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Friendship Games


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I'll just copy and paste what I said in the other thread:


What I liked:


Pinkie's epic moments.


Sunset's arc having a nice wrap-around.


The whole idea that the Friendship Games requires massive amounts of skills other than athletics. So many other things with a high school setting just do it with one skill.



What I didn't like:


Principal Clinch. She doesn't really stand out from any other villains. All she really did was blackmail Twilight and had like zero personality. She did have that semi-cool song though.


Rainbow Dash and Pinkie seemed a bit on the flanderized side in the beginning but thankfully they got better near the end.




What was a questionable:

The climax is a bit too bizarre for my tastes. I like how it's a wrap around to the first movie but the way it was done made me not take it as seriously. 


On one hand, I like how Flash Sentry is more downplayed, on the other, why is he even in these movies if he's barely used?



So, right now I'm leaning around a 6 or 7/10.



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The movie is excellent!


Note: During the "Unleash the Magic" scene, that was Twilight transformed to nightmare form. See the horse statue was broken and said "The statue! No!"


At the ending part that was Princess Twilight from Equestria got into Equestria Girls universe and see what's familiar and strange with, that's the word from Sunset Shimmer.


Honored Canterlot High unite with Crystal Prep once again and betrayed Principal Cinch!  :)

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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I will just do the good and bad. Bad first. 


Bad: Principal Sinch.... easily the worst villain ever. It's like Adagio Dazzle, if she had the allure and personality sucked dry out of her. It felt a tad rushed and I thought human Twilight could have used more screentime with the HUmane 5 and Sunset Shimmer. The songs are the weakest in the trilogy. The only good one is " release the magic". Spike talking wasn't necessary, just to shoe horn Cathy Wesluck in. Intro song felt like Bratz. The Shadow Bolts were bland, though some were funny. The human counterparts of our ponies felt downplayed in this movie. 


Good: Sunset Shimmer has come full circle( won't spoil). The last 20 minutes was better than the battle of the bands from Rainbow Rocks( not by much though). The plot tried to be less basic, I commend it for not being the typical bad guy causes trouble through the movie trope. The stars of the movie were Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer and Rarity. 


Not a bad movie at all. This movie had me on my seat at the end. But the beginning dragged and I was craving some excitement all the way like Rainbow Rocks did. It has the weakest soundtrack, but the more complex story makes up for this, and the fact that Rainbow Rocks was a music oriented movie makes me let that slide.

Edited by TheMarkz0ne
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On 9/26/2015 at 10:47 PM, ChikoritaBrony said:

Principal Clinch. She doesn't really stand out from any other villains. All she really did was blackmail Twilight and had like zero personality. She did have that semi-cool song though.


Her only redeeming qualities were (1) actually looking good in EQG lipstick for once and (2) managing to regain her professionalism right before she left.


And of course, (3) the song.

Edited by A.V.
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Holy cow that was something!


What I liked:

Sunset Shimmer: While not as big a focus here as in Rainbow Rocks, is still awesome and solidly locks her in as 3rd best pony. I particularly liked it when she lost it at Twilight for endangering her friends (a reasonable reaction in my eyes, especially since she's feels somewhat responsible for allowing magic to exist in the first place ) and then immediately regrets it when she leaves. That's very (for lack of a better word) human and makes her more relatable to me than Pony Twilight.  Also her journey comes full circle as she has to face off against Human Twilight's evil side.

The rest of the Humane 5: What I really liked is that each of these characters got a moment to shine. Pinkie Pie making friends with Twilight when Sunset pushed her way up to Twilight, Fluttershy giving her a moment of kindness, Applejack helping her out and more.  It was nice to see each of them true to character and having their strengths showcased.

Twilight: Nice to see a more meek Twilight as well as the meeting at the end. Priceless! (Expound upon that in the next EQG movie writers!)

The climax: A bit of a left turn sure but the emotional weight of the scene really plays out well and it's a far better fight than in both movies IMO as it's less a fire the magic beam and beat the bad guy no sweat and more a "Let me help you" scene which I feel is far superior. 


What I REALLY liked!:



What I didn't like:

Principal Cinch: I know many people will have already made this comment but more like Principal Bitch.  Though I suppose that's what the writers were going for.


What was meh: 

Twilight's "I want more" song: Sorry not feeling it.

Everyone not reacting to the giant tentacle monster during the race. I'm sorry but when that happens 1) you stop the race and get everyone out of there 2) You stop the games immediately. No stupid games are worth people's safety. I swear I need to be a lawyer in the EQG verse, I'd be freaking rich just from the first movie alone. 


In all honestly I think this is the best EQG movie of the 3, or at the very least on par with Rainbow Rocks. Who knew that what was once the scourge of the series would produce some of it's best work? Looking forward to EQG 4 (Or a TV spinoff, more EQG is what I'm saying) 

  • Brohoof 2

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Holy cow that was something!


What I liked:

Sunset Shimmer: While not as big a focus here as in Rainbow Rocks, is still awesome and solidly locks her in as 3rd best pony. I particularly liked it when she lost it at Twilight for endangering her friends (a reasonable reaction in my eyes, especially since she's feels somewhat responsible for allowing magic to exist in the first place ) and then immediately regrets it when she leaves. That's very (for lack of a better word) human and makes her more relatable to me than Pony Twilight.  Also her journey comes full circle as she has to face off against Human Twilight's evil side.

The rest of the Humane 5: What I really liked is that each of these characters got a moment to shine. Pinkie Pie making friends with Twilight when Sunset pushed her way up to Twilight, Fluttershy giving her a moment of kindness, Applejack helping her out and more.  It was nice to see each of them true to character and having their strengths showcased.

Twilight: Nice to see a more meek Twilight as well as the meeting at the end. Priceless! (Expound upon that in the next EQG movie writers!)

The climax: A bit of a left turn sure but the emotional weight of the scene really plays out well and it's a far better fight than in both movies IMO as it's less a fire the magic beam and beat the bad guy no sweat and more a "Let me help you" scene which I feel is far superior. 


What I REALLY liked!:



What I didn't like:

Principal Cinch: I know many people will have already made this comment but more like Principal Bitch.  Though I suppose that's what the writers were going for.


What was meh: 

Twilight's "I want more" song: Sorry not feeling it.

Everyone not reacting to the giant tentacle monster during the race. I'm sorry but when that happens 1) you stop the race and get everyone out of there 2) You stop the games immediately. No stupid games are worth people's safety. I swear I need to be a lawyer in the EQG verse, I'd be freaking rich just from the first movie alone. 


In all honestly I think this is the best EQG movie of the 3, or at the very least on par with Rainbow Rocks. Who knew that what was once the scourge of the series would produce some of it's best work? Looking forward to EQG 4 (Or a TV spinoff, more EQG is what I'm saying) 

Nice review. I feel like Rainbow Rocks is still the better movie though. But this isn't the worst movie. These have come a long way from a mediocre movie( the first Equestria Girls) Rainbow Rocks had the best villains, best soundtrack and was funnier. This movies climax was better. It was hard to top Welcome to The Show! Bad dam they barely did it. 

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   I think this movie is a worthy sequel, I still like the Rainbow Rocks more, nevertheless, this movie enraptured me, and invoked my emotions, any movie that gets me feeling sentimental is a treasure. On earth Twilight Sparkle is a academically ambitious student, attending a prestigious, elite school known as Crystal Prep, that rewards individual scholastic achievement, collaboration on projects was short on demand, and the only time is seems they ever got together was to defeat Canterlot High, during an annual event called the Friendship Games, and at the root of this was Principle Cinch, a boasting, bully who would do anything to win, even at the price of her students health. Twilight Sparkle had a desire to learn about the mysterious force surrounding Canterlot High, and with an artefact, that kind of looks like the shell from the Little Mermaid, began to absorb Equestrian Magic, meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer and the main six equivalent, are primed and poised to compete, despite past failures to win the games, which would commence hours away, the students of Canterlot High, are euphoric and mobilised, as Twilight Sparkle goes to Canterlot High to look around, naturally everyone thought she was the pony Twilight Sparkle, until it was revealed she was the earth Twilight Sparkle, and she was coerced into the games by Principle Cinch, who in effect manipulated Twilight Sparkle to compete, or she would sabotage Twilight's desire to transfer to a new academy, a very sleazy political move. Sunset Shimmer and the other girls had to keep their magic hidden, to keep from looking like cheating, but little by little, the artefact in Twilight's possession was more that it seemed. It took Equestrian magic, from where ever it stood, even from the the main six, just before the games started. The Friendship Games were won in the first stage by Crystal Prep, but it was the second stage where the magic was unravelling, just prior giving earth Spike the same voice as dragon Spike, as the magic invaded the second stage, causing chaos but allowed Canterlot High to win the second stage. Principle Cinch, overcome by the lust for victory, rallied her student pets, peer pressured Twilight into releasing the magic, only to have her become a demon similar to Sunset Shimmer from the first movie, and began to rip apart her world to get into Equestria, but the magic of Friendship was enough to give Sunset Shimmer the power to reason with Twilight Sparkle, and balance the magic to its rightful place, Principle Cinch, who had tried to manipulate the situation, had to submit and left the movie, Twilight Sparkle transferred to Canterlot High, to learn and experience friendship, and I am hopeful that the other Crystal students were wiser at the end too. Overall, this movie was good, it is a cautionary tale hubris, school rivals do get out of hand in real life, the lust to win, becomes more important to trill of competition, where the worst side of human attitudes are exposed, as my military professor told me once, "Victory can be a dangerous opportunity". rivalry can be harmful to the individual as much as it can a whole community, and could risk ruining the individual you are trying to promote, it is a reminder that although you win the game, it is more important to compete with honour, and that can be shared with both sides, if we were more seeking of honour rather than winning we would be a better civilization, yes, this movie got my emotions rousted, Friendship Games will have a special place in my soul, still I love the other movies more, however I will watch it over and over again, I do wonder if there will be a fourth, because pony Twilight Sparkle came through the portal, only to encounter her earth compatriot, that remains to be known, but now I am curious as to see how that will be resolved, finally, I really like Cadence and Sunset Shimmer in this story, they were wise and appealing to see, much like this movie, it will give you inspiration to elevate the human experience.

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So, yeah, Friendship Games had an almost impossible hurdle to clear to exceed RR, for me. I just really loved the whole music, and bands, and cameos, and sirens/Dazzlings thing. I guess I'm surprised at how close this came to being a worthy rival. Totally going to own this on blu ray when it comes out! It is a great entery into the Equestria Girls films, and I will be watching it again the next couple times it airs this weekend.


Ditto. Really sums up my feelings about this movie. I'll probably like it more with additional watches too. Powered up Sunset was simply divine. As a big Sunny fan, I was really involved with her the whole movie and what she realized in the end was quite fulfilling. :fluttershy:


I thought she raised an interesting point with Earth Twi about messing with things you don't understand. Inevitably, they all do that and it's actually a key part of science. However, great care has to be taken and you have to be able to reign in your own efforts if things don't stay in control. For example, you probably don't want to try making a black hole before you understand enough about it for that to be safe.  :twi:

  • Brohoof 2


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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1. Yeah, Didn't Rarity put on lipstick in the Prep for the Fall Formal Dance montage only for it to disappear in the next shot in the first film. ;)


2. The fight in the first film was brought up here. ;)


3. Only those who have been snooping around for previews at Conventions would have already known! ;)

3 what do you mean? dnt care if it is a spoiler, im actually more curious about "snooping around conventions" than the spoiler

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It was really great and amazing~!!  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie: I loved all the songs, and the battle gave me feels~ T^T :( <3 <3 It reminded me of Resident Evil and Pokemon Giratina portals~ xDDD ^3^ ^.^ :):D 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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It was really great and amazing~!!  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :pinkie: I loved all the songs, and the battle gave me feels~ T^T :( <3 <3 It reminded me of Resident Evil and Pokemon Giratina portals~ xDDD ^3^ ^.^ :):D

I feel like I'm 5 years old again. It was like me being in the theaters for Pokemon the First Movie back in 1998. I never knew this whole franchise would be one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Brony fandom or not. 

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Man that movie was amazing, such a great follow-up to Rainbow Rocks, all the songs were fantastic and I loved seeing Crystal Prep and its students, I loved seeing the human versions of Cadance, Shining Armor and Twilight and I loved the transformations Twilight and Sunset Shimmer had, I loved the moral and lesson and the ending was so funny and so cute, 10/10!!











Edited by MLPFanatic34
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I feel like I'm 5 years old again. It was like me being in the theaters for Pokemon the First Movie back in 1998. I never knew this whole franchise would be one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Brony fandom or not. 

Felt the same way as you did, Hasbro is killing~!!! T^T  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Felt the same way as you did, Hasbro is killing~!!! T^T  :pinkie:  :pinkie:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Yeah today was a new episode and a new movie. I am dying for the season 5 finale, season 6 coming soon, and the 2017 movie. I think the franchise is showing no signs of slowing down. 

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3 what do you mean? dnt care if it is a spoiler, im actually more curious about "snooping around conventions" than the spoiler

What I mean is that part of the Season 5 finale was revealed at SDCC and it hinted at 


Time-travel being involved and the return of a certain "equality" seeking unicorn we have seen recently


It's very brief and has no impact on the plot, but we finally see

Human Shining Armor and he's got a crush on Dean Candace :wub:  ;) 


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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I think the franchise is showing no signs of slowing down. 


It's in its prime, in my opinion. This is the golden era of My Little Pony as well as Equestria Girls if considered separate. Also, I would tag it with The Rise of Sunset Shimmer. That should totally be a thing. What with all the "Rise of" titles we've been getting with movies and such. :lol:  


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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It's in its prime, in my opinion. This is the golden era of My Little Pony as well as Equestria Girls if considered separate. Also, I would tag it with The Rise of Sunset Shimmer. That should totally be a thing. What with all the "Rise of" titles we've been getting with movies and such. :lol:  

Spongebob movie came out in 2004, actual series aired in 1999. So MLP getting a movie after a 7 year mark is actually normal for many franchises. Look, Family guy has no movie yet, it took the Simpsons nearly 20 years to get one. I love EQG, but they feel like specials and not 1hr 45m movies. 

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