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gaming Console Vs. PC


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You can't watch streams, videos, talk on forums, etc.. while playing

Unless your TV with console and PC are in the same room. Which mine are. I play games from the same chair at my desk, so I can just turn around and post on forums, have music/podcasts streaming, etc.


...and games are really costly. On PCs, a lot of games are free, or free-like, if you get what I mean.

No, I really don't. Being a The Sims player, I know that game has cost me an arm and a leg, and it's all because of the unique methods of add-on content that EA can get only from being on the PC platform.


A $200 PC will need replaced very quickly because it will reach a point where even browsing the internet is unpleasant and laggy, let alone trying to watch a video or something, so you end spend more money in the long run than you would buying a nice system that's going to last several years.

That laptop worked just fine for five years, and is still working to this day. It's laggy now, but it took several years to get there.


You also have to think that the PC can replace more expensive consoles, so you factor in that as well.

Um... No. The PC can not replace consoles for me, because the PC does not have the games that I enjoy on consoles.

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The War is decided. PC Master race. :P


Seriously though, it kinda has something to do, what kind of person and kind of gamer you are. The classic PC gamer is somebody who likes to mod and likes to have all these configurations, while the console gamer just dosen't care about that and just wants to sit back and play the game.


While Steam made PC gaming a bit comfortable and i enjoy games on steam, i would still stick with Consoles. Right now, i am thinking about buying a Wii U. :)

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Unless your TV with console and PC are in the same room. Which mine are. I play games from the same chair at my desk, so I can just turn around and post on forums, have music/podcasts streaming, etc.


No, I really don't. Being a The Sims player, I know that game has cost me an arm and a leg, and it's all because of the unique methods of add-on content that EA can get only from being on the PC platform.


That laptop worked just fine for five years, and is still working to this day. It's laggy now, but it took several years to get there.


Um... No. The PC can not replace consoles for me, because the PC does not have the games that I enjoy on consoles.


Personally, I rather just settle in and enjoy a game that muti-task like that. Even then someone can just get me on Steam if they really want to me (or via text-messaging for my non-internet/personal social circle)


Then it was likely a decent laptop you got lucky with.


I said expensive consoles like PS4 and Xbone, I don't even count Nintendo in the argument because Nintendo is it's own thing and most PC gamers at least own the Nintendo consoles if nothing else.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Unless your TV with console and PC are in the same room. Which mine are. I play games from the same chair at my desk, so I can just turn around and post on forums, have music/podcasts streaming, etc.


Well, a PC player could also have the consoles ready to use nearby (I didn't try, but I'm pretty sure you can link the console to the PC), it's pretty much the same idea. There's no point in comparing them if you can use both anyway.




No, I really don't. Being a The Sims player, I know that game has cost me an arm and a leg, and it's all because of the unique methods of add-on content that EA can get only from being on the PC platform.


Well, if I only eat vegetables when I am in a reputated meat restaurant, I can claim they were really costly for what they taste. But that doesn't mean it's worse than other restaurants.

And I was rather talking about things like (let's keep the restaurant metaphor here), knowing the owner, getting promos, being a friend and not paying. If you know what I mean.


Honestly, thanks to steam, my friends, free games, promos,.. I never really spent that much money on games. I don't play games with DLC, honestly. Why would I play them and buy useless stuff when Steam gives away the whole tomb raider or darksiders series for what, 5 $ ?


Though it's my opinion, I'm okay with the games you play, just consider that you can also play PC games that cost nearly nothing, though they are very good.

Edited by ConcorDisparate


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I'll have to go with PC gaming. Console gaming is easier, with you just having to put the disk in and play 90% of the time. On the other hand, with PC gaming there's things like Steam Sales, mods, smoother graphics, uses other than gaming, free online, a lot more strategy games, etc. Consoles are more reliable (for the most part, Fallout: New Vegas on Ps3 crashed pretty often for me), though; I can't tell you how many times Civ 5 has crashed on me XD 


I'd say I like PC gaming better, but I can fully understand why people choose consoles instead. There's just a whole layer of BS that you don't have to deal with when you play on consoles, and I can respect people for not wanting to go through all that stuff  :D

Edited by Mr Unknown
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What kind of jesus gamestop do you guys have in the US? Here in the frozen north semi-new console games are more like 75-100 dollars. I am not even kidding. Even launch prices are cheaper on pc here. Its like 55 dollars compared to 75-100.


Yeahhhh, it's not like that in the US. Our game prices are way lower.




PCs being expensive is kind of a outdated stereotyped from the late 90s and early 2000s when even basic work PCs were expensive and kind of a luxury, which is the case anymore. Here's a $500 build going toe-to-toe with a PS4 and even exceeding in some cases


The issue with that is these modern arguments do not factor in value. Sure you can build a PC these days for $500, but those budgets seldom factor in a monitor which is usually another 100+. On top of that you're not getting the same VALUE as a console. Sure you can probably run games the day of building the same graphics as a console... For like 2 years. After that you are going to start looking at upgrades at the 2-3 year point which is going to run you more, whereas a console you get many more years out of it. Just because I can build something right now for the same as something that already exists doesn't necessarily mean I'm getting a better deal if that thing I built only lasts half as long.




The PC also comes in as a good investment because of cheap games via Steam (Great Sales on top of sites like Bundlestars, Humble Bundle, and Green Man Gaming that sell steam codes and have their own internal sales and bundles on them), a large library, and freeware games from places like Gamejolt, general productive use, and emulators 


With used games on consoles, trade ins and such you are about breaking even these days at least in the US. I don't know how it is in other countries or across the pond, but when I can trade in a game I have not played in 2 years and get $15 towards another game which is already $10 off for buying used, I'd say that's a pretty good deal. At the end of the day, the saving on PC games come to about the same as console. Especially if we are only talking the average gamer who isn't interesting in those cheaper indie titles. PC is a great platform, especially if you like indie titles, but if you have almost no interest in Indie games, you aren't really going to be saving "that much" on a PC.




I'm not really on-board with this point. I mean, someone can easily own an incredibly inexpensive PC that does just about everything just fine except for gaming, as I did for many years. So buying a PC for gaming is an extra expense on top of the ordinary price of a PC.


I think he more or less means "instead of buying two devices you can just get one that does it all", which that is a valid point. Like if you don't have a PC already for personal computing or a game console, a gaming PC can be an exceptional value in that it'll kill two birds with one stone. However if you already own like a laptop then you're not killing that other bird so to speak. So for someone who is looking for a new PC ANYWAYS, going for a gaming PC can be a great value if they are also looking for a way to play games. That much I can totally agree with, but to say it's just cheaper is not necessarily true.


It should be noted though that this is a VERY specific market. Seldom are you going to be looking for a new PC while you also have not upgraded your game console.




I wish I could find more people with this mentality. The whole console VS PC "war" was pretty big at my high school, elitists from both sides spewing insults at each other every now and again. I suppose the funny part is, when not arguing with each other, they were arguing among themselves. Console elitists would be split into Playstation VS Xbox, Playstation elitists would be split into PS3 VS PS4, and the PC elitists had their own "factions" respectively. It was entertaining, at the very least


Yeah man! Games are games. My wife is more into console gaming and I am DEFINITELY more of a PC guy myself, but we get along and I respect her game. I don't care where you got game, so long as you got game. Yes, I analyze the gaming world and form opinions, but people think because I criticize say the Xbox One that means I hate it and all of its users. No, I do not like the decisions Microsoft made with it because I don't see it as the best decisions for the consumers. I don't like gamers getting ripped off in ANY capacity.




Getting a refund on a console game is a whole lot easier than it is on PC. Steam only recently implemented a refund policy, but even still it is very limited.


Very true! And if you didn't get it through Steam, you're SoL.




The point I disagree with: compatibility. While there are indeed issues with many games, which just won't run at all on modern systems or run really badly, PC has much better backwards compatibility than consoles. I can't put my PSX game CD in my PS3 and play it, but I can do that on PC. Even Doom 1 is still highly playable, despite its age.


I will agree that the backwards compatibility is better, but not necessarily easier. So many times have I had to search through obscure forums to find info on how to get an old ass game working. I mean I get it going in the long run, but an average everyday person can't figure that crap out. They wouldn't even know where to look. PC gaming requires a little bit of knowledge beyond gaming itself and that can intimidate people away from it.




PS: Having seen Retsupurae's videos, who the hay who want to play Darkseed 2?


Haha, that's a whole other topic right there! One I can totally dig and I could write up a storm on.




It depends, by build cost me $800 including the 23", 1080p monitor and Windows 8.1. 


You do have to keep in mind $800 is twice the price of a PS4 right now, and more than twice the price of an Xbox One. So that's not really a "oh it's just as cheap!", $400 more is a lot of money, that could be 4 games, and an Xbox Live/PS+ subscription right there.




I think that at the end of the day, consoles and PCs will always exist together because the need will always be there. There are ALWAYS going to be people who do not want to keep up on the latest PC parts, go through upgrading, building, etc. Thus consoles have a demand and they will stay in demand.

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The PC tends to offer rich, unique games that often never make it to consoles or if they do, they are often either long delayed, butchered, or both. RTS, MMORPGs, and MOBAs are the games usually cited for being absent from consoles, but I find most grand strategy games never make it to console, as well as a great many turn based strategy games, a good number of RPGs and a great many odd games that would defy classification such as Kerbal Space Program. Console games often just feel too generic, and Nintendo, which probably makes some of the more unique games, seems to despise 3rd party developers to the point that Nintendo consoles do only one thing; play Nintendo games. There are just too many gems out there you give up by sticking with console: Civilization V, Master of Magic, Kerbal Space Program, Divinity: Original Sin, Heroes of the Storm, Master of Orion 2, Ultima 4-7, Baldur's Gate 2, etc. You simply can't get the same experience on console.


Console is usually best when friends are over. There good for gathering everyone around to tv and playing a quick fun game. Nintendo usually knows how to do this best. But if friends are online or you are only, then PC is the way to go.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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I personally prefer gaming on consoles since most of the games I love are usually only exclusive to consoles or just work better with consoles(usually Nintendo games). Though I do love to play on my computer from time to time, and it's nice that most multiplatform games usually perform best on PCs(aside from the obvious exceptions)

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The issue with that is these modern arguments do not factor in value. Sure you can build a PC these days for $500, but those budgets seldom factor in a monitor which is usually another 100+. On top of that you're not getting the same VALUE as a console. Sure you can probably run games the day of building the same graphics as a console... For like 2 years. After that you are going to start looking at upgrades at the 2-3 year point which is going to run you more, whereas a console you get many more years out of it. Just because I can build something right now for the same as something that already exists doesn't necessarily mean I'm getting a better deal if that thing I built only lasts half as long.





With used games on consoles, trade ins and such you are about breaking even these days at least in the US. I don't know how it is in other countries or across the pond, but when I can trade in a game I have not played in 2 years and get $15 towards another game which is already $10 off for buying used, I'd say that's a pretty good deal. At the end of the day, the saving on PC games come to about the same as console. Especially if we are only talking the average gamer who isn't interesting in those cheaper indie titles. PC is a great platform, especially if you like indie titles, but if you have almost no interest in Indie games, you aren't really going to be saving "that much" on a PC.







You do have to keep in mind $800 is twice the price of a PS4 right now, and more than twice the price of an Xbox One. So that's not really a "oh it's just as cheap!", $400 more is a lot of money, that could be 4 games, and an Xbox Live/PS+ subscription right there.





Look at the PS3 and Xbox360, though. The performance of games got progressively crappier (see AC3 and the last gen versions of MGSV/GZ) because they were being forced to run on outdated hardware long after the software had outgrown it. Considering the 750ti (a GPU that murders the Xbone and goes head-to-head with the PS4) came out for around $100 a few months after the consoles dropped, it looks like that's going to happen even sooner this time.


Considering how insanely cheap Steam sales both in and outside of the Steam Store are, used games still don't match-up.


Yes, but with my PC I can play older titles as well as a whole slew of things from other systems via emulators, or retro PC games via DOSbox. I can also get more out of games with mods. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I said expensive consoles like PS4 and Xbone, I don't even count Nintendo in the argument because Nintendo is it's own thing and most PC gamers at least own the Nintendo consoles if nothing else.


But the PC can't 'replace' the PS4 or Xbox One, either, because there are games on them that the PC doesn't have.

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But the PC can't 'replace' the PS4 or Xbox One, either, because there are games on them that the PC doesn't have.


Not very many, the only notable ones I can think are UC4 and any future GoW titles on the PS4, and Sunset Overdrive on the Xbone.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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But the PC can't 'replace' the PS4 or Xbox One, either, because there are games on them that the PC doesn't have.


A PC will run most titles on either of the other two systems, save a few games held hostage as exclusives for marketing reasons.  But the PC library of games that don't show up on consoles for either technical reasons, or because the are independently developed, or for backwards compatibility reasons absolutely dwarfs those few titles held exclusive to either the Xbox or Playstation.  Generally speaking, a PC plus the Nintendo consoles are going to give you access to the vast majority of the market, and there will only be a handful of games you cannot access.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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A PC will run most titles on either of the other two systems, save a few games held hostage as exclusives for marketing reasons.  But the PC library of games that don't show up on consoles for either technical reasons, or because the are independently developed, or for backwards compatibility reasons absolutely dwarfs those few titles held exclusive to either the xbox or playstation.  Generally speaking, a PC plus the Nintendo consoles are going to give you access to the vast majority of the market, and there will only be a handful of games you cannot access.


You are attempting to argue this from some objective standpoint, and that doesn't work. The quantity of PC exclusives is absolutely meaningless to someone if they aren't interested in them. You say it 'dwarfs' any exclusives on the PS4/Xbox One but you really aren't understanding what I'm meaning here... I'm saying that this is subjective, and this kind of attempt at objectivity is exactly where unnecessary arguments start.


Video game platforms are about GAMES. If someone has games that they value more on the PS4/Xbox One than none of what you said even matters.


It's perfectly okay if you don't have any interest in any exclusives on the PS4/Xbox One, and the PC does essentially 'replace' the need for them for you... Nothing wrong with that, but can we please stop pretending like that opinion is the only valid one?


Not very many, the only notable ones I can think are UC4 and any future GoW titles on the PS4, and Sunset Overdrive on the Xbone.


In your opinion.




I love PC because, unlike a console, I don't have to buy a new one just to play a game. PC lets me play comfortably, so I'm happy.


I've been through three PCs in the last decade - each of them I was actually getting to play a game (counting only my desktops here). While I've been through a grand total of two Nintendo consoles.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I like consoles because of how easy they are to use, but considering that I am not the only one living in my house, and that the console is hooked up to the main TV, I prefer to use my PC because it is more private and I don't have to worry about if anyone else needs to use it. 

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You are attempting to argue this from some objective standpoint, and that doesn't work. The quantity of PC exclusives is absolutely meaningless to someone if they aren't interested in them. You say it 'dwarfs' any exclusives on the PS4/Xbox One but you really aren't understanding what I'm meaning here... I'm saying that this is subjective, and this kind of attempt at objectivity is exactly where unnecessary arguments start.   Video game platforms are about GAMES. If someone has games that they value more on the PS4/Xbox One than none of what you said even matters.   It's perfectly okay if you don't have any interest in any exclusives on the PS4/Xbox One, and the PC does essentially 'replace' the need for them for you... Nothing wrong with that, but can we please stop pretending like that opinion is the only valid one?


An odd response seeing how I wasn't even giving an opinion, unless you count the post before that mentioning the likes of Master of Magic.  But really, the breakdown is actually pretty straightforward:


First you have your Nintendo games.  You buy Nintendo consoles to play these games and for no other reason.  They are pretty much an isolated segment of the market.


Then you have your big budgets AAA games.  These are your Grand Theft Autos and Assassin Creeds.  These are released for every platform except Nintendo consoles, so it doesn't even matter which one you have.  If its not Nintendo, its going to run these games.


Third you have your console exclusives.  Well your non-Nintendo exclusives anyhow, as Nintendo is nothing but a pile of exclusives.  These are your Uncharteds and your Crackdowns.  They tend to be pretty generic run of the mill games that non the less command strong brand loyalty.  They basically exist to convince you to pick an Xbox over a Playstation and vice versa.  You can probably do without them and not really miss much in the way of gaming experience and they tend to be pretty generic and safe in their design, though I suppose that is just an opinion.


Finally there is everything else.  The indie games, grand strategy games, mobas, or whatever else that doesn't make it to console for any number of reasons.  This is a market of staggering size, and I can assure you that it is just as much about quality as it is quantity.  Some of the best games every made are found here, long time classics that you simply cannot obtain on the consoles.  Games that would surprise you if you ever gave them a chance. And they are all available to PC gamers in addition to the AAA titles.  They are easily worth sacrificing the likes of Uncharted for.


Granted, there are both financial and technical barriers to PC gaming that are not present when using an Xbox or Playstation, but if you have the cash and the technical knowledge you basically pick of the vast majority of what both systems have to offer plus an additional market of games filled with treasures that easily matches or exceeds the AAA market in size.  It also tends to encompass and lot more risk taking, which means you can find truly unique games that tend not to make it on the other systems.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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In your opinion.



No, the fact there's fewer and fewer console exclusives outside of Nintendo which each generation is fact.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Once you go PC, it's hard to go back.


Modding games can be a beautiful and hilarious experience, and it's one of the main reasons to love PC.

Is your gaming PC falling behind in performance? No problem, if you have a decent processor then you can just throw in a new GPU and max out games yet again. For example, my computer has a processor from 2008/2009, and it still keeps up with all but the most extreme graphics cards before it becomes a bottleneck. 

Owning a PC is like also owning a PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Wii, etc. because you can emulate games from those console.

Settings are tweakable. If you want to sacrifice some visual effects for better framerates, you can. But you won't have to sacrifice too much, because after you factor in the money you'll save through steam sales and not having to pay for online, you can spend the same on a $800+ PC and games as you would with a 400 console and games+online. And that $800 PC will have roughly 2-3 times the power of a console. 


Sure, consoles are easy to use, but it's not like PCs are rocket science. Build it (aka play adult legos), install the operating system (incredibly easy) and update the graphics drivers (literally just opening an application and clicking the "download latest drivers button" and everything will run fine, unless you're messing with files.

Edited by Mouse
  • Brohoof 2

^ don't listen to this guy ^


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I feel like this topic is going to devolve into petty arguments.

I use PC for a lot of the reasons others have said, but people have the right to play on what they want, for whatever reason. 

If someone doesn't like PC because it's confusing and they don't want to spend money on one, then so be it. As long as they aren't blatantly calling all PC gamers "elitist" or whatnot.

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I used to be way more of a console person, but to be honest, the 8th gen of consoles (at least the PS4 and Xbox One, the Wii U does seem gr8) haven't really had any exclusives that have "wowed" me, and I feel PC tends to play multiplats much better, has more "freedom" and in general more games that interest me.

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Look at the PS3 and Xbox360, though. The performance of games got progressively crappier (see AC3 and the last gen versions of MGSV/GZ) because they were being forced to run on outdated hardware long after the software had outgrown it. Considering the 750ti (a GPU that murders the Xbone and goes head-to-head with the PS4) came out for around $100 a few months after the consoles dropped, it looks like that's going to happen even sooner this time.


Considering how insanely cheap Steam sales both in and outside of the Steam Store are, used games still don't match-up.


Yes, but with my PC I can play older titles as well as a whole slew of things from other systems via emulators, or retro PC games via DOSbox. I can also get more out of games with mods. 

I wouldn't say that. Games on consoles are built around the consoles so that they are optimized. While MGSV may look better on a PC, it is not going to look better on the PC you built in 2006 when the PS3 came out. Not to mention games generally get to where they are more impressive looking on consoles towards the middle of their lifespan and tend to only reduce in quality when the new hardware hits the market.


If I built a gaming PC in 2006, there is no way it will run GTAV as well as an Xbox 360 which was made in 2006, do you see what I mean? Sure hardware that was released last year for PCs is going to be better, but if we are talking longevity I have never had a graphics card that could play the latest games on decent looking settings (even if not the highest) for 10 years like the PS3 has been able to do.

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I wouldn't say that. Games on consoles are built around the consoles so that they are optimized. While MGSV may look better on a PC, it is not going to look better on the PC you built in 2006 when the PS3 came out. Not to mention games generally get to where they are more impressive looking on consoles towards the middle of their lifespan and tend to only reduce in quality when the new hardware hits the market.


If I built a gaming PC in 2006, there is no way it will run GTAV as well as an Xbox 360 which was made in 2006, do you see what I mean? Sure hardware that was released last year for PCs is going to be better, but if we are talking longevity I have never had a graphics card that could play the latest games on decent looking settings (even if not the highest) for 10 years like the PS3 has been able to do.


I think your point over my head.


Once again:


Console hardware overstays it's welcome so you start getting games that run like shit by the end of it's life-span.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I personally cannot stand those XBOX/PlayStation controllers; all the games I play are in first-person, and it is a lot easier to aim with a mouse and keyboard than with an XBOX/PlayStation controller.  PC gamers and console gamers should stop being jerks to each other over what platform they prefer IMO.  My best friend irl is a PS4 gamer and I am a PC gamer, but I don't call him a "console peasant" or assert my "PC Master Race" status on him....

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