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friendship games Exclusive Short #1 Released: The Science of Magic


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That short was so adorable and has me so excited for the 3rd movie, loved Sunset trying to figure out how magic works and she almost turned into Twilight for a minute, so funny and cute, also love these scenes from the short.











  • Brohoof 3


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do have to admit, these all being based on the "time to shine" book really sucks a little bit of enthusiasm out of me. It wasn't a bad book, but it wasn't INCREDIBLE, and I now know all the shorts coming up then XD


I actually do agree somewhat here, in that I think the musical aspect of the last movie was WAY more interesting/better than what Friendship games looks to be.



Just wanted to comment on this here about the EOH: so sad they're gone from FIM; they were so much more elegant and eyepleasing than Rainbow power :(


There will be decent music in the "Friendship Games" movie (EG3); the same way it was for "Trough the Mirror" (EG1).


- - - - -


The Elements of Harmony had some critical flaws: the items can be used against their owners [s4E02]; locked away from their wearers [s2E01]; or stolen and repurposed  [EG1].


This kind of problems were based on their "materiality" (the power is contained inside a portable object); once they were relinquised to its source (the Tree of Harmony), it developed an alternative method to ensure its proper future use:





Test the current "wana-be users" with a "identification password" related to their respective function [the "rainbow conection test"], plus an external reference of trust [the givers of the keys] for the "inspirational value" they pretend to represent to actually being true; by "recognizing" their spirits of friendship.  

{This is more elaborated than just allowing an "admin" [Twilight] to just hoofpick some gals from her own memories and judgement}


Since one single user may be corrupted, all of them must willingly coordinate a "global command" by turning all keys simultáneously, (like a nuclear missile launch); before releasing the power for each to use it at will. 


Since the "chest" is currently closed and buried deep underground, (but with the keys still in place in the "locked" position), the thrones now act like relays for them [the "faded rainbow" at the end of S4E26 must have being some residual energy from their previous superforms, (not a test of their ultimate superweapon like in Luna´s Happy Nightmare)].


Because each throne is codified with an unique remote conection to each "user" [the cutiemarks]; the only way for someone else to access the power contained in the chest, would be to "extract" them [unmarking], somehow place them over each throne [jars]; and sit herself over Spike´s throne (since it is the only one without a cutiemark); in order to get complete control of the Rainbow...





Edited by SilverComet
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Sunset be lookin FINE.


Seriously though, she's so cute in a labcoat. It was a great short. I laughed at pretty much all of it. Can't wait till the next one and I can't wait for the actual movie! :love:

  • Brohoof 1
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There will be decent music in the "Friendship Games" movie (EG3); the same way it was for "Trough the Mirror" (EG1).



With the exception of "helping Twilight win the crown" the first movie was actually very, very forgettable as far as music goes. I see fans of MLP remembering and talking about the songs from Rainbow rocks constantly, but when it turns to music from EQG, its like crickets chirping.



So saying that Friendship games is going to be just as good as EQG 1 does NOT fill me with much optimism.






The Elements of Harmony had some critical flaws: the items can be used against their owners [s4E02]; locked away from their wearers [s2E01]; or stolen and repurposed  [EG1].



They also looked incredibly elegant and nice (compared to rainbow power), had more defined weaknesses and strengths than rainbow power (since villains have ways to neutralize them), and overall had a better "feeling" to them IMO.


Rainbow power just opens up a whole load of questions since, if the mane six can just turn into rainbow power forms whenever, there's no reason they shouldn't have been able to beat Starlight glimmer even without their cutie marks.



I'm not talking "What's more powerful" as I will gladly admit rainbow power is more powerful; I just think its, asthetically and storywise a step down.

I really hope they replace rainbow power with another macguffin or force in S6.

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With the exception of "helping Twilight win the crown" the first movie was actually very, very forgettable as far as music goes. I see fans of MLP remembering and talking about the songs from Rainbow rocks constantly, but when it turns to music from EQG, its like crickets chirping.



So saying that Friendship games is going to be just as good as EQG 1 does NOT fill me with much optimism.






They also looked incredibly elegant and nice (compared to rainbow power), had more defined weaknesses and strengths than rainbow power (since villains have ways to neutralize them), and overall had a better "feeling" to them IMO.


Rainbow power just opens up a whole load of questions since, if the mane six can just turn into rainbow power forms whenever, there's no reason they shouldn't have been able to beat Starlight glimmer even without their cutie marks.



I'm not talking "What's more powerful" as I will gladly admit rainbow power is more powerful; I just think its, asthetically and storywise a step down.

I really hope they replace rainbow power with another macguffin or force in S6.


Everybody forgets the credits song of EG1 "A Friend for Life", sung by Jerrica Santos:







- - -


I think the background music would be much more important in "Friendship Games" than the scores themselves; since the movie now has a different tone than Rainbow Rocks (I think it would be a proper "adventure" this time; instead of a "Slice of Life" with amulet_enhanced power_hungry [Trixie-esque] schoolgirl villains).



- - - - - -  -




If you want to know why they could not "beat" Starlight Glimmer without their cutiemarks, read my previous post again (the one you quoted); check the last part of the "spoiler" section this time (with my headcannon/fanfic understandings about it).

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The short was cute, it's always great to see Sunset :) I'm just a little worried they're starting to make her too similar to Twilight. I love Sunset and I don't want her to become some better looking copy of Twilight. I'm probably just over thinking it. She looked adorable in the lab coat so there's a win :D I'm hoping one of the next shorts features the Shadowbolts

Edited by Sunset188
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So Human twilight is science oriented and has a lab coat and is interested in the anomalies in their world involving magic

And Sunset is science oriented and has a lab coat and is interested in the anomalies in their world involving magic


The Bacon/PanCakes duo should probably work together :ooh:  

You know....for science  :pinkie:

Edited by Buck Testa
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The short was cute, it's always great to see Sunset :) I'm just a little worried they're starting to make her too similar to Twilight. I love Sunset and I don't want her to become some better looking copy of Twilight. I'm probably just over thinking it. She looked adorable in the lab coat so there's a win :D I'm hoping one of the next shorts features the Shadowbolts



I'll agree there, I think Sunset is being a little too similiar to twilight.


If they end up having Human twilight join the mane six, they REALLY will need to have a different style for Human twi's personality to avoid Sunset and her being redundant.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll agree there, I think Sunset is being a little too similiar to twilight.

If they end up having Human twilight join the mane six, they REALLY will need to have a different style for Human twi's personality to avoid Sunset and her being redundant.

Yeah idk what's going to happen.... Twilight will most definitely join them but Sunset may return to Equestria

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The short was cute, it's always great to see Sunset :) I'm just a little worried they're starting to make her too similar to Twilight. I love Sunset and I don't want her to become some better looking copy of Twilight. I'm probably just over thinking it. She looked adorable in the lab coat so there's a win :D I'm hoping one of the next shorts features the Shadowbolts


I don't know. The way I saw it, it seemed like they were purposely trying to distinguish Sunset from Twilight. Yes, putting on a lab coat and running some crazy tests certainly isn't out of Twilight's character either, but when Sunset talks about having a more hands on approach to solving ancient mysteries as opposed to consulting ancient history books, that was a pretty direct reference to Twilight and her tendency to read up on things instead of getting out in the field. That being said though, I'd be lying if I said Sunset's role in the short didn't remind me of Twilight, what with Twi's obsessive tests on Pinkie Pie in Feeling Pinkie Keen and all.


This does establish that Sunset is still intellectual in her own right, and that's fine as long as it's in a way that's different from Twilight. Twilight is extremely book smart and knows the facts, but Sunset is definitely more street smart and likely carries more experience with trying new things. I don't think we'll be seeing Sunset dorking up the place in lab coats all of the time. I also don't think that Sunset is being groomed to be a Twilight replacement, especially since human Twilight is likely going to become friends with the rest of the Humane Six. There may be some overlaps in their interests and abilities which is to be expected given their very similar backgrounds, but they still feel like complete opposites in many ways too, so they're each their own character. I'm sure we'll be seeing Sunny further differentiated in what's yet to come. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't know. The way I saw it, it seemed like they were purposely trying to distinguish Sunset from Twilight. Yes, putting on a lab coat and running some crazy tests certainly isn't out of Twilight's character either, but when Sunset talks about having a more hands on approach to solving ancient mysteries as opposed to consulting ancient history books, that was a pretty direct reference to Twilight and her tendency to read up on things instead of getting out in the field. That being said though, I'd be lying if I said Sunset's role in the short didn't remind me of Twilight, what with Twi's obsessive tests on Pinkie Pie in Feeling Pinkie Keen and all.


This does establish that Sunset is still intellectual in her own right, and that's fine as long as it's in a way that's different from Twilight. Twilight is extremely book smart and knows the facts, but Sunset is definitely more street smart and likely carries more experience with trying new things. I don't think we'll be seeing Sunset dorking up the place in lab coats all of the time. I also don't think that Sunset is being groomed to be a Twilight replacement, especially since human Twilight is likely going to become friends with the rest of the Humane Six. There may be some overlaps in their interests and abilities which is to be expected given their very similar backgrounds, but they still feel like complete opposites in many ways too, so they're each their own character. I'm sure we'll be seeing Sunny further differentiated in what's yet to come. :)

You do have great insight my friend :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't know. The way I saw it, it seemed like they were purposely trying to distinguish Sunset from Twilight. Yes, putting on a lab coat and running some crazy tests certainly isn't out of Twilight's character either, but when Sunset talks about having a more hands on approach to solving ancient mysteries as opposed to consulting ancient history books, that was a pretty direct reference to Twilight and her tendency to read up on things instead of getting out in the field. That being said though, I'd be lying if I said Sunset's role in the short didn't remind me of Twilight, what with Twi's obsessive tests on Pinkie Pie in Feeling Pinkie Keen and all.


This does establish that Sunset is still intellectual in her own right, and that's fine as long as it's in a way that's different from Twilight. Twilight is extremely book smart and knows the facts, but Sunset is definitely more street smart and likely carries more experience with trying new things. I don't think we'll be seeing Sunset dorking up the place in lab coats all of the time. I also don't think that Sunset is being groomed to be a Twilight replacement, especially since human Twilight is likely going to become friends with the rest of the Humane Six. There may be some overlaps in their interests and abilities which is to be expected given their very similar backgrounds, but they still feel like complete opposites in many ways too, so they're each their own character. I'm sure we'll be seeing Sunny further differentiated in what's yet to come. :)


Those similarities are just an accidental clash between two "creatively disconected" writers.

"Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine" [by Perdita Finn] is the original source behind the "experimental_based" labcoat_Sunset.

"Rainbow Rocks" (movie) & "Friendship Games" [mostly by Meghan McCarthy] is were "analyst_based" labcoat_Twilight will get her own "time to shine" as the local conspiracy_cracknut.


Something similar happened at the end of Rainbow Rocks with Sunset Shimmer becoming a fulltime "rocker" (from nowhere, as there was zero previous indication of such talents in EG1), just to properly "fill" the missing slot of the different "kinds" of students (explained by Fluttershy in EG1 at the cafetería); since Rainbow Dash is still technically an "athlete" no matter how good she may be with a guitar [same thing with "Fashonista" Rarity as singer].


- - - - 


One thing that was bothering me was the current "lack of porpouse" of Sunset to stay at C.H.S. (since she already "pay" for both the material and psycological damage she caused in the last three years). 


She ventured into a new world to seek knowledge of new kinds of magic (her "hunger" for power, control and domination came sometime later after her first "coronation"). Whatever she could have discovered about the "low quality" Earthling_magic (probably the same thing the Dazzlings feed on regulary) was already done and exhausted after years of study/experimentation (otherwise she would not have stolen magic from Equestria).


Those new magic interactions from the Wonder Five (and their "Instruments of Harmony") with music, is probably just the same Equestrian_magic recycled over and over [maybe slowly regenerated by their mutual friendship day after day, stored inside their bodies instead of crystals].

Edited by SilverComet
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I assume you're referring to the Twilight we normally see in the show?

I am. I think. I mean the Equestria Girls Twilight, I thought maybe it could be that she isn't going to be in EG3, because I didn't see her in the short...


Big thankyou to PucksterV for this awesome Signature X

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Much like Sunset's chapter book, she more or less is acting as a Twilight clone in this one in her mannerisms :P


Yeah, after all, that ^chapter book^ is called "Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine" and is labeled Book 4 on the spine. Book 1 was the novelization of the first Equestria Girls film; Book 2 was the novelizations of the shorts leading up to Rainbow Rocks; Book 3 was the actual novelization of the second Equestria Girls film, "Rainbow Rocks"; and now, it seems Book 4 might be the novelization of the ongoing shorts we're seeing now leading up to Friendship Games. I'll bet the novelization of the 3rd Equestria Girls film, "Friendship Games" will be numbered Book 5 of the Equestria Girls chapter books set. ;)


Anyway, about this first short: It's short, but made me chuckle. Especially when Sunset corrects herself about "getting her hooves--uh, hands dirty"


And to recap the results:

Fluttershy: Sound wave readings turn into butterfly shapes and a blackout occurs.

Applejack: A pile of perfectly edible apples fall from nowhere in the sky.

Rarity: Analysis equipment wires cause Sunset to trip.

Pinkie Pie: Balloons appear and static electric build-up causes Sunset to stick to the wall.

Rainbow Dash: The sound control room is repainted with a blast of "rainbow" colors, Splatoon-style!


I look forward to what's next.

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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