that, you're on your own." He hands me another copy of the game. I ask him if he's pulling my leg, he says he's not. I can't exactly remember my my own words at the moment, but i was happy about it.
I bought a new XB 360 and went home, the next time I went back; i learned he got fired for giving me a free game. I felt sorry for the man, i don't think he deserved that for just helping me. Its sad that the boss did that to him, but we are good friends though and i do get to see him when he's stops by for a visit. 
He found a better job, and a boss who's not a total prick. I think he said he worked as a game dev or something, not exactly sure. I'm happy he got somewhere good, and that he loves what he does.
So that's what happened one time to me, i swear some people just don't understand what kindness is, and just disregard it. If i could, i'd grill the boss about it; the guy was helpful, and a good person.



As harsh as it may sound there are completley within their right too fire him and it is the rela world. Im not sure if you have ever worked for any business selling things but there are strict procedures / models that they follow that come from the head office. This includes rules / guidelines on how too deal with employees in certain situation. At the end of the day the point is that was not his game too give away  . He did not go too his house and give you a game, he stole from a company too give a customer a free game. In the ideal world this ''moral'' action would have be seen as acceptable but he essentially broke the law, if you had been his friend he could have been prosecuted for it as well, people need common sense and he clearly didnt have much.

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The store makes more than enough on sales, not like they had anything to lose by losing a single game.
 It was still theft. And you can't have a thief working at your store.
  • Brohoof 1


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 It was still theft. And you can't have a thief working at your store.

I take it you've never actually done business with Gamestop. xD  I was once sold an empty case by an employee.  Someone else was sold a "new" disc that was irreparably damaged.  Apparently re-shrink wrapping a game case makes the game new again.  Gamestop has gotten into trouble for opening up sealed games to dig out special offers.  I'd be surprised if managers didn't encourage Gamestop employees to screw over their customers.


So if you think that Gamestop generally runs a tight ship, you don't know Gamestop.  Their business practices and hiring process are questionable.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Never said it was right for him to do so, but he was sincere and even showed me the disc itself. He was a nice guy and kept his promise, he did apologize to the manager before he left. Its not like i wanted him to replace it like that. But he just kept insisting i take it, I just didn't know what to do so it wouldn't make it look like i was rude.



I knew it wasn't right, but come on, when i guy has been sincerely nice to you; how would you not?

Edited by Candy Star


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Never said it was right for him to do so, but he was sincere and even showed me the disc itself. He was a nice guy and kept his promise, he did apologize to the manager before he left. Its not like i wanted him to replace it like that. But he just kept insiste=ing i take i just didn't want make it look like i was rude.

Oh no, I'm on the fired employee's side.  In my experience, Gamestop employees suck and don't know what on Earth they're talking about.  They're trained to push pre-orders like the lives of their customers depend on it.  That an employee was fired for actually doing something to benefit a customer doesn't surprise me.


And people talking about the bottom line seem to have forgotten that Gamestop buys back playable games for a pittance.  If he gave you a used game, $60 was nowhere near what Gamestop paid to get their hands on it.  If you were on the fence about buying a new console from them, the employee showed good business sense by throwing in the free game.  It also might've given you a better impression of the store and its practices...  Had he not subsequently been fired.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Oh no, I'm on the fired employee's side.  In my experience, Gamestop employees suck and don't know what on Earth they're talking about.  They're trained to push pre-orders like the lives of their customers depend on it.  That an employee was fired for actually doing something to benefit a customer doesn't surprise me.


And people talking about the bottom line seem to have forgotten that Gamestop buys back playable games for a pittance.  If he gave you a used game, $60 was nowhere near what Gamestop paid to get their hands on it.  If you were on the fence about buying a new console from them, the employee showed good business sense by throwing in the free game.  It also might've given you a better impression of the store and its practices...  Had he not subsequently been fired.

We're good friends now though, he works his other job and still finds the time to visit me. We just talk about what he does, and make the occasional joke about the boss he used to work for. But other than that, it's great. :)

  • Brohoof 1


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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I take it you've never actually done business with Gamestop.
I have actually. It has always worked out fine. 




I was once sold an empty case by an employee.  Someone else was sold a "new" disc that was irreparably damaged.  Apparently re-shrink wrapping a game case makes the game new again.  Gamestop has gotten into trouble for opening up sealed games to dig out special offers.  I'd be surprised if managers didn't encourage Gamestop employees to screw over their customers.   So if you think that Gamestop generally runs a tight ship, you don't know Gamestop.  Their business practices and hiring process are questionable.
Just because a company is bad doesn't mean it's right to steal from it. 


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We're good friends now though, he works his other job and still finds the time to visit me. We just talk about what he does, and make the occasional joke about the boss he used to work for. But other than that, it's great. :)

He's clearly better off working somewhere other than Gamestop.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I got nothing to say about that, but I do have something to say about this:


I take it you've never actually done business with Gamestop. xD  I was once sold an empty case by an employee.  Someone else was sold a "new" disc that was irreparably damaged.  Apparently re-shrink wrapping a game case makes the game new again.  Gamestop has gotten into trouble for opening up sealed games to dig out special offers.  I'd be surprised if managers didn't encourage Gamestop employees to screw over their customers.


So if you think that Gamestop generally runs a tight ship, you don't know Gamestop.  Their business practices and hiring process are questionable.


Let it be known, I have NEVER had a bad experience with the Gamestop in my town. The closes I got was when they sold too many 3DSs and all that was left for me to get was a pink one.


I didn't buy it, but that's beside the point.


I guess I got me a diamond among turds, if people on the internet are right about how poor Gamestop really is...

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I have actually. It has always worked out fine. 



Just because a company is bad doesn't mean it's right to steal from it. 

In that regard, you are more fortunate than I.


Gamestop is founded on stealing from their customers.  Misinforming them, manipulating them, and shortchanging them.  Depending on the freebie used game C. Star got, Gamestop might've purchased it for as low as a few dollars.  They could've taken the trade-in value of the title out of his pay.  Instead, they fired an employee who made a customer happy and managed to sell a brand new console.  Oh, and had to turn around and replace the employee they fired; potentially leaving them short-handed in the meantime.

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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