SolidTwilight 383 July 6, 2015 Share July 6, 2015 So as an Introvert I have always fund Twilight's attitude toward friends really relatable ever since the first episode. I was so happy when they revised the outcome of how twilight used to be about friends and I liked how it sowed that friend making comes so naturally to pinky and how twilight is still a bit awkward at it. Are there any other introverts out there that feel like there telling the story of you in these kind of episodes? Also note for the people that may not know: Introverts are people that spend a lot to time by them selfs because they want to and are happy to. Shyness defines how a person deals with others and unfamiliar situations; those who are shy have a hard time talking to and meeting new people, and are often uncomfortable in new situations. you can be one, the other, or both. Twilight is an introvert but is not shy where as flittershy is both. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nature's Spell 526 July 6, 2015 Share July 6, 2015 (edited) At a certain point in my life I actively discouraged friends, or at least made it difficult for people to seek my friendship. Interestingly my reason for being aloof was similar to Twilight's-a desire to excel academically, but with a twist. I had a Learning Disability and wanted to leave the self-contained LD classes and less disciplined/ driven classmates for the "normal kids". However, I was much better at impressing teachers than my peers, so when I made it, in High School, to college prep classes I was socially inept. It didn't get much better until college and to this day, at 41, I have no close friends that are my own. Just couples and friends of my wife. I guess we make choices, and those choices define us, but I do wish I found a way to balance achievement with friendship. Perhaps that's why I like the show so much because it has such an idealized view of friendship. Edited July 6, 2015 by Nature's Spell 1 Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship Princess Luna: Princess of the Night My short stories Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grumpy Enchantress 587 July 6, 2015 Share July 6, 2015 I'm an introvert, but I didn't watch that episode, so I dunno. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolyWack 482 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Also note for the people that may not know: Introverts are people that spend a lot to time by them selfs because they want to and are happy to. Shyness defines how a person deals with others and unfamiliar situations; those who are shy have a hard time talking to and meeting new people, and are often uncomfortable in new situations. you can be one, the other, or both. Twilight is an introvert but is not shy where as flittershy is both. I doubt you needed to define what an introvert is. As the word Introvert literally means shy, hopefully most people can connect those dots. But I digress. I could be considered an Introvert, but really, its not so much im afraid of meeting new people as I simply don't like social interactions with most humans as most humans are pieces of... well anyway. I liked the recent episode, It does feel kinda relatable to a lot of situations I get in. Pinkie Pie is that friends that everbody has that wants you to do everything when you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy want to do just the opposite. Edited July 7, 2015 by AppleJack_Wack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I used to be just like Twilight. I spend most of my childhood playing video games, watching movies on my own, because i didn't thought that friends weren't something for me. The only one that i would consider a friend back then was, surprise, my big brother. Now i am 25, i am very open and very confident in my personality, but i just have a few very close friends in real life, because these are the ones that i could trust. This episode really hits close to home and Moondancer held the mirror up to me as well, since i also kind of wonder what would have happend, if i still was as introverted, as i was 10 years ago. My OC Mesme Rize: > Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Singe 2,111 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Twilight Sparkle had to be forced to make friends at first. Same with Moondancer who Twilight Sparkle had to pressure and bribe just to get her to break open. Sometimes life will just throw you on the spot to adapt or fail. There are also those who will give an inch or take an inch back when comes to dealing with other people. You might be buddies with them for period of time then stop talking to them for certain periods of time. Edited July 7, 2015 by Singe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Yes, like Twilight making friends wasn't exactly easy for me and there have been incidents where I have hurt some feelings without even intending to. Part of this is because I am on the Autism spectrum and had to work much much harder just to understand various social rules, cues and norms. It wasn't that I wasn't interested in socializing, making friends ect it was that I didn't understand how and the sensory information around me was often overwhelming at times which made me often withdraw. I also had trouble understanding others as my interests often diverged from most of my peers. Today I have improved a great deal and can interact and adapt to most social situations but still have a few challenges and can sometimes still become exhausted and overwhelmed even in pleasant social circumstances making quiet time alone very important for me even to this day. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mars 4,863 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 As the word Introvert literally means shy Actually, introvert =/= shy! "The introvert doesn’t feel the need to seek out social interaction. In fact, too much social interaction can be emotionally and physically exhausting for them. Strangely, a study by the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences suggest that there’s a very different way that the brain of an introvert registers the world around them. When studying the brain activity that went on in an introverted person, it was found that there was no more electrical activity happening when they were looking at another person compared to when they were looking at inanimate objects. This suggests there’s a biological reason that introverts don’t seek out social interaction—they’re just not stimulated by it. Introversion is a biological and personality trait, and those that have it are usually fine with it. Shyness, on the other hand, can become so severe and so crippling that it can actually be diagnosed as a mental health problem. Everyone can be shy in certain situations and there are definitely varying degrees of shyness. However, in extreme cases, those that suffer from it find themselves unable to function in certain situations, unable to ask a stranger for directions, or agonizing over the moments before getting to the front of a check-out line where human interaction is necessary." source in case you want to read the entire article~ I've met plenty of introverted people who like to keep to themselves, but weren't shy in the slightest. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Actually, introvert =/= shy! The introvert doesn’t feel the need to seek out social interaction. In fact, too much social interaction can be emotionally and physically exhausting for them. I don't think it is so much that introverts don't seek out social interaction at least not with all of them, it is that they don't seek it out as much or in the same ways as extroverts. It does come down to how the brain works but also where we draw our energy from. Introverts draw it from alone time and extroverts draw it from social interaction. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Singe 2,111 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Twilight Sparkle and Moondancer aren't complete shut offs, there just wasn't the right kind of ponies around or strongly showcased that shared their common interests. Edited July 7, 2015 by Singe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
inactive_user 367 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Let's just say, I find it so relatable to the point where I essentially was living (and still kind of am for the most part) Moon Dancer's little life kinda... Just replace the "studying" aspect with video games..... Now instead of video games it's more along the lines of drawing and art practice, but for the most part... Yeah, I can very easily relate, considering that's been most of my life really. 1 A huge thank you to my great friend AppleGearRising for this signature picture Thank you Apple, I love it so much! Normally I would just post the picture, but as it seems, it is too big to put in the signature here, so here is the link to my MLP personality test results: (I am mostly like Fluttershy, in case you couldn't already guess.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidral Mundet 1,666 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Honestly no. I felt an odd emotional dissonance with this episode, that I could recognize and understand what they were doing with this episode on an intellectual field but I didn't ever really get "The Feels" for it, which is why this episode is good but not great in my books. 1 Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolidTwilight 383 July 7, 2015 Author Share July 7, 2015 Honestly no. I felt an odd emotional dissonance with this episode, that I could recognize and understand what they were doing with this episode on an intellectual field but I didn't ever really get "The Feels" for it, which is why this episode is good but not great in my books. one the the things that makes mlp so relatable to so meany people is how big of a range of peranatly types they cover. but he closer they get to one the farther away they get from another. (like me and you) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arylett Charnoa 4,919 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I did! I related a lot to it. Making friends... and then having them just disregard you and not even consider you important, and then just kind of distancing yourself from it all and giving up on people. That's why I liked the episode, until the end in which due to the fact of this show's limitations, Moondancer's problems had to be resolved far too quickly than they would have in reality. You can't just have a mental breakdown and then make up. If this were treated more realistic, she'd still be pretty sore and would need a lot of time to get over her issues with friendship and pain. I found it vaguely insulting that the show seemed to insinuate that everyone needs to go out and have friends all the time, and thrive on socialization, even if I know it wasn't trying to say that. Although the fact that she had a mental breakdown at all was HUGE progress for the show in my opinion. I found it to be surprisingly deep and poignant for MLP. Moondancer's pretty much my favorite pony now. She's like Twilight if Twilight was a more interesting character to me. Twilight pretty much stopped being interesting the moment the first episode happened, because they shoehorned the friendship aspect of the show far too quickly. Introverts or other assorted socially awkward people need time to make friends, and it would truly make Twilight Sparkle a more interesting character if she hadn't become a princess until her awkwardness with having friends was more thoroughly explored. Moondancer gave the writers a chance to explore a part of Twilight we really never got to see. In my headcanon that will likely never happen in the show, Moondancer went out with the other ponies, but then the next day, still had some emotional troubles and needed to stay home to recharge her batteries. And was still kind of erratic to be friends with. Also, there were probably many long talks with her friends about all of her issues as they tried to be patient with her. Honestly, she pretty much resembles me in attitude nowadays. Except I have ONE other friend that I socialize with who lives with me, and we spend most of our time both being Moondancers and just kind of mehing at the world. Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. Deviantart Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFanatic34 3,234 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I'm not so much an introvert, but I can certainly relate to Moon Dancer, growing up I always preferred video games or movies to having friends and hanging out with people, but now I actually am more like Twilight, but still like Moon Dancer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Horse 12,964 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Pretty much. I went through a time during my early teenage years quite similar to Twilight. I had little interest in spending time with others and just enjoyed my own company. I was well pleased with that arrangement at first, but as time went by I started wondering if this really was going to be my life and what I was missing out on... It was actually quite a difficult time where I struggled to want to open myself up more against my own reclusive nature. Eventually, once I got into College, that started to naturally fade out, and now I'm much more outgoing and enjoy spending quality time with friends. Of course, I still enjoy having time to myself too, you wouldn't see me heading out to a party every night or anything, but I feel I have it much more balanced now. But yes, I can relate to Twilight's story quite a bit, especially the idea of having left something important behind in your life, perhaps without even realizing it. "Always watching - Always lurking." Signature by @Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Singe 2,111 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Twilight Sparkle and Moondancer were the only two characters to be dramatic about it. The others were fine about it. Key element of those two were their obsessive behavior as neither of them were willing to let it go and move on. Edited July 7, 2015 by Singe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,443 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I only have four friends, one is a fellow brony and we speak each time we meet in college. Two others live far away, but we keep in touch via wassapp. The other one lost touch with us for being busy with his studies. I'm introvert, I like peace and tranquility like Twi used to be, but I'm kinda like Moondancer too, who purposedly withdrew herself for having her heart broken, I had several cases and I made a progresive withdrawal from many people. Heck, I'm even considering staying single my whole life Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inactive01 5,299 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Why must I need to experience this right now? I was just thinking about this when I finished watching Amending Fences for the third time in 3 days. I was close friends with someone on MLPF who I considered a huge introvert. I got mad at her when I let my external circumstances get to me, and she's become Moon Dancer. I think being an introvert isn't just related to how people interact each other in peace. It's also related to how people react to conflict. I'm extroverted in that I tend to vent a lot of my frustrations. In contrast, my friend shells up and builds a huge wall, especially to those who hurt her. She's an even bigger introvert than I am. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
An Unknown Pony. 370 July 11, 2015 Share July 11, 2015 Yeah.Kinda relateble.But i don't withdraw from others just from a broken heart like Moon Dancer,Instead from how they treated me,and i obviously prefered doing other stuff than attending social events/making friends like twillight. “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” DeviantArt Account/Youtube account Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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