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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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Whelp, tis about time that everyone sees my face.

Please don't judge me, I look a little bit scary in this one. Not the best one of me, it's the only one I have on my computer right now :blush:


EDIT: One sec, didn't work D:



Posted Image

Oh, bit dark, that.




hold on let me enhance the brightness on this:

here you go:


perfect quality picture of you I'd say

Posted Image


  • Brohoof 5
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So...posting a picture of me?.......Eh, why not? :lol:


Here are two pics.




Posted Image



In that one, from August, I'm the guy in the middle with the black jumper (and no, the other guys are NOT drunk. Just in case. :lol: )


And this other one




Posted Image



And in that one, in July, I transform to being the photobomb guy. ^_^ I'm the one in the red shirt. Right now, my hair looks much more like the my hair in July so...yeah, kinda like that right now. :lol:

  • Brohoof 6
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Woah, you look really androgynous. :o Nice.


As for me, I have to shave every few days, and god do I hate having to shave this often. .__. I don't grow facial hair really quick; I just prefer having a clean shaven face.


I shave every day, I refuse to leave the house unless I do so. Although I'm kind of curious to see how mustache and goatee would look on me. My problem is that it takes me 3/4 days before I even have facial that's visible under good light and if you squint.

And it feels uncomfortable. :mellow:



I just want to look like a pirate for one day. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!


Then again, I don't want my facial fair to grow fast.


senior pics again...sorry.



Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 1
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