Postty 32 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 A friend and I were talking about this at lunch today and i was kinda interested to see if anypony else had ever seen something really creepy or weird. heres mine, My grandparents own about 1,000 acres in alabama and i used to go hunting or just enjoy a nice walk around the woods all the time. Once while i was hunting i found an old shack out in the middle of the property (its all trees so most of it is pretty unexplored) didn't think anything about it and kept walking. When i was coming back the sun had already set so it was decently dark i got back to the aera where the house was and i saw a baseball sized light bobbing up and down inside of the shack being young and stupid i decided to go check it out. i got about 20 yards from the shack and the light went so i walked around the house at a good distance just to be safe i got to the far side and the wall had fallen down at some point so i could see inside and there was nothing so i went and looked inside and there wasn't anything that could have made the light. that was the point i was creeped out so i booked it back to my grandparents house. about two house later i was laying in bed reading and i could hear some deer outside and the usual birds and stuff and all of a sudden it sounded like everything ran off and i heard something walking that made really heavy footsteps and then i heard it stop close to my window for a second then kept going. i have no clue what either of those things were or if they were related but i hate going out alone at night there now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Literally Snails 2,307 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 One time, I saw pinocio say "My nose will grow now." His nose broke. 2 Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter Pony 224 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 (edited) A Furby once threatened me. THE. Worst. Possible. Thing. Edited April 17, 2012 by Flutter Pony 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 IRl: Once saw an old man rubbing butter across his chest, and then his dog started to lick it off on the internet: Can't remember the weirdest thing online, almost everyday I see lots of whacky stuff in my monitor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harebrained 39 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Back in high school, my friends and I used to wander around a lot at night for lack of other things to do in this town. Late one night (reeeaalllly late), one of them somehow got it in his head to streak across the church parking lot. That was... very unexpected and mostly unprompted, but he was a weird guy. As for outright creepy, I think the creepiest thing that happened to me would be when one of my ex-boyfriends stalked me onlinefor three years with intermittent blackmail attempts, even after he married. I haven't seen much genuinely creepy stuff on the Internet since I gave up furries and stopped hanging around the stranger parts of the Internet, but I think someone IMing me out of the blue to talk to me about his sex life with his Sonic the Hedgehog plushies was the worst. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimmy Bronymian 140 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 When I was a kid, my neighbor would always ring my doorbell and then hide. One year him and his friend decided to go as a bush and a trashcan. I would go to answer the door, and then walk outside not seeing anyone, only to get jumped by a trashcan and a bush. That was both weird and scary haha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matackable 534 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Two mosquitoes mating. I'm serious they just... Stand there. It's like the most unenthusiastic couple in the world. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cloud-Kicker 104 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Two mosquitoes mating. I'm serious they just... Stand there. It's like the most unenthusiastic couple in the world. Sooo... you just stood there and watched?That might be why they just stood there. I'm sure it must have been awkward for everyone in that situation. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matackable 534 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Sooo... you just stood there and watched? That might be why they just stood there. I'm sure it must have been awkward for everyone in that situation. I watched carefully. They were looking pensive. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaupa95 68 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Hmm... i've seen a lot of stuff but this is an hard one... hmm... slaughtering.. meh.. weird fishes..meh...must been when i walked 3miles in total darkness without any light unless the slight moonlight This signature was made by Adro2305 *thanks to him* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joeyh3 153 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 The weirdest thing that happened to me that I can recall happened about two months ago. I work for a school district with eleven operating schools. We also own four additional school buildings which were closed and are no longer occupied, but we still maintain them in case we ever need to reopen or repurpose them. Every school has what's called a "PBX" or "Private Branch eXchange", which is the device that all of the phones in the building plug into. Without a PBX, the phones aren't technically plugged into anything, and thus don't work. Several years ago, the district got all new, digital PBX systems for each building, but never removed the older analog PBXs for some reason. The old systems were just left to sit in all their buildings collecting dust. That was until a few months ago, when my boss asked me to go around to all of the buildings in the district (both operating and closed), and remove the old analog PBX systems as there was a local company interested in buying them. For the most part, it was an easy, uneventful task. I'd go into a building, disconnect the old PBX, take it off the wall, put it in my car, and I was done. However, eventually I got to one of the dormant buildings. This particular building was huge (four stories tall), very old (build around the 1930s), and just had one of those creepy building designs to it. This building has been shutdown for around eight or nine years now. It was still well maintained, albeit dusty. Additionally, the light switches were all in weird places, so I had to navigate most of the building in the dark. Eventually I located the PBX in the building, powered it off, and disconnect it. Once I have it removed, a phone starts ringing.... That alone is a problem - I am literally holding in my hands the device that a phone need to be plugged into in order to work, and yet a phone is still ringing. In theory, this phone is no longer plugged into anything, and I can tell by the sound that it was an old corded phone, not a battery/electrical powered one, so there is no reason why anything in the building should be making that noise. Made my way to the staircase, and followed the ringing noise to the top floor. By the time I got there, however, the ringing stopped. I did a quick look around, and couldn't locate any phones (it's also worth noting that all of the phones that were in the building, except for an emergency-use phone with its own private line on the ground floor, were packed up and removed when the building was closed). Started heading back downstairs again, and the ringing resumed. At that point, I just decided to make for the exit, set the alarm, and leave the building. About a week later, I was talking to one of our building maintenance workers and found out what happened. It turns out that the National Weather Service has some monitoring equipment in a small office on the top floor, including a phone with it's own private phone line that didn't run through the PBX. Apparently when I entered the building, I set off some kinda sensor, so they were calling to see who was in the building and why. Kinda funny looking back on it, but that still would've been useful information to have before I was alone in an old, dark building thinking that there was some kinda invisible possessed phone somewhere 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aureity 3,055 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Slugs mating. Thanks, Lamii. 1 A lil' Catherine <(^.^)> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Shark tits o_O (Don't ask) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harebrained 39 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Shark tits o_O (Don't ask) I won't ask, but I'm probably going to Google that now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 I won't ask, but I'm probably going to Google that now. What happened was I came across a very disturbing picture on Google images that was a shark with tits drawn on pretty much scarred me for life lol XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilshy 5,090 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Two mosquitoes mating. I'm serious they just... Stand there. It's like the most unenthusiastic couple in the world. "Hey, I think it's mating season." "oh yeah, I think it is." "well, let's get to it then." "fine by me." *they start at it* "sooo... How've you been lately?" "eh, pretty good. You?" "not bad." "that's good to hear. Any plans for the weekend?" "not really. Just relax, hang out, watch the game with the guys. Stuff like that. What about you?" "oh you know, suck blood, try not to get killed, the usual." "yeah, sounds nice." "I guess. A little tedious at times." "yeah." "yeah..." *silence* "Oh, I think that's it. " "Yup, felt it too." "Well, call me when you lay the eggs." "Okay. See you later." "Have a good one." Umm... Creepiest thing in real life... Well, it was a dark and storm night (not just using it as the age-old cliche, it actually was ). My room is in the attic, so I get maximum rain-on-roof sound possible, which I absolutely love. Also, I like the sound if wind on the house. However, when both are combined, with a bit of thunder thrown in, it gets a bit weird. Then the coyotes start howling. This normally isn't weird, but I've lived here long enough that I can generally tell when they're on the hunt. And this pack definitely was. They'd howl every now and then, and I could almost track them by the sound. They started getting closer to our house, until it sounded as though they were in the woods by our driveway. Then I started to hear other sounds, definitely not coyote sounds. I couldn't tell what they were, but I had never heard those sounds before or since. It was a sort of growl I guess, but it's pretty hard to describe. Anyway, it was quite obviously fighting the coyotes, or something similar. It was a bit hard to hear over the rain and wind as well. It went on for awhile, until it seemed as though they were moving away from the house. Anyway, I went out the next day and looked around in the forest where I thought they would've been. I found some disturbed undergrowth (broken branches on bushes, ripped up leaves and things like that) and blood, and could almost follow a trail. I did for awhile, but eventually it was getting pretty far onto somebody else's property and I decided to turn back. Never found out what creature made those sounds. Also, one day a few years ago, I woke up and looked out the window to see a bear chilling in our driveway. It wasn't creepy, but kinda weird. Just this bear, walking around lazily and not giving a fuck. Creepiest thing on the Internet would have to be marblehornets. For those who don't know, it's an ongoing ARG (alternate reality game). It follows the story of this couple amateur filmmakers, to which some very strange things are happening, mostly related to slenderman. Being filmmakers, they like carry around cameras and film everything. But it's not all done I'm the videos, there are other characters who reply with comments and videos as well, adding to the weirdness. Anyway, it's some creepy stuff. You should check it out. The marblehornets wiki has a lost of all the videos in order of release (the intended viewing order) as well as analysis of them, and explanations of secret codes or symbolisms found in them. All done by the fanbase, the creators don't help anybody understand the stuff. Signature now 99% less edgy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 17, 2012 Share April 17, 2012 Apparently, when I was three years old, I talked to a little boy ghost who I called "Pipes" His father drowned him in the bathtub. Also, when I was in middle school, I was taking a bath, and out of nowhere, a picture flew off the wall and into the middle of the room. I'd understand if it just fell to the floor, but no. It FLEW. To the MIDDLE of the room. o___o ;; I got out of the bath quick. LOL. I've had lots of experiences like this.. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest June 3, 2012 Share June 3, 2012 (edited) Looks like my post was removed earlier. Short n' sweet this time: When I was about five years old, I woke up early in the morning. The sun had not risen yet, and my family was not awake. I went to our basement -- our playroom was located there. I started cleaning up the mess we had made from the day before. Aren't I just the greatest? Anyhow, as I was putting away some cheap plastic set, I heard a voice. It said "Good job, <censored>." I thought it was my dad, so I spun around. There was nothing there. Needless to say I bolted from the room and back to my bed! It wasn't in my head either -- the acoustics of the room rebounded the voice a bit. You can tell the difference between reality and figment. D: Edited June 3, 2012 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 June 3, 2012 Share June 3, 2012 Diago's backpack screamed at me "YES WE CAN" many years ago, when I said "NO" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baconboy56 9 June 3, 2012 Share June 3, 2012 One thing that I saw that really weirded me out was when I was in the city and I was going to a football game. I saw this really weird guy who was going through trash cans and eating random stuff. Then he started yelling random stuff at people and getting in their faces and being all crazy. He had a bunch of stuff around his mouth, it almost looked as if he was foaming at the mouth. It was really weird... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Sparkle 344 June 4, 2012 Share June 4, 2012 One time I saw this old guy masturbating on the subway...*shudders* ~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~ Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
murkyx 904 June 4, 2012 Share June 4, 2012 Creepiest thing that I can remember. . . I was once down in my basement tinkering with a keyboard out of boredom. I was alone, and it was nearing nightfall. The air vents were closed, (because if not it gets wicked cold down there when the AC turns on) but I felt a quite powerful gust of ice cold wind, much like the kind you'd feel if you opened a freezer with fans in it. It rushed around me and I felt the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand on end. I got the creepiest feeling that something was watching me from behind. Then, after a moment of silence, I felt and heard someone breathing on my left ear. Except, the breathing sounded like a little girl, and the breath was cold as death. (And I swear, I was completely ALONE. NO ONE WAS UPSTAIRS. And I have no sisters either.) That alone was finally enough to spur my fight-or-flight, and I booked it out of there. I always feel sick/depressed/unwelcome whenever I go back down there now. On the weirdest thing. . . I don't know. I've seen some crazy stuff in my past and I don't know which is the weirdest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chill Mists (Chilly) 801 June 4, 2012 Share June 4, 2012 I know I've had worse but this is the only one that comes to mind, I remember being very young and hearing scratching and whispering coming from the attic. I'll be back when my terrible memory helps me out a little . Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,and best pony is Fluttershy. Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta. "on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RainbowDashie 767 June 4, 2012 Share June 4, 2012 someone walking in my street, yelling like his limbs were pulled off Thunder Farts: Rosewood: Wanna play games with me? Join my steam group! And then there's this... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sugar Sprinkles~ 638 June 4, 2012 Share June 4, 2012 Went canoeing and almost went through a HUGE web of the UGLIEST spiders i have ever seen, never seen their species and there was like 3 in the same web Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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