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movies/tv Doctor Who - Favorite Doctor?

Melted Dog


7 users have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite incarnation of the Doctor?

    • 1st Doctor (William Hartnell)
    • 2nd Doctor (Patrick Troughton)
    • 3rd Doctor (Jon Pertwee)
    • 4th Doctor (Tom Baker)
    • 5th Doctor (Peter Davison)
    • 6th Doctor (Colin Baker)
    • 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy)
    • 8th Doctor (Paul McGann)
    • War Doctor (John Hurt)
    • 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)
    • 10th Doctor (David Tennant)
    • 11th Doctor (Matt Smith)
    • 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi)

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So, with five days left 'til series nine, I thought I'd ask you who your favorite incarnations of the Doctor are.

I understand people can have more than one (I'm personally tied between four myself), so I left multiple choices for the poll.


Even though this is for your favorite Doctors, please do remember that all the acting is great.


I personally love Nine's acting and sassiness. He was my first Doctor. Twelve is starting to grow on me, and Eleven's... well Eleven. I've also watched some Four and Five episodes, too, and they're pretty good.


War Doctor is also in there because reasons

Edited by Accidentally British
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I've only seen the 2005 series and past, and of that I've only seen half of series 8.


The 10th became my favorite easily. He was such a personality... Hard to describe. I liked what I've seen of the 12th Doctor.

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