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Is Cadance and Shining Armor having a foal a bad thing?


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-long, agonizing groan here- Honestly, at this point, I gotta say that them having a goal, whether it's "princess Skyla" or any other foal, is too premature neither Shining nor Cadance have been fleshed out enough. They certainly don't need a prop in the form of a baby that comes out of left feild. Now, neither are my favorite characters, but I wouldn't want another pony popping onto the scene without buildup to their arrival, if possible. Which neither Cadance nor Shining had, themselves.


I mean, just off the top of my head, I think DHX could do an episode with either Cadance or Shining Interacting with the CMC, or having to babysit the Cake's foals. Or even a Twi family reunion episode with Twilight's mom, Twilight Velvet, pressuring Shining and Cadance amd dropping hints that she wants grandkids, in a way where the two start feelng more awkward the more mom tries to interfere. Heck, we haven't even had an episode where Twi just hangs with her brother, suddenly Hasbro's gonna drop a foal on the scene and make Twi an aunt?


Too early, I say!

  • Brohoof 4

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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We can always hope that there'll be a build-up. I think a family reunion with Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence would be a good way to introduce something like that. The idea of Cadence and Shining interacting with the Cutie Mark Crusaders sounds wonderful as well. They could each try to earn their cutie mark in service to the princess. Scootaloo could try being a guard, Sweetie Belle a jester, and Apple Bloom a brewster of cider.  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm more anxiously awaiting them addressing an interesting moral in the episode than character than the baby or the character building itself. Considering we likely know the episode if the titles hold up, this will probably center around a member of the Mane Six, not the baby. ;)

  • Brohoof 2



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How much was the Cakes characters built up until they had kids? Shining Armor and Cadance having a foal doesn't seem that far out of the realm of possibilities. Besides, if those two need to go on vacation/adventure I'm sure they have plenty of nannies to watch out their kid.

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How much was the Cakes characters built up until they had kids? Shining Armor and Cadance having a foal doesn't seem that far out of the realm of possibilities. Besides, if those two need to go on vacation/adventure I'm sure they have plenty of nannies to watch out their kid.

as much as buildup for the Cake's would be appreciated, even now, fact of the matter is Hasbro doesn't market them nearly as much as Cadance and Shining. If they want these to to continue selling, then they need to get more showe spotlight, and jf they want to market their foal, then there had better buildup. It's just common sense in marketing 101. Build hype. Remember, not many appreciated Shining or Cadance coming on the scene with n aforemention of them being related to Twilight in any way

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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If they have a kid it'll probably be a one off thing made to sell more toys, I doubt such a character would have much impact with maybe the exception of one episode. Although if it's like baby cakes again...

  • Brohoof 1

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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May god have mercy with us if the foal doesn't have some similarities with shining...or worse, if it looks like King SOMBRA. :blink:

  • Brohoof 1

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If Cadence is naturally born an alicorn than the daughter would most likely be one too. If Cadence became an alicorn like Twilight than the daughter shouldn't have a chance to be an alicorn.


That is if Equestria follows the rules of our biological world.


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I am not against it if it is handled correctly. I assume one of the leaked episode titles hints strongly at this happening? I actually think it is a cute idea, but I want to see her actually be important, or at least have some real relevance. Also, if she is born as a princess that would be...kinda meh. I'd rather her not be to be honest.

  • Brohoof 1


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If Cadence is naturally born an alicorn than the daughter would most likely be one too. If Cadence became an alicorn like Twilight than the daughter shouldn't have a chance to be an alicorn.


That is if Equestria follows the rules of our biological world.

Even though she was born a pegasus, she still became an alicorn. It's not even like surgery, I'm pretty sure magic can affect things on a biological level.


Besides, Baby Cakes already shows that Equestria doesn't follow our biological rules when someone's fourth cousin (that's what a great aunt's second cousin twice removed would be), someone who's DNA has no contact with yours, can influence what your child's race is.



I am not against it if it is handled correctly. I assume one of the leaked episode titles hints strongly at this happening? I actually think it is a cute idea, but I want to see her actually be important, or at least have some real relevance. Also, if she is born as a princess that would be...kinda meh. I'd rather her not be to be honest.

Shining and Cadence are already royalty, so the kid would naturally be a prince or princess by being born into it.

Edited by Marimo
  • Brohoof 1
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Well OF COURSE it would be okay

In fact it would be adorable. But what would she represent? Princess of _______


With a face like that, and a color so close to Pinkie Pie's, I'm gonna have to go with the Princess of Merriment.


I would however find it immensely preferable if she was born as an earth pony, and then ascended to become an alicorn, then we'd have a good trifecta of recent princesses: a pegasus (Cadence), a unicorn (Twilight) and then an earth pony (Skyla).

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I love the idea of those two having a child. But I dislike the idea of yet another girl alicorn when we have yet to even hear of a male one even ever existing.

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The reason they haven't introduced Skyla yet (or if they even do at all) is probably because it would break the alicorn mythos which may or may not be something the producers want to explore later and in a different direction.


After all, If Cadence suddenly has a foal, the producers would then have to go out of their way to explain why Celestia and Luna haven't any any in over 1000 years or out of nowhere find out they do have kids and that they are anyone of the various background ponies all along XD

Edited by Malinter


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