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uh... hello everypony, I'm new here


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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

How did you find MLP Forums?:


How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

Though I don't watch his videos much anymore, Watching TheMysteriousMrEnter on YouTube is what caused me to try this show

So, I'm kinda bad at this whole "introduction" thing, but here we go.  


Hello, my name is Devon, and I'm turning twenty next month.  I work part-time as a school janitor in Vermont.  How are you all enjoying your summers?  


So about a year back I stumbled upon TheMysteriousMrEnter on Youtube.  I really liked his animated atrocities series, and when I saw that he was a Brony, I thought to myself, "If he likes it, then I might as well give it a try."  So my first episode that I ever watched turned out to be Hurricane Fluttershy.  


Well I pretty much instantly fell in love with the show, and even initiated one of my friends into the herd.  I just recently bought my very first pony merch, two shirts.  


So, as for hobbies, I like watching Markiplier and jacksepticeye play games on YouTube.  When I'm not doing that I'm either browsing Reddit or playing TF2.  


Well, that's about all there is about me.  I'm not exactly the type of pony everypony should know, but I hope this post didn't put you guys to sleep.  


Ask me anything you want.  It's Friday so I'll be up all night.



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hello my friend =)=)=)=)=)=)=) Its nice to meet you =)=)=)=)=)=)=) welcome here on  the MLP Forums =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) of happy ponies and pony friends =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) I hope you can have awesome time here in this community meeting many pony friends here and enjoying the happy fun time here with all ponies =)=)=)=)=)=) and having happy time =)=)=)=) If you have any questions feel free to ask =)=)=) YAY =)

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Hello, @Spitfire1959, and welcome to the MLP forums. It's great to have you here in this lovely community of friendly ponies. :D I hope you have an awesome time here and get to make some nice friends while you're here. :rarity: If you want, feel free to message any member here at any time. :grin2:

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Hello and welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your time here with us all :)


Excellent choice in favourite mane 6 btw, it is most fabulous :D




I'll be looking forward to seeing you around :D

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Hey there, welcome to the Forums!


When you get the chance, check out PoniArcade at the bottom of the main page (or just click here). We have multiple Team Fortress 2 servers, along with numerous other games. Hopefully you enjoy yourself there.


So let's get this ball rolling with a simple question: what is your favorite episode?

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Hey ^^ That's a great episode to start with! I just watched some of it because you mentioned it x) Anyway, welcome to us! I'm sure you will make lots of new friends here ^_^

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So let's get this ball rolling with a simple question: what is your favorite episode?


Hmm...  I can't choose only one, so I'll list one from each season:  

Season 1: Party of One 

Season 2: Return of Harmony 

Season 3: One Bad Apple 

Season 4: Twilight's Kindgom 

Season 5: Amending Fences

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Hmm...  I can't choose only one, so I'll list one from each season:  

Season 1: Party of One 

Season 2: Return of Harmony 

Season 3: One Bad Apple 

Season 4: Twilight's Kindgom 

Season 5: Amending Fences


I just watched Amending Fences the other day--a very enjoyable episode, definitely. And who couldn't love Party of One?  :pinkie:

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Welcome to the poniverse! Enjoy your stay~♪ We hope you brought pony because we sure did! :lol:


So your a reddit user huh? I been meaning to register and try using that someday, but never get around to it (years later hah!) One of these days I want to see some one find the forums from Bing just because it would be something other than google! :yay:


Also, you should check out VanossGaming I love his videos, he and his friends make some pretty funny stuff!

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So your a reddit user huh? I been meaning to register and try using that someday, but never get around to it (years later hah!)

Yeah, on reddit i usually hang around the MLP subreddit and the meta subreddits.  It's not the best site anymore, but I won't get into that here.

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Hello there and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here  :). Don't be afraid of jumping in :D. I hope you have a wonderful time here and make a lot of friends  :squee: 



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Hi Spitfire1959, and how do you do? :3 Welcome to the forums! :yay: It's great to have you here, and everypony would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish~ :kindness: I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community, and feel free to PM/comment on somepony's Profile Feed, or befriend anypony posting here if you'd like! :squee:

And I'm enjoying my summer pretty well so far, thanks :D How about you? :grin2: Also, I haven't watched much of Markiplier so far, but I like watching JSE too; are there any games you enjoy seeing him play through most? ^_^

Also, a random cute pony site for you; not sure if it's your cup of tea, but it can be nice to look into when you're running low of cuteness or feeling down or bored. :blush:


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And I'm enjoying my summer pretty well so far, thanks :D How about you? :grin2: Also, I haven't watched much of Markiplier so far, but I like watching JSE too; are there any games you enjoy seeing him play through most? ^_^

I'm enjoying my summer as well!  Although I'm mostly working my butt off so I can earn enough money to afford the apartment I'm living at.


I love Jack's Kerbal Space Program series, along with his Reading your Comments series.  As for Markiplier, I enjoy watching his Drunk Minecraft series.

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Welcome to MLP Forums! I'm Cinnamon, but feel free to call me Cinna. ^^

If you have any questions, or just want a pony to chat with, feel free to PM me! I hope to see you around!

I am sure that you will make tons of friends here! This place is a pretty awesome place. I have been here for a while. But I am sure that you will have a wonderful time! Well I hope to see you around and remember, have tons of fun while on this forum!

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