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Before you tell me what it is or that I don't want to know, my question is more of what counts as clopping rather then what it is. When someone says that they clop, we automatically think of a pony straight out the show, without any changes at all. However, I quickly learn that this fandom creates many different versions of ponies, in many different styles.




This image made by http://shepherd0821.deviantart.com/is a example of what I'm talking about. Most people would imagination type 1 or 2 when told about clopping, however, the person talking about it could referring to type 4 or 5, the types that are mostly human. This could be why the fandom hates clopping, but most admit to it: because we are thinking about two different categories.


With this information, what types would you consider clopping, and which would you consider not clopping? Keep in mind that This chart only gives five types when there are many different types, including different versions of the same type, like human-like face on horse-like body (type 4) vs. horse-like face on human-like body. With this in mind, I personally think that type 1 and 2 are clop, 4 and 5 aren't, and 3 is the gray area.


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